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上海公立综合医院急性阑尾炎住院诊疗过程质量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 分析上海市浦东新区区属公立综合医院急性阑尾炎住院诊疗的过程质量。方法 根据原卫生部推出的急性阑尾炎临床路径标准住院流程要求,对浦东新区7所区属公立综合医院随机抽取的152份病案进行评价。结果 浦东新区区属公立综合性医院急性阑尾炎住院诊疗基本符合原卫生部对急性阑尾炎临床路径的要求,但部分术前评估与病历记录不完整,术后细菌培养及药敏试验率仅为3.88%。结论 浦东新区卫生行政部门和医院应进一步加强急性阑尾炎临床路径管理,临床医师应改善术前评估与病历记录,并意识到细菌培养及药敏试验在抗菌药物选择中的重要性。  相似文献   

目的 探索肺癌的基于临床路径的多学科协作诊疗模式。 方法 建立肺癌相关的临床路径知识库和多学科综合治疗讨论制度。 结果 共有8 532例肺癌患者通过多学科协作肺癌诊治模式进行诊治,综合讨论率达到95%以上。医疗业务相关指标均有所进步,2013年平均住院日由2012年的6天减少为5.4天,肺癌手术治疗、化疗、放疗患者的平均住院费用均下降,肺癌肺叶切除术后致命性血栓比率由0.93%减少到0.16%。结论 肺癌患者的多学科协作诊疗模式是提高诊疗水平、规范诊疗流程的重要途径,对于提高医疗质量、降低医疗费用、缩短住院日具有重要作用。  相似文献   

综合医院单病种过程质量及其影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 分析上海市浦东新区区属公立综合医院6个单病种的医疗规范性、治疗有效性、住院天数与医疗费用以及有关影响因素。 方法 按照国家卫生计生委单病种控制和临床路径要求,对浦东新区7所区属公立综合医院的肺炎、急性心梗死、心力衰竭、2型糖尿病、急性单纯性阑尾炎、计划性剖宫产等6个病种进行病案评价。 结果 (1)6个单病种的医疗规范率总体为40.94%,治疗有效率(治愈或好转率)总体为96.84%。(2)平均住院日为2型糖尿病最长,急性阑尾炎最短;医疗费用最高为急性心梗,最低为急性阑尾炎;此外,遵循单病种质量控制或临床路径要求可降低部分疾病的住院天数及住院费用。 结论 浦东新区卫生行政部门和医院应进一步加强病种质量控制管理,提高医疗质量。  相似文献   

以某综合性三甲医院2007—2008年全部住院手术患者为研究对象,通过分析非计划再手术病例,探讨非计划再手术病例的平均住院日和平均住院费用。 共分析2007—2008年非计划再手术病例共432例,平均住院日42.83天,平均住院费用68 810元。 非计划再手术延长了住院天数,增加了住院费用。  相似文献   

目的:应用临床护理路径,提高囊性动脉瘤介入手术患者的护理质量。方法:采用病例对照研究随机选择囊性动脉瘤患者60例。其中病例组30例,对照组30例,在相同治疗条件下病例组使用临床护理路径干预,对照组予以常规护理。结果:病例组使用临床护理路径后,与对照组相比平均住院日缩短P0.05,住院费用减少P0.05,患者满意度提高P0.05。结论:临床护理路径对囊性动脉瘤患者介入手术的干预效果有效,值得临床护理应用。  相似文献   

目的 对新疆某三级甲等医院重点疾病的住院天数进行回顾性研究,发现诊疗流程中存在的不适当住院日,预测平均住院日的缩短空间。方法 依照三级综合医院评审标准及实施细则,在重点疾病测指标中选择某院2010­—2012年3个内科疾病:高血压、急性心肌梗死、慢性阻塞性肺病;两个外科疾病:前列腺增生、颅脑损伤共200份病案资料的2 496个住院日进行回顾性研究并对可能影响的变量进行回归分析。结果 2 496个住院日中不适当住院日共217天,占到了8.7%,引起某院不适当住院日的主要3大因素分别是等待检查报告、出院不及时和等待手术,共产生177个不适当住院日,占到了不适当住院总天数的81.6% 。结论 高血压、急性心肌梗死、慢性阻塞性肺病、前列腺增生、颅脑损伤的平均住院日可以进一步缩短,其缩短幅度分别是1.3天、0.7天、1.0天、1.3天、1.1天。  相似文献   

目的:应用临床护理路径,提高囊性动脉瘤介入手术患者的护理质量。方法:采用病例对照研究随机选择囊性动脉瘤患者60例。其中病例组30例,对照组30例,在相同治疗条件下病例组使用临床护理路径干预,对照组予以常规护理。结果:病例组使用临床护理路径后,与对照组相比平均住院日缩短P〈0.05,住院费用减少P〈0.05,患者满意度提高P〈0.05。结论:临床护理路径对囊性动脉瘤患者介入手术的干预效果有效,值得临床护理应用。  相似文献   

目的:分析上海市某三甲医院创伤中心骨盆骨折患者住院日及其预测因子。方法:抽取上海市第一人民医院南院创伤中心2013年全部62名骨盆骨折住院患者病历,对住院日进行单因素分析、相关分析和有序logistic回归。结果:研究对象中位住院日为19.00天。单因素分析显示受伤原因、骨盆骨折数、患侧和是否输血是住院日的预测因子(P0.05)。相关分析显示手术次数、手术时长、输血量、手术失血、检验次数、CT检查次数和超声检查次数分别与住院日存在相关关系(P0.05)。有序logistic回归表明手术次数、CT检查次数和手术失血量是住院日的独立预测因子(P0.05)。结论:骨盆骨折住院患者平均住院时间长,住院日主要受手术次数、CT检查次数和手术失血量影响,减少不必要的影像学检查和术中出血可缩短住院日。  相似文献   

目的探讨急腹症患者的疾病谱及临床治疗护理措施。方法对2011年5月~2012年11月我院急诊科收治的急腹症患者3622例的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果急性胃肠炎34.2%,泌尿系结石23.1%,盆腔炎7.8%,消化道出血7.5%,胆系结石6.7%,阑尾炎3.5%,泌尿系感染5.2%,腹内肿瘤2.4%,腹膜炎1.5%,其他8.5%。从诊疗措施来看,94.7%的患者接受了血、尿、便常规检查中的1项或全部,31.4%的患者接受了腹部超声检查,5.8%的患者接受了X线或CT检查,3.7%的患者接受急诊心电图检查。主要治疗和护理措施为79.3%的患者接受急诊口服药物/输液治疗或转普通门诊随诊,11.8%的患者接受8h以上急诊留观治疗,2.3%的患者接受急诊抢救,6.3%的患者接受住院检查及治疗(包含部分曾接受观察和抢救的患者)。结论急腹症的病因多样,其中以急性胃肠炎和泌尿系结石为主要病因;了解急腹症的疾病谱对提高急腹症诊疗和护理具有指导性意义。  相似文献   

目的 探讨临床路径在肺栓塞患者管理中的应用价值.方法 随机选择开展肺栓塞临床路径管理前、后的患者各30例作为对照组和观察组.观察组患者按照临床路径实施诊疗、护理服务,对照组采用传统的治疗护理方法,并比较两组患者的平均住院日、住院费用及患者满意度.结果 观察组的平均住院日和住院费用均少于对照组,而且患者的满意度明显高于对照组.结论 肺栓塞患者实施临床路径管理有利于缩短平均住院日、降低住院费用和提高患者满意度.  相似文献   

王晓亭  王晓梅  郑英花  徐晶  王悦  张臻 《生物磁学》2011,(19):3734-3737
目的:探讨心内科实施人性化护理的问题及产生问题的原因,寻找有效的解决措施。这对提高护理质量,有效保证住院患者的安全,促进住院患者身心健康有重要意义,同时,也为临床护理提供依据。方法:对我院2011年1月-2011年3月心内科住院患者进行护理满意度和护理需求问卷调查。结果:调查数据显示,实施人性化护理患者的满意度为89.86%,较2010年有较大的提高。导致患者不满意的原因依次为护患沟通不足、护理人员专业素质差、护理人员缺乏经验和个别护理人员职业道德低下。根据患者需求调查数据显示,患者在病房环境、个人隐私尊重与保护、服务态度、医疗技术操作水平及职业道德5个方面还有较大需求。结论:人性化护理对改善医患关系,提高护理安全,促进患者的身心健康有积极的作用。依据调查的患者需求量,人性化护理还需要有针对性的改进和提高。  相似文献   

A fast-track clinical pathway is designed to streamline patient care delivery and maximize cost effectiveness. It has decreased postoperative length of stay (LOS) and hospital charges for many surgical procedures. However, data on clinical pathways after liver surgery are sparse. This study examined whether use of a fast-track clinical pathway for patients undergoing elective liver resection affected postoperative LOS and hospital charges. A fast-track clinical pathway was developed and implemented by a multidisciplinary team for patients undergoing liver resection. Between July, 2007 and May, 2008, a total of 117 patients underwent elective liver resection: the fast-track clinical pathway (education of patients and families, earlier oral feeding, earlier discontinuation of intravenous fluid, no drains or nasogastric tubes, early ambulation, use of a urinary catheter for less than 24 h and planned discharge 6 days after surgery) was studied prospectively in 56 patients (postpathway group). These patients were compared with the remainder who had usual care (prepathway group). Outcome measures were postoperative LOS, perioperative hospital charges, intraoperative and postoperative complications, mortality, and readmission rate. Among all patients, 69 (59%) had complicating diseases and/or a history of surgery and 24 patients belonged to American Society of Anesthesiologists grade III–IV. Compared with the prepathway group, the postpathway group had a significantly shorter postoperative LOS (7 vs. 11 days, P < 0.01). The average perioperative hospital charges were RMB 26,626 for patients in the prepathway group and only RMB 21,004 for those in the postpathway group (P < 0.05), with no differences in intraoperative and postoperative complications (P = 0.814), mortality (P = 0.606), and readmission rate (P = 0.424). Implementation of the fast-track clinical pathway is an effective and safe method for reducing postoperative LOS and hospital charges for high-risk patients undergoing elective liver resection. The result supports the further development of fast-track clinical pathways for liver surgical procedures.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To present a more realistic assessment of surgical workload than that provided by a case count. DESIGN--Prospective study of all the operative procedures performed in one year, classified according to the British United Provident Association''s schedule of procedures and scored by the "intermediate equivalent" value (taking the recommended fee value of an intermediate operation as 1.0) compared with the number of operations performed. SETTING--General surgical unit of Taunton and Somerset Hospital, comparing four consultant surgeons and their teams. PATIENTS--Inpatients and day patients admitted under the care of general surgeons during 1989. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--Difference between the apparent workload represented by simple case counting (caseload) and the actual workload represented by calculation of the total "intermediate equivalent" value. RESULTS--The workload assessed in terms of intermediate equivalent values was greater than that suggested by case counting for complex operations (12% v 4%), operations at the district hospital (82% v 74%), and operations performed by consultants (53% v 35%) and was lower for minor operations (20% v 42%), operations at the community hospitals (18% v 26%), and operations performed by surgeons in training grades and clinical assistants (47% v 66%). CONCLUSIONS--The use of the intermediate equivalent values as an indicator of complexity allows a more realistic assessment of the operative workload than a simple case count of the number of different operations and is recommended for comparing workload in different hospitals and departments.  相似文献   

Nurses account for approximately 50 % of total hospital budgets and their allocation to medical units and shifts can significantly affect the quality of care provided to patients. The adoption of flexible shift schedules and the assessment of actual nursing time can enable sensible resource planning, balancing the quality of care with efficiency in resource use. Starting from the concept that nurse requirements are triggered by patient needs, which are stochastic in nature both for clinical activities and their duration, this paper proposes an innovative Nurse Requirement Planning model grounded on the concept of the clinical pathway (the “standard” sequence of diagnostic, therapeutic and care activities a patient with certain pathology should undertake over time) with its inner routing probability and patient dependence on nurses, which can be correlated to the time needed to perform nursing tasks. In merging and modelling these two aspects, the method summarizes the best features of acuity-quality and timed-task/activity techniques, well known although not usually applied for reasons of demands on clinicians’ time. Instead, in this paper, for each shift of the day, hospital management is enabled to choose the optimal number of nurses to meet actual requirements according to a desired service level and personnel saturation by means of a tool that simulates the patient flow in a medical unit based on automatic data retrieval from hospital databases. The validation and verification of the proposal were undertaken in a stroke unit.  相似文献   

The development of in vivo working glucose sensors needs two decades, so far. The availability of long term functional implantable biosensors for continuous glucose measurings is a basic prerequisite for the individualized optimum insulin treatment of diabetics. Enzymatic electrochemical sensors are described which realize a functional stability over more than 2 years in vitro, however their function in vivo is limited due to certain bioincompatibility expressed by inflammation of the surrounding tissue, exudates, and immun reactions. The paper reflects an overview concerning different sensor covering materials used as more or less suitable diffusion membranes. From experimental studies in animals and human volunteers conclusions are drawn for further developmental steps of biosensors for in vivo use and for the applicability of glucose sensors for transient diagnostic purposes and as a basis for glucose controlled therapeutic measures. The results demonstrate that further progress aimed at long term biostability of implanted biosensors needs to solve technological problems and the serial production of sensors with really comparable qualities as a prerequisite for clinical trials.  相似文献   

IntroductionWe previously reported that the concomitant use of enalapril and telmisartan exacerbates the risk of cisplatin (CDDP)-induced acute renal dysfunction compared to other antihypertensive drugs in mice. Thus, in the current study, we investigated the risk of developing chronic kidney disease following repeated concomitant use of CDDP and antihypertensive drugs.Materials and MethodsMale BALB/c mice were divided into 12 groups: (1) Control group (untreated), (2) CDDP group (7 mg/kg, CDDP), (3) AML group (5 mg/kg, amlodipine), (4) ENA group (2.5 mg/kg, enalapril), (5) TEL group (10 mg/kg, telmisartan), (6) LOS group (10 mg/kg, losartan), (7) CDDP+AML group (5 mg/mL, AML), (8) CDDP+ENA group (2.5 mg/kg, ENA), (9) CDDP+LowENA group (1.25 mg/kg, ENA), (10) CDDP+TEL group (10 mg/kg, TEL), (11) CDDP+LowTEL group (5 mg/kg, TEL), and (12) CDDP+LOS group (10 mg/kg, LOS). CDDP was administered intraperitoneally four times every 7 days, and each antihypertensive drug was administered orally from day 3 before CDDP administration until day 24 (six times a week). The degree of renal damage was assessed. The nephrotoxicity of each individual was evaluated by measuring serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen levels. The degrees of renal fibrosis and epithelial-mesenchymal transition were also examined in kidney tissue sections.Results and DiscussionThe results suggest that combinatorial treatment of CDDP and renin-angiotensin system inhibitors, particularly ENA and TEL, may exacerbate CDDP-induced nephrotoxicity. This study clearly demonstrates the need for large-scale clinical studies to construct treatment regimens that do not interfere with the therapeutic intensity of CDDP.  相似文献   

Soyiri IN  Reidpath DD  Sarran C 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e27184
Asthma is a condition of significant public health concern associated with morbidity, mortality and healthcare utilisation. This study identifies key determinants of length of stay (LOS) associated with asthma-related hospital admissions in London, and further explores their effects on individuals. Subjects were primarily diagnosed and admitted for asthma in London between 1(st) January 2001 and 31(st) December 2006. All repeated admissions were treated uniquely as independent cases. Negative binomial regression was used to model the effect(s) of demographic, temporal and diagnostic factors on the LOS, taking into account the cluster effect of each patient's hospital attendance in London. The median and mean asthma LOS over the period of study were 2 and 3 days respectively. Admissions increased over the years from 8,308 (2001) to 10,554 (2006), but LOS consistently declined within the same period. Younger individuals were more likely to be admitted than the elderly, but the latter significantly had higher LOS (p<0.001). Respiratory related secondary diagnoses, age, and gender of the patient as well as day of the week and year of admission were important predictors of LOS. Asthma LOS can be predicted by socio-demographic factors, temporal and clinical factors using count models on hospital admission data. The procedure can be a useful tool for planning and resource allocation in health service provision.  相似文献   

Heymann DL 《Cell》2006,124(4):671-675
Increasing resistance of pathogens to anti-infective drugs is an urgent public health problem that must be addressed through more prudent use of these drugs in human medicine and in animal husbandry, agriculture, and aquaculture.  相似文献   

目的 以全身用抗细菌药品为例,定量评估取消药品加成政策对北京市5家试点三级综合公立医院高价药使用变化的效果。方法 构建以药品限定日剂量为度量单位的高低价药品相互替代的用药结构指数分析体系,建立双重差分模型,对取消药品加成政策对北京市三级综合公立医院高价药使用变化的净效果进行评估。结果 取消药品加成政策实施后,5家试点医院中的1家试点医院对高价药的使用显著减少,且差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),1家试点医院对高价药的使用变化不明显,3家试点医院对高价药的使用显著增加,且差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 取消药品加成政策对北京市5家三级综合公立医院在全身用抗细菌类药品中高价药使用变化的影响效果与不同的医院有关,取消药品加成政策对公立医院减少高价药使用的有效性有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To describe and quantify the patients and clinical activities of independent short stay hospitals. DESIGN--Retrospective survey of hospital records for sampled periods of one financial year and comparison with data from 1981 to 1986. SETTING--217 independent hospitals in England and Wales, 1992-3. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Distributions of sex, age groups, and areas of residence of patients, clinical procedures, financial provision. RESULTS--Data were obtained from 201 (93%) hospitals. An estimated 429,172 inpatients (7% more than 1986) and 249,531 day cases (an increase of 154%) from 1986 were treated in the year. The number of overseas patients was half that in 1986. Clinical case mix remained similar to 1986. Abortion remained the commonest procedure (13% v 19% in 1986). Lens operations, heart operations, endoscopies, and non-surgical cases showed the largest increases from 1986. Proportionately more overseas patients had abortions (30% v 12% for England and Wales residents) and they received 41% of coronary artery bypass grafting. Three quarters of the patients were aged 15-64. The proportion of patients aged over 65 had changed little (19% v 17% in 1986). Estimated average bed occupancy was only 48%. Only one in 20 patients was treated under NHS contract; 90% of episodes were funded through private health insurance. CONCLUSIONS--The demand for treatment in private hospitals continues to increase despite additional investment in the NHS, but the overseas market is falling. Overall, the range of clinical activity has changed little.  相似文献   

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