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1.记录和分析了我国主要中上层趋光鱼——蓝圆鲹、鲐鱼在位完整眼的视网膜电图(ERG)。ERG 显示典型的混合型视网膜的特征。ERG 对缺氧极敏感,在阻断循环水几分钟后,b 波迅速减小,留下PIII 和c 波。2.暗视b 波振幅与刺激强度的关系可用非线性方程V/V_(最大)=I~a/(I~a+K)描述。其中V为相应于光强Ⅰ时b 波振幅;V_(最大)为b 波最大振幅;a 和K 均为常数。3.在强光明适应后,鲐b 波阈值在1小时内回复至暗视水平,但鲹却极缓慢,整个暗适应进程超过3小时。4.在明适应过程中,b 波振幅有两种不同类型的变化:当背景光强低时,随适应时间振幅逐渐下降,但当背景光强超过一定水平(40微瓦/平方厘米)后,却随适应时间而增大,这可能是明视系统的适应特点。5.鲹、鲐辨增阈曲线显示相似的特点:当背景光强低时,光强的变化并不引起辨增阈的明显变化,但超过一定水平后两者就是线性关系。不同波长的曲线随着背景光强的增加呈现交叉的趋势,表明存在着几种光谱敏感度不同的感受系统。  相似文献   

1.鲹ERG b波的暗视光谱敏感曲线峰值在490毫微米,和视色素吸收光谱相比较,短波段(小于456毫微米)曲线上翘,长波段也偏高。前者已证明主要是由于角膜和水晶体的散射和萤光特性,后者可能是由于网膜内包含另一种敏感峰偏长波段的色素,或在暗视条件下有明视系统参与活动。鲐的暗视光敏曲线峰值在480毫微米,和视色素吸收光谱吻合得很好。2.当背景光强(白光)达到一定水平(4.07微瓦/平方厘米),鲹的光敏曲线发生浦肯野位移,峰值移至520毫微米。鲐发生浦氏位移的光强水平要高一些(40.7微瓦/平方厘米),峰值移至525毫微米。  相似文献   

在离体、灌流的鲫鱼视网膜上,考察了一氧化氮(NO)对视网膜电图(ERG)和水平细胞的作用.NO的供体硝普钠(SNP)压抑暗视ERGb波,却增大明视b波,这些作用均可为血红蛋白所阻遏.进而,SNP使视杆水平细胞对光反应减小,而增强L型视锥水平细胞的对光反应.这些结果表明,NO在外视网膜可压抑视杆系统的活动而增强视锥系统的活动.此外,可溶性鸟苷酸环化酶的抑制剂亚甲基蓝对视杆、视锥水平细胞的作用恰与SNP作用相反,这提示NO的作用可能由cGMP所介导.对NO的作用位点提出了工作假设.  相似文献   

1.记录和分析了鲐鱼中脑视顶盖诱发电位(VETP)。波形基本特征同淡水鱼。2.在暗视条件下,光强和振幅间关系无简单规律可循,但峰潜伏期和光强关系满足关系式log(IT)=αlogⅠ+β,其中IT 为峰潜伏期;Ⅰ为刺激光强;α、β为常数。在明视时,此关系式在一定光强范围内依然成立。3.不同强度明适应时和暗适应过程中峰潜伏期的变化表明,决定峰潜伏期的主要因素是刺激光强,和网膜的适应状态关系不大。4.VETP 的暗适应曲线和ERG 的相同。5.VETP 暗视光谱敏感曲线和杆细胞视色素吸收光谱吻合得很好,提示在暗视条件下VETP 单一地反映了杆细胞的活动。在背景光强达4.07微瓦/平方厘米(角膜水平),短波段相对敏感度降低,长波段升高,但峰值并未向长波段位移。结合ERG 的结果推测,在更高背景光强时发生光谱敏感性的浦肯野位移是可能的。  相似文献   

(一)赤腹松鼠(Callosciurus erythraeus)視网膜的結构特征和一般树松鼠相同,它的感受細胞层也有两行,形态上类似圓錐細胞。 (二)研究視网膜电图(ERG)所用的光有两种:弥散光(照射全视城)和呈40°的Maxwell投射光。弱光只引起一个单純的b波,强光引起的ERG为典型明视型的,a波和撤光反应很大。 (三)弥散光引起的ERG的光譜敏感(S_λ)曲綫:暗适应情况下,根据50μVb波所测定的曲綫和視紫紅(λ_(max)502mμ)的吸收光譜比較起来,大体上向长波位移5—10mμ。明适应时(45—145Td,ERG阈上3—3.5对数单位),长波段的相对S_λ升高,藍光段則几无变化。总的Purkinje位移,还沒有符合一般昼間活动松鼠的明視曲綫(λ_(max)525—530 mμ)。在暗适应情况下,用400μVb波为指标所测定的S_λ曲綫却又和在明适应时用慣例的50μV指标所测定的S_1曲綫符合。 (四)Maxwell投射光所引起的ERG的光譜敏感曲綫:在24,000—42,000 Td明适应下所测定的S_λ曲綫,和用弥散光在远較弱(45—145Td)的明适应下所测定的S_λ曲綫基本符合。但是同样在暗适应情况下,用投射光所测得的曲綫比用弥散光所测得的曲綫略向长波位移。 (五)在ERG阈上1—3.5对数单位的弥散光适应下,弥散藍光的log(辨增阈)按log(适应光强度)呈綫性增加,关系綫的斜率0.5—0.6;紅光辨增阈关系线的斜率较小,但变化較大,約从0.25增至0.5。用投射光所作的辨墳阈曲綫的斜率比用弥散光的稍大,紅光和藍光基本上沒有差别。 (六)視网膜照度为340,000Td的Maxwell投射光前曝光2分钟,暗适应曲綫表明ERG阈值下降約3.3对数单位。阈值下降有两个相,第一个相很大(約3单位),16—18分钟时基本上达到平衡值,此后阈值下降又稍加速,但一般不超过0.3单位。前曝光的程度,只影响第一个相的下降速度和大小。 (七)在适当的情况下,可以观察到b波上的3个小波。暗适应过程中,潜伏期愈短的小b波恢复得愈早。明适应时,潜伏期愈长的小b波,愈容易被压抑;墳强刺激,又可以把压抑了的小波重新激发出来。单色光也可以引起各个小b波。窒息时,潜伏期长的小b波先消失。  相似文献   

设计了一个为测定离体视网膜通透光谱的装置和灌流盒,用ERG—b波为指标,探索了黑斑蛙(R·nigromaculata)灌流视网膜的成活条件(灌流速度、pH以及通氧与否等)。在20—25℃,网膜可稳定存活5—7h以上。用 Baumann的分步漂白法测定了在位视紫红的光敏度,其值为(15.68±2.34)×10~(-17)cm~2。对这结果和其他工作者结果的差别作了简略的讨论。  相似文献   

低浓度(10~30μmol/L)钴离子(Co 2+)选择性压抑鲫鱼视网膜中视杆信号的传递,在分离、灌流的鲫鱼视网膜,10μmol/L Co 2+超极化视杆水平细胞,并完全压抑其对光反应,但对视锥水平细胞并无影响.此外,低Co 2+几乎完全压抑暗视视网膜电图(ERG)b波,但不影响明视b波,低Co 2+并不影响光感受器电位(PⅢ),也不影响视杆水平细胞谷氨酸受体的反应能力.其它2价金属离子(Co 2+,Mn2+)并不显示相似的选择性压抑作用,但谷氨酸转运蛋白的阻遏剂(β-OH-Asp)显示相似的作用,提示低Co 2+的作用可能与谷氨酸重摄取的压抑有关.  相似文献   

在脲酯麻醉的家兔,同时记录了闪光刺激引起的视网膜电图(ERG)和视皮层诱发电位(VECP)。直接测定的家兔正常眼内压为21.4±3.0mmHg(S.D.,n=7)。当用自制液压式加压装置使眼内压升至49mmHg 时,VECP 和 ERG 反应振幅随时间逐渐下降,在4min内均达最低值(约为正常值的40%),随后 VECP 逐渐回升至对照值的75%左右,但 ERG b波振幅恢复不如 VECP 明显。随着眼内压的进一步升高,VECP 和 ERG 均继续下降,但VECP 较 ERG 下降更明显。当眼内压超过一定水平(此水平因个体而异),VECP 反应骤然消失,ERG 反应虽变小却仍然存在,这种差别可能是由于眼内压的增高更易影响神经节细胞的活动所致。当撤去外加压力,眼内压恢复到正常水平后,VECP 和 ERG 均逐渐恢复正常。  相似文献   

(一)对于完全暗适应的眼,强度約为絕对阈10~3倍的弥散光照射全部視域,卽足以引起可被察觉的b波。刺激强度再增加2—10倍所引起的b波,按照ERG标准来判断仍然是属于暗視b波的。然而,在这样一个暗視b波中可以辨认出两个成分。較迟出現的一个成分能够为从藍到紅的各种单色光所引起。这个成分可被鉴別为有些工作者描述过的所謂迟正相。另一个較小的成分比迟正相早出現30—40msec,在藍光刺激时最显著,紅光刺激时則不出現。用52°的Maxwell投射光刺激也能引起对藍光敏感的成分,但是这种刺激还引起一个比“藍”b波出現更早(峰潜伏朔70—80msec)的b波部分(不純粹是一个暗視α波),这两者有相当程度的混合。用Maxwell投射紅光刺激时,由于对藍光敏感的波不出現,因此迟正相看起来变得比較突出。 (二)对藍光敏感的成分的阈值比迟正相的阈值約高0.3 log_(10)单位。虽然这个差別很小,但是迟正相已可为适应光有选擇地先被压抑。对紅光和藍光所引起的相同大小的b波,增加明适应到一定的强度,当由紅光引起的迟正相完全消失时,对藍光敏感的成分的一部分仍然保留下来。 (三)用弥散光刺激引起的迟正相的光譜敏感曲綫与ICI暗視标准曲綫符合,用Maxwell投射光刺激所测定的曲綫,在藍波段則显示出一个不超过0.1 log_(10)单位高于ICI标准的敏感性,这是由于在眼內产生的散射光所引起的。 (四)对于b波不同成分的意义,曾結合心理物理和神經生理学方面的資料加以討論。  相似文献   

本工作用全视野闪光刺激器结合微处理机平均技术对人视网膜电图(ERG)进行了记录和分析。正常人的 ERG 主要由 a 波、b 波和振荡电位组成。正常人的振荡电位的峰值时间及其间隔相当恒定,但在糖尿病性视网膜病和视神经萎缩病人,振荡电位减小或消失。本文对这种改变的可能原因进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The amplitude of the b-wave of the electroretinogram (ERG) varies with a circadian rhythm in the green iguana; the amplitude is high during the day(or subjective day) and low during the night (or subjective night). Dopamine and melatonin contents in the eye are robustly rhythmic under constant conditions; dopamine levels are high during the subjective day, and melatonin levels are high during the subjective night. Dopamine and melatonin affect the amplitude of the b-wave in an antagonistic and phase-dependent manner: dopamine D2-receptor agonists injected intraocularly during the subjective night produce high-amplitude b-waves characteristic of the subjective day, whereas melatonin injected intraocularly during the subjective day reduces b-wave amplitude. Sectioning the optic nerve abolishes the circadian rhythms of b-wave amplitude and of dopamine content. The results of this study suggest that in iguana, a negative feedback loop involving dopamine and melatonin regulates the circadian rhythm of the ERG b-wave amplitude that is at least in part generated in the brain.  相似文献   

Migratory birds are known to be sensitive to external magnetic field (MF). Much indirect evidence suggests that the avian magnetic compass is localized in the retina. Previously, we showed that changes in the MF direction could modulate retinal responses in pigeons. In the present study, we performed similar experiments using the traditional model animal to study the magnetic compass, European robins. The photoresponses of isolated retina were recorded using ex vivo electroretinography (ERG). Blue- and red-light stimuli were applied under an MF with the natural intensity and two MF directions, when the angle between the plane of the retina and the field lines was 0° and 90°, respectively. The results were separately analysed for four quadrants of the retina. A comparison of the amplitudes of the a- and b-waves of the ERG responses to blue stimuli under the two MF directions revealed a small but significant difference in a- but not b-waves, and in only one (nasal) quadrant of the retina. The amplitudes of both the a- and b-waves of the ERG responses to red stimuli did not show significant effects of the MF direction. Thus, changes in the external MF modulate the European robin retinal responses to blue flashes, but not to red flashes. This result is in a good agreement with behavioural data showing the successful orientation of birds in an MF under blue, but not under red illumination.  相似文献   

In normal eyes, the amplitude of the b-wave of the photopic ERGs increases during light adaptation, but the mechanism causing this increase has not been fully determined. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the contribution of receptoral and post-receptoral components of the retina to this phenomenon. To accomplish this, we examined the ERGs during light adaptation in Pikachurin null-mutant (Pika -/-) mice, which have a misalignment of the bipolar cell dendritic tips to the photoreceptor ribbon synapses. After dark-adaptation, photopic ERGs were recorded from Pika -/- and wild type (WT) mice during the first 9 minutes of light adaptation. In some of the mice, post-receptoral components were blocked pharmacologically. The photopic b-waves of WT mice increased by 50% during the 9 min of light adaptation as previously reported. On the other hand, the b-waves of the Pika -/- mice decreased by 20% during the same time period. After blocking post-receptoral components, the b-waves were abolished from the WT mice, and the ERGs resembled those of the Pika -/- mice. The extracted post-receptoral component increased during light adaptation in the WT mice, but decreased for the first 3 minutes to a plateau in Pika -/- mice. We conclude that the normal synaptic connection between photoreceptor and retinal ON bipolar cells, which is controlled by pikachurin, is required for the ERGs to increase during light-adaptation. The contributions of post-receptoral components are essential for the photopic b-wave increase during the light adaptation.  相似文献   

Electroretinograms were obtained from the all-rod eye of the rat with uniform illumination of the entire retina and stimulus flashes of less than 3 msec. duration. Bloch's law of temporal summation was verified for the b-wave latency by varying the time between two equal intensity flashes and observing that no change occurred in the latency when measured from the midpoint of the two flashes. The results of this and other experiments are described in terms of a simple but general model of the latency-determining mechanism. It is shown that this latency mechanism acts as if it depends on a linear additive process; and also that a hypothetical excitatory substance which triggers activity in the sources of the b-wave must accumulate rapidly in time after the flash, approximately as t8. The rate at which this substance accumulates is accurately represented by the diffusion equation for more than 4 to 6 log units in the flash intensity. This suggests that the rate-determining step in the latency mechanism may be diffusion-limited.  相似文献   

Eleven ophthal-moscopically healthy dark adapted dogs were examined by DC ERG technique with single flash full field illumination starting with near b-wave threshold blue (tests 1-3) and white (tests 4-6) stimuli of different intensity and ending with 30 Hz photopic flicker smuli (test 7) after light adaptation. All animals were anaesthetized using 2 different anaesthetic methods: Anaesthesia I (A I): Induction with thiopentone sodium, continued with halothane and nitrous oxide in oxygen. Anaesthesia II (A II): Praemedication with xylazine hydrochloride followed by anaesthesia with ketamine hydrochloride. A minimum interval of 1 week was kept between all anaesthesias. The a- and b-wave amplitudes and latencies were determined. Statistical analysis of results indicated that the a- and b-waves were elicited by weaker intensities in A II. In Tests 3-6 the a-wave was highly significantly (P < 0.001), higher in amplitude in AII than in A I. Differencies in b-wave amplitudes were not statistically significant (except Test 1). The b-wave latencies were longer in AI in Test 2 (using low intensity blue light). The a-wave latencies were slightly shorter in AII in Test 6 (using high intensity white light). In additional experiments the selective action of the different agents (except N2O) used in AI and AII was studied. Thiopentone alone given to 3 dogs seemed to depress the a-wave selectively. Halothane given separately to 3 dogs lowered both the a- and b-wave amplitudes. Ketamine given with a neuromuscular blocking agent to three dogs resulted in responses almost identical to those in AII. Xylazine with vecuronium given to 4 dogs resulted in responses with slighly depressed a- and b-waves in comparison to ketamine with vecuronium. The results indicate that when developing an animal model for the electrophysiologic study of human retinal dystropies, the actions of different anaesthetics upon the ERG components are of great importante.  相似文献   

Retinal synaptic connections and function are developmentally regulated. Retinal synaptic activity plays critical roles in the development of retinal synaptic circuitry. Dopamine receptors have been thought to play important roles in the activity-dependent synaptic plasticity in central nervous system. The primary goal of this study is to determine whether dopamine D1 receptor regulates the activity-dependent development of retinal light responsiveness. Accordingly, we recorded electroretinogram from wild type mice and mice with genetic deletion of D1 dopamine receptor (D1−/− mice) raised under cyclic light conditions and constant darkness. Our results demonstrated that D1−/− mice have reduced amplitudes of all three major components of electroretinogram in adulthood. When the relative strength of the responses is considered, the D1−/− mice have selective reduction of the amplitudes of a-wave and oscillatory potentials evoked by low-intermediate intensities of lights. During postnatal development, D1−/− mice have increased amplitude of b-wave at the time of eye-opening but reduced developmental increase of the amplitude of b-wave after eye opening. Light deprivation from birth significantly reduced the amplitudes of b-wave and oscillatory potentials, increased the outer retinal light response gain and altered the light response kinetics of both a- and b-waves of wild type mice. In D1−/− mice, the effect of dark rearing on the amplitude of oscillatory potentials was diminished and dark rearing induced effects on the response gain of outer retina and the kinetics of a-wave were reversed. These results demonstrated roles of dopamine D1 receptor in the activity-dependent functional development of mouse retina.  相似文献   

1. The Roscoe-Bunsen law holds for the light growth response of Phycomyces if the time component of stimulation is short. With exposures longer than a few seconds, the reaction time to light is determined by the intensity and not by the energy of the flash. 2. The possible nature of the very long latency in the response to light is considered in terms of the structure of the cell and its mechanism of growth. It is suggested that during the latency some substance produced by light in the protoplasm is transported centrifugally to the cell wall or outermost layer of protoplasm. 3. The total elongation occurring over a period of 1 to 2 hours is independent of flashes of light or temporary darkening. Light acts by facilitating some change already under way in the growth system, and during the principal phase of elongation is not a necessary or limiting factor for growth. 4. Judged by the reaction time, the original sensitivity is restored in the light system following exposure to light in about one-third the time required for equilibrium to be reattained in the growth system.  相似文献   

Chromatic component of the frog electroretinogram   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To single out the chromatic constituent of frog electroretinogram the method of great (superthreshold) differences between stimuli is used. The stimuli are presented as instantly replaced colour flashes. It is shown that the amplitude of the b-wave of the electroretinogram recorded during the replacement of the equally bright stimuli is determined only by their colour difference.  相似文献   

Herrmann R  Lee B  Arshavsky VY 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e27573
RGS9 and R9AP are components of the photoreceptor-specific GTPase activating complex responsible for rapid inactivation of the G protein, transducin, in the course of photoresponse recovery from excitation. The amount of this complex in photoreceptors is strictly dependent on the expression level of R9AP; consequently, the knockouts of either RGS9 or R9AP cause comparable delays in photoresponse recovery. While RGS9 is believed to be present only in rods and cones, R9AP is also expressed in dendritic tips of ON-bipolar cells, which receive synaptic inputs from photoreceptors. Recent studies demonstrated that knockouts of R9AP and its binding partner in ON-bipolar cells, RGS11, cause a small delay in ON-bipolar cell light responses manifested as a delayed onset of electroretinography b-waves. This led the authors to suggest that R9AP and RGS11 participate in regulating the kinetics of light responses in these cells. Here we report the surprising finding that a nearly identical b-wave delay is observed in RGS9 knockout mice. Given the exclusive localization of RGS9 in photoreceptors, this result argues for a presynaptic origin of the b-wave delay in this case and perhaps in the case of the R9AP knockout as well, since R9AP is expressed in both photoreceptors and ON-bipolar cells. We also conducted a detailed analysis of the b-wave rising phase kinetics in both knockout animal types and found that, despite a delayed b-wave onset, the slope of the light response is unaffected or increased, dependent on the light stimulus intensity. This result is inconsistent with a slowdown of response propagation in ON-bipolar cells caused by the R9AP knockout, further arguing against the postsynaptic nature of the delayed b-wave phenotype in RGS9 and R9AP knockout mice.  相似文献   

In the unicellular algae Pyrocystis lunula Schütt and Gonyaulax polyedra Stein, bioluminescence and its circadian regulation are similar in several respects, but there are also several important differences. As in G. polyedra, P. lunula emits light both as bright flashes and as a low intensity glow. At 20° C, the individual flashes are considerably brighter than in G. polyedra, and their durations are typically less than 500 ms. Both species show a circadian rhythm in the frequency of spontaneous flashes, which peaks in the night-phase under light–dark cycles and continues in both continuous light and dark. However, compared to G. polyedra, the circadian system in P. lunula is more sensitive to light: 10 min exposures (500 μmol · m–2· s–1 white light) can shift the phase of the rhythm by more than 8 h, and rhythmicity is completely suppressed at an irradiance above 20 μmol · m–2· s–1, where the G. polyedra rhythym persists for weeks. Like G. polyedra, period length increases with increasing irradiance of continuous red light but decreases with increasing intensity of continuous blue light. The glow in P. lunula differs markedly from that in G. polyedra in that it occurs at about the same intensity at all times during the circadian cycle; thus, it is not under circadian control but may fluctuate 5–10-fold in intensity within a time frame of seconds. This suggests that the glow may differ in its physiological basis in the two organisms. The results also indicate that the circadian regulation of luciferase activity differs in the two species. In G. polyedra, the organelle responsible for bioluminescence and luciferase is lost and then reformed on a daily basis; in P. lunula, the luciferase is conserved and localized elsewhere during the nonbioluminescent phase of the cycle.  相似文献   

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