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本工作研究了暗视条件下鲫鱼视网膜电图(ERG)的特性。ERG 波形没有波长特异性。不同波长的 b 波振幅-强度曲线平行性良好。b 波不同时相(上升相、峰值、下降相)的光谱敏感性甚为一致。进而,对颜色混合刺激的 b 波幅值与基于单变量原理所作的预测几乎完全一致。基于这些结果,我们的结论是:在暗视条件下,鲤属鱼 ERG b 波仅反映了杆细胞系统的活动,并非象有些研究所认为的也有明视系统的贡献。  相似文献   

视网膜电图是视网膜对光刺激的综合电反应,是目前眼科临床评价视网膜早期功能障碍具有代表性的电生理指标,它主要由 a、b 两个波组成。本文观察了21只清醒 Beagle 狗眼睛的正常ERG 波形,在暗适应条件下,38只眼 a,b 波的峰时值分别为11.3±1.3毫秒和33.7±1.7毫秒,振幅为74.5±32.5微伏和159.5±48.2微伏。左右眼间未见明显差别。  相似文献   

目的比较正常猕猴与人视网膜电图异同,为进一步利用猕猴建立动物模型研究视网膜疾病打下基础。方法健康成年猕猴7只(14只眼)与8例(16只眼)正常人进行视网膜电图检测,对两者Rod-ERG中的b波,Max-ERG的a、b波,Cone-ERG的b波峰时值及波幅和OPs的O2值,Flicker-ERG的P值进行统计学检验。结果猕猴与人的视网膜电图波形结果较为相似,各指标与人的结果相比,潜伏期短,幅值低,但Cone-ERG和Flicker-ERG两者幅值差异不具有统计学意义。结论视网膜电图检测从功能上证明猕猴较其他常用实验动物更接近人,尤其表现在视锥细胞及黄斑区功能,可用作人类视网膜疾病尤其是黄斑区病变的良好动物模型。  相似文献   

在脲酯麻醉的家兔,同时记录了闪光刺激引起的视网膜电图(ERG)和视皮层诱发电位(VECP)。直接测定的家兔正常眼内压为21.4±3.0mmHg(S.D.,n=7)。当用自制液压式加压装置使眼内压升至49mmHg 时,VECP 和 ERG 反应振幅随时间逐渐下降,在4min内均达最低值(约为正常值的40%),随后 VECP 逐渐回升至对照值的75%左右,但 ERG b波振幅恢复不如 VECP 明显。随着眼内压的进一步升高,VECP 和 ERG 均继续下降,但VECP 较 ERG 下降更明显。当眼内压超过一定水平(此水平因个体而异),VECP 反应骤然消失,ERG 反应虽变小却仍然存在,这种差别可能是由于眼内压的增高更易影响神经节细胞的活动所致。当撤去外加压力,眼内压恢复到正常水平后,VECP 和 ERG 均逐渐恢复正常。  相似文献   

目的:探讨糖尿病性黄斑水肿的三维光学相干断层扫描技术(3D-OCT)与多焦视网膜电图(m ERG)检查结果的相关性。方法:随机选择糖尿病性黄斑水肿患者40人60只眼,经荧光造影检查示黄斑部有持续性的荧光渗漏、囊样水肿,3D-OCT示黄斑中心凹厚度大于170um,对黄斑中心凹旁上、下、鼻、颞约750um处视网膜神经上皮层处厚度进行OCT自带软件的分析测量。随机选择18人35只年龄相配的正常眼为对照组以同样方法行3D-OCT黄斑旁四个方位的神经上皮厚度测量。两组用同种方法行常规黄斑部m ERG检查。所有数据应用SPSS13.0统计软件进行处理,分析3D-OCT与m ERG在影像学方面的相关性。结果:两组被检查者检查结果经统计学处理后对比发现:被检查者黄斑中央5°、10°区域N1、P1波反应密度绝对值与黄斑中心凹神经上皮层厚度具有显著的相关性(P0.05)。结论:糖尿病性黄斑水肿的神经上皮厚度的改变与黄斑区m ERG的改变具有显著相关性,主要表现为黄斑中央5°和10°区域m ERG各波反应密度的改变,且有神经上皮厚度增加的越大,m ERG各波反应密度的降低的幅度也随之变大的趋势。  相似文献   

Xu XM  Yang XL 《生理学报》1999,(2):121-127
本工作在分离灌流的鲫鱼视网膜上研究了甘氨酸对明,暗视视网膜电图(ERG)b-波和胞内记录的ON型双极细胞反应的作用。结果表明,甘氨酸能明显压抑ERG b-波和ON型双极细胞的反应,其作用能为士的宁所翻转;甘氨酸对用谷氨酸分离的ERG PⅢ成分(光感受器电位)无明显影响。这些结果提示,甘氨酸可能直接作用于双极细胞的受体,从而调节视网膜ON通路的活动。  相似文献   

在离体、灌流的鲫鱼视网膜上,考察了一氧化氮(NO)对视网膜电图(ERG)和水平细胞的作用.NO的供体硝普钠(SNP)压抑暗视ERGb波,却增大明视b波,这些作用均可为血红蛋白所阻遏.进而,SNP使视杆水平细胞对光反应减小,而增强L型视锥水平细胞的对光反应.这些结果表明,NO在外视网膜可压抑视杆系统的活动而增强视锥系统的活动.此外,可溶性鸟苷酸环化酶的抑制剂亚甲基蓝对视杆、视锥水平细胞的作用恰与SNP作用相反,这提示NO的作用可能由cGMP所介导.对NO的作用位点提出了工作假设.  相似文献   

范先群  奚渭清 《生理学报》1996,48(5):497-500
用系列强度11档刺激闪光记录20例30只眼的视网膜电图(ERG)振荡电位(OP),研究OP的光强特性和参数稳定性。结果表明,OP各子波峰时和刺激光强呈指数曲线相关,相关性很高;而振幅和光强的函数关系的变异很大,相关性较低,不同对象间OP各子波振幅的变异系数较大,而峰时的变异系数较小,OP的峰时改变比振幅改变更为稳定。  相似文献   

低浓度(10~30μmol/L)钴离子(Co 2+)选择性压抑鲫鱼视网膜中视杆信号的传递,在分离、灌流的鲫鱼视网膜,10μmol/L Co 2+超极化视杆水平细胞,并完全压抑其对光反应,但对视锥水平细胞并无影响.此外,低Co 2+几乎完全压抑暗视视网膜电图(ERG)b波,但不影响明视b波,低Co 2+并不影响光感受器电位(PⅢ),也不影响视杆水平细胞谷氨酸受体的反应能力.其它2价金属离子(Co 2+,Mn2+)并不显示相似的选择性压抑作用,但谷氨酸转运蛋白的阻遏剂(β-OH-Asp)显示相似的作用,提示低Co 2+的作用可能与谷氨酸重摄取的压抑有关.  相似文献   

目的:探讨糖尿病患者糖尿病性视网膜病变早期多焦视网膜电图(multifocal electroretinogram,mfERG)的特点。方法:应用德国ROLAND公司RETIscan系统对24例40眼糖尿病患者,同时对27例40眼正常对照眼记录mfERG。按机器的默认值一阶反应进行记录。整个记录过程中可以分为12个时段,每个时段记录为时间47秒。结果:mERG测得的糖尿病患者组1~5环所在位置的P1波的振幅密度随离心度的增加而降低,P1波和N1波幅值降低和潜伏时延迟。各象限的P1、N1波振幅密度、波幅值降低,潜伏时延迟。结论:糖尿病性视网膜病变受累的区域多发生在黄斑部,功能上的改变早于形态学的变化;病变的早期功能改变最先出现于视网膜的后极偏颞上方;糖尿病患者在未出现眼底改变时各个象限视网膜的外层已经严重受累。  相似文献   

Midlatency respiratory-related evoked potentials were measured during wakefulness by using a 60-electrode array placed over the cortical region of the scalp. We studied the responses evoked by 200-ms pressure pulses at -5 and -10 cmH(2)O applied at inspiratory onset and during control tests (no pressure applied) in 14 subjects with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) and 18 normal subjects. Wavelet decomposition was used to smooth and dissect the respiratory-related evoked potentials in frequency and time in 8 frequency bands. After denoising, selected wavelet scales were used to reconstruct the respiratory-related evoked potentials, which were quantified by using global field power estimates. The time course of the global field power activity in OSAS subjects compared with normal subjects was significantly depressed in the period 55-70 ms poststimulus onset, a time when afferent traffic from upper airway receptors arrives in normal subjects. The reduced evoked response in subjects with OSAS suggests that these subjects receive less afferent input from upper airway mechanoreceptors. This may reflect reduced sensitivity of mechanoreceptors or reduced mechanoreceptor stimulation due to decreased upper airway compliance during wakefulness in OSAS.  相似文献   

A study was made of the impulse conduction speed by moving recording electrodes at 5 mm intervals, successively, after stimulating facial nerves on one side in normal subjects. The findings showed that the speed of the potentials was fast and the amplitude was large, up to a distance of 0.5 cm across the midline. This makes us believe that there is an intermingling, of approximately one cm, of the left and right superior orbicularis oris muscles. Evoked potentials were recorded up to 1.5 to 2.5 cm across the midline--but as the speed reduced abruptly and the amplitude became small, we believe these potentials were conveyed by volume conductors. Six patients with facial palsy were studied, but in none were these findings indicating any reinnervation from the normal side. However, the conduction speed was delayed in them (as compared to normal subjects).  相似文献   

Schizophrenia is characterized by an altered sense of the reality, associated with hallucinations and delusions. Some theories suggest that schizophrenia is related to a deficiency of the system that generates information about the sensory consequences of the actions realized by the subject. This system monitors the reafferent information resulting from an action and allows its anticipation. In the present study, we examined visual-event-related potentials (ERPs) generated by a sensorimotor task in 15 patients with schizophrenia and 15 normal controls. The visual feedback from hand movements performed by the subjects was experimentally distorted. Behavioral results showed that patients were impaired in recognizing their own movements. The ERP signal in patients also differed from those of control subjects. In patients, the ERP waveform was affected during the early part of the response (200 ms). This early effect in schizophrenic patients reveals a modified processing of the visual consequence of their actions.  相似文献   

大脑皮层信息传输和精神分裂症   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:18  
本工作用脑电图为测试手段,比较了正常人与精神分裂症病人的大脑皮层的信息传输。我们发现精神分裂病人的大脑皮层信息传输有非常特殊的现象。正常人在睁眼时大脑皮层信息传输比较活跃,当闭眼时信息传输相对减少。而精神分裂症病人则恰好相反。闭眼时信息传输很活跃而睁眼对它们产生抑制,严重的情况可与正常人深度睡眠时类似。经过近三百多例的统计分析这种差别是非常显著的。我们认为这种方法可能作为诊断精神分裂症的客观指标。  相似文献   

Whole blood, plasma and relative viscosities and red cell filterability have been investigated in 15 patients with Alopecia areata (A.A.) and in 9, age and sex-matched, normal subjects. Erythrocyte filtration time resulted to be significantly increased in alopecic subjects as compared to the normal subjects. Such parameter also showed a good correlation (r = 0.752) with relative viscosity. Whole blood, plasma and relative viscosities were not significantly different from normal subjects.  相似文献   

This study investigates the possibility of an endogenous circadian rhythm in retinal cone function in humans. A full-field cone electroretinogram (ERG) was performed every 2?h for 24?h under continuous rod-saturating ambient white light (53 ±?30 lux; pupils dilated) in nine healthy subjects. Distinct circadian variations were superimposed upon a gradual decrease in cone responsiveness to light, demonstrated most reliably in the implicit times of b-wave and oscillatory potentials, and to a lesser extent in amplitude and a-wave implicit times. After mathematical correction of the linear trend, the cone response was found to be greatest around 20:00?h and least around 06:00?h. The phase of the ERG circadian rhythm was not synchronized with the phase of the salivary melatonin rhythm measured the previous evening. Melatonin levels measured under constant light on the day of ERG assessments were suppressed by 53% on average compared to melatonin profiles obtained previously under near-total darkness in seven participants. The progressive decline in cone responsiveness to light over the 24?h may reflect an adaptation of the cone-driven retinal system to constant light, although the mechanism is unclear. The endogenous rhythm of cone responsiveness to light may be used as an additional index of central or retinal circadian clock time. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

A comparative study of driving activity between normal subjects and neurological patients was performed. Driving activity was considered as the energy of the visual evoked potentials filtered at the same frequency of stimulation (1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 12 and 15 cps) using a CAT 400 C computer as a digital filter. The hemispheric symmetry of the responses was measured by the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient and the signal energy ratio. Each symmetry measure for every patient was compared with the normal values and considered abnormal when differences were greater than 3 SD from the normal mean. Of 25 patients 14 of them with a normal EEG, 23 presented severe alterations in the symmetry of the filtered visual evoked responses. Each patient showed a peculiar pattern of abnormality. It is concluded that the procedure described is a very powerful method in the discrimination of brain lesions.  相似文献   

The relationships between the parameters of waves of auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) in the oddball paradigm and the volumes of the hippocampus, amygdala, and caudate nuclei were analyzed in healthy subjects and patients with schizophrenia. The data obtained suggest that faster mental processes and stronger activation and/or synchronization of the activity of ERP wave generators in healthy subjects correspond to smaller volumes of the structures studied. The structure of the relationships in patients with schizophrenia differed from the normal one; significant correlations were observed with the volume of the caudate nuclei, and more pronounced “normalization” of neurophysiological characteristics was associated with large volumes of these structures.  相似文献   

The membrane properties (intracellular, extracellular, electrotonic potentials, strength-duration time constants, rheobasic currents and recovery cycles), which can now be measured in healthy subjects and patients with demyelinating neuropathies, are investigated in simulated cases of focal reduction (70%) of the myelin sheath in one, two and three successive internodal segments along the length of human motor fibres. The internodally focally demyelinated cases (termed as IFD1, IFD2 and IFD3, respectively) are simulated using our previous double cable model of the fibres. The results show that the intracellular potentials are with reduced amplitude and slowed conduction velocity in the vicinity of demyelinated segments, however the segmental conduction block is not achieved. The radial decline of the extracellular potential amplitudes slightly increases with the increase of the radial distance and demyelination. In contrast, the electrotonic potentials, strength-duration time constants and rheobases are normal. In the recovery cycles, the refractoriness, supernormality and less late subnormality are close to the normal, showing that the pathology is relatively minor. The obtained abnormalities in the potentials and excitability properties provide new information about the pathophysiology of the demyelinated human motor axons and can be observed in vivo in patients with acquired demyelinating neuropathies.  相似文献   

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