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目的探讨C57BL/6与ICR小鼠在博来霉素(BLM)致肺纤维化过程中的种属差异。方法 8周龄雌性C57BL/6小鼠19只,ICR小鼠16只,分别经尾静脉一次性注射BLM150mg/kg,观察每组小鼠体重、生存率及肺组织病理改变。结果①C57BL/6与ICR小鼠最低体重分别发生在静脉注射处置后的7d和5d,最低体重分别为注射前的65.46%和73.21%,两组间无显著的统计学差异。②C57BL/6与ICR小鼠的生存率分别为36.84%和56.25%,两组间存在显著的统计学差异。③C57BL/6小鼠BLM注射后28d,在胸膜下及血管周围形成广泛、稳定的间质纤维化病理改变,而ICR小鼠肺组织未见明显纤维化形成。C57BL/6小鼠肺纤维化病理评分明显高于ICR小鼠(P0.001)。结论 BLM诱导的肺纤维化作用在C57BL/6与ICR小鼠间存在着明显的种属差异。C57BL/6小鼠较ICR小鼠更适于复制博来霉素诱导的肺纤维化动物模型。  相似文献   

目的观察IRM-2小鼠和C57BL/6小鼠接种Lewis肺癌生物学特性的对比研究。方法取肿瘤组织研磨,用生理盐水稀释成2×10^6/mL,取细胞悬液接种于IRM-2小鼠和C57BL/6小鼠腋下,0.2 mL/只。观察两品系肿瘤生长、荷瘤鼠生存时间,外周血细胞及病理指标变化。结果两品系小鼠成瘤率均是100%,荷瘤鼠存活时间无明显差异,IRM-2小鼠荷瘤鼠体重净增长明显高于C57BL/6荷瘤小鼠(P〈0.05)。白细胞分类及病理指标变化无明显差别。结论IRM-2小鼠与C57BL/6小鼠Lewis肺癌模型生物学特性基本一致,IRM-2小鼠可以建立稳定的Lewis肺癌肿瘤模型应用于实验研究。  相似文献   

目的通过高脂饮食诱导C57BL/6J小鼠肥胖来建立骨关节炎模型并观察其病理特征,为肥胖相关骨关节炎研究中动物模型的建立提供实验依据。方法 C57BL/6J雄鼠20只随机分为对照组和高脂组,分别喂饲基础饲料和高脂饲料。每周测体重及摄食量,16周后收集血清,ELISA法检测血清Ⅱ型胶原C端肽水平;取小鼠左下肢膝关节,固定、脱钙、石蜡包埋,切片后行HE及番红O染色并进行修改后的Mankin评分;TUNEL法检测软骨细胞凋亡。结果与对照组相比,高脂组小鼠体重、血清Ⅱ型胶原C端肽水平显著升高,而摄食量方面则无明显差异。HE及番红O染色结果显示,高脂组小鼠的膝关节软骨细胞减少,排列混乱,基质染色不均匀,可出现潮线部分缺失,颜色变浅等;且高脂组的修改后的Mankin评分也显著高于对照组。TUNEL检测结果显示,高脂组小鼠关节软骨凋亡细胞数增多,但与对照组相比差异不显著。结论利用高脂饮食诱导C57BL/6J小鼠肥胖的方法可以建立骨关节炎模型,该模型可用于肥胖相关骨关节炎的研究。  相似文献   

目的:利用耻垢分枝杆菌(M.smegmatismc2155)建立C57BL/6小鼠结核病模型。方法:每天以高剂量(5×107CFU)耻垢分枝杆菌给C57BL/6小鼠腹腔注射,连续感染4周,检测耻垢分枝杆菌对小鼠的致病性。分别于2周和4周处死小鼠,无菌条件下解剖小鼠取肺、脾脏组织匀浆,进行组织内细菌活力检测;通过嗜酸性染色进行分枝杆菌的鉴定;同时进行病理切片的制备,观察肺和脾脏组织的病理变化;最后进行菌体DNA的提取和基因检测,根据上述指标确定小鼠结核病模型的建立是否成功。结果:腹腔感染小鼠2周后,模型组小鼠只有脾脏组织匀浆液出现抗酸染色阳性菌落,肺部组织未见阳性菌落。腹腔感染小鼠4周后,模型组小鼠肺、脾脏组织匀浆液中均可见大量抗酸染色阳性的菌落;组织病理学观察结果显示:小鼠肺组织主要表现为以中性粒细胞为主的炎性病变;基因检测结果表明:模型组小鼠肺组织匀浆液中可检测到耻垢分枝杆菌特异性3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶(gap)基因,而脾脏组织未扩增出耻垢分枝杆菌特异性基因。结论:通过腹腔注射无致病性耻垢分枝杆菌方法,成功建立C57BL/6小鼠结核病发生模型,为结核分枝杆菌与宿主相互作用研究提供安全的疾病模型。  相似文献   

通过观察MTHF纯体对C57BL/6鼠移植瘤细胞生长的影响,初步探讨MTHF抗肿瘤作用的机理。将42只接种Lewis肺癌LL2细胞的C57BL/6鼠随机分成对照组、MTHF组和顺铂组。分别处理后观察各组肿瘤生长情况,于接种22 d后处死荷瘤鼠,收集肿瘤标本后测量瘤体质量,并进行电镜以及组织学分析,通过免疫组化检测肿瘤组织PCNA、Bcl-2及Bax的表达。结果表明MTHF组、顺铂组抑瘤率分别为46.2%、54.5%。电镜显示MTHF组出现细胞凋亡。MTHF处理Lewis肺癌细胞后,PCNA和Bcl-2基因下调,Bax基因上调。MTHF可显著抑制C57BL/6鼠移植瘤肺癌细胞的生长,其机制可能与诱导Lewis肺癌细胞凋亡并抑制其增殖有关,是一种有前景的抗肿瘤药物。  相似文献   

C57BL/6J小鼠超数排卵的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 确定C57BL 6J小鼠超排的最佳激素剂量和最合适的注射间隔时间 ,提高超排率。方法  40只C57BL 6J雌鼠随机分为四组 ,分别用 5IU或 10IU的PMSG和HCG ,间隔 48h或 72h注射 ,比较排出卵母细胞的数量。结果  5IU +5IU剂量的PMSG和HCG、间隔 48h注射组超排效果最好 ;8~ 10周龄雌鼠较 6~ 8周龄雌鼠超排效果好。结论 C57BL 6J小鼠超排的最佳激素剂量为 5IUPMSG +5IUHCG ,最合适的注射间隔时间为 48h ,处于繁殖期的雌鼠超排效果好。  相似文献   

目的探讨建立C57BL/6 J小鼠黑色素瘤肺转移模型的影响因素,包括肿瘤的接种方式、细胞接种数量和成瘤周期。方法体外培养小鼠黑色素瘤细胞B16F10。1)取6~8周龄,雄性小鼠18只,随机分三组,每组6只,分别采取尾静脉注射、腹腔注射和皮下注射方式,每只小鼠注射100μL(3×10~6个细胞)B16F10细胞悬液,2周后,解剖小鼠并观察黑色素瘤的生长和转移情况;2)分3组,同上,经尾静脉分别注射3×10~6个细胞、1×10~6个细胞、3×10~5个细胞,2周后,解剖小鼠并观察黑色素瘤的生长和转移情况;3)分3组,同上,尾静脉注射1×10~6个细胞,分别于1周、2周、3周解剖小鼠,观察黑色素瘤的生长和转移情况。结果 1)尾静脉注射小鼠黑色素瘤细胞,小鼠发生肺转移的成功率为100%,而腹腔注射和皮下注射未发生肺转移。2)接种小鼠黑色素瘤细胞数量为1×10~6时,发生肺部转移的黑色素瘤细胞数量适中;接种细胞数量为3×10~6时,发生肺部转移的黑色素瘤细胞数量过多;接种细胞数量为3×10~5时,发生肺部转移的黑色素瘤细胞数量较少。3)尾静脉注射1×10~6个小鼠黑色素瘤细胞,饲养2周后,可以观察到黑色素瘤细胞明显的肺部转移,且不会导致小鼠死亡;饲养3周,黑色素瘤细胞肺部转移数量过多,且小鼠死亡过半;饲养1周,黑色素瘤细胞肺部转移数量较少。结论经尾静脉注射1×10~6个小鼠黑色素瘤细胞,生长2周时间,为构建C57BL/6 J小鼠黑色素瘤肺转移模型的推荐方法。  相似文献   

刘芳  杨华  周晓辉  冯艳玲  周文江 《中国实验动物学报》2013,(6):37-40,45,I0005,I0006
目的建立Ⅱ型糖尿病并发结核病小鼠模型,对其肺组织病变过程进行评价。方法高脂高糖饲料喂养C57BL/6J小鼠,腹腔注射STZ,建立Ⅱ型糖尿病小鼠模型。采用滴鼻的方式将结核分枝杆菌H37Rv接种至糖尿病小鼠体内,建立糖尿病并发结核病小鼠模型。分别于感染后的1~8周、10周及12周解剖小鼠,肉眼观察小鼠肺脏病变情况,活菌菌落计数,肺组织行HE及抗酸染色,镜下观察病理学改变。结果肉眼观察发现,随着感染时间的增长肺部感染情况逐渐加重,至第8周时病灶达到全肺的80%,第10周时病变范围开始缩小;感染8周后HE染色肺组织出现典型的肉芽肿结构,至第10周部分病变肺组织出现修复现象;抗酸染色可见结核分枝杆菌。结论从大体病变、菌落计数及病理改变等方面对小鼠模型进行评价,发现糖尿病并发结核病小鼠模型较单一的结核病小鼠模型具有病变出现早,病程进展快等特点,与临床患者的某些阶段表现类似,因此实验构建的糖尿病并发结核病小鼠模型基本成功。  相似文献   

本试验利用虎源H5N1禽流感病毒对6~8周龄雌性C57BL/6小鼠进行滴鼻感染,观测小鼠临床症状和组织病理变化,于感染后第3d和第5d每组分别处死3只小鼠,测定肺、脑、脾、肾、肝组织中的病毒含量;并测定该病毒对C57BL/6小鼠的MLD50。结果表明感染小鼠出现精神不振、体重下降、支气管炎和间质性肺炎为主的临床症状和病理变化;测得感染后小鼠肺脏中病毒拷贝数和病毒滴度最高,其次是脑、肾、脾、肝等组织;该病毒对C57BL/6小鼠的MLD50为10-6.5/0.05mL。此研究成功进行了H5N1禽流感病毒对C57BL/6小鼠的感染,可以作为感染模型进行H5N1禽流感病毒的发病机制、疫苗评价、药物筛选等研究。  相似文献   

目的:建立复发缓解型实验性变态反应性脑脊髓炎(EAE)动物模型,进行病理学研究,为多发性硬化(MS)的发病机制研究及治疗药物研发提供合适的动物模型。方法:选择不同品系动物(昆明种、BALB/c和C57BL/6小鼠,SD大鼠),采用各自品系来源的脊髓和弗氏完全佐剂混合乳剂一次性注入动物双足垫,1周后半剂量注射进行一次加强,诱导EAE;观察发病情况,HE染色观察病理变化,监牢兰染色观察脱髓鞘情况。结果:昆明种、BALB/c和C57BL/6小鼠均无明显症状,HE染色小脑的脊髓无炎性细胞浸润;SD大鼠对照组正常,模型组临床症状发生率为90%以上,HE染色可见小脑白质及脊髓血管周围有大量的炎性细胞浸润,监牢兰染色可见大片髓鞘脱落。结论:EAE模型在昆明种、BALB/c及C57BL/6小鼠中用脊髓匀浆不易于诱导,而用SD大鼠脊髓髓鞘蛋白和弗氏完全佐剂混合乳剂可高效率诱导出同种SD大鼠的复发缓解型EAE。  相似文献   

C/EBPα arrests proliferation of young livers by inhibition of cdk2. In old mice, C/EBPα inhibits growth by repression of E2F-dependent promoters through the C/EBPα-Brm complex. In this paper, we show that cyclin D3-cdk4/cdk6 supports the ability of C/EBPα to inhibit liver proliferation in both age groups. Although cyclin D3-cdk4/cdk6 kinases are involved in the promotion of growth, they are expressed in terminally differentiated cells, suggesting that they have additional functions in these settings. We demonstrate that C/EBPα represents a target for phosphorylation by cyclin D3-cdk4/cdk6 complexes in differentiated liver cells and in differentiated adipocytes. Cyclin D3-cdk4/cdk6 specifically phosphorylate C/EBPα at Ser193 in vitro and in the liver and support growth-inhibitory C/EBPα-cdk2 and C/EBPα-Brm complexes. We found that cyclin D3 is increased in old livers and activates cdk4/cdk6, resulting in stabilization of the C/EBPα-Brm complex. Old livers fail to reduce the activity of cyclin D3-cdk4/cdk6 after partial hepatectomy, leading to high levels of C/EBPα-Brm complexes after partial hepatectomy, which correlate with weak proliferation. We examined the role of cyclin D3 in the stabilization of C/EBPα-cdk2 and C/EBPα-Brm by using 3T3-L1 differentiated cells. In these cells, cyclin D3 is increased during differentiation and phosphorylates C/EBPα at Ser193, leading to the formation of growth-inhibitory C/EBPα-cdk2 and C/EBPα-Brm complexes. The inhibition of cyclin D3 blocks the formation of these complexes. Thus, these studies provide a new function of cyclin D3, which is to support the growth-inhibitory activity of C/EBPα.  相似文献   

T Tanaka  N Yoshida  T Kishimoto    S Akira 《The EMBO journal》1997,16(24):7432-7443
To investigate the role of C/EBP family members during adipocyte differentiation in vivo, we have generated mice lacking the C/EBPbeta and/or C/EBPdelta by gene targeting. Approximately 85% of C/EBPbeta(-/-).delta(-/-) mice died at the early neonatal stage. By 20 h after birth, brown adipose tissue of the interscapular region in wild-type mice contained many lipid droplets, whereas C/EBPbeta(-/-).delta(-/-) mice did not accumulate droplets. In addition, the epidydimal fat pad weight of surviving adult C/EBPbeta(-/-).delta(-/-) mice was significantly reduced compared with wild-type mice. However, these adipose tissues in C/EBPbeta(-/-).delta(-/-) mice exhibit normal expression of C/EBPalpha and PPARgamma, despite impaired adipogenesis. These results demonstrated that C/EBPbeta and C/EBPdelta have a synergistic role in terminal adipocyte differentiation in vivo. The induction of C/EBPalpha and PPARgamma does not always require C/EBPbeta and C/EBPdelta, but co-expression of C/EBPalpha and PPARgamma is not sufficient for complete adipocyte differentiation in the absence of C/EBPbeta and C/EBPdelta.  相似文献   

Our earlier NMR study showed that a two-disulfide variant of hen lysozyme containing intra-alpha-domain disulfide bridges, C6-C127 and C30-C115, is partially folded, with the alpha domain tightly folded to the nativelike conformation and the beta domain flexible or unfolded. With a view that the formation of a third disulfide bridge is a key for the accomplishment of the overall chain fold, three-dimensional structures of three-disulfide variants of hen lysozyme lacking one disulfide bridge (C64A/C80A, C76A/C94A, and C30A/C115A) were studied in detail using NMR spectroscopy. Amide hydrogen exchange rates were measured to estimate the degree of conformational fluctuation in a residue-specific manner. The structure of C76A/C94A was found to be quite similar to that of the wild type, except for the peptide segment of residues 74-78. The structure of C64A/C80A was considerably disordered in the entire region of the loop (residues 62-79). Further, it was found that a network of hydrogen bonds within the beta sheet and the 3(10) helix in the beta domain were disrupted and fluctuating. In C30A/C115A, the D helix was unstructured and the interface of the B helix with the D helix was significantly perturbed. However, the structural disorder generated in the hydrophobic core of the alpha domain was prevented by the C helix from propagating toward the beta domain. A marginally stable state in folded proteins is discussed based on the structures remaining in each three-disulfide variant.  相似文献   

We examined whether the human nucleotide excision repair complex, which is specialized on the removal of bulky DNA adducts, also displays a correcting activity on base mismatches. The cytosine/cytosine (C/C) lesion was used as a model substrate to monitor the correction of base mismatches in human cells. Fibroblasts with different repair capabilities were transfected with shuttle vectors that contain a site-directed C/C mismatch in the replication origin, accompanied by an additional C/C mismatch in one of the flanking sequences that are not essential for replication. Analysis of the vector progeny obtained from these doubly modified substrates revealed that C/C mismatches were eliminated before DNA synthesis not only in the repair-proficient background, but also when the target cells carried a genetic defect in long-patch mismatch repair, in nucleotide excision repair, or when both pathways were deleted. Furthermore, cells deficient for long-patch mismatch repair as well as a cell line that combines mismatch and nucleotide excision repair defects were able to correct multiple C/C mispairs, placed at distances of 21–44 nt, in an independent manner, such that the removal of each lesion led to individual repair patches. These results support the existence of a concurrent short-patch mechanism that rectifies C/C mismatches.  相似文献   

Bender MM 《Plant physiology》1973,52(5):427-430
13C/12C ratios have been found in totally combusted leaves of Crassulacean acid metabolism plants to range from −14 to −33 δ 13C‰ compared with a limestone standard. Crassulacean acid metabolism plants apparently utilize both ribulose-1, 5-diphosphate carboxylase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase to assimilate atmospheric CO2 and, depending on environmental conditions, have 13C/12C ratios indicative of either carboxylase or to any intermediate value. The degree of discrimination against 13C and the resultant 13C/12C ratio from the photosynthetically fixed CO2 is influenced by environmental conditions and is not a specific and fixed characteristic of a Crassulacean acid metabolism plant. Certain Crassulacean acid metabolism plants may shift their ratios as much as 17 δ 13C‰ in specific environments.  相似文献   

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