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半干旱黄土高原沟垄微型集雨产流特征与马铃薯种植技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对膜垄和土垄的降雨量和径流量进行直线回归分析,结果表明,粘土夯实集雨垄临界产流降雨量为2.83 mm,产流后的平均集水效率为24.6%,地膜覆盖集雨垄临界产流降雨量为0.23 mm,产流后的平均集水效率为91.1%。在沟垄微型集雨种植马铃薯试验中,30 cm垄宽膜垄、45 cm垄宽膜垄、60 cm垄宽膜垄、30 cm垄宽土垄、45 cm垄宽土垄和60 cm垄宽土垄(沟宽均为60 cm)的经济产量分别比传统耕作高173%、168%、119%、28%、24%和18%,水分利用效率分别比传统耕作高3.98、3.74、2.25、1.10、0.93和0.72 kg.mm-1.hm-2。膜垄种植马铃薯经济产量提高119%~173%,土垄种植马铃薯经济产量提高18%~28%。  相似文献   

覆盖材料和沟垄比对土壤水分和紫花苜蓿干草产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为寻求半干旱黄土高原区种植紫花苜蓿的适宜覆盖材料和最佳沟垄比,采用完全随机设计布置大田试验,以传统平作为对照,研究不同垄覆盖材料(土壤结皮、生物可降解地膜和普通地膜)和不同沟垄比(沟宽:垄宽分别为60∶30、60∶45和60∶60,单位是cm)对土壤水分和紫花苜蓿干草产量等的影响。结果表明:通过对2012年和2013年紫花苜蓿生育期降雨量统计,2a平均值显示,无效降雨次数(53次)大于有效降雨次数(27次),无效降雨对总降雨量的贡献率(19%)小于有效降雨(81%)。就紫花苜蓿全生育期而言,与平作相比,SR_(30)、SR_(45)、SR_(60)、BMR_(30)、BMR_(45)、BMR_(60)、CMR_(30)、CMR_(45)和CMR_(60)(SR、BMR和CMR分别代表土垄、生物可降解膜垄和普通膜垄,下标分别表示垄宽为30、45cm和60cm)连续2a的平均根层(0—140 cm)土壤贮水量分别提高12.8、19.2、24.4、26.0、30.7、40.5、29.9、37.1 mm和47.7 mm。垄沟集雨种植第1年龄和第2年龄紫花苜蓿根层没有出现明显干层。与平作相比,SR_(30)、SR_(45)和SR_(60)的连续2a紫花苜蓿平均实际干草产量分别降低3%、8%和13%,WUE分别提高52%、58%和55%;BMR_(30)、BMR_(45)、BMR_(60)、CMR_(30)、CMR_(45)和CMR_(60)的连续2a紫花苜蓿平均实际干草产量分别提高14%、12%、7%、17%、19%和9%,WUE分别提高49%、62%、59%、51%、67%和56%。当紫花苜蓿生育期降雨量为380.7—427.6 mm和沟垄比为60 cm∶35—36 cm时,生物可降解膜垄和普通膜垄的紫花苜蓿实际干草产量达到最大值,为该地区垄沟集雨种植紫花苜蓿提供参考。  相似文献   

全膜双垄集雨沟播是我国旱作农业上的一项创新技术。该技术因集覆膜垄面集雨沟播、覆盖抑蒸和增加土壤温度为一体,在半干旱黄土高原地区玉米种植中增产效果突出而被大面积推广。但是目前该技术连续使用下土壤肥力的可持续性及其调控途径不清楚。通过将田间实验与土壤有机碳的物理分组技术相结合,研究全膜双垄集雨沟播对土壤有机碳库的影响,来评估将秸秆还田纳入全膜双垄集雨沟播玉米种植体系的可行性。实验地点位于甘肃省榆中县小康营乡(35°54’N,104°05’E;海拔2013 m;多年平均降雨量388 mm)。实验在垄沟种植方式的基础上设置秸秆不还田不覆膜(对照,CK)、秸秆还田(S)、地膜覆盖(M)和秸秆还田+地膜覆盖(S+M)4个处理,重复3次。实验于2009年3月开始2010年10月结束。除了对玉米籽粒产量进行测定之外,分别于每年的播种和收获时对表层15 cm土壤总有机碳、颗粒有机碳(粒径2—0.05 mm)和轻组有机碳(密度<1.8 g/cm3)含量进行了测定。同时在玉米不同生育时期对表层15 cm土壤微生物量碳、"-葡萄糖苷酶活性、碱性磷酸酶活性和脲酶活性动态进行了测定。研究结果表明,与CK处理相比M和S+M处理分别增加玉米产量89%-105%和93%-136%,但是S处理对玉米产量没有影响。综合2a的测定结果,与CK相比较S、M和S+M处理对土壤总有机碳含量没有影响,但是M处理具有降低土壤颗粒有机碳和轻组有机碳含量的趋势,而S或者S+M处理具有明显的增加土壤颗粒有机碳和轻组有机碳含量的趋势。与M处理相比较,S+M处理增加土壤颗粒有机碳和轻组有机碳含量的效果比与CK处理相比较的效果更明显。与CK相比较,S、M和S+M处理都能够不同程度地增加土壤微生物量碳和"-葡萄糖苷酶、碱性磷酸酶和脲酶的活性,尤其以S+M处理的增加效果更明显。相关分析结果显示,不同处理土壤中3种酶活性与微生物量碳含量均呈极显著正相关关系。研究结果说明全膜双垄集雨沟播可以显著增加玉米产量,但是连续使用可能对土壤有机碳库有不利影响;而纳入秸秆还田对于全膜双垄集雨沟播技术引用下土壤有机碳库和微生物活性的维持或者提高具有积极作用。  相似文献   

王琦  张恩和  李凤民 《生态学报》2004,24(8):1816-1819
于 2 0 0 2年 4月~ 8月在兰州大学干旱农业生态榆中试验站进行研究 ,在平地上形成沟垄相间的微地形 ,采用 3种沟垄比和两种下垫面材料 ,垄作为径流区 ,沟作为集水区 (沟内不种任何作物 )。采用平均产流率法分析了不同垄型集水面的集水效率 ,结果表明 ,膜垄的平均集水效率为 90 % ,土垄的平均集水效率为 16 .8% ;通过对不同垄型集水面垄中、沟边、沟中的土壤水分进行比较发现 ,对于膜垄在集雨的各个时期沟中的土壤含水量高于垄中 ,沟边的土壤含水量介于沟中和垄中土壤含水量两者之间。如 7月 14日测定 ,沟中、沟边和垄中 0~ 2 0 0 cm土层土壤平均含水量分别为 10 .39%、10 .2 4 %和 9.4 2 % ;对于土垄 ,在集雨前期和集雨中期 ,沟中和沟边的土壤含水量相差不大 ,沟中和沟边的土壤含水量均低于垄中的土壤含水量 ,表现出和膜垄完全不一样的特性 ,如 7月 14日测定 ,沟中、沟边和垄中 0~ 12 0 cm土层土壤平均含水量分别为 8.98%、8.6 8%和 10 .0 3% ,在集雨后期 ,沟边和沟中的土壤含水量大于垄中土壤含水量 ,如 8月 13日测定 ,沟中、沟边和垄中 0~ 12 0 cm土层土壤平均含水量分别为 9.76 % A、9.38% B和 7.94 % C,该试验表明土垄在集雨后期 ,在集雨和土壤水分分配方面表现出和膜垄的相似的特性  相似文献   

通过大田试验,研究了沟垄集雨种植结合不同补灌量处理对冬小麦光合器官、光合速率、产量和水分利用效率的影响.结果表明:沟垄宽度各为60 cm时,集雨种植不灌溉(T1)、返青期种植沟补灌375 m3·hm-2(T2)和种植沟补灌750 m3·hm-2(T3)3个处理较平作灌水750 m3·hm-2(畦灌,T4)处理的小麦籽粒产量分别提高2.8%、9.6%和18.9%,收获系数提高2.0%~ 8.5%,旗叶叶绿素含量提高41.9% ~64.4%,整个生育期内0~ 40 cm土壤含水量增加了0.1%~4.6%;开花期和灌浆期的叶片光合速率分别较T4处理提高了22.3%~ 54.2%和-4.3%~67.2%,农田总水分利用效率较T4处理分别提高17.9%、10.4%和15.4%,比平作不灌水处理(CK)提高69.3%、58.6%和65.7%;降水利用效率较CK提高94.3% ~ 124.5%;T2、T3处理各生育阶段叶面积均显著高于T4处理,灌溉水利用效率分别比T4处理提高119.1%和18.8%.在灌溉量减少50%的条件下,集雨种植比畦灌处理能维持较高的籽粒产量,显著提高灌溉水利用效率,尤其是在降雨量偏少的年份,可以显著提高小麦水分利用效率.  相似文献   

垄作与覆膜对川中丘陵春玉米根系分布及产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过设置田间试验,研究种植方式(垄作垄播、平作、垄作沟播)与覆膜措施对川中丘陵春玉米根系分布和玉米产量的影响.结果表明: 垄作与覆膜对玉米根系形态影响显著,覆膜显著提高了玉米根长、根表面积和根体积,拔节期覆膜较不覆膜处理分别提高了42.3%、50.0%和57.4%.覆膜提高了各土层和各水平各层次根质量,扩大了根系在土壤垂直和水平方向上的分布,提高了拔节期20~40 cm土层和水平方向上宽行0~20 cm根系比例.种植方式对根系生长和分布的影响因覆膜而异,覆膜下垄作垄播显著提高了各土层根质量和20~40 cm土层根量分配比例,同时提高了水平方向上各层次根量和宽行根系分配比例,总根质量表现为:垄作垄播>平作>垄作沟播;不覆膜下垄作沟播显著提高了窄行0~40 cm根量,吐丝期总根质量表现为:垄作沟播>垄作垄播>平作.从玉米穗部性状和产量看,覆膜降低了玉米秃尖长,提高了穗长、穗粒数、千粒重和产量,覆膜下产量表现为:垄作垄播>平作>垄作沟播;不覆膜下则表现为:垄作沟播>平作>垄作垄播.覆膜下垄作垄播促进了根系特别是深层根质量的增加,同时增加了深层根系和水平20~40 cm根系比例,这是其增产的重要原因;而不覆膜下垄作沟播有利于根系生长,从而提高产量.  相似文献   

2008-2010年在渭北旱塬区,以沟不覆盖为对照(CK),研究垄上覆地膜沟内分别覆普通地膜(PP)、生物降解膜(PB)、玉米秸秆(PS)和液体地膜(PL)4种沟垄全覆盖种植模式对土壤水温、玉米生长、产量及水分利用效率的影响.结果表明,在玉米生长前期,PP、PB和PS处理可明显提高0-200 cm土壤蓄水量;生育中期,PS处理蓄水保墒效果最为显著;生育后期,各沟垄全覆盖处理与对照的土壤蓄水量无显著差异;整个生育期PL处理与CK的土壤蓄水量差异不显著.PP和PB处理3a玉米生育期5-25 cm平均土壤温度分别较CK增高1.6℃和1.3℃,PS处理降低1.9℃,而PL处理与CK无显著差异.PP和PB的增温保水效应使玉米株高、叶面积及地上生物量均高于CK;PS处理的降温效应促进玉米中后期生长,其株高、叶面积及地上生物量均高于CK;PL处理对玉米各生长指标影响不显著.与CK相比,PP、PB和PS处理3a平均的籽粒产量分别提高13.0%、13.8%和15.0%,水分利用效率分别提高9.8%、10.2%和11.6%.可见,垄覆地膜沟覆地膜、生物降解膜或秸秆的沟垄全覆盖种植可明显改善土壤的水温状况,促进玉米生长,从而显著提高作物产量和水分利用效率,对渭北旱塬区春玉米丰产栽培具有重要指导意义.  相似文献   

旱地全膜双垄沟播玉米的土壤水热效应及其对产量的影响   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
以春玉米品种沈单16号为试验材料,研究半干旱区(年均降雨量415 mm)旱地不同覆盖种植方式的土壤水热效应及其对玉米产量的影响.结果表明: 与裸地平作(CK)相比,全膜双垄沟播(PMF)、全沙覆盖平作(SM)在玉米抽雄前均能提高0~25 cm土层平均地温,其中PMF增温最高;随种植年限增加,各处理对土壤水分的耗散深度增加,种植第1年对20~120 cm土层的水分耗散最多,种植第2年对120~200 cm土层的水分耗散最多,其中PMF耗水量最高.PMF的穗粒数、穗粒重和百粒重最高,SM次之,CK最低;与SM和CK相比,2009和2010年PMF平均穗粒数分别增加13.5%和114.2%,平均穗粒重分别增加29.8%和321.1%,平均百粒重分别增加14.4%和95.4%;PMF和SM的产量分别比CK高333.1%和240.2%,水分利用效率(WUE)分别提高290.6%和227.6%.PMF玉米连续种植两年后,120~200 cm土层土壤水分消耗达72 mm,显著高于SM(45 mm)和CK(40 mm).由于PMF能提高苗期-抽雄期地温,促进作物前期生长,提高玉米对土壤水的利用,从而使穗粒数、百粒重等增加,表现出较高的产量和水分利用效率,但该模式对1 m以下土壤水分消耗较多,对保持水分年际平衡不利.  相似文献   

半干旱区垄沟集雨系统点尺度土壤水分动态随机模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尹鑫卫  王琦  李晓玲  吴雪 《生态学报》2019,39(1):320-332
为揭示土壤水分动态对半干旱区垄沟集雨系统水文和生态过程的影响机理,基于Laio土壤水分动态随机模型(Laio模型),利用中国气象局定西干旱气象与生态环境试验基地2012—2013年垄沟集雨燕麦生长季根系层土壤水分观测数据及2000—2015年日降水资料,分析不同覆盖材料(生物可降解膜、普通塑料膜和土壤结皮)和不同沟垄比(30∶60,45∶60和60∶60cm)对生长季燕麦根系层土壤水分动态的影响,研究点尺度土壤水分概率密度函数特征,并对模型涉及参数进行敏感性分析。结果表明:研究区年降水的季节分配极不均匀,主要集中在5—10月份,占总降雨次数的66.6%;年降雨量的85.32%来源于10 mm的降雨,以暴雨为主;近16年研究区降水量呈缓慢增长趋势。生物可降解膜垄(BMR)、普通地膜垄(CMR)和土垄(SR)临界产流降雨量分别为1.35、0.95 mm和5.31 mm,平均集水效率分别为87.892%、94.203%和27.488%;在燕麦生长季,BMR和CMR的土壤含水量显著大于SR,SR的土壤含水量显著大于传统平作,各处理土壤含水量均服从正态分布;通过Laio模型模拟得到的各处理土壤水分概率密度函数的曲线特征(峰值及其位置、90%置信区间)及数字特征(期望、方差)与观测结果基本一致,CM指数均大于0.5,且可将集雨垄径流量作为单次降水的随机事件处理,说明该模型可应用于垄沟集雨系统土壤水分概率密度函数的模拟,为半干旱区农田水分高效利用管理提供理论依据。  相似文献   

为探求覆膜栽培春玉米旱作田土壤水温变化特征及其对玉米产量和水分利用效率(WUE)的影响,设计垄作覆膜、垄作裸地、平作覆膜、平作裸地(对照)4个处理的田间试验,对春玉米田各生育时段的土壤温度、土层水分、耗水结构及玉米产量进行了监测.结果表明:自播种到抽雄的生育前期春玉米田覆膜较裸地增温1~3 ℃,土壤积温增加155.2~280.9 ℃;延长生育期约5.9~10.7 d.自播种到成苗期覆膜保水效应显著,WUE较裸地提高81.6%~136.4%.春玉米成苗到拔节期正值该区域稳定干旱期,覆膜处理土壤供水层深达80~100 cm,干旱胁迫使WUE较对照降低17.0%~21.6%,产生奢侈耗水.春玉米小喇叭口期后进入雨季,各处理土体复水,并产生过饱渗漏,最终使收获期土体水分与播期持平,贮水丰富.垄作覆膜较裸地增产9.5%;平作覆膜不利于降水入渗而导致渍水,减产5.0%;垄作裸地与平作裸地差异不显著.以雨季前气象干旱期的土壤枯水与雨季后的土壤库水为特征的春玉米田水分供求时序失衡,限制了春玉米的高产.  相似文献   

Ren X L  Jia Z K  Chen X L  Han Q F  Li R 《农业工程》2008,28(3):1006-1015
A field experiment was conducted to determine the effects of a rainwater-harvesting furrow/ridge system (RHFRS) on water use efficiency (WUE) and grain yield of spring com in different simulated rainfall treatments. Our results showed that when rainfall supply ranged between 230 and 440 mm, the rainwater-harvesting furrow/ridge system increased surface temperature by 0.7–1°C at the depth of 10 cm and increased soil water storage by 5%–12% in the soil layer of 0–120 cm compared with the control. Emergence was also more rapid in the furrow-ridge system. Spring corn yield in the rainwater-harvesting furrow/ridge system was 83% higher in the 230 mm rainfall treatment, 43% higher in the 340 mm rainfall treatment, and 11% higher in the 440 mm rainfall treatment compared with the control. Similarly, WUE was 77% higher in the 230 mm rainfall treatment, 43% higher in the 340 mm treatment, and 10% higher in the 440 mm treatment than those of the control under the corresponding rainfalls. In summary, results from this study indicate that 440 mm rainfall during the spring corn growing season is the upper limit for which the rainwater-harvesting furrow/ridge system should be adopted.  相似文献   

Due to global warming, there is a need to increase the water use efficiency of crops under rainfed agriculture, particularly in semi-arid regions. Therefore, the effect of NPK fertilizer application (with or without liming) on the water use efficiency of a maize/cowpea intercropping system was investigated in the semi-arid part of Brazil. The crops were grown on a strongly acidic, sandy soil with three treatments: (i) Complete NPK fertilizer application with lime (Compl), (ii) Complete NPK fertilizer application without lime (Compl-L) and (iii) Control. On the average, dry matter production was 2.6 times higher with the Compl treatment than in the Control and 1.6 times higher than in the Compl-L treatment. The soil water balance was calculated with two different model approaches (HILLFLOW and EPICSEAR). When checked against measured soil water content during the growing period, both models produced accurate results, but only EPICSEAR was sensitive to the effects of liming and fertilizer application on soil water balance and dry matter production at this site. Comparison between the Compl and the Compl-L treatments shows that the increase in transpirational water use efficiency (WUET) (+63 and +80%, respectively) is mainly due to the application of NPK. Although the site is highly acid, liming was of minor importance for increasing the WUET. However, observations and simulations demonstrate that, through the additional application of lime, the gross water use efficiency (WUEC) in a maize/cowpea intercropping system can be increased by 60% compared to sole application of NPK and by more than 160% compared to the control. Abbreviations: EPIC – erosion productivity impact calculator; EPICSEAR – erosion productivity impact calculator for semi-arid regions; TDR – time domain reflectometry; WUE – water use efficiency.  相似文献   

隔沟交替灌溉条件下玉米根系形态性状及结构分布   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为揭示根系对土壤环境的适应机制,研究了隔沟交替灌溉条件下玉米根系形态性状及结构分布。以垄位和坡位的玉米根系为研究对象,利用Minirhizotrons法研究了根系(活/死根)的长度、直径、体积、表面积、根尖数和径级变化及其与土壤水分、土温和水分利用效率(WUE)的相关关系。结果表明,对于活根,在坡位非灌水区域复水后根系平均直径减小,而根系日均生长速率、单位面积土壤根系体积密度、根尖数和表面积均增大,并随灌水区域土壤水分的消退逐渐减小;对于死根,在坡位非灌水区域复水后根系日均死亡速率、根系体积密度、根尖数和表面积变化均减小,其中根系死亡速率和死根直径随土壤水分的消退逐渐降低,而死根体积密度、根尖数和表面积分布随土壤水分降低呈增大趋势;在垄位,根系形态分布趋势与坡位一致,除根系直径与与坡位比较接近外,其他根系形态值均小于坡位。将根系分成4个径级区间分析根系的形态特征,结果表明在根系长度和体积密度分布中以2.5-4.5 mm径级的根系所占比例最大,在根尖数和根系表面积分布中以0.0-2.5 mm径级的根系为主。通过显著性相关分析,死根直径、体积密度、活根表面积等根系形态与土壤含水率、土壤温度和WUE间均存在显著或极显著的正相关关系,部分根系形态指标(如根系的生长速率、活根体积密度)只与坡位土壤含水量、土壤温度具有明显的相关性,表明隔沟交替灌溉对坡位根系形态的调控作用比垄位显著。  相似文献   

Since the late 1960s, American woodcock (Scolopax minor) have undergone population declines because of habitat loss. Previous research suggested ridge and furrow topography in conventionally tilled soybean fields provided critical nocturnal cover as birds foraged on earthworms. However, the use of no-till technology has increased and many fields now lack ridge and furrow topography. We assessed woodcock winter nocturnal foraging habitat use given recent changes in agricultural technology, and investigated how field treatment, earthworm abundance, and environmental variables affect the selection of nocturnal foraging sites. We counted woodcock along transects in 5 field treatments twice in each of 67 fields during December–March 2008–2009 and 72 fields during December–March 2009–2010. During both seasons, we collected earthworm and soil samples from a subset of fields of each field treatment. Woodcock densities were at least twice as high in no-till soybean fields planted after corn and in undisked corn fields with mowed stalks than in other field treatments. No-till soybean planted after corn and undisked corn fields contained ridge and furrow topography, whereas other crops did not, and earthworms were at least 1.5 times more abundant in no-till soybean fields than other field treatments. Ridges and furrows in no-till soybean fields planted after corn and undisked corn fields may provide wintering woodcock with thermal protection and concealment from predators. No-till soybean fields planted after corn offered the additional benefit of relatively high food availability. The presence of ridge and furrow topography can be used to predict woodcock field use on the wintering grounds in agricultural areas. Farmers can provide nocturnal winter foraging sites for woodcock by delaying field disking and leaving ridge and furrow topography in crop fields. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

晋南旱地麦田夏闲期土壤水分和养分变化特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2009-2011年在晋南旱地冬小麦种植区,研究了传统施肥(CF)、推荐施肥(RF)及垄膜沟播(RFFP)处理结合秸秆覆盖措施对夏闲期(6-9月)2 m土层土壤水分、NO3--N,以及0~40 cm土层速效磷、速效钾含量的影响.结果表明: 夏闲期降水可补充旱地麦田2 m土层土壤在冬小麦生长季所消耗的水分,其中94%以上蓄水量集中在0~140 cm土层,休闲效率为6%~27%.夏闲期降水易引起NO3--N下移;357~400 mm的降水量可使NO3--N淋移到100 cm土层,积累峰值在20~40 cm土层.夏闲期秸秆覆盖或地膜与秸秆配合覆盖可有效提高0~40 cm土层速效磷和速效钾含量,3个夏闲期累计增加量分别为17%~45%和36%~49%.不同处理间以垄膜沟播+沟内覆盖秸秆的二元覆盖模式蓄水培肥效果最佳,3个夏闲期2 m土层土壤累计蓄水215 mm,累计矿化氮90 kg·hm-2,耕层土壤速效磷和速效钾含量分别累计增加2.7和83 mg·kg-1,显著高于推荐施肥和传统施肥处理.推荐施肥和传统施肥处理对土壤水分、养分变化的影响无显著差异.  相似文献   

We measured soil oxygen concentrations at 10 and 35 cm depths and indices of biogeochemical cycling in upland forest soils along a rainfall and elevation gradient (3500–5000 mm y–1; 350–1050 masl) and along topographic gradients (ridge to valley, 150 m) in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. Along the rainfall gradient, soil O2 availability decreased significantly with increasing annual rainfall, and reached very low levels (<3%) in individual chambers for up to 25 consecutive weeks over 82 weeks of study. Along localized topographic gradients, soil O2 concentrations were variable and decreased significantly from ridges to valleys. In the valleys, up to 35% of the observations at 10–35 cm depth were <3% soil O2. Cross correlation analyses showed that soil O2 concentrations were significantly positively correlated along the topographic gradient, and were sensitive to rainfall and hydrologic output. Soil O2 concentrations in valley soils were correlated with rainfall from the previous day, while ridge sites were correlated with cumulative rainfall inputs over 4 weeks. Soils at the wettest point along the rainfall gradient had very high soil methane concentrations (3–24%) indicating a strong influence of anaerobic processes. We measured net methane emission to the atmosphere at the wettest sites of the rainfall gradient, and in the valleys along topographic gradients. Other measures of biogeochemical function such as soil organic matter content and P availability were sensitive to chronic O2 depletion along the rainfall gradient, but less sensitive to the variable soil O2 environment exhibited at lower elevations along topographic gradients.  相似文献   

The interaction of rain water with the vegetation canopy results in changes of the water quantity and quality. We examined these canopy effects in different ecosystems of the Brazilian savanna, the Cerrado. The ecosystems were 20 yr-old Pinus caribaea Morelet plantations (PI), productive (PP) and degraded Brachiaria decumbens Stapf pastures (DP), continuous corn-soybean rotation (CC), and native typical cerrado (CE). We collected rainfall, throughfall, and, in PI and CE, stemflow from three plots of each ecosystem. Dry deposition and canopy leaching were estimated with a Na-tracer method. Between May 1997 and April 1999, the mean annual rainfall was 1656 mm of which 145 mm fell during the dry season (May–September). The throughfall percentage of the rainfall increased in the order, PI (75–85%) < CC (76–89%) < CE (89–100%) < PP (90–100%) < DP (99–100%); stemflow was < 1% of the rainfall. The volume-weighted mean (VWM) pH in rainfall was higher in the dry (6.5) than in the rainy season (5.4). The VWM pH in throughfall decreased in the order, CC (rainy season: 5.9/dry season: 6.2) > PP (5.5/6.0) > CE (5.2/6.0) > DP (5.2/5.6) > PI (4.8/5.7). The rainfall deposition of the dry season contributed one third of the annual element input with rainfall because of higher element concentrations than in the rainy season. The mean Na deposition ratios, i.e. the ratio of throughfall (+ stemflow) to rainfall deposition as a measure for dry deposition, increased in the order, CE (1.5) = CC (1.5) < PP (1.7) < PI (1.9) < (DP 2.1). Total deposition (rainfall + dry deposition) accounted for 104–164% of the K and Ca fertilizer application in PP and for 6.1–12% of the K, Ca, and Mg fertilizer application in CC. The P concentrations were below the detection limit of 0.2 mg L–1 in all samples. Net canopy uptake, i.e. a smaller throughfall(+ stemflow) than rainfall + dry deposition, of Ca, K, Mg, S, Cu, and Zn in at least one of CE, PI, DP, and PP indicate that plant growth may be limited in part by these nutrients. During the vegetation period, between 28 and 50% of the applied K and Ca were leached from the canopy in PP and between 8.7 and 17% of the applied K, Ca, Mg, and S in CC. Our results demonstrate that PI causes larger water losses and enhanced acid inputs to the soil compared with all other ecosystems. However, the PI and pasture canopies scavenge more nutrients from the atmosphere than CE and CC.  相似文献   

We studied five 20-m transects onthe lower slope under tropical lower montanerain forest at 1900–2200 m above sea level. We collectedsamples of soil and of weekly rainfall,throughfall, litter leachate, and stream waterbetween 14 March 1998 and 30 April 1999 anddetermined the concentrations of Al, totalorganic C (TOC), Ca, Cl, Cu, K, Mg, Mn,NH4 +-N, NO3 -N, total N (TN), Na, P, S, and Zn. The soils were shallowInceptisols; pH ranged 4.4–6.3 in the Ohorizons and 3.9–5.3 in the A horizons, totalCa (6.3–19.3 mg kg–1) and Mgconcentrations (1.4–5.4) in the O horizon weresignificantly different between the transects.Annual rainfall was 2193 mm; throughfall variedbetween 43 and 91% of rainfall, cloud waterinputs were 3.3 mm a–1 except forone transect (203). The volume-weighted mean pHwas 5.3 in rainfall and 6.1–6.7 in throughfall.The median of the pH of litter leachate andstream water was 4.8–6.8 and 6.8, respectively.The concentrations of Ca and Mg in litterleachate and throughfall correlatedsignificantly with those in the soil (r =0.76–0.95). Element concentrations inthroughfall were larger than in rainfallbecause of leaching from the leaves (Al, TOC,Ca, K, Mg), particulate dry deposition (TOC,Cu, Cl, NH4 +-N), and gaseousdry deposition (NO3 -N, total N, S).Net throughfall (= throughfall-rainfalldeposition) was positive for most elementsexcept for Mn, Na, and Zn. High-flow eventswere associated with elevated Al, TOC, Cu, Mn,and Zn concentrations.  相似文献   

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