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农田秸秆覆盖对冬小麦水氮效应的影响   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
通过田间试验研究了杨凌红油土农田秸秆覆盖条件下冬小麦的水氮效应.结果表明,秸秆覆盖使土壤水分状况明显改善,从而使补充灌水的效果相应减小,氮肥的作用更加突出;无覆盖条件下,水氮交互效应均为负值,而秸秆覆盖时水氮有正的交互作用.旱地秸秆覆盖条件下更应重视养分的投入.无秸秆覆盖条件下小麦取得高产的基础是良好的土壤底墒和充足的氮肥.秸秆覆盖使小麦达到最高产量所需要的灌水量降低,灌水时期后延.不论有无秸秆覆盖,拔节期灌水对冬小麦籽粒产量没有显著影响.  相似文献   

水肥耦合对冬小麦不同生育期质膜透性的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在田间条件下研究水肥耦合对冬小麦各生育期叶片质膜相对透性的影响。试验结果表明:冬小麦叶片质膜相对透性与生育时期有关,总的趋势表现为冬前低,开春稍升;拔节期大幅降低,灌浆期逐渐增加,成熟期最大。冬灌前各处理质膜透性无差异。冬灌后,补水处理的质膜透性普遍降低,其中以高氮冬灌处理质膜透性的降幅最大,并随时间后移至拔节初期表现出明显的水肥正交互作用;而未补水处理的质膜透性均较高。拔节期施氮春灌处理对维持质膜稳定性有利,而不施氮春灌处理在起初有一定负效应,但随时间后移至灌浆初期表现为正效应。从灌浆期灌水前看,冬灌和春灌对维持质膜稳定性都有一定的正效应,大部分施肥补充灌溉处理较未补充灌溉处理质膜相对透性降低。灌浆期灌水的效果比较复杂,但后期同时追施氮肥和灌水处理质膜相对透性较低。  相似文献   

水氮运筹对干旱年型冬小麦旗叶生理性状及产量的交互效应   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:11  
在大田条件下,探讨了不同灌水和施氮处理对冬小麦叶片生长、生理特性及产量性状的影响。结果表明,干旱年型条件下灌水和氮肥增产效应均显著,但灌水增产潜力更大,灌水两次(拔节和孕穗水),产量较高;灌水3次(拔节、孕穗和灌浆水)增产效果并不明显,氮肥全部底施产量下降,水分胁迫影响肥效发挥,降低产量,但可通过增加施氮量得到弥补,只有水氮合理搭配,才能有效协调各产量构成因素的关系,提高单位面积产量。  相似文献   

灌水时间对冬小麦生长发育及水肥利用效率的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究秸秆还田后不同越冬前灌水时间(11月10日、11月25日、12月10日)和春季灌水时间(3月5日,返青期;4月5日,拔节期)对冬小麦生长发育、干物质运转及水肥利用效率的影响.结果表明: 越冬前灌水时间主要影响冬前和拔节期群体大小,而春灌时间对冬小麦成穗数、产量、干物质运转和水肥利用效率的影响较大,而且越冬前灌水时间对冬小麦产量构成的影响与春灌时间密切相关.在春季返青期灌水条件下,越冬前灌水时间越早,成穗数和产量越高;在拔节期灌水条件下,随越冬前灌水时间的推迟,成穗数和产量呈先升高再降低的趋势,而穗粒数逐渐增加,千粒重受影响较小.水分利用效率、养分吸收量和肥料利用率均随越冬前灌水时间的推迟而降低,随春季灌水时间的推迟而升高.因此,在秸秆还田足墒播种条件下,将越冬前灌水时间适当提前,可以塌实土壤,促进冬小麦冬前分蘖,增加群体大小;配合拔节期增量灌水,可以控制早春无效分蘖,提高成穗率,稳定粒重,提高水肥利用效率,实现节水高产高效栽培.  相似文献   

采用Mishio和Yokoi(1991)的方法,在水分运转阻力短期内(如几个小时)恒定不变的假设下,研究了田间冬小麦土壤—叶片途径水分运转阻力.结果表明,一天中,当气孔没有“午休”现象或“午休”现象不明显时,冬小麦土壤—叶片途径水分运转阻力在白天保持恒定,到夜晚则明显增大;当气孔“午休”现象较明显时,冬小麦土壤—叶片途径水分运转阻力在气孔“午休”期间和夜晚明显增大,其余时间基本保持恒定.夜间和气孔“午休”期间阻力增大的原因不确定.土壤干旱条件下冬小麦土壤—叶片途径水运转阻力显著大于土壤湿润条件下,表明水运转阻力与植物抗旱性有关.土壤干旱条件下施肥处理冬小麦土壤—叶片途径水运转阻力显著大于不施肥处理,而土壤湿润条件下显著小于不施肥处理,表明施肥对植物具有调节作用,使之更好地适应干旱环境.  相似文献   

根区水肥空间耦合对冬小麦生长及产量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用管栽试验研究了根区不同湿润方式(整体湿润、上湿下干、上干下湿)、施肥方式(整体施肥、上层施肥、下层施肥)及其耦合对冬小麦不同生育期生长及产量的影响.结果表明:下层施肥方式显著降低了分蘖期冬小麦的株高和叶面积,而不同湿润方式对分蘖期株高和叶面积的影响不显著,拔节期水肥同区方式的株高大于水肥异区方式,表现出协同耦合效应.上干下湿方式和下层施肥方式显著降低了根系干物质量、地上部干物质量和总干物质量,上层施肥方式有利于增加冬小麦生物量,而上湿下干方式与施肥处理对地上部干物质量和总干物质量的耦合效应明显.水肥同区处理的根冠比高于水肥异区处理;上干下湿方式的水分利用效率显著高于整体湿润和上湿下干方式,水肥同区处理的水分利用效率高于水肥异区处理,但下层施肥方式的水分利用效率较低.与上干下湿方式相比,上湿下干和整体湿润方式的冬小麦单穗粒数分别增加了41.7%和61.9%,上层施肥和整体施肥方式的单穗粒数高于下层施肥方式,上湿下干方式与施肥处理对小麦产量及产量构成因素(除千粒重外)的水肥耦合效应明显.不同水肥处理主要通过影响单穗粒数来影响冬小麦产量.  相似文献   

旱地冬小麦吸收氮,磷的营养特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过田间试验,研究了不同施肥水平条件下冬小麦吸收氮、磷的营养特征。结果表明,不同施肥水平冬小麦返青前吸收氮、磷均很少,返青后迅速增多,至孕穗一灌浆初期达全生育期吸收的高峰(N0P0吸氮在拔节一孕穗阶段达高峰),且峰值随施肥水平提高而增大。灌浆以后,氮磷营养不同,氮素积累减少28.27%-31.19%,减少绝对量随前期吸氮增大而增加。相对量则是施肥低于对照;而磷素于灌浆中期一成熟阶段还有1吸收高峰(  相似文献   

不同抗旱性冬小麦根系时空分布与产量的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
方燕  闵东红  高欣  王中华  王军  刘萍  刘霞 《生态学报》2019,39(8):2922-2934
为明确不同抗旱性冬小麦品种(Triticum aestivum L.)根系时空分布及其与产量的关系,以抗旱性品种长武134、长旱58和干旱敏感性品种小偃22、西农979为材料,采用根箱试验研究干旱胁迫和充分供水条件下4个品种在拔节期、开花期和成熟期根系总生物量、总根长密度、根系在表层(0—20 cm)和深层(20 cm以下)土壤中的垂直分布、动态变化及其对产量的影响。结果表明,干旱胁迫下抗旱性品种产量显著高于干旱敏感性品种,其中长旱58产量最高,西农979最低;充分供水条件下,西农979产量最高,长武134最低,长旱58与小偃22之间没有差异。相关分析表明,产量与各生育时期根系性状均有显著关系。多元逐步回归分析的结果显示,干旱胁迫和充分供水条件下,拔节期深层根生物量对产量有正效应,而成熟期总根长密度对产量表现为负效应。通径分析表明,干旱胁迫下,根系性状对产量的直接贡献大小为开花期总根长密度(|0.54|)拔节期深层根生物量(|0.36|)成熟期总根长密度(|-0.31|);充分供水时,成熟期总根长密度(|-1.56|)拔节期深层根生物量(|0.83|)。研究表明,减少成熟期总根长密度,增加拔节期深层根生物量对抗旱性及干旱敏感性冬小麦品种产量均有显著的正效应,增加开花期根长密度有利于提高抗旱性冬小麦产量。  相似文献   

在黄陵南塬,研究了在自然降水条件下,采用以增施肥料为主的旱作技术对冬小麦产量的影响,主要结论如下:(1)实产与降水量呈正相关,且施肥量越高,产量越高;(2)麦田土壤水分利用率和水分生产效率都随着施肥量的增加而增加;(3)施肥量的大小影响着冬小麦植物学性状;(4)五年试验示范表明,以处理3标准配施肥料(厩肥30000kg/hm2,纯氮226.2kg/hm2和P2O5172.5kg/hm2),最经济,最可行。  相似文献   

缺水与补水对小麦氮素吸收及土壤残留氮的影响   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
通过温室培养试验,研究了不同生长期缺水和补充灌水对冬小麦氮素吸收利用和土壤残留的影响.结果表明,在不同生长期缺水及分蘖期补充灌水均能显著降低冬小麦的氮素吸收,增加矿质态氮的土壤残留,土壤残留氮含量介于79.8~113.7mg·kg^-1;越冬、拔节、灌浆期补充灌水可显著提高冬小麦对土壤氮素的吸收能力,不同程度地降低氮素残留,土壤残留氮介于47.2~60.3mg·kg^-1.补充灌水引起的小麦吸氮能力提高与其对氮素的有效利用并不一致.越冬期补水,小麦籽粒吸氮量无显著变化;灌浆期补水,籽粒吸氮量相应提高20.9%;拔节期补水反而使籽粒吸氮量降低19.6%.  相似文献   

Groundwater and nitrogen fertilizer overuse severely threatens crop productions; thus, current ecological agriculture requires low irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer inputs. The effects of combined reduced irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer addition on soil organism (e.g., mite) community and biodiversity remain poorly understood. We analyzed soil mite community composition, wheat grain yield, and soil characteristics in a 10‐year manipulation experiment with two levels of irrigation (reduced and conventional irrigation) and five nitrogen fertilizer levels (0, 70, 140, 210, and 280 kg N/ha). Reduced irrigation (20% reduction, from 280 to 220 mm) and nitrogen fertilizer (25% reduction, from 280 to 210 kg N/ha) addition did not significantly influence soil mite community and wheat yield. The relative abundances of fungivores and predators showed negative quadratic relationships with wheat yield, while that of plant parasites showed a positive relationship. The relationships between soil mite trophic groups and wheat yield revealed that we can evaluate the impacts of reduced irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer addition from the perspective of soil fauna. Soil mite community composition was altered by soil abiotic factors prior to reduced irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer addition. Overall, moderate reductions of irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer may not threaten to soil mite community and diversity or decrease crop production; in contrast, such reductions will benefit mite community development and the sustainable agriculture.  相似文献   

Summary A cotton and a wheat experiment were conducted in sequence to evaluate the effect of residual and fertilizer N on wheat with a water table fluctuating between 65 and 125 cm. Cotton treatments, replicated four times, consisted of 3 irrigation treatments as main plots and 6 N levels as subplots (0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 kg N/ha). After cotton the plots were planted to wheat and each subplot was divided into two equal sub-subplots. One received N at a rate similar to that previously applied to cotton and the other sub-subplot was left without N application for evaluating the residual effect. Determination of N forms in the soil before wheat indicated that NO3-N content of the top 25 cm increased from 4.4 to 16.3 ppm as N applied to cotton increased from 0 to 125 kg/ha. On the other hand, mineralizable-N was greater in the control than in the fertilized treatments, suggesting a priming effect on the mineralization of soil N. The residual effect on wheat was related to mineralizable-N rather than to NO3-N as grain yield was higher for the control than for the residual fertilizer N treatments. The yield was also higher for the more frequent than for the less frequent irrigation treatments, which may be attributed to increase in mineralization with soil water content. Wheat response to N application was significant. But high N levels accompanied by frequent irrigation enhanced lodging with subsequent reduction in yield. Measuring N uptake by grain and straw indicated 37% recovery of fertilizer N. It was concluded that under the prevailing conditions of high water table wheat response was largely dependent on the applied fertilizer due to insignificant residual N availability.  相似文献   

Agronomic studies were conducted to examine the effect of fertilizer N on black point incidence in Fielder soft white spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell.). Black point incidence rose with increases in the amount of N supplied either as fertilizer applied during the growing season in irrigation water or as soil N, specifically nitrate, from fertilizer N application in previous years. A comparison of four different irrigation regimes demonstrated that black point incidence was highest under frequent irrigation (irrigate to field capacity at 75% available moisture) and lowest under conventional irrigation (irrigate to field capacity at 50% available soil moisture). In each irrigation regime, disease incidence increased as N rates were raised from 0 to 120 kg ha-1. A residual fertilizer-N study demonstrated in 1985 and 1986 that black point incidence generally rose with increasing levels of nitrogen from either preplant applications in the spring or soil nitrate from the previous year. However, additions of fertilizer N were shown to slightly reduce black point incidence at soil nitrate levels above 150 kg ha-1. A two-year fertilizer N study demonstrated that in treatments receiving the same amount (90 kg ha-1) of fertilizer N, the amount broadcast as a preplant treatment versus the amount applied in irrigation water in a fertigation treatment had no effect on black point incidence, but all fertilized treatments had significantly higher levels of disease than the unfertilized check.Contribution no. 3879016  相似文献   

A field trial was established in Errachidia, southern Morocco, to investigate the interaction between wheat residue management and mineral 15N-labelled ammonium sulphate, under different irrigation treatments, applied to wheat (Triticum durum var. Karim). In treatments I1, I2, I3 and I4, plots were irrigated every 10, 15, 21 and 30 days. Each plot contained three sub-plots that received three fertilization treatments: T1 received 42 kg N ha-1 of ammonium sulphate before seedling, 42 kg N ha-1 of ammonium sulphate labelled with 9.764 at % 15N excess at tillering and 84 N kg ha-1 of ammonium sulphate at flowering; T2 received 42 kg N ha-1 of ammonium sulphate labelled with 9.764 at % 15N excess at seedling, 42 kg N ha-1 at tillering and 42 kg N ha-1 at flowering; T3 received 4800 kg ha-1 of wheat residue labelled with 1.504 at % 15N excess and 42 kg N ha-1 of ammonium sulphate before seedling and 42 kg N ha-1 of ammonium sulphate at flowering. Nitrogen fertilization with 168 kg N ha-1 did no significantly increase grain and straw yields in comparison to the 126 kg N ha-1 application. The combination of the organic input and supplementary application of mineral fertilizer N has been found as a more attractive management option. For all irrigation treatments, the % recovery of N in the whole plant was higher in plants that received 15N at tillering (63%, 49% respectively for irrigation intervals between 10 and 30 d) than in plants that received 15N just after seeding (28% for irrigation each 10- and 30-d intervals). For the irrigation treatment each 10 and 15 days, the 15N was mainly recovered by the grain for all fertilization treatments, whereas for irrigation treatment each 30 days, the grain and straw recovered nearly equal amounts of fertilizer. For grain and straw of wheat, nitrogen in the plant derived from the fertilizer was low, while most of the N was derived from the soil for all irrigation and fertilization treatments. The % nitrogen in the plant derived from the fertilizer values showed no significant difference between the different plant parts. The results suggested a dominant influence of moisture availability on the fertilizer N uptake by wheat. Under dry conditions the losses of N can be allotted to denitrification and volatilisation.  相似文献   

生活污水尾水灌溉对麦秸还田水稻幼苗及土壤环境的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过盆栽试验研究了麦秸还田下生活污水尾水灌溉对水稻幼苗和土壤环境的影响.测定了不同处理水稻幼苗根系形态、根系活力、分蘖、株高、干物质累积量、土壤亚铁、有机酸、酶活性.结果表明: 与自来水灌溉相比,不施化肥氮时,生活污水尾水灌溉显著提高了水稻移栽后41 d的分蘖数和根系活力;正常施氮肥时,生活污水尾水灌溉显著促进了水稻根系和植株生长,根长、根表面积、根体积、根系活力、水稻分蘖数和干物质累积量均显著高于自来水灌溉处理.生活污水尾水灌溉处理显著降低了土壤Fe2+和有机酸含量,土壤脲酶、过氧化氢酶活性等显著提高.生活污水尾水灌溉和施氮耦合能有效缓解秸秆还田初期对水稻幼苗生长的不利影响,改善水稻生长状况,提升土壤肥力和质量.  相似文献   

Soil nutrients and water have long been recognized as the main determining factors influencing agricultural productivity in rain-fed agriculture. Manure application and irrigation can increase crop yield when nutrients and water are deficient. Often effects of water and nutrients are closely related and can not be easily separated in actual production. Three years of experiment were conducted in northern part of black soil area of Northeast China to investigate the responses of photosynthetic rates and yield/quality of main crops, wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), maize (May zeas L.), soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) to irrigation and manure application. Irrigation and manure application had no effects on photosynthetic patterns during reproductive development in crops, maximum photosynthetic rates were achieved by irrigation, and manure application maintained relatively higher photosynthetic rates after the peak. On average, higher photosynthetic rates with irrigation may contribute to higher yield in soybean but not in maize and wheat. Responses of crop yield and quality to manure application and irrigation varied in the crops. Soybean yield and quality was very sensitive to irrigation and manure application. The greater supply of nutrients with sufficient water, the higher the yield. However, the high-yield of soybean achieved was accompanied with a decline of seed protein content. Maize yield mainly depended on nutrients used not the water supply, irrigation resulted in higher water content in the seed of maize and lower grain protein content in wheat at harvest, which is detrimental to seed storage in maize and processing quality in wheat. In the northern part of black soil area in Northeast China, the management of manure is critical to improve crop production, the optimum management for maize and wheat production was to apply chemical fertilizer and manure without irrigation, but for soybean was to apply fertilizer and manure with irrigation.  相似文献   

It is expected that the CO2 concentration of the Earth’s atmosphere will reach 600–1000 ppm by the end of the 21st century. Therefore, in this study, we evaluated the effects of elevated CO2 concentrations on the development of rain-fed spring wheat in an attempt to identify a practical pathway to increase crop production. To accomplish this, a field experiment was conducted at Guyuan Experimental Station in a semiarid region of China during 2005–2007. During this experiment, the CO2 concentration was increased to 40.0 ppm and supplemental irrigation and nitrogenous fertilizer (N fertilizer) were applied. The experimental results showed that the elevated CO2 concentration significantly improved the thousand-grain weight and the grain number per spike. Furthermore, supplemental irrigation and N fertilizer application during the elongation and booting stage of rain-fed spring wheat in conjunction with an elevated CO2 concentration improved the water use efficiency (WUE), nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), thousand-grain weight, and the yield by 14.6%, 39.6%, 9.3%, and 14.7%, respectively, when compared to groups subjected to the same treatment but not grown under elevated CO2 concentrations. Furthermore, the spring wheat yield was improved by 81.8% in response to an elevated CO2 concentration, 60 mm of supplemental irrigation and applied N fertilizer (37.5 g m?2 NH4NO3). However, the presence of an elevated CO2 concentration without supplemental irrigation and N fertilizer only resulted in an increase in the wheat yield of 7.8%. Consequently, the combination of elevated CO2 concentration, supplemental irrigation and N fertilizer application played an important role in the improvement of WUE, NUE, thousand-grain weight, and grain yield of rain-fed spring wheat in this region.  相似文献   

在等灌水量和施氮量下,探索小麦-玉米一年两熟轮作区玉米秸秆还田后冬小麦生育期微喷灌水氮一体化模式对冬小麦生长发育和水肥利用效率的影响。2016—2018年通过2年田间大区试验,在生育期设6种微喷灌水氮一体化模式,其中,灌水设W1(越冬水+拔节水+灌浆水,各灌600 m3·hm-2)、W2(越冬水+返青水+拔节水+灌浆水,各灌450 m3·hm-2)和W3(越冬水、拔节水各灌600 m3·hm-2,返青水、灌浆水各灌300 m3·hm-2)3种模式;施氮设N1(基施氮60%+随拔节水追氮40%)和N2(基施氮60%+随拔节水追氮30%+随灌浆水追氮10%)2种模式,以W1下不施肥为对照(CK),共7个处理,调查群体动态、灌浆期干物质积累转移和成熟期养分积累规律。结果表明: 1)越冬水灌水量由450 m3·hm-2增至600 m3·hm-2,有利于越冬期植株总茎数和成穗数的增加而增产,灌返青水拔节期总茎数增加,对成穗数影响较小;拔节期施氮越多,单株茎数增加越多,但成穗数降低。2)生育期灌4水(W2和W3),配合拔节期和灌浆期分次水氮一体化(N2),有利于灌浆期总干物质积累、穗粒数和千粒重增加而增产。3)灌4水处理比灌3水处理生育期耗水量和氮、磷、钾素吸收量增加,水肥利用效率提高。灌4水处理(W2和W3)中N2的生育期耗水量低于N1,氮、磷、钾素吸收量高于N1,灌水和氮磷钾利用率显著提高,以W3N2效果最好。因此,W3N2处理,即玉米秸秆还田后播种冬小麦,微喷灌生育期灌4水,越冬水和拔节水灌水量增加到600 m3·hm-2,配合拔节水和灌浆水追施氮肥,使冬小麦成穗数和千粒重增加而增产,且水肥利用效率最高,是山西南部冬小麦微喷灌水肥一体化高产高效最佳水氮管理模式。  相似文献   

辽西半干旱区农田水肥耦合作用对春小麦产量的影响   总被引:29,自引:3,他引:26  
最优饱和设计试验建立的春小麦产量回归数学模型表明,水分是影响辽西半干旱区春小麦产量最为重要的因子,但在自然降水条件下,灌水量上、下限分别为45mm和360mm时,N对春小麦产量影响更为敏感,其次为水与P因子,三因子对小麦产量影响统计分析达显著水平,并且其对小麦产量的影响符合报酬递减率,获得最大利润时,N、P和水三因素最佳经济配比模式为施N量186kg.hm^-2,施P量63kg.hm^-2,灌水量  相似文献   

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