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通过对安徽省野生兰花资源的调查,发现安徽省野生兰花资源主要集中于皖西大别山山区及皖南山区,共有野生兰花资源34属、56种,是华东地区盛产地之一,也是全国乃至世界兰花资源的重要来源;以少种属和寡种属为主;生活类型以地生为主;垂直分布格局上呈一定规律分布;安徽省兰科植物属分布区类型可以划分为9类型3变型,明显的温带和亚热带过渡的特点;另外就安徽省的兰花资源现状提出了保护建议。  相似文献   

兰属(Cymbidium)植物俗称兰花,是我国人民所喜爱的一类花卉,栽培历史悠久,至今盛誉不衰。福建省兰花植物资源丰富,各地有野生兰花资源,也常见栽培,其中不乏有珍稀种类,但资料很不完整。为此,我们根据野外调查,标本和资料,以及部分栽培植株,整理出福建常见的兰属植物10种5变种,以供进一步开发利用和保护兰花植物资源参考。  相似文献   

宁夏野生食用植物资源的调查与信息数据库的建立   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过野外调查与室内工作相结合,对宁夏野生食用植物资源进行调查与统计,建立宁夏野生食用植物资源数据库,并提出了宁夏野生食用植物资源开发和利用存在的问题。结果初步调查到宁夏野生食用资源植物共计74科186属348种10类,其中饮料及野果类植物与野菜植物具有一定的开发潜力,应该在这些野生食用资源植物中进行进一步的筛选,最终主要集中于人工驯化与栽培上。此外针对宁夏野生食用植物资源开发和利用面临的问题,需加强对宁夏野生食用植物资源状况的调查,并进行深入的研究,在前面所做的基础研究上,筛选特色的野生食用资源植物进行合理的开发和利用,之后对筛选出的野生食用资源植物进行人工栽培等工作,在土地可持续利用的前提下,研究野生食用资源植物与其他栽培作物间作的模式,同时在发展过程中通过收集珍贵濒危野生植物资源植物的种质资源,而对其加以保护。  相似文献   

九顶山区野生兰花资源分布及保护   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对九顶山区野生兰花资源的种类、分布现状调查,发现九顶山区有野生兰花资源38属,87种,有些种类已经濒临绝灭。并针对九顶山区野生兰花资源保护管理现状,就如何制定九顶山区野生兰花资源保护管理规划提出决策建议。  相似文献   

长白山野生兰花植物资源及其开发利用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文对长白山野生兰花的种类、分布、储量、生境、花期及开发利用等方面做了详细地调查研究 ,为开发本区野生兰花这一宝贵资源提供了科学资料  相似文献   

庐山野生观赏植物资源多样性及持续利用对策   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
谢国文  季梦成  赖书绅   《广西植物》1996,16(3):259-264
庐山是我国著名的风景旅游和避暑胜地,也是我国中亚热带北缘植物多样性的宝库.本文在广泛调查、收集、整理的基础上,研究了庐山野生观赏植物资源多样性特征、分布、类型及其配置.本区分布有野生观赏植物528种,隶属于115科290属,其中乔木类138种,灌木类140种,藤木类52种,草本类198种.并根据开发与保护现状对庐山野生观赏植物资源多样性的持续利用提出了切实可行的对策.  相似文献   

保护兰花———被忽视的“灰姑娘”兰花以其绚丽多姿而倍受人们青睐。由于生境的破坏许多种兰花受到严重威胁,有些种类已濒临来绝。为能长期利用这些资源,除了寄希望于野生物种贸易法规外,苗圃培植也因保护的需求而出现。兰科植物在全世界约有17500多种,是植物界...  相似文献   

广东山区的兰科植物及其分布   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
通过野外调查和广泛收集前人的研究资料,概述了广东山区兰科植物的区系组成特点,分布区类型,水平分布,垂直分布,不同基质上分布的特点和分布格局的形成,文末附有广东山区兰科植物名录。  相似文献   

西双版纳兰科植物集市贸易特点和保护启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西双版纳是我国兰科植物多样性的热点地区之一。本文对该地区6个主要的集贸市场开展了为期1年(每月1次)的兰科植物贸易调查,以了解该地区野生兰科植物采集和贸易的特点及趋势,为兰科植物的有效保护提供依据。本次调查共记录到兰科植物38属107种,87.9%的种类为附生兰,除铁皮石斛(Dendrobium officinale)外,其余均为野生采集。在记录到的106种野生采集的兰科植物中,93.4%为西双版纳原生分布种,约占该地区野生兰科植物总数的1/4,但大多数种类的记录频次都很低,记录频次在10次以上的仅有14种,说明该地区兰科植物的采集和贸易在种类上具有一定的普遍性和随意性。市场上的兰花售卖者大多数都为当地居民,他们将采集和出售兰花作为经济收入的来源和部分补充。本次调查没有发现跨边境兰花的采集和贸易。西双版纳兰科植物的贸易具有明显的传统性、地域性和季节性,4–6月为兰花贸易的高峰期。石斛属(Dendrobium)植物是最主要的贸易对象,共记录到35种,占总数的32.7%,记录频次最多的种类也都是石斛属植物。本地区药用石斛人工集约化栽培的快速发展并没有减少对野生石斛的采集,反而在一定程度上刺激和促进了市场上的野生石斛贸易。通过对兰花贸易特点的分析,我们针对该地区兰科植物的有效保护提出了针对性的建议,包括应尽快制定和颁布地方性的法律法规,维护和传承本地区传统的植物文化,对古茶园和龙山林等进行持续的保护和采用传统方式管理,开展有针对性的公众教育和宣传来提高公众的保护意识,以及大力发展药用石斛的生态栽培,使更多的当地居民参与其中,并获得收益,从而减少对野生资源的采集。  相似文献   

广东始兴南山自然保护区的植物资源及珍稀植物   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对南山自然保护区的初步调查结果显示,区内有野生维管植物179科565属1039种,国家二级野生保护植物9种,其他珍稀濒危的种类7种。由此可见,南山自然保护区植物资源极其丰富,野生维管植物及珍稀保护植物是其重要组成部分。其中野生维管植物资源种类繁多,蕴藏量较大,而且不少种类具有开发和可持续利用的价值,具有巨大的经济价值和生态价值。  相似文献   

Most rewardless orchids engage in generalized food-deception, exhibiting floral traits typical of rewarding species and exploiting the instinctive foraging of pollinators. Generalized food-deceptive (GFD) orchids compete poorly with rewarding species for pollinator services, which may be overcome by flowering early in the growing season when relatively more pollinators are naive and fewer competing plant species are flowering, and/or flowering for extended periods to enhance the chance of pollinator visits. We tested these hypotheses by manipulating flowering time and duration in a natural population of Calypso bulbosa and quantifying pollinator visitation based on pollen removal. Both early and long flowering increased bumble-bee visitation compared with late and brief flowering, respectively. To identify the cause of reduced visitation during late flowering, we tested whether negative experience with C. bulbosa (avoidance learning) and positive experience with a rewarding species, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, (associative learning) by captive bumble-bees could reduce C. bulbosa's competitiveness. Avoidance learning explained the higher visitation of early- compared with late-flowering C. bulbosa. The resulting pollinator-mediated selection for early flowering may commonly affect GFD orchids, explaining their tendency to flower earlier than rewarding orchids. For dissimilar deceptive and rewarding sympatric species, associative learning may additionally favour early flowering by GFD species.  相似文献   

Many plant species reward their pollinators, whereas some species, particularly among orchids, do not. Similarity of floral cues between co‐flowering species influences how rapidly pollinators learn to avoid deceptive plants. This learning process, which affects the reproductive success of deceptive plants, may additionally depend on relative timing of flowering of sympatric rewarding and deceptive species. We tested the combined effects of corolla colour similarity and flowering order of rewarding and deceptive artificial inflorescences on visitation by naïve bumblebees. When deceptive inflorescences were offered after rewarding inflorescences, bumblebees visited them four times more often if both species were similar compared with when they were dissimilar. Pollinator visitation rate to deceptive inflorescences offered before rewarding inflorescences was intermediate and independent of similarity. Thus, early‐flowering deceptive species avoid the costs of dissimilarity with rewarding species. This mechanism may favour adaptive evolution of flowering phenology in deceptive species and explain why temperate deceptive orchids usually flower earlier than rewarding ones.  相似文献   

Aims Food-deceptive pollination, in which plants do not offer any food reward to their pollinators, is common within the Orchidaceae. As food-deceptive orchids are poorer competitors for pollinator visitation than rewarding orchids, their occurrence in a given habitat may be more constrained than that of rewarding orchids. In particular, the success of deceptive orchids strongly relies on several biotic factors such as interactions with co-flowering rewarding species and pollinators, which may vary with altitude and over time. Our study compares generalized food-deceptive (i.e. excluding sexually deceptive) and rewarding orchids to test whether (i) deceptive orchids flower earlier compared to their rewarding counterparts and whether (ii) the relative occurrence of deceptive orchids decreases with increasing altitude.Methods To compare the flowering phenology of rewarding and deceptive orchids, we analysed data compiled from the literature at the species level over the occidental Palaearctic area. Since flowering phenology can be constrained by the latitudinal distribution of the species and by their phylogenetic relationships, we accounted for these factors in our analysis. To compare the altitudinal distribution of rewarding and deceptive orchids, we used field observations made over the entire Swiss territory and over two Swiss mountain ranges.Important findings We found that deceptive orchid species start flowering earlier than rewarding orchids do, which is in accordance with the hypotheses of exploitation of naive pollinators and/or avoidance of competition with rewarding co-occurring species. Also, the relative frequency of deceptive orchids decreases with altitude, suggesting that deception may be less profitable at high compared to low altitude.  相似文献   

Resources for natural enemies are often lacking in agricultural fields. The provisioning of floral resources in crop fields can ameliorate this problem by providing nectar and pollen to natural enemies. To select an appropriate floral resource, plants must be screened for their flowering times and attractiveness to natural enemies and pests. We tested the attractiveness of nine species of annual flowering plants to hoverflies, which are important predators of aphids in California lettuce fields. We also sampled arthropods in the foliage of tested plants, to assess the abundances of other natural enemy and pest species that were present. Tested plants included three commonly-used insectary plants and six flowering plant species that showed potential as either harvestable herbs or cut flowers. Harvestable insectary plants may provide additional economic incentive for growers to set aside land for floral resources. The commonly-used insectary plant sweet alyssum consistently attracted the most hoverflies and the least bees, while potentially harvestable plants attracted few hoverflies. Competition with bees may have reduced hoverfly visits to several of the tested plant species. Sweet alyssum also stayed in bloom the longest, and contained the highest numbers of predatory hemipterans. Results suggest that plants should be screened for their attractiveness to not only the target biological control agent, but also to other potential competitors for floral resources. While this initial study focused on a limited selection of harvestable annual plants, a wide variety of other marketable plant species, particularly perennials, remain to be tested for their attractiveness to hoverflies or other beneficial arthropods.  相似文献   

Orchidaceae are the largest family of flowering plants, with at least 24 000 species, and perhaps better than any other family of flowering plants, orchids represent the extreme specializations that are possible. As a result, they have long fascinated luminaries of the botanical world including Linnaeus and Darwin, but the size of the family has historically been an impediment to their study. Specifically, the lack of detailed information about relationships within the family made it difficult to formulate explicit evolutionary hypotheses for such a large group, but the advent of molecular systematics has revolutionized our understanding of the orchids. Their complex life histories make orchids particularly vulnerable to environmental change, and as result many are now threatened with extinction. In this Special Issue we present a series of 20 papers on orchid biology ranging from phylogenetics, floral evolutionary development, taxonomy, mycorrhizal associations, pollination biology, population genetics and conservation.  相似文献   

Flowering plant density can increase number of visits and fruit set in multi-flowering plants, however this aspect has not been studied on few flower species. We studied the effects of individual floral display and plant density on the fruit production of the epiphytic, moth-pollinated orchid, Ryncholaelia glauca, in an oak forest of Chavarrillo, Veracruz, Mexico. Species is non-autogamous, and produced one flower per flowering shoot each flowering season. We hypothesized that orchids with more flowering shoots and those on trees with clumps of conspecific should develop more fruits than isolated ones. R. glauca population flowers synchronouly, and individual flowers last up to 18 days, with flowers closing rapidly after pollination. Individuals produced few flowers per year, although some plants developed flowers in both seasons and fewer of them developed fruits both years. There was no relationship between flower number per orchid, or per host tree, with the number of fruits developed per plant. Host trees with flowering and fruiting orchids were randomly dispersed and the pattern of distribution of flowering and fruiting plants was not related. Apparently, pollinators visit the flowers randomly, with no evidence of density dependence. The fruit set of R. glauca was as low as fruit set of multi-flowered orchids moth pollinated, suggesting that fruit set on moth pollinated orchids could be independent of the number of flowers displayed.  相似文献   

Direct observations of pollinator visits to orchids are often difficult and time consuming, especially in orchids with a deceptive pollination system where seed set is typically pollinator-limited. This lack of direct observations greatly inhibits our understanding of orchid-pollinator relationships and especially the degree of pollinator-specificity. Here we describe a molecular approach to the study of orchid-pollinator relationships based on the analysis of DNA recovered from pollinaria found on insects. The insects were collected from nectar-rich plants flowering near natural orchid populations, or taken from museum collections. Sequence analysis of the nuclear ribosomal ITS region allowed the identification of the orchid species or species-group from which the pollinaria originated. Four out of eight orchid-pollinator relationships established with this approach have not been reported previously, which highlights the value of molecular tools for the study of orchid pollination biology.  相似文献   

朱根发  郭振飞 《植物学报》2004,21(4):471-477
兰科植物是开花植物中最大的家族之一,分子标记技术应用于兰科植物的分类鉴定和品种鉴别,为兰花的分类提供了分子水平的证据,也为兰花保护策略和措施的制定提供了理论基础。兰科植物表现有高度特异的形态、结构和生理特性,是研究花着色机理和子房发育的理想对象。兰花离体培养开花系统的建立,可以用来探明兰花从营养生长向生殖生长的转变机制,是研究花的分化和发育的理想材料。兰花具有特异的查尔酮合成酶(CHS)基因和二氢叶酸还原酶(DFR)基因等控制花色素的合成,DOH1基因控制石斛兰花芽的形成和提早开花,PHAL.039基因和ACC合成酶基因在蝴蝶兰授粉后的子房发育中起着重要的调控作用,这些特异基因的分离和克隆为兰花花的分化、发育及着色机制提供了分子基础。蝴蝶兰属、大花蕙兰(Cymbidium hybridium)、石斛兰属、文心兰属、五唇兰属和万代兰属等兰科植物都有转基因的研究报道,主要以原球茎为材料采用基因枪或农杆菌法转化,部分研究获得了转化植株。  相似文献   

About a quarter of Chinese wild orchid species are used in traditional medicine or as health food supplements. The market demand for some species, such as those in the epiphytic genus Dendrobium, has diminished many wild populations to local extinction or dangerously small numbers. Conservation of these heavily exploited orchids currently relies on a two-pronged approach: establishing nature reserves and encouraging massive commercial cultivation in artificial settings. We argue that these measures are not sufficient to restore or maintain healthy wild populations, and augmentation and reintroduction of these species in natural forests are needed. We argue for an unconventional reintroduction approach, in which populations planted in natural forests are allowed to be sustainably harvested (restoration-friendly cultivation). Because Dendrobium orchids are epiphytic, restoration-friendly cultivation of these species will not be at the expenses of other native plants. In addition, market premiums on wild-collected medicinal plants will generate incentives for farmers who participate in restoration-friendly cultivation to preserve natural forests. With proper policy and oversight, the restoration-friendly cultivation of medicinal Dendrobium orchids will facilitate the conservation of these threatened species, encourage protection of natural forests, and benefit marginalized rural communities. Adding this restoration-friendly cultivation into the current mix of conservation approaches has the potential to turn deeply-entrenched traditional uses of orchids from a conservation challenge to a conservation success.  相似文献   

重要观赏兰科植物的分子生物学研究进展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
兰科植物是开花植物中最大的家族之一,分子标记技术应用于兰科植物的分类鉴定和品种鉴别,为兰花的分类提供了分子水平的证据,也为兰花保护策略和措施的制定提供了理论基础.兰科植物表现有高度特异的形态、结构和生理特性,是研究花着色机理和子房发育的理想对象.兰花离体培养开花系统的建立,可以用来探明兰花从营养生长向生殖生长的转变机制,是研究花的分化和发育的理想材料.兰花具有特异的查尔酮合成酶(CHS)基因和二氢叶酸还原酶(DFR)基因等控制花色素的合成,DOHI基因控制石斛兰花芽的形成和提早开花,PHAL039基因和ACC合成酶基因在蝴蝶兰授粉后的子房发育中起着重要的调控作用,这些特异基因的分离和克隆为兰花花的分化、发育及着色机制提供了分子基础.蝴蝶兰属、大花蕙兰(Cymbidium hybrdium)、石斛兰属、文心兰属、五唇兰属和万代兰属等兰科植物都有转基因的研究报道,主要以原球茎为材料采用基因枪或农杆菌法转化,部分研究获得了转化植株.  相似文献   

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