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空气负离子浓度与空气环境质量密切相关.以合肥市为研究对象,按照4个生态功能区(公园游览区、生活居住区、商业交通繁华区和工业区),同步进行了空气负离子浓度、主要气象要素(光照强度、气温、空气相对湿度等)观测.不同功能区空气负离子浓度的日变化特点是: 公园游览区和生活居住区日变化呈单峰形式,工业区呈双峰形式,而商业交通繁华区则比较复杂;极值出现的时间也有差异;4个功能区空气负离子浓度日变化的波动性从大到小依次为商业交通繁华区>工业区>生活居住区>公园游览区.4个功能区空气负离子浓度年变化趋势基本一致,夏季最高,冬季最低.公园游览区、生活居住区、商业交通繁华区和工业区空气负离子浓度年平均值分别是819、340、149和126 个·cm-3.影响合肥市空气负离子浓度的最主要气象因子是空气相对湿度,其次是光照强度,最小为气温.空气负离子浓度与空气相对湿度呈指数递增关系.  相似文献   

植物物候通常被认为是由环境因素,如降水、温度和日照长度所决定,然而环境因素是否是物候唯一的决定因素仍然存在很大争议。谱系结构表征了植物在进化上的顺序,该发育时序是否对物候产生影响,当前仍然未知。在调查2016年春季新疆乌鲁木齐市最常见的31种木本植物的初始开花时间、败花时间和开花持续时间的基础上,通过分析植物开花物候的分布特征、开花物候在乔灌木间的差别、以及植物谱系距离与开花物候距离间的关系,试图揭示植物的开花物候和物种谱系(进化)顺序间的关系。结果表明:(1)新疆乌鲁木齐市31种木本植物的初始开花时间为4月18日±9d、败花时间为5月5日±12d、开花持续时间为(16±8)d;(2)乔木的初始开花时间和败花时间的标准差分别均低于灌木,乔木开花物候相对灌木更稳定;(3)乔木的初始开花和败花时间均显著早于灌木(P0.05),但开花持续时间在两者间未有显著性差异(P0.05);(3)31种木本植物间的初始开花时间距离、败花时间距离和开花持续时间距离均与物种谱系距离存在显著线性回归关系(P0.05)。综上可知:乔灌木在垂直空间上的分化使得木本植物的开花物候在植物生活型间存在不同。对植物的开花物候,除已被证明的降水、温度和日照长度等环境因素的影响外,物种进化顺序也可能造成了它在植物种间、时间和空间上的变异。  相似文献   

为了探讨我国热带地区植物物候与气候变化的关系, 利用海南岛尖峰岭热带树木园12种热带常绿阔叶乔木植物2003-2011年物候观测资料结合同期月平均气温和降水数据, 运用积分回归分析方法, 筛选出影响海南岛12种乔木(8种本地种、4种引入种)展叶始期与开花始期的气象因素以及不同气象因素月值变化(月平均气温和月降水量)综合作用对这些树种物候期的动态影响, 最终建立积分回归-物候预测模型, 对气候变化背景下我国热带地区植物物候变化趋势进行了预测。结果表明: 海南岛12种热带常绿阔叶乔木展叶始期与开花始期均对气候变化做出较明显的响应, 几乎所有的树种展叶始期与开花始期的发生都受到气温和降水的共同影响。多数树种展叶始期受展叶前冬季及春季气温影响显著, 且在临近展叶始期的月份, 气温的影响更显著。上一年秋季月降水量对各树种开花始期的影响比其他时段显著, 这验证了降水的滞后性假说。本地种展叶始期对气候变化的响应比其开花始期对气候变化的响应更敏感, 引入种则相反。各树种展叶和开花在受气温和降水综合影响最明显的月份(假设其余11个月份月平均气温和月降水量不变), 月平均气温升高0.1 ℃、月降水量增加10 mm可使展叶始期和开花始期提前或推迟1-3天。积分回归分析方法为解释海南岛热带常绿阔叶乔木物候与气温和降水的动态关系提供了有效的途径, 基于气温和降水与物候资料建立的积分回归-物候预测模型具有对气温和降水变化影响下物候响应的解释率和预测精度高(R2≥ 0.943)的优点, 对于预测气候变化影响下的植物物候变化趋势有一定的适用性。  相似文献   

为了探讨我国热带地区植物物候与气候变化的关系, 利用海南岛尖峰岭热带树木园12种热带常绿阔叶乔木植物2003-2011年物候观测资料结合同期月平均气温和降水数据, 运用积分回归分析方法, 筛选出影响海南岛12种乔木(8种本地种、4种引入种)展叶始期与开花始期的气象因素以及不同气象因素月值变化(月平均气温和月降水量)综合作用对这些树种物候期的动态影响, 最终建立积分回归-物候预测模型, 对气候变化背景下我国热带地区植物物候变化趋势进行了预测。结果表明: 海南岛12种热带常绿阔叶乔木展叶始期与开花始期均对气候变化做出较明显的响应, 几乎所有的树种展叶始期与开花始期的发生都受到气温和降水的共同影响。多数树种展叶始期受展叶前冬季及春季气温影响显著, 且在临近展叶始期的月份, 气温的影响更显著。上一年秋季月降水量对各树种开花始期的影响比其他时段显著, 这验证了降水的滞后性假说。本地种展叶始期对气候变化的响应比其开花始期对气候变化的响应更敏感, 引入种则相反。各树种展叶和开花在受气温和降水综合影响最明显的月份(假设其余11个月份月平均气温和月降水量不变), 月平均气温升高0.1 ℃、月降水量增加10 mm可使展叶始期和开花始期提前或推迟1-3天。积分回归分析方法为解释海南岛热带常绿阔叶乔木物候与气温和降水的动态关系提供了有效的途径, 基于气温和降水与物候资料建立的积分回归-物候预测模型具有对气温和降水变化影响下物候响应的解释率和预测精度高(R2≥ 0.943)的优点, 对于预测气候变化影响下的植物物候变化趋势有一定的适用性。  相似文献   

在测定武钢工业区园林植物滞尘能力的基础上,结合绿地实地调查和武钢工业区园林绿地GIS,比较分析了园林绿地不同植物种类和层片类型的滞尘能力,并定量研究了武钢厂区园林绿地的滞尘效应.结果表明,不同园林植物的滞尘能力有较大差异,这主要与不同植物的叶表面特性、树冠结构、枝叶密集程度等差异有关.不同层片类型滞尘能力依次为落叶阔叶灌木>常绿阔叶灌木>绿篱>常绿阔叶乔木>落叶阔叶乔木>针叶乔木>草本.武钢厂区园林绿地的日滞尘量是9.51 t,年总滞尘量为3 089.98 t.其中常绿阔叶乔木层片年滞尘量最大,达991.68 t,落叶阔叶灌木层片最小,只有0.0181 t.由于园林绿地的滞尘量取决于所构成植物的滞尘能力及其叶面积绿量,因此,选择滞尘能力强的植物,并以乔灌草不同生活型植物进行合理配置,是提高园林绿地滞尘效应的有效途径.  相似文献   

为了比较不同植物功能型在沙地生境下光合作用和水分利用效率的差异,测定了浑善达克沙地3种功能型的代表种的气体交换特征来比较它们的光合碳固定能力和水分利用状况。3个代表种的气体交换日变化结果表明乔木的光合速率和水分利用效率比草本和灌木的低,而蒸腾速率和气孔导度较高,经过中午的光合午休后,乔木的光合速率在下午没有恢复,而草本和灌木都有不同程度的恢复。在所测定的所有代表物种中,研究地全部的乔木(3种)和灌木(6种)以及典型的草本(2 5种) ,气孔导度与光合速率和蒸腾速率都成显著的正相关关系;另外,在同样的叶片水势情况下,乔木植物的气孔导度最低,在同样的蒸腾速率情况下,乔木植物的光合速率最低。这些结果表明乔木在CO2 同化和H2 O蒸腾平衡上具有低的水分利用效率。从这个角度考虑,我们认为在对沙地进行恢复时,一些草本和灌木种比乔木更合适  相似文献   

不同木本植物功能型当年生小枝功能性状差异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探讨不同植物功能型之间小枝功能特征的差异,在重庆金佛山和缙云山分别采集20和26个木本植物,选择当年生的小枝测定其叶片和枝条性状。结果表明:1)叶片厚度表现为:落叶植物<常绿植物,乔木<灌木;单叶面积和叶片总面积表现为:落叶植物>常绿植物,乔木>灌木;不同植物功能型间小枝的叶片数量均无显著差异。2)落叶植物和乔木的小枝横截面积、小枝长度和小枝干重均显著高于常绿植物和灌木,不同植物功能型间小枝密度无显著差异。3)与常绿植物和灌木相比,落叶植物和乔木有较高的展叶效率(单位长度小枝支撑的叶片面积),小枝的出叶强度(单位长度小枝支撑的叶片数)无显著差异。4)在小枝水平上,常绿植物比落叶植物投入更多的生物量到叶片。  相似文献   

高新月  戴君虎  陶泽兴 《生态学报》2022,42(24):10253-10263
植物物候是植物生活史中的重要性状,也是指示气候与自然环境变化的重要指标,现已成为全球变化领域的研究热点之一。传统物候研究多假设物候由气候因素决定,如气温、降水、光照等,并主要从植物物候的年际变化角度探讨了气候因素对物候特征的影响。然而,不同物种的物候存在较大差异表明植物物候还与自身生物学特性(如系统发育和功能性状)有关,但植物生物学特性如何影响植物物候仍缺乏深入研究。基于北京地区44种木本植物1965-2018年的展叶始期和开花始期观测资料,以展叶始期和开花始期的3类物候特征(平均物候期、物候对温度的响应敏感度和物候期的积温需求)为例,探究植物物候特征与系统发育和功能性状的关系。首先,利用系统发育信号Blomberg’s K和进化模型检验植物物候特征是否具有系统发育保守性,并通过系统发育信号表征曲线直观表达植物物候特征的进化模式;之后,利用广义估计方程分析植物生活型、传粉型与物候特征的关系,以揭示不同植物的资源利用方式及生存策略的差异。研究发现:(1)除展叶始期的温度敏感度外,其余物候特征的进化均受随机遗传漂变和自然选择力的共同作用,可推断物候特征具有系统发育保守性,即亲缘关系越近的物种物候特征越相似。(2)开花始期的系统发育信号强度比展叶始期更大,表明繁殖物候的系统发育可能比生长物候更保守。(3)植物展叶始期及其积温需求与生活型密切相关。灌木比乔木的展叶时间早、积温需求少。植物开花始期与传粉型相关,风媒植物开花显著早于虫媒植物。研究成果有助于深入理解物候变化的生物学机制,对于丰富物候学的理论研究有重要意义,同时对植物保护也具有重要的指导价值。  相似文献   

植物的开花物候受气候因素、植物系统发育关系和功能性状的影响。然而当前植物开花物候研究中未见同时考虑这3个因素的报道。为了解它们相互之间的影响, 本研究利用中国东部地区浙江省古田山国家级自然保护区亚热带常绿阔叶林24 ha大样地(GTS; 118°03′50′′-118°11′12.2′′ E, 29°10′19′′-29°17′41′′ N)设置的130个种子雨收集器5年的开花数据检验这3个因素对开花的影响。结果表明, 古田山植物的开花高峰期集中在5月, 群落开花格局明显受温度和降雨的影响。利用植物DNA条形码数据研究发现, 植物间系统发育关系对古田山植物开花时间有显著影响, 亲缘关系近的物种开花时间更相近。植物的平均开花时间受最大树高的影响, 但不受传粉方式、花色、种子质量和扩散方式的影响。该研究结果说明气候因素、植物系统发育关系和功能性状都可能影响植物开花物候格局, 同时考虑这3个因素能够帮助我们更好地理解开花物候格局。  相似文献   

21科41种(变种)植物叶片几丁质酶系的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对广州地区常见的21科41种(变种)植物叶片几丁质酶系研究的结果表明,所有受试植物都具有几丁质酶活性。几丁质酶不仅存在于被子植物的双子叶植物和单子叶植物中,而且也存在于裸子植物及蕨类植物中。几丁质酶活性及比活性均较高的有蕹菜、葱、蕨类植物、蒜、茄科植物、玉米、菜豆、番木瓜等。植物一般都具有两种几丁质酶:外切酶和内切酶。几丁质外切酶活性及比活性均较高的有蕨类植物、葱、茄科植物等。几丁质内切酶活性及比活性均较高的有蕹菜、裸子植物等。不同植物几丁质外切酶与内切酶的比例相差较大。有些植物的几丁质酶系以外切酶为主,如茄科植物、大部分豆科植物、番木瓜等;有些植物以内切酶为主,如裸子植物、伞形科植物、蕹菜等;有些植物的外切酶与内切酶含量相差不大。  相似文献   

The vegetative growth and fruiting of two cowpea cultivars,Adzuki and Early Ramshorn, were studied in controlled environmentexperiments, using two light intensities and three P levelsin sand and in soil media. The higher light intensity reducedplant height, but improved plant growth in terms of increasedbranching, leaf area, plant size and seed yield. High lightintensity delayed flowering, but increased blossom and pod numbers. Increasing levels of applied P enhanced growth, blossom andfruit numbers, as well as leaf numbers and area and earlinessof flowering. Generally, Early Ramshorn plants grew faster andproduced heavier seeds than Adzuki plants, especially at highP. However, Adzuki plants produced greater numbers of flowers,pods and seeds than did Early Ramshorn plants. Under high lightintensity, Adzuki produced the greatest number of seeds at theintermediate P level in sand culture, and this number was greaterthan that produced by Early Ramshorn at the highest P level. In Adzuki, P nutrition did not markedly modify the adverse effectof low light intensity on pod set and mature pod number, anindication of a lower external P requirement and/or higher efficiencyof P utilization than in Early Ramshorn. Phosphorous generallyincreased growth rate and yield and could thus be used to offsetsome of the adverse effects of low light intensity especiallyon Early Ramshorn as well as to hasten growth and maturation.The results obtained with soil culture were similar to thosewith sand culture.  相似文献   

Net primary productivity and community structure were studied at three adjacent swamp sites that were all once subject to seasonal flooding. Because of man-related activities one is now permanently flooded, and a second is managed on a summer-fall dry period and a winter-spring flooded period. In the permanently flooded area such flood-intolerant trees as green ash are dying while shrubs and aquatic plants are increasing. Competition among overstory trees is reduced, enhancing growth of existing baldcypress and water tupelo trees. Total areal production, however, is low (887 g/m2/yr) because of fewer trees. Productivity in the managed area is high (1,780 g/m2/yr). The baldcypress-water tupelo community is being replaced by a swamp maple-ash community typical of bottomlands. In the natural swamp forest, baldcypress and water tupelo have remained dominant. Canopy closure has limited understory and aquatic growth but has also increased competition among overstory trees, resulting in a slow increase in basal area. Productivity is about 1,166 g/m2/yr. It is suggested that the flooding regime is an important controlling factor in each of the areas.  相似文献   

Growth of strawberry plants (Dunlap, Sparkle, and Catskill) in the greenhouse was affected by the time of rooting of the runners in the field. This was shown by more rapid leaf and leaf-area production, larger leaf size, more runners and root growth on the older compared to the younger runner plants. The oldest plants also produced the greatest number of flower buds, but the time of bloom was not appreciably affected. The growth responses of plants of different sizes were similar to those of plants of different ages. These growth responses were most apparent during the first stages of growth, but the resulting differences frequently persisted for several months. Significant differences between cultivars were also found. Initially the greatest leaf size and leaf area were produced by Catskill plants. Because of a higher leaf production rate, Sparkle plants eventually had the largest leaf area. Sparkle plants were the last to flower and also to initiate runner production. Dunlap plants were the first to flower and produced the largest number of flowers. In the field, leaf production records indicated responses from cultivars and plant age similar to those found in the greenhouse.  相似文献   

茂兰喀斯特区68种典型植物叶片化学计量特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究茂兰喀斯特区不同功能(类)群植物叶片的养分含量及化学计量特征,揭示其在时间和空间尺度上的变化规律,阐明碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)、钾(K)等养分含量与C∶N∶P间的相互关系,探讨N∶P对该区域植物生长的指示作用,以期能够更深入的了解其养分利用状况及适生性,为喀斯特森林的稳定性及维持机制提供理论依据。以茂兰喀斯特区68种典型植物为研究对象,分别测定不同生长阶段植物叶片的C、N、P和K含量,并计算其化学计量比。结果表明:研究区68种植物分属40科62属;其叶片C、N、P和K含量的几何平均值分别为445.87 g/kg、17.32 g/kg、1.35 g/kg和9.86 g/kg,C∶N的算术平均值为26.93,C∶P、C∶K、N∶P、N∶K和P∶K的几何平均值分别为330.93、45.22、12.85、1.76和0.137;C与N呈极显著负相关,N与P、K以及P与K均呈极显著正相关,N与C∶P和C∶K、P与C∶N、C∶K和N∶K以及K与C∶N、C∶P和N∶P均呈极显著负相关,且它们之间均具有二次函数、指数函数或幂函数的非线性耦合关系;从变异程度来看,C含量为弱变异,N、P、K含量及各元素的化学计量比则均属中等变异或强变异。从植物不同生活型来比较,各生长阶段的C含量均表现为灌木乔木草本,N、P和K含量均为草本灌木乔木,各元素的化学计量比则均为乔木灌木草本。从植物不同系统发育来分析,各生长阶段蕨类植物的N、P、K含量均要高于种子植物,而各元素的化学计量比则正好相反。从不同生长阶段来看,各功能(类)群植物生长期(或生长盛期)的养分含量均要高于落叶期(或生长末期);乔木、灌木和草本等不同生活型植物落叶期的C∶P、C∶K、N∶P和N∶K均要高于生长期;蕨类植物各元素的化学计量比不同生长阶段间差异都不显著;而种子植物的C∶P、C∶K、N∶P和N∶K则均表现为落叶期生长期。对比我国其他地区及全国和全球尺度上的研究结果,该区域植物的生长发育易受N和P素的双重限制,但又因功能(类)群及生长阶段的不同其受限的养分元素也存在一定差异,体现了对高度异质的喀斯特生境不同的适应策略;而植物体内较高的K含量则可能是提高其自身抗性、适应恶劣环境的重要因素。减少人为干扰、加之适当的保护,在植物生长期配以适量的N素添加,有利于其更好的生长发育,有助于提高喀斯特森林生态系统的稳定性和抗干扰性。研究结果揭示了喀斯特森林植物的适生机制,对喀斯特森林的保护具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

亚热带常绿阔叶林植物幼树阶段适应林内生境并开枝散叶是其长成大树的一个重要过程, 植物一年内多次抽枝的现象及其在抽枝展叶过程中小枝伸长、枝茎增粗与叶面积的增加优先顺序及其内在驱动机制还有待进一步研究。该研究对青城山常绿阔叶林木本植物多次抽枝发生比例进行了调查, 并以茶(Camellia sinensis)、细枝柃(Eurya loquaiana)、短刺米槠(Castanopsis carlesii var. spinulosa)、润楠(Machilus nanmu)和大叶山矾(Symplocos grandis) 5种植物的幼树为研究对象, 比较分析了植物在多次抽枝中小枝和叶片生长动态及适应策略的差异。结果显示: 1)一、二次抽枝分别开始于春季(4月)和夏末(8月下旬), 小枝水平上二次抽枝率乔木小于灌木, 常绿植物小于落叶植物。2)一次抽枝小枝枝长、单叶面积, 小枝直径和叶片数量(除大叶山矾外)均高于二次抽枝, 但二次抽枝单叶面积相对生长速率均高于一次抽枝, 二次抽枝叶片比叶质量(LMA)的增长速率高于一次抽枝。3)一次抽枝小枝枝长、叶片数量、小枝直径(除细枝柃和短刺米槠外)和总叶面积(除短刺米槠外)最大相对生长速率均高于二次抽枝, 且大部分物种最大相对生长速率出现在抽枝开始的第一、二周。4)两次抽枝中, 物种先侧重于叶片的生长, 其次是小枝枝长的生长, 最后是小枝直径的增粗。单叶面积和总叶面积皆随着小枝枝长和小枝直径的增加呈显著的异速生长关系, 表明叶片的增长速度大于小枝。单叶面积与叶片数呈显著大于1的异速生长关系, 暗示单叶面积的增长速度大于叶片数的增加速度。小枝枝长与小枝直径也呈显著大于1的异速生长关系, 揭示小枝枝长的增长速度大于小枝直径。综上所述, 两次抽枝过程中, 植物枝叶的优先生长顺序反映了植物为获取更多的资源(尤其是光源)而形成特定的抽枝展叶策略; 二次抽枝单叶面积相对生长速率和LMA增长速率高于一次抽枝, 这可能与植物即将面临的昆虫取食和气温降低压力有关。因此, 了解植物抽枝策略对于理解物种生态适应机制, 揭示物种生活史过程中存在的权衡关系具有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

 采用开顶式生长室(Open-top chamber, OTC)模拟增温对植被影响的研究方法, 研究了川西亚高山林线交错带糙皮桦(Betula utilis) 和岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)幼苗物候及生长特性对模拟增温的响应。结果表明, 温度升高使岷江冷杉幼苗芽开放时间显著提前(15.2 d); 糙 皮桦春季芽物候期变化不显著, 而落叶时间明显推迟(19.7 d), 叶寿命延长(22.8 d)。与对照(CK)相比, OTC内糙皮桦叶面积和岷江冷杉叶片长度及两者侧枝生长速率都显著加快。模拟增温对两物种基径相对生长速率都表现为正效应, 增温对两物种枝叶特性及分布格局表现为不同程度 的正效应、负效应或无影响。不同功能型两物种对模拟增温响应方式存在一定程度差异。  相似文献   

We studied photosynthetic capacity, growth, sap flow, and water-use efficiency in young trees of ‘Pink Lady’ apple (Malus domestica) that were exposed to 60 d of moisture stress. Three irrigation schemes were tested in the greenhouse: well-watered control; drought; or alternate deficit irrigation (ADI). Compared with the drought-stressed plants, those treated via ADI showed better height growth, larger scion diameters, and greater total leaf area, as well as significantly increased gains in dry biomass and rootstock diameters. However, their performance was still significantly lower than that demonstrated by continuously well-watered plants. Sap flow was greater under ADI than under drought, but less than under control conditions. The average rate of net photosynthesis, total amount of irrigation water applied, and dry biomass gain had highly significant and positive linear correlations with long-term water-use efficiency (WUEL). The same was true between average stomatal conductance and WUEL. By contrast, instantaneous water-use efficiency (WUEI) was very significantly and negatively correlated with WUEL. In addition, values for WUEL were much higher from well-watered plants when compared with either drought-stressed trees or those treated per ADI. Therefore, our results indicate that, although ‘Pink Lady’ apple normally has high WUE, it still consumes a large amount of water. Therefore, the practice of ADI following a period of long-term drought could be used to improve growth and WUEL by this cultivar.  相似文献   

The effects of shading in combination with salinity treatments were studied in citrus trees on two rootstocks with contrasting salt tolerance to determine if shading could reduce the negative effects of salinity stress. Well-nourished 2-year-old 'Valencia' orange trees grafted on Cleopatra mandarin (Cleo, relatively salt tolerant) or Carrizo citrange (Carr, relatively salt sensitive), were grown either under a 50% shade cloth or left unshaded in full sunlight. Half the trees received no salinity treatment and half were salinized with 50 mM Cl- during two 9 week salinity periods in the spring and autumn interrupted by an 11 week rainy period. The shade treatment reduced midday leaf temperature and leaf-to-air vapour pressure deficit regardless of salinity treatments. In non-salinized trees, shade increased midday CO2 assimilation rate (A(CO2)) and stomatal conductance, but had no effect on leaf transpiration (E(lf)). Shade also increased leaf chlorophyll and photosynthetic water use efficiency (A(CO2)/E(lf)) in leaves on both rootstocks and increased total plant dry weight in Cleo. The salinity treatment reduced leaf growth and leaf gas exchange parameters. Shade decreased Cl- concentrations in leaves of salinized Carr trees, but had no effect on leaf or root Cl- of trees on Cleo. There were no significant differences in leaf gas exchange parameters of shaded and unshaded salinized plants but the growth reduction from salinity stress was actually greater for shaded than for unshaded trees. Shaded trees on both rootstocks had higher leaf Na+ than unshaded trees after the first salinity period, and this shade-induced elevated leaf Na+ persisted after the second salinity period in trees on Carr. Thus, shading did not alleviate the negative effects of salinity on growth and Na+ accumulation.  相似文献   

Leaf-area development in King Edward potato plants infected with Verticillium albo-atrum and V. dahliae was examined both in plants with a normal growth pattern and in those where maturity had been artificially delayed. Methods are described for producing uniform, single-stemmed, initially disease-free host plants, and for measuring their total and green leaf areas throughout their development. Under both growth conditions the pathogens had no apparent effect upon the initiation of new leaves on the main axis of the plant, but they did influence their subsequent development. During the growing period the pathogens caused stunting, thus preventing the production of the potential maximum leaf area, while at maturity the chlorosis and necrosis of the diseased leaves and their premature fall reduced functional leaf area. In diseased plants in which maturity had been delayed, stunting at the apices was more apparent: internode length, leaf petiolar axis length and leaf area were all smaller than in healthy plants, the greatest reductions being shown in leaf area. Cells in the stunted leaves were fewer and smaller than those in healthy leaves. A direct result of leaf-area reduction was the development of smaller tubers, with consequent reduction in the fresh weight, and some reduction in tuber number. V. albo-atrum invariably proved to be more virulently pathogenic than V. dahliae; the use of an average Verticillium index was shown to be a reliable method for estimating relative virulence since it reflected both leaf area and yield reductions. Delaying host maturity and thus lengthening the period of extension growth conferred some resistance on plants infected with V. dahliae; symptom progression was stopped after its initial expression, and consequently leaf area was increased. This form of resistance was not shown in the plants inoculated with V. albo-atrum.  相似文献   

Two genets of Abutilon theophrasti were clonally replicated and grown to maturity in a glasshouse at two levels of nutrient supply. The seeds produced were weighed and the resulting seedlings exposed to two nutrient levels during development. The progeny plants were harvested on three occasions, and leaf areas and dry weights of the different plant parts were determined. At the early stages of growth an increase in the maternal nutrient supply significantly increased seedling height, cotyledon area, and leaf areas, and seed weight had a significant effect on several traits. The maternal nutrient addition had no significant effect at a later stage of growth (35 d after sowing), but at 56 d after sowing it did affect offspring leaf areas and dry weights. Significant interaction terms indicate that the response to parental nutrient addition may depend both on genotype and on the nutrient status of the progeny. Different plant characters are differentially sensitive to maternal conditions and these may be expressed at different stages of development.  相似文献   

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