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目的:探讨平均红细胞血红蛋白量(MCH)、平均红细胞体积(MCV)、红细胞分布宽度变异系数(RDW-CV)、血红蛋白A_2(Hb A_2)和红细胞脆性试验在地中海贫血和缺铁性贫血鉴别中的价值。方法:以地中海贫血基因诊断和血清铁蛋白测定作为确诊地中海贫血和缺铁性贫血的分组依据,选择2012年1月1日至2014年12月31日广州军区总医院经分子生物学和血清铁蛋白检测的156例患者为研究对象,将其分为地中海贫血组115例(其中α地中海贫血77例,β地中海贫血37例,α地中海贫血复合β地中海贫血1例)和缺铁性贫血组41例;比较患者的MCH、MCV、RDW-CV、Hb A_2和红细胞脆性等血液学指标,采用ROC曲线评价鉴别地中海贫血和缺铁性贫血的血液学指标,试找出最适合鉴别这2种贫血的截断值(cut-off值),以截断值计算上述血液学指标鉴别这2种贫血的灵敏度、特异性、预测值与准确率。结果:地中海贫血患者与缺铁性贫血患者的MCH、MCV和红细胞脆性差异有统计学意义(P0.05),RDW-CV差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。MCH、MCV和红细胞脆性的ROC曲线下面积依次为0.641、0.654、0.778,其最佳截断值分别为23.65 pg、72.8 f L、43.5%;MCH、MCV和红细胞脆性试验在鉴别地中海贫血和缺铁性贫血中的灵敏度分别为89.84%、83.94%、80.42%。Hb A_2在α地中海贫血患者与缺铁性贫血患者间差异无统计学意义(P0.05);Hb A_2在β地中海贫血患者与缺铁性贫血患者间差异有统计学意义(P0.001),Hb A_2在ROC曲线下面积为0.925,最佳截断值为2.93%,鉴别β地中海贫血和缺铁性贫血的灵敏度为92.50%。结论:用MCH、MCV、Hb A_2、红细胞脆性试验最佳截断值对鉴别地中海贫血和缺铁性贫血有一定的价值;Hb A_2在鉴别α地中海贫血和缺铁性贫血中无意义;Hb A2鉴别β地中海贫血和缺铁性贫血的灵敏度高。  相似文献   

目的探讨平均红细胞体积(MCV)、平均红细胞血红蛋白含量(MCH)及血红蛋白A2(HbA2)检测指标对地中海贫血筛查的价值。方法选取钦北区婚检人群行地中海贫血筛查的受检者1254例,进行MCV、MCH、HbA2检测,其中确诊为地中海贫血基因携带者939例,包括α地中海贫血、β地中海贫血,确诊未携带地中海贫血基因的受检者315例。结果 HbA2检测灵敏度、阴性预测值、诊断符合率均低于MCV、MCH、MCV+MCH检测,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。MCV+MCH+HbA2联合检测,β地贫的灵敏度、特异度、阳性预测值、阴性预测值、诊断符合率均高于α地贫,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论单独MCV、MCH以及两种方法联合检测均是地贫筛查的理想方法,MCV+MCH初筛结果最优,而同时行HbA2检测可有效进行分型诊断,也具有一定的临床价值。  相似文献   

目的:分析并探讨小儿幽门螺杆菌感染与缺铁性贫血的相关性。方法:选择2012年2月至2013年2月本院门诊患儿412例,行血常规、血清铁、血清铁蛋白、HP-IgG抗体检测。结果:HP感染患儿IDA26例,IDA患病率为20.4%(26/127),HP未感染患儿IDA19例,IDA患病率为6.7%(19/285)。两者比较差异有统计学意义(x2=17.21,P=0.00)。对比两组患儿MCV、MCH、MCHC指标,差异具有显著性(P均0.05)。45例IDA患儿中26例有HP感染,感染率为57.8%(26/45),367例非IDA患儿中有101例HP感染,感染率为27.5%(101/367)。两者比较差异有统计学意义(x2=17.21,P=0.00)。结论:HP感染同IDA发病有显著相关性,HP感染可以是导致IDA的原因。  相似文献   

陈石莲 《蛇志》2022,(1):52-55
目的 分析血常规检验在地中海贫血和缺铁性贫血诊断与鉴别诊断中的应用价值. 方法 选取2019年7月~2021年7月我院收治的100例地中海贫血、缺铁性贫血患者作为研究对象,两组患者均行血常规检验,比较两组患者检查结果中红细胞体积分布宽度(RDW)、红细胞平均体积(MCV)、红细胞平均血红蛋白浓度(MCHC)、红细胞平均...  相似文献   

目的:探讨血清铁调素(Hepcidin)在老年人群缺铁性贫血(IDA)和慢性病贫血(ACD)中的应用价值。方法:选择老年IDA患者32例,老年ACD患者34例,健康对照组28例。检测对比三组血清Hepcidin、血清铁(SI)、血清铁蛋白(SF)、C-反应蛋白(CRP)、红细胞数(RBC)、血红蛋白(Hb)、红细胞比容(HCT)、红细胞平均体积(MCV)、白细胞数(WBC)水平。结果:ACD组中WBC明显高于IDA组(P0.05)。血清Hepcidin在IDA组、ACD组及对照组之间具有显著性差异(P0.05),IDA组中Hepcidin含量比对照组低,而ACD组中Hepcidin含量比对照组高(P0.05)。IDA组、ACD组中SI明显低于对照组(P0.05),而两组间无显著性差异(P0.05)。ACD组中SF、CRP均明显高于IDA组与对照组(P0.05)。Hepcidin诊断IDA组的ROC曲线下面积(AUC)值大于诊断ACD组,IDA组的诊断指数高于ACD组。结论:血清Hepcidin含量的检测对于鉴别IDA和ACD具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

目的:探讨生血宁片联合琥珀酸亚铁片治疗妊娠期缺铁性贫血患者的疗效及对铁代谢的影响。方法:选取2015年2月-2017年2月我院收治的妊娠期缺铁性贫血患者200例为研究对象。将其以随机数字表法分成对照组(n=100)和研究组(n=100)。对照组予以口服琥珀酸亚铁片治疗,研究组则予以生血宁片联合琥珀酸亚铁片治疗,两组均连续治疗4周。分别比较两组临床疗效、治疗前后血液学指标、治疗前后铁代谢指标以及不良妊娠结局情况。结果:研究组治疗总有效率明显较对照组升高(P0.05)。治疗后两组患者血红蛋白(Hb)、红细胞(RBC)、平均红细胞体积(MCV)以及平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度(MCHC)水平均明显高于治疗前,且研究组高于对照组(P0.05)。治疗后两组患者血清铁、转铁蛋白饱和度(TSAT)水平均明显高于治疗前,且研究组又明显高于对照组(P0.05)。与对照组比较,研究组不良妊娠结局发生率降低(P0.05)。结论:生血宁片联合琥珀酸亚铁片治疗妊娠期缺铁性贫血患者的临床疗效显著,改善患者血液学指标以及铁代谢水平,降低不良妊娠结局发生风险,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

探讨脐带血MCV(红细胞平均体积)和MCH(红细胞平均血红蛋白含量)筛查新生儿地中海贫血的可行性,确定MCV和MCH最佳临界值。采集来自广东省21个不同地区13 396例新生儿脐带血样本。应用标准全自动血细胞分析仪对新生儿脐带血进行全血细胞分析,采用液相芯片技术对脐带血进行基因验证。应用统计学方法计算出灵敏度和特异度,使用ROC曲线(受试者特征工作曲线)确定MCV、MCH的最佳截断值。结果发现携带地中海贫血基因的脐带血中MCV、MCH值下降,它们可以作为新生儿地中海贫血的筛查指标。α-地中海贫血、β-地中海贫血,以及αβ-复合型地中海贫血的截断值分别为104 fl/34 pg;110 fl/36 pg;104 fl/33pg。根据我们的结果,MCV和MCH有较高的灵敏度和特异度。同时,应用MCV、MCH两项指标筛查不同类型的地贫患儿时,诊断符合率较高。此外,MCV、MCH的ROC曲线下面积较大,特异度和灵敏度高,筛查效果好。可以得出的结论:广东省新生儿地中海贫血发病率高,MCV和MCH应用于新生儿地中海贫血的早期诊断具有重要价值。  相似文献   

低氧对甘肃鼢鼠体内ACTH及血液生理指标的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢芬  李涛  何建平 《动物学杂志》2012,47(5):119-123
为研究低氧对甘肃鼢鼠(Myospalax cansus)血清促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)及血液生理指标的影响,采用KX-21N全自动血液分析仪对甘肃鼢鼠低氧处理前后血液中红细胞数(RBC)﹑血红蛋白浓度(HGB)﹑红细胞压积(HCT)、平均红细胞体积(MCV)、平均血红蛋白含量(MCH)及平均血红蛋白浓度(MCHC)进行测定,并采用SN-695A型智能放免r测量仪测定血清中ACTH浓度。结果表明,氧浓度分别为14.1%、10.5%和6.5%条件下,甘肃鼢鼠RBC、HGB和HCT均显著升高,MCV变化不明显,MCH和MCHC下降,血清ACTH含量显著升高;腹腔注射ACTH后甘肃鼢鼠RBC、HGB、HCT均显著升高。说明低氧激活了甘肃鼢鼠下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺皮质轴(HPA),导致ACTH分泌增加,刺激皮质酮分泌,致RBC、HGB、HCT含量增加,从而提高血液中红细胞的携氧能力以适应低氧生活环境。  相似文献   

铁是人体必需的微量元素之一。铁离子是红细胞中血红蛋白的组成成分,缺铁会引致缺铁性贫血。据世界卫生组织(WHO)报导,缺铁性贫血是遍及全球的营养缺乏症,特别是发展中国家更为严重。我国儿童缺铁性贫血患病率约占50%以上。如果用硫酸亚铁和乳酸亚铁等制剂作  相似文献   

目的:探讨肺炎患儿血清维生素D及微量元素监测的临床意义。方法:选取我院2015年1月-2016年1月收治的600例肺炎患儿为观察组及同期来我院体检的健康儿童400例为对照组,检测两组受试儿童的维生素D、铁、锌、钙、铜、镁水平。结果:观察组患儿锌、铁缺乏比例均明显高于健康儿童(P0.05),两组钙、铜、镁缺乏比例相比差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。观察组1岁以下(包括1岁,婴儿期)、1-3岁(包括3岁,幼儿期)、3-6岁(包括6岁,学龄前)患儿体内锌、铁含量明显低于同年龄段健康儿童(P0.05),各组钙、铜、镁含量相比差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。两组受试儿童体内25-羟基维生素D含量及其缺乏情况相比差异均无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:锌和铁缺乏可能与儿童肺炎的发生发展具有一定的关系,及时补充锌和铁有助于提高患儿免疫力,促进患儿恢复。  相似文献   

This study evaluates the consequences of a session of intensive short-duration exercise and Zn supplementation on different hematological variables. Forty male Wistar rats were divided into four groups (n=10): the first nonsupplemented, maintained at rest (R); the second nonsupplemented, undergoing exercise (E); the third supplemented with Zn, kept at rest (ZnR); and the fourth supplemented with Zn, undergoing exercise (ZnE). Zinc supplements (200 ppm) were given in drinking water. The exercise consisted of a single session of swimming until exhaustion. At rest, RBC, Hb, and Hto fell (p<0.05), whereas red cell indices, MCV, and MCH rose (p<0.05) in +ZnR compared with R; MCHC remained unchanged (ZnR vs R). After exercise, RBC, Hb, and Hto increased significantly in E and in ZnE compared with R and ZnR, respectively. In addition, RBC and Hb were lower (p<0.01) in ZnE compared with E; however, MCV and MCH were higher (p<0.05) in the group ZnE vs E. With respect to white blood cells—leukocytes (WBC), limphocytes (LYMPH), and neutrophiles (NEUT)—no significant differences were observed between groups at rest (ZnR vs R). WBC and LYMPH increased significantly in E with respect to the rest situation (E vs R), but this did not happen in supplemented animals (ZnE vs ZnR). Level of pH decreased after exercise both in E and in ZnE, but the fall was lower in the latter. We believe that a single session of swimming until exhaustion leads to an increase in RBC, Hb, and Hto without causing changes in MCV, MCH, and MCHC. On the other hand, Zn supplementation leads to an increase of MCV and MCH, although they remain within normal levels. Furthermore, this supplementation produces lower metabolic acidoses after exercise that leads to leukocyte stability.  相似文献   

An animal's physiology limits the environmental conditions where it can persist; quantifying the physiology of the walrus is timely since they are being impacted by alterations in sea ice. We examined postnatal changes in hematology, an important attribute that supports diving, by analyzing a longitudinal data set from aquaria walruses (five males and nine females) sampled from 0.04 to 12.0 years of age (n = 795 samples). Red blood cell count (RBC), hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (Hct), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean cell hemoglobin (MCH), and mean corpuscular hemoglobin content (MCHC) did not change markedly after birth and appears to have not been influenced by sex. Estimated values at birth were RBC: 3.78 ± 0.12 × 106 mm−3, Hb: 17.62 ± 0.82 g dl−1, Hct: 45.21 ± 2.01%, MCV: 118.99 ± 3.99 fl, MCH: 47.10 ± 1.77 pg, and MCHC: 39.60 ± 0.70 g dl−1. Compared to newborns, there were only subtle decreases in RBC, Hb, and MCHC, and a slight increase in MCV in the years following birth; Hct and MCH appear not to have changed. Unlike other pinnipeds, walruses swim within days of birth and have a prolonged 2-year nursing interval. Mature hematology early in life supports breath-holding, as young walruses must transit under sea ice with patchily distributed breathing holes.  相似文献   

1. In 195 European bisons divided into four groups (Group 1, 0-3 year-old males; Group 2, 0-3 year-old females; Group 3, mature bulls, over 3 years old; Group 4, mature cows, over 3 years old) seasonal changes in red blood cell number and diameter, haemoglobin level, haematocrit value, index F, MCH, MCHC and MCV were studied. 2. Seasonal cyclicity was found only in red blood cell diameters in all groups. 3. In young males the cyclicity was found in MCHC and in MCV only. 4. In young females the cyclicity was found in Hb and Hct values, in MCH and in MCV. 5. In mature bulls cyclicity was found only in RBC diameter and in MCV. 6. In mature cows the cyclicity was found in index F, MCH and in MCHC values. 7. Seven out of 14 acrophases of cyclic indices occurred just before autumnal equinox and three before vernal equinox.  相似文献   

Lignan complex has been isolated from flaxseed. It has been shown to reduce serum lipids and the extent of hypercholesterolemic atherosclerosis. However, it is not known whether the chronic use of lignan complex has any adverse effects on the hemopoietic system. The effects of lignan complex (40 mg/kg body wt orally daily for 2 months) on the red blood cells (RBC) count, mean corpuscular volume (MCV), red cell distribution width (RDW), hematocrit (Hct), hemoglobin (Hb), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), and counts of white blood cell (WBC), granulocytes, lymphocytes, monocytes and platelet, and platelet volume were investigated in normo- and hypercholesterolemic rabbits. The results show that lignan complex had no adverse effects of counts of RBC, WBC, granulocytes, lymphocytes, monocytes and platelet in both the normo- and hyper-cholesterolemic rabbits. The values for MCV, RDW, Hct, Hb, MCH, MCHC, and platelet volume were similar in lignan complex-treated or untreated normo- and hypercholesterolemic rabbits. It is concluded that chronic use of lignan complex had no adverse effects on the hemopoietic system. (Mol Cell Biochem 270: 139–145, 2005)  相似文献   

Several blood parameters were studied in the dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula subjected to different confinement conditions (transport and maintenance) and zinc contamination. Confinement stress significantly decreased erythrocyte counts (RBCC), haematocrit (Ht), haemoglobin (Hb), leucocrit (Lt), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH) and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC). Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) did not change with this stress and plasma glucose concentration significantly increased. In fish subjected to confinement stress conditions, Zn treatment significantly decreased Hb, MCH and MCHC and plasma glucose concentration. Ht and MCV did not change and Lt and RBCC significantly increased. Results are discussed related to other stress effects and effects of zinc treatment on fish confined in non-stressful conditions.  相似文献   


Hematological and biochemical profiles commonly are required in equine medicine. We studied hematological parameters including red blood cells (RBC), white blood cells (WBC), hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (PCV), differential leukocyte counts, mean cell volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) in thoroughbred foals at different ages and for both sexes. Sixty healthy thoroughbred foals, 1 day, 3 days and 1 year old were used. Each age group consisted of 10 male and 10 female animals. We found significant differences related to age in RBC values of females, PCV, MCV values of males, WBC, neutrophil percentages, lymphocyte percentages, monocyte percentages of females, and eosinophil percentages and basophil percentages. Significant differences related to gender were found only with regard to PCV at 1 year and WBC at 1 day. The hematological parameters of thoroughbred foals up to one year old may be useful for evaluating and monitoring the health of these animals.  相似文献   

The blood parameters—red blood cell (RBC) count, hematocrit (Ht), hemoglobin concentration (Hb), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)—were studied for the first time in free ranging pigeons Columba livia f. urbana. The aim of the study was to establish a set of reference values for this ubiquitous urban species and to examine a potential influence of the factors such as sex and phase of the breeding cycle on the hematological parameters. Blood was sampled from the adult individuals of both sexes during the breeding cycle. Significant variations in Ht and Hb were observed, while RBC count remained unchanged. The lower hematocrit value and hemoglobin concentration found in both males and females during molt probably resulted from the increase of plasma volume not accompanied by an increase in RBC. On the other hand, a significant physiological stress of nutritional deficiency during this energy-consuming stage may manifest itself in the decreased Ht and Hb values. The higher values of Ht and Hb during the laying phase could be related to the dehydration status. There were no overall differences in MCV, MCH, and MCHC values in either of the breeding stage. A lack of sex dimorphism in the measured and calculated blood parameters was apparent. Data collected herein contribute to the better understanding of general physiology of the ubiquitous urban species. The knowledge of variation in the blood indexes with respect to sex and breeding stage is crucial before blood parameters can provide an useful information on physical condition of the bird.  相似文献   

Red blood cell count (RBC), hemoglobin concentration ([Hb]) and hematocrit (Hct) were measured in 303 male Quechua children and adults, aged 6 to 57 years, living a lifestyle as traditional pastoralists and horticulturalists at a mean altitude of 4,200 m in the Southern Peruvian Andes. Values for RBC, [Hb], and Hct increased with age from middle childhood to young adulthood. However, among adults there was no significant association between age and any of these three parameters. Overall, there was approximately a 10-12% increase in the RBC, [Hb], and Hct above sea-level norms for all age groups. Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) showed a slight but significant increase with age in children and adolescents, but the mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) did not. We conclude that the study of highland Quechua Indians, living a traditional lifestyle as pastoralists and horticulturalists, does not support the long-held belief that altitude hypoxia provokes a dramatic compensatory polycythemia in healthy Andeans.  相似文献   

Hypercholesterolemia induces oxidative stress, which is known to have adverse effects on the integrity of cells. Hence, hypercholesterolemia may have adverse effects on the hemopoietic system. Vitamin E, an antioxidant, is being used by normo- and hypercholesterolemic subjects. It is, however, not known if vitamin E has any beneficial or adverse effects on the hemopoietic system. The objectives of this study are to determine if (i) hypercholesterolemia has any adverse effects on the hemopoietic system [red blood cell (RBC) count, mean corpuscular volume (MCV), red blood cell distribution width (RDW), hematocrit (Hct), hemoglobin (Hb), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), MCH concentration (MCHC), white blood cell (WBC), and platelet counts, and mean platelet volume (MPV)], and (ii) vitamin E has any effect on the hemopoietic system in hypercholesterolemia. Blood samples were collected before and at various intervals during a high cholesterol diet (0.25% cholesterol) for 2 and 4 months, and while on high cholesterol diet with vitamin E (2 months) following a high cholesterol diet (2 months). Serum cholesterol was measured on an automated Clinical System Analyzer and hemopoietic parameters were measured on an automated Cell-dyn-4000. The results show that hypercholesterolemia decreased RBC count, Hct and Hb, increased MCV, RDW, MCH, and MCHC, and had no effect on WBC and platelet counts, and MPV. Vitamin E did not affect any of the parameters of the hemopoietic system. In conclusion, hypercholesterolemia of short duration has adverse effects on certain elements of the hemopoietic system. Vitamin E does not affect the hemopoietic system during hypercholesterolemia.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to determine the basic haematological profile of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) spawners of eight breeds reared under identical conditions and sampled in spring after overwintering. Significant differences were found among the breeds for haemoglobin level (Hb), haematocrit value (PCV), mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH) values. The number of red blood cells (RBC), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), number of leukocytes (WBC) and leukocyte differential count (WBC DIFF) did not differ significantly among the respective breeds. The highest Hb, PCV and MCH values were found for Ropsha scaly carp (ROP) and Amur wild carp (AS) (Hb 109 ± 17 and 106 ± 15 g l?1; PCV 0.40 ± 0.06 and 0.40 ± 0.06 l l?1; MCH 69 ± 7 and 69 ± 9 pg, respectively). The AS specimens and breeds that originated [ROP, Ukraine scaly carp (US), and Northern mirror carp (M72)] showed significantly higher values of Hb (P < 0.01), PCV (P < 0.01), MCV (P < 0.05) and MCH (P < 0.05), compared to the other four breeds: Hungarian mirror carp (M2), Israeli mirror carp (Dor 70), South Bohemian mirror carp (BV) and Tata scaly carp (TAT). Males showed significantly higher PCV, Hb and RBC values within individual breeds. This study demonstrated that Amur wild carp and breeds originating from it had significantly higher values of erythrocyte profile in comparison with the other breeds studied.  相似文献   

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