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解李娜  魏亚冉  马成仓 《生态学报》2015,35(6):1672-1678
本文采用改良的冲洗法,比较了内蒙古高原西部荒漠区锦鸡儿属(Caragana) 4 种优势植物—柠条锦鸡儿(C. korshinsk)、狭叶锦鸡儿(C. stenophylla)、垫状锦鸡儿(C. tibetica)和荒漠锦鸡儿(C. roborovoskyi)的水力结构日变化和季节变化,目的是了解4种锦鸡儿属植物对荒漠区环境的适应性及其差异。研究发现:4种锦鸡儿属植物的比导率、叶比导率均为早晚高、中午低的单谷日变化曲线;三个季节相比较,夏季的比导率、叶比导率最大;胡伯尔值春季>夏季>秋季。三个季节比导水率日平均值、夏季和秋季的叶比导率、三个季节的胡伯尔值都表现为:柠条锦鸡儿>荒漠锦鸡儿>狭叶锦鸡儿>垫状锦鸡儿;三个季节比导水率日变幅和春季叶比导率表现为:柠条锦鸡儿>荒漠锦鸡儿>垫状锦鸡儿>狭叶锦鸡儿。4个种比导水率日平均值的季节变幅相似。这些结果表明:(1)荒漠区锦鸡儿属植物的水力结构限制了水分运输,使其避免了中午的高蒸腾。(2)荒漠区锦鸡儿属植物通过较高的水分运输效率及较好的叶供水效率适应夏季的高温和强辐射,维持水分平衡;锦鸡儿属植物胡伯尔值的季节变化保证了其在春、夏季快速生长期有较好的水分供应。(3)较高的比导率、叶比导率和胡伯尔值导致了柠条锦鸡儿良好的水分供应和高蒸腾速率,进而导致了柠条锦鸡儿较快的生长速度,这说明柠条锦鸡儿对荒漠环境的适应性好于其它三个种;柠条锦鸡儿的输水效率高,但易发生严重的空穴和栓塞。  相似文献   

采用改良的冲洗法,比较了内蒙古高原西部荒漠区锦鸡儿属(Caragana)4种优势植物——柠条锦鸡儿(C.korshinskii)、狭叶锦鸡儿(C.stenophylla)、垫状锦鸡儿(C.tibetica)和荒漠锦鸡儿(C.roborovoskyi)的水力结构日变化和季节变化,目的是了解4种锦鸡儿属植物对荒漠区环境的适应性及其差异。研究发现:4种锦鸡儿属植物的比导率、叶比导率均为早晚高、中午低的单谷日变化曲线;3个季节相比较,夏季的比导率、叶比导率最大;胡伯尔值春季夏季秋季。3个季节比导水率日平均值、夏季和秋季的叶比导率、3个季节的胡伯尔值都表现为:柠条锦鸡儿荒漠锦鸡儿狭叶锦鸡儿垫状锦鸡儿;3个季节比导水率日变幅和春季叶比导率表现为:柠条锦鸡儿荒漠锦鸡儿垫状锦鸡儿狭叶锦鸡儿。4个种比导水率日平均值的季节变幅相似。这些结果表明:(1)荒漠区锦鸡儿属植物的水力结构限制了水分运输,使其避免了中午的高蒸腾。(2)荒漠区锦鸡儿属植物通过较高的水分运输效率及较好的叶供水效率适应夏季的高温和强辐射,维持水分平衡;锦鸡儿属植物胡伯尔值的季节变化保证了其在春、夏季快速生长期有较好的水分供应。(3)较高的比导率、叶比导率和胡伯尔值导致了柠条锦鸡儿良好的水分供应和高蒸腾速率,进而导致了柠条锦鸡儿较快的生长速度,这说明柠条锦鸡儿对荒漠环境的适应性好于其它3个种;柠条锦鸡儿的输水效率高,但易发生严重的空穴和栓塞。  相似文献   

利用大型移动防雨棚开展了玉米水分胁迫及复水试验,通过分析玉米叶片光合数据,揭示了不同生育期水分胁迫及复水对玉米光合特性及水分利用效率的影响。结果表明:水分胁迫导致玉米叶片整体光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导度下降以及光合速率日变化的峰值提前;水分胁迫后的玉米叶片蒸腾速率、光合速率和气孔导度为适应干旱缺水均较对照显著下降,从而提高了水分利用效率,缩小了与水分充足条件下玉米叶片的水分利用效率差值;在中度和重度水分胁迫条件下,玉米叶片的水分利用效率降幅低于光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导度的降幅, 有时甚至高于正常供水条件下的水分利用效率;适度的水分胁迫能提高玉米叶片的水分利用效率,从而增强叶片对水分的利用能力,抵御干旱的逆境;水分亏缺对玉米光合速率、蒸腾速率及水分利用效率的影响具有较明显滞后效应,干旱后复水,光合作用受抑制仍然持续;水分胁迫时间越长、胁迫程度越重,叶片的光合作用越呈不可逆性;拔节-吐丝期水分胁迫对玉米叶片光合作用的逆制比三叶-拔节期更难恢复。  相似文献   

不同程度的水分胁迫对中间锦鸡儿幼苗气体交换特征的影响   总被引:27,自引:6,他引:21  
郭卫华  李波  黄永梅  张新时 《生态学报》2004,24(12):2716-2822
为探讨未来降水减少对内蒙古皇甫川流域人工栽培主要灌木树种中间锦鸡儿气体交换特征的影响 ,特设计正常降雨水平、偏旱、干旱和极端干旱 4种水分处理水平 ,进行人工模拟水分胁迫实验。结果表明 ,不同的水分处理显著影响土壤含水量、土壤温度、净光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率、资源利用效率和叶片水势。适度的水分胁迫 (干旱环境 )能够提高中间锦鸡儿的水分利用效率和抗旱性 ,同时也降低了净光合速率与蒸腾速率。随水分胁迫的增强 ,中间锦鸡儿的净光合速率日变化曲线逐渐从典型的单峰型转变成双峰型 ,出现光合“午睡”现象。根据 Farquhar和 Sharkey提出的判别标准 ,干旱和极端干旱下光合“午睡”的原因分别以气孔因素和非气孔因素 (叶肉细胞光合能力下降 )为主。中间锦鸡儿通过自身的生理调节以抵抗干旱 ,是其能够适应干旱环境、历经 3a大旱而幸存下来的重要原因  相似文献   

该试验以黄土高原风蚀水蚀区的典型代表六道沟流域为研究区,选取了2种典型灌木柠条(Caragana korshinskii)和沙柳(Salix psammophila)为研究对象,测定其茎秆水和不同层次土壤水分的δD值及叶片的δ~(13) C值,利用IsoSource模型分析2种植物对不同层次土壤水分的利用比例,并同步测定叶片水势、气孔导度、光合速率和蒸腾速率等生理生态因子,分析2种灌木在不同季节的水分来源及生理生态适应机制。结果表明:(1)柠条和沙柳的水分利用策略随季节波动,在不同季节对不同土层水分的利用比例存在差异。(2)旱季柠条和沙柳主要利用40~80cm土层的土壤水,利用比例分别为48.1%和49%。(3)雨季柠条主要利用表层0~10cm和浅层10~40cm的土壤水分,利用率约为57.5%;雨季沙柳主要利用浅层10~40cm的土壤水,利用比例达76%。(4)旱季柠条和沙柳的水分亏缺严重,其叶片水势、气孔导度、光合速率和蒸腾速率均小于雨季,而水分利用效率均大于雨季。研究发现,柠条和沙柳在旱季均主要利用深层土壤水分,雨季更倾向于利用浅层土壤水分;柠条和沙柳均能够通过降低气孔导度减小水分损失来获得较高的碳同化速率,维持较高的水分利用效率以适应干旱环境,均表现出较强的适应能力。  相似文献   

研究了不同地区(117.6o ~105.7o E,44.6o ~38.8o N)分布的小叶锦鸡儿(Caragana microphylla Lam.)、中间锦鸡儿(Caragana davazamcii Sancz.)和柠条锦鸡儿(C.korshinskii Kom.)种群的光合特性和水分代谢特性。结果发现:(1)由东向西小叶锦鸡儿、中间锦鸡儿和柠条锦鸡儿净光合速率对光合有效辐射的响应增强;净光合速率达到最大值时所对应的空气湿度依次下降;净光合速率达到最大值时所对应的气温依次增加。光合日进程午前优势逐渐升高,光合速率逐渐升高,光能利用率逐渐升高,蒸腾速率逐渐降低,水分利用效率显著升高,叶含水量逐渐降低,植株逐渐采取低蒸腾、高光合的节水对策。这些生理变化与它们分布区的光、温、湿条件相适应。这是小叶锦鸡儿、中间锦鸡儿和柠条锦鸡儿发生地理替代分布的生物学基础。(2)小叶锦鸡儿、中间锦鸡儿和柠条锦鸡儿光合系统对光合有效辐射、空气湿度和气温的适应都表现出连续性,而且这种连续性与环境的梯度变化相一致。不同种、不同地点光合日进程、日净同化积累值、蒸腾日进程、日蒸腾积累值、水分利用效率以及叶含水量日变化也随经度自东向西呈连续变化。光合特性和水分代谢特性表明小叶锦鸡儿、中间锦鸡儿和柠条锦鸡儿的地理替代分布是连续过渡的,是一个连续地理渐变群。  相似文献   

研究了不同地区(117.6°~105.7°E,44.6°~38.8°N)分布的小叶锦鸡儿(Caraganamicrophylla Lam.)、中间锦鸡儿(Caraganadavazamcii Sancz.)和柠条锦鸡儿(C.korshinskii Kom.)种群的光合特性和水分代谢特性.结果发现:(1)由东向西小叶锦鸡儿、中间锦鸡儿和柠条锦鸡儿净光合速率对光合有效辐射的响应增强;净光合速率达到最大值时所对应的空气湿度依次下降;净光合速率达到最大值时所对应的气温依次增加.光合日进程午前优势逐渐升高,光合速率逐渐升高,光能利用率逐渐升高,蒸腾速率逐渐降低,水分利用效率显著升高,叶含水量逐渐降低,植株逐渐采取低蒸腾、高光合的节水对策.这些生理变化与它们分布区的光、温、湿条件相适应.这是小叶锦鸡儿、中间锦鸡儿和柠条锦鸡儿发生地理替代分布的生物学基础.(2)小叶锦鸡儿、中间锦鸡儿和柠条锦鸡儿光合系统对光合有效辐射、空气湿度和气温的适应都表现出连续性,而且这种连续性与环境的梯度变化相一致.不同种、不同地点光合日进程、日净同化积累值、蒸腾日进程、日蒸腾积累值、水分利用效率以及叶含水量日变化也随经度自东向西呈连续变化.光合特性和水分代谢特性表明小叶锦鸡儿、中间锦鸡儿和柠条锦鸡儿的地理替代分布是连续过渡的,是一个连续地理渐变群.  相似文献   

比较了内蒙古高原荒漠区4种锦鸡儿属(Caragana)优势植物——柠条锦鸡儿、狭叶锦鸡儿、垫状锦鸡儿和荒漠锦鸡儿的生理适应特性。研究发现:4种锦鸡儿属植物中,荒漠锦鸡儿的叶片含水量、束缚水/自由水比值、水势以及水分利用效率最低,气孔导度日变化表现为与气温变化相似的早晚低、中午高的单峰曲线。4种锦鸡儿蒸腾速率日变化状况相似,均在10:00达到最大,以后逐渐降低,但日蒸腾积累值垫状锦鸡儿<荒漠锦鸡儿<柠条锦鸡儿<狭叶锦鸡儿。相比较,柠条锦鸡儿、狭叶锦鸡儿和垫状锦鸡儿对当地的水分条件有良好的适应性,能够保持较好的水分状况,水分亏缺在15%以下,而荒漠锦鸡儿叶水分亏缺日变幅较大,保水能力不及其它3种。渗透调节比较研究发现:荒漠锦鸡儿的渗透势最低,细胞质离子浓度最高,无机渗透调节物产生的渗透势所占的比例也更大,说明其低渗透势的维持主要来自无机渗透调节物质的较多积累。保护酶和自由基比较研究发现:POD和SOD活性荒漠锦鸡儿明显高于其它3个种,但CAT活性在4种植物中无显著差别;叶片自由基含量狭叶锦鸡儿>荒漠锦鸡儿>柠条锦鸡儿>垫状锦鸡儿。这些结果表明:(1)荒漠锦鸡儿对干旱环境的适应方式与其它3种不同,柠条锦鸡儿、狭叶锦鸡儿和垫状锦鸡儿以强保水能力、维持稳定的水分而适应,而荒漠锦鸡儿以更负的渗透势、更高细胞质离子浓度弥补其更多的水分消耗和对水分变化的强耐性而适应,较高的保护酶活性可能是其强耐性的生理基础之一。(2)保水能力弱的锦鸡儿种主要通过无机离子的积累,调节细胞质渗透势,保持水分平衡,这是一种相对节省能量的适应对策。  相似文献   

极端干旱环境下的胡杨木质部水力特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡杨作为我国西北干旱区重要的乔木树种,研究其木质部水力特征对了解此树种适应极端干旱环境的生物学背景具有较重要的意义。本研究以塔里木河下游的胡杨成株和2年生胡杨幼苗为研究材料,对其木质部最大导水能力(ks(max))和自然栓塞程度(PLC)等木质部水力特征及其水力特征有关的木质部导管(或管饱)数量特征进行研究。结果表明,成株胡杨多年生枝条和侧根(2≤d<5 mm)木质部自然栓塞程度均较高,PLC均值高于50%,其中多年生枝条栓塞程度具有一定的日变化规律,清晨的PLC均值(58%)小于正午的(67%);河道边上成株胡杨侧根的均ks(max)和PLC均值都小于距河道200 m处的。随着土壤干旱程度的加剧,幼苗胡杨侧根的自然栓塞程度随之增加,而叶片气孔导度随之降低,土壤含水率与侧根自然栓塞程度,叶片气孔导度之间分别存在显著负相关关系(R =-0.9、R =-0.811)。在统一直径范围内(2≤d<5 mm),成株胡杨侧根均导管直径(dmean)和水力直径均大于(d95%、dh)胡杨幼苗,而导管密度胡杨幼苗高于成株胡杨;胡杨侧根木质部最大导水能力与均导管直径、水力直径之间具有显著正相关关系(R>0.9).  相似文献   

叶肉导度和叶片导水率是影响光合作用的两个重要过程,叶肉导度通过影响从气孔下腔到Rubisco酶位点的二氧化碳浓度梯度直接影响光合作用,而叶片导水率则通过影响水分供应或气孔行为来影响光合作用,然而对这两个生理过程之间的协同性研究较少。本研究选择9种红树林植物为研究对象,探讨盐生环境下植物叶肉导度和叶片导水率的协同性及其与叶片解剖结构特征之间的相关性。结果表明,9种红树林植物叶片导水率(0.78~5.83 mmol·m~(-2)·s~(-1)·MPa-1)、叶肉导度(0.06~0.36 mol·m~(-2)·s~(-1))、最大光合速率(7.23~23.71μmol·m~(-2)·s~(-1))等特征的差别较大;叶肉导度与最大光合速率呈显著正相关,而与比叶重无显著相关性,其原因是由于比叶重与叶片厚度、叶片密度不存在相关性;叶脉密度与气孔密度呈较强的相关性,说明红树林植物叶片水分运输与散失相关的叶片结构之间存在协同关系;叶片导水率不受叶脉密度影响,并且与叶肉导度、最大光合速率也不存在相关性,这很可能与红树林植物叶片的肉质化、有发达的储水组织有关,体现了红树林植物叶片结构和功能的特殊性。  相似文献   

3种锦鸡儿属植物过氧化物酶基因的克隆及表达分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用同源克隆技术分离了3种锦鸡儿属植物柠条锦鸡儿(Caragana korshinskii)、小叶锦鸡儿(C.microphylla)和中间锦鸡儿(C.intermedia)的过氧化物酶(POD)基因(分别命名为CkPOD、CmPOD和CiPOD),并对它们在干旱胁迫条件下的表达特征进行了分析。CkPOD、CiPOD、CmPOD基因的cDNA序列均包含有1 074bp的开放阅读框(ORF),编码的蛋白质由357个氨基酸构成,分子量为38.7kD。系统进化分析结果显示:3种锦鸡儿属植物的POD可以和鹰嘴豆等豆科植物的POD聚为一类,且CkPOD和CmPOD具有较近的亲缘关系,CiPOD与CkPOD和CmPOD的亲缘关系相对较远,这一结果与3种锦鸡儿属植物的进化地位一致,显示POD基因较为保守,可以为锦鸡儿属植物的系统分类提供参考。PEG模拟干旱胁迫能够强烈诱导CkPOD、CiPOD和CmPOD基因的表达,显示POD基因在锦鸡儿属植物抵御干旱胁迫过程中发挥着重要作用。研究结果可为解析锦鸡儿属植物的耐旱机理以及利用锦鸡儿属植物进行荒漠改良和生态修复提供理论和实验依据。  相似文献   

Drought is a major environmental constraint affecting growth and distribution of plants in the desert region of the Inner Mongolia plateau. Caragana microphylla, C. liouana, and C. korshinskii are phylogenetically close but distribute vicariously in Mongolia plateau. To gain a better understanding of the ecological differentiation between these three species, we examined the leaf gas exchange, growth, water use efficiency, biomass accumulation and allocation by subjecting their seedlings to low and high drought treatments in a glasshouse. Increasing drought stress had a significant effect on many aspects of seedling performance in all species, but the physiology and growth varied with species in response to drought. C. korshinskii exhibited lower sensitivity of photosynthetic rate and growth, lower specific leaf area, higher biomass allocation to roots, higher levels of water use efficiency to drought compared with the other two species. Only minor interspecific differences in growth performances were observed between C. liouana and C. microphylla. These results indicated that faster seedling growth rate and more efficient water use of C. korshinskii should confer increased drought tolerance and facilitate its establishment in more severe drought regions relative to C. liouana and C. microphylla.  相似文献   

以陕北水蚀风蚀交错带4个不同坡位与土壤质地生境[沟底+坝淤绵沙土(A)、梁坡+红黄土(B)、坡顶+绵沙土(C)、坡顶+风沙土盖绵沙土(D)]中生长的柠条为研究对象,研究了其生长、光合和水力性状的可塑性变化,以揭示柠条对不同生境的适应机制。结果表明:(1)生境D和生境A样地1~3m和3m土层的平均含水量明显高于生境B和C;(2)与生境B和C相比,生境A和D中生长的柠条冠幅、株高和新枝长显著增加,叶厚度减小,正午叶水势、净光合速率、气孔导度和蒸腾速率亦显著增加,但不同生境中柠条枝比导水率、Huber值和栓塞程度无显著差异;(3)柠条各测定指标中,新枝长、净光合速率、气孔导度和蒸腾速率表现出较大的可塑性。研究认为,柠条可能主要通过新枝长或光合生理特征的改变来适应不同的水分生境。  相似文献   

Plants of the genus Caragana (Fabaceae) are dominant shrub species of high ecological and economic importance on the Ordos Plateau in China. Due to natural environmental variability and anthropogenic impacts, Caragana pastures have experienced severe degradation, which has decreased their carrying capacity. In this study, we investigated the genetic diversity of eight Caragana species (C. purdomii, C. opulens, C. stenophylla, C. intermedia, C. korshinskii, C. roborovskyi, C. tibetica and C. brachypoda) on the Ordos Plateau by using ISSR markers. The results reveal high genetic diversity of all the species, with the percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB) reaching 100%. However, interspecific differences in genetic diversity within the genus were significant, as indicated by higher levels of genetic diversity of C. stenophylla, C. tibetica, C. intermedia, C. korshinskii and C. roborovskyi (PPB > 86%) when compared to the C. brachypoda with the lowest genetic diversity (PPB = 42.86%). Caragana brachypoda showed the lowest genetic similarity with and largest genetic distance from other taxa of the genus. Caragana tibetica had higher genetic diversity than C. roborovskyi. A large genetic distance was found between C. roborovskyi and C. tibetica, although the two species belong to Ser. Tragacanthoides and grow in a semidesert area. Such differences in genetic structure may be the reason for large areas occupied by C. tibetica, whereas C. roborovsky has rather limited distribution in the semidesert area. Caragana intermedia had high genetic diversity and a large genetic differentiation between intraspecific populations implying strong adaptability of the species to environmental fluctuations and selection capabilities. There was an obvious gene flow between C. intermedia and C. korshinskii, suggesting possible hybridization between these species is consistent with ecological variability, which may be important characteristics of Caragana plants in terms of molecular variation in the ecotone of Ordos plateau. Our results provide a molecular basis for sustainable management, utilization and conservation of Caragana plants on the Ordos plateau.  相似文献   

Increases in drought‐induced tree mortality are being observed in tropical rain forests worldwide and are also likely to affect the geographical distribution of tropical vegetation. However, the mechanisms underlying the drought vulnerability and environmental distribution of tropical species have been little studied. We measured vulnerability to xylem embolism (P50) of 13 woody species endemic to New Caledonia and with different xylem conduit morphologies. We examined the relation between P50, along with other leaf and xylem functional traits, and a range of habitat variables. Selected species had P50 values ranging between ?4.03 and ?2.00 MPa with most species falling in a narrow range of resistance to embolism above ?2.7 MPa. Embolism vulnerability was significantly correlated with elevation, mean annual temperature and percentage of species occurrences located in rain forest habitats. Xylem conduit type did not explain variation in P50. Commonly used functional traits such as wood density and leaf traits were not related to embolism vulnerability. Xylem embolism vulnerability stands out among other commonly used functional traits as a major driver of species environmental distribution. Drought‐induced xylem embolism vulnerability behaves as a physiological trait closely associated with the habitat occupation of rain forest woody species.  相似文献   

Coordination of stem and leaf hydraulic traits allows terrestrial plants to maintain safe water status under limited water supply. Tropical rain forests, one of the world's most productive biomes, are vulnerable to drought and potentially threatened by increased aridity due to global climate change. However, the relationship of stem and leaf traits within the plant hydraulic continuum remains understudied, particularly in tropical species. We studied within‐plant hydraulic coordination between stems and leaves in three tropical lowland rain forest tree species by analyses of hydraulic vulnerability [hydraulic methods and ultrasonic emission (UE) analysis], pressure‐volume relations and in situ pre‐dawn and midday water potentials (Ψ). We found finely coordinated stem and leaf hydraulic features, with a strategy of sacrificing leaves in favour of stems. Fifty percent of hydraulic conductivity (P50) was lost at ?2.1 to ?3.1 MPa in stems and at ?1.7 to ?2.2 MPa in leaves. UE analysis corresponded to hydraulic measurements. Safety margins (leaf P50 – stem P50) were very narrow at ?0.4 to ?1.4 MPa. Pressure‐volume analysis and in situ Ψ indicated safe water status in stems but risk of hydraulic failure in leaves. Our study shows that stem and leaf hydraulics were finely tuned to avoid embolism formation in the xylem.  相似文献   

Vaccinium myrtillus and Vaccinium vitis‐idaea are two dwarf shrubs widespread in the European Alps. We studied the hydraulics of these species hypothesizing that (1) the hydraulic architecture of dwarf shrubs differs from trees, (2) hydraulic properties reflect the species' ecological amplitude and (3) hydraulic properties vary spatially and seasonally. Key hydraulic parameters (osmotic potential, turgor loss point, xylem hydraulic conductivity, vulnerability to drought‐induced embolism, stomata closure, drought‐induced cell damage and embolism repair) and related wood anatomical traits (conduit diameter and conduit wall reinforcement) were analyzed at four sites in Tyrol, Austria. Both species exhibited low hydraulic safety as well as low hydraulic efficiency. Fifty percentage embolism accumulated at ?2.08 (V. myrtillus) and ?1.97 MPa (V. vitis‐idaea), 88% stomata closure was at ?2.19 and ?2.35 MPa, respectively. After drought, both species showed embolism repair on re‐watering. Site‐specific variation within species was low, while seasonal changes in embolism resistance and turgor loss point were observed. Results indicate that studied Vaccinium species have a high risk for embolism formation. This is balanced by refilling capacities, which are probably based on the small growth height of dwarf shrubs. V. vitis‐idaea, which occurs on drier sites, showed more efficient repair and a lower turgor loss point than V. myrtillus.  相似文献   

Across plant species, leaves vary enormously in their size and their venation architecture, of which one major function is to replace water lost to transpiration. The leaf hydraulic conductance (K(leaf)) represents the capacity of the transport system to deliver water, allowing stomata to remain open for photosynthesis. Previous studies showed that K(leaf) relates to vein density (vein length per area). Additionally, venation architecture determines the sensitivity of K(leaf) to damage; severing the midrib caused K(leaf) and gas exchange to decline, with lesser impacts in leaves with higher major vein density that provided more numerous water flow pathways around the damaged vein. Because xylem embolism during dehydration also reduces K(leaf), we hypothesized that higher major vein density would also reduce hydraulic vulnerability. Smaller leaves, which generally have higher major vein density, would thus have lower hydraulic vulnerability. Tests using simulations with a spatially explicit model confirmed that smaller leaves with higher major vein density were more tolerant of major vein embolism. Additionally, for 10 species ranging strongly in drought tolerance, hydraulic vulnerability, determined as the leaf water potential at 50% and 80% loss of K(leaf), was lower with greater major vein density and smaller leaf size (|r| = 0.85-0.90; P < 0.01). These relationships were independent of other aspects of physiological and morphological drought tolerance. These findings point to a new functional role of venation architecture and small leaf size in drought tolerance, potentially contributing to well-known biogeographic trends in leaf size.  相似文献   

Salix psammophila and Caragana korshinskii are two common shrubs in the southern Mu Us Desert, China. Their hydraulic strategies for adapting to this harsh, dry desert environment are not yet clear. This study examined the hydraulic transport efficiency, vulnerability to cavitation, and daily embolism refilling in the leaves and stems of these two shrubs during the dry season. In order to gain insight into water use strategies of whole plants, other related traits were also considered, including daily changes in stomatal conductance, leaf mass per area, leaf pressure–volume parameters, wood density and the Huber value. The leaves and stems of S. psammophila had greater hydraulic efficiency, but were more vulnerable to drought-induced hydraulic dysfunction than C. korshinskii. The difference between leaf and stem water potential at 50 % loss of conductivity was 0.12 MPa for S. psammophila and 0.81 MPa for C. korshinskii. Midday stomatal conductance decreased by 74 % compared to that at 8:30 in S. psammophila, whereas no change occurred in C. korshinskii. Daily embolism and refilling occurred in the stems of S. psammophila and leaves of C. korshinskii. These results suggest that a stricter stomatal regulation, daily embolism repair in stems, and a higher stem water capacitance could be partially compensating for the greater susceptibility to xylem embolism in S. psammophila, whereas higher leaf elastic modulus, greater embolism resistance in stems, larger difference between leaf and stem hydraulic safety, and drought-induced leaf shedding in C. korshinskii were largely responsible for its more extensive distribution in arid and desert steppes.  相似文献   

Quercus ilex L. growing in the southern Mediterranean Basin region is exposed to xylem embolism induced by both winter freezing and summer drought. The distribution of the species in Sicily could be explained in terms of the different vulnerability to embolism of its xylem conduits. Naturally occurring climatic conditions were simulated by: (1) maintaining plants for 3h at ambient temperatures of 0, -1.5, -2.5, -5.0 and -11°C; and (2) allowing plants to dry out to ratios of their minimum diurnal leaf water potentials (Ψ1) to that at the turgor loss point (Ψtlp) of 0.6, 0.9, 1.05, 1.20 and 1.33. The loss of hydraulic conductivity of one-year-old twigs reached 40% at -1.5°C and at Ψ1tlP= 1.05. Recovery from these strains was almost complete 24 h after the release of thermal stress or after one irrigation, respectively. More severe stresses reduced recovery consistently. The percentages of xylem conduits embolized following application of the two stresses, were positively related to xylem conduit diameter. The capability of the xylem conduits to recover from stress was positively related to the conduit diameter in plants subjected to summer drought, but not in the plants subjected to winter freezing stress. The ecological significance of the different vulnerabilities to embolism of xylem conduits under naturally occurring climatic conditions is discussed.  相似文献   

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