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刘垚  包云轩  陆明红  刘万才 《生态学报》2017,37(13):4466-4475
褐飞虱是影响亚洲地区水稻生产的迁飞性害虫,其远距离迁飞与种群分布会受到大气环流和局地天气条件的影响。采用WRF-Flexpart耦合模式、GIS空间分析和Vincenty方位角/距离估计等方法,选取2009年9月30日—10月7日发生在中国15个植保站的褐飞虱迁入过程,并根据模式输出、GIS分析和轨迹计算结果探讨了多种大气物理胁迫共存下大气动力场、降水、温度场和湿度场对褐飞虱秋季回迁过程及其降落虫量分布的影响。研究结果表明:(1)此次重大迁飞过程中,大气动力场、降水、温度场和湿度场在不同地区、不同时间段对褐飞虱种群的迁入和降落起了不同的作用,因而造成了迁入虫量分布的时空差异。(2)从各虫源地迁出的褐飞虱种群是向着温暖而湿润的地方迁飞的,迁飞方向主要受所经区域盛行风向的影响,迁飞距离由途径区的风速所决定。(3)当迁飞种群途径局地降水较多的区域时,初期迁入量并不多,经过短暂的一段时间后降虫量会突然增加。(4)在一定的温度范围内,大气湿度条件会影响褐飞虱的迁入虫量:褐飞虱迁入虫量在近地面温度高于26℃、相对湿度(925 hPa)大于70%且下沉气流较强的地区分布最多,而在近地面温度低于24℃、相对湿度(925 hPa)小于50%、无明显下沉气流的地区未发现有褐飞虱的迁入。  相似文献   

【目的】粤北地区是褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens(St?l)(BPJ)后期回迁重点区域。阐释后期褐飞虱回迁对粤北稻区的影响,可为其预测预报提供依据。【方法】利用轨迹分析平台HYSPLIT对2006—2012年粤北地区秋季回迁的褐飞虱主要峰次进行轨迹模拟,用气象制图工具Gr ADS分析2011年粤北褐飞虱回迁的降落机制,解析粤北地区后期回迁褐飞虱虫源地及其降落机制。【结论】(1)粤西北地区主要虫源地分布于湖南南部、福建南部和江西,粤东北地区虫源地主要分布于江西南部、福建南部以及广东东南沿海稻区。其中,地形因素是造成两地虫源差异的主要原因。(2)通过粤北地区2011年秋季几个迁入高峰日各气象要素分析结果显示,低空急流能为主降区输入褐飞虱虫源;低层切变线和强降雨过程是造成粤西北褐飞虱大规模降落的主要因素。(3)2011年粤北晚稻褐飞虱出现两个回迁高峰(8月下旬至9月上旬、9月下旬至10月上旬),随着晚稻进入分蘖抽穗期,良好的食料条件加之两次较大的回迁峰加重了褐飞虱对晚稻的危害。(4)8—9月份虫源地适宜的温度以及降水条件造成褐飞虱增殖暴发重要气候因素。  相似文献   

【目的】粤北地区是褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens(St?l)(BPJ)后期回迁重点区域。阐释后期褐飞虱回迁对粤北稻区的影响,可为其预测预报提供依据。【方法】利用轨迹分析平台HYSPLIT对2006—2012年粤北地区秋季回迁的褐飞虱主要峰次进行轨迹模拟,用气象制图工具Gr ADS分析2011年粤北褐飞虱回迁的降落机制,解析粤北地区后期回迁褐飞虱虫源地及其降落机制。【结论】(1)粤西北地区主要虫源地分布于湖南南部、福建南部和江西,粤东北地区虫源地主要分布于江西南部、福建南部以及广东东南沿海稻区。其中,地形因素是造成两地虫源差异的主要原因。(2)通过粤北地区2011年秋季几个迁入高峰日各气象要素分析结果显示,低空急流能为主降区输入褐飞虱虫源;低层切变线和强降雨过程是造成粤西北褐飞虱大规模降落的主要因素。(3)2011年粤北晚稻褐飞虱出现两个回迁高峰(8月下旬至9月上旬、9月下旬至10月上旬),随着晚稻进入分蘖抽穗期,良好的食料条件加之两次较大的回迁峰加重了褐飞虱对晚稻的危害。(4)8—9月份虫源地适宜的温度以及降水条件造成褐飞虱增殖暴发重要气候因素。  相似文献   

刘垚  包云轩  魏巍  陆明红  刘万才 《生态学报》2016,36(16):5263-5275
褐飞虱是影响我国水稻生产的重要迁飞性害虫之一,它的爆发严重影响水稻的生长,并诱发水稻病害,导致水稻减产。研究复杂地形条件下褐飞虱的迁出虫源地、空中迁飞轨迹、降落区,探明复杂地形对褐飞虱迁飞的影响机制,对害虫测报与防治、农业防灾减灾和保障我国粮食安全具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。为了分析覆盖复杂地形的大气动力场、温度场、湿度场对褐飞虱迁入及降落分布的影响,采用WRF-Flexpart耦合轨迹计算模式和GIS空间分析等方法,对2008年9月30日—10月3日发生在广东曲江、肇庆、梅县三站和湖北宜昌、安徽东至、江西吉安三站的褐飞虱迁入和降落过程进行了数值模拟,以揭示复杂地形条件下褐飞虱种群降落和密度分布的时空变化结构。(1)广东曲江、肇庆、梅县三站的后向轨迹模拟结果显示,迁入三站的虫源均来自该站点的西北方向。地形较高且复杂多变时,褐飞虱难以穿越且迁飞距离较短、方向多变。(2)湖北宜昌、安徽东至、江西吉安三站的前向轨迹模拟结果显示,当站点附近的山脉较低且有山谷通道,褐飞虱沿山脉顺风方向迁飞,且迁飞距离较远。当山脉地势较高且没有明显的山谷,则褐飞虱遇到山脉阻挡而转向造成种群滞留。(3)褐飞虱迁飞种群的密度沿山脉走向呈带状分布,山坡较为陡峭、断崖显著时,向远离山体的方向迁飞。若山脉由多个山岭构成,则褐飞虱可从其峡谷穿越,密度分布较为分散。(4)强水平气流有利于褐飞虱的远距离迁飞,下沉气流对褐飞虱降落起着重要的作用,当有强下沉气流且气温较高时,有利于褐飞虱种群的降落,并聚集形成高密度迁入区。(5)垂直方向上,在一定的温度范围内,褐飞虱趋向于在暖层中迁飞。褐飞虱密度沿河谷地带呈带状分布且密度高值区多分布在较温暖的地区。秋季,褐飞虱降落区多分布在相对湿度50%左右的区域。模拟的褐飞虱迁飞轨迹、迁飞方位角和迁飞距离等与实际发生的褐飞虱迁飞路径和降虫区之间偏差较小,该模拟方法较大程度地提高了我国迁飞性害虫的业务预报水平。未来拟提高测报褐飞虱虫情数据的时空分辨率,以为得到较高准度和精度的模拟结果。  相似文献   

基于两种轨迹模型的褐飞虱迁飞轨迹比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
异地预测是迁飞性害虫发生预测的重要内容,迁飞轨迹模拟和预测是能较好地反映害虫迁飞时空动态的一种异地预测方法。褐飞虱作为我国水稻生产上的一种重要迁飞性害虫,其迁飞轨迹的准确预报,可为其灾变预警和有效防控提供科学依据。为了比较选择一些准确性好、分辨率高、易于推广应用的害虫迁飞轨迹模型,选取2006年7月初发生在湖南省洪江市的一次褐飞虱重大北迁过程作为典型个例,运用中尺度天气研究和预报模式WRF,结合NCEP气象再分析数据,利用HYSPLIT和FLEXPART两种轨迹计算模式对褐飞虱迁飞轨迹进行模拟,并验证模型模拟和计算的准确度和精确度。研究结果表明:(1)WRF-HYSPLIT和WRF-FLEXPART两种轨迹计算模式在虫源地、迁飞路径(迁飞方位角和走向)、迁飞高度、迁飞速率和迁飞距离计算上总体趋势一致,但存在一定的差异,后者的起伏变化大于前者。(2)尽管两种耦合模式在调用WRF模式输出的预报场物理变量方面有很多相同之处,但WRF-FLEXPART耦合模式在运行计算过程中比WRF-HYSPLIT耦合模式多考虑了对流参数、地表胁迫和各种地形参数,因而能更全面地反映中尺度天气过程(特别是对流性天气过程)对昆虫起飞、空中飞行和降落的动力作用,也能更真实地反映地表物理过程、大气湍流结构和地形起伏对褐飞虱种群迁飞的影响。(3)从褐飞虱种群对生境和取食条件选择上看,两种模式模拟的各高度迁入种群的虫源区、迁飞路径和降落地都是合理的、准确的。但从褐飞虱迁出、空中飞行和降落所处的三维流场来看,WRF-FLEXPART模式轨迹走向与盛行气流方向的吻合度要明显高于WRF-HYSPLIT模式。(4)两种模式均可作为业务工具在迁飞性害虫测报中推广应用。  相似文献   

褐飞虱迁飞参数的数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
包云轩  翟保平  程遐年 《生态学报》2005,25(5):1107-1114
迁飞性害虫褐飞虱对中国和亚洲其它国家和地区的水稻有着十分严重的危害,其迁飞参数的时空变化是种群迁飞这一生态行为的重要体现。应用目前国际上先进的中尺度数值预报模式MM5 (V3.2 )对我国褐飞虱北迁、南返的过程进行了数值模拟,根据模拟结果对害虫的迁出虫源地、迁飞路径、降落区、空中迁飞速率、迁飞高度、迁飞历时和迁飞距离等迁飞参数进行了一系列的数值计算和客观分析,得到了与实际虫情普查和雷达观测资料相当吻合的结果,从而比较精确地阐明了褐飞虱迁出起飞、空中定向飞行、降落迁入等迁飞行为的动力学机制。  相似文献   

为了探明我国西南稻区褐飞虱早期迁入种群的虫源地,为后期预测和防治提供依据,通过对2007—2016年云南植保站4—5月份褐飞虱虫情进行分析,选取出云南省勐海、芒市、江城、师宗、麻栗坡、广南6个代表性站点,利用WRF-FlexPart耦合模式对2013年、2015年和2016年这些站点的早期迁入峰进行了数值模拟,得到近年来云南省褐飞虱早期迁入虫源的虫源地。选取了2013年褐飞虱早期迁入量较大的迁入峰进行了大气背景分析,结合峰期影响褐飞虱迁飞的大气动力场、温度场和相对湿度场,探讨了影响云南省褐飞虱早期迁入的大气背景。研究结果表明:(1)近年来云南省褐飞虱迁入的虫源主要来自缅甸,部分来自老挝和泰国,少数来自越南,还有极少量来自孟加拉国。(2)这一时期,当释放高度分别为1500、2000 m时,褐飞虱的迁飞高度分别集中在2216 m和2489 m,平均迁飞高度分别是2167、2454 m,从不同释放高度回推的褐飞虱迁飞高度的起伏趋势具有较好的一致性,表明模式能较好地反映系统性垂直气流和下垫面起伏对其上层三维流场和种群迁飞的影响。(3)选取2013年5月22—26日发生在云南勐海、麻栗坡和广南的一次典型褐飞虱迁入过程,分析了大气背景场对褐飞虱迁飞的影响,结果显示:受印缅低压控制或影响,高空从境外虫源区至云南降虫区有西南水平气流作为种群输送动力;温场在降虫区东北侧有"低温屏障墙"存在,阻止了种群的继续北迁;垂直速度场上虫源区有上升气流促使种群起飞迁出,降虫区有下沉气流促使种群降落;弱降水形成的拖曳下沉气流对降虫也十分有利;相对湿度场对此次迁飞过程不形成任何胁迫。  相似文献   

桂东北稻区第七代褐飞虱迁飞规律及虫源分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
褐飞虱是我国水稻上的一种重要迁飞性害虫,在桂东北稻区不能越冬。近年来,作为次害代的第7代褐飞虱在桂东北稻区频繁暴发,桂东北稻区作为褐飞虱南北往返迁飞的重要通道,研究阐明该稻区第7代褐飞虱的迁飞规律及虫源分布,对第7代褐飞虱的早期预警和有效防控意义重大。利用灯光诱捕的方法研究了2007—2010年桂东北稻区褐飞虱的迁飞动态,并运用大气质点轨迹分析平台HYSPLIT(Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory)和气象图形处理软件GrADS(Grid Analysis and Display System)对褐飞虱迁入、迁出峰次进行轨迹分析和气象背景分析。结果表明:(1)桂东北稻区第7代褐飞虱每年都会出现2—3次迁飞高峰,虫量高峰期主要集中在9月底至10月上旬。(2)迁入虫源主要来自江西中西部和湖南中东部稻区,从本地起飞的部分褐飞虱飞行24 h或36 h后能到达广西南部沿海、越南北部和海南等越冬区。(3)925 hPa的温度高则褐飞虱虫量高;盛行东北气流较多的年份,褐飞虱发生严重;微弱的下沉气流和无雨天气有利于褐飞虱的迁飞。  相似文献   

2007年广西早稻田褐飞虱发生动态及虫源分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens(Stal)是我国水稻上的重要害虫,近年来在全国连续大暴发,给我国水稻生产造成严重的损失。广西是境外虫源迁入我国的第一站,分析其早稻田褐飞虱的种群动态和迁飞规律,对全国褐飞虱的预测预报和防治工作意义重大。采用田间系统调查与雌虫卵巢系统解剖的方法研究了2007年南宁地区早稻田的褐飞虱发生动态和世代种群特征,分析全区灯诱数据确定迁入高峰期,并运用美国NOAA网站的HYSPLIT平台对2007年广西褐飞虱早期的6段迁入高峰期进行了数值模拟和虫源地分析。结果表明:(1)2007年广西南宁地区褐飞虱在晚熟品种田的发生虫量明显高于早熟品种田,发生、危害期明显延长,为我国北方其他稻区的褐飞虱的迁入积累了充足的虫源基数。(2)确定了南宁地区的早稻田褐飞虱各发生世代的虫源性质。第2代属于大部迁入型;第3代前期属于本地繁殖,部分迁入型,后期属部分迁出型;第4代属于大部分迁出型。(3)4月下旬-5月上旬,虫源地主要分布在越南、老挝中部的地区(18°-20°N);5月中下旬,虫源地主要分布在越南、老挝较北的地区(20°-22°N),部分来自我国海南省和雷州半岛;而6月上旬桂北地区大规模迁入的虫源地主要分布在越南东北部、广西西南部;低空急流为广西褐飞虱大规模迁入提供了运载气流,而当时的降雨是迫使褐飞虱集中降落的主要原因。  相似文献   

褐飞虱远距离向南迁飞的气象条件   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据1977、1978年在广西南宁至江苏淮安等地褐飞虱秋季向南迁飞(简称南迁或回迁)过程的记录,通过天气图资料分析,对我国东部地区褐飞虱的南迁路径和有关气象条件作了初步研究,得出下列特征: 1.秋季向南迁飞过程中,迁入地系在锋带和大陆高压的控制下,即锋面控制型和大陆高压控制型; 2.秋季南迁迁入地常位于地面冷锋的冷区或大陆高压的东部或东南部,以及850毫巴等压面图上偏北气流,特别是东北气流控制的区域中; 3.温度、风和降水等气象要素,也是褐飞虱南迁过程中的重要条件。  相似文献   

The vesicle supply centre (VSC) model (Bartnicki-Garcia et al., 1989) for hyphal tip growth is powerful because it can model diverse developmental morphologies and predicts cellular organization based in current cell biology. It predicts that tip growth results from the random distribution of cell surface synthesizing vesicles from a point in the tip, the VSC, which determines their pattern of impact and fusion at the plasma membrane. We derive equations for tip-high gradients of vesicle fusions, generated by mechanisms not related to a supply centre, which create typical hyphal morphologies. These equations direct the conceptual basis for tip growth to vesicle fusion gradients, presumably mediated by a putative membrane skeleton associated with the plasma membrane. We also show that the organization and behaviour of motile organelles in growing hyphal tips of the oomycete,Saprolegnia ferax, argue against the presence of an apparatus capable of generating the distribution of vesicles postulated by the VSC model. We conclude that the VSC model is unlikely to describe the mechanistic basis of tip growth inS. ferax, and therefore, at best, it is not universally applicable.  相似文献   

大黄属(Rheum L.)是蓼科(Polygonaceae)中一个高度分化的大属,广泛分布在亚洲和欧洲的高山和沙漠地区,全世界约60种,其中在青藏高原及其邻近地区发现了约40种。该属种的高度分化曾被推测是第三纪末青藏高原的快速隆升以及第四纪气候的反复变化所引发的适应性辐射导致。为进一步了解大黄属植物辐射式物种分化的分子适应机制,该研究选取34个形态上多样化的大黄属物种,利用系统发育分析软件,在时间框架下采用位点模型和分支模型对大黄属的叶绿体ndhF基因进行了适应性进化分析。结果表明:大黄属植物的分子进化系统树呈现短而平行的辐射式分支式样,显示出典型的物种快速辐射多样化特征;用位点模型检验ndhF基因是否存在经受正向选择(ω>1)时,在氨基酸水平上共鉴定出3个NDHF亚基的正选择位点(188H,465H,551L),对NDHF亚基的二级结构进行分析后发现编码的188H氨基酸位于α螺旋上。大黄属植物可能通过这些结构域的适应性进化,适应青藏高原的快速隆升以及第四纪气候的反复变化而引发的陆地生态系统改变。该研究结果可为今后对该属植物的实验分析提供首选位点。  相似文献   

In the Chaîne des Puys, a mid-elevation volcanic mountain of the French Massif Central, Scots pine proves to be an invasive species colonizing abandoned lawns or heathlands, and forms in a few years monospecific natural forests. Most of the abandonment occurred 30 to 40 years ago and this process has now stopped. Thus, we lack data on the very first phase of tree colonization. We anticipate that a simulation tool could bring an appreciable help in (i) rebuilding the entire colonization process – including the initial phase – of pine settlement and (ii) answering questions about the origin of the narrow and unimodal distributions of age of pine stands we observed. In addition, such a simulator could help managers to forecast extension of Scots pine and to predict growth and evolution of present secondary forests. A spatially explicit individual-based model is presented. The model takes into account both space and time and includes growth of trees, seed production and seed dispersal, death and competition between individuals. The influence of the initial parameters are analyzed and elements of validation given. The model was then used to predict tree settlement and stand establishment using the initial conditions from a natural stand studied in the field whose characteristics before abandonment were known (number and age-distribution of trees, location of mother trees, time of abandonment). Three simulations were achieved by using the same initial conditions but following different scenarios for the recruitment process. The scenario of a fluctuating resistance of the resident vegetation (that controls the susceptibility of the environment to tree establishment) seemed as one of the most probable to explain the actual stand characteristics. We thus concluded that dynamic models could be improved by taking into account the resistance of the vegetation to colonization as a fluctuating parameter instead of a static and permanent attribute.  相似文献   

基于光谱参数对小白菜叶片镉含量的高光谱估算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
顾艳文  李帅  高伟  魏虹 《生态学报》2015,35(13):4445-4453
为实现利用高光谱技术快速、准确、无损地检测叶类蔬菜叶片重金属镉污染情况,通过采用室内盆栽试验,检测了小白菜在6个不同的镉浓度梯度0 mg/kg(CK)、0.5 mg/kg(T1)、1 mg/kg(T2)、5 mg/kg(T3)、10 mg/kg(T4)和20 mg/kg(T5)下的叶片高光谱反射率及其镉含量。利用相关分析和逐步回归的统计方法对叶片原光谱、一阶导数光谱和光谱参数与镉含量进行统计分析,确定了反演叶片镉含量的敏感光谱参数,并建立了估算叶片镉含量的参数模型。结果表明:(1)在540 nm附近和红外区域,叶片光谱反射率随着处理浓度的增加呈下降趋势。T1组叶片光谱与对照组的光谱没有明显的变化差异;(2)原光谱与镉含量的敏感波段主要在690—1300 nm,相关系数最高的波段是782 nm。一阶微分光谱与镉含量的敏感波段在黄边、红外、近红外和远红外范围均有分布;(3)反映植物色素、水含量和细胞结构的参数MCARI(叶绿素吸收反射修正指数Modified Chlorophyll Absorption Reflectance Index),SDy(黄边面积Yellow Edge Area),WI(水质指数Water Index),DCWI(病态水分胁迫指数Disease Water Stress Index),SDr(红边面积Red Edge Area)和Dr(红边幅值The Amplitude of the Red Edge)可分别作为反演镉含量的敏感光谱参数,其倒数回归模型能够较好地反演镉污染下小白菜叶片的镉含量;(4)镉胁迫处理15 d时,建立的SDr的倒数模型估算处理30 d时小白菜叶片镉含量的效果最优。研究表明红边面积参数可以用于估算小白菜叶片的镉含量,可为评价小白菜的食用安全提供科学方法。  相似文献   

青藏高原物种丰富且属于气候变化敏感区,研究气候变化对青藏高原物种的潜在分布影响,对于该区域物种多样性保护具有重要意义。该研究以一级濒危藏药植物全缘叶绿绒蒿为研究对象,利用加权平均算法(weighted average algorithm, WAA)构建随机森林(RF)、灵活判别分析(FDA)及人工神经网络(ANN)的集成模型,同时对比分析了WAA模型和不同生态位模型的预测精度。最后利用WAA模型预测了全缘叶绿绒蒿在当前(1970~2000年平均)和未来(2041~2060年平均)气候情景下的潜在分布,其中未来气候考虑了2种“共享社会经济路径”(SSP2-45和SSP5-85)。结果显示:(1) WAA模型的预测表明,基于RF、FDA和ANN的集成模型的AUC值为0.926,在AUC值最高RF模型的基础上提高了3%,在FDA和ANN模型的AUC值的基础上均提高了5%。(2) WAA模型确定,全缘叶绿绒蒿的潜在分布对年降水量和最暖季降水量最为敏感,其次是最热月份最高气温,同时对最湿月份降水量以及等温性表现出较低的敏感性。(3)当前全缘叶绿绒蒿潜在分布区主要分布在甘肃西南部、青海东部至南部、四川西部和西北部、云南西北部和东北部、西藏东部。(4)未来气候变化下青藏高原全缘叶绿绒蒿潜在分布预测表明,在2050年SSP2-45情景下,全缘叶绿绒蒿的潜在分布区大小与当前潜在分布区大小基本相同,但整体向西北方向高海拔高纬度地区迁移;在SSP5-85情景下,全缘叶绿绒蒿的潜在分布区明显收缩,且向西北高纬度高海拔地区延伸的趋势更加明显。  相似文献   

We used a simulation model of forest dynamics to examine the ecological significance of the complex interactions among site conditions, tree growth, and the development of a thick forest floor moss layer found in many boreal forests. To examine the effect of site conditions on moss growth and forest dynamics, we simulated the dynamics of several different forest sites in the uplands of interior Alaska. Then we used a cold, wet permafrost site to examine the ecological consequences of direct moss and tree interactions. Our analyses revealed a tightly coupled system in which forest succession was highly sensitive to the interactions among site conditions, mosses, and trees. The effect of mosses on the soil thermal regime was a particularly important feedback. Direct interactions between mosses and trees that affected the development of a thick forest floor layer were also important. In particular, shading of moss by trees, reduced tree regeneration on moss-covered soils, and reduced moss growth with open forest canopies were also important determinants of forest succession. These complex feedbacks ensure that an ecosystem approach is needed to understand the ecology of boreal forests.  相似文献   

Pavlovian conditioning in Hermissenda produces a decrease in voltage-dependent (IK,A and ICa) and Ca2+-dependent (IK,Ca) currents, and an increase in the action potential (AP) duration in type B-photoreceptors. In addition, synaptic connections between B and A photoreceptors and B photoreceptor and type I interneurons are facilitated. The increase in AP duration, produced by decreasing one or more K+ currents, may account for synaptic facilitation. The present study examined this issue by using a mathematical model of the B-photoreceptor and the neurosimulator SNNAP. In the model, decreasing gK,A by 70% increased the duration of the AP in the terminal by 41% and Ca2+ influx by 30%. However, if the decrease in gK,A was combined with a decrease in gCa, similar to what has been reported experimentally, the Ca2+ influx decreased by 54%. Therefore, the concomitant change in ICa counter-acted the broadening-induced increase in Ca2+ influx in the synaptic terminal. This result suggests that a spike-duration independent process must contribute to the synaptic facilitation observed following Pavlovian conditioning.  相似文献   

Porcine luteal cells were collected from corpora lutea in four different stages of the luteal phase and cultured as monolayers. Progesterone (P4) secretion was assayed using radioimmunoassays (Gregoraszczuk, 1991). Luteal cells cultured from porcine corpora lutea collected in the early luteal phase maintained steroidogenic capacity for 6 days in culture until the time comparable with midluteal corpora lutea. Luteal cells collected from mature and regressing corpora lutea did not dedifferentiate during 2 days of culture. After this time secretion of progesterone decreased to undetectable amounts characteristic of old corpora lutea. The regression in the culture progressed. The results demonstrate that the degree of the decline of progesterone depends on the type of corpus luteum, which is connected to particular time intervals of the luteal phase. Before starting experiments it is necessary to take into consideration the stage of the luteal phase from which the material is collected for culture. This study provides evidence that long term culture is useful for investigating a variety of aspects of luteal function only if cells are collected in the early luteal phase. Short term culture is suitable for investigation of cells collected from mid and late luteal phase. Regulation of luteal function is dependent on stage of the luteal phase.  相似文献   

We analyzed the phylogeny of the Neotropical pitvipers within the Porthidium group (including intra-specific through inter-generic relationships) using 1.4 kb of DNA sequences from two mitochondrial protein-coding genes (ND4 and cyt-b). We investigated how Bayesian Markov chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) phylogenetic hypotheses based on this 'mesoscale' dataset were affected by analysis under various complex models of nucleotide evolution that partition models across the dataset. We develop an approach, employing three statistics (Akaike weights, Bayes factors, and relative Bayes factors), for examining the performance of complex models in order to identify the best-fit model for data analysis. Our results suggest that: (1) model choice may have important practical effects on phylogenetic conclusions even for mesoscale datasets, (2) the use of a complex partitioned model did not produce widespread increases or decreases in nodal posterior probability support, and (3) most differences in resolution resulting from model choice were concentrated at deeper nodes. Our phylogenetic estimates of relationships among members of the Porthidium group (genera: Atropoides, Cerrophidion, and Porthidium) resolve the monophyly of the three genera. Bayesian MCMC results suggest that Cerrophidion and Porthidium form a clade that is the sister taxon to Atropoides. In addition to resolving the intra-specific relationships among a majority of Porthidium group taxa, our results highlight phylogeographic patterns across Middle and South America and suggest that each of the three genera may harbor undescribed species diversity.  相似文献   

There is only one population of the crested ibis (Nipponia nippon) surviving in the wild, which has not exceeded 40 individuals since it was rediscovered in 1981. We used detailed data of the annual population size and natality collected by the Crested Ibis Conservation and Observation Station (CICOS) over the past 17years. We were able to obtain a more accurate census of age structure and mortality as all of the fledglings have been identified by leg bands in 1987. Consequently, we analyzed the current state of the crested ibis and predicted its future using Population Viability Analysis (PVA) with the help of the computer simulation model VORTEX (Version 7.2). The results indicated that the extinction probability of the crested ibis was 19.7% in 100years. Sensitivity analysis showed that the extinction probabilities were sensitive to catastrophes and environmental variation, and the long-term existence of the population was dependent on the carrying capacity of the habitat and inbreeding depression. Conservation efforts are critical for the survival of the crested ibis. The prior conservation project involves controlling hunting and predation, as well as improving the life level of these few remnant creatures.  相似文献   

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