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大黄属(Rheum L.)是蓼科(Polygonaceae)中一个高度分化的大属,广泛分布在亚洲和欧洲的高山和沙漠地区,全世界约60种,其中在青藏高原及其邻近地区发现了约40种。该属种的高度分化曾被推测是第三纪末青藏高原的快速隆升以及第四纪气候的反复变化所引发的适应性辐射导致。为进一步了解大黄属植物辐射式物种分化的分子适应机制,该研究选取34个形态上多样化的大黄属物种,利用系统发育分析软件,在时间框架下采用位点模型和分支模型对大黄属的叶绿体ndhF基因进行了适应性进化分析。结果表明:大黄属植物的分子进化系统树呈现短而平行的辐射式分支式样,显示出典型的物种快速辐射多样化特征;用位点模型检验ndhF基因是否存在经受正向选择(ω1)时,在氨基酸水平上共鉴定出3个NDHF亚基的正选择位点(188H,465H,551L),对NDHF亚基的二级结构进行分析后发现编码的188H氨基酸位于α螺旋上。大黄属植物可能通过这些结构域的适应性进化,适应青藏高原的快速隆升以及第四纪气候的反复变化而引发的陆地生态系统改变。该研究结果可为今后对该属植物的实验分析提供首选位点。  相似文献   

凤尾蕨科植物rbcL基因的适应性进化分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为深入理解蕨类植物辐射式物种分化的分子适应机制,在时间框架下,采用位点模型和分支-位点模型对凤尾蕨科植物rbcL基因的进化式样进行了分析.通过比较模型M1a/M2a和M7/M8,在氨基酸水平上共鉴定出6个正选择位点:1491、251M、255V、282F、359S和375F,其中位点282F对维持Rubisco功能有重要作用.分别检验凤尾蕨科的附生分支和水蕨类分支发现,前者不具适应性进化位点,而后者有两个位点(230A和247C)经历正选择.相对于荫蔽的光条件,水生生境可能对RbcL亚基的选择作用更强.另外,基于UCLD分子钟模型估算出的风尾蕨科各分支分化时间表明,该科物种丰富度的辐射式增长发生在新生代渐新世,推测古、始新世最热事件可能对物种分化的形成也产生一定作用.这对认识薄囊蕨类如何应对被子植物兴起导致的陆地生态系统改变具重要意义.  相似文献   

王春波  郭治友 《广西植物》2017,37(2):145-152
膜蕨科植物是薄囊蕨类中种类最多的科,主要分布在潮湿的热带地区,拥有陆生、附生、半附生和攀生等多种生态型。为进一步了解膜蕨科植物辐射式物种分化的分子适应机制,该研究在时间框架下采用位点模型对膜蕨科植物rbc L基因的进化式样进行分析。结果表明:共鉴定出6个氨基酸正选择位点(125I、227L、231A、258F、304S和351L),其中位点304S位于环六上,对维持Rubisco功能有重要作用。此外,还计算了Rubisco大亚基内部氨基酸位点之间的共进化关系,共检测出39组(35个氨基酸)共进化位点,其中位点在α螺旋上的占46%,在β折叠上的占14%。膜蕨科植物rbc L基因这种复杂的进化式样可能与其起源较早有关。鉴于此,基于UCLD分子钟模型对膜蕨科植物的分化时间进行了估计,结果显示膜蕨科植物首次发生分歧的时间在三叠纪早期,瓶蕨属和膜蕨属的分歧时间分别发生在侏罗纪早期和白垩纪晚期,并且得出陆生生态型是其它生态型进化的基础,推测最近几次最热事件可能对物种分化的形成产生一定的作用。该研究结果对认识膜蕨科植物如何应对被子植物兴起所导致的陆地生态系统改变具重要意义。  相似文献   

青藏高原是全球生物多样性中心之一,是研究物种形成和适应性进化的热点地区。龙胆属小龙胆组(Gentiana section Chondrophyllae s.l.)占整个龙胆属物种数目的近一半,以青藏高原为分化中心,但组内物种的遗传分化及其影响因素并不清楚。该研究以小龙胆组青藏高原特有植物——钻叶龙胆(G.haynaldii Kanitz)为研究对象,基于不同遗传方式的分子标记,通过种群遗传结构、遗传分化、种群动态历史和物种分布模型等分析,探讨其在青藏高原的分化历史。结果表明:(1)钻叶龙胆具有高的遗传多样性,种内遗传分化程度很高(叶绿体F_(ST)=0.532;ITS F_(ST)=0.511)。(2)钻叶龙胆种内的遗传分化主要发生在第四纪冰期以来,表明第四纪气候波动是钻叶龙胆分化的主要外部因素。(3)种群动态历史分析中,钻叶龙胆种群大小发生过扩张;物种分布模型分析表明,钻叶龙胆的分布区域在近期比较稳定,未发生明显扩张或收缩。该研究结果为龙胆属及青藏高原植物类群的物种分化和适应性研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

念珠藻(Nostoc)固氮过程关键在于固氮酶的催化,而固氮酶复合物中的铁蛋白(NifH)是由高度保守的nifH基因编码的,该基因是进化史上现存最古老的功能基因之一。该研究选取念珠藻属及近缘类群的nifH基因序列共40条,采用最大似然法构建系统发育树;运行PAML4.9软件,对nifH基因编码蛋白进行生物信息学分析,并使用分支模型、位点模型和分支-位点模型检测该基因的选择位点,探讨nifH基因的适应性进化特征。结果表明:(1)最大似然树显示内类群中该研究物种共分为6个分支(A、B、C、D、E和F),其中D和E是2个大的分支,每个大分支中又各包含2个特殊的小分支A、F和B、C,其中F分支包含新疆古尔班通古特沙漠采集到的9株念珠藻,A分支包含F分支及该研究测定序列的4株葛仙米,B分支包含本研究测定序列的4株地皮菜和3株未定种的念珠藻,C分支包含NCBI数据库中下载的5株念珠藻、鱼腥藻序列和本研究测定序列的1株念珠藻。(2)在所分析的3种进化模型中,仅通过分支-位点模型检测出14个统计学上显著的正选择位点,即1F、2S、3S、4T、5A、6F、7F、8I、9S、10C、17I、27Y、29D和31R位点,表明念珠藻属植物的nifH基因发生了适应性变化,分支-位点模型是研究藻类基因适应性进化较好的模型。  相似文献   

青藏高原是全球生物多样性中心之一,是研究物种形成和适应性进化的热点地区。岷县龙胆(Gentiana algida var. purdomii)是青藏高原地区特有植物,具有很高的药用价值。本研究以岷县龙胆种群为对象,基于不同遗传方式的分子标记,通过种群遗传结构、遗传分化、种群动态历史和物种分布模型等分析,探讨其在青藏高原的分化历史。结果表明:岷县龙胆具有高的遗传多样性,叶绿体数据表明种内遗传分化程度很高(FST=0.452),但核基因数据表明种内遗传分化程度很低(FST=0.022),揭示岷县龙胆种内存在强烈的基因流。种群动态历史分析表明岷县龙胆种群大小经历了近期扩张,物种分布模型的结果表明岷县龙胆在末次盛冰期以来分布范围略有扩张。分子钟模型的结果表明岷县龙胆种内的遗传分化主要发生在第四纪冰期以来。以上结果一致表明,第四纪气候波动是岷县龙胆分化的主要外部因素。本研究为龙胆属及青藏高原植物类群的物种分化、适应性研究以及资源开发与保护提供了参考。  相似文献   

青藏高原及其周边地区高山植物谱系地理学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青藏高原及其周边地区是世界上高山植物最丰富的地区,通过谱系地理学研究可以探讨高山植物演化历史与高原隆升和第四纪冰期的关系。根据对已经报道的36种高山植物的谱系地理分析,其谱系地理模式主要表现为:一、冰期退却到高原边缘的避难所,冰后期回迁到高原面;二、地理隔离造成冰期存在多处避难所(含微型避难所),冰后期发生局域性扩张。青藏高原在晚第三纪的快速隆升促进了物种的分化和成种,而第四纪冰期更是加剧了物种的快速分化,高原隆升和第四纪周期性气候波动是形成青藏高原高山植物现代谱系地理格局的主要原因。横断山脉地区作为第四纪冰期高山植物的主要避难所,在进化生物学和保护生物学方面具有重要启示。最后在物种选择、采样策略、基因片段选择和研究方法等4个方面提出青藏高原地区谱系地理学的研究方向。  相似文献   

蕨类植物rbcL基因正选择和负选择位点的鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于分支模型、位点模型及分支-位点模型对蕨类的rbcL基因所受到的选择压力进行了分析.结果显示:分支模型下检测到大部分分支处于负选择,仅4个分支处于正选择压力下,并且仅2分支具有统计上的显著性;在位点模型下,通过比较模型M1a/M2a和M7/M8,在氨基酸水平上模型M2a和模型M8均鉴定出98L位点被正选择;在模型M8下,鉴定负向选择位点共228个,占总序列的83.82%,从而揭示出负选择对rbcL基因的进化起着非常重要的作用;在分支位点-模型c下鉴定出262A被正选择.98L、262A位点分别位于rbcL羧基末端α/β桶结构域的第3和第8个α螺旋上.蕨类通过该结构域的适应性进化,适应白垩纪被子植物兴起而引发的陆地生态系统改变,研究结果为以后实验分析提供了首选位点.  相似文献   

青藏高原特有鲤科多倍体鱼类(裂腹鱼类)的起源和物种分化研究有助于探讨鲤科鱼类物种分化和青藏高原隆升之间的关系.本研究利用线粒体和核基因DNA序列构建系统发育关系,并以此来追溯裂腹鱼类多倍体的起源及其物种分化.倍性水平的祖先状态重建结果显示,鲤亚科是二倍体起源的,而裂腹鱼类是四倍体起源.研究还发现,在适应青藏高原隆升过程中,鲤亚科鱼类物种分化速率发生了两次明显改变,而且这些分化速率变化都发生在青藏高原特有鱼类的分支中.本研究表明,青藏高原特有的多倍体化裂腹鱼类包含了两个独立起源的类群.裂腹鱼类的物种分化与晚第三纪以来的青藏高原隆升密切相关,其中,渐新世晚期至中新世中期的裂腹鱼类适应性分化与青藏高原南部地区以及喜马拉雅山脉的隆升相关;中新世中期到更新世早期的物种分化基本同晚第三纪青藏高原隆升的主要阶段相一致;而更新世以来裂腹鱼属(Schizothorax)的物种分化则和青藏高原快速隆升过程中的昆仑-黄河运动及共和运动密切相关.  相似文献   

以念珠藻属(Nostoc)及其近缘类群hetR基因的51条序列为研究对象,对hetR基因的编码蛋白进行生物信息学分析和系统发育分析,并使用分支模型、位点模型和分支-位点模型进行该基因位点的适应性进化研究。系统发育分析结果显示,51条hetR基因蛋白序列可分为4个大分支。适应性进化分析结果表明,在3种进化模型中,大多数分支及藻株都没有检测到统计学上具有显著性的正选择位点,说明检测的位点大多处于负选择压力下。但在普通念珠藻(Nostoc commune,CHAB2802)中检测到正选择位点(126T),提示念珠藻属植物hetR基因发生了适应性改变。  相似文献   

Wang A  Yang M  Liu J 《Annals of botany》2005,96(3):489-498
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Rheum, a highly diversified genus with about 60 species, is mainly confined to the mountainous and desert regions of the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau and adjacent areas. This genus represents a good example of the extensive diversification of the temperate genera in the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau, in which the forces to drive diversification remain unknown. To date, the infrageneric classification of Rheum has been mainly based on morphological characters. However, it may have been subject to convergent evolution under habitat pressure, and the systematic position of some sections are unclear, especially Sect. Globulosa, which has globular inflorescences, and Sect. Nobilia, which has semi-translucent bracts. Recent palynological research has found substantial contradictions between exine patterns and the current classification of Rheum. Two specific objectives of this research were (1) to evaluate possible relationships of some ambiguous sections with a unique morphology, and (2) to examine possible occurrence of the radiative speciation with low genetic divergence across the total genus and the correlation between the extensive diversification time of Rheum and past geographical events, especially the recent large-scale uplifts of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. METHODS: The chloroplast DNA trnL-F region of 29 individuals representing 26 species of Rheum, belonging to seven out of eight sections, was sequenced and compared. The phylogenetic relationships were further constructed based on the sequences obtained. KEY RESULTS: Despite the highly diversified morphology, the genetic variation in this DNA fragment is relatively low. The molecular phylogeny is highly inconsistent with gross morphology, pollen exine patterns and traditional classifications, except for identifying all samples of Sect. Palmata, three species of Sect. Spiciformia and a few species of Sect. Rheum as corresponding monophyletic groups. The monotypic Sect. Globulosa showed a tentative position within the clade comprising five species of Sect. Rheum. All of the analyses revealed the paraphyly of R. nobile and R. alexandrae, the only two species of Sect. Nobilia circumscribed by the possession of large bracts. The crude calibration of lineages based on trnL-F sequence differentiation implied an extensive diversification of Rheum within approx. 7 million years. CONCLUSIONS: Based on these results, it is suggested that the rich geological and ecological diversity caused by the recent large-scale uplifts of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau since the late Tertiary, coupled with the oscillating climate of the Quaternary stage, might have promoted rapid speciation in small and isolated populations, as well as allowing the fixation of unique or rare morphological characters in Rheum. Such a rapid radiation, combined with introgressive hybridization and reticulate evolution, may have caused the transfer of cpDNA haplotypes between morphologically dissimilar species, and might account for the inconsistency between morphological classification and molecular phylogeny reported here.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined diversification history of Rheum and tested the hypothesis that morphological traits related to plant 'body-plans' evolved in parallel in this genus. We sequenced eight chloroplast DNA fragments (representing more than 8000 bps of the sequence for each species) of 34 species from the genus and 13 species from closely related genera. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that all species of Rheum form a monophyletic lineage sister to the two-species genus Oxyria, indicating that radiative diversifications have occurred in its evolutionary history. Our dating analyses further suggest that these radiations largely coincided with the extensive uplifts of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP). Ancestral state reconstruction and likelihood sensitivity tests strongly indicate that both decumbent and 'glasshouse-like' body-plan traits evolved in parallel in different clades. Our findings highlight the importance of the uplift of the QTP in promoting species diversification and the parallel evolution of morphological traits that are putatively adaptive during such an evolutionary history.  相似文献   

It is suggested that gene duplication plays an important role in adaptation and evolution of plants. In this study, we examined whether the genus Rheum, with extensive diversification in the Qinghai-Tibeten Plateau (QTP) and adjacent regions, possessed the duplication of the chalcone synthase (CHS) genes and whether it underwent positive evolution. Here we cloned CHS-like genes from 16 Rheum species. Phylogenetic analyses suggested that CHS-like genes from Rheum comprised two monophyletic lineages (subfamilies), both of which were sisters to another related genus. The results showed that a genus-specific duplication occurred after this genus originated. The comparison of non-synonymous/synonymous substitution ratios between the two lineages in Rheum further indicated that a few sites along the duplicate branch underwent positive selection. The findings indicate that the duplication of Rheum species could contribute to their adaptive ability to rapidly changing environments which was resulted from the large-scale uplifts stages of QTP.  相似文献   

As an endangered animal group, musk deer (genus Moschus) are not only a great concern of wildlife conservation, but also of special interest to evolutionary studies due to long-standing arguments on the taxonomic and phylogenetic associations in this group. Using museum samples, we sequenced complete mitochondrial cytochrome b genes (1140 bp) of all suggested species of musk deer in order to reconstruct their phylogenetic history through molecular information. Our results showed that the cytochrome b gene tree is rather robust and concurred for all the algorithms employed (parsimony, maximum likelihood, and distance methods). Further, the relative rate test indicated a constant sequence substitution rate among all the species, permitting the dating of divergence events by molecular clock. According to the molecular topology, M. moschiferus branched off the earliest from a common ancestor of musk deer (about 700,000 years ago); then followed the bifurcation forming the M. berezovskii lineage and the lineage clustering M. fuscus, M. chrysogaster, and M. leucogaster (around 370,000 years before present). Interestingly, the most recent speciation event in musk deer happened rather recently (140,000 years ago), which might have resulted from the diversified habitats and geographic barriers in southwest China caused by gigantic movements of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in history. Combining the data of current distributions, fossil records, and molecular data of this study, we suggest that the historical dispersion of musk deer might be from north to south in China. Additionally, in our further analyses involving other pecora species, musk deer was strongly supported as a monophyletic group and a valid family in Artiodactyla, closely related to Cervidae.  相似文献   

小柱芥属(Microstigma Trautv.)为十字花科(Brassicaceae)一寡种属,目前由于缺乏系统研究,存在属内物种划分不明确,地理分布不确定等问题。该文通过在甘肃、内蒙古的标本采集,以及GBIF的标本记载和相关文献的查阅,对小柱芥属植物的形态特征和地理分布进行了详细描述,确定了小柱芥属内的物种数目并编制了属内物种检索表,绘制了地理分布图。结果表明:支持尤那托夫小柱芥(Microstigma junatovii)为一个独立的种,同时该种为中国新分布记录种;确定小柱芥属为蒙古高原近特有属,含4个种。该研究不仅丰富了中国小柱芥属的物种多样性,为小柱芥属的植物鉴定提供了理论依据,也为蒙古高原植物区系、植被等相关研究积累了新资料。  相似文献   

To understand the evolutionary relationship between triheme and tetraheme cytochrome subunits in the reaction center complex, genes located downstream of that coding for the M subunit of the reaction center complex (pufM) were amplified by PCR and analyzed in six established and two unidentified species of the genus Rhodovulum and five species of the genus Rhodobacter. All the Rhodovulum species tested had the pufC gene coding for the reaction-center-bound cytochrome subunit, while all the Rhodobacter species were found to have the pufX gene at the corresponding position. Analyses of the amino acid sequences of the pufC gene products showed that the cytochrome subunits of all the Rhodovulum species have three heme-binding-motifs and lack a methionine residue probably working as the sixth axial-ligand to one of the three hemes. Phylogenetic relationships among Rhodovulum species based on the pufC gene products were basically consistent with those based on 16S rRNA sequences, suggesting that the basic characteristics of the triheme cytochrome subunit have been conserved during the evolutionary process of the Rhodovulum species.  相似文献   

Astragalus is a species-rich genus occurring in the western arid habitats in China and its diversification and infrageneric relationships in this region remain unclear. In the present study, based on molecular data, we aim to (i) test whether Phyllolobium (previously treated as a subgenus Pogonophace in Astragalus ) should be warranted; and (ii) date the origin of Phyllolobium and probable diversification of Astragalus sensu stricto (s.s.). We sequenced five species from Phyllolobium first and collected all related sequences from the genus, Astragalus s.s and their close relatives ( Oxytropis and Caragana etc.). Our phylogenetic analyses suggested that all species of Phyllolobium comprise a monophyletic sister-group to genera of the subtribe Coluteinae. Molecular dating suggested that Phyllolobium and Astragalus s.s. originated around 8 and 10 million years ago. These two estimates are highly consistent with the intense uplifts of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau inferred from geological evidence. In addition, one section of Pogonophace (Sect. Robusti) was estimated to originate 2.5 million years ago and this section with a tendency for dry habitats seems to be evidence of Asian intensified aridity resulting from the intense uplift of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

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