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地中海沿岸沙丘土壤种子库的异质性   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
应用自然萌发法和物理筛选法相结合的方法,调查了地中海沿岸沙丘三种微生境土壤总种子库和永久种子库特征,用功能群的方法分析了微生境之间的土壤总种子库和永久土壤种子库的组成和结构差异,也分析了主要物种土壤种子库的微生境分布格局,分析了种子大小和土壤种子库中的种子永久性关系。发现地中海沿岸沙丘土壤种子库具有明显的空间异质性,即使在相同的微生境内,土壤种子库的分布也不是均匀的,甚至具有很大的差异;微生境对总的土壤种子库和各功能群的土壤种子库的分布格局具有显著的影响,开阔地区域具有最大的种子密度,而灌丛下和路径具有较小的种子密度;在永久土壤种子库中,豆科类植物种子在休眠种子中占有最大的比例,约为76%,而一年生和多年生禾草未发现休眠种子,豆类、伞形科类、多年生阔草、菊科类、一年生阔叶草和十字花科类等种子在土壤中的永久性比例依次下降,分别为50%、46%、41%、6%、6%和1%,微生境影响各功能群种子在土壤中的永久性。微生境显著影响大部分主要物种的土壤种子库分布;种子大小与其在土壤中的永久性为正相关,即大种子具有较高的永久性,小种子具有较低的永久性。  相似文献   

应用自然萌发法和物理筛选法相结合的方法,调查了地中海沿岸沙丘三种微生境土壤总种子库和永久种子库特征,用功能群的方法分析了微生境之间的土壤总种子库和永久土壤种子库的组成和结构差异,也分析了主要物种土壤种子库的微生境分布格局,分析了种子大小和土壤种子库中的种子永久性关系.发现地中海沿岸沙丘土壤种子库具有明显的空间异质性,即使在相同的微生境内,土壤种子库的分布也不是均匀的,甚至具有很大的差异;微生境对总的土壤种子库和各功能群的土壤种子库的分布格局具有显著的影响,开阔地区域具有最大的种子密度,而灌丛下和路径具有较小的种子密度;在永久土壤种子库中,豆科类植物种子在休眠种子中占有最大的比例,约为76%,而一年生和多年生禾草未发现休眠种子,豆类、伞形科类、多年生阔草、菊科类、一年生阔叶草和十字花科类等种子在土壤中的永久性比例依次下降,分别为50%、46%、41%、6%、6%和1%,微生境影响各功能群种子在土壤中的永久性.微生境显著影响大部分主要物种的土壤种子库分布;种子大小与其在土壤中的永久性为正相关,即大种子具有较高的永久性,小种子具有较低的永久性.  相似文献   

地中海沿岸沙丘种子大小对植物及其种子多度的影响   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
分析了地中海沿岸沙丘3种微生境(灌丛下、灌丛之间的开阔地、路径)以及整个沙丘生态系统的种子大小与土壤种子库中休眠种子的数量、土壤种子库中总种子的数量、地上植被中各个植物种的个体数量和幼苗数量、每种植物在小样方中的出现频率等方面之间的关系,也分析了种子尺寸(长、宽、高之和的平均值)与土壤种子的长久性、土壤种子库中休眠种子数量之间的关系;还分析了具有不同种子大小的植物在沙丘生态系统和各微生境的分布比率,验证了生活周期短的植物的种子在土壤中更长久和被干扰的微生境具有更多的休眠种子这种假说。结果发现,在地中海沿岸沙丘生态系统中,具有特别大的种子和特别小种子的植物种类都很少,不同植物种子的大小呈现近正态分布,但绝大多数植物的种子重量都不超过10 mg;微生境影响种子尺寸与种子长久性的关系,在灌丛下、开阔地区域等两个微生境以及整个的沙丘生态系统都呈现显著的正向关系(p<0 .0 5 ) ,而在路径这种关系不很明显;种子多度与植被物种出现频率呈现强烈的正相关(p<0 .0 5 ) ,没有发现种子大小与土壤种子库中休眠种子数量、种子库中总的种子数量、植被物种出现频率、植被的物种多度、幼苗植物多度等方面有显著的关系;具有中度大小种子(0 .1~10 mg)的植物在总的土壤种子库、休  相似文献   

天然固定沙地不同微生境下土壤种子库差异   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
研究了腾格里沙漠东南缘天然固定沙地不同微生境下土壤种子库的种类组成和种子密度。结果表明:(1)灌丛下土壤种子库的物种丰富度大于灌丛边缘和灌丛间裸地。(2)不同微生境中土壤种子密度因物种而异。就距灌丛中心的距离来说,雾冰藜、刺蓬、地锦、虎尾草、虱子草和冷蒿灌丛下土壤中种子多于裸地,无芒隐子草和狗尾草种子裸地多于灌丛下,小画眉草在距灌丛各距离间土壤种子密度差异不显著。(3)就灌丛的不同方向来说,雾冰藜和刺蓬土壤中种子在东南方向最多,地锦和无芒隐子草土壤中种子密度在西南和西北均大于东南,狗尾草的土壤种子密度东北大于西北,虱子草的土壤种子密度在西南方向最大,冷蒿的土壤种子密度在西南方向最小,小画眉草和虎尾草在各方向间种子密度差异不显著。(4)不同微生境中物种的结籽量对土壤种子分布格局的影响力十分有限。种子离开母株后所经历的传播、消耗等过程在很大程度上打乱了植物结籽量的空间样式。  相似文献   

田丽  王孝安  李晓炜 《生态学报》2016,36(24):8044-8053
选择毛乌素沙地优势灌丛柠条(Caragana intermedia)、紫穗槐(Amorpha fruticosa)和沙柳(Salix psammophila)作为保育植物,选择2年生油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)和樟子松(Pinus sylvestris)幼苗作为目标植物,将其分别种植在开阔地、柠条、紫穗槐和沙柳4种微生境下,连续3a监测油松和樟子松幼苗的存活和生长动态,从而确定毛乌素沙地优势灌丛是否对植物幼苗的定居有促进作用。结果表明:柠条、紫穗槐和沙柳冠层下光照强度、大气温度和土壤温度都显著低于开阔地,致使土壤湿度增高,油松幼苗总存活率均显著高于开阔地,而樟子松幼苗总存活率仅紫穗槐冠层下显著高于开阔地(P0.05)。紫穗槐冠层下油松和樟子松幼苗总存活率均最高(P0.05),外来种紫穗槐可选为保育植物。保育灌丛下松树幼苗的主枝生长良好,并未受到抑制,但第1年主枝生长长度最小。光照强度和土壤湿度是决定主枝生长长度的重要因素。保育灌丛高度和冠幅面积与油松和樟子松幼苗存活率呈显著正相关(P0.05)。固氮灌丛(紫穗槐和柠条)对松树幼苗存活有持续的促进作用,但柠条冠幅结构紧密,可能因为对光的竞争,减弱了促进作用。沙柳灌丛下松树幼苗的存活率较低。油松幼苗具有一定程度的耐阴性,樟子松幼苗喜光性强,保育灌丛下油松幼苗存活率显著高于樟子松幼苗(P0.05)。总的来说,保育灌丛对松树幼苗的定居有促进作用,保育植物技术可作为一种有效的恢复措施,应用在毛乌素沙地的植被恢复中来。但是,保育灌丛的选择要考虑是本土种或外来种,以及灌丛的高度、冠幅大小、冠幅结构和化学效应,恢复物种的选择要考虑其自身的生物学特性及其与保育植物的相互作用。  相似文献   

不同年龄香果树种子雨和种子库及其更新特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对宝天曼自然保护区香果树种子雨、土壤种子库进行了观测,并进行不同微生境播种实验,研究其种子萌发及幼苗生长动态。结果表明:(1)不同龄级香果树种子雨持续时间及其高峰期有所不同,种子雨强度存在极显著差异。(2)20~50龄级香果树的种子饱满率、土壤种子库中种子密度均显著低于其他龄级,但其不同类型种子的水平和垂直分布规律一致;大约80%的香果树种子在其萌发前消失,剩余种子中以霉烂种子密度最高(9.81粒·m-2),饱满种子密度最低(1.94粒·m-2)。(3)野外育苗实验表明,不同龄级香果树所产饱满种子的萌发率及幼苗存活率差异不显著,其种子萌发率约为16.93%,但仅有3.86%的幼苗寿命超过5个月;不同微生境对香果树幼苗存活率产生显著影响,林窗是其最适宜微生境。研究认为,人工采集香果树种子,于次年4月份在原生境下播种;清理母树冠下和冠缘的地被物,增加林缘空地地被物覆盖度,以减少香果树种子的损失,改善香果树种子萌发和幼苗生长的光照条件,以利于幼苗根系的生长,促进香果树的自然更新。  相似文献   

贮藏种子的啮齿动物对油茶种子沉积形式的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
种子沉积的质量常常涉及种子扩散作用者(如鸟类和小型啮齿动物)对生境和微生境的选择以及种子沉积的形式(如种子埋藏)。然而,很少的研究涉及到种子在离开母树后被这些动物沉积在何处。在四川省都江堰一个实验林场的2个林分(次生林和原生林)内,通过追踪用带编号的金属薄片标记的油茶(CamelliaoleiferaAbel.)种子的命运,研究了贮藏种子的啮齿动物对种子沉积的影响。研究发现在2个林分内,80%以上的种子被很好地埋藏在0~60mm深的土壤中,而小部分种子则被放置在地表(但有少量落叶遮盖)。小型啮齿动物喜好在灌丛下或灌丛边缘贮藏和取食种子,可能是在这样的微生境下它们在觅食时将遭遇较小的捕食风险。研究还发现,贮藏点的微生境分布随贮藏点等级而逐渐变化在两个林分内较高等级的贮藏点(如次贮藏点和三级贮藏点)比初级贮藏点有更多的种子被贮藏在灌丛下或灌丛边缘。这表明,啮齿动物对油茶种子的埋藏可能更有益于种子的存活、萌发以及幼苗的建成。啮齿动物将散落在母树下或其附近的油茶种子扩散到不同的微生境,这可能有利于他们遭遇到更多的适宜环境而萌发,实现幼苗补充。  相似文献   

种子沉积的质量常常涉及种子扩散作用者(如鸟类和小型啮齿动物)对生境和微生境的选择以及种子沉积的形式(如种子埋藏).然而,很少的研究涉及到种子在离开母树后被这些动物沉积在何处.在四川省都江堰一个实验林场的2个林分(次生林和原生林)内,通过追踪用带编号的金属薄片标记的油茶(Camellia oleifera Abel.)种子的命运,研究了贮藏种子的啮齿动物对种子沉积的影响.研究发现:在2个林分内,80%以上的种子被很好地埋藏在0~60 mm深的土壤中,而小部分种子则被放置在地表(但有少量落叶遮盖).小型啮齿动物喜好在灌丛下或灌丛边缘贮藏和取食种子,可能是在这样的微生境下它们在觅食时将遭遇较小的捕食风险.研究还发现,贮藏点的微生境分布随贮藏点等级而逐渐变化:在两个林分内较高等级的贮藏点(如次贮藏点和三级贮藏点)比初级贮藏点有更多的种子被贮藏在灌丛下或灌丛边缘.这表明,啮齿动物对油茶种子的埋藏可能更有益于种子的存活、萌发以及幼苗的建成.啮齿动物将散落在母树下或其附近的油茶种子扩散到不同的微生境,这可能有利于他们遭遇到更多的适宜环境而萌发,实现幼苗补充.  相似文献   

应用地统计学及限制性排序分析方法,对海南霸王岭陆均松(Dacrydium pectinatum)幼苗、幼树、成树及其微生境因子的空间分布特征进行分析。结果表明:1)陆均松不同生活史阶段空间分布格局存在明显差异,幼苗阶段表现为聚集性分布,具有显著的空间自相关结构,聚集强度随年龄增长呈逐渐减弱趋势;2)RDA分析表明,陆均松空间分布格局与微生境因子的关系在不同生活史阶段存在差异,生境过滤的影响会随着生活史阶段的不同而有所差别;3)微生境变量对陆均松幼苗、幼树、成树空间变异的总解释量分别为78.4%、41.2%、33.6%,微生境因素对陆均松分布的限制作用主要集中在幼苗阶段;4)在大尺度条件下,PCNM变量与微生境变量具有较大的共同解释量(22.2%),存在典型的"诱导空间变差"现象,微生境变量空间变化引起响应变量即陆均松幼苗、幼树、成树的分布产生类似的空间结构。研究结果证实了微生境因子与不同生活史阶段陆均松分布的关联性,为深入理解陆均松种群维持机制、空间分布格局、更新动态与生境的关系提供科学依据。  相似文献   

宁夏荒漠草原柠条锦鸡儿枯落物分解特征及其影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以宁夏荒漠草原柠条锦鸡儿(Caragana kornshinskii)枯落物为研究对象,利用网孔分解袋法研究了极小型、小型、中型和大型柠条锦鸡儿灌丛微生境枯落物分解率变化特征及对土壤环境的响应规律。结果表明:(1)随着分解时间延长,不同大小柠条锦鸡儿灌丛微生境土壤含水量和土壤温度均呈现出相似的分布特征,而土壤pH值和电导率随时间分布特征则受到灌丛大小的显著影响。(2)3种网孔内,不同大小柠条灌丛微生境间枯落物分解率均无显著差异性。但是,灌丛微生境中枯落物分解率受到灌丛大小和网孔大小的共同影响。(3)中型灌丛微生境中枯落物分解率在3种网孔间均无显著差异性。但在极小型灌丛微生境中,120 d时枯落物分解率表现为4 mm(40.95%)0.01 mm(38.51%)2 mm(32.14%),150 d时枯落物分解率表现为2 mm(37.64%)4 mm(35.20%)0.01 mm(26.68%)。在小型灌丛微生境中,120 d时枯落物分解率表现为0.01 mm(46.81%)4 mm(41.07%)2 mm(34.75%)。在大型灌丛微生境中,120 d时枯落物分解率表现为4 mm(39.65%)2 mm(36.65%)0.01 mm(35.96%),210 d时枯落物分解率表现为2 mm(48.05%)4 mm(35.96%)0.01 mm(30.80%)。(4)Olson衰减指数模型得出枯落物分解50%和95%所需时间,表现为极小型灌丛和中型灌丛微生境中均为0.95年和4.1年(3种网孔相同);小型灌丛微生境中为0.63年和2.74年(4 mm)、1.90年和8.21年(2 mm)、0.95年和4.1年(0.01 mm);大型灌丛微生境中为0.95年和4.1年(4 mm)、0.63年和2.74年(2 mm)、1.90年和8.21年(0.01 mm)。研究表明,在宁夏荒漠草原,仅灌丛大小引起的微生境差异对枯落物分解率影响较小,但灌丛大小和土壤动物类群的相互作用对枯落物分解率的影响较大。  相似文献   

Calligonum mongolicum is a successful pioneer shrub to combat desertification, which is widely used for vegetation restoration in the desert regions of northwest China. In order to reveal the limitations to natural regeneration of C. mongolicum by asexual and sexual reproduction, following the process of sand dune stabilization, we assessed clonal shoots, seedling emergence, soil seed bank density, and soil physical characteristics in mobile and stabilized sand dunes. Controlled field and pot experiments were also conducted to assess germination and seedling emergence in different dune soil types and seed burial depths. The population density of mature C. mongolicum was significantly different after sand dune stabilization. Juvenile density of C. mongolicm was much lower in stabilized sand dunes than mobile sand dune. There was no significant difference in soil seed bank density at three soil depths between mobile and stabilized sand dunes, while the emergence of seedlings in stabilized dunes was much lower than emergence in mobile dunes. There was no clonal propagation found in stabilized dunes, and very few C. mongolicum seedlings were established on stabilized sand dunes. Soil clay and silt content, air‐filled porosity, and soil surface compaction were significantly changed from mobile sand dune to stabilized dunes. Seedling emergence of C. mongolicm was highly dependent on soil physical condition. These results indicated that changes in soil physical condition limited clonal propagation and seedling emergence of C. mongolicum in stabilized sand dunes. Seed bank density was not a limiting factor; however, poor seedling establishment limited C. mongolicum's further natural regeneration in stabilized sand dunes. Therefore, clonal propagation may be the most important mode for population expansion in mobile sand dunes. As a pioneer species C. mongolicum is well adapted to propagate in mobile sand dune conditions, it appears unlikely to survive naturally in stabilized sand dune plantations.  相似文献   

Seedling emergence is a critical stage in the establishment of desert plants. Soil microbes participate in plant growth and development, but information is lacking with regard to the role of microbes on seedling emergence. We applied the biocides (captan and streptomycin) to assess how seed mucilage interacts with soil microbial community and physiochemical processes to affect seedling emergence of Artemisia sphaerocephala on the desert sand dune. Fungal and bacterial community composition and diversity and fungal–bacterial interactions were changed by both captan and streptomycin. Mucilage increased soil enzyme activities and fungal–bacterial interactions. Highest seedling emergence occurred under streptomycin and mucilage treatment. Members of the phyla Firmicutes and Glomeromycota were the keystone species that improved A. sphaerocephala seedling emergence, by increasing resistance of young seedlings to drought and pathogen. Seed mucilage directly improved seedling emergence and indirectly interacted with the soil microbial community through strengthening fungal–bacterial interactions and providing favourable environment for soil enzymes to affect seedling emergence. Our study provides a comprehensive understanding of the regulatory mechanisms by which soil microbial community and seed mucilage interactively promote successful establishment of populations of desert plants on the barren and stressful sand dune.  相似文献   

A comparison of structure and pattern of the soil seed bank was made between active and stabilized sand dunes in northeastern Inner Mongolia, China. The objective of this paper was to determine the significance of seed bank in vegetation restoration of sand dunes. The results showed that (1) average seed density decreased from stabilized sand dune to interdune lowland of stabilized sand dune, to interdune lowland of active sand dune, and to active sand dune; (2) horizontally, along the transect from interdune lowland to ecotone and to sand dune top, a ‘V’ shaped pattern was presented in the active dune system, and a reverse ‘V’ shaped pattern in the stabilized sand dune system; (3) vertically, the proportion (accounting for the total seeds) of seeds found in 0–20 mm soil profile decreased from stabilized sand dune to interdune lowland of stabilized sand dune, to interdune lowland of active sand dune, and to active sand dune. The same order was also found in 20–50 mm and 50–100 mm soil profiles; (4) the Sokal and Sneath similarity indices in the species-composition between soil seed bank and above-ground vegetation were ranked as: the stabilized sand dune (24%) > the interdune lowland of active sand dune (21%) > the interdune lowland of stabilized sand dune (18%) > the active sand dune (5%); and (5) vegetation restoration of active sand dunes depends on the dispersal of seeds from nearby plant communities on the interdune lowlands. Much effort must be made to preserve the lowlands, as lowlands are the most important seed reservoir in the active sand dune field.  相似文献   

Yan Q  Liu Z  Ma J  Jiang D 《Annals of botany》2007,99(1):19-28
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The function of sexual reproduction of perennials in restoration of vegetation of active dune fields frequently has been underestimated. The objective of this study was to evaluate the role of sexual reproduction of the perennial Salix gordejevii in the revegetation of active dunes. METHODS: Seedling emergence and establishment of S. gordejevii were examined both in controlled experiments (germination at different burial depths with different watering regimes) and in field observations in three dune slacks. The reproductive phenology and soil seed bank of S. gordejevii, the dynamics of soil moisture, the groundwater table and the landform level of three dune slacks were monitored. KEY RESULTS: Seeds of S. gordejevii began maturation on 1 May, and seed dispersal lasted from 8 May to 20 May. Seeds on the soil surface germinated significantly faster than those buried in soil (P<0.05). Seedling emergence was negatively correlated with landform level. When most seedlings emerged, there was a significantly positive correlation between soil moisture and seedling emergence (P<0.01). Rainfall was negatively correlated with seedling emergence. Seedling establishment was significantly and positively correlated with seedling emergence (P<0.05), and 72.3 % of the emergent seedlings were established at the end of the growing season. These results indicated that (a) seeds matured and dispersed before the rainy season; (b) seeds germinated as soon as they contacted a moist surface and relied more on soil moisture than on rainfall; and (c) more seedlings emerged at lower sampling points in dune slacks. CONCLUSIONS: In natural conditions, restoration of active sand dune fields generally commences with revegetation of dune slacks where sexual reproduction of perennials contributes greatly to species encroachment and colonization and hence plays an important role in restoration of active dune fields. Furthermore, aeolian erosion in dune slacks, leading to good soil moisture, facilitates seed germination, seedling emergence and establishment of S. gordejevii.  相似文献   

Yajuan Zhu  Ming Dong  Zhenying Huang   《Flora》2007,202(3):249-257
Leymus secalinus (Georg.) Tzvel. (Poaceae) is a dominant sand dune grass inhabiting the Mu-Us Sandland, semiarid China. Freshly harvested caryopses (seeds) are in non-deep physiological dormancy (non-deep PD) because of low percentage and slow rate of germination. Experiments were conducted to examine the effects of temperature, cold stratification, caryopsis coat scarification or partial removal of endosperm and sand burial on caryopsis dormancy, germination and seedling emergence. Caryopsis germination was significantly influenced by duration of cold stratification, temperature and their interactions. After 8 weeks of cold stratification, caryopsis germination percentage at 30 °C reached to 90%, equally in light or darkness. Rate and percentages of germination were also hastened and increased by scarifying the caryopsis coat or by artificial removal of different proportions of the endosperm. However, seedling developmental characteristics were significantly influenced by the proportion of the endosperm that remained in the caryopses. Seedling emergence, caryopsis germination and enforced dormancy in sand were significantly affected by sand burial depth. As sand burial depth increased, caryopsis germination and seedling emergence decreased whereas caryopsis enforced dormancy increased. 1–2 cm was the optimal depths for caryopses germination and seedling emergence. Although there were still 30% caryopses germinated at 8 cm, the maximal burial depth for seedling emergence was only 4 cm. The partial germination strategy regulated by non-deep PD, temperature and sand burial ensures that only a few caryopses germinated each time and may reduce risks for seedling survival.  相似文献   

We compared seedling growth of four Artemisia species dominated at different habitats to determine whether interspecific seedling growth variation of a same genus in tolerance to burial can be used to explain plant distribution in the sand dune field. Interdune lowland species, Artemisia gmelinii, stabilized dune species, A. frigida, semi-stabilized dune species, A. halodendron, and active dune species, A. wudanica were selected. Seedlings grown for 3 weeks were treated at five burial depths for three burial times in pot experiments. Species from the habitats with little burial had smaller survival rate, dry weight and stem elongation speed than those from the habitats with intensive burial when buried. Furthermore, when buried, the former tended to adjust biomass allocation between shoot and root and produce adventitious buds, while the latter tended to maintain a constant root:shoot ratio and produce adventitious roots. We conclude that (1) seedlings of species with a long evolutionary history of exposure to sand burial (from the active sand dune), show quicker stem growth when buried than do seedlings of species from the habitats with little or no sand burial; (2) seedlings of species which do not change root:shoot ratio might be more tolerant of sand burial than those do; (3) seedlings of species from the habitats with intensive sand burial is prone to produce adventitious roots and seedlings of species from the habitats with little or no sand burial tend to produce adventitious buds when buried.  相似文献   

Question: Understanding the mechanisms underlying how habitat degradation, topography and rainfall variability interactively affect seed distribution and seedling recruitment is crucial for explaining plant community patterns and dynamics. Interactions between these major factors were studied together in a semiarid sand dune grassland. Location: Eastern Inner Mongolia, China. Methods: The study system used four sites of fixed, semifixed, semishifting and shifting sand dune grasslands, representing a gradient of habitat degradation. We investigated the density of germinable seeds deposited in the top 5 cm of soil and in situ seedling emergence (number of seedlings emerging early in the growing season) and establishment (number of plants recruited at the end of the growing season) at three topographic positions (dune top, windward and leeward sides) within each site over 2 years that differed in rainfall. Habitat characteristics (i.e. vegetation cover, plant species composition and diversity, soil moisture and nutrient availability and soil erodibility) of the four sites were also measured. Results: Habitat degradation (i.e. decreased vegetation cover and enhanced wind erosion rate) significantly reduced the size of the germinable soil seed bank. On average, germinable seed number from the high‐vegetation cover fixed dune was 36‐fold larger than the low‐vegetation cover shifting dune, and eight‐ and two‐fold larger, respectively, than the semishifting and semifixed dunes with intermediate vegetation cover. We observed within‐habitat variability in seed distribution, but among‐topographic position variation differed among habitats. Seedling recruitment showed large between‐year, and among‐ and within‐habitat variability, but these variations varied significantly depending on the response variables evaluated (i.e. initial seedling density, final plant density, emergence rate and recruitment rate). Path analysis revealed complex density‐dependent positive and negative, direct and indirect effects of germinable seed density and initial seedling density on recruitment, but the relative importance of these density‐dependent effects varied depending on habitat type and rainfall availability. Conclusion: Our results suggest that habitat degradation, microtopography and rainfall availability interact in shaping sand dune seed bank and plant community recruitment patterns and dynamics. Their effects were mainly mediated through changes in both the biotic and abiotic environment during the process of habitat deterioration.  相似文献   

Aerial seed bank has been found in the arid dune ecosystem. However, the relationship of aerial seed bank to sand mobility intensity is unknown. The adaptation of aerial seed bank to sand mobility was analyzed in four Artemisia species dominating at different habitats in northeastern Inner Mongolia, China. The four species, Artemisia gmelinii, A. frigida, A. halodendron and A. wudanica, are an interdune lowland, stabilized dune, semi-stabilized dune and active dune species, respectively. Seed (achene and capitulum) persistence on the parent plants, the supplement for the soil seed bank, the maintenance of seed viability, and the effect of burial depth on seedling emergence of these four species were studied. Dispersal delay differed interspecifically responding to sand mobility intensity: maximal dispersal was in the following May after maturation for A. wudanica, in the following April after maturation for A. halodendron, and in November of the year of seed maturation for A. frigida and A. gmelinii. The maximal supplement to the soil seed bank for A. wudanica and A. halodendron occurred in the following May and March, respectively. The viability of achenes in aerial seed bank of A. wudanica and A. halodendron maintained at 79.5 and 79.6% until the following May after maturation. This study indicated that aerial seed bank in the sand dune ecosystem functions to postpone seed dispersal until the end of windy season and the start of growing season, and therefore is a mechanism for psammophyte to adapt to sand mobility.  相似文献   

该文研究了野外条件下不同深度的沙埋对沙鞭(Psammochloa villosa)种子萌发和幼苗出土的影响,以及温室条件下种子大小对不同深度沙埋后的种子萌发和幼苗出土的影响。结果表明,沙埋深度显著影响沙鞭的种子萌发率、幼苗出土率和种子休眠率。沙子表面的种子不能萌发。2 cm的浅层沙埋时的种子萌发率和幼苗出土率最高,1 cm 沙埋的种子萌发率和幼苗出土率次之。沙埋深度超过2 cm之后,沙鞭的种子萌发率和幼苗出土率与沙埋深度呈负相关。2 cm的种子休眠率最低。从2 ~12 cm,种子休眠率随着沙埋深度的增加而增加。在幼苗能够出土的深度(1~6 cm),幼苗首次出土所需的时间随着沙埋深度的增加而延长。种子大小对沙鞭的种子萌发率没有显著影响。但是在深层沙埋(6 cm)时,与小种子相比,大种子产生的幼苗的出土率较高。从2~6 cm,大种子形成的幼苗的茎长度都较长。  相似文献   

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