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非人灵长类动物在亲缘关系上和人最接近,与人类的遗传物质有75%~98.5%的同源性,在组织结构、免疫、生理和代谢等方面与人类高度近似,是极其珍贵的实验动物,其应用价值远超过其他种属的实验动物。本文就非人灵长类和人类之间的进化关系和目前的使用情况,及其在毒理学、传染病、神经科学、生殖生物学、胎儿发育和衰老等医学科学实验中的应用等方面的内容做了简要的介绍。  相似文献   

李鹏承  万海峰  李伟 《生命科学》2020,32(7):661-663
由于非人灵长类动物与人类在进化上的亲缘关系和生理特征上的高度相似,它们在人类传染病、生殖、发育、代谢、神经和衰老等研究领域具有重要的应用价值。现对非人灵长类动物的常见胚胎工程技术进行综述,包括非人灵长类动物的配子收集、体外受精和胚胎移植等;同时,还结合基因组编辑技术的发展,简要介绍了近年来胚胎工程技术在非人灵长类动物基因编辑方面的应用。  相似文献   

非人灵长类肿瘤模型研究进展(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
癌症是人类第二大致死的疾病。将体外细胞模型获得的癌症研究结果向临床转化过程中,动物活体实验是必不可少的一个环节。现在的肿瘤活体实验绝大部分采用啮齿类实验动物如小鼠和大鼠,这是因为它们具有个体小、繁殖迅速、遗传背景清楚、转基因技术成熟等优势。但是啮齿类和人的亲缘关系比较远,许多从啮齿类动物模型获得的研究结果不能在人体重现。非人灵长类动物在遗传进化、免疫、生理和代谢等诸多方面与人类高度近似,理论上更加适合癌症研究。本文对现有的非人灵长类肿瘤研究做一综述,主要集中介绍用化学和生物致癌剂在不同的非人灵长类动物诱导肿瘤的研究,为将来用非人灵长类动物研究人类癌症奠定基础。  相似文献   

灵长类学是研究灵长类的科学,有时也涉及古生物学和研究人类的人类学。为了区别起见,称灵长类动物为非人灵长类(Nonhuman primates)或次人灵长类(Subhuman primates)。本文只讨论灵长类学中现存灵长类动物生物学的研究进展。 灵长类动物同人类的亲缘关系最为密切。所以,灵长类学诸方面的研究,如行为科学,神经生物学,生殖生物学,病理学,免疫学,细胞遗传学,形态学和分子生物学等,对于认识人类的进化和社会活动,对于人口控制和医学等均有一定的理论和应用意义。  相似文献   

临床症状是诊断疾病的基础资料,可以作为疾病诊断的出发点和重要根据。在兽医临床中,由于非人灵长类动物不能用语言表达自身感觉,需要根据客观的临床症状观察来发现。所以兽医给动物诊断疾病,必须熟练掌握其各种常见临床症状与疾病的关系,以便根据症状的提示对疾病做出初步诊断。本文根据多年从事非人灵长类动物兽医临床工作的实践经验,从循环、呼吸、消化、泌尿、生殖、神经、造血、肌肉、骨骼、皮肤、代谢及中毒等方面,总结了非人灵长类实验动物常见的临床症状和相应疾病初步诊断的联系。  相似文献   

建立有效的动物模型是研究人类疾病演进、开发新型治疗手段的重要方法。非人灵长类动物在进化发育、生理生化及病理方面和人类最接近,是研究人类疾病的理想动物模型。随着基因编辑技术的发展,研究者已经成功建立了多种模仿人类疾病的非人灵长类动物模型。但是CRISPR/Cas9的脱靶效应、嵌合突变以及基因敲入效率较低等突出问题也逐渐引起重视。本文综述了基因编辑技术在建立非人灵长类动物模型中的应用现状,提出了目前亟需解决的难点和应对策略,以期为高效、准确构建非人灵长类动物模型提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

李明文 《兽类学报》2022,42(6):728-740
非人灵长类动物是生物多样性的重要组成部分,也是生物医学研究的珍贵实验动物,然而,由于人类活动、栖息地破坏、狩猎和遗传隔离等原因,许多非人灵长类动物的野生种群数量急剧下降,甚至处于灭绝的边缘。种质冷冻保存对拯救非人灵长类动物和保存遗传物质资源具有重要意义。本文综述了新大陆猴、旧大陆猴和巨猿等类群动物精子、卵子、胚胎和性腺组织等种质冷冻保存的研究进展,介绍了狨猴、松鼠猴、恒河猴、食蟹猴和黑猩猩等种质冷冻保存的主要方法,并对未来种质冷冻保存的研究方向进行了讨论。  相似文献   

魏景宽  王正波 《生命科学》2020,32(7):676-682
帕金森病是第二大神经退行性疾病,目前没有有效的治疗措施。非人灵长类动物在基因序列、大脑解剖、生殖生理和免疫系统等方面与人类有着极高的相似性,非人灵长类PD动物模型有助于阐明PD病因和发病机制,在新的治疗方法和药物研发中具有重大的应用价值。该文对当前非人灵长类PD模型研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

历时3年的艰苦攻关.中科院昆明动物研究所研究员季维智领导的研究小组成功培育出我国首例转基因猕猴,并于近日在美国《国家科学院院刊》(PNAS)上发表。该研究成果标志着我国科学家在非人灵长类转基因动物研究方面达到世界领先水平,为未来人类重大疾病的非人灵长类动物模型的深人研究奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

肠道微生物组被誉为动物的“第二套基因组”,与动物的个体发育、营养获取、生理功能、免疫调节等重要活动密切相关。非人灵长类在生态位、社会结构、地理分布以及进化上与人类相近,开展其肠道微生物研究不仅有助于了解灵长类的生态、保护和进化,而且对深入了解肠道微生物在人类进化中所发挥的作用也具有重要的参考价值。本文总结了影响非人灵长类肠道微生物变化的因素,包括系统发育、觅食、栖息地破碎化、年龄和性别、圈养方式以及社群生活,并探讨了肠道微生物研究在非人灵长类生态、行为、保护以及适应性进化方面的应用。未来,非人灵长类肠道微生物研究将为灵长类生态、进化和人类健康的研究提供新的视角,为灵长类的保护提供新的理论基础和研究方法。  相似文献   

Several non-human primate species are used as laboratory animals for research purposes. Non human primates represent a potential hazard for laboratory animal handlers as they exceed all other species in importance as potentiators of disease in laboratory personnel (Quist K.D., 1972). Hepatitis viruses cause some of the prevalent diseases in man which constitute an important public health problem. The first outbreak of the infection was related to non human primates and occurred in 1958-1960 in USA, with more then 200 human cases. Chimpanzee is the main species that has been implicated but others have also been involved. We report a case of seropositivity to HCV antigens in Macaca fascicularis using a third generation RIBA assay. The nature of reactivity of the positive samples could not be resolved as no animal in the breeder colony had been exposed to an HCV source. Furthermore, Macaca spp. did not appear to be a susceptible species in previous studies.  相似文献   

Animal urine collection is a vital part of veterinary practice for ascertaining animal health and in scientific investigations for assessing the results of experimental manipulations. Untainted animal urine collection is very challenging, especially with small rodents, and is an almost impossible task under conditions of microgravity. The fundamental aspects of urine collection are: (1) ease of collection, (2) quality of sample, (3) prevention of contamination, (4) severity of procedures used, (5) levels of pain caused to the animal and (6) refinement of methods to reduce stress, pain or distress. This review addresses the collection of urine for qualitative and quantitative purposes from rodents, rabbits, felines, canines, avian species, equines, porcines, ungulates and certain non-human primates, with animal welfare in mind. Special emphasis has been given to rodents, canines and non-human primates, since they are the animals of choice for research purposes. Free catch (voluntary voiding), methods with mild intervention, surgical methods, modified restraint, cage and special requirement methods have been reviewed here. Efforts need to be taken to provide appropriate animal husbandry and to nurture the animals in as natural an environment as possible since experimental results obtained from these research subjects are, to a great extent, dependent upon their well-being. A continuous refinement in the procedures for collecting urine from experimental animals will be the most efficient way of proceeding in obtaining pure urine specimens for obtaining reliable research data.  相似文献   

Relaxin is a peptide hormone that exerts numerous effects in a variety of tissues across a broad range of species. Although first identified more than 75 years ago interest in relaxin biology has waxed and waned over the years consistent with peaks and troughs of new experimental data on its wide-ranging biological effects and advances in relaxin enabling technologies. Recent insights into species-dependent differences in relaxin biology during pregnancy have once again stimulated a relative surge of interest in the study of relaxin's reproductive biology. Identification and pharmacological characterization of orphaned relaxin receptors and exploration of its paracrine effects on pregnancy using genomic and proteomic technologies have succeeded in fueling current interest in relaxin research. Primates and non-primate vertebrates exhibit very disparate profiles of relaxin genomics, proteomics and functional biology. Non-human primates appear to exhibit a very close similarity to humans with respect to relaxin reproductive biology but the similarities and subtle differences are only just beginning to be understood. We, and others, have shown that relaxin produces significant changes to the non-human primate endometrium during the peri-implantation period that are consistent with relaxin's long perceived role as a paracrine modulator of pregnancy. The purpose of this review is to summarize the reproductive biology of relaxin in non-human primates with a specific emphasis on the paracrine role of ovarian and endometrial relaxin during embryo implantation and early pregnancy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Olive baboon is a popular animal model for reproductive and surgical research. The Institute of Primate Research, Nairobi, Kenya, has been using the animal for reproductive research for many years. In the baboon, compared with other smaller non-human primates, it is possible to insert uterine probes such as, catheters, curettes and other linear instruments (to cannulate cervix for uterine procedures like flushing, endometrium biopsy, embryo transfer, etc.). METHODS: However we noticed in a few animals this was difficult and problematic, particularly in some stages of the menstrual cycle, in retroverted uteri, in extensive adhesions or in some anatomically unique animals and we have developed a technique called 'Chai technique' for this purpose. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The Chai technique is unique to the baboon and not possible in human. It does not seem to cause injuries as frequently as uterine perforation and, in our experience, has been surprisingly successful.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Several non-human primate species are used as laboratory animals for various types of studies. Although importation of monkeys may introduce different diseases, special attention has recently been drawn to Marburg and Ebola viruses. This review presented here discusses the potential risk of these viruses for persons working with non-human primates as laboratory animals by focusing on epidemiology, virology, symptoms, pathogenesis, natural reservoir, transmission, quarantine of non-human primates, therapy, and prevention. CONCLUSION: A total of 23 Marburg and Ebola virus outbreaks causing viral hemorrhagic fever has been reported among humans and monkeys since the first outbreak in Marburg, Germany in 1967. Most of the 1,100 human cases, with nearly 800 deaths, developed in Africa due mainly to direct and intimate contact with infected patients. Few human cases have developed after contact with non-human primates used for various scientific purposes. However, adequate quarantine should be applied to prevent human infections not only due to Marburg and Ebola viruses, but also to other infective agents. By following proper guidelines, the filovirus infection risk for people working with non-human primates during quarantine exists, but is minimal. There seems to be little risk for filovirus infections after an adequate quarantine period. Therefore, non-human primates can be used as laboratory animals, with little risk of filovirus infections, provided adequate precautions are taken.  相似文献   

非人灵长类实验动物作为人类的“替身”,在生理学、病理学、病毒学、药物动力学、毒理学、生殖生理学、免疫学、遗传学、基因工程药和生物医药等科学研究领域具有无可替代的重要作用。因此,在其实验过程中的动物福利问题应当引起人们的足够重视。本文根据工作实践和动物福利的要求,从疾病的监视、诊断、治疗、预防、实验操作技术、猴类捕捉、保定、镇静、止痛、麻醉和安乐死术等方面,总结了兽医及其护理在灵长类实验动物福利中的作用。  相似文献   

The complex nature of the schistosome parasite and its interaction with the mammalian host necessitates the continued use of live intact animal models in schistosomiasis research. This review acknowledges this necessity and highlights some of the important insights into the pathogenesis of the disease that have been gained from using various animal models. The use of non-human primates as more relevant models of human schistosomiasis is stated. In addition, the importance of animal welfare consideration when using primates for research is emphasized. Finally, some guidelines for the refined capture, handling and early humane endpoints for non-human primates to be used in experimental schistosomiasis are suggested.  相似文献   

声音通讯是非人灵长类研究一个重要的研究领域,有助于了解非人灵长类的社会行为、个体关系、行为进化和社会演化等,甚至对探究人类语言起源和进化等方面也具有十分重要的意义。本文通过对非人灵长类声音通讯的研究内容、影响因素和研究方法等进行了梳理,探讨非人灵长类声音通讯研究的前景和展望,旨在进一步推动国内非人灵长类声音通讯研究的深入,同时为相关研究提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

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