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精子发生相关基因的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
哺乳类动物的精子发生历经有丝分裂、减数分裂和精子形成三个阶段,这一特殊的细胞分化过程受多种因素的调控,而生精细胞内基因水平的调节,在精子发生过程中起着决定性的作用.许多生精细胞特异性的基因或转录具有发育阶段特异性表达特征,参与精子发生过程中特异的细胞分化活动,如减数分裂、遗传物质重组、染色质的浓缩和发育后期的一系列形态变化.近年来随着基因克隆、表达及功能研究技术的发展与应用,发现了许多精子发生的相关基因,有的已被证明在精子发生中起重要作用.然而对这一过程中许多现象的关键基因还所知甚少,需要进行更加广泛深入的研究.本文旨在较全面地综述这一领域研究的最新进展,着重讨论了与精子发生有关的转录因子基因、细胞周期相关基因、原癌基因、细胞凋亡相关基因、核蛋白转型相关基因方面的研究,为从事该领域研究的工作者提供参考信息.  相似文献   

精子发生过程中组蛋白甲基化和乙酰化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ge SQ  Li JZ  Zhang XJ 《遗传》2011,33(9):939-946
精子发生(Spermatogenesis)这一高度复杂的独特分化过程包括精原细胞发育为精母细胞、单倍体精细胞的形成和精子成熟,并以阶段特异性和睾丸特异性基因的表达、有丝分裂和减数分裂以及组蛋白向鱼精蛋白的转变为特征。表观遗传修饰在减数分裂重组、联会复合物的形成、姊妹染色体的结合、减数分裂后精子的变态、基因表达阻遏和异染色质形成过程中发挥着重要作用。其中具有一定组成形式、起抑制作用和/或激活作用的组蛋白甲基化和乙酰化标记,不仅保证了正确的染色体配对和二价染色体的成功分离,并且精确调节减数分裂特异性基因的适时表达。精子发生过程中组蛋白甲基化和/或乙酰化错误会直接影响表观遗传修饰的建立和维持,导致生精细胞异常甚至引发不育。文章旨在对精子发生过程中组蛋白甲基化和乙酰化表观遗传修饰的动态变化及其相关酶的调节机制进行综述,为进一步研究精子发生的表观遗传调控,预防男性不育疾病的发生提供基础资料。  相似文献   

Kong WH  Yan S  Gu Z  Tso JK 《生理学报》2002,54(5):400-404
利用原位杂交和免疫组化等方法,研究兔精子发生过程中生精细胞cyclin B1 mRNA的表达和蛋白定位特点,结果显示,兔生精上皮中Cyclin B1 mRNA的主要分布在初级精母细胞中,直至圆形精子细胞仍然存在,于精子细胞的变态过程中逐渐消失,在伸长的精子细胞和精子中未检测出cyclin B1 mRNA,Cyclin B1蛋白在进入分裂期的精原细胞和精母细胞中表达,在圆形精子细胞和伸长的精子细胞中呈现大量的cyclin B1蛋白,上述结果表明,在兔精子发生过程中,cyclin B1 mRNA表达和蛋白定位具有发育阶段依赖性的特征。  相似文献   

应用光镜和透射电镜技术研究山羊精子发生不同阶段各级生精细胞显微、超微结构及山羊精子分化成熟过程。结果表明:山羊精子发生经历了精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞、精子细胞及变态精子阶段发育成成熟的精子。精原细胞期核呈椭圆形,染色质凝集成团分布于核质中,线粒体开始出现;精母细胞期有高尔基体分布;精子细胞经过核质浓缩、线粒体迁移等过程发育成成熟精子,成熟的山羊精子头部细长,核质高度浓缩,中段膨大,线粒体丰富。线粒体、中心粒对精子变态发生起重要作用,同时观察到头部与中段脱落的畸形精子。  相似文献   

目的检测大鼠精子发生不同阶段细胞中Polycomb-group(Pc-G)家族在mRNA水平上表达是否有差异。方法提纯大鼠精子发生过程中的精原细胞、精母细胞、圆形精子细胞以及支持细胞,用荧光定量PCR方法检测Pc-G家族基因mRNA表达量。结果Pc-G基因家族中Ezh2、Eed、Bmi-1在精子发生中后期高表达;在各生精细胞中,YY1基因表达量低于支持细胞。结论Pc-G基因家族在精子发生各阶段细胞中特征性表达,与精子发生具有相关性,可能对精子发生分化和维持遗传稳定性都有重要的作用。  相似文献   

目的:研究小鼠生精上皮各类细胞发育过程中形体学特征以及异常发育的生精细胞形态方法:PAS染色正常成年小鼠睾丸,通过光学显微镜观察每种上皮细胞的形态学特征。结果:小鼠生精上皮分为Stage I-XII不同阶段,在精子细胞分化、分裂的同时呈现出动态变化,生精上皮中的精子细胞包括精原细胞、减数分裂间期细胞(L、Z、P、D)、次级精母细胞、圆形精子细胞、长形精子细胞。每种细胞都具有明显形态学特征。结论:根据生精上皮细胞的形态特征可以判断小鼠不同类型精子发育是否正常,对于利用小鼠动物模型来研究生殖系统功能的研究有重要意义。  相似文献   

在Balb/c小鼠精子发生过程中,许多基因都具有严格的时空表达特性.实验利用半定量RT-PCR验证了12个小鼠精子发生相关基因的组织学分布,采用SYBR Green I荧光定量PCR分析了它们在不同发育阶段生精细胞中的差异表达.结果显示,所有基因仅在睾丸组织中高表达;Prm1、Prm2、Tnp1、Tnp2在长形精子细胞中的表达水平最高,分别是粗线期精母细胞阶段的1.9、2.8、3.2和2倍;Dnajb3呈上调表达,在长形精子细胞中的含量是粗线期精母细胞阶段的2.5倍;Akap4在长形精子细胞阶段的表达水平尤为突出,是粗线期精母细胞的5.5倍;Spata3和Spata4在圆形及长形精子细胞中的表达量相近,分别是粗线期精母细胞阶段的3倍和1.5倍;hils1和Tex24在圆形精子细胞阶段的表达水平最高,分别是粗线期精母细胞阶段的1.9和1.4倍;Spag41和Papo1b从粗线期精母细胞到长形精于细胞阶段呈明显的下调表达,分别下降了45%和34%.结果提示,被检测的基因具有明显的阶段特异性表达特征,为深入研究这些基因在小鼠精子发生过程中的作用提供了新资料,同时也为荧光定量PCR技术在精子发生相关基因定量表达研究中的可行性提供了充分例证.  相似文献   

精子发生过程中相关酶及蛋白因子的功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
精子发生经历了复杂的细胞分化过程,该过程受许多因素的调控,诸多因素中,生精细胞内一些酶和蛋白因子与精子发生密切相关.近年来随着蛋白离子交换柱层析、免疫印迹、免疫定位荧光和双相凝胶电泳等蛋白鉴定技术方法的发展和应用,发现了许多与精子发生相关的酶与蛋白因子.这些酶与蛋白因子,有些是在精子发生的多个阶段有不同程度的表达,有些呈现严格的阶段性特异表达,在精子发生过程中都发挥了重要作用.对这些酶和蛋白因子在精子发生过程中的功能作用进行综述.有助于进一步了解精子发生过程的调控机制.  相似文献   

微RNA(microRNAs, miRNAs)是一类广泛存在于真核细胞内起调控作用的小非编码RNA,物种间保守性强。miRNAs通过靶向mRNA,介导mRNA降解或翻译抑制,在各种细胞中广泛参与包括蛋白质翻译调控在内的基因表达的转录后调控。精子发生是精原干细胞(SSCs)增殖分化为成熟精子的复杂过程,包括SSCs有丝分裂、精母细胞减数分裂和精子细胞变形分化三个主要阶段。精子生成很大程度上取决于转录后调控,miRNAs是这个事件的重要调控因子。目前已发现大量miRNAs在生精细胞中表达,其中许多还高度表达、特异性表达或优先表达,并对生精细胞的增殖、分化和发育发挥至关重要的作用。本文主要就miRNAs的发现和功能、精子发生过程、miRNAs调节精子发生的重要性以及精子发生三个不同发育阶段中miRNAs的具体调控作用进行简要综述,以期为探索雄性不育等疾病的预防和精准化治疗提供理论依据,并在此基础上展望了未来本领域可能的研究方向。  相似文献   

秀丽白虾精子发生的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄海霞  谈奇坤等 《动物学杂志》2001,36(2):2-6,F003,F004
利用透射电镜观察秀丽白虾的精子发生,并根据染色质及细胞形态的变化将精子发生的全过程划分为五个时期,即精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞、精细胞和精子。在精子发生过程中,细胞器经历了由少到多,到最后解体特化的过程。晚期精细胞中出现单个中心粒,但在成熟精子中消失。棘突由片层复合体衍生物汇集并延伸而成。染色质在精原细胞中为部分异固缩,在精母细胞中高度凝聚为染色体,在精细胞及精子中为均匀非致密态。减数分裂同步率较高。成熟精子中帽状体和棘突构成顶体复合体。  相似文献   

Spermatogenesis consists of complex cellular and developmental processes, such as the mitotic proliferation of spermatogonial stem cells, meiotic division of spermatocytes, and morphogenesis of haploid spermatids. In this study, we show that RNA interference (RNAi) functions throughout spermatogenesis in mice. We first carried out in vivo DNA electroporation of the testis during the first wave of spermatogenesis to enable foreign gene expression in spermatogenic cells at different stages of differentiation. Using prepubertal testes at different ages and differentiation stage-specific promoters, reporter gene expression was predominantly observed in spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and round spermatids. This method was next applied to introduce DNA vectors that express small hairpin RNAs, and the sequence-specific reduction in the reporter gene products was confirmed at each stage of spermatogenesis. RNAi against endogenous Dmc1, which encodes a DNA recombinase that is expressed and functionally required in spermatocytes, led to the same phenotypes observed in null mutant mice. Thus, RNAi is effective in male germ cells during mitosis and meiosis as well as in haploid cells. This experimental system provides a novel tool for the rapid, first-pass assessment of the physiological functions of spermatogenic genes in vivo.  相似文献   

汪斌  刘志宇  苗龙 《遗传》2008,30(6):677-686
秀丽线虫精子发生过程包括减数分裂和精子活化两个阶段, 通过早期特异基因的表达和后期蛋白分子的翻译后修饰, 精原细胞发育成为具有运动能力的精子。其受精阶段包括精子运动、精子竞争、精卵信号通讯以及精卵融合等过程。通过突变体筛选目前已经获得了一些影响精子发生或受精的突变体, 并且对其中一些突变体进行了基因克隆和功能分析的研究。这些研究不仅对于阐明精子发生和受精的机理具有重大的理论意义, 而且对男性不育的治疗和男性无毒避孕药物的研发可能提供重要的依据。文章阐述了目前在线虫精子发生和精子受精两个方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

Starting from the period of testis differentiation, the Sertoli cell plays a pivotal role in the development of a functional testis. FSH is the major mitotic factor for Sertoli cells. Because the supporting capacity of Sertoli cells is relatively fixed for each species, their total number per testis, established just before puberty (approximately 4 months in pigs), dictates the potential for sperm production. In contrast to Sertoli cells that are still undifferentiated, mature Leydig cells are already present at birth in pigs. Spermatogenesis lasts from 30 to 75 days in mammals, and this time period is under the control of the germ cell genotype. In boars, each spermatogenic cycle and the entire spermatogenic process lasts 8.6-9.0 and approximately 40 days, respectively. The sperm transit through the epididymis takes approximately 10 days in pigs and this is within the range cited for most mammals. Germ cell loss occurs normally during spermatogenesis, mainly during the spermatogonial and meiotic phases. In pigs, significant germ cell loss also takes place during spermiogenesis. In mammals in general, including pigs, only 2-3 out of a possible 10 spermatozoa are produced from each differentiated type A1 spermatogonium. The high supporting capacity of Sertoli cells and the short duration of the spermatogenic cycle are the main factors responsible for the comparatively high spermatogenic efficiency of pigs.  相似文献   

Factors affecting spermatogenesis in the stallion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Spermatogenesis is a process of division and differentiation by which spermatozoa are produced in seminiferous tubules. Seminiferous tubules are composed of somatic cells (myoid cells and Sertoli cells) and germ cells (spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and spermatids). Activities of these three germ cells divide spermatogenesis into spermatocytogenesis, meiosis, and spermiogenesis, respectively. Spermatocytogenesis involves mitotic cell division to increase the yield of spermatogenesis and to produce stem cells and primary spermatocytes. Meiosis involves duplication and exchange of genetic material and two cell divisions that reduce the chromosome number to haploid and yield four spermatids. Spermiogenesis is the differentiation without division of spherical spermatids into mature spermatids which are released from the luminal free surface as spermatozoa. The spermatogenic cycle (12.2 days in the horse) is superimposed on the three major divisions of spermatogenesis which takes 57 days. Spermatogenesis and germ cell degeneration can be quantified from numbers of germ cells in various steps of development throughout spermatogenesis, and quantitative measures are related to number of spermatozoa in the ejaculate. Germ cell degeneration occurs throughout spermatogenesis; however, the greatest seasonal impact on horses occurs during spermatocytogenesis. Daily spermatozoan production is related to the amount of germ cell degeneration, pubertal development, season of the year, and aging. Number of Sertoli cells and amount of smooth endoplasmic reticulum of Leydig cells and Leydig cell number are related to spermatozoan production. Seminiferous epithelium is sensitive to elevated temperature, dietary deficiencies, androgenic drugs (anabolic steroids), metals (cadmium and lead), x-ray exposure, dioxin, alcohol, and infectious diseases. However, these different factors may elicit the same temporary or permanent response in that degenerating germ cells become more common, multinucleate giant germ cells form by coalescence of spermatocytes or spermatids, the ratio of germ cells to Sertoli cells is reduced, and spermatozoan production is adversely affected. In short, spermatogenesis involves both mitotic and meiotic cell divisions and an unsurpassed example of cell differentiation in the production of the spermatozoon. Several extrinsic factors can influence spermatogenesis to cause a similar degenerative response of the seminiferous epithelium and reduce fertility of stallions.  相似文献   

Spermatogenesis is a complex series of processes that involves (1) the maintenance of a renewable pool of diploid stem cells within a niche, (2) the mitotic expansion of a subpopulation of stem cells committed to the spermatogenic pathway, and (3) the differentiation of diploid cells into highly specialized, haploid spermatozoa through meiotic and post-meiotic cellular transformations. Drosophila melanogaster is a desirable model for studying spermatogenesis, as similarities exist between mammalian and fly spermatogenesis. Like mammals, flies maintain a spermatogenic stem cell niche; the steps involved in mammalian spermatogenesis are mimicked in flies, with the main difference being that fly sperm develop within cysts rather than an epithelial cell layer. Here, we report a reliable robust system for culturing whole testes and individual spermatogenic cysts obtained from mid- to late-pupal stages of Drosophila pseudoobscura. D. pseudoobscura testes can be easily distinguished in later pupal stages because of their intense red pigmentation and are easily handled because of their simple ellipsoidal morphology. Cultured cysts are comparable in length to cysts obtained from adult flies, and motility is consistently achieved in vitro. This system not only offers a method for dissecting the mechanisms involved in meiotic and post-meiotic cellular transformations, but also can be used for the study of signaling during spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

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