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新疆的维吾尔族、回族等素有近亲结婚的习俗,使后代20岁前的死亡率大大升高。为了帮助群众认识到近亲结婚的害处,并为人类与医学遗传学研究提供资料,我们于1980年5—7月对乌鲁木齐市天山区胜利路小东梁办事处居住的维吾尔、回、汉族和乌鲁木齐县达板城公社  相似文献   

新疆的维吾尔族、回族等素有近亲结婚的习俗,使后代20岁前的死亡率大大升高。为了帮助群众认识到近亲结婚的害处,并为人类与医学遗传学研究提供资料,我们于1980年5-7月对乌鲁木齐市天山区胜利路小东梁办事处居住的维吾尔,回,汉族和乌鲁木齐县达坂城公社雷家湾偏僻农村的回族“隔离群”计2960对夫妇进行了近亲结婚率的调查。其中城市2902对,隔离群58对。调查是在当地干部的帮助下,采用口头询问并填写表格的方式进行。对近亲结婚者,根据其婚配类型绘制家系图。由于隔离群近亲结婚率甚高,故与城市回族分别进行统计。同时,还以同样方法调查了近亲结婚与非近亲结婚后代20岁前死亡率。  相似文献   

有五代以内亲缘关系的两个人结婚,称为近亲结婚。近亲结婚者可能从共同的祖先得到同一基因,他们结婚后又有可能把同一基因遗传给他们的子女,子女得到这样一对基因的概率(机会),就是近亲结婚所生子女的近婚系数F。一个个体的近婚系数,等于它的亲代的亲缘系数r的1/2(表1)。 (一)常染色体基因近婚系数计算法  相似文献   

在实验室条件下,测试了印楝种核提取物AZAL-S对致倦库蚊幼虫的毒力,其LC_(50)为0.78×10~(-6)。分别用0.3×10~(-6)和0.5×10~(-6)的AZAL-S处理致倦库蚊4龄幼虫120小时,死亡率为46.2%和67.5%,并出现各种畸形。用0.4×10~(-6)—1.0×10~(-6)的AZAL-S处理致倦库蚊1龄幼虫7天,发现其幼虫期显著延长。AZAL-S对蚊幼虫的生长调节作用与某些昆虫生长调节剂对蚊幼虫的作用相似。  相似文献   

吐鲁番市郊区维吾尔族的近亲结婚率及遗传学效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
InbreedingRateandItsGeneticsEffectinUygurofTurpanAbudulaBakhy(DepartmentofBiology,XinjiangUniversity,Urumqi830046)我们分别于1993年和1994年对吐鲁番市的牙尔湖乡、葡萄沟乡和沙河子乡等郊区维吾尔族的近亲结婚情况进行了调查,并进行了遗传分析。1方法和内容调查是在当地政府和群众的帮助下,采用对各个家庭进行访问、亲眼观察并填写表格的方式进行的。调查内容包括:近亲结婚的类型,近亲结婚夫妇及非近亲夫妇结婚所生子女9岁前早亡率、白化病、全色盲、先天性聋哑等常染色体隐性遗传病以及其他疾病的发病率.2结果与讨论2…  相似文献   

使用由亚硝基胍诱变所得到的营养缺陷型作为单倍体融合亲株的核基因标记,同时也采用线粒体球红霉素抗性突变株的小菌落形式作为融合亲株的线粒体基因标记。酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)和产朊假丝酵母(Candida utilis)两亲株原生质体的制备是用对数生长早期的细胞在蜗牛酶和0.7M KCl及β-巯基乙醇或二巯基苏糖醇的作用下完成的。二者的原生质体的形成率在30—60分钟内达到90—99%。原生质体再生率,酿酒酵母最高为29—35%,产朊假丝酵母为7.5%。两亲株的原生质体在35%PEG(M.W.6,000),10mM CaCl_2条件下被诱导融合。在基础培养基上,长出以营养互补为标记的融合菌株。融合频率为10~(-5)—10~(-6)。试验表明,这些融合菌株具有杂种的性质。其中一株杂合子在同化D-木糖、纤维二糖等的能力上比亲株明显增强。  相似文献   

阎超  辛力  仵燕 《人类学学报》2004,23(1):84-87
本文采用原子吸收分光光度法测定了新疆伊犁地区3l例12-15岁哈萨克族儿童头发中的Zn、Fe、Cu、Mn、Ca等5种微量元素的含量;用方差分析法进行了差别显著性检验;并将测定结果与维吾尔族、汉族、柯尔克孜族及回族等4个民族儿童发样做了比较分析;发现除了哈萨克族与柯尔克孜族儿童发样中微量元素Mn、Ca含量有差异外,哈萨克族与维吾尔族、柯尔克孜族儿童发样中微量元素含量无显著性差异。  相似文献   

酿酒酵母原生质体融合的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验通过酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)营养缺陷型菌株H802-9A(a ade~-his~7 cys~2 tyr~1)和H802-3 A(a ade~- cra~1)进行原生质体融合,获得营养互补的重组融合子,选择两亲株的对数生长早期细胞(2-4×10~7个/m1),在0.1%β-琉基乙醇及1-2%蜗牛酶的作用下,原生质体形成率达99-100%,在35%聚乙二醇(MW6000)-10mMCaC1溶液的作用下,可获得融合率为2.6×10~(-6)-2.1×10~(-7)的杂合子,自发回复突变率1.5-7×10~(-9)。  相似文献   

曹新  张思仲 《人类学学报》1996,15(3):255-259
应用核仁组织区银染技术对维吾尔、哈萨克及汉族共90人的染色体银染核仁形成区(Ag-Nucleolar Organizing Region,Ag-NOR)频率和近端着丝粒染色体随体联合频率的研究发现:维吾尔、哈萨克群体Ag-NOR及随体联合的细胞数与次数均高于汉族群体(P<0.01),具有显著性差异。维吾尔、哈萨克群体间上述的频率无显著性差异(P>0.05),支持了两民族遗传上的相近性。这与民族起源和过去用民族学、人类学研究结果是一致的。  相似文献   

2014年9月27日至30日在西藏帕隆藏布流域10个样点采集浮游生物水样。经鉴定分析,发现浮游植物4门72种(属),其中硅藻门藻类最多,包含56种(属),绿藻门包含13种(属),裸藻门包含2种(属),蓝藻门包含1种(属)。浮游植物密度范围为0.55×10~4~25×10~4 cells/L,生物量范围为12.6×10~(-3)~77.2×10~(-3)mg/L;浮游动物共有3门25种(属),其中原生动物22种(属)、桡足类2种(属)、种枝角类1种(属)。浮游动物密度范围为40~180 cells/L,生物量范围为1.9×10~(-3)~8.6×10~(-3)mg/L;该河段浮游植物多样性指数(H')与均匀度(J')分别介于2.44~3.48和0.81~0.97之间,表明其水质清洁,浮游生物群落结构脆弱,易受外界环境的干扰。本研究系首次调查帕隆藏布流域浮游生物,积累了本底资料。  相似文献   

王洪林 《人类学学报》1988,7(4):363-375
对云南9个民族[傣、哈尼、彝、布朗、基诺、拉祐、苦聪(人)、回、汉]共11,589起婚姻作了调查。发现:(1)城、乡之间,各民族与地区之间,近婚率差异极显著。(2)许多民族的近婚率均较国内发达地区同一民族高。(3)姑舅亲、倒姑舅、两姨亲及3/2表亲占9个民族近婚总数的84.7%。(4〕9个民族的平均近交系数同样较国内发达地区同一民族高,其中苦聪人的平均近交系数(0.018579)是目前国内最高数值之一,即使平均近交系数最低的汉族(0.001935)也明显高于北京、湖北宜昌和上海市区的汉族的平均近交系数。  相似文献   

研究与HIV 1感染相关的基质细胞衍生因子 (SDF1)等位基因突变频率和多态性在中国 4个少数民族的分布特征。应用PCR/ RFLP等方法检测回族 (5 7例 )、鄂伦春族 (71例 )、蒙古族 (30例 )及锡伯族 (2 6例 )共 184个个体中SDF1 -3’A基因突变频率。结果得出中国 4个民族中SDF1- 3’A基因的基因频率分别为 :蒙古族为 38 3%,锡伯族为 2 3 .1%,回族为 2 0 .2 %,鄂伦春族为 10 .6 %。中国 4个少数民族中SDF1- 3’A等位基因频率存在较大的差异 (χ2 =37 .82 6 ,P<0.01) , 提示这 4 个民族的遗传结构存在着一定的差异。 本研究 为评估中国不同民族对 HIV-1 的易感性及艾滋病的流行病学研究提供了基本数据。  相似文献   

The Fulani are a broad ethnic category of nomadic and seminomadic pastoralists and agropastoralists living in the semiarid Sahel region of sub-Saharan Africa. The Fulani are patrilineal, patrilocal, and moderately polygynous, with arranged first marriages accompanied by the payment of bridewealth, ideally in the form of cattle. Consanguineous marriage is frequent, with first or second cousin marriage preferred. In this paper we present data on levels of consanguineous marriage among the Fulani of northern Burkina Faso and test the hypothesis that inbreeding may be more frequent when there is a scarcity of cattle available, since bridewealth demands are thought to be reduced with close-kin marriage. Among 308 women's marriages, 203 (65.8%) were between kin up to and including second cousins, and 102 (33.1%) were between nonkin. Among 276 men's marriages, 196 (71.0%) were between kin up to and including second cousins, and 77 (27.9%) were between nonkin. The mean population inbreeding coefficient (alpha) was 0.0355 for women, and 0.0374 for men. No increase was found in population levels of inbreeding estimated from marriages contracted after the droughts of 1973 and 1984, which drastically reduced the Fulani's cattle stocks. However, a significantly higher rate of consanguineous marriage was found in families owning the fewest cattle.  相似文献   

Inbreeding in Finland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have compiled data on the frequency of first-cousin marriages in Finland using royal dispensation records for the time period 1810-1872 and national population statistics for the time period 1878-1920. For the earlier period, 0.315% of Finland's marriages were contracted between first cousins (2,331 of 739,387). During the second time period, 0.174% of Finland's marriages took place between first cousins (1,325 of 761,976). These figures, which yield average kinship coefficients of 0.00020 and 0.00011, respectively, show that the level of inbreeding in Finland due to first-cousin marriage has been quite low. An analysis of individual parishes shows that first-cousin marriages are, on average, substantially less frequent than predicted by a random-mating model. In order to evaluate determinants of first-cousin marriage, several predictive variables have been examined: parish ethnic composition (proportion of Swedish and Finnish speakers), husband's occupation (graded into 6 socioeconomic levels), geographic distance between spouses' premarital residences, population density, parish endogamy, and urban vs. rural residence. Various logistic and linear regression models were analyzed in which consanguinity was the dependent variable. The best predictors of consanguinity were ethnic composition and occupation. The other variables were not in general significant predictors. These results show that many of the "mate availability" factors that would be predicted theoretically to account for consanguinity variation (population density, geographic isolation, urban vs. rural residence) do not. Instead, the best predictors of consanguinity at the first-cousin level are cultural factors such as ethnicity and occupation. Evaluation of cultural variables can provide a greatly enriched interpretation of complex biosocial phenomena such as inbreeding.  相似文献   

Consanguineous marriages in Beirut: time trends, spatial distribution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
M Khlat 《Social biology》1988,35(3-4):324-330

The Muslim population of the Chaltaberia village in the district of South 24 Parganas in West Bengal is divided into several wards (paras) inhabited by people of specific surnames. The frequency of endogamous marriages within surnames is greater than randomly expected ones. An incomplete reproductive isolation is observed among the five dominant surnames. Consanguineous marriages occur more often outside the village than inside. Leaving out marriages between long distances, a small median distance of 6.36 km is recorded. The neighborhood area works up to be 552.2 km2, which is rather small. There is an underlying process of breeding isolation by distance. A generation length of 21 years has been used for examining the temporal change in consanguineous marriages and inbreeding, which generally appears to increase. There is a general trend of decline in consanguineous marriages towards the southern part of West Bengal and eastern part of Assam among the Bengalee Muslims. The frequency of consanguineous marriages is 7.3% out of all marriages (N=1153) that have taken place in six generations in the population. The first cousin marriage is nearly 50% of all marriages. Patrilineal marriages are common in marriages between second and third cousins. An increase of consanguineous marriages in the younger generation was observed, but the total frequency agrees with a general trend of a decline in the frequency of consanguineous marriages among the Muslims in this part of India.  相似文献   

With introduction of social niche effects into a model of cultural change, the frequency of a practice cannot predict the frequency of its underlying belief. The combination of a general model with empirical data from a specific case illustrates the importance of collaboration between modellers and field researchers, and identifies the type of quantitative data necessary for analysing case studies. Demographic data from colonial-period household registers in Taiwan document a shift in marriage form within 40 years, from a mixture of uxorilocal marriages and virilocal marriages to the latter's dominance. Ethnographic data indicate marriage-related beliefs, costs, ethnic effects and colonial policies as well as the importance of horizontal cultural transmission. We present a formal model for the effects of moral beliefs about marriage and a population economic index on the decline of uxorilocal marriage. We integrate empirical marriage rates and an estimated economic index to produce five projections of the historical frequencies of one belief. These projections demonstrate how economic development may affect a cultural niche. They also indicate the need for future research on the relationship between wealth and cultural variability, the motivational force of cultural versus social factors, and the process of cultural niche construction.  相似文献   

Anthropologists have long been interested in the survival of Indian cultural traits in the New World. In this article, we present results of an ongoing project with a Costa Rican community that descends from East Indian indentured servants. We focus on the group's marriage patterns and how these patterns might have helped keep the community as a cohesive ethnic group. We investigate the group's level of inbreeding by computing the inbreeding coefficient using two different methods. We show that the community has been successful at keeping its inbreeding low, despite its small size, by allowing marriage with nonmembers of the community. We propose that unless consanguineous marriages are allowed virtually all of the community's marriages will be with noncommunity members. Absorption into tourism, as well as the community's staunch avoidance of consanguineous marriages and virtually universal marriage with noncommunity members, will likely contribute to their disappearance as a viable ethnic group.  相似文献   

Relationships between ethnic and genetic differentiation with respect to 54 microsatellites have been analyzed in five Daghestan ethnic groups. To detect the microsatellites, human chromosomes 3, 17, and 18 were screened with a step of 10 cM (Weber/CHLC 9.0 markers) at the Mammalian Genotyping Service (National Institute of Health, United States). Comparison of the polymorphism of these loci in Daghestan populations with average worldwide data has revealed generally low heterozygosity in Daghestan populations, which is accounted for by traditional endogamous and consanguineous marriages throughout the history of these populations. The inbreeding coefficient in Daghestan ethnic groups varies from 0.005 to 0.0134 and is close to the worldwide maximum known to date. For some DNA loci, significant differences between the offsprings of consanguineous and exogamous marriages with respect to allele sizes and their variance have been found. The Daghestan ethnic populations studied differ from one another in both the frequencies of common alleles and the presence of rare alleles that are unique for each ethnic group of Daghestan and have not been found in any other population in the world.  相似文献   

Using data derived from the 1992-1993 National Family Health Survey, the sociodemographic characteristics of consanguineous marriage were determined in the Muslim population of India. In this nationally representative sample of 8436 women, consanguineous marriages accounted for 22.0% of the total. No differences between the consanguineous and non-consanguineous groups were observed in terms of mean age at marriage or mean age at cohabitation. The study confirmed the negative association between consanguineous marriage and maternal education but also indicated that women in consanguineous unions were more likely to be employed, albeit mainly in agricultural work on behalf of the family. Consanguineous couples more frequently lived in smaller towns and in an extended family environment. Somewhat conflicting results were obtained with indicators of socioeconomic status, but the overall picture suggested that consanguineous households had greater access to consumer goods because of their larger number of co-resident persons.  相似文献   

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