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用中国春ph2b突变体(Triticumaestivum L.cv.Chinese Spring)与华山新麦草(Psathyrostachys huashani-caKeng)杂种F1的部分进行自交,而另一部分与3个不同的普通小麦品种以及中国春ph2b突变体进行回交,并对自交和回交一代的形态学和细胞学进行研究。结果表明:(1)含有AABBDDNs的自交F2的花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ平均单价体数都在7以上,说明来自华山新麦草的Ns基因组可引起普通小麦ABD基因组中某一个(几个)同源组发生不联会或联会消失;(2)在回交一代(F1×CS、F1×CSph2b)中,平均单价体数都在7以下,说明其中的ph2b基因起到了促进染色体配对的作用;而在回交一代(F1×J-11、F1×郑麦-9023)中,则表现正常,与理论一致;(3)在所有自交和回交一代中,减数分裂期间均出现染色体桥、落后染色体、三分孢子体、多分孢子体以及微核等各种染色体异常行为,说明Ns基因组引起了所得材料细胞学上的不稳定性。从总体上讲,回交比自交能更快地恢复ph2b基因促进部分同源染色体配对的作用,为染色体重组提供更多的机会,期望在后代中获得新种质。  相似文献   

以小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)双端体3DL为细胞学标记,用具有phKL基因的小麦地方品种"开县罗汉麦"为受体连续回交,将促进小麦外源部分同源染色体配对的phKL基因和Ph2基因缺失重组在一起获得了重组体phKL+Ph2.这种重组体有正常的育性.与只有phKL基因的小麦材料相比,重组体与外源物种AegilopsvariabilisEig.或黑麦(Secale cereale L.)杂种的部分同源染色体配对水平显著增加,表明Ph2基因的缺失体与phKL基因可能存在加性效应.部分同源染色体配对水平的增加表现在棒状二价体、环状二价体和三价体的数量变多而单价体数量减少.单价体的减少主要是由于棒状二价体的增加所造成的.在小麦外源遗传转移中,运用重组体pHKL +Ph2可能比单纯应用Ph2缺失或phKL基因材料更理想.当与具有ph1b基因的材料比较时发现,重组体phKL+Ph2与 Ae.variabilis(或黑麦)杂种的部分同源染色体配对水平显著降低,这主要是由环状二价体和多价体的减少造成的,但是棒状二价体数量表现增加(与Ae.variabilis杂种)或达到类似水平(与黑麦杂种),这一有趣的发现从表现型上证明了Ph1基因与Ph2或phKL基因在诱导部分同源染色体配对时的遗传作用机制存在差异.  相似文献   

用中国春ph2b突变体(Triticum aestivum L.cv.Chinese Spring)与华山新麦草(Psathyrostachys huashanica Keng)杂种F1的部分进行自交,而另一部分与3个不同的普通小麦品种以及中国春ph2b突变体进行回交,并对自交和回交一代的形态学和细胞学进行研究.结果表明:(1)含有AABBDDNs的自交F2的花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ平均单价体数都在7以上,说明来自华山新麦草的Ns基因组可引起普通小麦ABD基因组中某一个(几个)同源组发生不联会或联会消失;(2)在回交一代(F1×CS、F1×CSph2b)中,平均单价体数都在7以下,说明其中的ph2b基因起到了促进染色体配对的作用;而在回交一代(F1×J-11、F1×郑麦-9023)中,则表现正常,与理论一致;(3)在所有自交和回交一代中,减数分裂期间均出现染色体桥、落后染色体、三分孢子体、多分孢子体以及微核等各种染色体异常行为,说明Ns基因组引起了所得材料细胞学上的不稳定性.从总体上讲,回交比自交能更快地恢复ph2b基因促进部分同源染色体配对的作用,为染色体重组提供更多的机会,期望在后代中获得新种质.  相似文献   

本文利用普通小麦品系"中国春"(对照)、中国春ph1b突变体分别与八倍体小黑麦、六倍体小黑麦杂交,杂种F1的减数分裂前期Ⅰ染色体行为表现异常,中期Ⅰ出现较多的单价体、棒状二价体和多价体,在后期和末期出现落后染色体、染色体片断和微核。原因是ph1b基因的存在造成染色体联会机制紊乱,致使一些部分同源染色体配对并发生互换,有可能在以后的世代产生染色体易位与基因重组。  相似文献   

在普通小麦地方品种自然群体中天然存在促进小麦-外源杂种部分同源染色体配对的基因phKL。本研究比较了phKL基因与人工Ph基因突变系诱导小麦-Aegilops variabilis及小麦-黑麦杂种部分同源染色体配对的作用大小。研究结果表明,诱导小麦- Ae. variabilis(或黑麦)部分同源染色体配对作用的顺序是ph1b > phKL > ph2b > ph2a,即phKL基因的作用介于Ph1与Ph2突变体之间。  相似文献   

以小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)双端体3DL为细胞学标记,用具有phKL基因的小麦地方品种“开县罗汉麦”为受体连续回交,将促进小麦外源部分同源染色体西己对的phKL基因和Ph2基因缺失重组在一起获得了重组体phKL Ph2^-。这种重组体有正常的育性。与只有phKL基因的小麦材料相比,重组体与外源物种Aegilops variabilis Eig.或黑麦(Secale cereale L.)杂种的部分同源染色体配对水平显著增加,表明Ph2基因的缺失体与phKL基因可能存在加性效应。部分同源染色体配对水平的增加农现在棒状二价体、环状二价体和三价体的数量变多而单价体数量减少。单价体的减少主要足由于棒状二价体的增加所造成的。在小麦外源遗传转移中,运用重组体phKL Ph2^-可能比单纯应用Ph2缺铁或phKL基因材料更理想。当与具有phlb基因的材料比较时发现,重组体phKL Ph2^-与Ae,variabilis(或黑麦)杂种的部分同源染色体配对水平显著降低,这丰要是由环状二价体和多价体的减少造成的,但是棒状二价体数量表现增加(与Ae.variabilis杂种)或达到类似水平(与黑麦杂种),这一有趣的发现从表现型上证明了Ph1基因与Ph2或phKL基因在诱导部分同源染色体配对时的遗传作用机制存在差异。  相似文献   

利用小麦品种“中国春”及其ph1b、ph2a、ph2b基因突变体与粘果山羊草杂交,分析了可交配性方面的差异,观察了F_1花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ染色体配对,就ph1b、ph2a、ph2b 3个基因的作用进行了比较。首次获得了F_1回交种子和自交种子,调查了自交、回交一代植株染色体数目,分析了ph基因对配子育性的影响以及回交结实与染色体配对的关系。本文还分析了F_1自交结实的可能原因。  相似文献   

小麦-冰草附加系Ⅱ-21-2的细胞遗传学与分子标记分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在本研究室获得的一套小麦-冰草附加系材料中,附加了冰草(1.4)重组P染色体的附加系Ⅱ-21-2出现了较高频率的多价体。对小麦-冰草附加系Ⅱ-21-2的10个不同株系花粉母细胞减数分裂进行观察与统计,结果表明,不同株系均存在低频率的单价体,染色体异常联会主要表现为出现六价体和四价体,其中株系1-7-3出现六价体频率较高,出现六价体的花粉母细胞为41%,而株系1-7-7有13%的花粉母细胞出现四价体。小麦SSR标记分析表明,不同株系存在小麦基因组或P基因组的多态性。小麦-冰草附加系Ⅱ-21-2染色体异常联会可能与附加的P染色体有关,而其分子水平的多态性和重组可能对于遗传改良具有潜在的意义。  相似文献   

当柱穗山羊草(Aegilops cylindrica Host.)2C染色体单体添加到普通小麦品种中国春和以中国春为背景的派生系时,减数分裂时,不含2C染色体的配子会发生染色体结构变异。为了制备一套黑麦1R染色体缺失系以用于定位黑麦1R染色体上的控制重要农艺性状的基因,把一条2C染色体导人到小黑麦1R二体附加系(21″ 1R″)中,然后让这些个体(21″ 1R″ 2C′,2n=45)自交,以便产生1R染色体结构变异体。实验共检测了345粒F,种子,83粒种子带有结构变异的黑麦1R染色体(24.1%)。通过C分带和原位杂交检测,对来自于23株F2的46个F3植株所带有的异常1R染色体进行了归类:其中1RL端体为39.1%,1RL等臂染色体为2.2%,1RL易位系为32.6%。1RS端体为4.3%,1RS等臂染色体为4.3%,切点在长臂上的缺失体为2.2%。在6.5%的植株中同时含有2种类型的1R染色体结构变异。其余8.7%带有异常1R染色体的个体因为没有原位杂交结果而无法判断是属于哪种类型。已获得的1R结构变异株将有可能进一步发展成为一套可用于定位黑麦1R染色体上重要功能基因的遗传材料。另外,还探讨了综合应用细胞学和分子标记方法鉴定易位染色体中小麦染色体片段的尝试,并对所获结果进行了讨论。  相似文献   

利用大麦 (HordeumvulgareL .)第 5染色体上RFLP探针衍生的 19个序列标志位点PCR(STS_PCR)引物对“中国春”小麦 (TriticumaestivumL .) (CS)及其ph1b突变体基因组总DNA进行PCR扩增 ,筛选出Ph1基因的一个连锁标记 ,再用“中国春”第 5部分同源群缺体_四体系和CS×ph1b突变体F2 群体证明并定位于离Ph1基因近着丝点端 5 .7cM (centiMorgan)处。然后将该标记转换成特异的序列特征扩增区 (SCAR)标记。以“阿勃”5B缺体为桥梁亲本 ,冬小麦“京 411”为受体亲本 ,“中国春”ph1b突变体为供体亲本 ,进行三轮杂交和一轮自交 ,每一轮经减数分裂分析和SCAR标记的辅助选择 ,快速地筛选出了ph1b基因型 ,并选得一个冬小麦“京 411”的ph1b中间代换系。  相似文献   

蓟属两种植物的染色体研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鄢本厚  尹祖棠   《广西植物》1995,15(2):172-175
本文对蓟属(Cirsium)的两个形态相似的近缘种大刺儿菜和小刺儿菜进行了染色体研究,其中后者为首次报道。观察结果表明:两个种的染色体数目均为2n=2x=34:它们的核型是:大刺儿菜.2n=2x=34=20m+12sm+2st:小刺儿菜.2n=2x=34=22m+10km(2SAT)+2st。通过核型比较,认为它们是两个独立的种.而且后者比前者进化。  相似文献   

W Zhang  C Haley  C Moran 《Animal genetics》1995,26(5):361-364
The PiGMaP and USDA porcine linkage maps for chromosomes 2 and 5 have been aligned by typing five USDA microsatellite markers from chromosomes 2 and 4 from chromosome 5 on the PiGMaP reference families. The markers in the two maps can be successfully aligned except for Sw395 on chromosome 2, which is the end-most marker in the USDA map 22 cM remote from the next marker, but which maps to a more central location and in the same position as Sw776 in the PiGMaP families. The mapping of four additional chromosome 5 markers has enabled amalgamation of the two previously separate PiGMaP linkage groups assigned to chromosome 5 and has more than doubled the length of its map. The USDA map of chromosome 5 is considerably shorter than the revised PiGMaP version, particularly between DAGK and Sw1071 , where the corresponding lengths are 9 cM versus 33 cM.  相似文献   

Post-translational modifications of core histone tails play crucial roles in chromatin structure and function. Although phosphorylation of Ser10 and Ser28 (H3S10ph and H3S28ph) of histone H3 is ubiquitous among eukaryotes, the phosphorylation mechanism during the cell cycle remains unclear. In the present study, H3S10ph and H3S28ph in tobacco BY-2 cells were observed in the pericentromeric regions during mitosis. Moreover, the Aurora kinase inhibitor Hesperadin inhibited the kinase activity of Arabidopsis thaliana Aurora kinase 3 (AtAUR3) in phosphorylating both Ser10 and Ser28 of histone H3 in vitro. Consistently, Hesperadin inhibited both H3S10ph and H3S28ph during mitosis in BY-2 cells. These results indicate that plant Aurora kinases phosphorylate not only Ser10, but also Ser28 of histone H3 in vivo. Hesperadin treatment increased the ratio of metaphase cells, while the ratio of anaphase/telophase cells decreased, although the mitotic index was not affected in Hesperadin-treated cells. These results suggest that Hesperadin induces delayed transition from metaphase to anaphase, and early exit from mitosis after chromosome segregation. In addition, micronuclei were observed frequently and lagging chromosomes, caused by the delay and failure of sister chromatid separation, were observed at anaphase and telophase in Hesperadin-treated BY-2 cells. The data obtained here suggest that plant Aurora kinases and H3S10ph/H3S28ph may have a role in chromosome segregation and metaphase/anaphase transition.  相似文献   

Several types of sex chromosome systems have been recorded among Gymnotiformes, including male and female heterogamety, simple and multiple sex chromosomes, and different mechanisms of origin and evolution. The X1X1X2X2/X1X2Y systems identified in three species of this order are considered homoplasic for the group. In the genus Brachyhypopomus, only B. gauderio presented this type of system. Herein we describe the karyotypes of Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus and B. n. sp. FLAV, which have an X1X1X2X2/X1X2Y sex chromosome system that evolved via fusion between an autosome and the Y chromosome. The morphology of the chromosomes and the meiotic pairing suggest that the sex chromosomes of B. gauderio and B. pinnicaudatus have a common origin, whereas in B . n. sp. FLAV the sex chromosome system evolved independently. However, we cannot discard the possibility of common origin followed by distinct processes of differentiation. The identification of two new karyotypes with an X1X1X2X2/X1X2Y sex chromosome system in Gymnotiformes makes it the most common among the karyotyped species of the group. Comparisons of these karyotypes and the evolutionary history of the taxa indicate independent origins for their sex chromosomes systems. The recurrent emergence of the X1X1X2X2/X1X2Y system may represent sex chromosomes turnover events in Gymnotiformes.  相似文献   

水稻抗稻瘟病基因Pi-2(t)物理图谱的构建   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
应用BAC文库,采用基于分子标记的染色体着陆(marker-based chromosome landing)和染色体步查(chromosome walking)等手段,建立了包含有裟抗稻瘟病基因Pi-2(t)的物理图谱,该物理图谱由22个BAC克隆组成,遗传跨度8cM,而物理距离为925kb,该物理图谱的构建不仅为进一步分离和克隆该基因打下了基础,同时也可为分子标记辅助选择育种选择抗稻瘟病新材料  相似文献   

Telocytes (TCs) were identified as a distinct cellular type of the interstitial tissue and defined as cells with extremely long telopodes (Tps). Our previous data demonstrated patterns of mouse TC‐specific gene profiles on chromosome 1. The present study focuses on the identification of characters and patterns of TC‐specific or TC‐dominated gene expression profiles in chromosome 2 and 3, the network of principle genes and potential functional association. We compared gene expression profiles of pulmonary TCs, mesenchymal stem cells, fibroblasts, alveolar type II cells, airway basal cells, proximal airway cells, CD8+T cells from bronchial lymph nodes (T‐BL), and CD8+ T cells from lungs (T‐LL). We identified that 26 or 80 genes of TCs in chromosome 2 and 13 or 59 genes of TCs up‐ or down‐regulated in chromosome 3, as compared with other cells respectively. Obvious overexpression of Myl9 in chromosome 2 of TCs different from other cells, indicates that biological functions of TCs are mainly associated with tissue/organ injury and ageing, while down‐expression of Pltp implies that TCs may be associated with inhibition or reduction of inflammation in the lung. Dominant overexpression of Sh3glb1, Tm4sf1 or Csf1 in chromosome 3 of TCs is mainly associated with tumour promotion in lung cancer, while most down‐expression of Pde5 may be involved in the development of pulmonary fibrosis and other acute and chronic interstitial lung disease.  相似文献   

Using anin vitromodel for cell transformation, the relationship between specific chromosomal aberration and phenotypic changes was studied at different passages of Rat-2 cell line. A marker chromosome resulting from a translocation [t(2;7)] was found to be associated with focus formation in soft agar. Conversely, the loss of this marker chromosome was found to be associated with phenotypic reversion. These results suggest an association of this marker chromosome with phenotypic transformation for the Rat-cell line.  相似文献   

A Novel Gene, ITM, Located between p57KIP2 and IPL, Is Imprinted in Mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We searched for new imprinted genes using a positional cloningmethod in a region of human chromosome 11p15.5, which containsseveral imprinted genes including p57KIP2 and IPL, and founda novel ITM gene located between p57KIP2 and IPL. We also obtainedthe mouse homologue Itm in itss yntenic region of mouse chromosome7. In humans, its location is 17 kb centromeric to p57KIP2 and3 kb telomeric to IPL, and in mice, 15 kb and 2.5 kb, respectively.They are expressed in most tissue, but especially in the kidneyand liver, and moderately in the heart, lung and testis. Miceexhibit a functional imprinting resulting in higher expressionof maternal alleles in fetal, newborn and most adult tissues,but it is biallelically expressed in the adult kidney and liverwhere expression is the highest. In addition to the discrepancybetween the level of expression and the strength of the imprint,Itm has several unusual features for an imprinted gene, includinglarge introns, moderate GC content and the absence of directrepeats. Our results will be helpful in understanding the intricateregulatory mechanism of imprinted genes.  相似文献   

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