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分别检测了人工饲养和野外采集胭脂鱼Myxocyprinus asiaticus耳石微结构特征。根据透明性的差异,可将耳石划分出暗区和亮区两部分,63.16%人工饲养胭脂鱼的耳石具有明显的亮暗区界限,暗区大小为0.17 mm±0.03 mm;14.81%野外采集胭脂鱼的耳石亮暗区界限清晰,大部分亮暗区界限模糊或没有亮暗区差异,暗区大小为0.14 mm±0.06 mm。人工饲养和野外采集胭脂鱼耳石中心核直径分别为13.10μm±1.87μm和11.14μm±1.74μm,原基个数分别为1个和1~2个。人工饲养胭脂鱼耳石标记轮1~3条,生长轮宽度为2.14μm±0.59μm,宽度均匀,波动幅度小;野外采集个体耳石标记轮1~7条,生长轮宽度为2.54μm±1.12μm,波动幅度相对较大。生长轮宽度聚类分析表明,在欧氏距离为2.5处可将94.59%的人工饲养胭脂鱼耳石聚在一起,聚类结果与微结构特征检测结果基本吻合。人工饲养与野外采集胭脂鱼耳石的亮暗区、生长轮宽度、标记轮等微结构特征差异明显,可用于两者的识别。  相似文献   

草鱼仔鱼耳石的自然标记和生长轮的清晰度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将野生和人工繁殖的草鱼仔鱼的耳石取出并置于显微镜下观察微结构特征。结果表明 :草鱼耳石一般有一个圆形或卵圆形的原基和中心核 ,但有 0 4 1%~ 4 6 7%的样本具有双原基或双中心核。343尾野生仔鱼中 ,6 71%的个体在矢耳石和微耳石上具有营养转换标记 ,而 187尾人工繁殖的仔鱼中 ,在矢耳石和微耳石上出现营养转换标记的比例分别是 6 4 17%和 5 0 80 % ;在营养转换标记处 ,矢耳石和微耳石的直径分别为 5 4 12±9 4 9μm和 4 0 4 8± 7 0 2 μm (n =5 0 ) ;133尾野生仔鱼在转入实验室饲养的过程中 ,86 4 7%的个体在耳石上形成了转移标记 ;野生仔鱼生长轮纹清晰的矢耳石 (n =5 2 1)和微耳石 (n =5 2 1)样本的比例分别低于 10 %和2 5 % ,但在人工饲养仔鱼中 ,95 0 0 %个体的矢耳石 (n =186 )和 88 0 0 %个体的微耳石 (n =184 )具有清晰的生长轮纹 ;野生仔鱼经人工饲养后 ,其耳石上在饲养期间沉积的生长轮的清晰度亦明显比在野外生存期间沉积的高 ;对比实验显示饥饿对仔鱼耳石生长轮的清晰度没有明显的影响.  相似文献   

耳石是研究头足类年龄与生长、种群结构和生活史的重要硬组织之一。为研究西北印度洋鸢乌贼耳石微结构及生长特性,根据2019年2—5月我国灯光罩网渔船在西北印度洋调查生产期间采集的1009尾鸢乌贼样本,以耳石总长(TSL)、侧区长(LDL)、翼区长(WL)和最大宽度(MW)作为耳石的外形生长指标,结合日龄数据,对西北印度洋鸢乌贼耳石微结构及其生长特性进行了研究。结果表明: 根据生长纹间宽度,可将耳石微结构分为后核心区、暗区和外围区。协方差分析表明,TSL、LDL、WL和MW与日龄的关系均不存在显著的性别间差异,TSL、WL和MW与日龄的关系最适合用幂函数表示,而LDL与日龄的关系最适合用线性函数表示。总体而言,随着鸢乌贼日龄的增加,TSL、WL、LDL与MW的瞬时相对生长率与绝对生长率基本呈现下降的趋势, 140~180 d可能是西北印度洋鸢乌贼性成熟的日龄段。  相似文献   

研究利用软刺裸裂尻鱼(Schizopygopsis malacanthus)确证了耳石生长轮沉积规律,并在此基础上,探究了其生长轮与年轮关系,推算了第一年轮形成时间。研究结果表明:仔鱼微耳石第一轮纹在出膜后第二天形成,在实验条件下,轮纹沉积具有日周期性,生长轮为日轮;成鱼轮纹沉积具有年周期性,生长轮每年增加1轮。基于耳石日轮技术推算养殖和野生软刺裸裂尻鱼第一年轮形成时间分别为2021年1月28日至3月13日(n=40)和2017年3月8日至5月10日(n=75)。养殖和野生样本耳石轮纹数年际间的分析结果发现,软刺裸裂尻鱼耳石轮纹数和耳石年生长宽度随着年龄增加逐渐降低,耳石年生长面积随着年龄增加逐渐增加。这些结果揭示了软刺裸裂尻鱼耳石轮纹沉积规律,有助于增加年龄鉴定的准确性,进而为种群动态研究和渔业管理政策制定等提供参考。  相似文献   

文章研究了在实验室条件下齐口裂腹鱼仔稚鱼耳石早期形态发育与生长特点、第一轮纹出现时间和轮纹沉积规律。结果表明: 在13.5-17.2℃孵化条件下,微耳石和矢耳石在出膜前形成,而星耳石于出膜后第12天出现。在仔稚鱼生长过程中,微耳石由近圆形发育成贻贝形,矢耳石经历近圆形、锲形后发育为箭矢状,星耳石形状由近圆形发育为星芒状。微耳石的前区、背区和腹区及矢耳石的背区和腹区生长呈幂函数关系,而微耳石的后区、矢耳石前区和后区生长以及两对耳石的前后区半径之和与全长均呈线性相关。在(18.50.5)℃和(15.61.1)℃条件下,50%矢耳石样本第一轮纹均在出膜后第 2 天形成(分别为出膜后18h和19h),以后每天形成一轮。微耳石和矢耳石轮纹数均与日龄呈线性相关,方程斜率均与1差异不显著(P0.05),表明两对耳石的轮纹沉积均为日周期性。这些结果为研究齐口裂腹鱼野生种群繁殖期和早期生活史特征等生态学问题提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

鱼类耳石微结构的计算机自动识别   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文介绍了鱼类耳石微结构图像识别系统的工作原理和应用实例 ,该系统实现了对鱼类的耳石日轮的自动识别计数和测量日轮宽度 ,并将分析结果自动保存为Excel可识别格式的数据文件。用草鱼微耳石对该系统进行测试的结果表明 ,在随机抽取的 30个样本中 ,有 2 8个样本日轮自动识别的正确率为 1 0 0 % ,其余 2个样本经过手工修改后也能达到对日轮的完全识别。此外 ,采用 768× 5 82像素的BMP格式数字图像测量日轮宽度 ,计算机的分辨率比显微镜提高了约 1 3倍。该系统还可应用于鱼类的鳞片、胸鳍棘和脊椎骨等年龄鉴定材料的微结构分析  相似文献   

骨唇黄河鱼耳石早期形态发育和轮纹特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了骨唇黄河鱼仔稚鱼耳石在实验室养殖条件下的发育过程和生长特点,确证了轮纹沉积规律。结果表明,在14.0-17.8℃孵化条件下,微耳石和矢耳石在受精后96h 30min出现,星耳石在出膜后第16天出现。仔稚鱼生长过程中矢耳石形状变化较大,由出膜时的圆形发育到稳定时的箭矢状。微耳石由近圆形发育成贻贝形,其中心核位置随发育明显偏移。星耳石形状不规则,从出现时的心形发育成为星芒状。微耳石和矢耳石在前后轴方向上后区的生长快于前区(P0.05);在背腹轴方向上,微耳石腹区的生长快于背区(P0.05),矢耳石背区的生长快于腹区(P0.05),两对耳石的前后区半径之和与全长均呈线性相关。微耳石和矢耳石的第1个轮纹均在出膜后第2天形成,新增的轮纹数(微耳石IL,矢耳石IS)与出膜后的天数(D)表现出显著的线性相关,方程分别为: IL=0.9911D-1.0008(R2=0.9971,n=220,P0.001)和IS=0.9925D-0.10873(R2=0.9919,n=161,P0.001),方程的斜率与1均无显著差异(P0.05),表明两对耳石轮纹沉积均呈日周期性,生长轮为日轮。研究结果丰富了骨唇黄河鱼的发育生物学资料,可为研究其自然种群早期生活史提供参考。    相似文献   

以2015年和2016年在孟屯河上游捕获的仔稚鱼为研究对象, 对其种属进行了鉴定, 观察了耳石形态特征、确证了耳石轮纹沉积规律, 并基于耳石日轮技术对其孵化期进行了推算。结果表明: 基于线粒体细胞色素氧化酶亚单位Ⅰ(Cytochrome oxidase subunit Ⅰ, COⅠ)序列构建的系统进化树显示, 采集仔稚鱼为松潘裸鲤(Gymnocypris potanini)。在松潘裸鲤仔稚鱼生长过程中, 微耳石由近圆形发育成贻贝形, 矢耳石由锲形发育为箭矢状。采用温度标记处理松潘裸鲤仔稚鱼, 确定耳石轮纹沉积具有日周期性, 生长轮为日轮。依据耳石日轮数, 结合采样时间及耳石轮纹沉积规律, 并采用大多数裂腹鱼类日龄为日轮数N+1的关系, 推算出2015年松潘裸鲤样本的孵化时间为6月29日至7月15日, 2016年样本孵化时间为7月13日至8月18日, 这些结果为研究松潘裸鲤野生种群繁殖期及其资源保护等提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

2008年和2009年从东洞庭湖区和长江、监利、鄂州和武穴江段采集青鱼Mylopharyngodon piceus (178尾)、草鱼Ctenopharyngodon idella (341尾)、鳙Aristichthys nobili (6尾)和鲢Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (390尾)幼鱼, 通过耳石日轮分析确定2008年和2009年这些幼鱼的孵化日期分别为5月16日至8月20日和5月14日至8月9日。与三峡建坝前相比, 四大家鱼的繁殖时间明显推迟。洞庭湖和监利江段幼鱼在仔鱼阶段形成的耳石日轮宽度较鄂州和武穴江段幼鱼同期形成的日轮宽度窄, 表明前者仔鱼阶段的生长速度小于后者, 这可能是前者离三峡大坝距离较近、受大坝影响更加显著造成的。三峡大坝下泄水温较低、营养物质较少是影响坝下四大家鱼繁殖和早期生长的重要因素。繁殖季节推迟和早期生长速度下降可能导致坝下四大家鱼早期生活史阶段死亡率增大, 从而影响其资源补充和种群数量变动。    相似文献   

三峡库区木洞江段翘嘴鲌早期生长特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
&#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &# 《水生生物学报》2015,39(5):983-988
2013 年 910 月在三峡库区木洞江段采集翘嘴鲌(Culter alburnus)幼鱼, 摘取微耳石进行耳石微结构分析, 推算了翘嘴鲌幼鱼的日龄及孵化日期, 探讨其早期生活史阶段的生长特征。结果显示, 采集 97 尾翘嘴鲌幼鱼, 体长范围为 4098 mm。翘嘴鲌幼鱼的微耳石形状为不规则扁椭球形, 耳石横截面磨片上具有一个核和一个原基。耳石原基的直径为11.627.8 m, 平均值为(18.63.8) m。耳石核中心到第一个生长轮的距离为(13.04.7) m。翘嘴鲌幼鱼的日龄为 44104d, 推算其孵化日期为 2013 年 6 月 9 日至 8 月 17 日, 高峰期为2013 年7 月9 日至7 月22 日。耳石半径与体长、日龄与体长之间均呈显著的线性关系(P0.05)。耳石日轮宽度随着日龄的增加不断变化显示, 三峡库区翘嘴鲌早期生活史阶段的生长速率不断变化, 日平均生长率为0.774 mm/d。    相似文献   

Synopsis Otolith microstructure of about 120 Gymnocypris potanini larvae from the Minjiang River in China was examined and analyzed. Larvae had multiple primordia in most lapilli and sagittae, while had only one primordium in a few specimens. There had only one nucleus in otoliths of the larvae, except for some few specimens with 2 nuclei. The transparence of many otoliths differed from center to edge, and part of them could be divided into inner low optically dense zone (LODZ) and outer optically dense zone (ODZ). Based on increment clarity, otoliths of this species could be classified into three types, which were otolith with subtile increments, otolith with almost identified increments, and otolith with fairly clear increments characterized by high contrast. The last two types of otolith accounted for 87.07% in lapilli and 94.46% in sagittae, respectively. Increment clarity of sagitta was higher than that of lapillus. Natural checks were identified in 32.50% lapilli and 48.33% sagittae. These checks primarily located in the first to sixth increment. According to the number of increments in otoliths, the age of this batch larvae was 14 – 22 days, birth date was on June 17 – 25, and average growth rate of body length was 0.8936 ± 0.08769 mm/d.  相似文献   

Marginal otolith increment width analysis was performed on field‐collected larval and juvenile spring‐spawned herring Clupea harengus that experienced variable feeding conditions and high temperatures that were above the optimum for growth. Although drastic zooplankton biomass reduction had a significant effect on increment width, a delay of a few days in the otolith response was observed. More importantly, a very clear, positive temperature effect on marginal increment width was demonstrated in fish characterized by temperature independent somatic growth. These results indicate that under natural conditions it may be impossible to distinguish increment width changes related to variation in feeding conditions from changes caused by temperature fluctuations. Therefore, it was concluded that marginal otolith increment width analysis could not be used as a recent growth index ( I G) for herring larvae and juveniles exposed to drastic temperature fluctuations. The implication of these results is significant not only for the use of marginal increments as a recent growth index, but also if growth rate backcalculation is to be used as a research method.  相似文献   

The effect of food intake and temperature on otolith macrostructure and microstructure was examined experimentally in Atlantic cod Gadus morhua. Daily increment formation was validated and otolith accretion rate and optical density quantified using image analysis. Two‐week periods of starvation had no discernable effect on otolith increment width or optical density, despite having negative effects on somatic growth. In contrast, temperature had a strong positive effect on otolith accretion rate and clear effects on optical density with the otolith becoming more translucent at higher temperatures. Somatic growth, otolith accretion and otolith optical density each had a significantly different response curve to temperature. No relationship was detected between individual somatic growth rates and the accretion rate or optical properties of the otolith. The experimental manipulation of temperature‐induced otolith patterns similar to the ‘false ring’ secondary structures sometimes observed in the otoliths of wild fish. The results suggest that otolith pattern arises from a combination of temperature and seasonal effects, but not directly from individual variation in somatic growth.  相似文献   

A technique involving micro‐scale sampling of otolith carbonate and analyses of stable oxygen isotope composition was used to relate the zone appearance of the otolith to the seasonal temperature cycle. Otolith opacity could then be related to the timing of zone formation. Otoliths from two groups of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua held under known temperature conditions over a period of 4 and 6 years were examined. The otolith translucency followed the same pattern as the estimated temperature (from otolith δ18O values) in the yearly increments three and four, meaning that the translucent zones were deposited at the seasonal highest temperature in late summer and early autumn. The relative light intensities of otolith yearly increments five and six of older fish (deposited in the same years), however, were not significantly correlated to the estimated temperatures since increased otolith translucency also occurred at low temperatures. This might have been caused by stress in connection with gonad development or starvation during the spawning period. The results showed that this method of coupling otolith opacity and stable oxygen isotope composition can be used to estimate the timing of zone formations in otoliths.  相似文献   

Anguilla marmorata glass eels or elvers were collected separately during anadromous migration from four Pacific estuaries: Hamuta, Poso, Shuang Hsi and Tanshui. The total length at arrival in these estuaries was (mean ± standard error) (51.50 ± 0.90) (51.80 ± 0.90) (46.95 ± 0.84) and (47.33 ± 0.80) mm, respectively. The sagittal otolith microstructure, increment patterns and daily age were examined by scanning electron microscope. Based on the number of increments of presumed daily deposition, the overall mean age at arrival in the estuaries was estimated to be about 3–4 months, with an estimated period of 73–86 days for the leptocephalus stage. Two zones, i.e. the leptocephalus growth zone (L) and the metamorphosis growth zone (M) were recognizable in the otolith cross section. The increment width of L and M varied from the otolith's centre to its margin, reflecting different growth rates. The spawning grounds of these eels are presumably not far from the estuary. Their locations are discussed.  相似文献   

为研究鲈鲤早期鱼苗耳石标记的可行性, 先采用高温水(20.8±0.3)℃和低温水(10.8±1.2)℃交替饲养对20日龄鲈鲤进行热标记, 然后将经热标记的35和45日龄鲈鲤浸泡在50—200 mg/L的茜素络合物(AC)或茜素红S(ARS)溶液中进行荧光标记。热标记的耳石生长轮清晰可见, 明显区别于其他轮纹, 微耳石热标记轮轮纹宽度(IW)和高温期持续时间(T)的线性回归方程为IW=0.16462+0.24762T。经荧光物质浸泡后鲈鲤耳石在绿光下均能检测到橘红色标记; AC标记质量受溶液浓度影响显著(P<0.05), 受全长的影响不显著(P>0.05), 微耳石、矢耳石和星耳石间的标记质量差异显著(P<0.05); ARS标记质量受全长和溶液浓度影响不显著(P>0.05), 微耳石、矢耳石和星耳石间的标记质量差异显著(P<0.05)。研究结果表明, 耳石热标记、荧光标记及两者结合使用均可用于大规模标记鲈鲤早期鱼苗。  相似文献   

Juvenile and adult specimens of Benthosema pterotum (skinnycheek lanternfish) were collected during several surveys conducted on the Iranian continental shelf of the Oman Sea. Age was estimated by enumeration of growth increments in sagittae otolith sections on the assumption of their daily deposition. Three distinct growth zones in otolith microstructure (central, middle, and external) were defined. These three zones presumably represent increments deposited during successive life history stages, characterized by a different migratory behavior and depth occurrence. The number of increments in the central zone of the B. pterotum otolith (26.8 on average) was thus far one of the lowest in myctophid species studied. A negative correlation between the number of increments in the central and middle zones was observed. This might suggest a functional relation between these two periods of early life history, when fewer larvae in the epipelagic layers may be compensated by a longer non‐migratory behavior of metamorphosis larvae and early juveniles. The maximum number of growth increments in B. pterotum otoliths, i.e. 315, indicated a short lifespan of probably <1 year. The relationship between otolith length and standard length was described by linear regression model (r2 = 0.902), and between the body length and weight as an isometric growth in 274 juvenile and adult specimens (r2 = 0.922). The growth model estimated only for juveniles and adults was curvilinear (SL = 1.150 × Age0.616; r² = 0.868). Back‐calculated hatch dates might suggest a spawning season of B. pterotum from May to September, but due to the limited number of investigated specimens a prolonged spawning cannot be excluded. Further trials are needed to measure the population parameter dynamics.  相似文献   

Diadromous fish have exhibited a dramatic decline since the end of the 20th century. The allis shad (Alosa alosa) population in the Gironde-Garonne-Dordogne (GGD) system, once considered as a reference in Europe, remains low despite a fishing ban in 2008. One hypothesis to explain this decline is that the downstream migration and growth dynamics of young stages have changed due to environmental modifications in the rivers and estuary. We retrospectively analysed juvenile growth and migration patterns using otoliths from adults caught in the GGD system 30 years apart during their spawning migration, in 1987 and 2016. We coupled otolith daily growth increments and laser ablation inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry measurements of Sr:Ca, Ba:Ca, and Mn:Ca ratios along the longest growth axis from hatching to an age of 100 days (i.e., during the juvenile stage). A back-calculation allowed us to estimate the size of juveniles at the entrance into the brackish estuary. Based on the geochemistry data, we distinguished four different zones that juveniles encountered during their downstream migration: freshwater, fluvial estuary, brackish estuary, and lower estuary. We identified three migration patterns during the first 100 days of their life: (a) Individuals that reached the lower estuary zone, (b) individuals that reached the brackish estuary zone, and (c) individuals that reached the fluvial estuary zone. On average, juveniles from the 1987 subsample stayed slightly longer in freshwater than juveniles from the 2016 subsample. In addition, juveniles from the 2016 subsample entered the brackish estuary at a smaller size. This result suggests that juveniles from the 2016 subsample might have encountered more difficult conditions during their downstream migration, which we attribute to a longer exposure to the turbid maximum zone. This assumption is supported by the microchemical analyses of the otoliths, which suggests based on wider Mn:Ca peaks that juveniles in 2010s experienced a longer period of physiological stress during their downstream migration than juveniles in 1980s. Finally, juveniles from the 2016 subsample took longer than 100 days to exit the lower estuary than we would have expected from previous studies. Adding a new marker (i.e., Ba:Ca) helped us refine the interpretation of the downstream migration for each individual.  相似文献   

The newly recruited Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica , elvers and 1-year-old eels collected in estuaries and in rivers, respectively, were studied. The microstructure and chemical composition of the sagittal otolith of these eels were examined by SEM and wavelength-dispersive spectrometer (WDS), A transition zone or'elver mark'was observed in the otolith of the young eels. A comparison of the otoliths of elvers with those from the 1-year-old eels suggests that this transition zone was deposited during upstream migration, a change from a marine to freshwater environment. Strontium (Sr) content in the primordium of the otolith of both elvers and young eels was low, probably due to the maternal or freshwater origin of the oocyte. The concentration of Sr in the otolith increased gradually during marine life and reached a peak approximately 1 month before upstream migration. As the elvers entered the estuary, the Src concentration dramatically decreased and remained at a low level thereafter. These findings indicate that the history of the migratory environment of the eel can be reconstructed from a combined study of otolith microstructure and microchemistry analysis.  相似文献   

Abstract Analyses of condition data are conspicuous by their paucity in the extensive tropical reef-fish literature. Researchers typically quantify abundance at settlement, with little regard for the demonstrably variable quality of newly settled fishes. Condition may be functionally classified by indices of growth (e.g. the RNA-DNA index or peripheral growth increments of the otolith), starvation (e.g. height of midgut mucosal cells), storage (e.g. lipid content), or morphometry (e.g. dry weight/length’), all of which are variably correlated with each other. At present all indices are species-, stage-, technique- and therefore often investigation-specific, as laboratory-reared larvae for calibrating field-collected condition indices are often specific to the rearing procedure. RNA indices are particularly appropriate for estimating larval condition. In pelagic juveniles, or in recently settled juveniles, the width of peripheral growth increments of the otolith estimates average growth rate in length or dry weight during the previous few days, which discerns increasing from decreasing condition. Increment width changes in otoliths are particularly responsive to starvation events, and are correlated with RNA indices. Growth indices have great potential for determining which individuals were growing faster, thereby reducing their pelagic duration, and thus increasing their survival potential. The recent debate regarding whether bigger larvae have better survival could be re-addressed, by determining if larvae with faster growth indices have relatively enhanced survival.  相似文献   

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