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缺硫对脐橙叶片光合特性和叶绿素荧光参数的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈屏昭  王磊 《生态学杂志》2006,25(5):503-506
采用营养液培养的方法,对缺硫脐橙叶片的光合特性进行了研究。结果表明,在缺硫情况下,脐橙叶片的净光合速率(Pn)、光呼吸速率(Pr)、光合色素含量、可溶性蛋白质含量、初始荧光(Fo)、光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、最大荧光(Fm)和电子传递速率(ETR)显著下降,而光呼吸/光合比(Pr/Pn)显著升高。缺硫脐橙植株的光合能力降低,可能是叶绿体发育不全或特性功能蛋白含量不足所致。  相似文献   

低温胁迫对不同基因型小麦品种光合性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选用不同基因型小麦品种(春性品种扬麦18、弱春性品种郑麦9023、半冬性品种烟农19),研究了分蘖期和拔节期低温对叶片光合和叶绿素荧光特性的影响.结果表明:分蘖期-10℃低温处理后,烟农19的净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(gs)、PSⅡ最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、光化学猝灭系数(qP)、非光化学猝灭系数(NPQ)和PSⅡ非循环光合电子传递速率(ETR)显著高于扬麦18和郑麦9023;郑麦9023的gs、Fv/Fm、qp和NPQ显著高于扬麦18,胞间CO2浓度(Ci)显著高于烟农19;扬麦18的Ci显著高于烟农19,初始荧光(Fo)显著高于郑麦9023和烟农19.拔节期0℃低温处理后,烟农19的Pn、gs、Fv/Fm和qP显著高于扬麦18和郑麦9023,NPQ和ETR显著高于扬麦18;郑麦9023的Pn、gs、Fv/Fm和qP显著高于扬麦18,Fo显著高于烟农19;扬麦18的Ci和Fo显著高于郑麦9023和烟农19.分蘖期和拔节期低温胁迫下,半冬性品种烟农19具有较高的光合活性和较强的自我保护机制,弱春性品种郑麦9023次之,春性品种扬麦18最低.  相似文献   

【目的】研究12株杜鹃花类菌根(Ericoid mycorrhiza,ERM)真菌对2 a生桃叶杜鹃无菌实生幼苗促生效应及叶片叶绿素、光合参数和叶绿素荧光参数的影响。【方法】采用温室盆栽试验,ERM真菌菌株由野生桃叶杜鹃根系分离而得。【结果】表明接种苗侵染率较高。接种处理间在幼苗地上部分、地下部分干重与总生物量指标呈极显著差异(P<0.01)。与不接种对照相比,叶片中叶绿素a、叶绿素b、总叶绿素含量、叶片净光合速率Pn、叶片气孔导度Gs和叶片蒸腾速率Tr显著提高,而叶片胞间CO2浓度Ci则降低。接种幼苗叶片中实际量子产量ΦPSⅡ除菌株TY19、TY24和TY34低于对照外,其余均显著增加;PSⅡ电子传递速率ETR、PSⅡ最大光化学量子产量Fv/Fm、潜在活性Fv/Fo和光化学淬灭qP均显著提高;非光化学淬灭NPQ除菌株TY29外其它均高于对照,并与对照差异极显著(P<0.01)。ΦPSⅡ与Pn、Gs的相关性大于Fv/Fm、qP、NPQ;ETR与Fv/Fm、Fv/Fo、NPQ、Pn、Tr的相关性大于qP和Gs;Pn与Gs的相关性大于Tr,与Ci显著负相关(P<0.01)。【结论】通过接种处理,提高了叶片光合性能及叶绿素荧光参数,增强了植株对有效光的利用,显著增加了幼苗生物量。从综合接种效应来看,TY18、TY29、TY35、TY02、TY07和TY12是培育桃叶杜鹃菌根苗优良备选菌株。  相似文献   

苏新宏  韦凤杰  张学林  杨慧玲 《生态学报》2010,30(20):5592-5600
采用盆栽方法研究了旺长期遮光及光照转换对不同肥料条件下烟草叶片光合速率(Pn)与荧光特性的影响。结果表明,遮光促进两种肥料条件下烟草叶片叶绿素(Chl)和类胡萝卜素(Car)含量的积累,却降低它们的Pn。其中施无机肥的烟草叶片Chl含量增加较多,而50%无机肥+50%饼肥配施烟草叶片的Car增幅显著,从而,施无机肥烟草叶片Chl/Car上升,而无机肥+饼肥配施烟草叶片Chl/Car却下降。无论从自然光转至遮荫条件下还是从遮荫条件转至自然光下,两种肥料条件下生长的烟草叶片的Pn、实际光化学效率(ΦPSⅡ)、最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)及光化学猝灭系数(qP)均急剧下降,但与施无机肥相比,无机肥+饼肥配施烟草叶片保持较高的Pn、ΦPSⅡ、Fv/Fm、及qP,可能是饼肥促进了栽培条件下烟草植株的光生态适应性。  相似文献   

研究分布于新疆的雪莲(Saussurea involucrata)中的sikRbcs2基因在低温条件下对植物光合作用的影响,以16、10、6、4℃温度梯度处理非转基因型和转sikRbcs2基因型烟草,每个温度处理72 h,比较研究其叶绿素荧光特性和光合特性。实验分析结果:低温胁迫下,转基因型烟草叶片叶绿素a(Chla)、叶绿素b(Chlb)、叶绿素a+b(Chla+Chlb)、类胡萝卜素(Car)含量都显著高于非转基因型烟草。叶绿素荧光参数分析:低温胁迫下,转基因烟草PSⅡ最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、q P(光化学猝灭系数)、ETR(电子传递效率)都显著或极显著高于非转基因型,光合参数测定:随着低温胁迫程度的加剧,转基因烟草和非转基因型烟草净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、胞间CO_2浓度(Ci)总体都呈下降趋势,但转基因烟草的净光合速率有一个明显的动态变化,先急剧下降后有一个稳定上升的趋势。通过对生长指标的测定发现:在低温处理后和恢复后转基因烟草生物量的积累都显著高于非转基因型烟草。研究结果表明:转新疆雪莲sikRbcs2基因的烟草在低温条件下具有较高的Fv/Fm、q P、ETR,对光合机构的损伤小,降低了低温胁迫效应,提高了烟草在低温胁迫条件下的耐受性。  相似文献   

高温胁迫对柑橘光合速率和光系统Ⅱ活性的影响   总被引:47,自引:12,他引:35  
用红外CO2分析仪和叶绿素荧光仪测定了温州蜜柑和脐橙叶片的净光合速率(Pn)、初始荧光(Fo)、最大光能转换效率(Fv/Fm)及电子传递速率(ETR).结果表明,与常温(25℃)相比,高温胁迫(38~40℃)使温州蜜柑和脐橙叶片的Pn、Fv/Fm及ETR下降,Fo升高.胁迫25d后温州蜜柑和脐橙叶片的Pn分别下降55.6%和39.8%.Fv/Fm下降22.0%和6.7%,ETR下降55.0%和41.5%,Fo分别上升了113.8%和14.9%.柑橘经高温胁迫后,在25℃下处理10d,叶片的Pn、Fv/Fm、Fo及ETR恢复明显.这些结果说明柑橘的光合速率下降与PSⅡ反应中心失活有关.  相似文献   

供镁水平对油桐幼苗生长及光合特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用营养液砂培试验,研究不同供镁水平对油桐幼苗生长、光合特性及叶绿素荧光参数等的影响。结果表明,低镁浓度(Mg2+2 mmol·L-1)显著抑制了油桐的生长,叶绿素含量、Ru BP羧化酶及PEPC活性、净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、气孔限制值(Ls)、水分利用效率(WUE)、最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、实际光化学量子效率(ΦPSII)、PSII的潜在活性(Fv/Fo)及光化学淬灭系数(q P)显著下降(P0.05),胞间CO2浓度(Ci)、初始荧光(Fo)、非光化学淬灭系数(NPQ)有所升高;高镁浓度(Mg2+4 mmol·L-1)也抑制了油桐幼苗的生长,导致叶片叶绿素含量、Ru BP羧化酶活性、Pn、Gs、Fv/Fm、Fv/Fo及q P均下降(P0.05);随着供镁水平的增加,油桐的生长量、叶绿素含量、Ru BP羧化酶及PEPC活性、Pn呈先增加后降低的趋势;当镁离子浓度为2~4 mmol·L-1时,有利于油桐幼苗正常生长,缺镁胁迫下油桐光合速率的下降主要是由光合机构活性降低的非气孔因素引起的。  相似文献   

过量合成ALA转基因烟草叶片光合与叶绿素荧光特性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以转酿酒酵母Hem1基因的转基因烟草和野生型植株为材料,用Li-6400光合测定仪和PAM-2100叶绿素荧光仪检测了2种烟草不同叶位叶片光合和荧光参数,并考察了它们的生长情况.结果表明:过量合成ALA的转基因烟草植株具有更强的光合能力,并伴随着气孔导度(Gs)和蒸腾速率(Tr)提高.暗适应下转基因植株不同叶位叶片的初始荧光(Fo)没有明显差异,而野生型植株下部叶片F0明显升高;转基因植株最大荧光(Fm)、可变荧光(Fv)、PSⅡ最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)等参数均显著提高,特别是下部叶片表现得更为明显;在光照下,转基因植株PSⅡ有效光化学效率(Fv′/Fm′)和实际光化学效率(ΦPSⅡ)、荧光猝灭系数(qP)、电子传递速率(ETR)、光化学效率(Pc)以及进入PSⅡ反应中心的能量(Pc Ex)普遍高于野生型,而天线热耗散能量(Hd)以及非光化学荧光猝灭系数(NPQ)等明显低于野生型,且这些差异在基部叶片中表现得尤为突出.可见,过量合成ALA有利于延长烟草叶片光合寿命,提高光化学能量转换效应和光合产物积累,从而促进植株生长.  相似文献   

研究了细胞外ATP(eATP)和水杨酸(SA)对烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)叶片的气孔导度(GH2 O)、蒸腾速率(E)、光合作用速率(A)与叶绿素荧光参数[包括PSⅡ潜在最大光化学量子效率(Fv/Fm)、PSⅡ光适应下实际光化学效率Y(Ⅱ)、电子传递速率(ETR)、非光化学荧光淬灭(NPQ)和光化学荧光淬灭(qP)]的影响。结果表明:SA能导致A、GH2 O和E的下降,而eATP的处理能缓解SA造成的A、GH2 O和E的下降;但SA未对叶绿素荧光参数Fv/Fm、Y(Ⅱ)、NPQ、qP和ETR造成显著影响,eATP的加入也未改变SA处理下叶片叶绿素荧光参数的水平。这说明SA能导致光合作用的抑制,而eATP能明显缓解SA对光合作用的抑制,但以上作用可能均和光反应阶段无关。并对其内在机理进行了探讨。  相似文献   

华山新麦草光合特性对干旱胁迫的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李倩  王明  王雯雯  张瑞昌  岳明 《生态学报》2012,32(13):4278-4284
以濒危植物华山新麦草为材料进行盆栽试验,设置3个水分梯度,研究生长指标、气体交换、叶绿素荧光参数、光合色素含量、光响应特征及丙二醛(MDA)含量.结果表明:随干旱胁迫的加剧,株高、叶宽和光合色素含量降低,根长和丙二醛(MDA)含量增加;水分胁迫导致净光合速率(PN)、气孔导度(gs)、蒸腾速率(E)、最大荧光(Fm)、光合电子传递速率(ETR)和光化学猝灭系数(qP)降低,胞间CO2浓度(Ci)、瞬时水分利用效率(WUE)、初始荧光(Fo)和非光化学淬灭系数(NPQ)升高;光系统Ⅱ最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)不变;干旱胁迫下光响应曲线拟合结果显示,干旱胁迫造成最大光合速率和光能利用效率下降.综上表明,干旱对光系统Ⅱ的伤害是制约华山新麦草光合作用的主要原因.  相似文献   

The effects of phosphorus deficiency on the photosynthetic characteristics were studied in rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L.) every 8 days after treatment. P deficiency caused a significant reduction in the net photosynthesis rate (P N) in rice plants. During the first 16 days of P deficiency, the maximum efficiency of PSII photochemistry (F v/F m), the effective PSII quantum yield (ϕPSII), the electron transport rate (ETR) as well as photochemical quenching (qP) in the P-limited rice plants kept close to the control, but the excitation energy capture efficiency of PSII reaction centers (Fv/Fm) was significantly declined in the P-deficient rice leaves. Meanwhile, in the stressed leaves, we also found a significant increase in nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ) as well as in the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX). It was indicated that a series of photoprotective mechanisms had been initiated in rice plants in response to short-term P deficiency. Therefore, PSII functioning was not affected significantly under such stress. As P deficiency continued, the excess excitation energy was accumulated in excess of the capacity of photoprotection systems. When the rice suffered from P deficiency more than 16 days, ϕPSII, ETR, and qP were decreased more rapidly than that in the control plants, although NPQ still kept higher in the stressed plants. These results were also consistent with the data on the distribution of excitation energy. The excess energy induced the generation of reactive oxygen species, which might lead to the further damage to PSII functioning. This text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

The red macroalgae Hydropuntia cornea, Gracilariopsis longissima and Halopithys incurva were cultured for 14 d under laboratory conditions, in enriched seawater with a high nutrient content (N‐NH4+ and P‐PO43?) and two radiation regimes: PAR (400–700 nm) and PAB (280–700 nm). The UV radiation effects under high availability of nutrients on growth, photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a, carotenoids and phycobiliproteins), photosynthetic activity and biochemical composition were studied. Maximum quantum yield (Fv/Fm) was not significantly different among the PAR and PAB treatments during the experiment. However, the maximum electronic transport rate (ETRmax) increased over time, showing the highest values in PAR for H. incurva and H. cornea, whereas for G. longissima it was found in PAB. Photosynthetic efficiency (αETR) decreased over time in the first two species, but increased in G. longissima. Saturation irradiance (EkETR) and maximum nonphotochemical quenching (NPQmax) increased in PAB with time up to 80% and 30%, respectively, indicating a photosynthetic acclimatization like that of sun‐type algae. Five MAAs were identified in all species using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The total content of MAAs increased over time, being 30% higher in H. incurva, 40% in G. longissima and 50% in H. cornea in PAB than in the PAR treatment. Finally, the antioxidant activity was also higher in the PAB treatment. All of the species presented an effective mechanism of photoprotection based on the accumulation of photoprotective compounds with antioxidant activity, as well as a high dissipation of excitation energy (high NPQmax).  相似文献   

In transgenic (TG) tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) overexpressed ω-3 fatty acid desaturase gene (LeFAD7) was identified, which was controlled by the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter and induced increased contents of unsaturated fatty acids in thylakoid membrane. Under chilling stress at low irradiance (4 °C, 100 μmol m−2 s−1) TG plants with higher linolenic acids (18: 3) content maintained a higher O2 evolution rate, oxidizable P700 content, and maximal photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) than wild type (WT) plants. Low temperature treatment for 6 h resulted in extensive changes of chloroplast ultrastructure: in WT plants most chloroplasts became circular, the number of amyloids increased, appressed granum stacks were dissolved, grana disappeared, and the number of grana decreased, while only a few grana were found in leaves of TG plants. Hence the overexpression of LeFAD7 could increase the content of 18: 3 in thylakoid membrane, and this increase alleviated the photoinhibition of photosystem (PS) 1 and PS2 under chilling at low irradiance.  相似文献   

The influence of seasonally fluctuating photoperiods on the photosynthetic apparatus of Palmaria decipiens (Reinsch) Ricker was studied in a year‐round culture experiment. The optimal quantum yield (Fv/Fm) and the maximal relative electron transport rate (ETRmax), measured by in vivo chl fluorescence and pigment content, were determined monthly. During darkness, an initial increase in pigment content was observed. After 3 months in darkness, ETRmax and Fv/Fm started to decrease considerably. After 4 months in darkness, degradation of the light‐harvesting antennae, the phycobilisomes, began, and 1 month later the light harvesting complex I and/or the reaction centers of PSII and/or PSI degraded. Pigment content and photosynthetic performance were at their minimum at the end of the 6‐month dark period. Within 24 h after re‐illumination, P. decipiens started to accumulate chl a and to photosynthesize. The phycobiliprotein accumulation began after a time lag of about 7 days. Palmaria decipiens reached ETRmax values comparable with the values before darkness 7 days after re‐illumination and maximal values after 30 days of re‐illumination. Over the summer, P. decipiens reduced its photosynthetic performance and pigment content, probably to avoid photodamage caused by excess light energy. The data show that P. decipiens is able to adapt to the short period of favorable light conditions and to the darkness experienced in the field.  相似文献   

Available water stored in deep soil layers could increase the photosynthetic capacity of cotton. It was hypothesized that the photosynthesis of cotton would be enhanced by changing the fertilizer application depth under different deep-layer water conditions. We examined two deep-layer water levels, i.e., well-watered (W80) and not watered (W0), combined with surface application (F10) and deep application (F30) of basal fertilizer. Compared to W0, W80 resulted in increased leaf area (LA), photosynthetic pigment contents, maximal PSII efficiency (Fv/Fm), effective quantum yield of PSII (YII) and PSI (YI), electron transport rate of PSII (ETRII) and PSI (ETRI). W80 also increased the aboveground and root dry mass by 39 and 0.6%, respectively, and decreased the root/shoot ratio by 40–73%. Under the W0 condition, higher values of Fv/Fm, YII, YI, ETRII, and ETRI were measured for F10 compared to F30 after 69 d from emergence. Under the W80 condition, cotton plants with F10 showed higher LA, Fv/Fm, YII, YI, ETRII, and ETRI, but there were no significant differences in the photosynthetic pigments compared to F30. Our results suggest that sufficient water in deeper soil layers and the surface application of basal fertilizer could increase photosynthetic activity and efficiency, which promoted aboveground dry mass accumulation and partitioning towards reproductive organs.  相似文献   

In order to assess the long-term impacts of saline groundwater irrigation to Haloxylon ammodendron, one of the main shrubs in the Tarim desert highway ecological shelterbelt, we irrigated the H. ammodendron seedlings with progressive saline groundwater (3–30 g L−1, simulation environment in the Tarim desert highway ecological shelterbelt) and investigated the diurnal variations of chlorophyll a (Chl a) fluorescence parameters, such as maximal quantum yield of photosystem II (PSII) photochemistry (Fv/Fm), quantum yield of photochemical energy conversion in PSII (YII), the apparent rate of electron transport at the PSII level (ETR), photochemical quenching coefficient (qP), non-photochemical quenching (NPQ), quantum yield of nonregulated non-photochemical energy loss in PSII (YNO) and quantum yield of regulated non-photochemical energy loss in PSII (YII), at approximately 2-h intervals. Fv/Fm with 5 g L−1 (S2) was lower than that with 2 g L−1 (S1) but a little higher than 20 g L−1 (S5), respectively. Under the low light [photosyntheticallyactive radiation (PAR) ≤ 250 μmol m−2 s−1, at 08:00, 10:00 and 20:00 h of the local time], S1 kept the lowest YII and the highest YNPQ; while under the high light (PAR ≥ 1500 μmol m−2 s−1), the YII performed S1>S2>S5, and the reverse YNPQ; under mild light (250 μmol mt-2 s−1 ≤ PAR ≤ 1500 μmol m−2 s−1), S1 remained the highest YII, no matter the light and the salinity, the similar YNO almost occurred basically. The results showed that the sand-binding plant H. ammodendron could regulate its energy-utilizing strategies. The S2 might be the most suitable salinity of the irrigation water for H. ammodendron in the Tarim desert highway ecological shelterbelt in the northwest of China.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze the photosynthetic performance of gametophytic and sporophytic (‘Chantransia’) stages of Kumanoa ambigua in culture under UV radiation. We hypothesized that both life history stages of K. ambigua would exhibit different photosynthetic responses to UVR exposure. Experiments were performed under three conditions: (i) photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) only (400–700 nm), P control; (ii) PAR + UVA (320–700 nm), PA treatment; and (iii) PAR + UVA + UVB (280–700 nm), PAB treatment. The photosynthetic parameters were measured as in vivo chlorophyll a fluorescence. Differences were found between life stages, observing higher values of NPQ and effective quantum yields (ΔF/Fm′) under UVA and PAR in gametophytes compared to sporophytes. One type of mycosporine‐like amino acid (MAA) was detected in the gametophyte in all treatments, but not in the ‘Chantransia’ stage. The increased photosynthetic performance for some parameters and the presence of MAA in gametophyte suggest that it is less sensitive to UV radiation, particularly UVA, in comparison to sporophyte under culture conditions. This approach is relevant for a better understanding of the adaptation and physiological acclimation of freshwater Rhodophyta to varying light climates in terms of global changes.  相似文献   

土壤铅胁迫对苘麻光合特性及生物量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确不同浓度铅污染对苘麻(Abutilon theophrasti)光合特性及生长的影响程度,揭示苘麻对铅胁迫的光合适应能力,在铅污染土壤区域提供潜在物种。该研究设置五个铅浓度梯度(0、500、1 000、1 500、2 000 mg·kg~(-1)),分析了在不同浓度铅污染胁迫下,苘麻的铅积累、气体交换参数、叶绿素荧光特性及生物量的变化。结果表明:当铅浓度在1 000 mg·kg~(-1)以下时,净光合速率(P_n)和气孔导度(G_s)、光化学效率(F_v/F_m)、电子传递速率(ETR)的值分别与空白组的P_n、G_s、F_v/F_m、ETR值相比均不显著(P0.05),表明铅浓度小于1 000 mg·kg~(-1)时,苘麻的光合活性未受到损伤,有很强的光合适应能力。苘麻生物量在500、1 000 mg·kg~(-1)铅胁迫下为空白组的88.6%、106%,苘麻能够正常生长,说明苘麻能够适应铅污染的胁迫。当铅浓度低于1 000 mg·kg~(-1)时,苘麻地上部与地下部对铅富集与转移的效果较好,表明在铅污染区苘麻也具有较强的铅积累能力。根据铅污染土壤区域的实际情况,结合苘麻在低浓度铅污染修复效率高的特点,认为苘麻可以作为铅污染地区修复的潜在物种。  相似文献   

Haimeirong  Kubota  F.  Yoshimura  Y. 《Photosynthetica》2002,40(3):337-341
In order to evaluate the photosynthetic activity of a C3 leaf from the electron transport rate (ETR) of photosystem 2 (PS2), a new method was devised and examined using leaves of sweet potato. In this method, both surfaces of a leaf were sealed with transparent films to stop the gas exchange between the leaf and the atmosphere; hence the functions of both photosynthetic assimilation (CO2 uptake) and photorespiration (CO2 release) are restricted to the inside of the leaf. After both functional rates became equally balanced, ETR of the sealed leaf (ETRseal) was determined from the chlorophyll fluorescence. The measurements were conducted at different irradiances and leaf temperatures and by using leaves of different age. Under each measurement condition, ETRseal showed a close positive relationship with the photosynthetic potential, or the gross photosynthetic rate measured in the air of 2 % O2 (P G2%) before sealing. ETRseal may become an indicator to estimate or evaluate the photosynthetic activity of C3 leaves.  相似文献   

Contents of chlorophylls and carotenoids in yellow-green mutant Biao 810S were approximately half those in control type 810S. Biao 810S had fewer grana lamellae and looser structure than 810S, lower volume of starch granules in chloroplasts, but under high temperature and high irradiance the net photosynthetic rate (P N) of Biao 810S was higher than that of 810S. The chlorophyll fluorescence parameter Fv/Fm of Biao 810S was little higher and photochemical quenching qP was obviously higher than those of 810S. No significant differences in P N and biomass were observed in their hybrid combination. The yellow-green mutant phenotype may be a useful genetic marker of P(T)GMS rice used for hybrid seed production.  相似文献   

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