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湖南广西泡果荠属一新种张渝华(浙江省医学科学院药物研究所,杭州310013)ANEWSPECIESOFHILLIELLAFROMHUNANANDGUANGXIZhangYuhua(InstituteofMateriaMedica,ZhejiangAc...  相似文献   

HF对梅树超氧化物歧化酶和纤维素酶活性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
HF对梅树超氧化物歧化酶和纤维素酶活性的影响孟范平吴方正(中南林学院,株洲412006)(浙江农业大学,杭州310029)潘小敏(浙江省余杭市环保监测站,311100)EffectofHFontheActivitiesofSuperoxideDism...  相似文献   

鱼类免疫学研究进展   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  
鱼类免疫学研究进展李亚南,陈全震,邵健忠,毛树坚王冀平(杭州大学生物与技术系杭州310012)(浙江省测试技术研究所杭州310012)关键词鱼类,免疫学,进展ADVANCESINRESEARCHOFFISHIMMUNOLOGY¥Keywords:Fi...  相似文献   

中国亚热带主要稻作制农田生态系统的养分平衡   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
傅庆林  孟赐福 《生态学杂志》1994,13(3):53-56,34
中国亚热带主要稻作制农田生态系统的养分平衡傅庆林,孟赐福(浙江省农科院土肥所,杭州310021)NutrientBalanceinFarmlaudEcosystemUnderMajorRice-BasedCroppingSystemsinSubtro...  相似文献   

一种快速高效的IgM型单抗纯化方法王亚凡,陈彩华(浙江省医学科学院寄生虫病研究所,杭州310013)关键词 单抗纯化单克隆抗体(MAb)的纯化是一个相当困难的工作。本文介绍的聚乙二醇(PEG)纯化方法,利用PEG分子在溶液中形成网状结构,与溶液中的蛋...  相似文献   

转座子在植物基因分离中的应用研究进展朱乾浩(浙江省农科院作物所杭州310021)转座子(transposon)最早由美国的玉米遗传学家B.McClintock在玉米中发现。但转座子的概念直到1967年在大肠杆菌(E.Coli)的半乳糖操纵子研究中发现插入序列这类转座因子后才被普遍承认和接受。  相似文献   

7种国产野生经济植物的染色体数目张渝华,邱江峰(浙江省医学科学院药物研究所杭州310013)关键词7种植物,染色体数目CHROMOSOMENUMBERSOFSEVENWILDECONOMICPLANTSFROMCHINA¥ZhangYuhua;Qiu...  相似文献   

锗对水稻某些生理性状的生态效应研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
锗对水稻某些生理性状的生态效应研究许崇山唐建军(中山大学生命科学学院,广州510275)(浙江大学生物科学与技术系,杭州310027)StudiesofEcologicalEfectofGermaniumElementonSomePhysiologi...  相似文献   

生态交错带(Ecotone)理论研究进展   总被引:36,自引:2,他引:34  
生态交错带(Ecotone)理论研究进展高洪文(东北师范大学草地研究所,长春130024)AdvancementofTbeoreticalResearchinEcotone.¥GaoHongwen(InstituteofGrasslandRe-sea...  相似文献   

生态交错带与生态流   总被引:34,自引:2,他引:32  
生态交错带与生态流王庆锁(中国农业科学院畜牧研究所,北京100094)冯宗炜罗菊春(中国科学院生态环境中心,100080)(北京林业大学,100083)EcotonesandEcologicalFlows.WangQingsuo(AnimalHus...  相似文献   

江滩与兴林垦种区钉螺体内几种酶活性的比较   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
在自动化分析仪上分析了兴林垦种林区内钉螺和草和滩钉螺的总蛋白(TPr)含量和谷丙转氨酶(GPT)、谷草转氨酶(GOT)以及碱性磷酸脂酶(ALP)的活力和比活力,及其受林地地下水位高度的影响,结果表明,林地钉螺的GOT、GPT酶活力和比活力均比滩于钉螺显著提高,ALP活力较稳定,但比活力增加,林地内随地下水位降低,钉螺体内总蛋白含量下降,GOT、GPT比活力均显著升高。  相似文献   

Substantial attention has been given in recent years to forest and peatland degradation, transboundary haze, and biodiversity and economic impacts associated with major fire events in perhumid western Indonesia. Conversely, little information is available concerning underpinning conditions associated with burning practices and resultant fire patterns in other parts of the Indonesian archipelago, especially in markedly seasonally dry regions. As part of a broader study examining the patterning and drivers of burning in the monsoonal province of Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), the paper explores cultural, socioeconomic, biophysical, and, in discussion, political dimensions associated with landscape-scale patterns of burning at each of two village locations on the islands of Sumba and Flores. Assembled data illustrate that: (1) study villages are reliant on a range of subsistence agricultural activities, particularly annual food crops, livestock (especially pigs), and forest products; (2) while villages encompass mostly extensive areas of grassland savanna, proportionately most income/products are derived from limited areas of arable agricultural and very diminished forested lands; (3) despite this, considerable economic potential exists for developing certain tree products especially in agro-forestry settings, and more intensive livestock management; (4) these patterns are representative generally of surrounding regional agricultural landscapes. While burning is used as an essential agricultural management tool in defined seasonal contexts in all study villages, the reality is that today much burning is unmanaged and uncontrolled, with attendant significant economic impacts. As for western Indonesia, underlying drivers of such behavior are multiple and complex, but pointedly include: rapid societal change; conflicts within and between villages, and between villages and regulatory authorities (especially the Forestry Department), over access to land and resources; and continued nonrecognition in national and provincial fire policy frameworks of the practical necessity for using fire (wisely and safely) in many agricultural contexts. It is axiomatic that, without effective fire management and a supportive policy environment, sustainable livelihoods development will continue to be elusive in fire-prone savanna landscapes of eastern Indonesia.  相似文献   

农林生态系统的大气调节功能及价值核算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王勇  骆世明 《生态科学》2007,26(2):165-169
农林生态系统的生态服务功能之一是对大气环境的调节作用。归纳了农林生态系统吸收和释放气体的途径、测定方法及相关因素,以及农业管理方式和大气环境变化对农林生态系统的影响方式。从固C释O、吸收或排放CH4和N2O、净化SO2等3部分提出了农林生态系统调节大气生态功能的核算公式,并列举了有关参数。根据核算,佛山市农林生态系统调节大气生态功能总价值18.18亿元。  相似文献   

我国热带地区胶茶鸡农林复合系统氮循环研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
以海南省文昌市典型的胶茶鸡农林复合系统模式为研究对象,以单作胶园、胶茶间作园为对照,采用定量研究与定性分析相结合的方法,研究其N循环规律.结果表明,胶茶鸡农林复合系统N循环率为43%,N输出量为196.5kg·hm-2,土壤N盈余量为237.6kg·hm-2,均最高.鸡子系统N产投比为91%,转化率较高.系统外N投入率比另两系统明显减少,系统内N循环量最大,为824.1kg·hm-2.该系统N循环活跃,具有较合理的N循环结构.  相似文献   

Large areas of land contaminated with cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn) are currently in agricultural production in the Campine region in Belgium. Cadmium contents in food and fodder crops frequently exceed legal threshold values, resulting in crop confiscation. This imposes a burden on agriculture and regional policy and, therefore, encourages proper soil management. One way to increase agricultural income and improve soil quality is by growing alternative nonfood crops such as willows in short-rotation coppice (SRC) systems that remediate the soil. This paper compares SRC of willow with rapeseed and energy maize regarding four attributes: metal accumulation capacity, gross agricultural income per hectare, CO2 emission avoidance potential, and agricultural acceptance. Based on multicriteria decision analysis, we conclude that, although SRC of willow has a high potential as an energy and remediating crop, it is unlikely to be implemented on the short term in Flanders unless the economic incentives for the farmers are improved.  相似文献   

Five concurrent systems of agricultural resource management in the Viru Valley in Peru's arid northern coastal plain are discussed as adjustments to microenvironmental variations in soil humidity. Widespread dependence on canal irrigation in an environment characterized by uncertainty in the availability of river water affects the agrarian population in several ways. The upper socioeconomic class has adapted to uncertainty by implementing a deviation-counteracting mechanism (tubular wells) that provides water on demand, giving them flexibility in choice of agricultural activities. Another class of farmers is unable to introduce this mechanism, however, and consequently must depend on a repertoire of inflexible decisions to cope with uncertainty. Each group exploits different opportunity costs to increase economic gain. One pattern provides for expansion, whereas the other at best establishes stability and maintenance. Noncanal techniques permit expansion of cultivation in conditions where canal irrigation is not feasible, thereby improving the overall level of effectiveness of resource use. Alternative techniques do not involve regulatory mechanisms nor do they require complex, interlocking social, economic, and political components. Their presence and persistence in the agricultural system provide variation that may ultimately be amplified as the need to intensify resource exploitation increases in the future.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲盐碱地不同造林模式下的土壤碳氮分布特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
夏江宝  陈印平  王贵霞  任加云 《生态学报》2015,35(14):4633-4641
为了探讨不同造林模式对土壤碳氮影响的生态效应,以黄河三角洲盐碱地白蜡+棉花(FC)、香花槐+棉花(RC)、竹柳+棉花(SC)、白蜡林(F)、竹柳林(S)等5种造林模式为研究对象,分析比较各造林模式土壤的碳氮形态及分布特征,为重度退化刺槐林的经营改造和造林模式选择提供理论依据。结果显示:(1)不同造林模式下土壤的可溶性总碳和可溶性有机碳含量均高于裸地,农林间作高于纯林,其中SC模式含量最高,其次为FC和RC模式,而F和S纯林模式较低;5种造林模式不同土层可溶性有机碳含量均表现为0—20 cm高于20—40 cm。(2)农林间作模式0—40 cm土层的可溶性全氮和可溶性有机氮平均含量均高于纯林模式,其中SC模式的含量最高。FC、SC和S纯林模式0—20 cm土层可溶性有机氮含量显著高于20—40 cm土层,分别为其1.4、1.5和2.7倍;而RC模式20—40 cm土层可溶性有机氮含量显著高于0—20 cm土层。(3)5种造林模式中,除F纯林土壤硝态氮低于裸地外,其他造林模式下的土壤各种氮养分含量均显著高于裸地。土壤可溶性有机碳与全氮和铵态氮的相关性达到极显著水平(P0.01)。研究表明农林间作模式可显著提高重度退化刺槐林皆伐后土壤中有效态碳、氮含量,其中SC模式改良效果较好,而纯林模式较差。  相似文献   

测定了兴林垦种林区钉螺和滩地钉螺的总蛋白、氨基酸和糖原含量,结果表明,林地钉螺体同总蛋白含量和15种氨基酸含量显著下降,尤以雌体降幅较大,达30%,长江退水2个月后,林地钉螺体内糖原含量开始下降,退水7个月后,其含量较低了38%。  相似文献   

Muyu reservoir, located in the Shandong peninsula of China, is a large valley reservoir. Due to serious vegetation degradation and soil erosion surrounding the reservoir, the environment in the watershed was deteriorating before the implementation of eco-restoration engineering and had lost 15% of its water storage capacity. The eco-engineering construction aims to conserve water and reservoir surroundings through afforestation, to avert mud-sand deposition, and to raise agricultural benefits ecologically and economically, by forest-grass eco-restoration engineering for soil and water conservation. By using appropriate eco-engineering methods, an eco-restoration engineering model and forest-agronomy-livestock-fishery integrated shelter system, which realized the beneficial conservation and recycling of Muyu reservoir water environment, have been set up. The eco-restoration engineering mainly consists of eco-orchard engineering and techniques, IPM methods in integrated fruit farming system, agro-forestry techniques in land runoff eco-engineering and terrestrial-aquatic-integrated farm eco-engineering and techniques. By an 8-year construction, a 150-ha eco-restoration engineering in Muyu reservoir watershed was established, which brought about an average annual increase of 21% vegetation coverage, 70.9% total agricultural output value and 80% income, as well as a decrease of 50% mud–sand deposition and 50% chemical pesticides and fertilizer in the last 5 years.  相似文献   

为了充分发挥红壤旱地的生态功能,筛选出适于红壤旱地的优化复种方式,依据3年的田间定位试验资料,从农田生态系统的生产功能、物质循环特征、能量流动特征、价值流动特征以及养地效果等方面对红壤旱地4种复种方式[处理A(CK): 小麦/大豆-芝麻;处理B: 混播绿肥(油菜×紫云英×肥田萝卜)-大豆‖玉米-绿豆‖芝麻;处理C: 黑麦草-花生‖玉米-粟‖荞麦;处理D: 油菜-绿豆‖甘薯,“/”表示套作,“‖”表示间作,“-”表示接茬,“×”表示混作]的功能和效益进行了分析,并采用灰色关联度法从经济效益、生态效益和社会效益3个层次的13个指标对各复种方式进行了综合评价.结果表明: 混播绿肥(油菜×紫云英×肥田萝卜)-大豆‖玉米-绿豆‖芝麻复种模式的经济效益、生态效益和社会效益的关联度值均居第一位,经灰色关联度分析,得出其综合效益关联度值也最高,为0.847,是比较适宜在红壤旱地推广应用的高效复种方式,对今后红壤旱作区种植业结构布局和优化具有积极意义.  相似文献   

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