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长柄双花木(Disanthus cercidifolius var. longipes)是一种仅分布于我国东南地区的珍稀濒危植物。为研究该物种叶性状异速生长关系和叶片资源利用策略及其随发育阶段和海拔梯度的变化规律,该文以分布于江西省不同海拔梯度的长柄双花木群落为研究对象,调查分析了群落中不同发育阶段长柄双花木植株的叶片面积、叶片体积以及叶片含水量与叶片干重之间的异速关系。结果表明:不同发育阶段植株之间叶性状异速生长关系有着显著差异。成树叶片面积的增长速度低于或等于叶片干重的增长速度,幼树、幼苗叶片面积的增长速度低于叶片干重的增长速度; 成树叶片体积与叶片干重呈等速增长,幼树、幼苗叶片体积的增长速度高于叶干重的增长速度; 成树叶片含水量的增长速度低于叶干重的增长速度,幼树、幼苗两性状间保持等速增长。海拔梯度对长柄双花木叶性状异速生长关系也有影响,植株叶体积和叶含水量与叶干重的异速生长指数在不同海拔间有显著性差异。在低海拔区域,叶体积与叶干重呈等速增长,叶含水量的增长速度低于叶片干重的增长速度。在高海拔区域,叶体积的生长速度低于叶干重的生长速度,叶含水量和叶片干重呈等速增长。这说明长柄双花木叶片资源投资策略随着发育阶段和海拔梯度的不同发生变化。成树主要将叶生物量投资于光捕获面积和同化结构,幼树和幼苗则主要投资于维管组织的建设。由于海拔升高会引起风力增大、光强增强和土壤理化性质改变,长柄双花木在中低海拔倾向于增大叶体积以抢占资源,在高海拔倾向于加强机械组织和维管组织的建设来抵抗外界因子干扰。  相似文献   

植物功能性状可反映植物对环境的适应。在祁连山高寒退化草地, 利用ArcGIS建立研究区域的数字高程模型, 提取坡向数据, 采用标准化主轴估计方法(standardized major axis estimation, SMA), 研究了不同坡向甘肃臭草(Melica przewalskyi)叶性状间的关系。结果表明: 1)甘肃臭草叶面积和叶体积在北坡最大, 东坡、西坡、南坡逐渐减小, 叶干质量无显著变化; 2)叶面积与叶干质量在北坡、东坡和西坡呈等速生长关系, 在南坡呈异速生长关系, 且叶干质量的增长速度大于叶面积的增长速度; 3)叶体积与叶干质量在4个坡向上呈异速生长关系, 且叶干质量的增长速度均小于叶体积的增长速度。甘肃臭草叶性状关系随坡向的变化反映了该物种在异质生境中具有较强的叶片形态可塑性, 从而有利于其适应和占据高寒退化生境。  相似文献   

植物功能性状可反映植物对环境的适应。在祁连山高寒退化草地,利用Arc GIS建立研究区域的数字高程模型,提取坡向数据,采用标准化主轴估计方法(standardized major axis estimation,SMA),研究了不同坡向甘肃臭草(Melica przewalskyi)叶性状间的关系。结果表明:1)甘肃臭草叶面积和叶体积在北坡最大,东坡、西坡、南坡逐渐减小,叶干质量无显著变化;2)叶面积与叶干质量在北坡、东坡和西坡呈等速生长关系,在南坡呈异速生长关系,且叶干质量的增长速度大于叶面积的增长速度;3)叶体积与叶干质量在4个坡向上呈异速生长关系,且叶干质量的增长速度均小于叶体积的增长速度。甘肃臭草叶性状关系随坡向的变化反映了该物种在异质生境中具有较强的叶片形态可塑性,从而有利于其适应和占据高寒退化生境。  相似文献   

叶片暗呼吸是森林碳循环的重要组分,深入分析幼、成树的叶片暗呼吸及其光抑制性的差异,对生态系统总生产力(GPP)的准确估算具有重要意义.本研究以长白山阔叶红松林主要树种(红松和紫椴)的幼树和成树为研究对象,分别测算不同光照下叶片暗呼吸与无光暗呼吸,比较叶片暗呼吸及其光抑制性在幼、成树间的差异,结合幼、成树叶片生理生态参数的对比,对幼、成树叶片暗呼吸及其光抑制性差异的原因进行探讨.结果表明: 两个树种幼树叶片光下暗呼吸的值高于成树,在生长季(6—9月),幼树的值比成树高6.8%~39.6%;两个树种幼树叶片暗呼吸光抑制程度低于成树,幼树叶片暗呼吸光抑制性的值比成树低2.5%~14.1%;红松幼、成树间叶片暗呼吸光抑制性的差异总体高于紫椴幼、成树间叶片暗呼吸光抑制性的差异,差值最高可达18.6%;幼树中较高的光下暗呼吸值和较低的光抑制程度可能与最大净光合速率、比叶面积、气孔导度的变化有关,与叶片氮含量的变化无关.  相似文献   

植物叶性状的权衡关系反映了植物对环境的高度适应性及其在复杂生境下的自我调控能力,了解半干旱区城市绿化树种叶性状间的权衡关系,比较不同生长型(针叶和阔叶)树种异速生长的差异有助于进一步认识植物的进化机制。以兰州市典型绿化树种(13种针叶树和47种阔叶树)为对象,测量部分叶性状,采用标准化主轴估计和系统独立比较分析的方法比较不同性状间的权衡关系。结果表明:不同生长型树种叶面积、叶体积与叶片干重之间均为等速生长关系,针叶和阔叶树种间并无显著差异;叶厚与叶面积间为"此消彼长"的权衡关系,但并不显著;阔叶叶长与叶宽间异速生长斜率为0.764。兰州市典型绿化树种叶性状间的权衡可能是长期适应黄土高原特殊生境的自适应过程,也说明部分性状间存在协变关系,阔叶绿化树种的权衡表明其符合"快速投资-收益"特征。  相似文献   

为研究不同生物气候带内植物叶片大小与叶柄干重间的异速生长关系, 探讨不同植物功能型对叶内异速生长关系的效应, 在黑龙江呼中、吉林长白山、北京东灵山、浙江古田山、湖北神农架和四川都江堰6个地区, 选择典型地带性成熟林进行主要木本植物的叶片和叶柄性状的测定与统计分析。结果表明: 不同功能型和气候带植物叶片干重、面积、体积均与叶柄干重之间存在着显著的异速生长关系, 共同斜率分别为0.82、0.70和0.80, 均显著小于1.0。在相同叶柄干重下, 灌木较乔木支持更大的叶片体积, 但它们支持的叶片干重与叶片面积无显著差异; 常绿植物在给定叶柄干重下较落叶植物支持更高的叶片干重与体积, 但其支持的叶片面积小于落叶植物; 除神农架地区外, 在给定叶柄干重下, 亚热带的古田山、都江堰地区的植物较温带地区的植物支持更大的叶片干重、面积与体积, 而亚热带神农架地区的植物叶柄支持的叶片大小(面积、体积、干重)与温带地区相近。结果表明, 叶柄限制了叶片的不断增大(包括面积、体积和干重), 叶片和叶柄之间的异速生长关系受功能型、气候带及生境条件的影响。  相似文献   

亚热带常绿阔叶林植物叶小枝的异速生长   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
 植物生态学研究的重要内容之一是识别和定量刻画种间生态变异的主要维数,叶大小小枝大小维(谱)是其中之一,目前的研究相对比较薄弱,两者之间是异速还是等速生长关系仍存在着争论。亚热带常绿阔叶林植物叶大小-枝大小维的研究报道很少。该文以我国东部亚热带典型区域福建梅花山常绿阔叶林的68种常绿乔灌木植物为对象,进行了叶-小枝关系及其生态意义的研究。结果表明:1)小枝茎截面积与叶干重、总叶面积和单叶面积之间的SMA斜率分别为1.29、1.23和1.18,呈现异速生长关系,支持叶大小 小枝大小为异速生长的相关研究结论,但SMA斜率低于预期值,其原因及生态意义有待进一步研究;2)小枝总叶面积与单叶面积呈显著正相关,而与叶片数量不相关,反映了小枝总叶面积的增加主要是由单叶面积大小决定的,可能与这一地区湿润气候有关;而单叶面积与枝条长度呈正相关则可能反映了植物对常绿阔叶林内较弱光照环境的适应;3)叶干重同小枝干重、叶面积为等速生长关系,可能反映了植物与动物之间代谢方式的差异。  相似文献   

杨力  王满堂  陈晓萍  孙俊  钟全林  程栋梁 《生态学报》2020,40(21):7745-7754
叶面积与叶生物量的关系对于理解植物叶片的碳收益和投资权衡策略具有重要意义。收益递减假说认为植物的叶面积与叶生物量成显著异速生长关系,其异速生长指数<1.0,但该假说是否适用于不同生活型(常绿与落叶)亚热带木本植物不同冠层高度(上下冠层)当年生小枝的叶片仍不清楚。以江西亚热带常绿阔叶林的69种常绿与落叶木本植物当年生小枝上的叶为研究对象,采用标准化主轴回归估计(standardized major axis estimation,SMA)方法检验不同冠层高度和生活型叶面积与叶生物量的异速生长关系。结果显示:(1)当年生小枝叶生物量在不同冠层高度和生活型的植物中无显著差异(P>0.05),叶面积在常绿和落叶植物中有显著差异(P<0.05),常绿和落叶植物的比叶重存在显著差异(P<0.05),而落叶植物的比叶重在不同冠层高度存在显著差异(P<0.05),同一冠层,常绿植物比叶重显著高于落叶植物(P<0.05);(2)69种植物的叶面积与叶生物量异速生长指数具有物种特异性,60.9%的物种叶面积与叶生物量呈等速生长关系;(3)不同冠层和生活型植物的叶面积与叶生物量呈等速生长关系,但其异速生长常数在不同冠层高度与生活型间存在差异。这些结果表明冠层高度和生活型未改变叶面积-生物量之间的等速生长关系,不支持"收益递减"假说。  相似文献   

以6种复叶和7种单叶树种为材料,对叶内光合结构和支撑结构的生物量分配及异速生长关系在单叶和复叶树种中的变化规律进行研究。结果显示:单叶树种支撑结构的生物量投资比例显著大于复叶。单叶树种的支撑结构质量比与叶大小(叶面积和总叶干重)无明显的相关性,其光合结构与支撑结构呈等速生长关系;复叶树种的支撑结构质量比随叶大小的增加而增加,其光合结构与支撑结构呈显著的异速生长关系,且支撑结构的增长速率大于光合结构的增长速率。在物种水平上,同一叶类型植物不同物种的叶内支撑结构质量比和叶大小的关系呈不同的变化趋势。  相似文献   

生物量分配是植物净碳获取的重要驱动因素,当年生小枝内部的生物量分配是植物生活史对策研究的一个重要内容。本文采用标准化主轴估计(Standardized major axis estimation,SMA)和系统独立比较分析(Phy1ogenetica11y independent contrast analysis,PIC)的方法,研究了贡嘎山常绿和落叶阔叶木本植物当年生小枝内各组分生物量分配之间的关系。结果显示:小枝干重与茎干重、叶(含叶柄)干重和叶片(不含叶柄)干重,以及茎干重与叶(含叶柄)干重之间均呈极显著的等速生长关系,表明分配到叶或者叶片中的生物量独立于小枝生物量;叶柄干重与叶片(不含叶柄)干重和小枝干重呈极显著的异速生长关系,显示叶柄对小枝内的生物量分配具有重要的影响;在某一给定的小枝干重或叶片干重时,常绿物种比落叶物种具有更大的叶柄干重,即更大的支撑投资。这些结果表明叶柄作为叶片生物量最大化的一个不利因素,影响了小枝内的生物量分配,并且叶片与其支撑结构之间的异速生长关系随叶片生活型的变化而变化。  相似文献   

The relationship between plants and the environment is a core area of research in ecology. Owing to differences in plant sensitivity to the environment at different life history stages, the adaptive strategies of plants are a cumulative result of both their life history and environment. Previous research on plant adaptation strategies has focused on adult plants, neglecting saplings or seedlings, which are more sensitive to the environment and largely affect the growth strategy of subsequent life stages. We compared leaf N and P stoichiometric traits of the seedlings, saplings, and adult trees of Acer mono Maxim and different altitudes and found significant linear trends for both life history stages and altitude. Leaf N and P content by unit mass were greatly affected by environmental change, and the leaf N and P content by unit area varied greatly by life history stage. Acer mono leaf N‐P utilization showed a significant allometric growth trend in all life history stages and at low altitudes. The adult stage had higher N‐use efficiency than the seedling stage and exhibited an isometric growth trend at high altitudes. The N‐P utilization strategies of A. mono leaves are affected by changing environmental conditions, but their response is further dependent upon the life history stage of the plant. Thus, this study provides novel insights into the nutrient use strategies of A. mono and how they respond to the environmental temperature, soil moisture content along altitude and how these changes differ among different life history stages, which further provide the scientific basis for the study of plant nutrient utilization strategy on regional scale.  相似文献   

Intraspecific functional trait variability plays an important role in the response of plants to environmental changes. However, it is still unclear how the variability differs across three nested spatial scales (individual, plot, and site) and which determinants (climatic, soil, and ontogenetic variables) shape the trait variability. Along a latitudinal gradient in Korean pine broadleaved forest of northeast China, we quantified the extent of intraspecific variability of four functional traits in two dominant trees Pinus koraiensis and Fraxinus mandshurica at eight sites, including specific leaf area, leaf dry matter content (morphological traits) and leaf nitrogen content, leaf phosphorus content (physiological traits). Results showed a large trait variation within and between species (coefficient variation: 6.07–23.3%). The leaf physiological traits of F. mandshurica and morphological traits of P. koraiensis were more responsive at site scale, while the morphological traits of F. mandshurica and physiological traits of P. koraiensis were more responsive at individual scale. In addition, abiotic and biotic factors explaining functional trait variation differ markedly between the two tree species, with physiological trait of F. mandshurica being more associated with climate and soil, while traits variability in P. koraiensis was not affected by climate, soil, and ontogeny, except for leaf phosphorus content. Overall, we can predict that the physiological traits of broadleaved species tend to be more sensitive to environmental changes, while pines are more sensitive to competition. It is critical to determine which spatial scale and trait type should be taken into account in predictive models of vegetation dynamics.  相似文献   

大青沟自然保护区主要森林群落优势种的叶性状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物功能性状是近年来生态学研究的热点。其中叶功能性状与植株生物量和植物对资源的获得、利用及利用效率的关系最为密切。大青沟森林植物群落分布于科尔沁沙地,生境条件非常特殊,在沙沟里存在着一片茂密的森林,与周围浩瀚无垠的沙坨景观形成极为鲜明的对照。从沟底到沟顶,虽然海拔高度仅相差六、七十米,但由于距离沟底水源不同,土壤条件差异大,形成了不同的森林植物群落类型。大果榆群落、蒙古栎群落和水曲柳群落分别分布在大青沟自然保护区的沟顶、沟中和沟底。为了对大青沟自然保护区,不同环境梯度下的森林植物群落叶片功能性状进行研究,以大青沟自然保护区大果榆、蒙古栎、水曲柳3种主要森林群落为研究对象,分别测定不同群落优势种的叶厚度、比叶面积、叶干物质含量、叶大小和叶干重等5项叶功能性状,研究叶功能性状之间的关系,并对不同生长型、不同群落叶功能性状进行比较。相关分析结果表明,叶厚度与比叶面积呈极显著负相关,与叶大小和叶干重呈极显著正相关;比叶面积与叶干物质含量、叶干重呈极显著负相关,与叶大小呈显著正相关;叶干物质含量与叶大小呈极显著负相关,与叶干重呈极显著正相关;叶大小与叶干重呈极显著正相关。不同生长型植物叶片性状的分析表明,草本植物的叶干物质含量比乔木和灌木低,而其比叶面积高于乔木和灌木;对不同群落叶功能性状进行比较发现,大果榆群落和蒙古栎群落乔木、灌木叶厚度与干物质含量显著高于水曲柳群落的叶厚度与干物质含量,二者比叶面积显著低于水曲柳群落。大果榆群落和蒙古栎群落从叶功能性状的角度,它们具有较高的叶干物质含量和较低的比叶面积,体现出适应干旱生境叶片的特征。水曲柳群落呈现出低叶干物质含量、高比叶面积的特征,体现出适应湿润、土壤水分较好生境的特征。不同群落通过调节自身的物种组成,形成不同的功能性状组合来适应环境。  相似文献   

长白山林区核桃楸种群数量动态变化的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用种群年龄结构、存活曲线统计和Leslie模型对长白山核桃楸种群在水胡林、针阔混交林、核桃楸占优杂木林和杂木林4种不同群落类型中种群数量动态变化进行了研究和预测。结果表明,核桃楸种群表现出衰退型的年龄结构特点,幼苗和幼树比例较小,种群在幼年期死亡率较高,反映出核桃楸种群15~20龄在个体经历了比较强烈的环境筛作用;Leslie模型预测显示,核桃楸幼苗数量和种群总数量在今后35年基本呈下降趋势,除在核桃楸占优的林分中种群维持增长外,在其它3中森林类型都表现出衰退趋势。因此,促进核桃楸的天然更新、加强幼苗幼树的抚育工作对长白山地区核桃楸种群的发展至关重要。  相似文献   

田俊霞  魏丽萍  何念鹏  徐丽  陈智  侯继华 《生态学报》2018,38(23):8383-8391
自然界中,森林植物叶片的生长随树冠高度呈现明显的垂直分布现象;然而,有关叶片性状随着树冠垂直高度增加的变化规律仍不清楚。为了更好地揭示植物叶片对光环境变化的适应策略以及对资源的利用能力,有必要深入探讨叶片性状与冠层高度的定量关系及其内在调控机制。以中国广泛分布的温带针阔混交林为对象,选取8种主要树种为研究对象(白桦、蒙古栎、水曲柳、大青杨、色木槭、千金榆、核桃楸和红松),通过测定这些物种9个冠层高度的叶片比叶面积(SLA)、叶片干物质含量(LDMC)、叶片氮含量(N)、叶片磷含量(P)、氮磷比(N∶P)和叶绿素含量(Chl)等属性,探讨了针阔混交林叶片性状的差异以及各性状之间的相关关系,进而揭示叶片性状随树冠垂直高度的变化规律。实验结果表明:1)温带针阔混交林内优势树种的部分叶片性状在不同冠层高度之间差异显著。2)随着树冠垂直高度的增加,SLA、LDMC、N、P、N∶P和Chl呈现不同的变化趋势。其中,阔叶树种SLA随着树冠垂直高度的增加而减小;所有树种的LDMC随着树冠垂直高度的增加而增加;不同树种的N、P、N∶P和Chl随着树冠垂直高度的变化规律存在差异。3)对于温带针阔混交林冠层中,SLA与N、P、N∶P均存在显著的正相关关系,高SLA伴随着高的N、P、N∶P,表明植物通过SLA与N、P等性状的协同来提高叶片的光合作用(或对光热资源的利用效率)。本研究通过定量分析探讨温带针阔混交林叶片性状随冠层高度的变化规律,一定程度地揭示了树木对光、热和水资源竞争的适应机制,以及植物叶片的资源利用和分配策略,不仅拓展了传统性状研究的范畴,其相关研究结论也有助于树木生长模型的构建和优化。  相似文献   

闫琰  姚杰  张新娜  张春雨  赵秀海 《生态学报》2016,36(23):7644-7654
幼苗的空间分布对群落更新具有重要意义。于2011年夏季在蛟河地区3个不同演替阶段针阔混交林样地内共设置了451个种子雨-幼苗观测样站,并于2012—2014年对幼苗样方内胸径1 cm的木本植物幼苗进行了连续3a的调查。对木本植物幼苗的数量分布以及水曲柳(Fraxinus mandshurica)、五角枫(Acer mono)、杉松(Abies holophylla)和东北枫(Acer mandshuricum)4个主要树种幼苗与大树的空间关系及其年际变化进行了分析,并用Syrjala检验分析了样站尺度上幼苗密度、丰富度空间分布在年际间的差异。结果显示:(1)木本植物幼苗的数量分布在不同群落和年际之间都表现出明显的差异,样站尺度上3个样地内的幼苗密度存在着较大的空间变异性,而幼苗丰富度的空间异质性较低。表明幼苗分布的空间异质性对幼苗密度有着重要影响。(2)样站尺度上幼苗数量和物种数的空间分布在不同年份之间是存在差异的。在一定程度上证实了种子产量、扩散方式和群落组成对幼苗空间分布的影响。(3))从死亡幼苗与大树空间关系来看,4个主要树种的死亡幼苗与成树表现出相似的分布格局,这既表明成体植株的空间分布特征也能够影响幼苗的空间分布格局,也从侧面说明了负密度制约效应对幼苗空间分布的影响。  相似文献   

John A. Barone 《Biotropica》2000,32(2):307-317
The Janzen–Connell model of tropical forest tree diversity predicts that seedlings and young trees growing close to conspecific adults should experience higher levels of damage and mortality from herbivorous insects, with the adult trees acting as either an attractant or source of the herbivores. Previous research in a seasonal forest showed that this pattern of distance‐dependent herbivory occurred in the early wet season during the peak of new leaf production. I hypothesized that distance‐dependent herbivory may occur at this time because the new foliage in the canopy attracts high numbers of herbivores that are limited to feeding on young leaves. As a consequence, seedlings and saplings growing close to these adults are more likely to be discovered and damaged by these herbivores. In the late wet season, when there is little leaf production in the canopy, leaf damage is spread more evenly throughout the forest and distance dependence disappears. I tested three predictions based on this hypothesis: (1) the same species of insect herbivores attack young and adult trees of a given plant species; (2) herbivore densities increase on adult trees during leaf production; and (3) herbivore densities in the understory rise during the course of the wet season. Censuses were conducted on adults and saplings of two tree species, raribea asterolepis and Alseis blackiana. Adults and saplings of both species had largely the same suite of chewing herbivore species. On adults of Q. asterolepis, the density of chewing herbivores increased 6–10 times during leaf production, but there was no increase in herbivore density on adults of A. blackiana. Herbivore densities increased 4.5 times on A. blackiana saplings and 8.9 times on Q. asterolepis saplings during the wet season, but there were no clear trends on the adults of either species. These results suggest that the potential of adult trees as a source of herbivores on saplings depends on the value of new leaves to a tree species' herbivores, which may differ across tree species.  相似文献   

Effects of seed size and phenology on the establishment of five deciduous broad-leaved tree species were examined in deciduous woodland. Treatments included absence and presence of litter in the forest understory, a small gap, and a large gap. Seedling emergence of large-seeded speciesQuercus mongolica var.grosseserrata andAcer mono was not reduced by accumulation of litter in the forest understory, but was promoted in the large gap where litter was less. Seedling emergence of small-seeded species,Alnus hirsuta, Cercidiphyllum japonicum andBetula platyphylla var.japonica, was reduced by the litter in almost all of the sites. Seedlings of large-seeded species avoid shade stress phenologically by unfolding all of their large leaves in a short period before canopy closure in the forest understory. These species had little mortality after seedling emergence. In contrast, small-seeded species have a longer duration of leaf emergence, shorter leaf longevity, and rapid leaf turnover in all the sites. These seedlings attained similar height to those of the large-seeded species at the end of the second year in the large gap, but survival and height growth rate decreased after canopy closure in the forest understory. We suggest that the importance of seed size in determining seedling establishment largely depends on the relationships between seasonal changes of environmental conditions and phenological traits of seedlings, which are related to seed size.Abbreviations Ah Alnus hirsuta - Am Acer mono - Cj Cercidiphyllum japonicum - Bp Betula platyphylla var.japonica - Qm Quercus mongolica var.grosseserrata  相似文献   

We studied regeneration patterns of three tree species Picea ajanensis, Betula platyphylla and Populus tremula from 1998 to 2000 in the Central Depression of the Kamchatka Peninsula. We paid special attention to the contribution of sprouting to their regeneration. P. ajanensis was the only species that regenerated by seedling. In a 40 × 40 m study plot, the density of P. ajanensis saplings < 2.0 cm in diameter at basal area (DBH) was 1132, and this was the highest among the three species studied. The number of saplings 2 cm in DBH declined sharply with size class. The spatial distribution of P. ajanensis saplings (< 2 cm in DBH) showed a significant positive correlation with that of adult trees and a negative correlation with that of gaps. These trends were not changed after re-measurement in 2000, although nearly half of the juveniles had died or been injured during the two years. These results suggest that small Picea saplings prefer habitats under the canopy of adult trees rather than in gaps for establishment. Most small individuals of B. platyphylla were produced from sprouts. The number of saplings in the smallest size class (< 2 cm in DBH) was much less than that of P. ajanensis, although the number of larger individuals did not decrease remarkably. The spatial distribution of B. platyphylla saplings showed a positive correlation with that of adult trunks and a negative correlation with that of canopy trees of P. ajanensis. These results suggest an effective contribution of sprouts to the regeneration of B. platyphylla. P. tremula was the only species that could invade big gaps and produce many root suckers efficiently. There were 181 suckers of P. tremula in the smallest size class (< 2 cm in DBH) in the study plot, although the number of saplings 2 cm in DBH declined abruptly. The spatial distribution of saplings of this species showed a slight positive correlation with that of gaps, and negative correlation with that of adult trees of B. platyphylla, P. ajanensis, and P. tremula. The root suckering strategy of P. tremula might be adaptive under severe conditions in high-latitude regions. Our data suggest, however, that it does not necessarily contribute to regeneration in mature forests. The three component species in this forest did not seem to utilize canopy gaps for regeneration; we suggest that gap dynamics do not work in this forest. The sparse canopy, which is a typical character of forests in high-latitude regions, might be a consequence of high mortalities of seedlings and root suckers inside gaps.  相似文献   

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