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周韩洁  杨入瑄  李嵘 《广西植物》2022,42(10):1694-1702
全球气候变化与人为活动等因素导致的生物多样性丧失,引起了全球各界对生物多样性保护的高度关注。传统生物多样性保护主要对物种、特有种、受威胁物种的种类组成及其分布模式开展研究,忽视了进化历史在生物多样性保护中的作用。云南是全球生物多样性热点地区的交汇区,生物多样性的保护历来受到广泛关注,为了更好地探讨云南生物多样性的保护措施,该研究以云南被子植物菊类分支物种为研究对象,基于物种间的演化关系,结合其地理分布,从进化历史的角度探讨物种、特有种、受威胁物种的种类组成及系统发育组成的分布格局,并整合自然保护地的空间分布,识别生物多样性的重点保护区域。结果表明:云南被子植物菊类分支的物种、特有种及受威胁物种的物种密度与系统发育多样性均显著正相关; 通过零模型分析发现,由南向北标准化系统发育多样性逐渐降低; 云南南部、东南部、西北部是云南被子植物菊类分支的重点保护区域,加强这些区域的保护,将最大化地保护生物多样性的进化历史和进化潜能。由此可见,融合进化历史信息的植物多样性格局分析不仅有助于更加深入地理解植物多样性的形成与演变,也为生物多样性保护策略的制定提供更多的思路。  相似文献   

杨天友 《生物多样性》2016,24(8):957-243
参考翼手目动物分类学和分子系统学的最新研究成果, 在《贵州兽类志》的基础上, 结合近年来有关翼手类研究的资料, 对贵州省翼手类名录进行整理, 并列出了贵州省翼手类的分布地点。截止到2015年10月31日, 贵州省共有蝙蝠7科17属51种, 占中国现有蝙蝠种类(134种)的38.1%。其中, 我国特有种8种(贵州特有种2种)。与《贵州兽类志》中记载的翼手类相比, 增加了14种, 3个物种未被列入, 更改了10个物种的名称。按照中国动物地理区划, 贵州省蝙蝠以东洋界种类占绝对优势, 共有42种, 古北界种类仅2种, 广布种7种。列入IUCN红色名录各濒危等级的有44种, 列入《中国脊椎动物红色名录》的有48种。  相似文献   

四川黑竹沟国家级自然保护区位于生物多样性丰富的凉山山系, 在保护和维持区域生物多样性方面具有极其重要的地位, 然而对该自然保护区兽类群落的研究却极为缺乏。为了了解该自然保护区及周边的小型兽类群落,本文作者在2018年4-10月调查了该区域的非飞行小型兽类物种多样性及其群落组成。在海拔1,537-3,830 m间共设置样方184个, 布设鼠夹9,016铗日, 捕获小型兽类536只, 隶属4目7科13属21种。包括滇攀鼠(Vernaya fulva)和等齿鼩鼹(Uropsilus aequodonenia)两个稀有物种在内的共计9个物种为该地区首次报道, 丰富了物种分布记录。结合历史资料, 黑竹沟地区共记录小型兽类43种, 隶属4目9科28属。在43种小型兽类中, 东洋界物种37种, 占绝对优势(86%), 分布型以喜马拉雅-横断山型占优, 为18种(占东洋界48.6%)。本次调查捕获的21种小型兽类中, 群落优势种为中华姬鼠(Apodemus draco, 33.2%)、北社鼠(Niviventer confucianus, 21.3%)和中华绒鼠(Eothenomys chinensis, 12.7%)。随着海拔上升, 群落优势种组成发生变化, 由北社鼠 + 中华姬鼠 + 针毛鼠(Niviventer fulvescens) + 短尾鼩(Anourosorex squamipes)群落, 转变为中华绒鼠 + 中华姬鼠 + 凉山沟牙田鼠(Proedromys liangshanensis) + 西南绒鼠(Eothenomys custos)群落。群落物种区系的分布型组成随着海拔升高而发生变化, 喜马拉雅-横断山型物种随海拔升高所占比例增大; 分布于喜马拉雅-横断山的特有种分布的下限、中点和上限平均海拔都高于非特有种, 且特有种和非特有种的中点和下限平均海拔差异显著(n = 21, df = 19, P = 0.013; n = 21, df = 19, P < 0.01), 说明该区域物种具有明显的东洋界特征, 中高海拔主要由特有种构成。本研究丰富了黑竹沟地区小型兽类及群落多样性的数据资料, 有利于该地区物种多样性的研究和保护。  相似文献   

尖峰岭热带山地雨林海南特有木本植物群落结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以海南尖峰岭4.8 hm 2的热带山地雨林原始林为研究对象, 分析了群落内海南特有乔、灌木植物(以下简称特有种)的物种组成、特有种种群的多度和径级结构特点, 分析了保留和剔除特有种对群落物种多样性指数的影响。结果表明, 在4.8 hm 2样地中, 共记录了胸径≥1.0 cm的个体36481株, 隶属于65科134属247种; 其中, 24种为特有种, 占样地内总种数的9.7%; 大多数特有种多度较小, 在群落发展中居从属地位。多数特有种对生境具有选择性, 分布区域相对狭窄, 种实以动物传播型为主。剔除特有种后, 导致群落的Margalef丰富度指数和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数极显著下降(p < 0.01), 对Simpson和Pielou均匀度指数影响不显著。由此可见, 特有种不仅对维持尖峰岭山地热带山地雨林的物种多样性具有重要的意义, 也具有较高的科学研究价值。  相似文献   

物种多度与分布幅之间的正相关被认为是一种普遍的规律。但近年在热带山地和岛屿的研究发现多度-分布幅关系会出现不相关或负相关的现象;该现象可能是由于当地多度高且分布幅小的特有种比例较高所导致。在喜马拉雅山东段的勒布沟沿海拔2350—4950 m开展研究:1)记录了当地鸟类多度垂直分布格局;2)验证了该区繁殖鸟总体多度-垂直分布幅关系,并对比了特有种和非特有种分组子集多度-垂直分布幅关系、平均多度和垂直分布中心的差异。研究发现勒布沟鸟类多度垂直分布格局为驼峰格局。该区繁殖鸟类与非特有种的多度-垂直分布幅关系均为正相关,但特有种的多度-垂直分布幅关系为不相关。特有种的多度及海拔分布中心位置均高于非特有种。结果表明区域的鸟类特有性对多度-垂直分布幅关系存在着重要的影响;地理隔离导致的区域物种组成差异,是造成多度-分布幅关系模式变化的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

螺髻山自然保护区非飞行小型哺乳动物垂直多样性调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2009 年4 ~8 月利用铗日法对螺髻山自然保护区非飞行小型哺乳动物的多样性进行了调查。调查于海拔1 800 ~4 150 m间按梯度设置7 个采集样地,每个采集样地内设3 个样带并置铗,有效布铗10 500铗次,捕获非飞行小型哺乳动物5 科8 属15 种,共491 个个体。调查结果表明,调查区域内非飞行小型哺乳动物群落的相对丰富度、丰富度和多样性指数均与海拔存在显著的相关性。统计分析显示:位于阴坡且与水源地相距较近的样地的物种相对丰富度明显高于位于阳坡、距离水源地远的样地;植被类型丰富、降水量充分的中海拔地区(2 200 ~ 2 600 m) 相对丰富度、丰富度和多样性达到最高;而在高海拔(> 3 800 m) 和低海拔区域(< 2 000 m)则较低。非飞行小型哺乳动物的多样性以中低山阔叶灌丛林与亚热带针阔混交林中最高,而在高山流石滩、高山草甸与河谷灌草丛中较低。在本研究的调查区域内,中海拔地区多样性和丰富度最大可能是非飞行小型哺乳动物垂直多样性分布的一个重要特点。  相似文献   

于1999~2001年调查了神农架自然保护区6个地点不同栖息地的非飞行哺乳动物的物种丰富度。栖息地分为8类:原始林、择伐林(采伐枯立木)、次生林、灌木林、草地、常年性河流水溪、农田和人居住区。小型非飞行哺乳动物调查用捕鼠夹;大型非飞行哺乳动物调查主要根据皮张收购资料以及样线法和痕迹法;用10 m×10 m的样方调查林地树种丰富度。调查发现,神农架自然保护区有非飞行哺乳动物59种[不包括引进种梅花鹿(Cervus nippon)]。在同一海拔高度,原始林通常比择伐林和次生林的物种丰富度高,说明采伐严重降低了物种丰富度。对比同一栖息地不同海拔高度的物种丰富度,我们发现,在中海拔地段(800~1700 m)物种丰富度最高:如在原始林和次生林,海拔1700 m的东溪物种丰富度最高;在择伐林,海拔800 m的九冲物种丰富度最高。聚类分析显示,6个地点的哺乳动物物种组成可以分为两组:高海拔组(2100 m以上)和中低海拔组(1700 m以下)。各地点的哺乳动物物种组成与植被的垂直分布是一致的。各地点的物种丰富度与单位面积(100 m2)树种平均丰富度、栖息地类型数和海拔高度相关。3个环境变量间也是相关的:海拔高度对单位面积树种平均丰富度和栖息地类型数有重要影响。根据研究结果提出两点保护建议:第一,保护区的移民迁出和退耕还林工程应首先在物种丰富度最高的九冲进行,而后是东溪和下谷;第二,为了增加个体流和基因流,保护区东西两片相间的非保护区地带应划入保护区,建立栖息地廊道。  相似文献   

本文以云南被子植物蔷薇分支为研究对象,基于物种间的演化关系,结合其地理分布,从进化历史的角度探讨了物种、特有种、受威胁物种的种类组成及系统发育组成的分布格局,并整合自然保护地的空间分布,对生物多样性的重点保护区域进行识别。结果显示:云南被子植物蔷薇分支的物种密度与系统发育多样性、特有种密度、受威胁物种密度均呈显著正相关,云南南部和西北部是物种丰富度与系统发育多样性最为丰富的区域;就云南整体而言,蔷薇分支的标准化系统发育多样性较低;云南南部、东南部、西北部是蔷薇分支的重点保护区域。  相似文献   

物种多样性的空间分布格局一直是生态学和生物地理学研究的一个热点问题。山地生态系统的生境异质性和物种多样性高, 适合研究物种多样性空间分布格局及其相关机制。2016年11月至2017年11月, 本研究选取秦岭南坡陕西洋县辖区作为研究区域, 采用样线法、红外相机法和笼捕/夹捕法, 系统分析了8目21科48种哺乳动物物种多样性的空间分布格局。研究结果发现秦岭南坡洋县辖区哺乳动物物种丰富度的空间分布格局大致是中南部低, 北部和东部高; 物种多样性指数大致是中南部和北部低, 东部高。啮齿类动物和非啮齿类动物的空间分布格局存在差异。哺乳动物物种丰富度和多样性指数的垂直分布格局都符合中峰模式, 但啮齿类动物和非啮齿类动物间存在差异。最优线性模型结果表明, 研究地区哺乳动物物种多样性的空间分布格局受到多种环境因素的共同影响。其中, 年均温与物种多样性的相关性最强, 在6个最优线性模型中贡献都是最大。综上, 秦岭南坡洋县辖区中高海拔区域的物种多样性较高, 应加强对中高海拔地区的保护, 以维系该区域较高的生物多样性。  相似文献   

吴永杰  杨奇森  夏霖  冯祚建  周华明 《生态学报》2012,32(14):4318-4328
为了解贡嘎山地区物种多样性的垂直分布格局,2010年4—9月利用夹日法对贡嘎山东坡非飞行小型兽类的物种多样性进行了详细调查。调查在海拔1200—4000m之间按400m间隔设置了8个采集样地,累计布夹28800夹次,捕获非飞行小型兽类个体701个,观察记录到松鼠个体25个,共调查记录小兽个体726个,分属于3目6科16属25种。非参数估计的物种丰富度Chao2和Jackknife2指数以及物种累积曲线评估表明本次调查取样充分,能很好地反映该地区非飞行小型兽类物种多样性的垂直分布格局。结果表明:非飞行小型兽类物种多样性的垂直分布格局为单峰模型;物种丰富度和物种多度在中海拔地区最高,在低海拔和高海拔地区较低;相反,物种均匀度在中海拔地区较低,在低海拔和高海拔地区较高;而物种优势度则随着海拔的升高而逐渐增加;Shannon-Wiener、Fisher-α、Margalef三个综合性物种多样性指数均显示物种多样性在中海拔地区最高;与其它多样性指数相比,Simpson指数未能很好地反映出不同海拔段群落物种多样性的垂直分布差异;而与Shannon-Wiener和Simpson指数相比,Fisher-α和Margalef指数对不同物种组成的群落多样性区分较好。同时,基于不同海拔段物种组成的聚类分析结果也表明物种多样性在中海拔地区最高。物种多样性在中海拔地区最高的垂直分布模式提示我们在贡嘎山地区的生物多样性保护和生态管理中应特别重视中海拔地段,因为该地段中居于生态食物链中间位置的小兽物种最丰富,是山地生物多样性保护的关键。此外,规范统一的调查方法将有利于研究数据的整合和减少人为因素带来的误差。  相似文献   

North western Argentina, the southernmost portion of the tropical Andes, contains one of the main areas of endemism within the Southern Cone, as well as one of the main diversity hotspots of the country. Historically its reserve area systems have been located in the richest ecoregion of the area; the Southern Andean Yungas. We evaluated the effectiveness of the current protected areas in preserving the endemic flora of the region. The distributions of 505 endemic species were either modeled or included as observed data to determine endemism hotspots in each ecoregion. The endemic species were mainly found in arid ecoregions such as the High Monte and the Central Andean Puna, as well as in the transition zones between these regions and the Southern Andean Yungas. We found that more than 1/3 of the endemic species are unprotected in their entire ranges by the current system, while nearly half of the species are protected in only 5 % of their distribution ranges. New priority areas were chosen to increase the effectiveness based on the irreplaceability concept. We show that adding 251 new cells of 100 km2 each would improve the protection values and convert the system to effective. The present paper highlights that priorities set on the basis of species richness may not successfully conserve areas of high plant endemism. However, zoologist would have to realize similar assessments in the endemic fauna in order to find the optimal designed of protected areas system to conserve both the endemic flora and fauna in the Southern Central Andes.  相似文献   

Microcosm assays with dye-amended culture media under a shot-feeding strategy allowed us to obtain 100 yeast isolates from the wastewater outfall channel of a dyeing textile factory in Tucumán (Argentina). Meanwhile, 63 yeast isolates were obtained from Phoebe porphyria (Laurel del monte) samples collected from Las Yungas rainforest (Tucumán), via a classical isolation scheme. Isolated yeasts, both from dye-polluted and virgin environments, were compared for their textile dye decolourization ability when cultured on solid and liquid media. Nine isolates from wastewater and 17 from Las Yungas showed the highest decolourization potential on agar plates containing six different reactive dyes, either alone or as a mixture. Five yeasts from each environment were further selected on the basis of their high dye removal rate in Vilmafix® Red 7B-HE- or Vilmafix® Blue RR-BB-amended liquid cultures. Yeasts from wastewater showed slightly higher decolourization percentages after 36 h of culture than yeasts from Las Yungas (98?C100% vs. 91?C95%, respectively). However, isolates from Las Yungas exhibited higher specific decolourization rates than isolates from effluents (1.8?C3.0 vs. 0.9?C1.3 mg g?1h?1, respectively). All selected isolates were first grouped according to microsatellite-PCR analysis and representative isolates from each group were subsequently identified based on the 26S rRNA gene sequence analysis. Yeasts from wastewater were identified as the ascomycetous Pichia kudriavzevii (100%) and closely related to Candida sorbophila (99.8%), whilst yeasts from Las Yungas were identified as the basidiomycetous Trichosporon akiyoshidainum and Trichosporon multisporum. It is suggested that findings concerning yeast selection during screening programs for dye-decolourizing yeasts may be explained in the light of the copiotroph-oligotroph microorganisms rationale.  相似文献   

The recognition of areas of endemism (AEs) is important for conservation biology and biogeographical regionalization. Our objective was to quantitatively identify AEs and distributional congruence patterns of native rodents at the tropical/temperate transition in the central Andes. We analysed 6200 geo‐referenced distributional records of 80 species in north‐western Argentina using NDM/VNDM software. We found 20 AEs defined by 22 endemic species (27% of the total rodent fauna) and 34 patterns of distributional congruence in non‐endemic rodents. Geographical range congruence follows two main patterns running parallel along the Andes. One is related to the humid eastern slopes of the Andes (Argentinean Yungas forest) and the other to the high Andes (Argentinean Puna plateau). Endemism was mainly restricted to the southernmost part of the Yungas forest and adjacent dryer valleys (Monte desert). Species diversity was highest in the northern sector of the Argentinean Yungas forest, where several species reach their southern distributional range. This incongruence among hotspots of diversity and endemism has also been also noted in diversity studies at continental and global scales. Our results provide a starting point for conservation planning in the southernmost Central Andes, which combines the taper of tropical diversity and range‐restricted species endemic to the tropical–temperate transition. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 112 , 163–179.  相似文献   

The preservation of faunal remains in the Magdalenian sites of the Paris Basin only occurs for one third of the cases. This taphonomic bias is very likely in relation with the open-air locations where the majority of regional sites have been discovered. Nevertheless, the Magdalenian settlement shows a certain variability across the landscape: lowland sites, hillside sites, rock shelter sites. This paper aims to highlight the potential interactions between such physical context variability and the taphonomical features of Magdalenian faunal preservations. The issues presented here mainly focus on the comparison of the two faunal remains’ assemblages of Étiolles (a lowland site of the Seine valley) and Ville-Saint-Jacques (hill side site closed to the Seine valley). These faunal assemblages have been studied using the same set of qualitative and quantitative criteria in order to facilitate direct comparisons. This paper must be viewed as the first step of a more systematical survey of Magdalenian faunal assemblages in the Paris Basin. Finally, the main goal of this survey aims to point out the respective zooarchaeological potential of such sites, and by the way, to reach their global socioeconomic significations.  相似文献   

高梅香  林琳  常亮  孙新  刘冬  吴东辉 《生物多样性》2018,26(10):1034-569
群落空间格局和构建机制一直是生态学研究的核心内容。在生物多样性严重丧失的背景下, 揭示群落空间格局及其构建机制, 有助于深刻理解生物多样性丧失的原因, 更有助于应对生物多样性保护等重大生态环境问题。然而, 陆地生态系统的研究多集中于地上生物群落, 对地下生态系统, 尤其是土壤动物空间格局和构建机制的研究尚不充分。事实上, 土壤动物多样性是全球生物多样性的关键组成之一, 是地下生态系统结构和功能维持的重要部分。对土壤动物空间格局和构建机制的研究, 能明确不同空间尺度条件下土壤动物多样性的维持机制。土壤动物群落常在多种空间尺度形成复杂的空间分布格局, 因此, 本文首先介绍了不同空间尺度主要土壤动物群落的空间自相关性特征, 阐述了土壤动物群落斑块和孔隙镶嵌分布的复杂空间格局。继而阐明这种空间格局主要受生物间作用、环境过滤和随机扩散的调控, 并说明这三个过程对土壤动物群落的调控能力和作用方式。作者提出, 这三个过程仍是今后土壤动物群落空间格局和构建机制研究的重点内容, 需要进一步加强以土壤动物为研究对象的群落构建理论的验证和发展。我国土壤动物群落空间格局和构建机制起步较晚, 希望本文能够促进我国土壤动物生态学相关领域的研究。  相似文献   

The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) communities from the Yungas forests of Argentina were studied. The AMF species present in the rhizosphere of some dominant native plants (one tree: Alnus acuminata; three herbaceous species: Duchesnea indica, Oxalis conorrhiza, Trifolium aff. repens; and one shrub: Sambucus peruviana) from two sites (Quebrada del Portugués and Narváez Range) of the Yungas forests were isolated, identified and quantified during the four seasons of the year. Twenty-two AMF morphotaxa were found. Spore density of some AMF species at each site varied among seasons. The genera that most contributed to the biodiversity index were Acaulospora for Quebrada del Portugués and Glomus for Narváez Range. High diversity values were observed in the Yungas forests, particularly in the spring (rainy season). We concluded AMF differed in species composition and seasonal sporulation dynamics in the Yungas forests.  相似文献   

The Yungas, a subtropical mountain rainforest of South America, has been little studied in relation to the evolutionary history of the large-bodied species of the genus Calomys. Particularly, two species have been synonymized: C. boliviae and C. fecundus; the first is only known from its type locality in the northern Bolivian Yungas, whereas the second is known along the Tucumane–Bolivian Yungas shared by Bolivia and Argentina. In this study, we combined a phylogeographic approach with ecological niche modeling, with samples covering most of the geographic range of C. fecundus. One mitochondrial and two nuclear genes were used for population genetic analyses. Current and paleoclimatic models were obtained. Nuclear genes resulted uninformative by retention of ancestral polymorphism with other species of Calomys. The mitochondrial marker revealed a complex network showing signals of several population expansions. Three genetic clusters in a latitudinal sense were detected, which are coincident with the three stable climatic zones estimated by current and paleoclimatic models. We determined a pattern of expansion during glacial cycles and ancestral refugia during interglacial cycles. None of the potential distribution models predicted the presence of C. fecundus in the type locality of C. boliviae. Therefore, we recommend making integrative taxonomic studies in the Bolivian Yungas, to determine whether or not C. fecundus and C. boliviae correspond to the same species.  相似文献   

SincetheCenozoic,changesofmammalsintaxonomiccompositionanddistributionhavetakenplaceinChina,mainlyduetocollisionofplates,changesoftopographyandclimate.ThepaperdiscussessomeproblemsofecologyandbiogeographyinvolvingtheChneseCenozoicmammals,aftertherecognitionofthe18manunalagesbasedonnatureandmagnitudeofthefaunalchanges(Tongetal.,1995).BiogeOgraPhicProvincesandec0l0gyChinaisvastinterritoryandtheclimatebetweenthenorthernahds0uthernpartsdiffers'Thepresentmammaliandistributionindicatesdistinctpr…  相似文献   

The present biogeographic study on the ophiuroid fauna from the Southern Ocean (SO) contains an updated checklist, based on a compilation of all the published information provided for the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic regions as well as the information available in SCAR-MarBIN database. Faunal composition and geographical and bathymetric distribution are included. So far, 219 species have been recorded, of which 126 are endemic to the SO, 76 are exclusive to Antarctic waters, and 30 are exclusive to sub-Antarctic waters. This study corroborated the circumpolar and eurybathic character of the ophiuroid fauna of the SO, but some differences are discussed when considering shelf and deep-sea fauna in the whole SO, or in the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic regions separately. The biogeographic affinities of 17 areas considered in the SO are revised, based on a presence/absence datamatrix of the 219 species. This similarity analysis shows three main groups, two of them including sub-Antarctic areas and one for Antarctic areas. The faunal movement patterns between the main geographical connections have been based on historical site records of each species. These movements have a level of faunal exchange that exceeds that of other Antarctic benthic groups. Such movements are mainly from Antarctic and sub-Antarctic regions to the subtropical waters of South America, and from New Zealand and southern Australian waters to sub-Antarctic areas. In this context, the origin of the ophiuroid Antarctic fauna is discussed.  相似文献   

During the period of the Transatlantic Slave Trade (TAST) some enslaved Africans were forced to move to Upper Peru (nowadays Bolivia). At first they were sent to Potosí, but later to the tropical Yungas valley where the Spanish colonizers established a so-called “hacienda system” that was based on slave labor, including African-descendants. Due to their isolation, very little attention has been paid so far to ‘Afro-Bolivian’ communities either within the research field of TAST or in genetic population studies. In this study, a total of 105 individuals from the Yungas were sequenced for their mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region, and mitogenomes were obtained for a selected subset of these samples. We also genotyped 46 Ancestry Informative Markers (AIM) in order to investigate continental ancestry at the autosomal level. In addition, Y-chromosome STR and SNP data for a subset of the same individuals was also available from the literature. The data indicate that the partitioning of mtDNA ancestry in the Yungas differs significantly from that in the rest of the country: 81% Native American, 18% African, and 1% European. Interestingly, the great majority of ‘Afro-descendant’ mtDNA haplotypes in the Yungas (84%) concentrates in the locality of Tocaña. This high proportion of African ancestry in the Tocaña is also manifested in the Y-chromosome (44%) and in the autosomes (56%). In sharp contrast with previous studies on the TAST, the ancestry of about 1/3 of the ‘Afro-Bolivian’ mtDNA haplotypes can be traced back to East and South East Africa, which may be at least partially explained by the Arab slave trade connected to the TAST.  相似文献   

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