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金斑喙凤蝶Teinoplpus aureus Mell分布于亚洲东南部沿海地区,已报道有5个地理亚种。在世界保护协会(IUCN)2004年濒危物种红色名录中金斑喙凤蝶被列为DD(Data deficient)物种,在我国动物保护名录(1989)中在我国动物保护名录(1989)中被列为一级保护物种被列为一级保护物种。自从1923年以来,由于数据欠缺,尤其是生物学方面的数据,使得金斑喙凤蝶的研究工作一直难以深入开展,保护工作更是难以做到实处。作者于2003年3月至2005年11月在广西大瑶山开展了对金斑喙凤蝶(广西亚种)的自然形态学、生物学研究,通过野外实地观察、跟踪与记录等方法,结果首次揭示:在大瑶山金斑喙凤蝶1年发生2代,少数1年1代,以蛹越冬。成虫活动时间为每年的4月上旬至6月上旬和8月上旬至9月中旬,雌虫产卵方式为散产,通常为"一枝一叶一卵"式。已确认其寄主植物有两种:光叶拟单性木兰(Parakmeria nitida)与广东含笑(Michelia chapensis)。幼虫共5龄,老熟幼虫离开寄主植物,在林下层各类植物上化蛹。文章首次对金斑喙凤蝶物种在自然栖境中的形态学、生物学特征进行详尽描述。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了中国、日本、美国、秘鲁、马来西亚5个国家的国蝶的形态特征、分布地区、濒危状况和生态习性。所介绍的蝴蝶分别是金斑喙凤蝶、大紫蛱蝶、君主斑蝶、光明女神蝶和红颈鸟翼凤蝶。  相似文献   

丝带凤蝶滞育与非滞育蛹及其成虫的形态学观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
丝带凤蝶Sericinus montelus是一种有开发价值的观赏昆虫,以蛹滞育越冬,成虫存在多型现象。本研究从体色、个体大小和蛹腹部刺突长度等方面比较了丝带凤蝶滞育与非滞育蛹及其成虫的形态差异。与非滞育蛹相比,滞育蛹体色较深,触角末端的淡黄色与体色差异明显,3日龄滞育蛹腹部第9节刺突长度是3日龄非滞育蛹的4倍左右,这些差异可以用于该虫蛹滞育早期判别。滞育蛹羽化成虫的翅展和尾突长度显著小于非滞育蛹羽化成虫,且腹部及翅面斑纹也存在明显的差异,这些差异与丝带凤蝶春型、夏型成虫的描述相一致,表明丝带凤蝶成虫季节多型是与滞育相关联的。  相似文献   

邹武  曾菊平  姜梦娜  王渌  周善义  张江涛 《昆虫学报》2021,64(11):1338-1349
亚种是种的一个亚单位,由于分类学上的不同定义和主观性而受到质疑。然而,在分类学实践中,所有试图用不同的术语取代亚种或完全放弃亚种的尝试都是不可接受的。亚种同样是生物多样性的重要组成,有一定独特性,为自然进程的一部分,具有保护研究价值。本文基于亚种概念、特征认为亚种分类需参考地理隔离(如异域分布)与表型差异2个原则。我们以珍稀喙凤蝶属Teinopalpus为例,系统收集亚种分类文献,采集该属亚种的地理分布、形态描述与差异等信息,综合分析该属蝶类的亚种分类现状、问题与原因。1843-2007年喙凤蝶属金带喙凤蝶T. imperialis及其姊妹种金斑喙凤蝶T. aureus各自记录了8个亚种。然而,部分亚种记录于同一行政区,如金带喙凤蝶T. i. imperialis, T. i. himalaicus与T. i. behludinii 均在中国四川有记录,而金斑喙凤蝶在中国浙江有2个亚种记录,这显示名称应用的不确定性。考虑到两姊妹种同域分布在亚洲东南部,通过比对亚种正模所在地植被群落(biome)、生态区(ecoregion)的一致性判定地理隔离,发现金带喙凤蝶(覆盖3个植被群落)比金斑喙凤蝶(仅覆盖1个)的种下生态位分化程度更高。而据所处生态区的一致性,建议将金带喙凤蝶亚种分类修订为T. i. imperialis, T. i. himalaicus, T. i. miecoae, T. i. behludinii, T. i. imperatrix(含T. i. bhumipholi), T. i.gillesi和T. i. gerritesi 7个;金斑喙凤蝶亚种分类修订为T. a. aureus(含T. a. wuyiensis, T. a. guangxiensis与T. a. nagaoi), T. a. eminens(含T. a. laotiana), T. a. shinkaii与T. a. hainani 4个。由于可参考标本少,喙凤蝶属亚种确立时可用形态比对信息有限、不完整(如只依据单性的形态比对结果等),易“过度亚种化”。珍稀亚种分类问题(如“过度亚种化”、信息不确定性等)影响其保护措施,因为管理者常需权衡投入成本与成效、明确优先保护区域或对象,并以此做出决策。因此,在更多确定信息未获得前,不建议进行亚种分类。  相似文献   

濒危物种金斑喙凤蝶的行为特征及其对生境的适应性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曾菊平  周善义  丁健  罗保庭  覃琨 《生态学报》2012,32(20):6527-6534
金斑喙凤蝶(Teinopalpus aureus)1985年被IUCN列为红色名录种,1989年被我国列为一级保护种,此后便日益受到人们关注,然而,至今为止对其野外生存、行为及生境适应等认识仍很模糊。在广西金秀县大瑶山设定4个研究区域,以线路调查法计数成虫与幼期个体数,定点跟踪观察法记录成虫交配行为、产卵行为、幼虫取食行为等。结果显示:金斑喙凤蝶主要在湿季(4—10月底,月降水量>50 mm)生长、发育与繁殖后代。金斑喙凤蝶在行为上表现出对温度的主动选择性,幼虫在17—24℃时取食行为活跃,雄蝶在19—26℃时山顶行为活跃,均表现出中温选择性;然而,雌蝶多选择在正午时刻产卵,期间温度为27—30℃,表现出高温选择性。雄蝶活动对生境地形表现出主动选择性,(87.34±7.58)%(n=339)的雄蝶选择飞向山顶,他们每日上午6:00至11:00在山顶聚集,绕圈飞行或停息,而以山顶停息为主,占山顶活动时间的(77.87±19.32)%。雄蝶通常停息在山顶的高枝位叶片上或山顶周缘的叶片上,以便迅速发现并拦截飞经的雌蝶,获得交配机会。因而,金斑喙凤蝶在交配策略上主要采取雄蝶等候的方式。停息期间,雄蝶表现出明显的占区行为,首先停息在某一区域的雄蝶在领域权竞争中通常都是最后的胜利者,赢得领域,获得更多交配机会。野外观察发现,金斑喙凤蝶的天敌种类较多,野外存活率偏低,最后羽化率仅为38.9%(n=20)。对于存活个体而言,他们已明显进化形成一套复杂的防御体系,主要包括由保护色、颜色拟态、形状拟态等组建的初级防御体系和由眼斑展示、身体晃动、Y-腺伸出等组建的次级防御体系。另外,老熟幼虫多选择在林下层的灌木丛或竹丛的隐蔽枝条上化蛹,化蛹高度为(1.82±1.58)m(n=20),这种对化蛹场所的主动选择行为可提高其蛹期的防御能力。研究结果说明,在自然选择作用下,金斑喙凤蝶对其阔叶林生境的适应性行为特征非常明显,然而,生境破坏(砍伐等)或人类强度干扰(林下层垦殖等)将使这些适应性行为失效,并威胁到该珍稀蝴蝶种群的繁衍生息,甚至导致局部灭绝的发生。  相似文献   

凤蝶亚科(凤蝶科,鳞翅目)16S rRNA基因的分子系统发生分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对15种凤蝶亚科蝶类线粒体16S rRNA基因部分序列进行了测定,并结合GenBank中其它相关类群的序列,采用邻接法(NJ)、最大简约法(MP)、最大似然法(ML)和贝叶斯法构建凤蝶亚科的分子系统树,探讨该亚科各类群间的系统发生关系.结果表明,燕凤蝶族构成凤蝶亚科蝶类系统树基部的一个独立分支;燕凤蝶族和裳凤蝶族为单系发生,且裳凤蝶族聚在凤蝶族内部;喙凤蝶族的单系性尚不能确定.综合分子系统学、形态学及寄主植物等相关证据,推测斑凤蝶类为凤蝶族中早期分化的一支;较之裳凤蝶类,斑凤蝶类可能更早从二者最近的共同祖先中分化出来.  相似文献   

通过对凤蝶亚科Papilioninae11属27种的线粒体细胞色素c氧化酶Ⅰ基因(COⅠ)序列测定,以阿波罗绢蝶Parnassius apollo为外群,分别采用邻接法(NJ)、最大简约法(MP)和最大似然法(ML)构建凤蝶亚科的系统发育树,初步探讨了其系统发育关系。结果显示,凤蝶亚科11属27个物种分为4个主要的分支,分别是裳凤蝶族Troidini、凤蝶族Papilionini、燕凤蝶族Lampropterini和喙凤蝶族Teinopalpini,与传统分类学观点一致。其中,燕凤蝶族构成凤蝶亚科系统发育树基部的一个独立分支,且为单系发生。凤蝶属Papilio中美凤蝶亚属Menelaides和翠凤蝶亚属Princeps首先相聚,华凤蝶亚属Sinoprinceps和凤蝶亚属Papilio亲缘关系较近,随后两分支再聚为一支,构成凤蝶属。本研究结果从分子水平验证了凤蝶亚科传统的形态分类地位,并为澄清凤蝶亚科物种间系统发育关系提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

绿带翠凤蝶 Papilio maackii,又称琉璃翠凤蝶 ,是一种翅展超过 10 0 mm的大型凤蝶科种类。由于翅表分布着艳丽的金绿色鳞片 ,使它成为北京比较华丽的蝶种 ,在我国分布于东北、河北及北京的山地。每年 4月时 ,春型的绿带翠凤蝶由越冬的蛹中羽化 ,婚飞交尾 ,并在黄檗这种寄主植物上产下蝶卵 ,孵化出黑色幼虫。随着龄期的增长 ,幼虫从黑色的毛虫变成酷似鸟粪的杂色 ;进入 4龄的幼虫不再保持黯淡的体色 ,而是变成翠绿的蠕虫 ,直至化蛹。绿带翠凤蝶幼虫头部拥有臭腺 ,当受到惊扰时 ,它们会扬起头部 ,迅速翻出一对长长的臭角 ,如图中头顶黄色呈“…  相似文献   

温度对丝带凤蝶生长发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
温度对丝带凤蝶生长发育的研究。结果表明,丝带凤蝶在武汉地区1年发生6代。在15~35℃范围内,卵孵化率、幼虫和蛹存活率分别在25,25和20℃时最高,卵、幼虫和蛹发育历期随温度升高显著缩短;适宜发育温度范围为20~35℃。丝带凤蝶卵、幼虫和蛹的发育起点温度分别约为(8.7±2.5)℃、(11.9±6.0)℃和(6.9±1.8)℃,有效积温分别约为(82.5±5.1),(222.2±39.5)和(178.7±7.3)日.度。  相似文献   

药用植物是中国西南岩溶地区的重要植物资源之一,昆虫传粉对药用植物的遗传多样性和可持续利用十分重要。本研究对灰绒麝凤蝶( Byasa mencius)开展饲养实验,结合野外定点观察,记录访花、取食、化蛹和羽化等行为和习性,分析实验饲养条件下影响化蛹和羽化的主要因素,探讨人工饲养方法。结果表明,灰绒麝凤蝶对多个科、属的多种药用植物具有访花和传粉行为,在实验室饲养条件下,食料的充沛程度、湿度和饲养方式等直接影响着化蛹和羽化的成功率。该研究可为灰绒麝凤蝶的规模化养殖和蝶类资源的开发提供参考。  相似文献   

The larva and pupa of Culex (Melanoconion) ocossa Dyar & Knab are redescribed and those of Culex (Melanoconion) delpontei Duret and Culex (Melanoconion) pereyrai Duret are described from specimens collected in the states of S?o Paulo and Paraná, Brazil. The pupa of Cx. ocossa differs from those of the other two species in having seta 5-IV-VI dark with strongly aciculated branches, and caudolateral angle of segment VIII produced into sharp point, and seta 1-P present; Cx. delpontei can be distinguished from Cx. pereyrai in possessing paddle lightly tanned, trumpet flared, and wing and leg cases lightly tanned, without pattern of dark spots; Cx. pereyrai can be recognized by having wing case with pattern of dark, discontinuously pigmented, longitudinal lines, and trumpet cylindrical, not flared. The larvae of the three species share the presence of seta 2-C placed medially to seta 1-C.  相似文献   

Nosema eurytremae, a microsporidian parasite of Malaysian trematodes, was injected at the rate of 1 × 104 spores/larva into Pieris brassicae. The larvae, which subsequently pupated, were incubated at 25 to 26°C and on harvesting 19 days later yielded an average of 6 × 108 spores/pupa. This was equivalent to 60,000 times the initial dose. Purity of filtered, washed spore suspensions ranged from 80 to 99% with up to 20% host debris.  相似文献   

卓志航  杨伟  覃欢  杨春平  杨桦  徐丹萍 《生态学杂志》2013,24(11):3273-3279
为揭示川硬皮肿腿蜂寄生对寄主黄粉虫蛹的调控机制,本文通过自然寄生和毒液注射等方法研究了寄生过程中蜂毒液的作用.结果表明: 对人工注射的蛹,寄主被麻痹的程度与毒液注入量呈正相关,恢复活动情况与毒液注入量呈负相关;当人工注射毒液浓度为0.01 VRE时,黄粉虫表现出可逆的轻微麻痹;当浓度提高到0.2 VRE时,黄粉虫蛹表现出不可逆的完全僵化.单独注射土壤菌液,导致蛹大量死亡并出现大范围的黑化现象,而注射毒液和土壤菌液混合物,蛹的黑化作用发生延缓,且死亡率显著下降.对毒液的抑菌测试表明,毒液对金黄葡萄球菌的抑菌作用显著高于大肠杆菌.在一定温度范围内,随着温度升高毒液麻痹活性显著降低,对大肠杆菌抑菌性显著升高,对金黄葡萄球菌抑菌性显著降低.表明川硬皮肿腿蜂毒液对寄主黄粉虫蛹具有麻痹、抑菌、抑制蜕皮和延缓黑化的作用.  相似文献   

姜碌  花保祯 《昆虫学报》2016,(9):1004-1012
【目的】蝎蛉科(Panorpidae)是长翅目(Mecoptera)最大的科,是重要的生态指示昆虫。然而,由于对环境条件要求苛刻,饲养困难,其幼期研究很不充分。【方法】本研究通过人工饲养成虫获得了长蝎蛉Panorpa macrostyla Hua的卵、幼虫和蛹等全部虫态,运用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微技术观察了其超微形态,并简要记载了其生物学特性。【结果】长蝎蛉每年发生1代,成虫发生于6月末至8月初。卵椭球形,卵壳表面覆盖一层隆起的网状结构。幼虫蠋型,具3对分4节的胸足和8对不分节的腹足;头壳高度骨化,具1对由26个小眼组成的复眼和1对3节的触角,口器咀嚼式;腹部第1-9节背面具有成对的背毛突,第10节仅有1根背毛突,腹部末端具有一个可伸缩的吸盘;呼吸系统为周气门式,具1对前胸气门和8对腹气门。幼虫共4个龄期,以预蛹期在土室内越冬。蛹为强颚离蛹,外形接近成虫,雄蛹腹部末端膨大。【结论】基于幼虫形态特征,长蝎蛉明显区别于新蝎蛉属Neopanorpa、华蝎蛉属Sinopanorpa、双角蝎蛉属Dicerapanorpa以及单角蝎蛉属Cerapanorpa幼虫。然而,长蝎蛉幼虫头部刚毛L2和SO2,腹部末节刚毛D2,SD1和SD2端部均膨大呈棒状,与蝎蛉属Panorpa其他种类区别明显,表明长蝎蛉的属级地位需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

Study of a series of embryos showed that the spiroboloid leg arrangement (1 pair of legs on each of the first 5 segments) is derived from the typical leg arrangement (no legs on segment 1, 1 pair on segments 2 through 4, and 2 pairs on segment 5) by a shifting forward one segment of the first four pairs of legs. A careful re-examination of the literature, especially papers by Robinson ('07), Silvestri ('03, '49), Pflugfelder ('32), and Manton ('61), combined with observations of Narceus embryos led to the conclusion that (1) the anterior body segments are primatively single (2) the gnathochilarium is composed of only one pair of mouthparts, the diplopod head having but two gnathal segments, and (3) the intercalary segment is present in the Diplopoda.  相似文献   

The last-instar larva, pupa, male and female of Simulium virescens sp. nov. are described and illustrated. This species has a peculiar larva, which has an elongated head capsule and light-green colour. The first thoracic segment has tubercle on its dorsal region and the third thoracic segment has one pair of tubercles; the first to the fourth abdominal segments have one pair of tubercles on each segment. Until now this new species had only been collected at the type locality, which is on the middle stretch of the Correntina River in the southwestern portion of the state of Bahia, Brazil. Females were voraciously biting humans during the field work. This new species represents the second species of Simulium (Psilopelmia) in Brazil and the first registered outside of the Brazilian Amazon Region.  相似文献   

Necrotic spots or small rings develop after 3–4 days in leaves of Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi-nc inoculated with potato mop-top virus and kept at 14 °C in continuous light (4320 lux); a series of concentric necrotic rings of increasing diameter then form at 2- to 3-day intervals around each initial lesion. Successive rings take longer to appear when either the light intensity or the photoperiod is decreased. Virus accumulation is much decreased and lesions rarely develop either at 14· in darkness or at 22° in light. Virus accumulates rapidly when plants are transferred from these conditions to 14° in light (4320 lux), and necrotic spots or rings develop whose size depends on the interval between inoculation and transfer, and on the conditions during this period. In such plants, necrosis seems to occur only when conditions become favourable for virus synthesis, it is confined to recently infected cells and it does not prevent virus spread to further healthy cells. From the sizes of the necrotic rings, the virus is estimated to invade tissue in light (4320 lux) at c. 38 μm/h at 22° and c. 16 μm/h at 14°. Invasion in darkness at either temperature is very slow. Necrotic rings develop, and the rate of virus accumulation increases when inoculated plants are transferred from 22° in light (4320 lux) to 14° in darkness, but no lesions appear when the order of the treatments is reversed. The process of lesion formation thus includes an early phase requiring light and a later phase requiring low temperature. The light-requiring phase takes about a day at 14° but less at 22°. The later phase takes about 2 days in light (4320 lux) or 3 days in darkness.  相似文献   

Postembryonic development in the kinorhynch species Antygomonas incomitata was examined using scanning electron microscopy. The morphology of the six juvenile stages, J‐1 to J‐6, varies at numerous details, but they can also be distinguished by a few key characters. Juvenile stage 1 by its composition of only nine trunk segments; J‐2 by the combination of possessing 10 trunk segments, but no cuspidate spines on segment 9; J‐3 by the presence of cuspidate spines on segment 9, but only one pair of cuspidate spines on segment 8; J‐4 by the combination of 10 trunk segments only, but having two pairs of cuspidate spines on segment 8; J‐5 by possessing 11 trunk segments and same spine compositions as adults but is still maintaining postmarginal spiculae; J‐6 specimens closely resemble adults and are most easily identified by their reduced trunk lengths. New segments are formed in a growth zone in the anterior part of the terminal segment. The complete number of segments is reached in J‐5. Development of cuticular head and trunk structures are described through all postembryonic stages and following developmental patterns could be outlined: the mouth cone possesses outer oral styles from J‐1, but in J‐1 to J‐3, the styles alternate in size. Scalids of the introvert are added after each molt, and scalids appear earliest in the anterior rings, whereas scalids in more posterior rings are added in older postembryonic stages. The early J‐1 stage is poor in spines and sensory spots and both structures increase in number after each molt. The complete spine composition is reached in J‐4, whereas new sensory spots appear after all molts, inclusive the final one from J‐6 to adult. Sensory spots in the paraventral positions often appear as Type 3 sensory spots but are through development transformed to Type 2. This transformation happens earliest on the anterior segments. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Chitins and chitosans are some of the most abundant natural polysaccharide materials, and are used to increase innate immune response and disease resistance in humans and animals. In this work, chitin and chitosan from housefly, Musca domestica, pupa shells were obtained by treatment with HCl and NaOH. For chitin extraction, 2 N HCl and 1.25 N NaOH solutions were used to achieve decalcification and deproteinization, respectively. For chitosan extraction, 50% NaOH solution was used to achieve deacetylation. The yields of chitin and chitosan from pupa shells of M. domestica were 8.02% and 5.87%, respectively. The deacetylations of chitosan (from chitin C1 and C2) were 89.76% and 92.39%, respectively, after the first alkali treatment with 50% NaOH (w/w) solution at 105 °C for 3 h and 5 h, respectively. The viscosities of the chitosans (from chitin C1 and C2) were 33.6 and 19.2 cP, respectively.  相似文献   

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