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丝带凤蝶(Sericinus montelus Gray)是一种具有较高观赏价值的昆虫,存在季节多型现象。为明确其季节多型的科学划分依据,利用自动计算机辅助设计软件对丝带凤蝶长沙种群野外成虫的翅面积、尾突长度及面积、翅红斑面积进行测量,分析各世代成虫上述特征的差异性。结果显示,春型成虫的翅面积、尾突长度和相对面积均显著低于夏型成虫,而其前翅红斑相对面积显著大于夏型成虫。另外,春型雄成虫的后翅反面总红斑及臀角区红斑的相对面积显著高于夏型雄成虫,但是雌成虫并无显著性差异。以上结果表明丝带凤蝶的季节多型现象存在性间差异;前、后翅面积,后翅尾突长度及相对面积,前翅红斑相对面积是区分丝带凤蝶不同季节型的主要指标;而后翅反面红斑相对面积及臀角区红斑相对面积则是区分雄成虫季节多型的重要指标。  相似文献   

烟夜蛾滞育蛹和非滞育蛹的耐寒性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对烟夜蛾Helicoverpa assultaGuen?e不同日龄滞育蛹和非滞育蛹的过冷却点和结冰点测定结果表明,在预蛹至5日龄蛹期,过冷却点和结冰点均逐渐下降。在预蛹期和3日龄蛹期,滞育蛹的过冷却点与非滞育蛹差异不显著;5日龄蛹时,滞育蛹和非滞育蛹的过冷却点分别下降至(-15.7±1.8)℃和(-13.5±1.2)℃,结冰点分别降至(-12.7±2.7)℃和(-9.5±1.3)℃,两类蛹间的差异均达极显著水平。自然越冬后,滞育蛹的存活率显著高于非滞育蛹,在土壤不同深处越冬的蛹的存活率存在差异,距土表15cm深的蛹存活率最高。  相似文献   

温度对黑纹粉蝶越冬蛹滞育后发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨温度对黑纹粉蝶Pieris melete越冬蛹滞育后发育的影响, 系统调查了越冬蛹滞育解除后在不同恒温下的发育历期及其在自然条件下春后的羽化情况。结果表明: 黑纹粉蝶雄虫和雌虫越冬蛹滞育后发育的阈值温度分别为7.1±1.5℃ 和7.4±0.4℃, 滞育后发育的有效积温分别为133.4±3.3日·度和155.7±5.3日·度。根据连续7年黑纹粉蝶越冬蛹在田间的羽化情况, 结合当年春季滞育后发育阈值以上的温度, 推算出田间50%个体成虫羽化时雄虫和雌虫获得的有效积温分别为142.2±12.2日·度和149.2±13.8日·度, 与滞育后发育的理论有效积温接近。据此, 利用该理论上的发育阈值温度和有效积温, 参照当年2-4月的气温, 可预测田间越冬蛹50%个体成虫羽化的时间。  相似文献   

调查温度在柑橘凤蝶Papillio xuthus L.滞育蛹解除中的作用。结果显示,羽化温度在15,20,25和30℃时,滞育蛹最早羽化分别在第45,16,11和第5天,发育历期分别为60.3,26.0,15.2和11.6d,羽化持续时间分别为35,19,14和15d。同时低温处理(10℃)显示,25℃时,低温处理0,20和40d后,滞育蛹分别在处理后第38,第14和第13天开始羽化,羽化时间持续分别为40,71和16d,发育历期分别为60.9,28.5和19.0d。结果表明,随着羽化温度升高和低温处理时间延长,滞育蛹羽化时间提前,发育历期缩短。但当羽化温度超过25℃后,滞育蛹发育历期差异已不显著。  相似文献   

石吉朝 《昆虫知识》1993,30(3):132-134
<正> 三化螟Tryporyza incertulis(Walker)是水稻主要害虫之一。在我县一年发生3~4代,第三代部分幼虫滞育越冬,形成局部的下一世代。目前对三化螟成虫发生期的中短期预测多采用分龄分级推算法,即根据田间调查幼虫、蛹发育进度(分龄、分级),统计各龄、级虫数占调查总虫数的百分率,然后从最高发育期(蛹壳)向下依次逐级(龄)累加百分率,以调查日期加上累加百分率达16%、50%、84%的蛹级(或虫龄)的相应历期(不足部分从下级蛹或虫龄取出补足),推算出成虫羽化始盛、高峰和盛末期。这种预测方法,是以当代幼虫全部能转化为蛹并羽化为依据的。在本地,用此法预测越冬代及  相似文献   

中华通草蛉成虫越冬体色变化与滞育的关系   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
对自然条件下中华通草蛉成虫越冬体色变化与滞育关系的系统研究表明,成虫在越冬过程中都经历了一个较明显的体色变化过程,主要表现在体躯底色从绿色到土黄色及体背面滞育斑由褐色到红褐色的改变,据此将成虫体色分成5个级别,在越冬过程中约80%个体体色经历了在生殖型体色(1级)和滞育型体色(4,5级)之间的明显变化,约有20%个体体色维持在2、3级,在越冬前,成虫滞育斑出现后其卵巢不再发育或者发育受抑而逐渐停止发育,滞育斑的出现是成虫开始滞育的重要标志;越冬后,随着成虫体色由滞育型向生殖型的转变,当大多数个体体色变为3级以下时,卵巢开始发育,这些结果说明,中华通草蛉越冬成虫体色的变化是其滞育越冬的一个重要形态指标,越冬前后体色的改变,标志着成虫滞育的开始和结束。  相似文献   

在22℃条件下,研究中华通草蛉对光周期的敏感性,结果表明:中华通草蛉属短日照滞育型,在短光照条件下饲养获得的成虫进入滞育状态,诱导成虫滞育的临界光周期为12.5小时到13小时。成虫期本身是诱导成虫滞育的最关键虫期,只有当羽化的成虫处于短光照条件下时才能进入滞育状态。成虫期之前其它虫期的短光周期经历能延长成虫在长光照条件下的产卵前期。三龄幼虫和预蛹期比成虫期前的其它虫期对光周期的变化更为敏感。  相似文献   

【目的】通过比较柑橘大实蝇Bactrocera minax蛹滞育期与滞育前和滞育后以及滞育蛹与非滞育蛹体内海藻糖和葡萄糖含量的变化、海藻糖合成代谢途径中关键酶的活力变化以及关键酶基因的表达量变化,明确蛹滞育期间海藻糖合成代谢途径中关键酶对海藻糖含量的调控。【方法】利用分光光度法检测柑橘大实蝇滞育前(1日龄蛹)、滞育期(30,60和90日龄蛹)以及滞育后(120和150日龄蛹)蛹体内海藻糖与葡萄糖含量的变化,以及海藻糖合成代谢途径中的海藻糖-6-磷酸合成酶(TPS)、海藻糖-6-磷酸磷酸酯酶(TPP)和海藻糖酶(Tre)活力的变化;利用实时定量荧光PCR(qPCR)检测TPS,TPPB,TPPC-1,TPPC-2和Tre-1基因表达量的变化。向1日龄蛹体内注射20-羟基蜕皮酮(20E)作为处理(以注射10%乙醇为对照),分别于注射后1和30 d比较处理组与对照组蛹体内海藻糖与葡萄糖含量、关键酶活力以及上述基因表达量的差异。【结果】柑橘大实蝇蛹进入滞育后,海藻糖含量显著升高,葡萄糖含量无显著变化; TPS和TPP的酶活力以及TPS,TPPC-1和TPPC-2表达量在化蛹后逐渐升高,于滞育期达到最高水平,维持至羽化前显著下降;TPPB表达量在整个蛹期无显著差异; Tre酶活力以及Tre-1表达量在化蛹后逐渐升高,于滞育早期达到最高水平,随后显著下降,羽化前再次显著上升。注射20E后1 d,与对照组相比,处理组蛹体内海藻糖与葡萄糖含量、关键酶(TPS,TPP和Tre)活力以及TPS,TPPC-2和Tre-1表达量无显著变化,TPPB表达量显著下降,TPPC-1表达量显著上升;注射后30 d,与对照组滞育蛹相比,处理组非滞育蛹海藻糖含量显著上升,葡萄糖含量、TPS和Tre酶活力、TPS和Tre-1表达量显著下降,TPP酶活力以及TPPB和TPPC-2表达量无显著差异。【结论】柑橘大实蝇蛹体内海藻糖的含量在合成代谢途径中关键酶的调控下,随着滞育状态发生变化,表明海藻糖与滞育之间存在密切的关系,但其作用机理仍待进一步研究。  相似文献   

褐飞虱五龄若虫翅芽长度与成虫翅型关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
綦立正  丁宗泽 《昆虫知识》1994,31(4):193-195
褐飞虱饲养于不同水稻品种、不同生育期以及不同种群密度条件下,5龄若虫翅芽长度与成虫翅型具有稳定的相关性:翅芽长于1.10mm羽化后为长翅型雌虫,介于0.96~1.09mm之间为长翅型雄虫或短翅型雌虫,小于0.95mm为短翅型雄虫。根据5龄若虫翅芽长度结合外生殖器特征,编制了成虫翅型检索表。由此,可在5龄若虫期预测成虫的翅型和种群盛衰的趋势。  相似文献   

吴丰年  梁广文  岑伊静  高娃 《昆虫知识》2013,50(4):1085-1093
亚洲柑桔木虱Diaphorina citri Kuwayama为黄龙病的媒介昆虫。本文研究了其雌雄成虫在刚羽化、羽化后3 h、交配盛期和产卵盛期的腹部和前翅颜色变化规律,明确了每个时期的主要体色,同时探讨了不同季节、虫口密度和寄主条件对体色变化的影响。结果表明,雌雄木虱羽化后前翅颜色均由白色→黑色→红褐色渐变,木虱雌成虫腹部颜色随时间推移由黄绿色→灰白色→蓝色→橙色渐变,雄虫由黄绿色→灰黑色→橙色渐变。季节、寄主和虫口密度的变化对雌虫腹部颜色构成有一定的影响,但对雄虫基本上没有影响。不同条件下雌虫腹部的主要颜色为蓝色或橙色,雄虫均以橙色为主,其次为灰黑色,表明木虱成虫多处于交配期或产卵期。木虱5龄若虫的体色变化也较大。多数条件下木虱的性比接近于1∶1,仅春秋季雌性比例略低于雄性。通过观察木虱的体色变化规律可以初步判断其羽化情况和性别,估计羽化期、交配期和产卵盛期,作为木虱生物学特性研究和预测预报的参考。  相似文献   

The influence of pupal diapause on adult eclosion rhythm of Delia antiqua was investigated. When non-diapause and diapause pupae were exposed to various photoperiods at 15, 20 and 25 °C, both of them emerged as adults close to the light-on time, but the phase of eclosion varied with photoperiod and temperature. Moreover, there was a significant difference in the eclosion time between non-diapause and diapause pupae; the eclosion peak of diapause pupae was earlier than that of non-diapause pupae. When non-diapause and diapause pupae were transferred to constant darkness (DD) after having experienced LD 12:12 at 15, 20 and 25 °C, both showed circadian rhythmicity in eclosion. Although the free-running period (τ) decreased slightly as temperature increased in both non-diapause and diapause pupae, the latter tended to show shorter τ than the former. This observation suggests that the observed difference in eclosion time in LD cycles between non-diapause and diapause pupae is due to differences in τ.  相似文献   

Seasonal morphs (spring and sumer forms) of Papilio xuthus L. are determined coincidentally with diapause and non-diapause in pupae by larval exposure to short days and long days respectively. The neuroendocrine principle underlying seasonal-morph determination was studied using surgical operations in P. xuthus.When recipient 0-day old or chilled diapause pupae were joined to donor 0-day old non-diapause pupae, the recipients developed into summer or intermediate morphs. When the same kinds of recipients used above were joined to 0-day old or chilled diapause pupae, there were no significant effects on the adult morph. In contrast, recipient non-diapause pupae all developed into summer morphs, regardless of groups of the type of donors.Furthermore, when the brain of 5th-instar larvae, pharate pupae or pupae, predetermined to be diapause, was transplanted into the abdomen of 0-day old, 30-day old or chilled diapause pupae, the recipients developed into summer or intermediate morphs.The results indicate that the brain of non-diapause pupae secretes a humoral factor producing the summer morph. In non-diapause pupae, the factor may be secreted at about the stage of larval-pupal ecdysis coincidentally with that of prothoracicotropic hormone.  相似文献   

When non-diapause and diapause pupae of Deliaantiqua were exposed to various thermoperiods where thermophase (T) was 25 °C and the cryophase (C) was 15 or 20 °C (TC15 or TC20) in constant darkness (DD), the majority of both types of flies emerged before the rise in temperature. Eclosion time was delayed at the lower cryophase temperature. Moreover, there was a significant difference in the time of adult eclosion between non-diapause and diapause pupae; diapause pupae eclosed earlier than non-diapause pupae. When the two types of pupae were transferred to a constant low temperature (15 or 20 °C) after having experienced TC15 or TC20 12:12 h, they showed circadian rhythmicity in eclosion. The free-running period (τ) of the eclosion rhythm changed after transfer to constant low temperatures in both non-diapause and diapause pupae, suggesting that this change represents a transient cycle until the temperature-sensitive oscillator is coupled again to the temperature-insensitive pacemaker. However, diapause pupae tended to show a shorter τ than non-diapause pupae. This observation suggests that the difference in adult eclosion time under thermoperiodic conditions between non-diapause and diapause pupae is related to their different τ s.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Californian Pieris napi have previously been reported as producing dark-veined and light-veined adults from diapausing and. non-diapausing pupae respectively; the converse has not been reported.
2. A population of the coastal subspecies venosa from Monterey County was examined to determine whether pupal temperature exposure was involved in proximate control of seasonal phenotypes.
3. When reared under continuous light at 25°C this stock produced seventeen diapause pupae, thirteen of which have eclosed yielding typical dark-veined adults, and thirty-eight non-diapause pupae.
4. Of fifteen non-diapause pupae held in a dark box at 25°C, fourteen produced typical light-veined adults and one produced a dark-veined individual of intermediate phenotype.
5. Of twenty-three non-diapause pupae held in a dark box at 10°C for 24 days, twenty-two produced dark-veined butterflies of intermediate phenotype and one produced a light-veined adult.
6. When the experiment was repeated with an inland, population of subspecies microstriata , which is normally univoltine and monophenic, the temperature effect on phenotype was still present but less pronounced.
7. The nature of phenotypic determination is reviewed with particular regard for the developmental environment of butterflies from diapaused pupae. The thermal environment of reactivating diapausers, rather than the diapause state itself, may determine adult phenotype.  相似文献   

When pupae of Delia antiqua were transferred to constant darkness (DD) from light-dark (LD) cycles or constant light (LL), the sensitivity to light of the circadian clock controlling eclosion increased with age. The daily rhythm of eclosion appeared in both non-diapause and diapause pupae only when this transfer was made during late pharate adult development. When transferred from LL to DD in the early pupal stage, the adult eclosion was weakly rhythmic in non-diapause pupae but arrhythmic in diapause pupae. However, the sensitivity of the circadian clock to temperature cycles or steps was higher in diapause pupae than in non-diapause pupae; in the transfer to a constant 20 degrees C from a thermoperiod of 25 degrees C (12 h)/20 degrees C (12 h) on day 10 after pupation or from chilling (7.5 degrees C) in DD, the adult eclosion from diapause pupae was rhythmic but that from non-diapause pupae arrhythmic. In a transfer to 20 degrees C from the thermoperiod after the initiation of eclosion, rhythmicity was observed in both types of pupae. The larval stage was insensitive to the effect of LD cycle initiating the eclosion rhythm. In D. antiqua pupae in the soil under natural conditions, therefore, the thermoperiod in the late pupal stage would be the most important 'Zeitgeber' for the determination of eclosion timing.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Supercooling points (SCP) and low temperature tolerance were determined for larval, pupal and adult stages of Sarcophaga crassipalpis Macquart (Diptera: Sarcophagidae). No stage tolerates tissue-freezing. Ontogenetic changes in SCP profiles are similar for comparable developmental stages of diapause and non-diapause groups. Feeding larvae have SCPs near -7°C which decrease to -11°C in the postfeeding wandering phase of the final larval instar. The lowest SCPs are recorded for pupae at -23°C. The capacity to survive at -17°C varies with age of the diapausing pupae: 10-day-old pupae are less cold tolerant than pupae that have been in diapause for 45–80 days. Although the SCP of non-diapausing pupae is as low as in diapausing pupae, non-diapausing pupae are extremely sensitive to low temperature exposure and do not survive to adult eclosion when exposed to -17°C for as little as 20 min. The use of hexane to break pupal diapause has no effect on SCPs or low temperature tolerance.  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在从蛋白质组整体层面阐明茶足柄瘤蚜茧蜂Lysiphlebus testaceipes蛹滞育背后的多蛋白调控,重点筛选与能量代谢相关的滞育关联蛋白并分析其功能,有助于更好地理解茶足柄瘤蚜茧蜂蛹滞育的代谢机制。【方法】利用同位素标记相对和绝对定量(isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantification, iTRAQ)技术比较了茶足柄瘤蚜茧蜂滞育蛹与非滞育蛹的蛋白含量;利用GO, KEGG网络数据库等生物信息学方法分析鉴定茶足柄瘤蚜茧蜂滞育蛹与非滞育蛹中差异表达蛋白(differentially expressed proteins, DEPs)。【结果】分析得到茶足柄瘤蚜茧蜂滞蛹与非滞育蛹DEPs有135个,包括滞育蛹中上调表达蛋白有38个,下调表达蛋白有97个。GO和KEGG富集分析表明,与天冬氨酸转运、L-谷氨酸转运、胆碱脱氢酶活性和胆碱生物合成甘氨酸甜菜碱条目以及氧化磷酸化通路相关的蛋白上调表达。【结论】氧化磷酸化通路相关蛋白在茶足柄瘤蚜茧蜂滞育过程中呈显著上调表达,说明能量代谢与该蜂滞育密切相关,并推测氧化磷酸化过程除为滞育蛹提供维持生命基本活动的主要能量外,还提供热能。  相似文献   

滞育和非滞育棉铃虫血淋巴类固醇蜕皮素含量变化的比较   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
王方海  龚和 《昆虫学报》1997,40(3):261-264
采用放射免疫分析法对不同时期的注定滞育和非滞育棉铃虫的血淋巴中的类固醇蜕皮素的含量进行了测定,发现在预蛹期间,注定滞育的棉铃虫的类固醇蜕皮素含量高于非滞育的棉铃虫,化蛹后,注定滞育的棉铃虫的类固醇蜕皮素含量则迅速降到极低的水平,明显低于非滞育棉铃虫。用20-羟基蜕皮素处理不同时期的滞育蛹,均能打破滞育。由此可见,类固醇蜕皮素含量的降低或缺乏乃是导致棉铃虫滞育的关键因子之一。  相似文献   

为依据春尺蠖Apocheima cinerarius Erschoff蛹的形态特征快速、无损、准确鉴别雌雄个体,对其头部、胸部、腹部和体色外部鉴别特征进行了分析,并通过解剖生殖系统验证准确性.结果表明:以春尺蠖蛹的胸部和腹部特征识别雌雄准确率明显高于头部和体色特征,识别率可达100%.首先,雌蛹第8腹节腹板前缘中部具有"Y"型沟,与第7腹节腹板后缘形成倒三角状,而雄蛹无此特征.其次,雌蛹生殖孔与产卵孔连接形成裂缝,两侧平坦无突起,而雄蛹第9腹节腹板中央有一纵裂缝的生殖孔,两侧各有半圆状瘤状突起.最后,雌蛹的胸部背板各节间相对长度均小于雄蛹,而雄蛹中胸背板最宽,其后缘明显向外凸起.因此,春尺蠖蛹胸部或腹部特征可用于快速、准确地鉴别雌雄性别.  相似文献   

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