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白蜡虫寄生蜂对颜色的选择性及活动规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在云南省昆明市白汉场白蜡园中采用不同颜色对白蜡虫寄生蜂进行了颜色趋性实验,利用寄生蜂对颜色的趋性进行了红色、黄色、蓝色、蓝绿色、绿色、灰褐色、白色和黑色8种颜色、6:00-9:00am,9:00-12:00am,12:00am-15:00pm和15:00pm-18:00pm4个时段、寄主林树冠上部、中部、下部3个位置高度和东、南、西、北4个方位以及在阴天、雨天和晴天3种天气下的白蜡虫寄生蜂活动规律观察。结果表明,白蜡虫花翅跳小蜂(Microterys ericeri Ishii)、白蜡虫阔柄跳小蜂(Metaphycus ericeri Xu et Jiang)和中华花翅跳小蜂(Microterys sinicus Jiang)3种寄生蜂优势种对黄色有明显的趋向性,对颜色的选择性依次为黄色>蓝色>蓝绿色>绿色>白色>灰褐色>红色>黑色。在白蜡园寄主林,寄主植物中部诱集的白蜡虫寄生蜂数量最多,占52.21%;其次是下部,占39.80%;顶部最少,仅占7.99%。白蜡虫寄生蜂的活动与白蜡虫在寄主植物上的分布密切相关。白蜡虫寄生蜂在不同方向上的活动差异不显著。在一天中的不同时段里,白蜡虫寄生蜂在6:00-9:00am有一个活动高峰期,在15:00-18:00pm出现一个次高峰期。白蜡虫寄生蜂在晴天活动较活跃,在阴天和雨天活动较少。  相似文献   

白蜡虫啮小蜂的研究及其利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用害虫的天敌防制害虫,在我国已有悠久历史,但由于我国幅员辽阔,天敌资源非常丰富,所以发掘并充分利用这类资源仍是当前生物防制工作的重要课题。我们在四川省峨眉县研究白蜡虫花翅跳小蜂(Microterysericerilshu)对白蜡虫(EriceruspelaChav)的危害及其防制时,发现白蜡虫啮小蜂(Tetrastichussp.)是一种抑制白蜡虫花翅跳小蜂极为有效的重寄生蜂,其重寄生率可达70—90%以上,值得引起注意并加以保护利用。现将研究的初步结果报道如下:一、分类、分布及形态特征白蜡虫啮小蜂属于寡节小蜂科(Eulophidae)啮小蜂亚科(Tetrastichinae)的啮小蜂属…  相似文献   

稻飞虱卵寄生蜂——缨小蜂资源生态位的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本通过稻飞虱卵寄生蜂——缨小蜂资源生态位的田间调查,测定3种主要缨小蜂(稻虱缨小蜂Anagrus mllaparvalat,长管稻虱缨小蜂Anagrus longllubulosus,拟稻虱缨小蜂Anagrus paranllaparvalac)的生态位宽度,生态位重叠和生态位相似性比例。在生态位测定的基础上,按生态位的理论观点,充分调动了稻飞虱缨小蜂保护问题。  相似文献   

焦懿  赵苹 《生态学报》2001,21(7):1148-1152
白蜡虫雌虫产卵期是白蜡种虫生产的关键时期,在我国白蜡主产地区,选择有代表性的4个种虫产地,2个白蜡产地和4个虫蜡混产地,调查群落中白蜡虫天敌的物种组成和数量变化,并进行聚类分析和排序,在10个白蜡主产地内,共收集到各种天敌15种,分属于6科11属,各群落的物种组成变化较小,优势种为白蜡虫花翅跳小蜂Microterys ericeri Ishii、中华花翅跳小蜂M.sinicus Jiang、白蜡虫啮小蜂Tetrastichus kodaikanalensis Saraswat、白蜡蚧长角象Anthribus la-jievorus Chao和黑缘红瓢虫Chilocorus rubidus Hope。群落的优势集中指数较小,多样性指数和均匀性指数较高,群落相似性系数最高达97.46%,最低为75.92%。影响群落相似性的主要因子为白蜡产区不同、生态环境差异和优势种天敌的数量变化,根据聚类分析和排序,将10个不同产地白蜡虫天敌群落分为3类;第1类为种虫产地,优势种天敌发生和危害较轻;第2类为白蜡产地,白蜡虫天敌发生和危害极为严重,其种群数量为第1类的3.36倍,第3类虫蜡皆产,其天敌数量介于第1、2类之间,中华花翅跳小蜂种群数量在第1、3类群落中大致相等,第2类发生较较重,白蜡虫天敌的严重危害是造成蜡区不产种虫的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

焦懿  赵苹 《动物学研究》2000,21(4):291-296
研究了白蜡虫啮小蜂TetrastichuskodaikanalensisSaraswat的室内饲养条件及其对白蜡虫花翅跳小蜂MicroterysericeriIshii的控制作用。研究结果表明 ,温度对白蜡虫啮小蜂存活率和产卵量有显著影响。 1 8、 2 1、2 4、 2 7、 30和 33℃ 6个温度处理下 ,白蜡虫啮小蜂的世代存活率分别为 1 84%、 31 83%、 80 39%、 72 75 %、48 0 8%和 2 2 81 %。 30℃时每雌产卵量和产卵百分率最高 ,分别为 1 3 2 1粒和 84 84%。雄蜡虫体内的白蜡虫啮小蜂有 3个羽化高峰期 ,分别为 6月下旬、 8月上~中旬和 9月中~下旬 ;雌蜡虫体内白蜡虫啮小蜂的 3个羽化高峰期为 8月上~中旬、 9月中~下旬和 1 0月下旬~ 1 1月上旬。白蜡虫啮小蜂的第 3个高峰种群数量最大 ,对白蜡虫花翅跳小蜂的重寄生率最高。第 3、 4代啮小蜂对寄生于雌雄蜡虫体内的白蜡虫花翅跳小蜂的重寄生率分别为雌蜡虫体内 :48 78%和 5 4 6 6 % ,雄蜡虫体内 :5 6 6 6 %和 6 4 71 % ;第 5代的重寄生率达76 0 0 % ;各代的重寄生率均为 4龄幼虫 >5龄幼虫 >蛹。人工释放啮小蜂对白蜡虫花翅跳小蜂种群数量有显著的控制作用。每株女贞树放 30头白蜡虫啮小蜂蛹 1次或 2次 ,白蜡产量分别为 1 1 1 3g和 1 37 6g ,为对照的3 0 6倍和 3 78倍。种虫产量分别为 1 49  相似文献   

三叶斑潜蝇和美洲斑潜蝇是广东地区发生和危害比较严重的两种蔬菜潜叶蝇,通过对两种斑潜蝇及其寄生蜂空间生态位的调查研究表明,发现两种斑潜蝇的生态位宽度受寄主影响各有不同,与其寄生蜂的生态位重叠值较小。底比斯釉姬小蜂Chysocharis pentheus(Walker)、冈崎灿姬小蜂Chysonotomyia okazakii(Kamijo)和丽灿姬小蜂Chysonotomyia formosa(Westwood)生态位宽度值相近且均高于其它寄生蜂,分布较其它三种寄生蜂广,三种寄生蜂对斑潜蝇的寄生跟随作用较强;甘蓝潜蝇茧蜂Opius dimidiatus(Ashmead)、黄潜蝇釉姬小蜂Chysocharis oscinidis Ashmead和异角亨姬小蜂Hemiptarenus varicornis(Girault)的时间生态位宽度值(B’i)均小于0.1,在大田中发生的跨度范围很窄,具有季节集中性。三叶斑潜蝇和美洲斑潜蝇的种间竞争,表现在对寄主资源的占有和掠夺上具有一定的竞争性,这也是田间三叶斑潜蝇种群数量一直高于美洲斑潜蝇的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

美洲斑潜蝇及其寄生性天敌的生态位   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
通过调查美洲斑潜蝇及其主要寄生性天敌冈崎姬小蜂Neochrysoclaris okazakii Kamijo,芙新姬小蜂Neochrysoclaris formosa Westood和攀金姬小蜂Chrysocharis petheus Walker的时间和空间生态位,测定出生态位宽度,重叠和比例相似性,在生态位测定的基础上,按生态位的理论观点,探讨了寄生性天敌在美洲斑潜蝇综合治理中的控制作用。  相似文献   

白蜡虫阔柄跳小蜂实验种群生命表的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
焦懿  赵苹 《应用生态学报》2001,12(6):892-896
观察了温度对白蜡虫阔柄跳小蜂(Metaphycus ericeri Xu et Jiang)存活和繁殖的影响,组建了18℃、21℃、24℃、27℃、30℃和33℃6种温度下的实验种群生命表,白蜡虫阔柄跳小蜂的世代存活率为24℃>27℃>30℃>21℃>33℃>18℃>15℃,温度过高或过低对白蜡虫阔柄跳小蜂的存活和繁殖不利,24℃和27℃雄虫的怀卵量、产卵量和产卵百分率都显著高于其它温度处理,以抛物线方程y=a bx cx^2拟合世代存活率(S)、种群趋势指数(I)、净生殖率(R0)和内禀增长为(rm),在24℃、27℃和30℃温度下,白蜡门阔柄跳小蜂的种群趋势指数I>1,内禀增长力rm>0,种群数量逐代增加,种群加倍时间分别为15、16和23d,21℃时I≈1,rm≈0,种群数量基本保持不变,18℃和33℃时I<1,rm<0,种群数量出现负增长,15℃雌蜂不产卵,不能繁殖后代。  相似文献   

戴云山罗浮栲林主要乔木树种营养生态位研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过生态位空间分割,应用多维生态位宽度和生态位重叠分析戴云山罗浮栲(Castanopsis fabri)群落主要乔木树种在不同资源空间中的营养利用情况。结果表明,各物种在不同资源空间的营养利用情况存在差异。同一物种不同龄级生态位宽度不同,同一龄级不同物种生态位宽度也存在差异。罗浮栲天然林主要种群生态位重叠值介于0.2~0.3的有33对,占27.5%;大于0.3的有51对,占42.5%,群落中优势种种群生态位具有较大程度重叠,对资源的利用能力相似且竞争格局明显。乔木层中,个体多度分布较大的罗浮栲与其它树种生态位重叠在0.042~0.424,罗浮栲与其它物种在资源利用上所受到的竞争相对较弱,在一定程度上决定了该种群在群落中的优势地位。按照经典的分层频度分析,罗浮栲种群属于典型的衰退种,与群落演替的实际情况相一致。  相似文献   

不同温度下白蜡虫花翅跳小蜂的实验种群生命表   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
焦懿  赵苹 《昆虫学报》2002,45(1):86-90
在15、18、21、24、27和30℃恒温下,观察了温度对白蜡虫花翅跳小蜂Microterys ericeri发育、存活和繁殖力的影响,组建了相应温度下的实验种群生命表。白蜡虫花翅跳小蜂全代的发育起点温度和有效积温分别为12.1℃和499.4日·度。27℃时发育历期最短,产卵量、产卵率和卵孵化率最高。24℃时雌虫怀卵量最多,3~5龄幼虫和蛹的存活率最高。6种温度下白蜡虫花翅跳小蜂种群的世代存活率分别为8.5%、25.2%、50.3%、68.2%、49.8%和38.1%。24℃时世代存活率、种群趋势指数、净增殖率和内禀增长力均高于其它温度处理。24℃和27℃时种群加倍时间只需12天。18℃时种群出现负增长,15℃时白蜡虫花翅跳小蜂不产卵,不能繁殖下一代。  相似文献   

Metaphycus angustifrons Compere has recently been found to be the most abundant parasitoid of brown soft scale, Coccus hesperidum L., in southern California. In laboratory experiments we examined several biological parameters of this species. M. angustifrons both oviposits and host feeds in brown soft scale and is a facultatively gregarious endoparasitoid of this soft scale insect. In contrast with other Metaphycus spp., M. angustifrons is a koinobiont parasitoid, allowing its host to grow up to 40% beyond its size at parasitism. Despite its high abundance on brown soft scale in the field, in the laboratory, high rates of parasitoid egg encapsulation are observed; about half of parasitized hosts failed to issue parasitoids. Furthermore, host scales that encapsulated parasitoids eggs showed significant reduction in development. Increased scale size at oviposition influences the size of emerging females but not the size of males. Female M. angustifrons are synovigenic. They emerge from their hosts without mature eggs and begin maturing eggs after they are provided a carbohydrate source. Carbohydrates prolong the life span of both female and male M. angustifrons. The size of female wasps influences egg load but not longevity. Finally, based on laboratory observations, M. angustifrons uses citricola scale almost exclusively for host feeding and not for oviposition. These results suggest that the role of this species in citricola scale’s decline in southern California in the 1950s–1960s was negligible.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2006,9(3):269-274
To understand influence of two species of parasitoids on host population dynamics, adult population dynamics of pine needle gall midge (PNGM), Thecodiplosis japonensis and two species of parasitoids, Inostemma matsutama and Inostemma seoulis were observed using emergence traps from 1986 to 2005. Density of PNGM decreased after outbreaks in 1986 and 1987 and showed density-dependent regulation. Relationships between density of PNGM and its parasitoids were linear except the period of outbreak regardless of parasitoids species. Relationships between host density and parasitism of I. matsutama and I. seoulis were density-independent and inverse density-dependent, respectively. I. seoulis was the dominant parasitoid against PNGM. Interspecific competition between two parasitoids was not strong and temporal niche segregation between two parasitoids was a possible mechanism for coexistence of two parasitoids. The parasitoid complex responded to changes in host density more sensitively than single parasitoid species. These results suggested that two parasitoid can stabilize PNGM population density without strong negative effects on each species of parasitoids.  相似文献   

Clonal diversity in asexual populations may be maintained if different clones are favoured under different environmental conditions. For aphids, parasitoids are an important variable of the biotic environment. To test whether parasitoids can mediate selection among host clones, we used experimental populations consisting of 10 clones of the peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae, and allowed them to evolve for several generations either without parasitoids or in the presence of two species of parasitoid wasps. In the absence of parasitoids, strong shifts in clonal frequencies occurred, mostly in favour of clones with high rates of increase. The parasitoid Diaeretiella rapae hardly affected aphid densities but changed the outcome of competition by favouring one entirely resistant clone and disfavouring a highly susceptible clone. Aphidius colemani, the more infective parasitoid, strongly reduced aphid densities and dramatically changed host clonal frequencies. The most resistant clone, not a successful clone without parasitoids, became totally dominant. These results highlight the potential of temporal or spatial variation in parasitoid densities to maintain clonal diversity in their aphid hosts.  相似文献   

Defences against parasites are typically associated with costs to the host that contribute to the maintenance of variation in resistance. This also applies to the defence provided by the facultative bacterial endosymbiont Hamiltonella defensa, which protects its aphid hosts against parasitoid wasps while imposing life-history costs. To investigate the cost–benefit relationship within protected hosts, we introduced multiple isolates of H. defensa to the same genetic backgrounds of black bean aphids, Aphis fabae, and we quantified the protection against their parasitoid Lysiphlebus fabarum as well as the costs to the host (reduced lifespan and reproduction) in the absence of parasitoids. Surprisingly, we observed the opposite of a trade-off. Strongly protective isolates of H. defensa reduced lifespan and lifetime reproduction of unparasitized aphids to a lesser extent than weakly protective isolates. This finding has important implications for the evolution of defensive symbiosis and highlights the need for a better understanding of how strain variation in protective symbionts is maintained.  相似文献   

Resource segregation by species is a cornerstone ecological concept that may result from several processes such as interspecific competition, and can help structuring communities, in particular parasitoid communities. Phorid parasitoid flies that use ants as hosts usually employ one host per individual parasitoid, and thus the pressure for segregating the host resource should be high. At a particular community, these parasitoids might segregate resources by temporal differences in activity patterns, using different host species or nests from those available. Even if parasitoid species coexist on the same nest, they can take advantage of worker polymorphism and task division, searching for ants performing different tasks at different microsites of the same nest. Here we evaluated the segregation of parasitoid species in these hypothesized axes using leaf-cutting ant phorid parasitoids as a model system. We analyzed temporal data collected at two localities with contrasting host species richness; and compared parasitoid co-occurrence at the different niche axis. For most of the hypothesized niche axes tested we found either no departures from random expectations or significantly more niche overlap than expected by chance, ruling out the existence of biologically relevant host resource segregation in this system. However, there was evidence of segregation for some species, since one parasitoid species was only found in winter and another species showed a negative correlation of its abundance over nests with other two species. Furthermore, we found that several species were flexible in host use; Atta phorids varied in average host sizes preferred, whereas Acromyrmex phorids that were generalists were able to use different host species or microsites for host location. From an applied perspective, these results are encouraging when selecting species for the control of leaf-cutting ants because parasitoids coexistence seems to be unaffected by their overlap in niche dimensions.  相似文献   

Parasitism of the tobacco hornworm, Manducasexta, by the braconid wasp Cotesiacongregata, induces developmental arrest of the host in the larval stage. During the final instar of the host, its juvenile hormone (JH) titer is elevated, preventing host metamorphosis. This study investigated the effects of hormonal manipulation of the host on the parasitoid’s emergence behavior. The second larval ecdysis of the wasps coincides with their emergence from the host, and application of the juvenile hormone analogue methoprene to day 4 fifth instar hosts either delayed or totally suppressed the subsequent emergence of the wasps. Effects of methoprene were dose-dependent and no parasitoids emerged following treatment of host larvae with doses >50 μg. Parasitoids which failed to emerge eventually succumbed as unecydsed pharate third instar larvae in the hemocoel of the host. Effects of host methoprene treatment on parasitoid metamorphosis were also assessed, and metamorphic disruption occurred at much lower dosages compared with doses necessary to suppress parasitoid emergence behavior. The inhibitory effect of methoprene on parasitoid emergence behavior appears to be mediated by effects of this hormone on the synthesis or release of ecdysis-triggering hormone (ETH) in the parasitoid, the proximate endocrine cue which triggers ecdysis behavior in free-living insects. ETH accumulated in the epitracheal Inka cells of parasitoids developing in methoprene-treated hosts, suggestive of a lack of hormone release. Thus, the hormonal modulation of parasitoid emergence behavior appears to be complex, involving a suite of hormones including JH, ecdysteroid, and peptide hormones.  相似文献   

In order to test whether the electroantennogram (EAG) response spectrum of an insect correlates to its degree of host specificity, we recorded EAG responses of two parasitoid species with different degrees of host specificity, Microplitis croceipes (specialist) and Cotesia marginiventris (generalist), to a wide array of odor stimuli including compounds representing green leaf volatiles (GLVs), herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPV), ecologically irrelevant (not used by the parasitoid species and their hosts for host location) plant volatiles, and host-specific odor stimuli (host sex pheromones, and extracts of host caterpillar body and frass). We also tested the EAG responses of female moths of the caterpillar hosts of the parasitoids, Heliothis virescens and Spodoptera exigua, to some of the odor stimuli. We hypothesized that the specialist parasitoid will have a narrower EAG response spectrum than the generalist, and that the two lepidopteran species, which are similar in their host plant use, will show similar EAG response spectra to plant volatiles. As predicted, the specialist parasitoid showed greater EAG responses than the generalist to host-specific odor and one HIPV (cis-3-hexenyl butyrate), whereas the generalist showed relatively greater EAG responses to the GLVs and unrelated plant volatiles. We detected no differences in the EAG responses of H. virescens and S. exigua to any of the tested odor.  相似文献   

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