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以‘京农8号’红小豆为试验材料,通过盆栽试验方法,采用不同浓度(0、10、20、40和80mg·L~(-1))烯效唑浸种,测定不同水分环境(重度干旱、中度干旱和正常水分)下烯效唑浸种对红小豆生长及根系生理指标,明确干旱环境下红小豆高产优质的最佳烯效唑浸种浓度。结果显示:(1)与正常水分条件相比,干旱胁迫降低了红小豆幼苗叶片叶绿素含量、PSⅡ最大光化学效率(F_v/F_m)、PSⅡ潜在活性(F_v/F_0)和根系抗氧化酶活性、渗透调节物质含量,增加了叶片初始荧光(F_0)、根系MDA含量、根冠比,抑制了红小豆的生长和产量。(2)在不同水分条件下,烯效唑浸种均可有效促进红小豆根系的生长,提高根系SOD活性、POD活性、可溶性糖含量和可溶性蛋白质含量,增强植株抗氧化能力,降低根系MDA的积累量,从而缓解干旱胁迫对质膜的过氧化伤害。(3)烯效唑浸种提高了干旱胁迫下红小豆植株叶片叶绿素含量、F_v/F_m和F_v/F_0,降低了叶片F_0,有效促进干物质的积累,从而有助于红小豆产量构成因素和籽粒产量的提高。研究表明,适宜浓度烯效唑浸种可显著增强红小豆幼苗在干旱胁迫和正常水分环境下光合作用、抗氧化能力和渗透调节能力,有效促进红小豆植株的生长,从而提高了植株的抗旱性和产量,且以20mg·L~(-1)烯效唑浸种处理的效果最好。  相似文献   

目的:采用烯效唑浸种方法探讨不同浸种浓度对不同品种燕麦生长发育的影响。方法:本实验以晋莜8号、鉴Ⅲ1618、XHY-1为研究对象,分别用0、15、30和45 mg·L-1烯效唑对燕麦种子浸种处理,研究其对不同燕麦品种幼苗形态指标和生理指标的影响。结果:结果表明不同浓度的烯效唑浸种处理对燕麦有"控上促下"作用,增加叶片中叶绿素和脯氨酸含量,降低丙二醛含量,增强抗逆性,促进燕麦产业化发展。晋莜8号、XHY-1在形态指标和生理指标都要显著优于鉴Ⅲ1618,而晋莜8号、XHY-1之间无显著性差异。结论:结合烯效唑浸种处理方法,在山西燕麦实际生产过程中,推荐选用晋莜8号、XHY-1,烯效唑浸种浓度以15 mg·L-1为宜。  相似文献   

烯效唑浸种对玉米幼苗生长和内源激素含量的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
烯效唑浸种对玉米苗期叶片和叶鞘伸长生长有抑制作用,且抑制效应随烯效唑浓度的增大而增强,但植株粗壮,叶宽和茎基宽增加,根系增多,根长增加.烯效唑浸种的玉米幼苗中LAA和GA3含量下降,叶鞘中尤为明显;ZT含量则是地上部提高,根中下降,ABA含量提高,植株各器官中(IAA GA3)/ABA比值均下降,IAA/GA3比值均升高,IAA/ZT和GA3/ZT比值则是地上部降低,根中升高.  相似文献   

潘慧云  李小路  徐小花  高士祥 《生态学报》2008,28(12):6159-6164
研究了烯效唑对沉水植物伊乐藻生长及抗氧化酶活性的影响。结果表明,烯效唑可以刺激伊乐藻新芽萌发,新生枝条节间距减小,叶片紧密,同时烯效唑对成熟枝条的生长具有明显的抑制作用。低浓度(≤1.0mg/L)、短时间的烯效唑暴露可促进叶绿素a含量的增加,随着暴露时间的延长,处理组叶绿素a含量降低,叶绿素b含量显著增加。烯效唑胁迫下,伊乐藻体内3种抗氧化酶反应灵敏,SOD活性受到显著诱导,CAT活性先升高后降低,POD活性先升高后降低后又升高。说明烯效唑可对植物产生氧化胁迫,诱导抗氧化酶活性升高,当胁迫超过一定强度时,活性氧不能及时清除,对植物体产生氧化损伤。  相似文献   

利用缩节安(DPC)和磷酸二氢钾(KH2PO4)单独和混合浸种的方法,对棉籽播前浸种处理,可以增加棉花叶片叶绿素含量,提高PS Ⅱ光化学活性和原初光能转换效率,以及叶片光合速率。DPC和KH2PO4混合处理的效果优于单独浸种处理。  相似文献   

以大豆"垦丰14"为试验材料,采用盆栽方法研究叶面喷施烯效唑对淹水胁迫下大豆叶片光合速率、内禀特性、荧光参数以及表型的影响,探讨烯效唑作为植物生长调节剂对逆境的缓解效应。结果表明:始花期(R1期)淹水显著降低了鼓粒期(R6期)大豆的最大净光合速率(P_(nmax)),但对叶绿素含量(Chl)、最大电子传递速率(J_(max))、本征光能吸收截面(σ_(ik))、捕光色素分子处于激发态的最小平均寿命(τmin)等参数无显著影响;喷施烯效唑显著提高大豆叶片叶绿素含量,增加叶片有效光能吸收截面(σ'_(ik)),降低捕光色素分子处于激发态的最小平均寿命,使得捕光色素分子更多处于基态;而且应用烯效唑可增加淹水胁迫下大豆叶片电子利用效率、最大净光合速率以及电子传递速率,并分别较淹水处理高35.3%、79.0%和39.2%;淹水胁迫会降低PSⅡ的潜在光化学效率Fv/Fo以及PSⅡ最大光化学效率Fv/Fm,喷施烯效唑可提高光化学效率;淹水和烯效唑处理均会降低株高、叶面积以及数字生物量,喷施烯效唑可以提高大豆叶片色调值以及归一化植被指数,改善淹水胁迫下大豆的生长状况。综上所述,烯效唑可以有效缓解淹水对大豆的不利影响,提高其耐涝性。  相似文献   

DPC和KH2PO4浸种对棉花叶片光合特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨兴洪  王伟  邹琦 《植物学通报》1999,16(3):271-273
利用缩节安(DPC)和磷酸二氢钾(KH2PO4)单独和混合浸种的方法,对棉籽播前浸种处理,可以增加棉花叶片叶绿素含量,提高PSⅡ光化学活性和原初光能转换效率,以及叶片光合速率。DPC和KH2PO4混合处理的效果优于单独浸种处理  相似文献   

烯效唑诱导小麦植株形态变化及其与内源激素的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
小麦种子用1mg·L-1的烯效唑浸种,其幼苗茎秆矮化粗壮,叶色浓绿,根系发达。处理植株的内源GA含量剧烈下降,根系中尤为明显。地上部分的IAA含量有较大增高。ZRs含量在幼苗生长前期的地上部分也有增加,但在根系中却稍低于对照。整个植株ABA含量与对照无显著差异。结果表明:烯效唑可能通过改变内源激素水平间的平稳关系而调控植株的形态变化,其中内源IAA/GA比增高是烯效唑诱导小麦矮化和促进根系生长的主要原因。IAA、ZRs的变化对植物横向生长、叶绿素合成也有促进作用。  相似文献   

S3307浸种对黄瓜幼苗生理的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用S3307粉剂不同浓度对“夏丰一号”黄瓜浸种,研究S3307对幼苗生长的生理效应,目的是得到培育黄瓜壮苗适宜的处理浓度。结果表明:与对照相比,经10,20,50μg/L的S3307浸种后,均不同程度地增加了黄瓜幼苗叶片中叶绿素和可溶性糖含量,提高了叶片光合速率和SOD活性,降低了MDA含量,其中,以20μg/L浸种处理16h的效果最佳。  相似文献   

DPC浸种对花生幼苗根系和叶片生理功能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在田间条件下,研究了DPC浸种对花生(Arachis hypogaeaL.)幼苗根系和叶片生理功能的影响。结果表明,DPC可提高花生幼苗根系中IAA和Z ZR的含量,促进根系的生长,提高根系活力;DPC可促进花生苗期叶片叶绿素的合成,提高叶绿素含量,提高苗期叶片的光合速率。在实践中,用150mg/LDPC浸种是取得花生壮苗丰产的有效措施。  相似文献   

以百日草‘芳菲1号’为试材,研究不同水分胁迫下烯效唑(S3307)对其幼苗生长、光合特性及叶解剖结构的影响,以明确S3307对百日草的抗旱作用及其机理。结果显示:(1)在水分胁迫下,百日草的生长均受到不同程度的抑制,叶绿素含量显著降低,光合作用受到抑制,叶解剖结构有所变化。(2)S3307处理后,均能够显著降低所对应的不同程度水分胁迫下百日草的株高,显著增加茎粗、叶面积、叶片厚度、栅栏组织厚度和根冠比,显著增加叶绿素含量,提高百日草的净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(Tr)和水分利用效率(WUE)。研究表明,S3307能够提高百日草的抗旱性,而且在轻度和中度水分胁迫下Pn的下降主要是由气孔因素引起,而在重度水分胁迫下光合速率的下降是由非气孔因素引起的。  相似文献   

This study investigated whether uniconazole confers drought tolerance to soybean and if such tolerance is correlated with changes in photosynthesis, hormones and antioxidant system of leaves. Soybean plants were foliar treated with uniconazole at 50 mg L-1 at the beginning of bloom and then exposed to water deficit stress at pod initiation for 7 d. Uniconazole promoted biomass accumulation and seed yield under both water conditions. Plants treated with uniconazole showed higher leaf water potential only in water-stressed condition. Water stress decreased the chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rate, but those of uniconazole-treated plants were higher than the stressed control. Uniconazole increased the maximum quantum yield of photosystemand ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase activity of water-stressed plants. Water stress decreased partitioning of assimilated 14C from labeled leaf to the other parts of the plant. In contrast, uniconazole enhanced translocation of assimilated 14C from labeled leaves to the other parts, except stems, regardless of water treatment. Uniconazole-treated plants contained less GA3, GA4 and ABA under well-watered condition than untreated plants, while the IAA and zeatin levels were increased substantially under both water conditions, and ABA concentration was also increased under water stressed condition. Under water-stressed conditions, uniconazole increased the content of proline and soluble sugars, and the activities of superoxide dismutase and peroxidase in soybean leaves but not the malondialdehyde content or electrical conductivity. These results suggest that uniconazole-induced tolerance to water deficit stress in soybean was related to the changes of photosynthesis, hormones and antioxidant system of leaves.  相似文献   

Uniconazole (S-3307) induced cadmium tolerance in wheat   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Uniconazole, a triazole, was applied to seed at a concentration of 0. l g kg–1 seed to protect wheat plants from the toxic metal cadmium (Cd). The degree of protection afforded by uniconazole against Cd toxicity was assessed by measuring fresh and dry weights of shoots and roots and by estimating the chlorophyll and solute leakage level in the leaves. Fresh weights and dry weights of roots and shoots were higher in Cd + uniconazole treated plants compared to uniconazole and cadmium treatment alone. Uniconazole + cadmium treated plants were darker in color, having more chlorophyll. Solute leakage was increased with the increasing concentrations of Cd and loss of membrane permeability was alleviated by the use of uniconazole.  相似文献   

Winter rape (Brassica napus L. cv. 601) seedlings were treated with 50 mg.l-1of foliar-applied uniconazole and then exposed to heat stress with a light/dark temperature regime of 43 °C/38 °C for 3 days at the stem elongation stage. Heat stressed plants contained lower endogenous GA3, IAA and zeatin contents than the controls, while ABA content and ethylene level were increased significantly. Uniconazole-treated plants had lower endogenous GA3 and IAA contents, and higher zeatin and ABA contents and ethylene levels. Leaf chlorophyll content and respiratory capacity of roots were reduced markedly after plants were subjected to heat stress, and foliar sprays of uniconazole retarded the degradation of chlorophyll and increased respiratory capacity of roots. Following exposure to heat, the activities of superoxide dismutase and peroxidase were significantly reduced. Uniconazole-induced heat tolerance was accompanied by increased activities of various antioxidant enzymes. Foliar applications of uniconazole reduced electrolyte leakage and malondialdehyde accumulation caused by heat stress, suggesting that uniconazole may have decreased heat-induced lipid peroxidation and membrane damage. Foliar sprays of uniconazole increased the tolerance of rape plants to heat stress.  相似文献   

Winter rape (Brassica napus L. cv. 601) seedlings were treated with 50 mg.l-1 of foliar-applied uniconazole and then exposed to freezing stress with a light/dark temperature regime of 2 °C/–3 °C for 5 days at the seedling stage. Stressed plants contained lower endogenous GA3 and IAA contents than the controls, while zeatin and ABA contents and ethylene levels were significantly increased. Uniconazole-treated plants had lower endogenous GA3 and IAA contents, and higher zeatin and ABA contents and ethylene levels. Leaf chlorophyll content and respiratory capacity of roots were reduced significantly after plants were subjected to freezing stress, and foliar sprays of uniconazole retarded the degradation of chlorophyll and increased respiratory capacity of roots. Uniconazole-induced freezing tolerance was accompanied by increased activities of various antioxidant enzymes, including superoxide dismutase, catalase and peroxidase. Foliar applications of uniconazole reduced electrolyte leakage and malondialdehyde accumulation caused by freezing stress, suggesting that uniconazole may have decreased freezing-induced lipid peroxidation and membrane damage.  相似文献   

Uniconazole and daminozide were used as dip on unrooted cuttings or as foliar spray on pinched Dendranthema grandiflora Tzvelev. Dalvina to control height. Stem elongation was determined on cuttings dipped in solutions of 0, 1.25, 2.5, 5, or 10 mg/L uniconazole or cuttings were dipped and later treated with foliar sprays in concentrations of 1.25/5, 1.25/10, 2.5/10, and 5/5 mg/L uniconazole, respectively. Other plants were sprayed once or twice with uniconazole at 10 mg/L. Daminozide treatments included a pre-plant dip/foliar spray application of 1000/2000 mg/L, respectively, or two foliar sprays of 2,000 mg/L. Uniconazole dip alone retarded stem elongation linearly up to 8 weeks after propagation, 5 weeks after pinching, but was not discernible from the control treatment 8 weeks after pinching. Uniconazole at 2.5/10 and 5/5 mg/L as a dip/spray combination resulted in plants 33% shorter than the control at the end of the production. Doubling uniconazole dip or spray treatments from 5 to 10 mg/L provided no additional reduction of stem elongation. The single uniconazole spray and both daminozide treatments had no effect on final height, although daminozide treatments reduced stem dry weight compared to the control. Stem dry weight was reduced by uniconazole dip/spray combinations compared to dip treatments alone. Similarly, inflorescence and root dry weights were also reduced by the highest uniconazole concentrations. Higher concentrations of uniconazole reduced transpiration on a per leaf area basis up to 47% compared to the control at the end of production. In contrast to previous work, leaf area and leaf thickness increased with some uniconazole treatments, while time to anthesis was not affected by any of the treatments.  相似文献   

Purohit  S.  Singh  V.P. 《Photosynthetica》2000,36(4):597-599
In Abelmoschus esculentus L. uniconazole brought about a marked decrease in cadmium-induced loss of chlorophyll and Hill reaction activity, but it did not completely prevent cadmium toxicity.  相似文献   

通过田间试验,研究了不同烯效唑干拌种剂量对3个不同筋力小麦品种植株氮素积累、运转和籽粒蛋白质品质的影响,结果表明,基因型、环境及烯效唑处理对小麦品质的影响效应依次减小,且均达到了极显著水平,但三者的互作效应较小。烯效唑处理后提高了不同生态点下不同小麦品种籽粒蛋白质含量和产量,处理后的面筋含量和沉淀值增加,面团形成时间和稳定时间延长;干拌种增加了开花期各营养器官中的氮素含量和单株氮素积累量,花后氮素总转移量、总转移率及其对籽粒氮的贡献率极显著提高,且处理后旗叶中可溶性蛋白质含量在花后15 d内均显著高于对照;对籽粒中氮含量而言,烯效唑处理后提高了灌浆初期籽粒中的非蛋白氮含量,花后5—20 d内均高于对照,灌浆期间籽粒蛋白氮含量均高于对照,因而处理后的粗蛋白质含量变化动态特点为谷底高、回升快。研究认为,烯效唑处理如同基因、环境一样独立影响小麦籽粒品质,而烯效唑处理后提高了开花初期旗叶中的可溶性蛋白质含量和花前营养器官中氮素含量及花后氮素转运量,可能是其提高籽粒非蛋白氮含量、促进籽粒蛋白质含量增加和蛋白质质量提高的重要原因之一,烯效唑干拌种对小麦籽粒蛋白质品质的改善具有广适性。  相似文献   

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