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王欣  王健  张举 《古生物学报》2017,56(1):54-67
Oktavites spiralis(Geinitz,1842)是志留系特列奇阶(Telychian)的笔石带化石,其形态特征明显,在全球范围内广泛分布,地层对比意义较强。然而,该种宽泛的化石定义以及缺乏居群变异研究,造成了对该化石延限的争议,不利于地层的精确对比。笔者对产自陕西紫阳、岚皋地区特列奇阶Oktavites spiralis带至Cyrtograptus lapworthi笔石带的45个Oktavites spiralis不同发育阶段的幼体标本进行研究,建立了较完整的发育序列,从而对该种的始部特征有了更为深入的了解,增加了描述的精确性。同时,通过始部特征的对比研究,可将Oktavites spiralis和与之共生的Oktavites contortus(Perner,1897)明确区分为2个独立的种。此外,对Oktavites spiralis和Oktavites contortus发育过程的研究,也可成为该属进一步精确厘定的主要依据之一。  相似文献   

耿良玉 《古生物学报》1990,29(5):623-636
一、前言特列奇阶作为一个阶,国际地层委员会业已批准下列界定:以turriculatus带之底作下界,以crenulata之顶作上界(Holland,1985)。在以笔石占绝对优势的斜坡相区,如陕南紫阳地区,界定特列奇阶并无困难(傅力浦、宋礼生,1986)。而在以介壳相为主的陆棚相区,尤其在内陆棚相区,如何界定特列奇阶确非易事。林宝玉等(1982)所定义的石牛栏阶即是一例。石牛栏阶的命名地点和层型剖面在四川綦江观音桥。按照他们的意见,石牛栏阶的下界“大致相当于笔石相的Spirograptus turriculatus带”(林宝玉等,1982,145页)。由于并无可靠的、足以确证属于Spirograptus turriculatus带的笔石作为依据,这一结论似乎虚悬无着。  相似文献   

一、前言特列奇阶作为一个阶,国际地层委员会业已批准下列界定:以turriculatus带之底作下界,以crenulata之顶作上界(Holland,1985)。在以笔石占绝对优势的斜坡相区,如陕南紫阳地区,界定特列奇阶并无困难(傅力浦、宋礼生,1986)。而在以介壳相为主的陆棚相区,尤其在内陆棚相区,如何界定特列奇阶确非易事。林宝玉等(1982)所定义的石牛栏阶即是一例。石牛栏阶的命名地点和层型剖面在四川綦江观音桥。按照他们的意见,石牛栏阶的下界“大致相当于笔石相的Spirograptus turriculatus带”(林宝玉等,1982,145页)。由于并无可靠的、足以确证属于Spirograptus turriculatus带的笔石作为依据,这一结论似乎虚悬无着。也  相似文献   

陕南紫阳弓笔石的出现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓宝 《古生物学报》1979,(3):308-310
本文记述了陕南紫阳地区中志留统的弓笔石2种,对确定紫阳地区中志留世地层时代和对比提供了化石依据。  相似文献   

奥陶-志留系界线地层生物带的全球对比   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
详述扬子区晚奥陶世晚期(阿什极期)至兰多维列世初期的生物带序列,修正部分的笔石带,与全球各重要地区进行对比.研究表明,全球奥陶系顶部赫南特亚阶及其上下地层在我国的扬子区发育最好,地层连续发育并广泛出露,生物带发育齐全,不但有连续的笔石带,而且有世界广布的赫南特贝腕足动物群,有望在我国建立赫南特亚阶的全球层型剖面和点(GSSP).  相似文献   

特马豆克阶是奥陶系底部第一个阶,笔石是特马豆克阶高分辨率地层划分与对比的重要化石类群。江南斜坡带是我国早奥陶世特马豆克期漂浮笔石分异度和丰度最高的相区之一,位于该区的湖南益阳南坝剖面,发育有完整的上特马豆克阶笔石地层,特马豆克阶-弗洛阶界线附近地层连续,上特马豆克阶笔石地层研究已取得较大进展,但下特马豆克阶地层缺乏系统研究。近年来,通过对该剖面笔石标本的不间断采集,新识别出下特马豆克阶笔石带Rhabdinopora flabelliformis parabola带。到目前为止,湖南益阳南坝剖面特马豆克阶可以识别出5个笔石带,自下而上依次为:Rhabdinopora flabelliformis parabola带、Adelograptus tenellus带、Aorograptus victoriae带、Araneograptus murrayi带以及Hunnegraptus copiosus带。基于目前已识别出的笔石带,参考国内外同期笔石地层资料,本文详细讨论华南特马豆克期笔石带序列,并与国内外同期地层进行精确对比。  相似文献   

奥陶—志留系界线地层生物全球对比   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
陈旭  米切尔 《古生物学报》2000,39(1):100-114
详述扬子区晚奥陶世晚期(阿什极期)至兰多维列世初期的生物带序列,修正部分的笔石带,与全球各重要地区进行对比,研究表明,全球奥陶系顶部赫南特亚阶及其上下地层在我国的扬子区发育最好,地层连续发展育并广泛出露,生物带发育齐全,不但有连续的笔石带,而且有世界广布的赫南特贝腕足动物群,有望在我国建立赫南特亚阶的全球层型剖面和点(GSSP)。  相似文献   

1962年,梁文平、鞠天吟和笔者在浙江省安吉县黄墅地区测制剖面时,系统采集了下志留统下部的笔石。据所测剖面,含笔石的地层共厚122米,获得化石21层。从这些笔石化石的鉴定结果看来,这一段地层可以分为两个笔石带,即下部的44.5米为Glyptograp-tus persculptus 带,上部的77.5米为Akidograptus ascensus 带。这两个笔石带所含种羣如下:  相似文献   

西北地区志留纪温洛克世晚期-罗德洛世早期的一些笔石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述西北地区志留纪温洛克世晚期-罗德洛世早期笔石5属,11种,进一步肯定罗德洛世早期nilssoni带的地层在陕西紫阳,甘肃迭部和内蒙古额济纳旗的存在,首次确认陕西紫阳和内蒙古额济纳旗发育温洛克世侯默中晚期含笔石地层,大致为parvus带或稍高。  相似文献   

陕西紫阳文洛克早期和蓝多维列最晚期的弓笔石   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
笔者等于1970,1973,1979年对秦岭志留系进行工作过程中,在陕西紫阳一带采得不少保存完好的弓笔石,本文选择其中一部分加以报道,目的在证明Cyrtograptus sakmaricus带的确切层位和讨论文洛克早期弓笔石的演化序列。剖面介绍此剖面沿任河,在紫阳瓦房店以南、巴蕉口以北的仙中沟口附近。S_(zz) 仙中沟组9.浅灰色板岩与深灰色粉砂质板岩,呈宽条带状9.6米8.灰色粉砂岩与粉砂质板岩,呈窄条带  相似文献   

Abstract:  Isolated material of 21 graptolite species from the upper Telychian of Latvia and Estonia is described. New thecal structures are recognized in Streptograptus , for example enrolment of the disto-lateral margin of the flange in distal S. nodifer thecae, possession of proximal lobes in S. wimani and elongated proximal lobes in S. sp. 3. S. spp. 1 and 2 both possess a nozzle, but do not have coiled metathecae. Thecal asymmetry in Oktavites falx is shown to be the reverse of that in O. spiralis . Several new Streptograptus and Monoclimacis species remain to be described. The absence of many of the taxa described herein from Silurian equatorial regions strengthens the case for a distinct equatorial graptolite province.  相似文献   

A recent study of conodonts from the Wuxiahe Formation (lower to middle part) in the Ziyang-Langao region suggested its age of middle Telychian (Llandovery) to lower Sheinwoodian (Wenlock), contradicted by subsequent graptolite studies indicating an age of late Telychian for the same interval. New samples from the Qiaoxi section for conodonts to re-access the age of the Wuxiahe Formation collected in this study show that the lower to middle part of the formation belongs to the Pterospathodus amorphognathoides amorphognathoides Biozone, suggesting the age of late Telychian; thus, the Llandovery–Wenlock boundary in the section is most probably higher than previously estimated, but its precise position is not determined since the identification of the Wenlock graptolite Cyrtograptus cf. lundgreni in the section is to be further confirmed. Based on the conodont faunas recognized in the Qiaoxi and Tianwancun sections, the base of the Wuxiahe Formation in the Ziyang-Langao region is diachronous, i.e., not higher than the upper Telychian Pterospathodus amorphognathoides amorphognathoides Biozone at Qiaoxi, but not lower than the lower Sheinwoodian Kockelella ranuliformis Biozone at the Tianwancun setion.  相似文献   

海南岛保亭县毛感乡南兵至南好公路边南好组以往被确认为下石炭统岩关阶 ,并认为与其下的上志留统足赛岭组呈角度不整合接触。著者最近在该剖面南好组中发现兰多维列世特里奇期晚期 (LateTelychian)Xi nanospirifer腕足动物群和三叶虫Latiproetuscf.latilimbatus,证明久归于下石炭统岩关阶南好组的地质时代应改归于早志留世 (Llandoverian) ;海南岛地区在早志留世明显属于扬子地台区的范畴 ;从地质时间上还暗示南好组与其下伏的足赛岭组不可能存在角度不整合接触 ;  相似文献   

The succession of 38 upper Llandovery–lower Wenlock chitinozoan taxa from graptolitic horizons in the Banwy River section (Powys, Wales) is described. Five new species are named: Bursachitina nestorae Conochitina leviscapulae Conochitina mathrafalensis Belonechitina cavei Belonechitina meifodensis . A further ten taxa are described under open nomenclature. Seven chitinozoan biozones are recognized in the Banwy River section, three of which ( Cingulochitina bouniensis Conochitina acuminata Salopochitina bella ) are new. The base of each biozone is correlated with the graptolite biostratigraphical scheme as follows: Angochitina longicollis Biozone — upper spiralis Biozone; Conochitina acuminata Biozone — lowermost lapworthi Biozone; Margachitina banwyensis Biozone — upper lapworthi Biozone; Margachitina margaritana Biozone — lowermost insectus Biozone; Cingulochitina bouniensis Biozone — upper murchisoni Biozone; Salopochitina bella Biozone — upper firmus Biozone. The succession of chitinozoan biozones in the Banwy River section is compared with that in other sections which have graptolite biostratigraphical control. This has highlighted the following: (1) the correlation of the base of the dolioliformis Biozone with the graptolite biozonation is imprecise; (2) E. dolioliformis is recorded only from levels after the first A. longicollis in Sweden (although this may reflect previously unrecognized synonymies); (3) the longicollis Biozone may be diachronous, its base correlating with levels low in the Telychian in Sweden, Norway and Estonia and with the upper Telychian spiralis Biozone in Wales and the Prague Basin; (4) data herein and from the Prague Basin indicate that the base of the margaritana Biozone correlates with a level low in the insectus Biozone.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The taxonomy and biostratigraphy of the Aeronian graptoloid graptolites of the Tanezzuft Formation (Murzuq Basin and Al Qarqaf Arch area) is presented and discussed with respect to their palaeoenvironmental setting and palaeobiogeographical links. The gregarius-libycus , ' leptotheca ', convolutus and sedgwickii assemblage biozones and tenuis Subzone are recognized and correlated with the generalized zonal scheme and with graptoloid successions in peri-Gondwanan Europe. The Rhuddanian/Aeronian boundary is tentatively placed at the base of the gregarius-libycus Biozone. Telychian faunas have not been identified. Fourteen of the 23 species recorded herein belong to the middle Aeronian convolutus Biozone assemblage. The overall low diversity may be the result of inhabiting unstable, occasionally turbulent and/or oxic environments. The lowest diversity, but with abundant graptoloid rhabdosomes, is observed in proximal silty and sandy deposits. The presence of ' Paraclimacograptus' libycus suggests biogeographical links to Aeronian graptolite faunas of Jordan and South America. The convolutus Zone assemblage is very similar to the coeval faunas of the Saudi Arabian Qusayba shales. The occurrence of several species endemic to northern and north-western Gondwana and peri-Gondwana provides further evidence for a distinct palaeoclimatic/palaeolatitudinal control on graptolite distribution.  相似文献   

乌科剖面位于四川布拖县乌科乡境内。在此剖面的石门坎组上碎屑岩段中产有相当丰富的介形类丽足介目,特别是球茎介科的化石。经研究、鉴定,初步划分出2个属和6个种,其中包括3个新种(Entomozoe bispinosa sp.nov.,E.suboblongasp.nov.,E.wukeensis sp.nov.),1个比较种和2个未定种。在分析上述属、种,特别是相关种的地质、地理分布特征的基础上,并参考其他门类化石(如腕足类动物群)和岩石性质,提出石门坎组上碎屑岩段可能要低于笔石M.crispus带上部,大致相当于志留纪兰多维列世特列奇期早期。Entomozoe和球茎介科的最早代表推测是产自石门坎组上碎屑岩段Entomozoe的那些分子,如E.suboblongasp.nov.,而非E.tuberosa(Jones),1861(或其亲缘种E.aff.tuberosa)(Siveter et al.,1990,2006)。文中还就上述丽足介目动物群的生态环境进行了分析,指出石门坎组上碎屑岩段可能是在陆棚浅水到相对较深水、能量较低的、温暖的开阔海环境下沉积的。  相似文献   

Kiipli, T., Kallaste, T., Nestor, V. & Loydell, D.K. 2010: Integrated Telychian (Silurian) K-bentonite chemostratigraphy and biostratigraphy in Estonia and Latvia. Lethaia , Vol. 43, pp. 32–44.
The distribution of altered volcanic ash layers (K-bentonites) and Telychian chitinozoans in four East Baltic drill core sections are compared. This information is integrated with graptolite and conodont biozonations to give a precise correlation chart using four different stratigraphical tools: K-bentonite-based chemostratigraphy; chitinozoan biostratigraphy; graptolite biostratigraphy; and, conodont biostratigraphy. Thickness variations in the K-bentonites suggest that the source of the volcanic ash was to the west and north-west.  相似文献   

Llandovery sporomorphs and graptolites have been recovered from the Manbo Formation, Mojiang area, western Yunnan, China, which belonged to the Indo-China Palaeoplate in the Palaeozoic. The graptolite fauna, including 8 genera and 12 species, is considered Mid Telychian, Llandovery in geological age, confirming the existence of Llandovery rocks in this region. The Silurian stratigraphical sequence of this area is reconsidered as in the ascending order: Manbo Formation (Llandovery–early Wenlock), Shuiqing Formation (late Wenlock–Ludlow) and unnamed formation (Pridoli?). The sporomorph assemblage from the Manbo Formation includes seven species in five genera. The dominant members of this assemblage are Tetrahedraletes medinensis and Laevolancis chibrikovae. Based on the low diversity and low abundance, the geological age of this assemblage is considered to be approximately the Telychian, Llandovery. The parent plants of sporomorphs probably inhabited the landmass near Mojiang area, these sporomorph-producing plants probably included bryophyte-like land plants and primitive vascular land plants. The sporomorph evidence shows that the South China and Indo-China palaeoplates may have been in close proximity (maybe with some continental bridges linking them) to each other at least in the Llandovery. They were also closely related with Gondwanaland in the Llandovery.  相似文献   

Based on a systematic study of Tremadocian graptolites from the Early Ordovician Yehli Formation at Dayangcha, Baishan of Jilin, NE China, a revised graptolite zonation is proposed for the Tremadocian rocks in the area. In ascending order, the graptolite zones include theRhabdinopora flabelliformis parabola Zone, theAnisograptus matanensis Zone, thePsigraptus jacksoni Zone and theAorograptus victoriae Zone. The first three zones are discussed with their definitions and durations clarified, whereas the last zone is introduced for the first time as a replacement of the formerAdelograptus-Clonograptus Zone. The entire Yehli Formation is considered to be older than the late Tremadocian Hunneberg Substage of Scandinavia, the latter being represented by the carbonate-dominated basal part of the overlying Liangchiashan Formation where no graptolites have so far been discovered. The Tremadocian succession in the Dayangcha area is regarded as being representative of the North China (Sino-Korea) Palaeoplate, and a correlation of the Tremadocian graptolite sequence with those of other continents is suggested. Nine species belonging toDendrograptus, Aspidograptus, Callograptus andAirograptus of the family Dendroidae, and eight species ofPsigraptus, Adelograptus, Aorograptus andKiaerograptus of the family Anisograptidae are described and some are revised in the present paper. Among the important revisions are the reconstructed proximal development ofPsigraptus jacksoni based on partially three-dimensional specimens from the area, and the complex thecal structures ofAspidograptus.   相似文献   

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