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江苏大丰石炭纪及早二叠世栖霞期䗴类   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
本文研究的材料是地质矿产部华东石油地质局在江苏大丰地区一个钻井的岩芯中采集的。(竹蜓)化石样品有15个,经鉴定有11属38种,含(竹蜓)层位分别归于下石炭统和州组、上石炭统黄龙组及船山组、下二叠统栖霞组。栖霞组之上覆地层为浦口组,二者呈不整合接触,和州组之下为高骊山组,再下为金陵组。苏北平原在地层分区的归属上,属于华南地层区(张遴  相似文献   

从层孔虫化石论述鄂西南、黔东北早志留世地层   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
过去一般都认为以页岩为主的龙马溪组属早志留世与兰多维列期相当;罗惹坪组(或石牛栏组)以灰岩为主,代表中志留世与温洛克期对比;纱帽组以砂岩、页岩为主,属晚志留世,相当于罗德洛期。根据近年来的研究,认为本区无晚志留世的沉积,中志留世的地层也发育不全;而且岩相变化很大,以碳酸盐岩的出现就作为中志留世沉积的开始,这种划分方法是不合适的。本区介壳相沉积与笔石相沉积,在横向上是互相变换互为消长的。标准地点的罗惹坪组和石牛栏组的全部以及纱帽组,韩家店组的大部均为早志留世的沉积。本区的分层系统自下而上:下志留统为龙马溪组、香树园组、雷家屯组、马脚冲组、溶溪组;中志留统为秀山组、回星哨组。  相似文献   

近年来,我们在那丹哈达岭灰岩中首次找到(竹蜓)类,并在泥质板岩硅质板岩找到了放射虫化石,为地层划分对比提供确切证据.根据(竹蜓)类,已分别归入中石炭统、上石炭统和下二叠统.早二叠世(竹蜓)类将另文发表.中石炭世含(竹蜓)地层称二联桥组(C_2e),可分三个岩段.下部为火山碎屑岩段,主要岩性为凝灰质砂岩、凝灰质砾岩、粉砂质板岩、粉砂岩及硅质岩,常含放射虫化石,厚1,789米;中部为板岩段,主要岩性为粉砂质板岩夹生物结晶  相似文献   

潘江 《古生物学报》1963,(1):124-137
1958年,秦岭区域地质测量大队在陕西省山阳县一带进行区域地质测量时,在所谓早志留世地层中采集了许多化石,计有床板珊瑚、腕足类和海百合茎等。据该队资料,该地地层岩性下部主要为灰色、灰黑色、灰黄色钙质千枚岩,薄层灰岩;上部为石灰岩、千枚岩、砂岩,共厚约400余米。其与下伏早中奥陶世地层呈平行不整合接触,与上复中、晚志留世地层呈整合接触。床板珊瑚等化石采自上部灰岩层中。  相似文献   

长期以来,我国地层古生物学者对南郑组的时代归属意见分歧较大,有人主张归属晚奥陶世,而不少人则主张归属早志留世.李跃西等(1975)认为:"大巴山西段的达尔曼虫层是在沉积间断面之上,与下志留统为连续沉积.因此,不论欧洲或我国其他各地怎样划法,大巴山西段的达尔曼虫层应该归属下志留统较为合适."近年来,扬子区和江南区含 Dalmanitina 的观音桥层和偃口组均划归上奥陶统,那么,汉中梁山南郑组究竟归属早志留世,还是归属晚奥陶世,自然成为广大地层古生物学者所关注的问题.为此,笔者于1985年夏前往汉中梁山实地测制了南郑组的剖面,并详细采集化石,共发现笔石8属25种.这些笔石(除新种和 Di-  相似文献   

吉林二道沟组的床板珊瑚型珊瑚   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
二道沟组床板珊瑚群含有常见于欧亚地区下泥盆统的一些重要属种,如Favositesmultiplicatus,Squamelfavosites gurjevskiensis和Pachyfavosites rariporosus,同时未发现常见于上志留统的分子。据此,二道沟组珊瑚群时代应是早泥盆世而下是过去所谓的晚志留世。二道沟组与南天山的阿尔皮什麦布拉克组可能相当,同属于下泥盆统下部。描述床珊瑚和日  相似文献   

吉林省中部二道沟组的牙形刺   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
吉林省中部二道沟组地层时代的研究已有40多年的历史,但在时代归属上众说不一,主要是中志留世、晚志留世或早泥盆世之争。据刘发、黄柱熙(1977)的研究,吉林省中部的张家屯组产腕足类Aegiria grayi, Leptostrophia guizhouensis, Farden? laura, Striispirifer cf. acuminiplicatum,S.eudora;三叶虫Encrinuroides sp., Coronocephalus sp.,可以肯定张家屯组为中志留世。二道沟组下段产腕足类Isorthis clivosa,I.  相似文献   

论十字珊瑚科(Stauriidae)的分类和演化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
前言十字珊瑚科(Stauriidae)是我国志留系最常见的珊瑚群之一,种类很多,分布广泛。除东北、内蒙古地区尚未发现外,其它各大区均有产出。主要产于华中西南区早志留世晚期,石牛栏组下段及其相当层位,中志留世秀山组(或宁强组)只有少数属种,晚志留世的尚无报道。  相似文献   

吉林省延边地区晚石炭世腕足动物   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李莉  谷峰 《古生物学报》1980,(6):483-491
前言东北北部晚古生代地层及古生物,以往报道不多。1963年,杨启伦、李西昆根据大量地层及腕足类(笔者鉴定)、(?)类(韩建修鉴定)等方面的资料,将延边地区的“图们群”(豆蒲层)划分为上石炭统山秀岭组,下二叠统庙岭组、柯岛组,上二叠统开山屯组。本文报道的腕足类化石采自延吉县开山屯西南10公里之山秀岭地区(东经129°40′,北纬42°37′)山秀岭组。  相似文献   

湖南邵东早石炭世早期介形类新属种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1980—1981年,笔者在邵东组的标准地点——湖南邵东界岭王冲剖面上泥盆统锡矿山组上段(砂岩段或“岳麓砂岩”)和下石炭统岩关阶邵东组至孟公坳组采到丰富的介形类化石,这些介形类的发现将有助于湘中地区下石炭统地层的划分和对比,为泥盆系一石炭系界限的划分增添新资料。本文仅描述湖南邵东界岭下石炭统邵东组和孟公坳组部分  相似文献   

A recent study of conodonts from the Wuxiahe Formation (lower to middle part) in the Ziyang-Langao region suggested its age of middle Telychian (Llandovery) to lower Sheinwoodian (Wenlock), contradicted by subsequent graptolite studies indicating an age of late Telychian for the same interval. New samples from the Qiaoxi section for conodonts to re-access the age of the Wuxiahe Formation collected in this study show that the lower to middle part of the formation belongs to the Pterospathodus amorphognathoides amorphognathoides Biozone, suggesting the age of late Telychian; thus, the Llandovery–Wenlock boundary in the section is most probably higher than previously estimated, but its precise position is not determined since the identification of the Wenlock graptolite Cyrtograptus cf. lundgreni in the section is to be further confirmed. Based on the conodont faunas recognized in the Qiaoxi and Tianwancun sections, the base of the Wuxiahe Formation in the Ziyang-Langao region is diachronous, i.e., not higher than the upper Telychian Pterospathodus amorphognathoides amorphognathoides Biozone at Qiaoxi, but not lower than the lower Sheinwoodian Kockelella ranuliformis Biozone at the Tianwancun setion.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The taxonomy and biostratigraphy of the Aeronian graptoloid graptolites of the Tanezzuft Formation (Murzuq Basin and Al Qarqaf Arch area) is presented and discussed with respect to their palaeoenvironmental setting and palaeobiogeographical links. The gregarius-libycus , ' leptotheca ', convolutus and sedgwickii assemblage biozones and tenuis Subzone are recognized and correlated with the generalized zonal scheme and with graptoloid successions in peri-Gondwanan Europe. The Rhuddanian/Aeronian boundary is tentatively placed at the base of the gregarius-libycus Biozone. Telychian faunas have not been identified. Fourteen of the 23 species recorded herein belong to the middle Aeronian convolutus Biozone assemblage. The overall low diversity may be the result of inhabiting unstable, occasionally turbulent and/or oxic environments. The lowest diversity, but with abundant graptoloid rhabdosomes, is observed in proximal silty and sandy deposits. The presence of ' Paraclimacograptus' libycus suggests biogeographical links to Aeronian graptolite faunas of Jordan and South America. The convolutus Zone assemblage is very similar to the coeval faunas of the Saudi Arabian Qusayba shales. The occurrence of several species endemic to northern and north-western Gondwana and peri-Gondwana provides further evidence for a distinct palaeoclimatic/palaeolatitudinal control on graptolite distribution.  相似文献   

海南岛昌江地区石炭纪牙形刺化石   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
海南岛昌江地区前人所称南好组第四段及第三段分别发现的牙形刺Siphonodella isosticha-S.cooperi组合及Mesogondolella clarki组合,表明该组包括了早石炭早期及晚石炭世早中期,而不是传统的认为的属早石炭世并可能包括中-晚泥盆世,同时还证实原南好组第三段层位远远高于第四段,而不是位于其下,从而纠正了前人长期沿用的该地区石炭系层序的错误,并指出昌江地区石炭纪牙形刺属华南古生物地理系。  相似文献   

The succession of 38 upper Llandovery–lower Wenlock chitinozoan taxa from graptolitic horizons in the Banwy River section (Powys, Wales) is described. Five new species are named: Bursachitina nestorae Conochitina leviscapulae Conochitina mathrafalensis Belonechitina cavei Belonechitina meifodensis . A further ten taxa are described under open nomenclature. Seven chitinozoan biozones are recognized in the Banwy River section, three of which ( Cingulochitina bouniensis Conochitina acuminata Salopochitina bella ) are new. The base of each biozone is correlated with the graptolite biostratigraphical scheme as follows: Angochitina longicollis Biozone — upper spiralis Biozone; Conochitina acuminata Biozone — lowermost lapworthi Biozone; Margachitina banwyensis Biozone — upper lapworthi Biozone; Margachitina margaritana Biozone — lowermost insectus Biozone; Cingulochitina bouniensis Biozone — upper murchisoni Biozone; Salopochitina bella Biozone — upper firmus Biozone. The succession of chitinozoan biozones in the Banwy River section is compared with that in other sections which have graptolite biostratigraphical control. This has highlighted the following: (1) the correlation of the base of the dolioliformis Biozone with the graptolite biozonation is imprecise; (2) E. dolioliformis is recorded only from levels after the first A. longicollis in Sweden (although this may reflect previously unrecognized synonymies); (3) the longicollis Biozone may be diachronous, its base correlating with levels low in the Telychian in Sweden, Norway and Estonia and with the upper Telychian spiralis Biozone in Wales and the Prague Basin; (4) data herein and from the Prague Basin indicate that the base of the margaritana Biozone correlates with a level low in the insectus Biozone.  相似文献   

乌科剖面位于四川布拖县乌科乡境内。在此剖面的石门坎组上碎屑岩段中产有相当丰富的介形类丽足介目,特别是球茎介科的化石。经研究、鉴定,初步划分出2个属和6个种,其中包括3个新种(Entomozoe bispinosa sp.nov.,E.suboblongasp.nov.,E.wukeensis sp.nov.),1个比较种和2个未定种。在分析上述属、种,特别是相关种的地质、地理分布特征的基础上,并参考其他门类化石(如腕足类动物群)和岩石性质,提出石门坎组上碎屑岩段可能要低于笔石M.crispus带上部,大致相当于志留纪兰多维列世特列奇期早期。Entomozoe和球茎介科的最早代表推测是产自石门坎组上碎屑岩段Entomozoe的那些分子,如E.suboblongasp.nov.,而非E.tuberosa(Jones),1861(或其亲缘种E.aff.tuberosa)(Siveter et al.,1990,2006)。文中还就上述丽足介目动物群的生态环境进行了分析,指出石门坎组上碎屑岩段可能是在陆棚浅水到相对较深水、能量较低的、温暖的开阔海环境下沉积的。  相似文献   

宁夏的含(竹蜓)地层出露较好,剖面和柱状剖面有7处.含(竹蜓)地层自下而上为:下石炭统臭牛沟组、中卫组,上石炭统羊虎沟组,上石炭—下二叠统太原组.(竹蜓)动物群有15属68种及亚种,其中1新种.可建立(竹蜓)化石带 Eostaffella-Mediocris 带 (C_1), Profusulinella 带 (C_2~1) 及 Sphaeroschwagertna 带 (P_1~1),并与甘肃靖远及华北地台其它地区的(竹蜓)化石带对比.  相似文献   

新疆若羌石灰华中的植物化石及古环境*   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
根据首次从富阳西湖组发现的孢子及其垂直分布特征,划分出下段 LH 组合和上段 DP 组合,分别归入晚泥盆世法门晚期(斯图年期)和早石炭世早期(杜内早期),即泥盆-石炭系界线通过西湖组内部,与江苏五通组类似.  相似文献   

新疆乌什下寒武统肖尔布拉克组软舌螺化石   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
首次描述了采自新疆乌什县乌什磷矿肖尔布拉克组中部Kepingaspis-Tianshanocephalus带中的2个软舌螺新种Conotheca xinjiangensis sp.nov.,Nitorcornus wushiensis sp.nov.和下部Ushbaspis带中的1个软舌螺未定种Adyshevitheca?sp.。这些软舌螺化石材料为研究新疆乌什地区下寒武统中部地层与邻区相当层位的对比提供了新的证据,认为肖尔布拉克组中部2个三叶虫化石带和其中的软舌螺化石相当于我国扬子地台下寒武统沧浪铺阶中部,即乌龙箐亚阶和红井哨亚阶之间,可与俄罗斯西伯利亚和哈萨克斯坦下寒武统波特姆阶(Botomian)中的三叶虫带Ushbaspis和软舌螺带Erraticornus-Nitorcornus带对比。  相似文献   

Four proetid trilobite species, Chuanqianoproetus guizhouensis Yin in Yin and Li, 1978, C. shuangheensis Wu, 1977, C. sp., and Latiproetus guizhouensis Yin in Yin and Li, 1978, are described from the Ningqiang Formation in Ningqiang County, Shaanxi, China. They are middle Telychian (Llandovery, Silurian) in age. Chuanqianoproetus and Latiproetus are both regarded as members of the subfamily Warburgellinae; the former has been considered to be a junior subjective synonym of Astroproetus, but on the basis of its morphology we argue here that they represent two independent genera. The poorly sorted bioclastic grainstones containing trilobite sclerites may indicate their deposition in turbulent conditions on an open marine platform.  相似文献   

Margachitina margaritana is a distinctive, chain-forming chitinozoan taxon of the uppermost Telychian Stage (Llandovery Series) to lower Homerian Stage (Wenlock Series). M. margaritana is shown to be the end member of a morphological lineage that developed from Calpichitina densa via the intermediate Margachitina banwyensis sp. nov. A local M. banwyensis Biozone, which correlates with the upper lapworthi graptolite Biozone, is proposed for the Banwy River section. The morphological lineage described provides a tool for the enhanced subdivision of the uppermost Llandovery Series, which may prove global in extent. This research suggests also that the base of the Wenlock Series may correlate with a level below the centrifugus graptolite Biozone and it also brings into question the systematic status of Calpichitina and Margachitina, although both genera are retained herein.  相似文献   

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