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运用Heath-Carter人体测量法,对云南省迪庆400例康巴藏族成人和西藏林芝507例卫藏藏族成人进行了体型研究。卫藏藏族男性(5.0-6.2-1.1)和康巴藏族男性(4.4-5.1-1.6)均为偏内胚层的中胚层体型。卫藏藏族女性(5.7-6.1-0.8)和康巴藏族女性(5.6-5.7-1.1)均为内胚层-中胚层均衡型体型。总体上看,卫藏藏族和康巴藏族体型具有一致性,也存在差异。卫藏藏族男、女性和康巴藏族男、女性都属于身体线性度低,骨骼、肌肉发达,体脂丰满的体型。卫藏藏族男性、女性比康巴藏族男性、女性的脂肪更多一些,肌肉、骨骼更发达一些,体态更丰满一些。本文从藏族族源的形成以及生活环境的视角,探讨了同为藏族的卫藏与康巴藏族之间体型的异同,和同为生活在高海拔族群间体型差异产生的原因。研究结果提示藏族具有中国北方民族的体型特征。藏族的多脂肪,骨骼肌肉发达,身体粗壮的体型特征也是对高原环境的适应。  相似文献   

胡荣 《人类学学报》2021,40(5):824-833
史料记载早在唐代以前畲族就居住在粤、闽、赣三省的交界处,现今畲族主要分布在福建、浙江、江西、广东、安徽、湖南、贵州等7个省份,但关于畲族的起源与迁移在学界一直存在较大争议。本研究在福建省福安市和福鼎市随机选取畲族年满18周岁的成人504人(其中男289人,女215人) 测量身高、体质量、肱骨内外上髁间径、股骨内外上髁间径、上臂紧张围、小腿围、肱三头肌皮褶、肩胛下皮褶、髂前上棘皮褶及小腿内侧皮褶等10 项体质指标,利用Heath-Carter 体型法分析福建东部畲族人群的体型,畲族男性平均体型(5.02-3.76-1.76)为偏中胚层的内胚层型,女性平均体型(6.91-3.50-1.23)为偏中胚层的内胚层型。将福建畲族三个因子值与其他少数民族及汉族进行比较,结果显示畲族体型与汉族群体更为接近,其中与闽南语族群汉族、闽东语族群汉族和广西汉族最为相近,与南方少数民族族群反而差异更大,提示在畲族的形成过程与汉族有着很大联系。本研究为畲族族源研究提供生物学方面的参考依据,也为我国人类学研究补充必要的数据和资料。  相似文献   

采用Heath-Carter人体测量法对家人成人311例(男159例,女152例)进行了体型研究。研究发现,家人男性的体型平均数为3.4-4.8-2.1,属于偏内胚层的中胚层体型;女性体型均数为4.9-4.7-1.3,属于内胚层-中胚层均衡型。家人性别间5个年龄组体型差异均具有统计学意义。随年龄增长,男性内因子值趋于变小,而且年龄组间内因子值具有明显差异。男性中因子、外因子与年龄均不相关,年龄组间中因子、外因子值的差异亦无统计学意义。女性内因子与年龄呈负相关,中因子、外因子与年龄均不具有相关(P>0.05)。内因子、中因子、外因子值在不同年龄组间的的差异具有统计学意义。家人男性与云南汉族、布依族、客家人、僜人、广西汉族体型接近,家人女性与客家人、怒族、僜人、侗族体型最为接近。在中国南方族群中,家人身体脂肪含量较多,骨骼、肌肉含量中等,身体相对粗壮些。家人与生活在南方的汉族族群体型相对接近。  相似文献   

采用Heath-Carter人体测量法对家人成人311例(男159例,女152例)进行了体型研究。研究发现,家人男性的体型平均数为3.4-4.8-2.1,属于偏内胚层的中胚层体型;女性体型均数为4.9-4.7-1.3,属于内胚层-中胚层均衡型。家人性别间5个年龄组体型差异均具有统计学意义。随年龄增长,男性内因子值趋于变小,而且年龄组间内因子值具有明显差异。男性中因子、外因子与年龄均不相关,年龄组间中因子、外因子值的差异亦无统计学意义。女性内因子与年龄呈负相关,中因子、外因子与年龄均不具有相关(P0.05)。内因子、中因子、外因子值在不同年龄组间的的差异具有统计学意义。家人男性与云南汉族、布依族、客家人、僜人、广西汉族体型接近,家人女性与客家人、怒族、僜人、侗族体型最为接近。在中国南方族群中,家人身体脂肪含量较多,骨骼、肌肉含量中等,身体相对粗壮些。家人与生活在南方的汉族族群体型相对接近。  相似文献   

2009年至2012年研究组调查了中国南方汉族15154例(男性为7340例,女性为7814例)的身高、体重和16项测量指标,并计算出12项指数,将南方汉族与蒙古人种北亚类型族群、南亚类型族群及东亚类型族群的韩国人、日本人进行了比较。结果显示:1)南方汉族头面部主要指标介于北亚、南亚类型族群之间;南方汉族男性更接近于北亚类型族群,而南方汉族女性比男性头面部特征更接近南亚类型族群。2)南方汉族男性头部的长、宽、高、围度小于东亚类型族群,面部比韩国人、日本人狭窄;南方汉族女性头的长、宽、围度、下颌角间宽值小于韩国人、日本人,头较高,面部比韩国人、日本人狭窄。南方汉族男性、女性与韩国人、日本人体质差异较大。3)聚类分析结果提示,中国南方汉族与韩国人、日本人体质差异较大。南方汉族男性体质相对接近于北亚类型族群,女性体质介于北亚、南亚类型族群之间。华南汉族体质在南方汉族中有一定的特殊性。  相似文献   

为研究门巴族、珞巴族和夏尔巴人的身体成分特点,2016年在西藏采用生物电阻抗法测量了门巴族276例(男性为98例,女性为178例)、珞巴族93例(男性为34例,女性为59例)和夏尔巴人181例(男性为97例,女性为84例)的19项身体成分指标。运用Excel2003和SPSS19对各项指标进行统计学分析。结果显示,门巴族女性和珞巴族女性体脂率均值处于肥胖范围。门巴族男性内脏脂肪等级均数为10.26,属于内脏肥胖型,这可能会导致相关疾病的高发。门巴族与珞巴族男性身体成分具有明显的一致性,且与藏族、木雅人男性接近。3个族群女性肌肉量接近,夏尔巴人男性肌肉量低于门巴族和珞巴族,但夏尔巴人体重轻,肌肉率远高于门巴族和珞巴族。目前国内对门巴族、珞巴族和夏尔巴人的体成分研究尚处于空白。此次调查研究,丰富了西藏地区人群的体质数据,对提高营养健康水平和身体素质具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

采用Heath-Carter体型法研究了中国蒙古族14个族群4810例(男性2117例,女性2693例)的体型。蒙古族内因子、中因子与年龄呈显著正相关,外因子与年龄呈显著负相关,即随年龄增长,身体线性度变小,体型趋于圆粗。蒙古族男性、女性体型都集中于偏内胚层的中胚层体型、内胚层-中胚层均衡体型、偏中胚层的内胚层体型。随着年龄增长,这3种体型的出现率均与年龄呈显著正相关,即蒙古族体型有向这3种体型集中的趋势。和汉族人相比,蒙古族身体更粗壮。主成分分析结果显示,东北三省蒙古族身体线性度小,体脂发达,骨骼和肌肉量较少。在体型图上北方蒙古族的点分布密集,说明北方蒙古族彼此体型比较接近,而南方的云南蒙古族由于内因子值小、外因子大,位点与北方蒙古族相距较远。在已经开展Heath-Carter体型法研究的中国族群中,蒙古族是体脂最为发达、身体线性度很小的民族。  相似文献   

西藏藏族青少年体型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了探讨藏族青少年体型发育特征及其规律, 本文应用Heath-Carter体型法对2530名藏族青少年体型进行评价。结果发现, 藏族青少年的平均体型男性为偏中胚层的外胚层型(2.40—3.29—3.72),女性为中间型(3.65—2.87—3.32); 男性的体型以外胚层系体型为主(58.52%), 女性体型以内胚层系(32.62%)和外胚层系为主(35.40%); 随着年龄的增长, 藏族青少年的体型发展有一定的规律, 男性由中胚层-外胚层均衡型经偏中胚层的外胚层型又发展回中胚层-外胚层均衡型, 女性由中胚层-外胚层均衡型经历均衡的外胚层型发展为均衡的内胚层型。因此, 本文认为,藏族男性青少年身体的线性程度高、外形上比较瘦削、肌肉较发达; 藏族女性青少年较男性身体的脂肪含量多、线性程度相对较高。  相似文献   

中国夏尔巴人是未识别民族。本文研究中国夏尔巴人体型特点,并通过夏尔巴人与中国其他族群体型比较,从体质人类学角度为夏尔巴人的族源研究提出新的证据。测量夏尔巴人的体质数据,采用Heath-Carter法计算夏尔巴人的体型值,通过主成分分析法分析夏尔巴人与其他族群体型的特点和相似程度,从体质人类学方面对夏尔巴人的族源提出看法。西藏夏尔巴人男性平均体型为均衡的中胚层体型,体脂发育水平中等,骨骼、肌肉比较发达,身体线性度中等。女性平均体型为偏内胚层的中胚层体型,夏尔巴人女性的体型特点是体脂欠发达,骨骼和肌肉含量中等,身体线性度中等。夏尔巴人男性、女性与怒族、木雅人、尔苏人体型接近。体部特征分析不支持夏尔巴人是藏族分支的观点。体型特征支持夏尔巴人源于党项羌的观点。  相似文献   

本项目采用人体测量法,测量了976名(男性528人,女性448人)湖南土家族成人的身高、体质量以及肱三头肌、肩胛下、髂前上和小腿内侧皮褶的厚度,并根据公式计算体密度、体脂率、脂肪质量、脂肪质量指数、瘦体质量和瘦体质量指数。结果显示随年龄增长,小腿内侧皮褶厚度值逐渐减小,肱三头肌、肩胛下和髂前上棘皮褶以及体脂率、脂肪质量、瘦体质量、体质量指数、脂肪质量指数和瘦体质量指数值先增大后减小,体密度值先减小后增大;各年龄组中体密度、瘦体质量及其指数值女性明显低于男性,4项皮褶厚度值以及体脂率、脂肪质量及其指数值女性高于男性;与布朗族等24个族群比较,湖南土家族成人皮褶厚度处于中等水平,与门巴族、珞巴族、僜人、彝族等族群的亲缘关系较近。  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to determine the possible relationships between anthropometrical and health-related fitness parameters in obese middle-aged women. Twenty one obese (BMI > 27 kg/m2) and 12 control (BMI < 27 kg/m2) middle-aged females (35-45 yrs) participated in this investigation. Three series of anthropometrical measurements on the right side of the body were taken according to the O-scale physique assessment system. The Heath-Carter anthropometric somatotyping method was used and the ratio of waist to hip circumferences was calculated. The body composition was measured using bioelectrical impedance method (Bodystat-500, UK). The following health-related fitness tests used were: dynamic sit-up, hand grip, sit-and-reach, single leg balance and plate tapping. Physical working capacity (PWC) was measured using single ergometer test. Obese women possessed significantly higher (p < 0.05) values for skinfold, girth and breadth measurements. While the differences in somatotype indices were not statistically significant (p > 0.05) between obese and control groups, the transformation of somatotype characteristics to the effect sizes (ESs) revealed that these differences were large (ectomorphy: ES = 1.73; endomorphy: ES = 1.64; mesomorphy: ES = 1.71). Relative aerobic fitness (VO2max/kg, calculated from PWC) and dynamic sit-up were higher (p < 0.05) in control subjects, while obese women presented significantly higher values for hand grip strength. The thicker skinfold thicknesses increased the absolute value of PWC in obese group (r = 0.39-0.57; p < 0.05). In contrast, the thinner skinfold thicknesses in suprailiac and mid-thigh significantly increased the absolute value of PWC in control women. There were only a few significant correlations between girth and breadth measures, and health-related fitness parameters. In addition, somatotype characteristics seldom influenced the results of health-related fitness tests. Stepwise multiple regression analysis demonstrated that health-related fitness test items were more dependent on the anthropometrical parameters in obese than in control women.  相似文献   

人体测量指标与掌指纹特征之间的相关研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张继宗 《人类学学报》1991,10(3):231-237
本文对106名中国东北汉族女性进行了活体测量,并拓取了掌指纹。样本的年龄范围为18—34岁。所分析的人体测量指标共41项,掌指纹指标共59项。将人体测量指标与掌指纹指标同时输入电子计算机,进行了100项实验指标间的相关分析,并做了相关显著性检验。在41项人体测量指标中,有35项指标与掌指纹特征有相关关系。其中与掌指纹特征同时相关的人体测量特征有18项,与指纹特征相关的人体测量指标有2项,与掌纹相关的人体测量指标有15项。与掌指纹特征同时相关的人体测量特征,与遗传因素之间的相互关系大于与指纹相关的人体测量特征。与指纹相关的人体测量特征,与遗传因素的关系,要大于与掌纹相关的人体测量特征。  相似文献   

Asymmetry of paired dimensions has been recognized as a methodological problem in anthropometry and more recently as an indicator of environmental stress. This study seeks to determine the extent of directional asymmetry for some of the measurements commonly made in anthropometry. Upper arm circumference, biepicondylar breadth, triceps and subscapular skinfolds, bicondylar breadth of the femur, and calf circumference were measured on right and left sides among 135 white adolescents from suburban Philadelphia. Handedness (right or nonright) was subject-assessed. Body composition was estimated through underwater weighing. Asymmetry was evaluated using a paired t test. Arm measurements are significantly asymmetric in favor of the right side; subscapular skinfolds and leg measurements are not significantly asymmetric. Among the sample of right-handed subjects (n = 116), upper arm circumference and biepicondylar breadth were significantly larger on the right side, and, among the males of this subsample, triceps was as well. The nonright-handed subjects (n = 19) did not show statistically significant asymmetry. Asymmetry was negatively but weakly related to body composition. These results are consistent with an explanation in terms of preferred use of one side of the body and consequent muscle hypertrophy, but an adequate test of this explanation requires hypothesis testing in larger samples of nonright-handed subjects.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine how the legs bone mineral density (BMD) is influenced by anthropometry and vertical jumping height in prepubertal children. In total, 64 8-11-year-old schoolchildren (27 boys and 37 girls) were studied. All children were at Tanner stage 1. The subjects' height and body mass were measured and BMI calculated. The following anthropometric parameters directly connected with leg were measured: skinfolds--front thigh and medial calf girths--gluteal, thigh, mid-thigh, calf and ankle; lengths--iliospinale height, trochanterion height, trochanteriontibiale laterale, tibiale-laterale height and tibiale mediale-spyrion tibiale; and breadths--biiliocristal, foot length and biepicondylar femur. Total body and legs fat mass and fat %, lean body mass (LBM) and both legs BMD were measured by DXA. Maximal jumping height was measured on the contact mat. Stepwise multiple regression analysis indicated that body height in boys (54.6%; R2 x 100) and body mass in girls (57.3%) were the most important basic anthropometric parameters that influenced BMD in legs. From the measured skinfolds, that of the front thigh characterized legs BMD by 24.9-35.6%. From the girths, the most important parameter to characterize legs BMD was that of calf (50.0-59.1%). Tibiale laterale height was the only length parameter which was highly related with legs BMD (51.1-54.5%). Biepicondylar femur was the most important breadth parameter which characterized legs BMD (51.0-54.8%). Femur breadth and tibiale-laterale height were selected (68.7%) in boys, and tibiale-laterale height and front thigh skinfold thickness (66.0%) in girls when all measured leg anthropometric parameters were analyzed together. From the body composition parameters, the most important parameter to characterize legs BMD was legs LBM (48.9-59.5%). Jumping height did not correlate with legs BMD in any studied groups. In summary, the present study demonstrated that legs LBM together with tibiale-laterale height are the main predictors of legs BMD in prepubertal children.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty-five females were tested in order to: produce some normative percentage body fat (% BF) data on an Australian sample which represented a cross-section of physical activity patterns, cross-validate existing multiple regression equations which predict body density (BD) from anthropometric measurements, and if necessary develop population specific equations. Measurements were taken of 10 girths, 3 widths and 7 skinfolds. Body density was measured by underwater weighing with the residual volume (RV) being determined by helium dilution. The Siri equation was then used to convert BD to % BF. The % BF scores had an overall mean of 23.4 (range 10.8-49.2). The very active group (n = 45) had a significantly lower (p less than 0.05) relative body fat (X = 20.6% BF) than either the active (n = 45; 23.5% BF) or sedentary groups (n = 45; 26.2% BF). Previously published equations were found to have limited applicability to Australian subjects. A stepwise multiple regression was therefore used to develop the following equation (R = 0.893): BD(g X cm-3) = 1.16957-0.06447 (log10 sigma triceps, subscapular, supraspinale, front thigh, abdominal and calf skinfolds in mm)-0.00081 (gluteal girth in cm) + 0.0017 (forearm girth in cm) + 0.00606 (biepicondylar humerus breadth in cm). Only those predictors which resulted in a statistically significant increase in r (p less than or equal to 0.05) were included. The standard error of estimate of 0.00568 g X cm-3 was equivalent to 2.6% BF at the mean.  相似文献   

中国独龙族与莽人的体质特征   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
在云南省贡山县独龙江乡调查了200例(男为97例,女为103例)独龙族人的体质,在金平县金水河镇调查了56例(男33例,女23例)莽人的体质,计算了体质指数,统计了指数分型情况。研究结果显示:1)独龙族、莽人体质特征接近,并与侗、拉祜、彝、德昂族较为一致。2)在蒙古人种南亚类型诸人群中,独龙族、莽人眼内角间宽值较大,而其他多数指标值偏小。3)独龙族男女均以高头型、狭头型、中胸型、中骨盆型率最高。男性还以中头型、狭面型、中鼻型、长躯干型、中腿型、宽肩型率最高。女性还以圆头型、阔面型、狭鼻型、中躯干型、亚短腿型、窄肩型率最高。4)莽人男女均以中头型(头长宽指数)、高头型、中鼻型、中腿型、中胸型、宽肩型、中骨盆型率最高。男性还以中头型(头宽高指数)、阔面型、长躯干型率最高。女性还以狭头型、中躯干型率最高。女性超阔面型率与阔面型率相等。5)独龙族与莽人蒙古褶率低,鼻根高度较低、鼻宽值多大于我国蒙古人种北亚类型诸人群。  相似文献   

The growth and somatotype patterns of Manus children, Territory of Papua and New Guinea, reflected in anthropometric measurements and somatotype photographs, is reported for 438 children, ranging from 15 months of age to maturity. Somatotype distributions and individual somatotype photographs indicate little difference between boys and girls from age 1 to 4 years; between age 5 and 9 years boys shift toward higher second component ratings; between age 10 and 18 years boys shift toward higher second and third component ratings, while girls shift toward higher first and third component ratings. Four sample somatotype photographs are representative of the population at age 10 and 14 years, and show age and sex characters easily noted visually. Comparison of height, weight and subscapula skinfold values show that the Manus children resemble the Kaiapit and Bundi children of the New Guinea highlands populations reported by Malcolm in the form of their growth curves but not in growth rates. Manus children grow more slowly than the British, but faster than the Kaiapit and Bundi children. While low skinfold values and height/weight ratios derived from means for height and weight suggest somatotypic similarity of the Manus, Kaiapit and Bundi populations, somatotype photographs are needed for confirmation. Lacking historical information and genetic evidence, we can speculare that diet, nutrition, climate and perhaps physical activity are factors which influence the growth patterns of these populations. The protein intake derived from fish and other seafood may be an important factor in the relatively fast growth and earlier maturation of the Manus. Malcolm thinks that low protein intake plays an important role with the Kaiapit and Bundi, but does not rule out survival value of slow growth and short stature.  相似文献   

The nutritional status of Trio and Wajana is representative of a group living under primitive conditions in a favourable environment. In adults, skinfold thickness remains constant throughout life. The folds of females are thicker than those of males, the difference being most marked over the triceps and least at the subscapular. In children, skinfold thickness at the subscapular and suprailiac sites decreases from the 3–4 to the 5–6 age group, after which there is a rapid increase towards adult values. Age changes over the triceps are less marked, especially in males. Other measurements included arm and calf circumference, bone dimensions at the wrist, elbow, ankle and knee, weight, stature, leg and arm length and biacromial breadth. The two tribes differ significantly in several measurements. The Wajana are heavier but they tend to be shorter in stature, with shorter legs but broader elbows and wrists. Shoulder breadth and the circumference of the upper arm are greater in Wajana males but females do not show these differences. The Wajana have longer and broader heads, but the cephalic index is similar. The tribes also differ in hair texture.  相似文献   

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