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王亚  付成  胡月  付世建 《水生生物学报》2021,45(5):1154-1163
为了比较早期捕食胁迫经历和当前环境中存在的捕食者对鱼类行为的影响, 并考查这些影响是否存在种间差异, 研究分别考查了测定环境(有、无捕食者存在)对有、无捕食胁迫经历的鳊(Parabramis pekinensis)、草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)、鲫(Carassius auratus)和中华倒刺鲃(Spinibarbus sinensis)等4种鲤科鱼类探索性、活跃性和勇敢性的影响。结果发现: 早期捕食胁迫经历与当前环境条件对鱼类行为产生截然不同的影响, 且存在较大的种间差异。无捕食胁迫经历的鳊、草鱼和中华倒刺鲃均会对陌生的捕食者乌鳢(Channa argus)做出行为响应, 提示这3种鱼可能对陌生捕食者具有一定的识别能力, 但这种识别与猎物鱼通过捕食胁迫经历获得的识别仍具有一定差距; 具有捕食胁迫经历的鳊和中华倒刺鲃在空白环境中未表现出反捕食行为, 可能是节约能量的一种策略。总体而言, 草鱼对捕食胁迫经历和测定环境处理反应更为敏感, 而中华倒刺鲃的反应则相对保守。但当周围环境中存在捕食者时, 4种鲤科鱼类均会通过维持较高运动状态的方式来应对捕食者。维持这种应激状态可能对猎物鱼保持与捕食者的距离, 并随时保持警惕较为关键。  相似文献   

在自然界中,环境变化、季节更替和人为因素造成食物资源时空分布的不均一性,导致鱼类经常面临食物资源短缺的环境胁迫,对其能量代谢和行为造成一定影响。为考察食物资源短缺下暖水性鲤科鱼类能量代谢、个性与集群行为的应对策略及其可能的内在关联,选取中华倒刺鲃(Spinibarbus sinensis)幼鱼为实验对象,分别测定饥饿组(2周)和对照组(维持日粮)在处理前后实验鱼的标准代谢率(Standard metabolic rate,SMR)、个性行为(勇敢性、探索性和活跃性)以及实验处理后的集群行为(凝聚力和协调性)。研究发现:(1)饥饿组和对照组实验过程中实验鱼SMR均显著下降,但仅饥饿组实验鱼SMR具有重复性;(2)饥饿导致中华倒刺鲃幼鱼勇敢性、探索性、活跃性均显著增加;(3)饥饿导致群体成员间距离缩短,游泳速度及其同步性上升。研究表明:饥饿后的中华倒刺鲃不仅适应性降低SMR以减少能量消耗,而且呈现出更高的勇敢性、探索性和活跃性以利于获取食物资源;饥饿迫使中华倒刺鲃群体提高凝聚力和协调性,可能有助于提高群体的生存能力。  相似文献   

周杨  孙太福  黎勇  周密  孟秀祥 《生态学报》2018,38(21):7530-7538
采用焦点取样和扫描取样方法,对甘肃兴隆山麝场圈养马麝(Moschus sifanicus)交配季节及非交配季节进行行为取样。通过行为样本,对个体个性特征(活跃性、领域性、刻板性、探索性、行为冗余性)进行标准化处理,分析了年龄及性别对个性特征的效应,以及交配季节与非交配季节之间个性特征的差异,同时分析了马麝个性特征与泌香量的相互关系。结果表明:年龄增加对活跃性具有降低的效应(P0.05),并对非交配季节领域性具有降低效应(P0.05);非交配季节里雌性活跃性高于雄性(P0.05);不同季节间个性特征存在差异,交配季节活跃性与领域性均有高于非交配季节的趋势,并且活跃性与领域性在两季节间呈正相关关系(P0.05);雄麝泌香量与活跃性存在正相关关系(交配季节:r=0.518,P0.05;非交配季节:r=0.397,P0.05),与交配季节领域性同样具有正相关关系(r=0.406,P0.05)。本研究通过行为取样方法首次对马麝个性特征进行定量分析,探讨了将个性特征,特别是活跃性和领域性,作为泌香量预测指标的方法,对圈养动物个性研究的理论创新具有指导作用,同时对麝香及麝类资源的发展具有实践意义。  相似文献   

快速启动游泳是鱼类的游泳方式之一,与捕食和逃避敌害行为密切相关。为了考察饥饿对捕食者乌鳢(Channa argus)和猎物麦穗鱼(Pseudorasbora parva)快速启动游泳能力的影响及其与捕食-逃逸行为的关联,在水温(25±1)℃条件下,测定不同饥饿程度乌鳢[0、7、14、28、63(饥饿半致死)d]和麦穗鱼[0、7、14(饥饿半致死)d]的快速启动游泳能力并观测二者组成的捕食对的捕食-逃逸行为。结果表明:乌鳢快速启动的最大线速度(Vmax)、120 ms移动距离(S120ms)和最大线加速度(Amax)均显著大于麦穗鱼(P0.05),而二者的反应时滞(R)无显著差异;两种鱼的各快速启动参数均较保守,仅在半致死组(14 d或63 d)表现出Vmax、S120ms的下降和R的延长(P0.05),其中捕食者反应时滞的变化更为明显而猎物速度变化更为明显;14 d饥饿导致乌鳢捕食麦穗鱼的追击活动增加和成功捕食历时缩短;由于食物可获得性和觅食方式的差异,猎物鱼快速启动能力对饥饿的响应更为敏感,且二者在对策上存在差异;从捕食-逃逸的结果评判,同等程度的饥饿对捕食者可能更为有利。  相似文献   

付翔  付成  肖玲韬  樊捷  付世建 《生态学报》2022,42(8):3206-3215
为考察群体中不同的个性组成对鱼类集群行为的影响及其内在机制,选取中华倒刺鲃(Spinibarbus sinensis)幼鱼为实验对象,依次测定其活跃性和社会性,随后分别根据活跃性和社会性的高低分为高、低和混合活跃性(或社会性)鱼群,考察鱼群中不同个性组成对集群时的整体运动特征以及每尾鱼的个体运动特征的影响。研究发现:(1)中华倒刺鲃的个性特征稳定且个体间变异较大;(2)高活跃性鱼群的运动时间比和速度同步性均大于低活跃性鱼群,而混合鱼群位于二者之间且与两个同质性鱼群均无显著差异;高社会性鱼群速度同步性显著小于低社会性和混合社会性鱼群,而后两者之间没有显著差异。(3)活跃性特征与集群运动时每尾鱼的运动特征(速度及其同步性等)相关,社会性特征不仅与上述运动特征关联,还与凝聚力大小(距鱼群质心距离)相关。研究表明:(1)鱼群的活跃性和社会性组成均对集群行为产生重要影响,但其内在机制截然不同。主要表现为:就活跃性而言,群体的运动状态是由群体中所有成员共同决定(平均决定机制);就社会性而言,少数低社会性成员对鱼群的运动水平表现有着主导作用(少数决定机制);(2)实验鱼的活跃性在集群行为中得到了较大...  相似文献   

张嫱  付世建  夏继刚 《生态学报》2018,38(20):7223-7230
对化学预警信息(Chemical alarm cues,CAC)的识别与应答体现了鱼类在特定生理状态和特定环境下的生态策略,与动物的生存适合度密切相关。由于化学预警通讯和繁殖均为高能耗的生命活动,繁殖期鱼类的CAC通讯是否表现出基于能量代价-收益(Cost-benefit)的权衡成为值得关注的科学问题。本研究以具有特殊繁殖方式的高体鳑鲏(Rhodeus ocellatus)为实验对象,测定了繁殖IV期不同性别实验鱼对CAC的行为响应,并探究了实验鱼化学预警行为与其繁殖生理状态的关系。结果发现:(1)高体鳑鲏空间分布状态(底栖时间)和活跃状态(静止时间、运动距离、身体不重合度)均对CAC表现出明显的行为应答(P0.05),但逃逸行为(高速运动时间)不受CAC的影响(P0.05);(2)高体鳑鲏对CAC的响应无性别差异;(3)高体鳑鲏预警行为的变化与繁殖生理状态(性腺指数、产卵管长度、肥满度)无显著相关性(P0.05)。结果表明,繁殖期高体鳑鲏依然对CAC展现出一定程度的行为应答,然而其行为响应程度并不受繁殖生理状态以及性别的影响,这可能主要与该物种特殊的繁殖对策有关。  相似文献   

为考察鲤科鱼类易钓性种内差异的表型基础、生态结果及饥饿响应, 研究以异育银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio)幼鱼为实验对象, 在饥饿前(对照组)测定其表型特征(能量代谢、游泳能力和个性行为)并垂钓, 随后在饥饿1周后再次垂钓(饥饿组), 最后进行2周的恢复摄食生长实验(恢复组)。垂钓实验具有4个重复, 每个重复的样本量为40尾, 垂钓1.5h即停止, 垂钓20尾为钓出组, 剩余20尾为未钓出组。研究发现: 除钓出组的相对代谢空间(FAS)小于未钓出组外, 钓出组的外部形态(体重、体长和肥满度)、能量代谢参数(标准代谢率SMR、最大代谢率MMR和代谢空间AS)、游泳能力(最大匀加速游泳能力Ucat和最大有氧运动能力Ugt)及个性行为(探索性、活跃性和勇敢性)与未钓出组均无明显差异(所有P>0.05); 在经历捕食者模拟袭击后, 实验鱼勇敢性的潜伏时间比大于探索性, 导致勇敢性的运动时间比和穿门频率小于探索性。SMR与Ucat及Ugt不相关(P>0.05), 但MMR和AS与Ucat及Ugt均呈正相关(P<0.05); 能量代谢参数与个性行为存在部分相关。饥饿增加异育银鲫的垂钓总时间、单尾平均垂钓时间和单尾垂钓时间的变异系数。钓出组在饥饿期的特定生长率(SGR)小于未钓出组, 而恢复期钓出组的SGR与未钓出组无显著差异; 除MMR和AS外, SMR与饥饿期及恢复期的SGR均呈负相关(P<0.05), 即SMR越高个体在饥饿期间的体重下降更快, 在恢复摄食后生长却较慢。研究表明: 异育银鲫幼鱼的易钓性可能不具备表型基础, 并且因环境食物匮乏而降低; 虽然饥饿期间两种易钓性表型个体的生态结果存在差异, 但该生长差异在营养恢复后消失, 表明异育银鲫的易钓性具有一定的环境依赖性。  相似文献   

为了探讨集群性鱼类宽鳍鱲(Zacco platypus)的个性在群体中的生态学关联, 研究首先测定了宽鳍鱲的个性特征(包括活跃性、探索性、勇敢性和社会性)和标准代谢率。随后在群体(10个群体, 每群体6尾鱼)条件下测定了每尾鱼的运动轨迹、摄食状况, 并计算出每尾鱼的日总耗能。研究发现: 宽鳍鱲的个性特征与标准代谢率、摄食率和日总耗能均没有关联。个性与摄食率的关联丧失可能因为其野外生境食物丰度较高, 个性的差异未体现在对食物的竞争能力上; 而个性与能量代谢无关联可能与实验室单尾鱼测定条件下宽鳍鱲的应激反应有关。日总耗能与集群运动参数中的运动时间比、平均游泳速度和摄食率均呈正相关, 可能因为运动能耗和消化能耗在日总耗能中占比较高。另外, 日总耗能也与距质心距离正相关, 可能个性较积极的个体在群体中活跃程度较高, 集群时较多位于群体的边缘, 且日常能量消耗较高。研究结果表明, 集群时活跃的成员往往处于鱼群的外周, 食物占有能力更高, 但日常能量消耗也越多。研究还提示针对集群性野生鱼类, 可能在群体条件下考察其个性、能量代谢特征及其生态收益和代价更具生态学意义。  相似文献   

新疆3种雅罗鱼线粒体DNA控制区序列的差异和系统进化关系   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
对分布在新疆的准噶尔雅罗鱼(Leuciscus merzbacheri)、贝加尔雅罗鱼(Leuciscus leuciscus baicalensis)和高体雅罗鱼(Leuciscus idus)3个鱼种共24尾个体的线粒体DNA D-loop控制区核苷酸序列进行了测定,获得24条长度为667—669bp的同源基因序列。3种雅罗鱼之间的序列差异在6.39%—9.89%之间,贝加尔雅罗鱼与高体雅罗鱼种间序列同源性高,变异程度小;贝加尔雅罗鱼与准噶尔雅罗鱼种间序列同源性最低,变异程度最大。所采集的贝加尔雅罗鱼两个地理群体(赛里木湖和额尔齐斯河)内mtDNA的平均核苷酸碱基序列差异为1.07%和1.08%;两群体间的序列差异为1.07%,显示两个地理群体间无明显分化。DNA序列数据显示,这3种鱼类线粒体DNAD-loop序列变异丰富,24尾个体呈现独自的单倍型。同源基因序列平均含AT碱基64.1%,GC碱基35.9%,显示准噶尔雅罗鱼、贝加尔雅罗鱼、高体雅罗鱼的线粒体DNAD-loop区核苷酸组成的不均一性。分子系统树提示,贝加尔雅罗鱼与高体雅罗鱼亲缘关系较近,准噶尔雅罗鱼是3种雅罗鱼中较古老的鱼种。  相似文献   

牛山湖两种不同生境小型鱼类的种类组成、多样性和密度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了2003年春季浅水草型湖泊牛山湖小型鱼类空间分布(种类组成、多样性和密度等)与生境异质性之间的关系.根据水生植被状况、离岸距离和水深,选择了两种差异较大且有代表性的生境类型,即近岸沉水植物茂密的生境A和远岸沉水植物稀疏的生境B.使用围网(180 m2)在这两种生境中进行小型鱼类的采样,采用多次标志回捕法和Zippin去除法估算了围网内小型鱼类的密度.结果表明,两种不同生境中小型鱼类的种类组成、多样性度量值和密度估算值均存在一定程度的差异:1)生境A中的渔获物由5科14种小型鱼类组成,优势种类为生活在中、下水层的高体鳑鲏、彩副鱊和麦穗鱼;生境B中的渔获物由3科9种小型鱼类组成,优势种类为生活在湖底的子陵吻鰕虎鱼和小黄黝鱼.2)生境A和生境B小型鱼类群落间的Bray-Curtis指数为0.222,结构相似性较低;但二者的物种等级丰度分布则无显著差异,均属于对数级数分布.3)生境A中高体鳑鲏、彩副鱊、麦穗鱼等9种小型鱼类的总密度值为8.71 ind·m-2,生境B中子陵吻鰕虎鱼、小黄黝鱼等5种小型鱼类的总密度值只有3.54 ind·m-2.小型鱼类在这两种不同生境中的空间分布差异可能与其逃避捕食、觅食和繁殖等生态习性的生境需求有关,因此,水生植被生境对小型鱼类资源合理开发和多样性保护具有重要意义.  相似文献   

It is important to understand the role that different predators can have to be able to predict how changes in the predator assemblage may affect the prey community and ecosystem attributes. We tested the effects of different stream predators on macroinvertebrates and ecosystem attributes, in terms of benthic algal biomass and accumulation of detritus, in artificial stream channels. Predator richness was manipulated from zero to three predators, using two fish and one crayfish species, while density was kept equal (n = 6) in all treatments with predators. Predators differed in their foraging strategies (benthic vs. drift feeding fish and omnivorous crayfish) but had overlapping food preferences. We found effects of both predator species richness and identity, but the direction of effects differed depending on the response variable. While there was no effect on macroinvertebrate biomass, diversity of predatory macroinvertebrates decreased with increasing predator species richness, which suggests complementarity between predators for this functional feeding group. Moreover, the accumulation of detritus was affected by both predator species richness and predator identity. Increasing predator species richness decreased detritus accumulation and presence of the benthic fish resulted in the lowest amounts of detritus. Predator identity (the benthic fish), but not predator species richness had a positive effect on benthic algal biomass. Furthermore, the results indicate indirect negative effects between the two ecosystem attributes, with a negative correlation between the amount of detritus and algal biomass. Hence, interactions between different predators directly affected stream community structure, while predator identity had the strongest impact on ecosystem attributes.  相似文献   

Occurrence of cannibalism and inferior competitive ability of predators compared to their prey have been suggested to promote coexistence in size-structured intraguild predation (IGP) systems. The intrinsic size-structure of fish provides the necessary prerequisites to test whether the above mechanisms are general features of species interactions in fish communities where IGP is common. We first experimentally tested whether Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) were more efficient as a cannibal than as an interspecific predator on the prey fish ninespine stickleback (Pungitius pungitius) and whether ninespine stickleback were a more efficient competitor on the shared zooplankton prey than its predator, Arctic char. Secondly, we performed a literature survey to evaluate if piscivores in general are more efficient as cannibals than as interspecific predators and whether piscivores are inferior competitors on shared resources compared to their prey fish species. Both controlled pool experiments and outdoor pond experiments showed that char imposed a higher mortality on YOY char than on ninespine sticklebacks, suggesting that piscivorous char is a more efficient cannibal than interspecific predator. Estimates of size dependent attack rates on zooplankton further showed a consistently higher attack rate of ninespine sticklebacks compared to similar sized char on zooplankton, suggesting that ninespine stickleback is a more efficient competitor than char on zooplankton resources. The literature survey showed that piscivorous top consumers generally selected conspecifics over interspecific prey, and that prey species are competitively superior compared to juvenile piscivorous species in the zooplankton niche. We suggest that the observed selectivity for cannibal prey over interspecific prey and the competitive advantage of prey species over juvenile piscivores are common features in fish communities and that the observed selectivity for cannibalism over interspecific prey has the potential to mediate coexistence in size structured intraguild predation systems.  相似文献   

1. We experimentally tested if a multiplicative risk model accurately predicted the consumption of a common mayfly at risk of predation from three predator species in New Zealand streams. Deviations between model predictions and experimental observations were interpreted as indicators of ecologically important interactions between predators. 2. The predators included a drift‐feeding fish [brown trout (T), Salmo trutta], a benthivorous fish [galaxiid (G), koaro, Galaxias brevipennis] and a benthic predatory stonefly (S; Stenoperla sp.) with Deleatidium sp. mayflies as prey. Eight treatments with all predator species combinations and a predator‐free control were used. Experiments were performed in aquaria with cobbles as predator refuges for mayflies and we measured the proportion of prey consumed after 6 h for both day and night trials. 3. Trout consumed a higher proportion of prey than other predators. For the two predator treatments we found less than expected prey consumption in the galaxiid + trout treatment (G + T) for both day and night trials, whereas a higher than expected proportion of prey was consumed during night time in the stonefly + trout (S + T) treatment. 4. The results indicate interference (G + T) and facilitation (S + T) between predators depending on predator identity and time of day. Thus, to make accurate predictions of interspecific interactions, it is necessary to consider the ecology of individual species and how differences influence the direction and magnitude of interactions.  相似文献   

Predator–prey size (PPS) relationships are determined by predator behaviour, with the likelihood of prey being eaten dependent on their size relative to that of the consumer. Published PPS relationships for 30 pelagic or benthic marine fish species were analysed using quantile regression to determine how median, lower and upper prey sizes varied with predator size and habitat. Habitat effects on predator foraging activity/mode, morphology, growth and natural mortality are quantified and the effects on PPS relationships explored. Pelagic species are more active, more likely to move by caudal fin propulsion and grow more rapidly but have higher mortality rates than benthic species, where the need for greater manoeuvrability when foraging in more physically complex habitats favours ambush predators using pectoral fin propulsion. Prey size increased with predator size in most species, but pelagic species ate relatively smaller prey than benthic predators. As pelagic predators grew, lower prey size limits changed little, and prey size range increased but median relative prey size declined, whereas the lower limit increased and median relative prey size was constant or increased in benthic species.  相似文献   

Predator–prey arms races are widely speculated to underlie fast speed in terrestrial mammals. However, due to lack of empirical testing, both the specificity of any evolutionary coupling between particular predator and prey species, and the relevance of alternative food‐based hypotheses of speed evolution, remain obscure. Here I examine the ecological links between the sprint speed of African savannah herbivores, their vulnerability to predators, and their diet. I show that sprint speed is strongly predicted by the vulnerability of prey to their main predators; however, the direction of the link depends on the hunting style of the predator. Speed increases with vulnerability to pursuit predators, whereas vulnerability to ambush predators is associated with particularly slow speed. These findings suggest that differential vulnerability to specific predators can indeed drive interspecific variation in speed within prey communities, but that predator hunting style influences the intensity and consistency with which selection on speed is coupled between particular species.  相似文献   

Predator/prey behavior has important consequences for individual survival and recruitment into fish populations, both of which can be affected by stressors such as environmental contaminants. The degree to which prey capture or predator avoidance abilities of a predator or prey species are affected will determine the direction in which the balance will be shifted. In a contaminated estuary we have studied, prey capure and predator avoidance of resident mummichogs, Fundulus heteroclitus, are impaired, which may account for individuals in that estuary having reduced growth and longevity compared with those from uncontaminated sites. Exposure to sediments, water, and grass shrimp from the contaminated site can impair the predatory abilities of mummichogs from a clean site. An important prey species, the grass shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio, has a greater population density and a greater proportion of large individuals at the polluted site, apparently because of reduced predation pressure. Mummichog larvae at the polluted site are initially more active and better at prey capture and predator avoidance than larvae from clean sites, but later they become poorer at both. Differences in predator vulnerability among larvae appear to be due to population differences in behavior, which may be due in part to both genetic and environmentally-caused factors. Conservation of fish populations should consider fish behavior and its interaction with contaminants.  相似文献   

Predator density, refuge availability, and body size of prey can all affect the mortality rate of prey. We assume that more predators will lead to an increase in prey mortality rate, but behavioral interactions between predators and prey, and availability of refuge, may lead to nonlinear effects of increased number of predators on prey mortality rates. We tested for nonlinear effects in prey mortality rates in a mesocosm experiment with different size classes of western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) as the prey, different numbers of green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus) as the predators, and different levels of refuge. Predator number and size class of prey, but not refuge availability, had significant effects on the mortality rate of prey. Change in mortality rate of prey was linear and equal across the range of predator numbers. Each new predator increased the mortality rate by about 10% overall, and mortality rates were higher for smaller size classes. Predator–prey interactions at the individual level may not scale up to create nonlinearity in prey mortality rates with increasing predator density at the population level.  相似文献   

1. A new marking technique was developed and used to track individual water flea behaviour. A single clone of Ceriodaphnia reticulata exhibited no significant differences in mean depth, mean activity (antennae beats used in swimming), and mean travel (total vertical displacement) for fast-green dyed and control animals (n = 30, each treatment). 2. Individual and group antipredator responses were recorded in three vertebrate predator densities (three odour concentrations of green sunfish Lepomis cyanellus; 0.00, 0.03 and 0.10 fish L–1) and four water flea group sizes (1, 5, 15 and 25), with n = 18 for each of the twelve treatment combinations. Water flea groups were probably mixtures of clones. Differences in behaviour after addition of predator odour showed that increasing predator density increased mean depth of marked individuals and mean proportion of water fleas descending. Additionally, increasing prey density decreased both mean depth of marked individuals and mean proportion of water fleas descending. 3. Predator density and prey density had opposing affects on activity and travel for marked individuals. Higher predator density decreased mean activity (antennae beats), yet increased mean travel. Higher prey density increased mean activity, but decreased mean travel. Descending animals altered their swimming pattern by using fewer swimming beats to travel greater vertical distances in the presence of predator odour.  相似文献   

Wright  D.  Rimmer  L. B.  Pritchard  V. L.  Butlin  R. K.  & Krause  J. 《Journal of fish biology》2003,63(S1):258-259
Population differences in anti‐predator behaviour have been demonstrated in several species, although less is known about the genetic basis of these traits. To determine the extent of genetic differences in boldness (defined as exploration of a novel object) and shoaling within and between zebrafish ( Danio rerio ) populations, and to examine the genetic basis of shoaling behaviour in general, we carried out a study that involved laboratory‐raised fish derived from four wild‐caught populations. Controlling for differences in rearing environment, significant inter‐population differences were found in boldness but not shoaling. A larger shoaling experiment was also performed using one of the populations as the basis of a North Carolina type II breeding design (174 fish in total) to estimate heritability of shoaling tendency. A narrow‐sense heritability estimate of 0·40 was obtained, with no apparent dominance effects.  相似文献   

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