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Mangroves of the semiarid Caatinga region of northeastern Brazil are being rapidly converted to shrimp pond aquaculture. To determine ecosystem carbon stocks and potential greenhouse gas emissions from this widespread land use, we measured carbon stocks of eight mangrove forests and three shrimp ponds in the Acaraú and Jaguaribe watersheds in Ceará state, Brazil. The shrimp ponds were paired with adjacent intact mangroves to ascertain carbon losses and potential emissions from land conversion. The mean total ecosystem carbon stock of mangroves in this semiarid tropical landscape was 413 ± 94 Mg C/ha. There were highly significant differences in the ecosystem carbon stocks between the two sampled estuaries suggesting caution when extrapolating carbon stock across different estuaries even in the same landscape. Conversion of mangroves to shrimp ponds resulted in losses of 58%–82% of the ecosystem carbon stocks. The mean potential emissions arising from mangrove conversion to shrimp ponds was 1,390 Mg CO2e/ha. Carbon losses were largely from soils which accounted for 81% of the total emission. Losses from soils >100 cm in depth accounted for 33% of the total ecosystem carbon loss. Soil carbon losses from shrimp pond conversion are equivalent to about 182 years of soil carbon accumulation. Losses from mangrove conversion are about 10‐fold greater than emissions from conversion of upland tropical dry forest in the Brazilian Caatinga underscoring the potential value for their inclusion in climate change mitigation activities.  相似文献   

Mangroves and brackishwater pond culture in the Philippines   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Around 50% of mangrove loss in the Philippines can be traced to brackishwater pond construction. The decrease in mangroves from 450 000 ha in 1920 to 132 500 ha in 1990 has been accompanied by expansion of culture ponds to 223 000 ha in 1990. The history of fishpond development in the country includes a government-sponsored fishpond boom in the 1950-g and 1960s, the proconservation decade of the 1970s followed by a shrimp fever in the 1980s. Production from brackisshwater ponds has increased from 15 900 mt worth P7.6 million in 1938 to 267 000 mt valued at P6.5 billion in 1990. On the other hand, the maximum valuation of over $11 000 ha–1 yr–1 for unmanaged and managed mangrove forests makes them economically on par with the most profitable pond farming systems. The loss of mangrove systems and their varied goods and services is the single most important consequence of brackishwater pond culture in the Philippines. Moreover, intensive shrimp farming is associated with other ecological and socioeconomic effects such as pollution of coastal waters and decline in domestic food crops. New legislation and enforcement of existing laws, conservation of remaining mangroves, massive rehabilitation of denuded mangrove areas, and promotion of sustainable aquaculture and fisheries are recommended.  相似文献   

One of the most serious threats to tropical mangrove ecosystems caused by shrimp farming activities is the poor management of pond waste materials. We hypothesise that mangroves can tolerate chemical residues discharged from shrimp farms and can be used as biofilters, but the capability of mangroves to cope with solid sediments dredged from shrimp ponds is limited. Our study in Pak Phanang, Thailand, confirmed that the excess sediments discharged from nearby shrimp ponds reduced mangrove growth rates and increased mortality rates. A series of transformed multi-temporal satellite images was used in combination with the field data to support this claim. In addition, a comparison between four dominant mangrove species revealed that Avicennia marina could tolerate sedimentation rates of >6 cm year−1, while Bruguiera cylindrica tolerated sedimentation rates of 5 cm year−1 (total sediment depth = 25 cm) before dying, while Excoecaria agallocha and Lumnitzera racemosa performed intermediate. This outcome implied that in our situation A. marina and to lesser extent E. agallocha and L. racemosa could be more effective as biofilters than B. cylindrica, as they may survive the sedimentation longer in the disposal areas. Further studies on the impact of sedimentation and chemical pollution of shrimp farm wastes on mangrove mortality and growth are required.  相似文献   

A study was carried out in three shrimp farms in a natural mangrove area at the southeastern part of Bangladesh that dealt mainly with the changes in mangrove soil characteristics in both cultured and naturally inundated conditions. Some noticeable changes were observed in case of soil pH, sulfate sulfur(SO4-S) and extractable aluminium (Al) where, soil pH has shown a negative correlation with the other two parameters. Al concentration reached its minimum 145 days after pond preparation (DAP) proving that flooding for longer periods reduced the possibility of acid and Al toxicity. Extractable sodium (Na) and potassium (K) gradually increased in the cultured ponds while in the inundated ponds, Na concentration remained stable but K increased significantly at the end of the study period. Results of the present study indicate that shrimp farming in an already depleted mangrove forest helps to improve soil quality but still, other management and environmental concerns related to intensive shrimp culture are unavoidable and should be taken into account before promoting such activities in mangrove areas. It is recommended that shrimp culture zone be established beyond the mangrove fringe where possible, to enable mangroves to buffer aquaculture effluent. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Mangroves are among the most threatened ecosystems in the world and the coastal forests of East Africa are no exception to this trend. Although conservation, rehabilitation and sustainable management plans have been developed in various tropical regions, only a few locally based approaches have been launched along the Indian Ocean coast of Africa. In order to identify possible conditions for sustainable management of mangroves based on socio-economic and ecological considerations, we present a participatory approach designed to evaluate the relationships between mangroves and human activities and the use of multi-criterion analysis to identify management solutions. To achieve this goal, all the subjects involved in mangrove management (local communities, institutions and researchers) took an active part in the process. The research was carried out in three communities relying on mangrove swamps: Kisakasaka village on the island of Zanzibar, Mida Creek in Kenya, both relying on mangrove forests known to be endangered by over-exploitation, and Inhaca Island in Mozambique, where mangroves are more pristine. Families were the hub of the research and the importance of each of their economic activities was assessed. We then examined the methods by which mangroves are exploited by the local community and by other stakeholders working in the study areas. Our results show that the mangroves in Inhaca are exploited only for household needs and the pressure on the forests is still ecologically sustainable. In contrast, there is a well-established demand for mangrove products in Kisakasaka and Mida Creek and the mangroves represent an essential source of income for the families, resulting in an ecologically unsustainable rate of exploitation. Therefore, possible alternatives to the current management practices were identified in the two areas by means of a participatory approach. Multi-criterion analysis was then used to compare and discuss the alternatives in terms of social, economic and ecological criteria.  相似文献   

Preliminary estimates of the ratio of mangrove forest: shrimp pond area necessary to remove nutrients from shrimp pond effluent are made using budgets of nitrogen and phosphorus output for semi-intensive and intensive shrimp ponds combined with estimates of total net primary production in Rhizophora-dominated mangrove forests in tropical coastal areas. If effluent is delivered directly to mangrove forest plots, it is estimated that, depending on shrimp pond management, between 2 and 22 hectares of forest are required to filter the nitrogen and phosphorus loads from effluent produced by a 1 hectare pond. While such ratios may apply to small scale, integrated shrimp aquaculture — mangrove forestry farming systems, the variability in mangrove hydrodynamics makes it difficult to apply such ratios at a regional scale. Before mangroves can be used to strip shrimp pond effluent more research is required on the effects that high ammonia and particulate organic matter loads in pond effluent have on nutrient transformations in mangrove sediments and on forest growth.  相似文献   

From half a million hectares at the turn of the century, Philippine mangroves have declined to only 120,000 ha while fish/shrimp culture ponds have increased to 232,000 ha. Mangrove replanting programs have thus been popular, from community initiatives (1930s–1950s) to government-sponsored projects (1970s) to large-scale international development assistance programs (1980s to present). Planting costs escalated from less than US$100 to over $500/ha, with half of the latter amount allocated to administration, supervision and project management. Despite heavy funds for massive rehabilitation of mangrove forests over the last two decades, the long-term survival rates of mangroves are generally low at 10–20%. Poor survival can be mainly traced to two factors: inappropriate species and site selection. The favored but unsuitable Rhizophora are planted in sandy substrates of exposed coastlines instead of the natural colonizers Avicennia and Sonneratia. More significantly, planting sites are generally in the lower intertidal to subtidal zones where mangroves do not thrive rather than the optimal middle to upper intertidal levels, for a simple reason. Such ideal sites have long been converted to brackishwater fishponds whereas the former are open access areas with no ownership problems. The issue of pond ownership may be complex and difficult, but such should not outweigh ecological requirements: mangroves should be planted where fishponds are, not on seagrass beds and tidal flats where they never existed. This paper reviews eight mangrove initiatives in the Philippines and evaluates the biophysical and institutional factors behind success or failure. The authors recommend specific protocols (among them pushing for a 4:1 mangrove to pond ratio recommended for a healthy ecosystem) and wider policy directions to make mangrove rehabilitation in the country more effective.  相似文献   

Restoration of mangroves is often considered a way to minimize losses incurred from their decline and to provide additional services to coastal communities. However, the success of restoration programs is often focused on biological or ecological criteria. The situation is no exception in Bangladesh, which houses the world’s largest mangrove plantations. This study has been undertaken in a south-central estuarine island (Nijhum Dwip) of the Bangladesh coast and aims to understand societal perception on the achievements of a plantation program. Through 110 household interviews and seven group discussions, an assessment was conducted of peoples’ perception about major flora and fauna of the mangrove ecosystem, benefits derived from the forest, present condition of the forest, causes of degradation, and ways to improve the situation. Around one-fourth of the respondents mentioned that they were highly dependent on the ecosystem. The most important perceived benefits were: provision of raw materials, prevention against natural disasters, climate regulation and soil retention. However, the majority (>80%) of the respondents perceived the ecosystem to be degrading. Encroachment and illicit felling were identified as the main causes of such degradation. In order to arrest the continued degradation allowed by conventional forest management flaws, adaptive co-management has been recommended to conserve this ecosystem in a more equitable way.  相似文献   

李婷  叶勇 《生态学报》2012,32(9):2810-2818
模拟直接排入红树林的虾池清塘排出物在林地的不同沉积厚度(0、2、4、8 cm),研究其对培养424 d的红树植物老鼠簕(Acanthus ilicifolius)幼苗生长和生理的影响。清塘排出物的加入对老鼠簕幼苗茎高、基径、叶片数、叶面积、生物量和相对生长率等生长指标都有显著促进作用。总体长势表现为沉积厚度8 cm>4 cm> 2 cm>0 cm。生长指标显示只需少量清塘排出物的沉积(沉积厚度2 cm、4 cm)就能对幼苗的生长产生明显的促进作用,但大量排出物沉积的积累并不会带来更明显的促进作用。清塘排出物沉积的加入能显著提高叶片光合能力,尤其利于叶绿素a的合成。沉积厚度2 cm和4 cm时,幼苗叶片游离脯氨酸的积累并不显著,但丙二醛、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白含量显著高于正常水平;沉积厚度8 cm则使叶片中游离脯氨酸、丙二醛和水溶性化合物均有大量积累;而叶片中抗氧化酶活性只有在大量沉积物加入(沉积厚度8 cm)时才显著低于对照组水平。总之,老鼠簕幼苗对清塘排出物沉积厚度4 cm以下具有较强的抗逆性和适应力,沉积厚度8 cm会使老鼠簕幼苗受到一定程度的逆境伤害,但本实验期间还未影响其生长。  相似文献   

Joseph Rasowo 《Hydrobiologia》1992,247(1-3):209-214
Pond culture of brackishwater prawns and shrimps has recently generated much interest in Kenya. The mangrove areas are the target zones for the construction of these ponds. With the increasing awareness of the unique ecological role played by the mangroves, there is an urgent need to stop the conversion of mangrove swamps into aquaculture ponds. To develop pond aquaculture without destroying the mangroves, a shift from tide-fed to pump-fed pond systems is recommended in order to divert the farming from the mangroves to higher grounds. Mangrove-friendly mariculture practices like pen, cage and raft culture are discussed. Methods of efficiently utilising the already destroyed mangrove areas are considered.  相似文献   

This review article presents the traditional and medicinal uses, and examines recent investigations on the biological activities of extracts, and chemicals identified from mangroves and mangal associates. Metabolites identified from mangrove plants are classified according to ‘chemical classes’, and some of their structures are illustrated. The article also presents some of the functions of the chemicals present and attempt to emphasize and create an awareness of the great of potential mangroves and mangal associates possess as a source of novel agrochemicals, compounds of medicinal value, and a new source of many already known biologically active compounds. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The conversion of mangrove forest to aquaculture ponds has been increasing in recent decades. One of major concerns of this habitat loss is the release of stored ‘blue’ carbon from mangrove soils to the atmosphere. In this study, we assessed carbon dioxide (CO2) efflux from soil in intensive shrimp ponds in Bali, Indonesia. We measured CO2 efflux from the floors and walls of shrimp ponds. Rates of CO2 efflux within shrimp ponds were 4.37 kg CO2 m−2 y−1 from the walls and 1.60 kg CO2 m−2 y−1 from the floors. Combining our findings with published data of aquaculture land use in Indonesia, we estimated that shrimp ponds in this region result in CO2 emissions to the atmosphere between 5.76 and 13.95 Tg y−1. The results indicate that conversion of mangrove forests to aquaculture ponds contributes to greenhouse gas emissions that are comparable to peat forest conversion to other land uses in Indonesia. Higher magnitudes of CO2 emission may be released to atmosphere where ponds are constructed in newly cleared mangrove forests. This study indicates the need for incentives that can meet the target of aquaculture industry without expanding the converted mangrove areas, which will lead to increased CO2 released to atmosphere.  相似文献   

Mangroves are unique intertidal halophyte formations growing in sheltered tropical and subtropical coastal areas. Due to the increasing population and economic development, mangroves have faced degradation and loss, which has been mainly caused by land conversion into aquaculture ponds in Asia. In the past several decades, the rapid growth of aquaculture has induced water pollution. Using mangroves for effluent treatment from coastal aquaculture ponds could be a suitable approach for wastewater treatment and healthy aquaculture development. An Integrated Mangrove-Aquaculture System (IMAS) was established to test whether the idea of a mangrove in situ treatment for aquaculture wastewater is feasible. The monocultures of three mangroves, Sonneratia caseolaris, Kandelia obovata, and Aegiceras corniculatum were established with area proportions of 45%, 30%, or 15%, respectively. One control pond without mangroves was also set up. The results indicated that the mangroves had different tolerabilities to long-term inundation. The aquaculture ponds had different fishery yields, considering the mangrove species and area proportions. The water quality of most of the experimental ponds was better than the control pond, except for the planted Sonneratia. It is concluded that mangroves can reduce the concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphate, buffer the pH value and increase the concertration of dissolved oxygen in aquaculture water bodies effectively. It is suggested to use 15% of the Aegiceras corniculatum area to conduct in situ purification of aquaculture wastewater and to enhance aquaculture production.  相似文献   

The mangrove forest of Bangladesh, the largest continuous mangrove forest of the world, is one of the most important coastal features of the country. The existence of the mangrove has increased the values of other coastal and marine resources such as the coastal and marine fisheries by increasing productivity and supporting a wide biological diversity. The artisanal fishery, which is highly influenced by mangroves, has been contributing 85–95% of the total coastal and marine catch of Bangladesh. The mangrove also supports offshore and deep sea fisheries by playing a significant role as nursery ground for many deep sea fishes and shrimps including the giant tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) which is the major species of the industrial bottom trawl fishery of Bangladesh. The mangrove also contributes significantly in shrimp farming which has been the most significant export-oriented industry since the 1970s. However, the mangrove fisheries have been under intensive pressure from deleterious fishing activities and deliberate aquaculture development by destructing mangrove habitats. The impacts of mangrove have been reflected in the contribution of artisanal fishery catch that has been in a continuous decline since the 1980s. Shrimp farming has been the most destructive contributor to mangrove destruction with a corresponding loss of biological resources particularly the wild shrimp fishery. This paper reviews different aspects of the mangrove fisheries of Bangladesh and discusses the impacts of different fisheries. The paper identifies the importance of reviewing, amending and/or replacing the traditional management approaches by the new management techniques such as habitat restoration and stock enhancement in the natural environment; the paper also identifies the need for research findings in formulating and implementing new management approaches.  相似文献   

Hydraulic restoration by opening the shrimp pond banks facilitated the establishment of planted mangroves and colonisation by non-planted mangrove species and was shown to be an effective method of mangrove rehabilitation. Planted Rhizophora apiculata and Rhizophora mucronata had grown significantly in 6 years, to 300 and 350 cm, respectively. However, the growth rate of Bruguiera cylindrica was merely 150 cm in the same period despite vigorous growth in the initial stage. About 15 non-planted mangrove species had colonised within 6 years after reopening the banks, with the dominant species being Avicennia marina (46.9%) followed by B. cylindrica (27.0%) and Ceriops tagal (14.9%). After the enhancement, soil organic carbon increased considerably from 110 to 160 tonC ha−1 in 2 years at the lower elevation, indicating that hydraulic restoration could stimulate carbon recovery through enhancement of mangrove growth. However, soil organic carbon decreased by almost half in the higher ground, suggesting that carbon decomposition was accelerated due to drying of soils.  相似文献   

This paper describes the approach of TOTAL Exploration & Production concerning the protection of biodiversity during oil and gas exploration and production activities, particularly in sensitive environments such as tropical islands. This approach was developed according to three stages: knowing biodiversity, protecting biodiversity and, going further, by contributing to scientific research. This three step approach is embedded in an environment protection policy and an associated set of actions already implemented for many years. Knowledge of the biodiversity is an indispensable preliminary to evaluating the sensitivity of a site which is likely to be impacted by an industrial activity. TOTAL E&P Indonésie (TI) has been operating for over 30 years in the East part of Borneo Island in areas of increasing sensitivity with respect to mangrove ecosystems; for example the Mahakam delta which includes the Tambora, Handil and Tunu fields. This area was initially covered by dense mangrove vegetation. Regular biodiversity surveys in the delta, especially for fishes, birds and benthos, have allowed TI to witness the progressive changes occurring in the delta. Reducing significant impacts and conserving biodiversity is considered as an integral part of sustainable development. With regard to the Mahakam delta, in the last decades there has been a marked increase of local population activities and deforestation due to shrimp-culture development. TI has made significant efforts with environmental management actions to protect the mangrove ecosystem through several environmental programs such as minimizing land clearing and reinstating cleared areas. The programs have involved local communities and other stakeholders such as NGO’s and governmental bodies. Contributing to scientific knowledge of biodiversity is of mutual interest to both science and industry. The TOTAL Group, through its Foundation for Biodiversity and the Sea, has supported the establishment of a comprehensive inventory of the marine biodiversity of the island of Panglao, situated southwest of Bohol, Philippines. The Panglao Marine Biodiversity project was driven in collaboration between the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, and the University of San Carlos, Cebu City, Philippines. Recently, another major biodiversity inventory has been also supported by the TOTAL Foundation: the Santo 2006 biodiversity project. On this island, located in the Vanuatu archipelago, the research program has focused on four themes: marine, forest, karstic environments and alien species. Furthermore, TOTAL in partnership with IFREMER, a French oceanographic research centre, has also developed a comprehensive biodiversity research and development program dedicated to Deep Sea ecosystems. Even if initially focused off Western Africa, this emerging issue is also of concern in most of the tropical areas in the world where deep offshore environments are present.  相似文献   

1960-2010年广西红树林空间分布演变机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李春干  代华兵 《生态学报》2015,35(18):5992-6006
为全面摸清1960—2010年广西红树林空间分布及其演变机制,采用多源遥感数据提取不同年度的红树林空间分布信息,分析了广西红树林空间分布动态特点,采用基于斑块的红树林空间演变机理分析方法,研究了1960/1976—2010年广西红树林空间演变机制。结果表明:1960/1976年、1990s年、2001年、2007年和2010年广西红树林斑块数量分别为1020、829、1094、1718个和1712个,面积分别为9062.5、7430.1、7015.4、6743.2、7054.3 hm2,近50年间红树林面积减少了22.16%,年均减少0.53%,斑块数量增加了67.8%;斑块平均面积由1960/1976年的8.9 hm2减小至2010年的4.1 hm2,大斑块数量显著减少,斑块破碎化严重;不同时期、不同区域和海湾,红树林面积和斑块数量的变化量、变化速率均不同;1960/1976年的斑块中,只有24个斑块至2010年时尚保持稳定,占2.4%,绝大部分斑块都发生了某种程度的变化。进一步分析结果表明:1960/1976—2010年,斑块消失(46.1%)、碎化(40.4%)、萎缩(13.5%)是面积减少的主要途径,新增(70.0%)和碎化(29.9%)是斑块数量增加的主要途径,但在不同时期,斑块数量和面积在各个途径上发生的变化量不尽相同;养殖塘和盐田建设(80.0%)、工程建设(10.9%)和围垦(9.1%)是面积净减少的驱动因子,自然过程(92.6%)和人工造林(7.4%)是斑块数量净增加的驱动因子,不同驱动因子在不同时期对斑块数量和面积变化的影响程度不同;斑块数量变化主要由自然过程作用下通过新增(39.6%)、消失(-9.1%)两个途径,以及养殖塘和盐田作用下通过消失(-15.3%)、碎化(14.5%)两个途径发生,斑块面积变化主要由自然过程影响下通过新增(17.5%)、扩张(12.6%)、消失(-6.1%),以及养殖塘和盐田建设驱动下通过斑块消失(-14.8%)、碎化(-13.9%)、萎缩(-6.6%)3个途径发生。  相似文献   

Ong Jin-Eong 《Hydrobiologia》1995,295(1-3):343-351
Despite the recent better understanding and awareness of the role of mangroves, these coastal forest communities continue to be destroyed or degraded (or euphemistically reclaimed) at an alarming rate. The figure of 1% per year given by Ong (1982) for Malaysia can be taken as a conservative estimate of destruction of mangroves in the Asia-Pacific region. Whilst the Japanese-based mangrove wood-chips industry continues in its destructive path through the larger mangrove ecosystems of the region, the focus of mangrove destruction has shifted to the conversion of mangrove areas into aquaculture ponds and the consequences of the unprecedented massive addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere by post industrial man.Mangroves are non-homogeneous; characterised by distinct vegetative zones that occupy the interface between land and sea and dynamically interacting with the atmosphere above as well as with the influences of the adjacent land and sea. The conservation of mangroves should thus include not only the various vegetation and tidal inundation zones but also the adjacent marine and terrestrial areas (including the water catchment area).On the current concern with global climate change, it is pointed out that relative sea level change is very much site dependent. For effective planning and management, it is vital to know if a particular site is stable, rising or sinking so efforts should be directed to find suitable methods for determining this. However, should rapid relative sea level rise take place, there is very little likelihood of saving mangroves whose landward margins have been developed by man, a fact to bear in mind when selecting sites for conservation. The Matang mangroves of Malaysia is rare case of successful sustainable management of a tropical rain forest. Although the tools of management are available they are not widely applied. We particularly urge the Japanese mangrove wood-chips industry to look to long term sustainable use rather than short term gains. A suggestion is made to appeal to the new Government of Japan to take the lead in environmental friendliness especially to the rain forests of the Asia-Pacific region.  相似文献   

Mangroves are unique intertidal halophyte formations growing in sheltered tropical and subtropical coastal areas. Due to the increasing population and economic development, mangroves have faced degrada-tion and loss, which has been mainly caused by land conversion into aquaculture ponds in Asia. In the past several decades, the rapid growth of aquaculture has induced water pollution. Using mangroves for effluent treatment from coastal aquaculture ponds could be a suitable approach for wastewater treatment and healthy aquaculture development. An Integrated Mangrove-Aquaculture System (IMAS) was established to test whether the idea of a mangrove in situ treatment for aquaculture wastewater is feasible. The monocultures of three mangroves, Sonneratia caseolaris, Kandelia obo-vata, and Aegiceras corniculatum were established with area proportions of 45%, 30%, or 15%, respectively. One control pond without mangroves was also set up. The results indicated that the mangroves had different toler-abilities to long-term inundation. The aquaculture ponds had different fishery yields, considering the mangrove species and area proportions. The water quality of most of the experimental ponds was better than the control pond, except for the planted Sonneratia. It is concluded that mangroves can reduce the concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphate, buffer the pH value and increase the concertration of dissolved oxygen in aqua-culture water bodies effectively. It is suggested to use 15% of the Aegiceras corniculatum area to conduct in situ purification of aquaculture wastewater and to enhance aquaculture production.  相似文献   

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