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The mangrove forest of Bangladesh, the largest continuous mangrove bulk, is one of the most important features of the coastal area of the country. The existence of the mangrove has increased the values of other coastal and marine resources such as the coastal and marine fisheries by increasing productivity and supporting a wide biological diversity. The deltaic mangrove of Bangladesh is ecologically different from the other, mostly nondeltaic mangroves of the world and is unique also in its floral and faunal assemblage; therefore, a number of endangered plants and animals that are extinct from other parts of the world, are existing in Bangladesh mangrove. However, the mangrove has been under intensive pressure of exploitation for the last few decades which, in addition to direct clearance and conversion have placed the mangrove under extreme threat. Shrimp farming is the most destructive form of resource use the mangrove has been converted to, which contributed significantly to mangrove destruction with a corresponding loss of biological resources. Concerns have been raised among the ecologists, biologists, managers and policy makers since the early 1990s; deliberate destruction of mangrove and unplanned development of coastal aquaculture particularly shrimp aquaculture have been put under extreme criticism and the sustainability has been questioned. The present status of the mangrove resources including mangrove fisheries and aquaculture and management practices have been reviewed in this paper; impacts of different forms of human interventions and resource use have also been discussed. It is suggested that the management options and the policy aspects should be critically reviewed and amended accordingly; beneficiaries and stakeholders at all levels of resource exploitation must take part and contribute to conservation and management. An immediate need for mangrove conservation has been identified.  相似文献   

深圳湾福田红树林群落演替   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
对深圳湾福田凤塘河红树林演替过程中的群落结构、物种组成、多样性变化及演替趋势的研究结果表明:(1)演替各阶段群落均由秋茄(Kandelia candel)、木榄(Bruguiera gymnorrhiza)、桐花树(Aegiceras corniculatum)、白骨壤(Avicennia marina)及老鼠簕(Acanthus ilicifolius)5个种类组成。(2)演替早期(4 a)群落高度增长较快,之后继续保持较快增长,至17 a时趋于稳定,之后增长速度缓慢。(3)4 a和17 a的群落立木级均分布在Ⅱ级—Ⅳ级,56 a和73 a的群落立木均达到最高级Ⅴ级,该两群落立木在Ⅱ级—Ⅴ级均有分布。(4)随着演替的进展,除了73 a群落盖度较56 a群落稍有下降外,其它演替群落盖度逐渐增加;群落胸高断面积表现出与盖度一致的变化趋势;群落个体密度则逐渐下降;群落物种多样性和均匀度不断提高,群落优势度则逐渐下降;群落相似性系数的变化表明在演替过程中群落物种组成结构没有发生明显变化。(5)群落变化及演替为:秋茄+桐花树群落→秋茄群落→白骨壤+秋茄群落→白骨壤群落。  相似文献   

The ecological impact of sewage discharges to a mangrove wetland in Futian National Nature Reserve, the People's Republic of China was assessed by comparing the plant community, plant growth and nutrient status of soils and vegetation of a site treated with settled municipal wastewater (Site A) with those of a control adjacent site (Site B) which did not receive sewage. During the one year study, the total and available N and P, and organic carbon concentrations of mangrove soils in Site A did not significantly differ from those of Site B. In both sites, the soil organic C, total N, NH4 }-N and total P content exhibited a descending trend from landward to seaward regions, with the lowest measurements obtained from the most foreshore location. Seasonal variation in N content of soil samples was more obvious than any difference between wastewater treated and the control sites. The soil N content was lower in spring and summer. This was attributed to the higher temperature in these seasons which facilitated degradation of organic matter and absorption of nitrogen by the plants for growth. No significant difference in plant community structure, plant growth (in terms of tree height and diameter) and biomass was found between Sites A and B. Leaf samples of the two dominant plant species, Kandelia candel and Aegiceras corniculatum collected from Site A had comparable content of organic carbon, N, P and K to those Site B. These preliminary results indicated that the discharge of a total volume of 2600 m3 municipal wastewater to an area of 1800 m2 mangrove plants over the period of a year did not produce any apparent impact on growth of the plants. The soils and plant leaves of Site A were not contaminated, in terms of nutrient content, by the discharged sewage.  相似文献   

Abstract The grey mangrove tree, Avicennia marina, forms a hard substratum in an area otherwise dominated by soft-sediment. Various intertidal organisms attach to and move about on the trees. The abundant barnacles Elminius covenus, Hexaminius popeiana and Hexaminius foliorum live on a variety of substrata in mangrove forests. Their patterns of distribution and abundance were recorded and models proposed to explain these patterns. Densities of barnacles on bark, leaves and twigs of A. marina were estimated in a locality near Sydney. Elminius covenus were more abundant on bark than on leaves or twigs of A. marina. Hexaminius popeiana, although less abundant on bark than E. covenus, were not found on twigs or leaves. In contrast, H. foliorum were more abundant on twigs than leaves and were not found on the bark of A. marina. Densities of barnacles were greater in the seaward than in landward parts of the forest. Elminius covenus were the most abundant barnacles, H. foliorum were less abundant and H. popeiana were virtually absent in the landward zone. Barnacles in the seaward zone were most abundant at mid-tidal levels, less at high and low tidal levels of trunks and more abundant on lower than upper surfaces of trunks and leaves. The densities of barnacles differed according to the orientation of the bark or leaf. Models are proposed to explain the patterns of distribution and abundance of these barnacles. Each involves larval supply, settlement and post-settlement mortality. It is concluded that similar processes determining patterns of distribution and abundance for sessile organisms living on rock platforms may be applicable to sessile organisms living in the very different habitats of mangrove forests.  相似文献   

Deforestation of mangroves is of global concern given their importance for carbon storage, biogeochemical cycling and the provision of other ecosystem services, but the links between rates of loss and potential drivers or risk factors are rarely evaluated. Here, we identified key drivers of mangrove loss in Kenya and compared two different approaches to predicting risk. Risk factors tested included various possible predictors of anthropogenic deforestation, related to population, suitability for land use change and accessibility. Two approaches were taken to modelling risk; a quantitative statistical approach and a qualitative categorical ranking approach. A quantitative model linking rates of loss to risk factors was constructed based on generalized least squares regression and using mangrove loss data from 1992 to 2000. Population density, soil type and proximity to roads were the most important predictors. In order to validate this model it was used to generate a map of losses of Kenyan mangroves predicted to have occurred between 2000 and 2010. The qualitative categorical model was constructed using data from the same selection of variables, with the coincidence of different risk factors in particular mangrove areas used in an additive manner to create a relative risk index which was then mapped. Quantitative predictions of loss were significantly correlated with the actual loss of mangroves between 2000 and 2010 and the categorical risk index values were also highly correlated with the quantitative predictions. Hence, in this case the relatively simple categorical modelling approach was of similar predictive value to the more complex quantitative model of mangrove deforestation. The advantages and disadvantages of each approach are discussed, and the implications for mangroves are outlined.  相似文献   

Benthic sulfate reduction and sediment pools of sulfur and iron were examined during January 1992 at 3 stations in the Ao Nam Bor mangrove, Phuket, Thailand. Patterns of sulfate reduction rates (0–53 cm) reflected differences in physical and biological conditions at the 3 stations, and highest rates were found at the vegetated site within the mangrove (Rhizophora apiculata) forest. Due to extended oxidation of mangrove sediments, a large portion of the added35S-label was recovered in the chromium reducible pools (FeS2 and S0) (41–91% of the reduced sulfur). Pyrite was the most important inorganic sulfur component, attaining pool sizes 50–100 times higher than acid volatile pools (FeS). HCl-extractable (0.5 M HCl) iron pools, including Fe(II)HCl and Fe(III)HCl, were generally low and Fe(III)HCl was only present in the upper surface layers (0–5 cm). Maximum concentrations of dissolved Fe2+ (35–285 M) occurred just about the depth where dissolved H2S accumulated. Furthermore Fe2+ and H2S coexisted only where concentrations of both were low. There was an accumulation of organic sulfur in the deep sediment at 2 stations in the inner part of the mangrove. The reoxidation of reduced sulfides was rapid, and storage of sulfur was minor in the upper sediment layers, where factors like bioturbation, the presence of roots, or tidal mixing enhance oxidation processes.Author of correspondence.  相似文献   

Water column dynamics of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in the main creek of the Bangrong mangrove forest, Phuket Island, Thailand, were examined during the dry season. Water sampled from the upper and lower reaches of the creek throughout entire neap and spring tide periods was incubated under saturated irradiation and in the dark. The activity of microbial primary producers and heterotrophs were evaluated from changes in O2, TCO2, DOC, DIN, DON and PO4 3- concentrations. Gross primary production was moderate (1.6–2.4 M C h–1) with no pronounced spatial and temporal variations. A large fraction of the assimilated inorganic carbon and nitrogen was released in the form of DOC (50–90%) and DON (50–60%) indicating that primary producers were under stress or nutrient depleted. PO4 3- and occasionally DIN appeared to be the limiting nutrients. The pelagic heterotrophic community was supported by DOC (50–100%) and DON (40–90%) excreted by primary producers when exposed to light. However, rapid light attenuation in the turbid creek water rendered the entire water column strongly heterotrophic at all times (1.1–2.8 M C h–1). The microbial heterotrophs are therefore largely supported by particulate and dissolved substrates derived from tidal resuspension, mangrove root exudates and leachates from fallen leaves on the forest floor. The relatively high concentrations of metabolites (e.g. CO2, NH4 +) in creek water were primarily supplied by microbial mineralization. Water seeping from creek banks, which was only enriched in TCO2 (2 times) and PO4 3- (20–100 times) compared with creek water, is not considered an important source of solutes in the waterways of the Bangrong mangrove forest. Although the results obtained here are only strictly representative for the dry season, water column processes in the wet season are not expected to differ much due to the limited seasonal variations with respect to physical, chemical and biological parameters in the Bangrong area.  相似文献   

为挖掘茅尾海红树植物根际土壤可培养细菌资源,研究其抑菌活性,该文使用培养基对茅尾海5种红树植物(红海榄、黄槿、无瓣海桑、桐花树、阔苞菊)的7份根际土壤进行富集培养,选用6种不同分离培养基对富集样品进行可培养细菌的分离纯化,基于菌株16S rRNA基因序列信息进行物种多样性分析,并采用纸片法筛选具有抑制表皮葡萄球菌、耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌、铜绿假单胞菌活性的菌株。结果表明:(1)从7份红树植物根际土壤样品中分离到120种可培养细菌,隶属于35科47属,其中链霉菌属(Streptomyces sp.)占菌种总数的 14.2%,同时发现5种潜在新菌株。(2)通过抑菌活性初筛,发现9种细菌的发酵粗提物对至少一种致病菌具有抑菌活性。综上表明,茅尾海红树植物根际土壤可培养细菌多样性丰富,并且部分菌株具有抑制人类致病菌活性。该研究结果为新型抗生素的开发与利用提供了菌种资源。  相似文献   

Joseph Rasowo 《Hydrobiologia》1992,247(1-3):209-214
Pond culture of brackishwater prawns and shrimps has recently generated much interest in Kenya. The mangrove areas are the target zones for the construction of these ponds. With the increasing awareness of the unique ecological role played by the mangroves, there is an urgent need to stop the conversion of mangrove swamps into aquaculture ponds. To develop pond aquaculture without destroying the mangroves, a shift from tide-fed to pump-fed pond systems is recommended in order to divert the farming from the mangroves to higher grounds. Mangrove-friendly mariculture practices like pen, cage and raft culture are discussed. Methods of efficiently utilising the already destroyed mangrove areas are considered.  相似文献   

【目的】定量分析评估复杂环境条件与红树林分布特征之间的交互作用,探索一定区域尺度上红树林生境适宜性及适生区空间分布格局。【方法】以万宁市小海为研究区,选取水文动力、水质底质、地形高程3个大类环境变量,通过层次分析法搭建评价结构模型,结合德尔菲法获得各指标权重,并将各环境指标经归一化处理后基于GIS技术获取小海红树林适生区的空间分布。【结果】影响小海红树林生长分布的主要环境变量为水深高程、潮位、潮差、盐度等因子;研究区港北口门附近区域红树林生境适宜性较高,面积约121.6 hm2;西南侧及东南侧区域适宜性适中,面积约328.5 hm2;南侧及中间部分区域适宜性较低,面积约137.2 hm2。【结论】小海区域的气候、水质和水文动力条件均较适宜红树林存活、生长,相当一部分清退的养殖塘具备红树林种植修复的基本生态条件,但需进行生境改造,并依据生态位原理合理搭配红树物种,以期达到修复效果。  相似文献   

In the present study, two cellulose-degrading bacteria (CDB-5 and CDB-12) were isolated from mangrove soils of Mahanadi river delta, based on halo zone formation in Congo red agar medium and evaluation for cellulase production in CMC broth medium. Based on morphological, biochemical and 16S rRNA gene sequencing, the two strains, CDB-5 and CDB-12, were identified as Brucella sp. and Bacillus licheniformis, respectively. The gene bank accession number of the strains CDB-5 and CDB-12 are KR632646 and KR632645, respectively. The strain Brucella sp. and B. licheniformis showed an enzyme activity of 96.37?U/ml and 98.25?U/ml, respectively, after 72?h of incubation period. Enzyme production was optimized under different growth conditions such as pH, temperature, agitation rate, carbon source, sodium chloride (NaCl), and nitrogen sources. Maximum cellulase production by both the strains was obtained in the same parameter condition such as pH (7.0), rpm (150), and NaCl (2%, w/v) which varies for other parameters. The strain, CDB-5, produced maximum cellulase at 35?°C temperature, maltose as a carbon source, and yeast extract as a nitrogen source where as the strain CDB-12 produces maximum cellulase at 45?°C temperature, carboxyl methyl cellulose (CMC) as carbon source and trypton as a nitrogen source. The bacterial crude enzyme was purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation followed by overnight dialysis. SDS-PAGE analysis of the partially purified cellulase enzyme exhibited band sizes of approximately 55 and 72?kDa.  相似文献   

Isolated populations of Procolobus kirkii on Uzi Island, Zanzibar, use Rhizophora mucronata-dominated mangrove forest for refuge. Three groups, observed over 14 months, spent up to 85% of total observation time in mangroves with brief excursions to adjacent upland coral rag forest, habitat degraded by human cutting. A large proportion of monkeys' diets consisted of plant parts of five mangrove species. Water drinking was common and 326 water-drinking events were recorded at a rate of up to 0.87 drinks hr(-1). Groups used different strategies to obtain water including licking dew, drinking from treeholes, licking rain off leaves and tree trunks, and drinking from coral rock crevices with Cercopithecus mitis albogularis. Drinking frequency increased with time spent in and consumption of mangroves. Strategies for obtaining water were group-specific and likely the result of learning. Drinking appeared to be an acquired behavior in movement-restricted groups living in a habitat with low plant species diversity and limited salty foods.  相似文献   

Saviozzi  A.  Levi-Minzi  R.  Cardelli  R.  Riffaldi  R. 《Plant and Soil》2001,233(2):251-259
Changes in soil quality after 45 years of continuous production of corn (Zea mays L.) by the conventional tillage method (C) compared with adjacent poplar forest (F) and native grassland (G) sites were examined. The investigated parameters were: total and humified organic C, total N, light fraction content and composition, water-soluble organic C (WSOC), water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC), phenolic substances, biomass C, cumulative CO2-C (soil respiration) (C m), enzyme activities (alkaline phosphatase, protease, -glucosidase, urease, catalase and dehydrogenase). Empirical indexes of soil quality were also calculated: biomass C/organic C, specific respiration of biomass C (qCO2), death rate quotient (qD), metabolic potential (MP), biological index of fertility (BIF), enzyme activity number (EAN) and hydrolysing coefficient (HC). Results indicate that long-term corn production at an intensive level caused a marked decline in all examined parameters. Between the undisturbed systems, native grassland showed higher values of soil quality parameters than forest site. The indexes most responsive to management practices that may provide indications of the effects of soil cultivation, as well as of the differently undisturbed ecosystems were: organic C, WSC, C m, protease, -glucosidase, urease and HC. Soil enzyme activities were well related with, and not more sensitive than organic carbon.  相似文献   

不同土壤水分条件下酸性硫酸盐土硫形态转化特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以4种土壤湿度、3种干湿交替周期和原状土自然风干8个处理进行酸性硫酸盐土室内模拟实验,对模拟过程内土壤6种硫形态和pH等指标的动态变化过程的跟踪测定和分析结果表明,水分条件对酸性硫酸盐土中水溶性硫、交换性硫和黄铁矿硫的形态转化制约作用显著.淹水环境和过分干燥环境都不利于黄铁矿的氧化及水溶性硫和交换性硫的形成.潮湿但含水量不饱和环境有利于黄铁矿硫向水溶性硫和交换性硫的转换.在3种周期的干湿交替处理中,单一排干期水溶性硫和交换性硫土壤含量平均上升幅度分别为0.90~1.63g·kg^-1和0.58~1.47g·kg^-1,而黄铁矿硫含量下降幅度为1.29~3.20g·kg^-1.淹水期黄铁矿硫含量相对稳定而水溶性硫和交换性硫含量明显下降,并在排水过程中造成总硫的部分流失.硫形态转化量和硫的淋失量受到干湿交替周期的显著影响.同时分析了黄钾铁钒硫、有机硫和元素硫的动态.  相似文献   

Catesby  Simon M.  McKillup  Stephen C. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,367(1-3):131-138
The intertidal gastropod, Littoraria articulata (Philippi), is common on the trunks of mangroves at Coorooman Creek, Central Queensland. Individuals of shell length less than 3 mm were only found in empty tests of the barnacle Hexaminius popeiana (Foster). Larger snails were exposed on the trunk or occasionally in crevices such as knot holes. The relationship between shell length and shell strength differed between barnacle dwelling and larger L. articulata: in both cases it was linear, but the rate of increase of strength with increasing length was significantly greater for barnacle dwelling snails than for exposed ones. In contrast, there was an exponential relationship between shell strength and length for the weaker shelled Littoraria filosa (Sowerby), which occurs higher on the tree and does not inhabit barnacles. The survival of L. articulata was affected by the presence of crevices: significantly fewer disappeared from posts with artificial crivices than from those which lacked them, and some snails testhered to posts appeared to have been eaten by fish. The importance of crevices is discussed in relation to predation pressure, growth and habitat selection by larval L. articulata. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

During coastal wetland restoration, foundation plant species are critical in creating habitat, modulating ecosystem functions, and supporting ecological communities. Following initial hydrologic restoration, foundation plant species can help stabilize sediments and jump‐start ecosystem development. Different foundation species, however, have different traits and environmental tolerances. To understand how these traits and tolerances impact restoration trajectories, there is a need for comparative studies among foundation species. In subtropical and tropical climates, coastal wetland restoration practitioners can sometimes choose between salt marsh and/or mangrove foundation species. Here, we compared the early life history traits and environmental tolerances of two foundation species: (1) a salt marsh grass (Spartina alterniflora) and (2) a mangrove tree (Avicennia germinans). In an 18‐month study of a recently restored coastal wetland in southeastern Louisiana (USA), we examined growth and survival along an elevation gradient and compared expansion and recruitment rates. We found that the rapid growth, expansion, and recruitment rates of the salt marsh grass make it a better species for quickly establishing ecological structure at suitable elevations. The slower growth, limited expansion, and lower recruitment of the mangrove species show its restricted capacity for immediate structural restoration, especially in areas where it co‐occurs with perennial salt marsh species. Our findings suggest that the structural attributes needed in recently restored areas can be achieved sooner using fast‐growing foundation species. Following salt marsh grass establishment, mangroves can then be used to further assist ecosystem development. This work highlights how appropriate foundation species can help jump‐start ecosystem development to meet restoration objectives.  相似文献   

A severely degraded acid sulfate soil wetland near Cairns, Queensland, has been returned to a functional estuarine habitat using a cost‐effective, low‐technology method based on the reintroduction of tidal water. Gradual increases in tidal inundation, combined with targeted liming of the tidal stream, restored conditions that promoted chemical and microbial processes leading to the rapid recolonisation of mangrove communities and other estuarine flora and fauna. Protocols and understanding developed at East Trinity can be readily applied to other coastal acid sulfate soil sites.  相似文献   

The distribution and accumulation of organic matter, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in mangrove soils at four sites along the Shark River estuary of south Florida were investigated with empirical measures and a process-based model. The mangrove nutrient model (NUMAN) was developed from the SEMIDEC marsh organic matter model and parameterized with data from mangrove wetlands. The soil characteristics in the four mangrove sites varied greatly in both concentrations and profiles of soil carbon, N and P. Organic matter decreased from 82% in the upstream locations to 30% in the marine sites. Comparisons of simulated and observed results demonstrated that landscape gradients of soil characteristics along the estuary can be adequately modeled by accounting for plant production, litter decomposition and export, and allochthonous input of mineral sediments. Model sensitivity analyses suggest that root production has a more significant effect on soil composition than litter fall. Model simulations showed that the greatest change in organic matter, N, and P occurred from the soil surface to 5 cm depth. The rapid decomposition of labile organic matter was responsible for this decrease in organic matter. Simulated N mineralization rates decreased quickly with depth, which corresponded with the decrease of labile organic matter. The increase in organic matter content and decrease in soil bulk density from mangrove sites at downstream locations compared to those at upstream locations was controlled mainly by variation in allochthonous inputs of mineral matter at the mouth of the estuary, along with gradients in mangrove root production. Research on allochthonouns sediment input and in situ root production of mangroves is limited compared to their significance to understanding nutrient biogeochemistry of these wetlands. More accurate simulations of temporal patterns of nutrient characteristics with depth will depend on including the effects of disturbance such as hurricanes on sediment redistribution and biomass production.  相似文献   

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