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烟草废弃物的综合利用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
重点介绍了烟草废弃物的概况和利用现状,并对茄尼醇和烟碱的性质、用途和提取工艺进行了阐述.在现有的工艺基础上提出了一个烟草废弃物的综合利用的新方案.  相似文献   

DN2菌降解烟碱的动力学及其应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了菌株DN2降解烟碱的特性和对烟草废弃物中烟碱的降解情况。结果表明,该菌降解烟碱的最适条件为接种量为5 %,温度30 ℃,初始pH值为6.5。在该条件下,对初始烟碱浓度为500 mg/L的降解过程进行考察。结果表明,未经烟碱诱导的降解曲线呈倒S曲线,半衰期为17.43 h;经烟碱诱导的降解曲线符合Eckenfelder动力学模型,半衰期为4.10 h。添加0.1 %(质量分数)葡萄糖,可提高菌株DN2的烟碱耐受浓度,达5000 mg/L。菌株DN2能够降解烟草废弃物水提液中的烟碱(烟碱含量约为2220 mg/L),60 h时烟碱的降解率为95.22 %,表明该菌在治理烟碱污染环境方面具有应用价值。  相似文献   

烟草烟碱代谢的生化和分子机制及其调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
烟碱是烟草主要的生物碱,占总生物碱含量的90%左右,与抵御虫害密切相关,也是烟草和卷烟质量的一项重要指标。烟碱的积累是编码烟碱生物合成途径的结构基因协同表达的结果,而结构基因通常由COI1、JAZ、MYC-2等调节基因控制。目前已鉴定出参与烟碱和降烟碱生物合成、调控和转运的大多数基因。本文系统地综述目前对于烟碱的代谢途径、转化、上游调控及转运等方面的最新研究进展,展望了未来烟草烟碱研究中值得关注的方向,这在分子水平上更好的探索烟碱的生物合成具有重要意义,以减轻烟草制品的应用对健康的损害。  相似文献   

植物抗虫性物质烟碱的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
烟碱是烟草(Nicotiana tobacum L.)重要的抗虫性物质。主要就烟碱在烟草体内的分布、生理作用、合成诱导、对昆虫的毒性以及昆虫对烟碱的适应性机制等方面的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

为明确拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)光敏色素B激活标签的抑制蛋白1(phy B activation-tagged suppressor1,BAS1)基因对烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)中烟碱、降烟碱和N-亚硝基降烟碱合成的影响,通过构建含有不同启动子的植物表达载体p SH-p LXM5-BAS1和p SH-35S-BAS1遗传转化烟草。在8~10叶期分别取转基因和野生型烟草植株相同部位的叶片,采用LC-MS方法对样品中烟碱、降烟碱、亚硝基降烟碱含量进行测定,结果表明转基因烟草烟碱含量和降烟碱含量与野生型相比均明显提高。转p LXM5-BAS1基因和转35S-BAS1基因植株烟碱含量分别是野生型植株2.9倍和2.95倍;同时测得降烟碱含量分别为野生型的3.35倍和3.76倍;在转基因和野生型烟草中均未检测到亚硝基降烟碱。表明超量表达At BAS1对烟草的烟碱和降烟碱合成存在显著影响。据NCBI数据库中报道的烟碱合成相关基因PMT和QPT,降烟碱合成相关基因CYP82E4v1、CYP82E5v2、CYP82E10的序列,设计各基因的Real-time PCR引物,并以烟草β-Actin基因作为内参,Real-Time PCR结果表明烟碱和降烟碱合成相关基因表达均出现不同程度的上调。综上可知,在烟草中超量表达At BAS1基因,促使烟碱和降烟碱合成相关基因表达的上调,直接导致了烟草中烟碱含量和降烟碱含量的大幅提高。本研究为后续深入挖掘影响烟碱及降烟碱生成及转化的新基因并最终构建完整的烟碱代谢网络提供了借鉴,也为研究烟碱向降烟碱转化过程中信号因子和信号传递提供了一个新途径。  相似文献   

菌株DN2对烟草薄片制备液中烟碱的降解   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
使用O.intermedium DN2降解烟草薄片制备液中的烟碱。研究了各种工艺参数对烟碱降解的影响,单因素考察结果表明烟草薄片制备液中烟碱降解的最适条件是:添加0.1%的酵母膏,使用氨水将pH调节到7.0,接种15%种子液,培养温度30oC。在上述条件下,采用30L发酵罐对烟草薄片制备液进行3个批次的半连续发酵,烟碱的平均降解速率为140.55mg/L/h,高于其他烟碱降解菌株。该结果表明菌株DN2可以用来降低烟草薄片中的烟碱含量。  相似文献   

为了研究对烟草中烟碱与绿原酸的快速生物降解,筛选了能有效降解烟草中烟碱与绿原酸的链霉菌Z6菌株与Z8菌株,考察了Z6和Z8菌株在不同培养基上的培养特征,探讨了所选菌株对烟碱与绿原酸的降解特性。实验结果表明,Z8链霉菌在烟草固体培养基中培养48h后,对培养基中烟碱的降解率达到83.9%;培养72h后,对烟碱的降解率可达到93.7%,此时烟草中的烟碱含量降低到0.38mg/g,达到了欧盟条例的无害化标准。Z6菌对绿原酸的降解程度较高,培养48h后,对绿原酸的降解率为57.1%;培养72h后,降解率可达到67.5%.  相似文献   

在烟草生产及加工过程中,通常会产生大量的烟草废弃物,如何有效利用这些废弃物以避免环境污染和资源浪费,已成为烟草行业亟需解决的问解。研究发现,烟草废弃物堆肥化处理是规模化利用废弃资源的有效途径之一,对烟草农业的绿色、低碳、循环、可持续发展具有重要意义。从有机肥堆肥制备技术、肥效研究等方面进行了系统综述,从整体上展示了烟草废弃物堆肥技术的发展现状,以期为国内烟草废弃物源堆肥未来技术的研发及产业化提供一定的参考。通过分析发现,在堆肥制备技术方面,主要有微生物菌剂添加技术、共堆肥技术和烟草材料预处理技术3种,此外还衍生出液态有机肥和厌氧发酵联产有机肥技术;在堆肥肥效研究方面,烟草废弃物堆肥可明显改善土壤的物性参数、化学参数以及生物学参数,显著钝化土壤重金属元素,进而提高作物的产量或品质,其中堆肥与化学肥料配施的效果相对较好;堆肥的多功能化是未来堆肥创新利用的重要途径。  相似文献   

烟碱是烟草中备受关注的致瘾性物质,是吸烟者持续使用烟草制品的主要原因之一。Alpha7烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体(alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor,α7nAChR)在中枢神经系统广泛存在,其功能涵盖学习记忆、认知障碍、神经退行性疾病和药物成瘾等多个方面。近年来,大量研究报道了调控α7nAChR对实验动物在烟碱成瘾形成及戒断阶段行为学的影响,明确了α7nAChR在烟碱成瘾机制中发挥的重要作用。本文主要综述了α7nAChR在烟碱成瘾不同阶段发挥的作用及其作用机制,以期为相关研究者进一步的深入研究提供理论支持。  相似文献   

两株芽胞菌对烟草废料烟碱与绿原酸降解的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为综合利用烟草废料,筛选得到能有效降解烟碱与绿原酸的两株芽胞菌,考察了所选菌株对烟碱与绿原酸的降解特性。实验结果表明,菌株Bacillus sp.X6表现出较高降解烟碱能力,培养36h可将含烟碱6.04mg/g烟草物料中的烟碱降解60.3%,72h降解率可达87.6%;对绿原酸降解效果最好的是菌株Bacillus sp.Xy,培养48h将含绿原酸10.57mg/g烟草物料中的绿原酸降解了50.5%,72h可将绿原酸降解62.2%,  相似文献   

Biodegradation of nicotine by a newly isolated Agrobacterium sp. strain S33   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aims: To isolate and characterize bacteria capable of degrading nicotine from the rhizospheric soil of a tobacco plant and to use them to degrade the nicotine in tobacco solid waste. Methods and Results: A bacterium, strain S33, was newly isolated from the rhizospheric soil of a tobacco plant, and identified as Agrobacterium sp. based on morphology, physiological tests, Biolog MicroLog3 4·20 system and 16S rRNA gene sequence. Using nicotine as the sole source of carbon and nitrogen in the medium, it grew optimally with 1·0 g l?1 of nicotine at 30°C and pH 7·0, and nicotine was completely degraded within 6 h. The resting cells prepared from the glucose‐ammonium medium or LB medium could not degrade nicotine within 10 h, while those prepared from the nicotine medium could completely degrade 3 g l?1 of nicotine in 1·5 h at a maximal rate of 1·23 g nicotine h?1 g?1 dry cell. Using the medium containing nicotine, glucose and ammonium simultaneously to cultivate strain S33, the resting cells could degrade 98·87% of nicotine in tobacco solid waste with the concentration as 30 mg nicotine g?1 dry weight tobacco solid waste within 7 h at a maximal rate of 0·46 g nicotine h?1 g?1 dry cell. Conclusions: This is the first report that Agrobacterium sp. has the ability to degrade nicotine. Agrobacterium sp. S33 could use nicotine as the sole source of carbon and nitrogen. The use of resting cells of the strain S33 prepared from the nicotine–glucose–ammonium medium was an effective method to degrade nicotine and detoxify tobacco solid waste. Significance and Impact of the Study: Nicotine in tobacco wastes is both toxic and harmful to human health and the environment. This study showed that Agrobacterium sp. S33 may be suitable for the disposal of tobacco wastes and reducing the nicotine content in tobacco leaves.  相似文献   

Nicotine, a major alkaloid in tobacco plants and the main toxic chemical in tobacco wastes, can be transformed by bacteria into hydroxylated-pyridine intermediates, which are important precursors for the chemical synthesis of valuable drugs and insecticides. Such biotransformation could be a useful approach to utilize tobacco and its wastes. In this study, we explored nicotine degradation by a recently isolated Agrobacterium tumefaciens S33 by identifying the intermediates during its growth on nicotine and during transformation of nicotine with its resting cells. Five hydroxylated-pyridine intermediates were detected through multiple approaches, including GC-HR-MS, HPLC, and ESI-Q-TOF MS analyses. Surprisingly, these identified intermediates suggest that strain S33 employs a novel pathway that is different from the two characterized pathways described in Arthrobacter and Pseudomonas. Based on these findings, we propose that strain S33 is able to transform nicotine to 6-hydroxy-pseudooxynicotine first via the pyridine pathway through 6-hydroxy-L: -nicotine and 6-hydroxy-N-methylmyosmine, and then, it turns to the pyrrolidine pathway with the formation of 6-hydroxy-3-succinoylpyridine and 2,5-dihydroxypyridine. The activities of the key enzymes, nicotine dehydrogenase, 6-hydroxy-L: -nicotine oxidase, and 6-hydroxy-3-succinoylpyridine hydroxylase, were demonstrated in the cell extract of strain S33 and by partially enriched enzymes. Moreover, the cell extract could transform 6-hydroxy-pseudooxynicotine into 6-hydroxy-3-succinoylpyridine by coupling with 6-hydroxy-L: -nicotine oxidation reaction by 6-hydroxy-L: -nicotine oxidase. These results indicated that strain S33 can transform nicotine into renewable hydroxylated-pyridine intermediates by the special pathway, in which at least three intermediates, 6-hydroxy-L: -nicotine, 6-hydroxy-3-succinoylpyridine, and 2,5-dihydroxypyridine, have potential to be further chemically modified into useful compounds.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine nicotine biodegradation and the genotoxic potential of nicotine and its degradation products during the process of tobacco waste composting. Composting was carried out using two methods, i.e. the addition of 20% (bioreactor A) or 40% tobacco wastes to sewage sludge (bioreactor B) and control – sewage sludge (bioreactor C). Wheat straw was used as a structure-forming material. As a result of composting the contents of C and N in the bioreactors changed, the C:N ratio in bioreactor A changed from 22.8 to 13.00, and that in bioreactor B changed from 23.5 to 12.00. After composting, the biodegradation rate of nicotine was 78% in bioreactor A and 80% in bioreactor B, respectively. Using the Ames test it was shown that the composts produced did not exhibit mutagenicity.  相似文献   

微生物代谢尼古丁研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
尼古丁是多种烟草的主要生物碱 ,它既是一种精神药品也是一种环境毒物 ,有效地控制卷烟和环境中的尼古丁含量 ,对于维护人类健康有着重要意义。一些微生物可以不同的途径代谢尼古丁 ,它们具有降低烟草中尼古丁含量和处理卷烟加工产生的有毒废物的潜力 ,综述了节杆菌属细菌和假单胞菌属细菌代谢尼古丁的分子生物学机理及可代谢尼古丁微生物在烟草陈化、尼古丁手性分离和含有尼古丁的废物处理等方面应用的研究进展。  相似文献   

Nicotine is a main alkaloid in tobacco and is also the primary toxic compound in tobacco wastes. It can be degraded by bacteria via either pyridine pathway or pyrrolidine pathway. Previously, a fused pathway of the pyridine pathway and the pyrrolidine pathway was proposed for nicotine degradation by Agrobacterium tumefaciens S33, in which 6-hydroxy-3-succinoylpyridine (HSP) is a key intermediate connecting the two pathways. We report here the purification and properties of an NADH-dependent HSP hydroxylase from A. tumefaciens S33. The 90-kDa homodimeric flavoprotein catalyzed the oxidative decarboxylation of HSP to 2,5-dihydroxypyridine (2,5-DHP) in the presence of NADH and FAD at pH 8.0 at a specific rate of about 18.8±1.85 µmol min−1 mg protein−1. Its gene was identified by searching the N-terminal amino acid residues of the purified protein against the genome draft of the bacterium. It encodes a protein composed of 391 amino acids with 62% identity to HSP hydroxylase (HspB) from Pseudomonas putida S16, which degrades nicotine via the pyrrolidine pathway. Considering the application potential of 2,5-DHP in agriculture and medicine, we developed a route to transform HSP into 2,5-DHP with recombinant HSP hydroxylase and an NADH-regenerating system (formate, NAD+ and formate dehydrogenase), via which around 0.53±0.03 mM 2,5-DHP was produced from 0.76±0.01 mM HSP with a molar conversion as 69.7%. This study presents the biochemical properties of the key enzyme HSP hydroxylase which is involved in the fused nicotine degradation pathway of the pyridine and pyrrolidine pathways and a new green route to biochemically synthesize functionalized 2,5-DHP.  相似文献   

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