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园林废弃物堆肥化技术中微生物菌剂的功能与作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
园林废弃物的日益增加给环境带来了巨大压力。微生物菌剂接种于园林废弃物中堆肥,可以加速堆肥的腐熟度,增强肥效,改善并促进资源利用效率,在园林废弃物再利用方面已显示较好的应用前景。从园林废弃物目前的处理方法和菌剂在堆肥化技术方面的应用着手,介绍了微生物在园林废弃物堆腐中和发酵成微生物菌肥后的功能与作用,阐述了目前监测堆肥腐熟程度的重要参数以及检测发酵过程中菌群变化的技术手段,最后对微生物菌剂接种于园林废弃物堆肥化技术的前景进行了展望,旨为相关领域的研究与开发提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

蚕沙有机肥的养分特性及其肥效   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chen XP  Xie YJ  Luo GE  Shi WY 《应用生态学报》2011,22(7):1803-1809
将废弃蚕沙进行无害化处理和适度发酵开发出蚕沙有机肥,分析了其养分特点,并采用盆栽试验研究了蚕沙有机肥的肥效.结果表明:发酵蚕沙有机肥的全氮、全磷、全钾含量与堆肥前相比显著提高,分别比堆肥前提高了58.0%、84.4%和29.7%;添加微生物菌剂可有效缩短发酵时间,并能减少堆肥过程的碳、氮损失.施用发酵后蚕沙的小白菜和番茄种子的发芽指数均大于80%,对作物发芽没有抑制作用.施用发酵蚕沙有机肥不仅可提高小白菜产量、营养养分、Vc含量,减少硝酸盐积累量,还可提高土壤pH值,增加土壤速效养分和有机质含量,增强土壤酶活性,其效果优于发酵羊粪有机肥处理.  相似文献   

范黎 《微生物学通报》2013,40(2):380-380
农作物秸秆是农作物生产中一种富含氮、磷、钾、钙、镁和有机质等有效成分的可再生资源,我国每年的农作物秸秆废弃物产量巨大,因此,如何有效地"转废为宝",实现对农作物秸秆废弃物的再利用一直是我国学者关注的问题.秸秆堆腐还田技术是有机废弃物再利用的理想途径之一,其作用原理是利用微生物的分解作用,促使农作物秸秆发酵腐熟后成为优良的绿色有机肥.农作物秸秆属于高纤维素含量废弃物,且纤维素的结构复杂、降解困难,如何加速纤维素的分解是实现农作物秸秆堆肥物料快速分解、达到腐熟的关键问题.已有研究表明,在堆肥中接种高温或耐高温降解菌可促进有机物降解,提高堆肥高温期温度,延长高温期,加快堆肥腐熟.  相似文献   

随着城镇人口增加和城市化的快速发展,每天产生大量的污泥和园林废弃物,而厌氧消化的污泥与园林废弃物的混合堆肥产品应用于林地土壤改良,是城市废弃物循环利用的一种经济有效的方式。本研究在北京平原造林区开展试验,探讨混合堆肥对波斯菊的生长及对重金属元素吸收的影响。结果表明:施用堆肥对土壤全氮和有机质含量无显著影响; Cu、Zn、Cd三种重金属元素在土壤中主要以残渣态的形态存在;施用堆肥提高了土壤Cu、Zn含量,但Zn总量未超过土壤环境质量标准(GB 15618—2018)中的土壤污染风险筛选值300 mg·kg-1,Cu在施肥量较高时超过土壤污染风险筛选值100 mg·kg-1;土壤背景值中Cd含量已经高于土壤污染风险管制值4.0 mg·kg-1,施用堆肥对Cd含量的影响无明显规律;波斯菊株高、生物量和花数均随着堆肥施用量的增加而增加;波斯菊对重金属元素的富集性表现为CuCdZn。本研究表明,北京平原造林区的人工林生态系统可以忍受一定浓度的污泥和园林废弃物混合堆肥,并利用其中的营养物质,提高土壤肥力,促进植物生长。  相似文献   

由废弃地整理复垦形成的耕地存在土壤有机质和有效养分低、土壤板结、微生物活性弱和土壤耕作性状不良等问题,快速、有效地提高土壤肥力质量是全面提升该类耕地质量和生产性能的重要组成部分.本文通过田间小区试验研究了城郊有机废弃物对新复垦耕地土壤培肥的综合效果,并比较了不同类型城郊有机废弃物在培育耕地质量方面的差异.试验设置了施用等量猪粪、鸡粪、水稻秸秆、蔬菜收获残留物、城市污泥、沼渣、猪粪/水稻秸秆堆肥、生活垃圾堆肥和对照(不施有机肥)9个处理(年用量30 t·hm-2),连续进行3年的定点试验.结果表明: 施用任何有机物对改善土壤肥力均有明显的作用.其中,提升土壤碳库管理指数以施用猪粪、鸡粪、猪粪/水稻秸秆堆肥、水稻秸秆和沼渣的效果最为显著;增加土壤水稳定性团聚体和降低土壤容重以施用猪粪/水稻秸秆堆肥和沼渣的效果最佳;施用污泥、猪粪/水稻秸秆堆肥和生活垃圾堆肥可增强土壤保蓄能力;施用猪粪、鸡粪和猪粪/水稻秸秆堆肥对增加土壤有效态养分的效果最为明显;各类有机物均显著提高了土壤微生物数量和酶活性.长期施用污泥、生活垃圾堆肥及畜禽粪存在着土壤重金属污染的风险,但短期施用对土壤环境质量影响不明显.总体上,对土壤肥力的改善效果由大至小依次为:猪粪/水稻秸秆堆肥>鸡粪>猪粪>沼渣>生活垃圾堆肥>水稻秸秆>城市污泥>蔬菜收获残留物;对土壤的相对污染程度由大至小为:城市污泥>生活垃圾堆肥>猪粪>鸡粪>沼渣>猪粪/水稻秸秆堆肥>蔬菜收获残留物>水稻秸秆.  相似文献   

从乡间堆肥入手重建循环经济   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正堆肥是一门既传统又现代的学科,堆肥的目的就是通过一系列科学的工艺步骤,把各种各样的有机废弃物分解转化成为一种稳定的、无害化的适合于土壤培肥的有机肥产品。堆肥一般分为好氧堆肥和厌氧堆肥。好氧堆肥指在有氧气情况下有机物料的分解过程,其代谢产物主要是二氧化碳、水和热;而厌氧堆肥则是在无氧气条件下有机物料的分解,厌氧分解最后的代谢产物是甲烷、二氧化碳和许多低分子量的中间产物,如有机酸等。传统堆肥以厌氧堆肥为主,而现代堆肥系统则大都采用好氧堆肥。  相似文献   

烟草废弃物的资源化利用及无害处理过程,需要利用微生物高效降解其中的难降解物质,如木质素与尼古丁。本文主要综述烟草废弃物中难降解物质的生物降解研究进展。迄今,已经发现了不少木质素和尼古丁的微生物降解菌株,对其降解机理及应用已有不少研究报道,但其在烟草废弃物处理中的应用方面报道较少。木质素和尼古丁降解菌可以用于废次烟叶(烟梗)木质素的消减和尼古丁去除,但同时也需要考察菌株的降解能力和应用环境的适用性。具备降解木质素和尼古丁双重功能的菌株更有应用前景,但迄今发现较少。基于全基因组分析和微生物组学技术的复合菌群的研究也是重要的研究方向,将推动含木质素和尼古丁等多种难降解物质的废次烟叶的处置技术发展和实际应用。  相似文献   

有机类肥料对土壤养分含量的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
绿色、可持续是我国发展现代农业的必然要求,肥料投入是关键之一。基于有机肥培肥土壤、生态友好的优势,发展和推广有机肥已经成为我国农业生产的一项基本国策。我国有机肥来源广泛、种类繁多,农业生产条件千差万别。本文分析了我国有机肥产品种类及标准现状、理化性质差异、碳氮矿化特性差异及影响因素,评述了施用有机肥对提高耕地基础地力的作用。因来源、制作工艺不同,不同有机肥的有机碳组分含量、全氮和活性氮含量、碳氮比等基本性质差异明显,这四者是影响有机肥碳氮矿化率、碳氮矿化量、碱解氮释放量等碳氮供应特性的主要内在因素;加之土壤环境等外界因素的影响,不同有机肥表现出不同的养分供应特性。总体上,有机肥一方面对提高土壤有机质含量,尤其是活性有机质含量和碳库管理指数效果明显,另一方面可增加土壤氮磷钾养分容量,减少作物生长消耗带来的土壤养分亏损,促进土壤质量良性发展。今后,应加强有机肥在耕地培肥中的应用,并加强有机肥肥效理论的基础研究和安全高效有机肥新产品的开发,促进有机肥资源的高效循环利用,使其成为重要的农业资源。  相似文献   

以农村生活垃圾中的可堆肥腐熟成分和蘑菇渣为堆肥原料,通过添加微生物菌剂进行堆肥试验,研究其在农业废弃物堆肥腐熟过程中的作用,并通过田间试验研究堆肥腐熟后肥料样品对黄瓜和青椒的增产效果,以验证其肥效。结果表明添加微生物菌剂有助于堆肥腐熟后样品的氮、磷、钾的保全和有机质的增加,促进养分均衡。添加微生物菌剂的堆肥腐熟肥料样品在田间试验中对黄瓜和青椒的增产效果最为显著,分别为22.21%和19.87%。  相似文献   

绿化废弃物资源化利用促进绿色农业循环发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绿化废弃物资源化循环利用对树立环保理念,引领人们积极参与绿化垃圾收集、分类,提高农业绿色可持续发展和生态保护及实施"沃土工程"具有重要意义。该研究利用校园绿化产生的绿化废弃物,采用条垛发酵技术进行堆肥发酵,制成有机覆盖物和土壤改良剂,对土壤改良剂物理性质(容重、总孔隙度、持水孔隙、p H值、EC值等指标)和营养含量及土壤改良剂浸提液发芽率进行了测定。随后将土壤改良剂应用到校园试验田中进行土壤改良,并通过测定土壤改良前后大田土壤物理性质和营养含量及凤仙花和油菜生长状况对土壤改良剂进行效果评估;同时将有机覆盖物分别应用在校园树穴、校园裸土表面和花坛中进行示范,调查处理样方四个季节杂草含量及杂草抑制率进行有机覆盖物效果评价。结果表明:油菜在改良土壤中长势优于对照,土壤改良剂对土壤板结和土壤可耕性具有较好的改良效果。生长在土壤改良剂基质中的凤仙花长势不如购买基质,表明土壤改良剂不适合直接作为营养栽培基质;有机覆盖物应用在校园树穴、校园裸土表面和花坛中,对杂草具有显著抑制作用并具有很好的景观效果。此外,还对堆肥关键技术和目前绿化废弃物资源化存在的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The need for organic recycling is justified in the case of poultry waste because after ensuring hygienization there is a chance of obtaining a compost with substantial fertilizer value. Organic recycling of slaughter waste has its justification in sustainable development and retardation of resources. In the research being described, composting of hydrated poultry slaughterhouse waste with maize straw was carried out. Combinations with fodder yeast and postcellulose lime were also introduced in order to modify chemical and physicochemical properties of the mixtures. The experiment was carried out within 110 days in 1.2 × 1.0 × 0.8 m laboratory reactors. Temperature of the biomass was recorded during composting, and the biomass was actively aerated through a perforated bottom.Composting of substrates selected in such a way caused losses of some elements in gaseous form, an increase in concentration of other elements, and changes in relationships between elements. The ability to select substrates influences compost quality. This ability is determined by chemical indicators. Among other things, compost evaluation based on carbon to nitrogen ratio shows the intensity of the composting process and possible nitrogen losses. The addition of slaughter waste to maize straw reduced the content of individual fractions of carbon in the composts, whereas the addition of postcellulose lime intensified that process. The addition of fodder yeast significantly increased the phosphorus content in the compost. Since iron compounds were used in the processing of poultry carcasses, composts that were based on this material had an elevated iron content. The applied postcellulose lime significantly increased the copper, zinc, chromium, nickel, and lead contents. Proper selection of substrates for composting of hydrated poultry slaughterhouse waste allows to obtain a compost with chemical properties that create favorable conditions for natural application of that compost. Addition of large quantities of postcellulose lime to the composting process leads to obtaining an organic-mineral substratum for cultivation or to obtaining an agent that improves soil properties.  相似文献   

In this work, the effect of incorporating an acidic ferrous sulphate waste (SF) over co-composting process of sewage sludge and olive mill solid wastes in a 1:2 v/v wet basis was investigated. The SF used was an industrial by-product of titanium oxide synthesis and its addition resulted in a chemical stabilisation of the wastes at low pH. The optimum dose of SF to enhance the composting of the studied biowastes was a 20% v/v (wet basis) and the best moment for the addition turned out to be whenever the composting piles had achieved the thermophilic range. The addition of SF over the composting process made possible a faster stabilisation, increasing the composting rate from 0.033 to 0.13 d(-1), and leading to a Fe and S rich compost. All composts obtained fulfilled the limits determined by current European and Spanish regulations and presented better characteristics for its use as soil amendment and organic fertilizer than the traditional composts without SF. The optimum dose of compost containing SF was determined through agronomic tests being its value about 18 Ton ha(-1).  相似文献   

The utilization of agricultural waste organic materials through composting technology has gained significant traction in agricultural production as an effective means of crop nutrient management. However, the differences in the impact of organic amendments prepared by traditional composting and vermicomposting on soil properties still deserve further research. Based on field experiments conducted in greenhouse, compared to chemical fertilizer treatments as control, we utilized traditional compost (OF) and vermicompost (VcF) derived from agricultural organic waste edible mushroom bran and cow manure (2:8). Variations in soil physiochemical properties, activities of soil enzymes related C and P cycling, abundances and diversities of bacterial 16S rRNA and fungal ITS gene at total DNA level were analyzed. Both compost treatments enhanced soil organic carbon, soil total phosphorus, and soil available P content significantly and also increased the activities of soil α-glucosidase, β-glucosidase, acid phosphomonoesterase, and alkaline phosphomonoesterase significantly. The above results suggested that soil C and P transformations were stimulated effectively by both organic amendments. OF and VcF increased the fungal ITS absolute abundances significantly while diversity indices of soil bacterial community increased significantly under both treatments. Correlation analysis indicated that bacterial community composition was strongly correlated with several soil property indexes while fungal community composition was only significantly correlated with soil total phosphorous content. In conclusion, similar to traditional compost, vermicompost significantly improved soil nutrient cycling (especially C and P aspects). In terms of soil microbes, bacteria and fungi showed different responding mechanism to vermicompost: bacteria adjust microbial structure, while fungi tend to proliferated. In consideration of the advantages of vermicompost in technology and economic cost, it could be applied in the subsequent agricultural production more frequently.  相似文献   

为探究化肥配施不同腐熟度有机肥对土壤微生物生物量氮(MBN)的影响及土壤MBN调控土壤矿质氮的作用,将堆肥过程与土壤培养试验相结合,设置常规化肥对照(CK)、化肥+腐熟度为50%(种子发芽指数为50%,下同)的有机肥(CO1)、化肥+腐熟度为80%的有机肥(CO2)、化肥+腐熟度为100%的有机肥(CO3)共4个处理,测定土壤MBN、矿质氮(NH4+-N、NO3--N)、净硝化速率、微生物生物量碳(MBC)、可溶性有机碳(DOC)、脲酶和蛋白酶,并揭示土壤MBN对矿质氮的调控作用。结果表明: 到培养结束时,与CK处理相比,有机肥处理(CO1、CO2、CO3)的土壤MBN、NH4+-N含量显著提高50.1%~62.4%、109.9%~147.1%,土壤NO3--N、净硝化速率显著降低23.3%~46.8%、26.2%~51.5%,土壤MBC、DOC含量、脲酶和蛋白酶活性分别显著提高33.8%~69.6%、7.4%~20.8%、11.2%~69.0%、9.4%~25.1%,且CO2、CO3的变化幅度均显著高于CO1。冗余分析和结构方程模型显示,较高腐熟度有机肥(腐熟度≥80%)对MBC、MBN、NH4+-N含量、脲酶和蛋白酶活性具有正向调控作用,对土壤净硝化速率具有负向调控作用。化肥配施较高腐熟度有机肥可以明显增加土壤MBN,提升脲酶、蛋白酶活性,增加NH4+-N含量,降低土壤净硝化速率。因此,在实际应用中,建议采用腐熟度为80%的有机肥与化肥配施,减少有机肥生产成本及时间,实现有机固体废弃物的资源化利用。  相似文献   

湿度对堆肥理化性质的影响   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
罗维  陈同斌 《生态学报》2004,24(11):2656-2663
水分是堆肥微生物生命活动的基础 ,也是堆肥中重要的工艺控制参数。弄清湿度对堆肥微生物及理化性质的影响 ,对于优化堆肥工艺参数、提高堆肥效率、降低投资和运行成本具有重要意义。综述了堆肥湿度研究的动态 ,指出了当前研究中存在的问题 ,并提出了未来的研究方向。大量的研究表明 ,湿度低于 4 5 %或高于 6 5 %都不利于堆肥处理。湿度太高会导致堆料的压实度增加、FAS减少、透气性能降低 ,从而导致堆体内氧气供应不足、堆肥升温困难、有机物降解速率降低、堆肥周期延长。湿度过低 ,水分会限制堆肥微生物的新陈代谢 ,导致微生物活性下降、堆肥腐熟困难。由于鼓风、散热、水蒸发等会使堆体内存在湿度的空间变异 ,也会降低堆肥效率和堆肥产品的质量。另外 ,堆肥湿度还影响堆肥的保肥能力。由各文献得出结论 ,堆肥的最佳湿度范围一般为 5 0 %~ 6 0 %左右  相似文献   

针对我国西南丘陵山区玉米秸秆随处堆放或就地焚烧,既浪费资源又污染空气的情况,研究一种适合当地有机肥就地积制利用的方法.试验将玉米秸秆直接堆放于田边地角,接种菌剂,添加增氮和保氮剂,覆盖薄膜,腐熟后的堆肥配施化肥原位施入烟地.结果表明: 与对照(自然堆肥,CK)相比,生物堆肥(玉米秸秆+菌剂+增氮剂+保氮剂+覆盖薄膜)的物料升温快(2~3 d,>35 ℃),高温期(≥50 ℃)持续时间长(约15 d),降温慢;微生物种群在高温期减少,但细菌数量比CK高2~3个数量级;经90 d的积制,玉米秸秆呈深褐色或黑色,为碎屑或粉末状态,完全腐熟,含水量低于25%, pH 6.14,活性有机质和氮磷钾养分含量显著高于CK.在烤烟栽培中,生物堆肥配施50%的化肥可显著提高烟叶产量、均价、产值,改善烟叶品质.说明这种生物堆肥方式实现了玉米秸秆资源化利用,消除了由此引起的空气污染,适合于丘陵山区.  相似文献   

Due to the introduction of the European Union Landfill Directive, composting has become a potentially viable disposal route for some organic wastes. As waste-derived compost is frequently added to soil to improve soil quality, it is important to quantify the environmental risk posed by potentially toxic elements contained within it. Here we used a sequential chemical extraction procedure to investigate the temporal dynamics of heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Pb and Ni) during the co-composting of biosolids, deinking paper fibre and green waste. Overall, composting over 26 weeks reduced the availability of Ni, had no effect on Pb and slightly increased the availability of Cu and Zn. We conclude that although the total Cu and Ni concentrations in the compost exceed legislative guidelines for land application, due to their recalcitrant nature within the compost, this compost posed very little threat to soil or plant quality if used in agriculture or land restoration.  相似文献   

The effect of raw materials and their proportions in initial mixtures on organic matter (OM) stabilization and nitrogen (N) availability during pit composting in Sub-Saharan Africa was assessed using biochemical fractionation and laboratory incubations to characterize composts sampled throughout the composting process. Stabilization of OM occurred more rapidly in mixtures with slaughter-house wastes, it was progressive in mixture with household refuses while tree leaves compost remained unstable. Carbon mineralization from compost samples was positively correlated to water soluble and hemicellulose-like organic fractions. Mixtures containing large proportions of household refuses reached the highest stability and total N but available N remained weak. Slaughter-house wastes in the initial mixtures made possible to reach good OM stabilization and the largest N availability. The nature of initial mixing influenced composting parameters, OM stabilization and N availability. It is suggested mixing household refuses and slaughter-house wastes with tree leaves to reach better amending and fertilizer qualities of composts.  相似文献   

Compost and biochar, used for the remediation of soil, are seen as attractive waste management options for the increasing volume of organic wastes being produced. This paper reviews the interaction of biochar and composting and its implication for soil amendment and pollution remediation. The interaction of biochar and composting affect each other’s properties. Biochar could change the physico-chemical properties, microorganisms, degradation, humification and gas emission of composting, such as the increase of nutrients, cation exchange capacity (CEC), organic matter and microbial activities. The composting could also change the physico-chemical properties and facial functional groups of biochar, such as the improvement of nutrients, CEC, functional groups and organic matter. These changes would potentially improve the efficiency of the biochar and composting for soil amendment and pollution remediation. Based on the above review, this paper also discusses the future research required in this field.  相似文献   

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