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报道了2006~2007年9月间采自中国吉林、辽宁两省的舟形藻科中国新记录植物5种5变种,分别为Navicula arkona Lange-Bertalot & Witkowski, Hippodonta linearis(0strup) Lange-Bertalot, Metzehin & Witkowski, Geissleria decussis (Hustedt) Lange-Bertalot & Metzehin, Geissleria kriegeri ( Krasske ) Lange-Bertalot & Metzehin, Pinnularia divergens var. media Krammer, Pinnularia dubitabilis var. minor Krammer, Pinnularia lundii var. lirvearis Krammer, Pinnularia rhombarea var. variarea Krammer, Pinnularia stomatophora var. irregularis Krammer, Alveovallum beyensii Lange-Bertalot & Krammer。对部分种类进行了光镜观察,部分种类进行了扫描电镜观察;对它们的分类学特征进行了详细的描述,并记录了它们的生境特征。  相似文献   

2011年6月对黑龙江兴凯湖湿地自然保护区进行了藻类标本采集,在对硅藻进行分类研究的过程中,观察到羽纹藻属(硅藻门)中国新记录植物6个分类单位,包括5种1变种,分别为埃氏羽纹藻Pinnularia aestuarii Cleve、中心羽纹藻Pinnularia cruxarea Krammer、纤弱羽纹藻钝形变种Pinnularia distinguenda var.obtusa Krammer、球状羽纹藻Pinnularia gibbiformis Krammer、特殊羽纹藻Pinnularia notabilis Krammer、鲜明羽纹藻Pinnularia perspicua Krammer。对这些种类的分类学特征进行了详细的描述,与同属中相似种类进行了比较,为黑龙江兴凯湖湿地藻类资源调查提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

在对江汉平原钻孔中的化石硅藻进行鉴定时,发现1个新种类:江汉异极藻(新种)Gomphonema jianghanensis sp.nov.,该种的主要特征为:壳面狭披针形或线性披针形,端部和基部圆形,中轴区窄。中心区宽呈横矩形,在紧靠中心区的一侧具1条很短的线纹,另一侧有时有1条很短的线纹,有时没有线纹,无孤点。壳缝呈直线,在中央区附近略弯向一侧,在极节处折向另一侧。线纹轻微放射状,中部略弯曲,在近顶端处没有线纹,在10μm内,中部具6—13条。长20—30μm,宽4—7μm。4个中国新记录属:楔异极藻属Gomphosphenia Lange-Bertalot、楔月藻属(新记录属)Cymbopleura Krammer、优美藻属Delicata Krammer、尖月藻属Encyonopsis Krammer,8个中国新记录种:微小异极藻Gomphonema minutiforme Lange-Bertalot&Reichardt、较细楔异极藻Gomphosphenia tenerrima(Hustedt)Reichardt、舌状楔异极藻Gomphosphenia lingulatiforme(Hustedt)Lange-Bertalot、瑞克舟形藻Navicula rakowskae Lange-Bertalot、北方羽纹藻岛屿变种Pinnularia borealis var.islandica Lange-Bertalot,舟形盖斯勒藻Geissleria tectissima(Lange-Bertalot)Lange-Bertalot&Metaeltin、岩生楔月藻小变种Cymbopleura rupicola var.minor Krammer和法国尖月藻Encyonopsis falaisensis(Grunow)Krammer,1个种的补充说明:中华优美藻Delicata sinensis Krammer & Metzetin。  相似文献   

2001年7月至8月,在新疆维吾尔自治区17个采样地采集硅藻标本,经光镜观察,共鉴定出羽纹藻属(硅藻门)的中国新记录5种2变种,即:喜盐羽纹藻Pinnularia halophilaKrammer、模糊型羽纹藻P.obscuriformisKram-mer、奥瑞恩达羽纹藻P.oriundaKrammer、瑞卡德羽纹藻P.reichardtiiKrammer、近曲缝羽纹藻P.substreptorapheKrammer、近曲缝羽纹藻博恩变种P.substreptoraphevar.bornholmianaKrammer和淡绿型羽纹藻小变种P.viridiformisvar.minorKrammer,并对其分类学特征以及生境特征进行了描述。为新疆的藻类资源提供了基础资料,为中国淡水羽纹藻科志书的编写积累了资料。  相似文献   

福建金门岛的淡水硅藻初报   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
报道了2004年11月采自福建省金门岛的淡水硅藻共126个分类单位,包括81种40变种5变型,隶属于2纲6目11科26属,其中瓦尔斯布纹藻Gyrosigma wansbeckii(Donk in)C l.、华美舟形藻Navicula elegansW.Sm ith、扁羽纹藻Pinnularia fasciata(Lagerst.)Hust.、近缘桥弯藻埃法变种Cym bella affinisvar.afarensisGasse、澳大利亚桥弯藻Cym bella australica(A.Schm idt)C leve、多西诺桥弯藻Cym bella dorsenotata strup、近极菱形藻Nitzschia polarisG run.、近粘连菱形藻斯科舍变种Nitzschia subcohaerensvar.scotica(G run.)Van Heurck、具脐菱形藻Nitzschia um bili-cataHust.为中国新纪录。  相似文献   

中国羽纹藻属(硅藻门)的新记录植物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了采自大兴安岭达尔滨湖及其周围沼泽水体的硅藻门Bacillariophyta羽纹藻属Pinnularia中国新记录植物5种3变种,分别为北方羽纹藻近岛变种P.borealis var.subislandica Krammer、极歧纹羽纹藻近喙头变种P.divergentissima var.subrostrata Cleve-Euler、巨大羽纹藻P.episcopalis Cleve、不定羽纹藻P.erratica Krammer、狗鱼形羽纹藻P.esoxifomis Fusey、斯匹次羽纹藻P.spitsbergensis Cleve、波曲羽纹藻P.undula(Schumann)Krammer和波曲羽纹藻中狭变种尸P.undula var.mesoleptiformis Krammer.对这些种类在光镜和扫描电镜下的分类学特征进行了详细的描述,并记录了这些种的生境特点。  相似文献   

珠海淇澳岛红树林和芦苇湿地底栖硅藻群落比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了珠海淇澳岛红树林湿地和芦苇湿地2007年3月至2008年1月间底栖硅藻群落的结构及其动态特征.结果表明,两种湿地共有底栖硅藻28属113种(变种),其中红树林中检出23属95种(变种),明显高于芦苇湿地的21属42种(变种).底栖硅藻的丰度为14.3~553.5 celk cm-3,不同样地和采样期的多样性指数和均匀度指数不同,但红树林湿地高于芦苇湿地.两种湿地底栖硅藻群落的属种结构存在显著差异,红树林湿地中多以羽纹藻类,如布纹藻属(Gyrosigma)、斜纹藻属(Pleurosigma)和羽纹藻属(Pinnularia)等占优势,而芦苇湿地主要以中心藻类,如圆筛藻属(Coscinodiscus)和小环藻属(Cyclotella)等占优势.相似性分析显示,样地基质对底栖硅藻群落的影响大于季节变化的影响.  相似文献   

杨积高 《植物研究》1990,10(4):11-12
本文发表了针杆藻属一新变种,即Synedra ulna (Nitzsch.) Ehr.var.anhuiensis J.G.Yang,和我国新记录的三种硅藻,即Stauroneis anceps f.gracilis Rabh.,Pinnularia divergens var.elliptica Cl.,与Cocconeis.placentula var.klinorphis Geitler.  相似文献   

在四川省甘孜藏族自治州进行硅藻多样性调查时,发现了单壳缝目硅藻中国新记录8种1变种(隶属于4属),分别为:原子曲丝藻Achnanthidium atomus Monnier,Lange-Bertalot&Ector、施特劳宾曲丝藻A.straubianum (Lange-Bertalot) Lange-Bertalot、亚显曲丝藻A. pseudoconspicuum (Foged) Jüttner&Cox、半孔曲丝藻A. semiapertum (Guermeur) Andresen,Stoermer&Kreis、阿雷塔斯真卵形藻Eucocconeis aretassii(Manguin) Lange-Bertalot、披针平面藻微小变种Planothidium lanceolatum var. minor Cleve、厄氏平面藻P.oestrupii (Cleve-Euler) Edlund、球囊沙生藻Psammothidium sacculus (Carter) Bukhtiyarova和双生沙生藻P.didymum (Hustedt) Bukhtiyarova&Round。利用光学显微镜(LM)及扫描电镜(SEM)对8种1变种进行观察,并对其形态特征和生境进行了详细描述。  相似文献   

淡水硅藻是水生动物的营养丰富的食料。经过一年的筛选培养,我们获得了四种适于大量培养的种类,即:泉生偏缝硅藻(Nitzschia fonticola Grun.),椿状偏缝硅藻(Nitzschia palea Smith.),双尖菱板硅藻(Hantzschia amphioxys Grun.)和梅尼小环硅藻(Cyclotella meneghini-ana Kütz.)。我们选择泉生偏缝硅藻进行较为系统的培养试验,对其营养成分进行了分析,并对其所含的15种氨基酸进行了定量。同时配制了两个新的适于硅藻生长繁殖的培养基“水生硅1”和“水生硅2”。泉生偏缝硅藻最适生长温度为20—30℃,光强为2,000—5,000米烛光。观察了泉生偏缝硅藻在中型培养和大量培养中氮、磷、硅的吸收消耗规律,发现在培养条件下,硅是主要限制因子。在中型培养中,连续培养15天,适时补充营养元素,硅藻细胞数可高达23×106个/毫升,产量为2.7克干藻/升。在30升大量培养中获得每两天收获一次,每次收获1/6(相当于硅藻干重7克)的连续生产性培养的结果。根据实验结果推算,若两天半收获一次,每次收获1/6,可获得持续稳定高产。    相似文献   

Diatom floras were examined from geothermal environments in three contrasting tectonic settings. These included subduction-related acid and alkaline springs in New Zealand; alkaline springs along a divergent plate boundary on Iceland; and alkaline springs in the Kenya Rift. These shallow (<1 cm) aquatic environments vary considerably (e.g., temperature: 21.3–99°C; pH: 2.1–9.65; 56.41–643 mg l−1 SiO2). Diatoms form an important component of geothermal floras at temperatures of <45°C. The floras from New Zealand are distinguished by the common occurrence of Pinnularia. Icelandic springs have a variety of Fragilariaceae. Navicula and Anomoeoneis are most common in the Kenyan springs. Statistical analyses suggest that the diatoms cluster into seven major groups. The most common taxa include: Achnanthidium exiguum v. heterovalvum (Kras.) Czarn., Anomoeoneis sphaerophora (Ehrenb.) Pfitz, Brachysira brebissonii f. thermalis Grun., Caloneis bacillum (Grun.) Cl., Craticula cuspidata (Kütz.) Mann, Diadesmis confervacea Kütz., Epithemia argus (Ehrenb.) Kütz., Frustulia rhomboides (Ehrenb.) DeT., Hantzschia amphioxys (Ehrenb.) Grun., Navicula tenelloides Hust., Nitzschia amphibia Grun., Nitzschia inconspicua Grun., Nitzschia invisitata Hust., Nitzschia frustulum (Kütz.) Grun., Nitzschia sigma (Kütz.) W, Smith., Pinnularia chapmaniana Fog., Pinnularia appendiculata (Ag.) Cl., Pinnularia molaris (Grun.) Cl., Pinnularia acoricola Hust., Rhopalodia gibberula (Ehrenb.) O. Müll., Staurosira construens v. venter (Ehrenb.) Ham., Staurosira elliptica (Schum.) Will. & Round, and Staurosirella pinnata (Ehrenb.) Will. & Round. Canonical correspondence analysis shows clear correlations between species, alkalinity, pH, and conductivity, with less strong correlations for silica and temperature. Other factors include substrate type, current velocity, and light conditions. The preservation potential of host deposits varies considerably, being lowest for springs on clastic deltas and highest where travertine or sinter is accumulating. Handling editor: J. Padisak  相似文献   

报道了采自大兴安岭达尔滨湖及其周围沼泽水体的硅藻门管壳缝目菱形藻科中国新记录植物3种、1变种,分别为Hantzschia rhaetica Meister、Hantzschia robusta Ostrup、Nitzschia dissipatavat.media(Hantzsch)Grun.、Nitzschia perminuta(Grun.)M.Peragallo。使用光学显微镜对这些种类进行了观察,对其分类学特征进行了详细的描述,并记录了它们的生境特征。  相似文献   

Diatom species lists were generated for 51 lakes in northeastern Wisconsin, and then classified by two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN). The lakes were initially divided into two main groupings: Group I lakes which were alkaline lakes of moderate to high productivity, and Group II lakes which were acid lakes of low productivity. Group I lakes were further divided into two subgroupings, and four levels. In total, twelve indicator diatom species were recognized during the TWINSPAN lake classification, these were: Achnanthes exigua Grun., A. lanceolata var. dubia Grun., Amphora ovalis var. Affinis (Kütz.) V.H. ex Det., A. perpusilla (Grun.) Grun., Cymbella cistula (Ehrenb.) Kirch., Diploneis elliptica (Kütz.) Cl., Eunotia pectinalis (O.F. Mull.) Rabh., Fragilaria vaucheriae (Kütz.) Peters., Frustulia rhomboides var. crassinervia (Bréb. ex W. Sm.) Ross, Navicula capitata Ehrenb., N. decussis Østr., and N. scutelloides W.Sm. ex Gregory.  相似文献   

During spring, extensive blooms of microalgae grow on the underside of arctic sea ice. The brownish, algal layer penetrates ca. 2 cm into the bottom surface of the ice and the algae are potentially exposed to very high salinities. Four diatom species, Melosira juergensii Ag., Porosira glacialis (Grun.) Jørg., Navicula transitans var. derasa (Grun.) Cleve, and Coscinodiscus lacustris Grun., isolated from, sea ice samples taken from the Beaufort and Chukchi seas near Barrow, Alaska, were grown at 11 salinities ranging from 5 to 70‰ at 5 C under constant illumination. All of the species grew at 5‰ except N. transitans whose lower growth limit was 15‰. Growth was high over a broad range of salinities, but none of the species grew at salinities above 60‰. These diatom species appear to be well suited to tolerate the salinities in the brine pockets near the bottom of annual arctic sea ice where they are found. High brine-cell salinity, however, may limit the upward, penetration of ice algae into the bottom of sea ice.  相似文献   

为调查不同动物粪便中真菌的多样性及不同真菌对动物粪便的偏好性,在云南昆明动物园采集了大额牛、羚牛、梅花鹿、角马、黇鹿、斑马、麋鹿、亚洲野驴、长颈鹿、野牦牛10种动物的粪便共100份。此次调查共鉴定出真菌57种,包括子囊菌31种,担子菌7种,接合菌13种,分类地位未定种类6种。其中,最常见的属为柄孢壳菌属Podospora Ces.,其次是鬼伞属Coprinus Pers及毛霉属Mucor P.Micheli ex Fr。最常见的种类为Mucor sp1,其次是Saccobolus saccoboloides Brumm和Doratomyces stemonitis(Pers.)F.J.Morton&G.Sm.。在报道的57种真菌中,有9种为中国新记录种,即Ascobolus aglaosporus Heimerl,A.behnitziensis Kirschst.,Ascodesmis sphaerospora Obrist,Coprinus hetemerus Lange&Smith,C.radiatus(Bolt.Ex Fr.)S.F.Gray,Podospora comata Milovtz.,Saccobolus dilutellus(Fuckel)Sacc.,S.saccoboloides Brumm.,Spornormiella minima(Auersw.)Ahmed&Cain.。分别研究了这10种动物粪便的真菌物种丰度及多样性,结果显示,反刍类动物粪便的真菌多样性高于非反刍类动物粪便真菌多样性。  相似文献   

Eight diatom species (Chaetoceros pseudocurvisetus Mang ., Stephanodiscus hantzschii Grun ., Skeletonema costatum ( Grev.) Cleve , Asterionella formosa Hass ., Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii Cleve , Detonula confervacea ( Cleve) Gran , Chaetoceros sp., and Nitzschia frigida Grun.) were isolated from various temperature environments ranging from temperate to the Arctic, and their growth responses to temperature were determined. Each species grew over a different temperature range. The lower and upper limits of each species varied from −1.8° to 20° C and from 2° to 30° C, respectively. The width of the growth range of each species. also varied from 3.8° to 25° C, and the growth of these species was observed, as a whole, between a wide temperature range from −1.8° to 30° C .
Within the growth temperature ranges, the growth rate of each species increased with temperature until reaching a maximum, which was followed by a steep decrease up to the upper limit of the growth range. As a result, each species showed a maximum rate at the temperature very near to the upper limit, which was generally higher than the isolation temperature. The specific growth rates were compared among the eight species. The interspecific maximum rate at each temperature exhibited an exponential increase with a Q10 = 1.48. The relative growth rates of each species were calculated by normalizing the specific growth rates with the interspecific maximum rate at each respective temperature. The higher relative growth rates tended to occur at the isolation temperature of each species, suggesting that temperature is a significant control on species distributions in nature .  相似文献   

Six species and four varieties of Diatoma (D. hiemale (Roth) Heib. , D. maximum (Grun.) Fricke, D. mesodon (Ehr.) Kuetz. , D. moniliforme Kuetz. , D. tenue Ag., D. vulgare Bory and its varieties) were studied using optical microscope and scanning electron microscope. Their taxonomic problems were discussed as well.  相似文献   

对云南乃古石林出现频度最高的5种藓类植物做了水土保持作用研究。5种藓类植物鳞叶藓(Taxiphyl-lum taxirameum(Mitt.)Fleisch.)、灰白青藓(Brachythecium albicans(Hedw.)B.S.G.)、小牛舌藓全缘亚种(Anomodon minor subsp.integerrimus(Mitt.)Iwats.)、中华细枝藓(Lindbergia sinensis(C.Muell.)Broth.)和拟扁枝藓(Homaliadelphus targionianus(Mitt.)Dix.et P.Varde)的生物量等测定结果显示:平均生物量为24.31~103.78 g/m2,平均饱和吸水率为818.24%~1462.02%,最高的达到1659.27%,最低的也达到了590.95%;平均饱和吸水量为216.92~791.80 g/m2,最高的达到1790.28 g/m2;平均成土率为47.32%~111.58%,最高的达到194.82%,最低的也达到19.33%;平均成土量为9.01~46.73 g/m2,最高的达到110.17 g/m2。小牛舌藓全缘亚种的平均饱和吸水量和平均生物量远远高于其他4种藓类,分别为:791.80 g/m2和103.78 g/m2。相关性分析表明,小牛舌藓全缘亚种的保水成土相关性最显著。它的干重与饱和吸水重、生物量与干重、生物量与饱和吸水量、生物量与成土量、饱和吸水量与成土量都是呈正极显著相关。研究结果表明,在乃古石林剑状喀斯特这种缺少土壤、干旱且保水能力弱的景区环境,藓类植物以其特有的生态功能在石林景观多样性、水土保持等方面具有十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

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