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测定了板角山羊品种13个个体的细胞色素b基因全序列(1140 bp),比较分析了群体中细胞色素b基因的碱基组成和序列间碱基的变异情况,结果显示:在该品种(群体)中细胞色素b基因序列中6个变异位点上观察到11次T-C间和2次A-G间的碱基转换,除了有2次T-C间碱基转换发生在密码子第2位点为非同义突变以外,其余的11次碱基转换发生在密码子第3位点,均为同义突变;有1次T-G间碱基颠换发生在密码子第2位点,为非同义突变;观察到5种单倍型,单倍型多样度为0.8077.并以绵羊为外群,与山羊属其他种的同源区序列构建系统发生树.结果显示, 在系统地位上板角山羊与胃石山羊有较近的亲缘关系.  相似文献   

对3个地方种群的49只样本的线粒体Cyt b基因全序列(1140 bp)及33只样本的控制区D-loop基因区段(745 bp)进行了序列测定。结果表明:Cyt b基因多态性位点有47个,其中单变异位点位点23个,简约信息位点24个。共定义了24个单倍型,其中种群间的共享单倍型有2个(8.33%),其余均为某个种群所特有,单倍型多样度范围为0.80952(剑川种群)~0.91532(禄劝种群),核苷酸多样度指数介于0.00326(禄劝种群)~0.00635(剑川种群)之间;D-loop基因多态性位点有18个,其中单变异位点8个,简约信息位点10个。共定义了16个单倍型,无种群间的共享单倍型,单倍型多样度范围为0.76615(禄劝种群)~0.93333(丽江种群),核苷酸多样度指数介于0.00269(禄劝种群)~0.00583(丽江种群)之间。从各单倍型的TCS网络进化图显示横断山种群位于分支的末端,表现出中缅树鼩由南向北的扩散模式,支持"岛屿起源"假说。  相似文献   

中国部分牦牛品种线粒体DNA遗传多态性研究   总被引:30,自引:1,他引:29  
采用DNA测序技术首次测定了中国5个牦牛品种(类群)35个个体线粒体DNA控制区(D loop)全序列,结果表明:牦牛线粒体DNA控制区全序列长度为891~895bp,T、C、A、G4种核苷酸的含量分别为28.5%、25.3%、32.5%、13.7%。检测到55个变异位点,约占分析位点总数的6.16%,核甘酸变异类型有转换、颠换、插入/缺失4种。确定了24种单倍型,单倍型H4和H6为中国牦牛的主体单倍型,各单倍型在品种间分布不平衡,所测定的5个牦牛品种(类群)单倍型多样度平均为0.9697±0.0180,说明我国牦牛D loop单倍型类型丰富。牦牛品种内各序列平均核苷酸差异数为10.936,核苷酸多样度为1.231%;牦牛品种间核苷酸分歧度(Dxy)约为0.760%~2.155%,品种间双参数距离范围为0.000~0.029,表明我国牦牛遗传多态性丰富。对D环序列变异的分子方差分析和单倍型网络关系图的结果表明:我国牦牛品种间出现显著的遗传分化,牦牛单倍型网络关系图聚为2个聚类簇,表明我国牦牛有2个母系来源,或者有2个主要的驯化地点。  相似文献   

中国家驴的非洲起源研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对我国13个家驴品种367条序列(其中引用文献资料241条)的mtDNA D-loop 区399 bp进行分析, 共检测到96种单倍型57个多态位点, 其单倍型多样度为0.767~0.967, 核苷酸多样度为0.014~0.032, 表明我国家驴的遗传多态性丰富。与3个努比亚野驴、3个索马里野驴和6个亚洲野驴的序列构建 NJ系统发育树, 证明我国家驴的母系起源为非洲野驴中的索马里驴和努比亚驴, 亚洲野驴不是中国家驴的母系祖先。  相似文献   

贵州黄牛mtDNA D-loop 遗传多样性研究   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
对贵州4个地方黄牛品种共计82个个体的线粒体DNA D-loop区全序列910 bp进行分析,检测到31种单倍型,其核苷酸多态位点65个,约占所测核苷酸总长的7.14%,其中有62个转换,2个颠换,1个转换/颠换共存。贵州4个黄牛品种mtDNA D-loop区核苷酸多样度(π值)为2.16%~2.61%,单倍型多样度(H)为0.695~0.909,表明贵州黄牛mtDNA遗传多样性比较丰富。根据单倍型构建了贵州4个黄牛品种的NJ分子系统树。聚类表明,贵州黄牛有普通牛和瘤牛2大母系起源,其影响较为均一。并探讨了用核苷酸多样度π值的大小来衡量黄牛群体遗传分化程度的可行性。   相似文献   

目的从分子水平探讨云南地区恒河猴遗传多样性,为今后开展恒河猴遗传资源的保护及合理利用提供借鉴和背景资料。方法采用PCR直接测序法测定云南地区恒河猴96份样品的线粒体DNA控制区全序列,用Mege 4.0和DNA SP软件对变异位点数、简约信息位点数、单倍型、单倍型多样度、核苷酸多样度等遗传信息进行分析,基于邻接法(neighbor-joining,NJ)和最小进化法(minimum-evolution,ME)构建系统发生树。结果在96份样品中,共检测出了149个多态性位点,定义了46种单倍型,单倍型多样度(Hd)为0.968±0.007,核苷酸多样度(Pi)为0.020。结论云南地区恒河猴存在着较丰富的遗传多态性。  相似文献   

野牦牛(Bos grunniens mutus)mtDNA D\|Loop区的遗传多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为从分子水平上评价野牦牛(Bos grunniens mutus)的遗传多样性,对6头野牦公牛线粒体DNA D-loop 区全序列进行了克隆和测定(GenBank登录号为:FJ548840~FJ548845),结合GenBank中已刊登的2条野牦牛的相应序列,使用BioEdit 7 0 9、DnaSP 4.10.1、Arlequin 3.11等生物信息学软件,对全部8条序列开展了比对分析,确定了多态位点与单倍型数目,计算了核苷酸多样度和单倍型多样度.结果表明8条野牦牛线粒体DNA D-loop 区全序列长度在891~894 bp之间,其中A、T、G和C 4种核苷酸的平均含量分别为32.68%、28.65%、13.46%和25.21%,A+T的平均含量为61.33%.排除4处核苷酸的插入或缺失后,共检测到39处转换和颠换位点,占分析序列总长度的4.38%,其中包括4处单一多态位点和35处简约信息位点.依据序列间核苷酸变异共确定了7种单倍型,单倍型多样度(h)为0.9643,核苷酸多样度(π)为0.02144,提示野牦牛群体具有丰富的遗传多样性.  相似文献   

目的:测定务川黑牛mtDNA D-loop区全序列,以了解其遗传背景。方法:采用PCR直接测序方法测定务川黑牛mtD-NA D-loop区全序列。结果:32个个体D-loop区的全序列中,四种碱基A、T、C和G含量分别为:33.1%、28.4%、25.0%和13.5%,A+T平均含量61.5%。经过序列比对,共检测到57个变异位点,占所测mtDNA序列总长的6.26%,其中转换54个,颠换3个;产生17种单倍型,其中6种是普通牛单倍型,11种是瘤牛单倍型;平均核苷酸差异为22.623,单倍型多样度0.901±0.039,核苷酸多样度0.0249±0.00147。结论:务川黑牛这一品种遗传多样性非常丰富,据此构建的NJ进化树显示务川黑牛含有普通牛和瘤牛的血统。  相似文献   

用mtDNA D-环序列探讨蒙古和中国绵羊的起源及遗传多样性   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
为了在分子水平上探讨绵羊的起源,对中国和蒙古共20个绵羊群体、314只绵羊mtDNA D-环的部分序列进行了测定,结果表明:中国绵羊和蒙古绵羊mtDNA D-环区的部分序列中A、T、G、C含量没有明显的差别;蒙古绵羊的多态位点数(28.85%)略高于中国绵羊(24.22%);中国绵羊群体的单倍型多样度在青海藏羊、甘肃藏羊、甘肃高山细毛羊、青海细:色羊、甘南藏羊、小尾寒羊和滩羊群体中较高,但在湖羊和岷县黑裘皮羊中较低;蒙古绵羊的单倍型多样度在Bayad和Baidrag群体中最高,但在Gobi—Altai群体中最低。从总体上看,蒙古绵羊的遗传多样性要略高于中国绵羊,例如单倍犁比例的平均值为86.06%(142/185):78.83%(108/137),单倍型多样度(Hd)的甲均值为0.976:0.936,核苷酸多样度(Pi(π))的平均值为0.036:0.034,平均核苷酸差异数(k)的平均值为23.50:22.48~217个中国和蒙古绵羊的单倍型序列的系统发生分析表明,中国和蒙古绵羊均有3个母系起源,被定义为A、B和C3类主要的单倍型。其中A类单倍型在所有中国绵羊群体及绝大多数蒙古绵羊群体(9/11)中占优势,平均比例为58.73%;B类单倍型居中,为24.88%;C类单倍型最少,仅为16.59%。进一步从GenBank获得的91个绵羊D-环区的序列与中国和蒙古绵羊D-环区的单倍型的进行网络关系分析,发现欧洲摩弗仑羊(European mouflon,O.musimon)与中国和蒙古绵羊具有较近的亲缘关系,但没有发现塬羊(Argali.O.ammon)、盘羊(0.rignei bochariensis)和东方盘羊(0.ammon nigrimontana)对中国和蒙古绵羊起源有贡献的证据。  相似文献   

乐小亮  赵爽  刘海林  章群 《生态科学》2010,29(3):247-250
测定了海南南渡江15尾海南长臀鮠(Cranoglanis bouderius multiradiatus)的cytb基因全序列1138bp,发现3个可变位点和1个简约信息位点,共检测到4种单倍型。海南长臀鮠Cytb基因具有典型的起始密码子(ATG)和不完全终止密码子(T**),共编码379个氨基酸,密码子第三位点G的含量仅2.9%,而C和A的含量分别为39.1%和38.5%,在第二位点上T的使用频繁高达41.3%,表明cytb基因在密码子碱基的使用具有偏倚性。海南长臀鮠基于Kimura-2-parameter模型的单倍型间遗传距离为0.0009~0.0017,在NJ系统树中没有明显的谱系结构,单倍型多样性(0.600)和核苷酸多样性(0.0006)都较低,表明海南长臀鮠遗传多样性非常贫乏,应及时采取有效措施保护海南南渡江种群。  相似文献   

刘安芳    王继文  朱庆 《遗传》2006,28(6):672-676
本研究采用PCR和DNA测序技术测定了6个中国家鹅品种和2个欧洲鹅品种25个个体线粒体DNA tRNApro(69bp)和tRNAthr(68bp)基因的完整序列,通过对家鹅线粒体基因组的研究,首次报道了家鹅线粒体tRNApro和tRNAthr基因的结构,对鸿雁家鹅、灰雁家鹅、白额雁(Anser albifrons,序列号为AF363031)种间的tRNApro和tRNAthr基因的二级结构及序列的变异特征进行了分析,并通过家鸡(Gallus gallus domesticus,序列号为NC001323)与鸿雁家鹅间tRNApro和tRNAthr基因二级结构的比较,初步进行了鸡形目与雁形目两个目间tRNApro和tRNAthr基因二级结构及序列变异的分析。结果表明:家鹅tRNApro和tRNAthr基因均可折叠成标准的三叶草形二级结构; 2个tRNA基因三叶草结构的氨基酸臂、反密码子环在鸿雁、灰雁和白额雁种间以及鸡形目与雁形目两个目间没有发生变异,具有高度的保守性。本研究的结果将为进一步探讨家鹅线粒体DNA tRNApro和tRNAthr基因序列与结构、功能的关系奠定基础。所测定的基因序列已登录国际GenBank数据库,序列号为AY427800~AY427805和AY427812~AY427814。  相似文献   

Shi XW  Wang JW  Zeng FT  Qiu XP 《Biochemical genetics》2006,44(5-6):237-245
It has generally been assumed, based on morphology, that Chinese domestic goose breeds were derived from the swan goose (Anser cygnoides) and that European and American breeds were derived from the graylag goose (Anser anser). To test the validity of this assumption, we investigated the mtDNA cleavage patterns of 16 Chinese breeds and 2 European breeds as well as hybrids produced between a Chinese breed and a European breed. After 224 mtDNAs, isolated from the Chinese and European breeds, were digested by 19 restriction endonucleases, variations of the cleavage patterns were observed for four enzymes (EcoRV, HaeII, HincII, and KpnI). All Chinese breeds and their maternal hybrids except the Yili breed showed an identical haplotype, named haplotype I or the Chinese haplotype; the European breeds and the Yili breed showed another haplotype, named haplotype II or the western haplotype. None of the haplotype found in the Chinese type was detectable in the western type and vice versa. The two haplotypes were found to differ from each other at 8.0% of the sites surveyed and with a 0.72% sequence divergence. Using 2% substitution per million years calibrated from the genera Anser and Branta, the two domestic geese haplotypes were estimated to have diverged approximately 360,000 years ago, well outside the 3000-6000 years in domestic history. Our findings provide the first molecular genetic evidence to support the dual origin assumption of domestic geese in the world. Meanwhile, the four mtDNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms can be used as maternal genetic markers to distinguish the two types of domestic geese.  相似文献   

In order to avoid interference from nuclear copies of mitochondrial DNA (numts), mtDNA of the white Roman goose (domestic goose) was extracted from liver mitochondria. The mtDNA control region was amplified using a long PCR strategy and then sequenced. Neighbor-joining, maximum parsimony, and maximum-likelihood approaches were implemented using the 1,177 bp mtDNA control region sequences to compute the phylogenetic relationships of the domestic goose with other geese. The resulting identity values for the white Roman geese were 99.1% (1,166/1,177) with western graylag geese and 98.8% (1,163/1,177) with eastern graylag geese. In molecular phylogenetic trees, the white Roman goose was grouped in the graylag lineage, indicating that the white Roman goose came from the graylag goose (Anser anser). Thus, the scientific name of the white Roman goose should be Anser anser ‘White Roman.’  相似文献   

Greater phylogenetic signal is often found in parsimony-based analyses of third codon positions of protein-coding genes relative to their corresponding first and second codon positions, even for early-derived ("basal") clades. We used the Soltis et al. (2000; Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 133:381-461) data matrix of atpB and rbcL from 567 seed plants to quantify how each of six factors (observed character-state space, frequencies of observed character states, substitution probabilities among nucleotides, rate heterogeneity among sites, overall rate of evolution, and number of parsimony-informative characters) contributed to this phenomenon. Each of these six factors was estimated from the original data matrix for parsimony-informative third codon positions considered separately from first and second codon positions combined. One of the most parsimonious trees found was used as the constraint topology; branch lengths were estimated using likelihood-based distances, and characters were simulated on this tree. Differential frequencies of observed character states were found to be the most limiting of the factors simulated for all three codon positions. Differential frequencies of observed character states and differential substitution probabilities among states were relatively advantageous for first and second codon positions. In contrast, differential numbers of observed character states, differential rate heterogeneity among sites, the greater number of parsimony-informative characters, and the higher overall rate of evolution were relatively advantageous for third codon positions. The amount of possible synapomorphy was predictive of the overall success of resolution.  相似文献   

Methods of infrared (IR) spectroscopy and circular dichroism (CD) are suitable techniques for detection of proteins structural changes. These methods were used for determinating peculiarities of the secondary structure of serum albumins in some representatives of two classes of reptiles: Horsfield's tortoise (Testudo horsfieldi), water snake (Natrix tessellata) and grass snake (Natrix natrix) and birds: domestic goose (Anser anser), domestic chicken (Gallus domesticus), domestic duck (Anas platyrhyncha) and dove colored (Columba livia). An analysis of IR spectra and spectra obtained by the method of CD of serum albumins of both classes representatives revealed that beta-folding structure and alpha-helical sections that form the alpha-conformation play an important role in conformational structure formation of polypeptide chain and also disordered sites of molecules of these proteins. It was observed that certain redistribution depending on animals species exists, in the formation of secondary structure of serum albumins of the investigated representatives of reptiles and birds classes between the content of beta-folding structure, alpha-helical sections and disordered sites in molecules of these proteins.  相似文献   

The origins of the European domestic goose are uncertain. The available information comes from archaeological findings and historical literature, but genetic evidence has hitherto been scarce. The domestic goose in Europe is derived from the greylag goose (Anser anser), but it is not known where the initial domestication took place and which of the two subspecies of greylag goose was ancestral. We aimed to determine the amount and geographical distribution of genetic diversity in modern populations of greylag geese as well as in different breeds of the domestic goose to make inferences about goose domestication. We studied DNA sequence variation in the mitochondrial control region of greylag geese from multiple populations across Europe and western Asia as well as specimens of domestic geese representing 18 modern breeds and individuals not belonging to any recognised breed. Our results show notable differences in genetic diversity between different greylag goose populations and the presence of six mitochondrial haplogroups which show a degree of geographical partitioning. The genetic diversity of the domestic goose is low, with 84% of sampled individuals having one of two major closely related haplotypes, suggesting that modern European domestic geese may derive from a narrow genetic base. The site of domestication remains unresolved, but domestic geese in Turkey were unusually diverse, indicating the importance of further sampling in the vicinity of the eastern Mediterranean and the Near East. There appears to be past or ongoing hybridisation between greylags and domestic geese in particular areas, consistent with field observations.  相似文献   

Using to analysis of hypervariable fragment polymorphism in the control region of mitochondrial DNA(268 bp), the genetic variability of Swan goose Anser cygnoides L., included in the first category of endangered species in the Russian Red Book, has been investigated. Samples from the two main groups nesting in Russia—the Far Eastern group (Khabarovsk krai, n = 38) and the Dauric group (Chita region, n = 10) were examined. Eleven haplotypes were described. The genetic diversity of Swan geese was low comparable with that observed in some other globally endangered Eurasian goose species. Nucleotide and haplotype diversity of goose from Khabarovsk krai was 0.0031 and 0.65, respectively; in those from Chita region, 0.0041 and 0.80; and for in total group, 0.0074 and 0.77, respectively. No identical haplotypes in Swan goose from Far Eastern and Daurical groups have been demonstrated. However, the small sample size does not allow us to make final conclusions on the degree of genetic differentiation between these groups.  相似文献   

Using RAPD PCR analysis and sequencing of the 5′ end segment of the mtDNA control region, the genetic diversity and differentiation of Far Eastern populations of greater white-fronted goose Anser albifrons Scopoli, 1769 and bean goose Anser fabalis Latham, 1787 were examined. Based on RAPD PCR data, the level of gene diversity (h) for A. albifrons (0.3634) and A. fabalis (0.3899) was calculated. Sequence data showed considerably higher level of inter-population diversity in A. fabalis (26.4%), compared to A. albifrons (1.88%). Similarly, the nucleotide and haplotype diversity parameters were somewhat higher in A. fabalis (0.01852 and 0.955). Phylogenetic reconstructions generated using neighbor-joining and maximum parsimony algorithms divided each of the examined species into two clusters that differ in the number of haplotypes included. These clusters can correspond to the subspecies that live in the Far East.  相似文献   

The lesser white-fronted goose (Anser erythropus) isthe most threatened of the Palearctic goose species with a decliningpopulation trend throughout its distributional range. The currentestimate of the Fennoscandian subpopulation size is 30–50 breedingpairs, whereas it still numbered more than 10000 individuals at thebeginning of the last century. Reintroduction and restocking have beencarried out in Sweden and Finland using captive lesser white-frontedgoose stock with unknown origins. We have carried out a study of thegenetic composition of captive-bred stock by sequencing a 221 bphypervariable fragment of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control regionfrom 15 individuals from the Hailuoto farm, Finland. Two out of thethree maternal lineages detected in the captive stock are also presentin wild populations. The third maternal lineage among the captive lesserwhite-fronted geese originates from the closely related greaterwhite-fronted goose (Anser albifrons). None of the investigatedwild lesser white-fronted goose individuals carried the mtDNA of thegreater white-fronted goose. The presence of greater white-fronted goosemtDNA in the lesser white-fronted goose captive stock suggests thathybridization has occurred during captive propagation.  相似文献   

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