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1999~2002年,对成都大熊猫繁育研究基地的8只健康大熊猫20只次受配后行为进行了观察,以了解大熊猫配种后的行为变化,结果发现有以下4种情况:1)妊娠反应明显;2)妊娠反应不明显;3)假妊娠;4)无任何反应。并对这4种情况从行为上进行了探讨,明显的妊娠反应是怀孕产仔大熊猫的普遍规律,在产前27d左右明显减食、拒食,静卧安静休息时间在91%以上,有明显的临产反应,外阴、乳房发生明显的变化;不明显的妊娠反应是怀孕产仔大熊猫的特殊情况,有所减食,静卧安静休息时间无明显变化,也无明显的临产反应,有的外阴变化不大;假妊娠反应类似于明显的妊娠反应,出现在部分受配和未受配的大熊猫中,食欲变化有波动,到一定时间后食欲、活动量及外阴逐渐恢复;无任何反应是受配后一直无任何与妊娠有关的行为表现,食欲、活动情况如常。  相似文献   

雌性大熊猫发情行为的观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1989、1990年对成都动物园和外地来园配种的5只正常发情大熊猫(年龄6—17岁,体况正常,其中1只为初情,其余的有过繁殖史),于每天活动量较大、人为影响较小的早晨和黄昏观察其行为和生理变化(外阴变化),并进行逐日记录,其中蹭阴、咩叫的描述及频率计算参照曾国庆等(1984)的方法。现将结果整理于后,为大熊猫适时配种提供行为参考。5只熊猫中有2只在咩叫高峰期自然交配,怀孕产仔,自然交配中的1只熊猫在咩叫高峰前两天作过一次人工授精,其余3只人工授精未怀孕。据观察雌性熊猫在发情期有蹭阴、咩叫两个高峰期,组成了发情高峰期,两者前后相差3—6…  相似文献   

不同配种方式对大熊猫产仔效果的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
冯文和  张安居 《兽类学报》1994,14(4):249-254
1987-1993年,我国人工圈养的大熊猫先后有31只雌性受配108只次,产仔胎,获幼仔45只。有16只雄性参加配种,其中7只能进行自然交配,9只没有自然交配能力。从3只雄性采出的良好精液,能使雌怀孕产仔,怀孕率为19.12%。在雄性自然交恿前后再给雌兽化人工授精,能提高雌兽怀孕产仔效果,来自不同山系大熊猫的繁殖能力有不同程序的差异,尤以岷山山系大熊猫的繁殖效果较差。  相似文献   

通过营造冬暖、夏凉、通风良好的洞穴兽舍,改造饲料营养,采用先粗后精、少量勤添的饲喂方法,增加活动量,接受阳光照射,让雌、雄大熊猫有较多直接或间接接触的机会和增强其信息交流等技术管理措施,使高龄大熊猫“新星”雌兽20岁受配产仔,同时一胎产2仔,高龄大熊猫雄兽“新8号”25岁龄自然交配,并在25~27岁龄连年自然配种,使受配雌兽怀孕产仔,创下了圈养大熊猫雌、雄兽高龄繁殖的新记录。  相似文献   

为了探讨圈养大熊猫主食竹食谱组成及主要影响因素,并为圈养单位提供科学合理的食物营养配比和饲养管理建议。本研究通过对成都大熊猫繁育研究基地10 只成年大熊猫4 年(2009. 03 -2013.02)的饲养数据,3只成年大熊猫1 年(2012. 07 -2013. 06)的觅食行为观察数据,以及投饲的3 种竹笋和5 种主食竹常规养分和总黄酮含量的统计分析。结果发现,基地圈养大熊猫偏好竹笋,喜食巴山木竹叶、白夹竹茎和苦竹茎,随机采食箬竹叶和刺竹茎;基地大熊猫根据投饲竹种类和季节的变化,形成了较为稳定的食谱组成;对投饲竹各部位成分比较分析发现,投饲竹养分含量的变化呈现出一定的规律性:其中粗蛋白、粗脂肪、蛋白质和能量比都以竹叶最高,竹枝次之,竹茎最低;干物质和粗纤维的含量则以竹茎最高,竹枝次之,竹叶最少;竹茎和竹枝呈现钙少磷多的现象,而竹叶则是钙多磷少;各投饲竹不同部位总黄酮含量以叶中最高,枝中其次,茎中最低。研究结果表明,圈养大熊猫主食竹食谱的选择遵循能量和营养学的规律,选择适口性强、营养价值高的食物假说。  相似文献   

大熊猫的摄食行为   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
大熊猫的食性99%为竹类,所食竹类达50余种,在每个山系仅选择2-5种为喜食竹。根据营养的优劣,采取相应的摄食行为,择优选择竹的不同时期和营养器官,并用相应的加工方法,构成不同季节的最优食谱。以食量大,消化快,耗能低的营养对策,适应其低营养价值的竹类为主。  相似文献   

在发情期,对动物行为时间分配和活动节律的认识将有助于濒危动物繁育质量的提高。大熊猫为季节性单次发情动物,雄性发情期可持续30 d左右,而雌性大熊猫为几天至十几天,高峰期仅为1~3 d,且有与雄性不同步发情的现象。因此,进行发情期行为学方面的研究则显得尤为重要。采用瞬时扫描取样法和全事件记录法,于2013年3月1日—4月30日对成都大熊猫繁育研究基地的8只发情期大熊猫进行行为时间变化和活动节律研究,每只每周记录2 d数据。结果表明:休息行为是发情期最主要的行为方式(雄性约46%,雌性约53%),其次是摄食和运动行为,而探究、求适和发情行为则较少,发情行为主要出现在00∶00—03∶00、09∶00—11∶00和15∶00—17∶00等3个时段,可配对交配;发情期雌雄个体在休息、求适、运动和发情行为上的差异有高度统计学意义(P<0.01),在探究行为上的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),而在摄食行为上的差异则无统计学意义;且发情、探究行为与运动行为呈显著正相关(P<0.01)。对发情期圈养大熊猫昼夜活动行为的研究将为大熊猫的人工繁育及其配种提供行为学方面的理论依据。  相似文献   

本文报道1986年1—12月,饲养于卧龙自然保护区的6只雌性大熊猫,在发情期间阴道角化细胞率的变化以及相应的行为变化观察结果。它表明:当熊猫到发情高峰时(自然交配时),角化细胞率可高达97%,而活动量与蹭阴频率均下降;咩叫高峰的出现则是在发情高潮,自然交配时或交配之后。所观察的熊猫中有1只于当年8月顺产1仔,另有1只虽怀孕,但因它原因而流产。  相似文献   

大熊猫呼名“张卡”,年龄6岁,体重100 kg,系谱号505,幼时从宝兴县野外救回。生长发育及营养状况良好,2005年正常发情配种后未受孕;2006年春季发情配种。7月8日开始减食部分精饲料,7月11日始见母兽活动明显减少,外阴稍肿胀;产前1周(8月1日)废食精饲料,吃鲜嫩竹枝叶部分。怀孕期140天,于8月5日19:15~22:19,出现较多而持续的舔阴、阴户流出分泌物;烦躁不安、抓扯竹子、抓摇兽舍门或抓地面、不时走动或吃竹、频繁起坐、排便等行为活动。表明动物生产发作,腹痛开始;22:20动物首次出现努责(阵缩开始);22:50努责时首次伴随咩叫声,表明腹痛加剧。8月…  相似文献   

卧龙自然保护区野生大熊猫繁殖研究   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
魏辅文  胡锦矗 《兽类学报》1994,14(4):243-248
本文分析了1978-1992年在卧龙自然保护区五一棚研究区内的野生大熊猫繁殖情况,结果表明:野生大熊猫雌体6.5岁初发情,7.5岁交配产仔,20岁繁殖基本停止;雄体7.5岁初发情,8.5岁能获交配权,20岁繁殖基本停止。年繁殖率为62.5%,其中单胞胎为58.33%,双胞胎为4.17%。此外,1983年冷箭竹开花枯死,延迟了大熊猫的发情期,这可能与竹了开后大熊猫觅食行为改变及摄入影响繁殖的微量元素  相似文献   

The mature tsetse larva descends slightly in the uterus causing a protrusion of the female's abdomen and a thrusting open of the female vulva 5–6 h before parturition. Coinciding with larval descent, the female becomes conspicuously restless. The activity pattern monitored by measuring oxygen consumption shows a progression of four discrete stages of activity before and after parturition. Immediately following parturition, the female emits a low frequency sound of 5.8 min duration that differs markedly from sounds produced during feeding or mating. Parturition can be blocked by neck-ligation of the female, thus suggesting a crucial role for the brain. Both neural and hormonal pathways appear to be involved. Transection of the nerve that innervates the uterine muscles reduces the incidence of successful parturition, and parturition in neck-ligated females can be stimulated by transfusion of haemolymph from females that have recently given birth. When parturition is blocked, larvae are retained in utero but eventually pupariate after a delay of 2.3 days.  相似文献   

Knowledge of factors influencing the timing of reproduction is important for animal conservation and management. Brown bears (Ursus arctos) are able to vary the birth date of their cubs in response to their fat stores, but little information is available about the timing of implantation and parturition in free-ranging brown bears. Body temperature and activity of pregnant brown bears is higher during the gestation period than during the rest of hibernation and drops at parturition. We compared mean daily body temperature and activity levels of pregnant and nonpregnant females during preimplantation, gestation, and lactation. Additionally we tested whether age, litter size, primiparity, environmental conditions, and the start of hibernation influence the timing of parturition. The mean date of implantation was 1 December (SD = 12), the mean date of parturition was 26 January (SD = 12), and the mean duration of the gestation period was 56 days (SD = 2). The body temperature of pregnant females was higher during the gestation and lactation periods than that of nonpregnant bears. The body temperature of pregnant females decreased during the gestation period. Activity recordings were also used to determine the date of parturition. The parturition dates calculated with activity and body temperature data did not differ significantly and were the same in 50% of the females. Older females started hibernation earlier. The start of hibernation was earlier during years with favorable environmental conditions. Dates of parturition were later during years with good environmental conditions which was unexpected. We suggest that free-ranging pregnant brown bears in areas with high levels of human activities at the beginning of the denning period, as in our study area, might prioritize investing energy in early denning than in early parturition during years with favorable environmental conditions, as a strategy to prevent disturbances caused by human.  相似文献   

Breeding activity in the South American grey opossum, Monodelphis domestica, is stimulated by the presence of males. This study presents the first analysis of changes in concentrations of plasma progesterone during pregnant and nonpregnant cycles. In Expt 1, females were paired with either intact or vasectomized males to stimulate a reproductive cycle, or were isolated from males. Within 4-8 days of pairing, females showed marked changes in the size of the urogenital opening (vulva), which were paralleled by similar changes in body weight (11.4 +/- 2%; mean +/- SEM; n = 13). There was a second increase and decrease in body weight (21.7 +/- 3.3%; n = 13) in pregnant and nonpregnant cycles during the luteal phase of the cycle. Changes in concentrations of plasma progesterone, determined from samples collected three times a week, were similar in pregnant and nonpregnant cycles. Plasma progesterone concentration, which was increased for 15-18 days, showed two distinct peaks. The first peak, 3-4.5 ng ml-1, occurred immediately after the decrease in vulval swelling, and the second peak (1-2 ng ml-1) occurred 8-12 days later. Concentrations of plasma progesterone were low before parturition occurred. Females isolated from males for 35 days showed no changes in body weight or vulval swelling and concentrations of plasma progesterone remained undetectable. In Expt 2, concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) in plasma were determined twice a day for the first few days after pairing. In three of five females an LH peak was detected coincident with the maximal swelling of the vulva.  相似文献   

Sexual behaviour of 16 female and 12 male rabbits was studied during pregnancy and early post partum. The main behavioural events of the male (nuzzling and mounting) did not differ in the presence of receptive or non-receptive females. When introduced into the cage of the male, receptive and non-receptive females flattened to the floor or circled around. Sexual receptivity to males decreased in early pregnancy and increased to a maximum a few days around parturition; on Days 1 and 6 post partum, all experimental rabbits submitted to mating. Two groups of females were distinguished: one group submitting to mating whatever the stage of pregnancy, the second being receptive only during the few days before parturition or post partum. During pregnancy and early post partum there was no relation between the colour of the vulva and the female sexual behaviour. Does remained sexually receptive even when progesterone concentrations were high. Nevertheless, the number of receptive females was higher when progesterone concentrations decreased around parturition and the mean daily progesterone values were consistently higher in non-receptive than in receptive females. Oestrogen concentrations during pregnancy were very low and were not related to receptive behaviour.  相似文献   

It is commonly believed that the scent-marking activity of female mammals is elevated when they are sexually receptive, yet urine-marking by female mice does not vary in relation to their estrous cycles. We examined the marking behavior of female mice during their reproductive cycle with attention to their postpartum period of sexual receptivity. In the first experiment, females were allowed to mark prior to mating, during gestation, on the evening of parturition, during lactation, and after weaning their pups. They were exposed to a male or female mouse or nothing at each testing period in a counter-balanced fashion. Overall, the subjects marked most frequently in the presence of a male stimulus; their marking rates did not differ when they were exposed to another female or to nothing. The females' marking remained relatively steady through gestation, declined dramatically at parturition, then gradually returned to the levels observed prior to mating. In the second experiment, multiparous females were allowed to mark while they were simultaneously lactating and pregnant. Compared to unmated females, the subjects' marking frequency was low at parturition, declined further to its lowest level about 1 week later, then regained the preceding low level prior to weaning the initial litter and delivering the next. Together these results demonstrate that urine-marking by female mice is diminished just after parturition. Thus, in contrast to some other species, the marking behavior of female mice apparently is not enhanced around the time they are sexually receptive. Because female mice generally mark most frequently when males are nearby, we postulate that a major function of this behavior is to evoke endocrine and behavioral responses in proximate males rather than to attract distant males.  相似文献   

<正>灵长类动物生长发育过程中,雌性往往承担着主要的育幼责任,因此,母亲是帮助灵长类婴儿尽早适应环境并独立生活的重要角色(F?rster and Cords, 2002; Xi et al., 2008; Briga et al., 2012)。对大多数群居型灵长类动物而言,母亲以外的成员也常常参与照料婴猴,该现象普遍存在于旧大陆猴中,  相似文献   

Pregnancy and lactation are energetically demanding periods for female mammals. Unique amongst mammals, bats have to allocate considerable amounts of energy into their offspring because juveniles cannot be weaned until they are capable of flying at almost adult size. Similar to other bat species, female nectar-feeding bats should increase their energy intake after parturition to meet the energy demands of offspring growth. However, previous studies have shown that nectar-feeding bats differ from other similar-sized bats in having a much higher metabolic rate. Therefore, I examined how nectarivorous bats respond to the energetic challenge of reproduction. In this study, the daily energy intake of pregnant and lactating Glossophaga soricina was measured during a 6-week period prior to and a 10-week period after parturition. Body mass of G. soricina increased linearly until parturition. Within the same time period, daily flight time decreased and daily energy intake remained constant. Probably, the reduced flight activity of pregnant bats compensated for the increased power requirements of flight, thus resulting in an almost constant daily energy turnover. During 35 days after parturition, neither flight time, body mass nor daily energy intake of lactating females changed significantly. On average, the daily energy intake of pregnant, lactating or non-reproducing G. soricina was not significantly different. Possibly, for unknown reasons, female G. soricina maintain a daily energy intake of a constant high level during and beyond reproduction.  相似文献   

The physical appearance and the behavior of five lowland gorilla females at two zoos were recorded before and during 14 pregnancies. Whereas only the quality of changes associated with pregnancy had been described previously, in this study the behavior of the females was recorded quantitatively and evaluated statistically. All females at Stuttgart showed distention of the abdomen three to four months before delivery and development of the breasts a few weeks before parturition. Milk was produced by the third month in one case, and in the sixth month or later in the others, sometimes after delivery. The female at Frankfurt stopped social play seven days after conception; the Stuttgart females, in general, stopped, in the first weeks of pregnancy. Social activity and locomotion decreased considerably within the first three months in all females and were significantly different between the pregnant and the nonpregnant state in all the Stuttgart females. In this study, as in others in the literature, behavioral changes were much more reliable signs of pregnancy than were physical changes. Thus the quantitative results confirm those obtained solely by qualitative observation.  相似文献   

Three adult female rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) in a breeding colony of approximately 75 adult females developed a clinical condition characterized by protrusion of the cervix through the vulva during pregnancy and/or following parturition. The Gilliam round-ligament uterine ventro-suspension procedure (hereafter called the Gilliam uterine suspension or uterine suspension procedure) was used to return the cervix to a normal anatomical position. Following the procedure, one female delivered a normal live infant, but reprolapsed. After a second suspension procedure, she again became pregnant and delivered a normal live infant without a reoccurrence of the prolapse. A second animal never became pregnant despite repeated breedings to different males for two years. The third animal became pregnant twice following the procedure. The first pregnancy terminated in abortion at two months of gestation, while the second pregnancy ended in an apparent dystocia, necessitating a cesarean section and delivery of a dead fetus. The animal died post-operatively. This surgical procedure successfully salvaged one of these animals which otherwise had no reproductive future.  相似文献   

Suspected superfetation was investigated in a Glasgow hybrid stock of mice. The male was removed either (i) a few days before parturition, or (ii) immediately after mating and on 23 and 25 occasions, respectively, a second litter was born. Members of the anomalous litters were inbred for 10 generations, but the incidence of supernumerary litters did not increase beyond 2-5%. The anterior part of over 500 reproductive tracts, at various stages of pregnancy and after parturition, were serially sectioned but a second set of embryos was not found. The second gestation was of normal length and superfetation was not therefore considered to be the cause of the anomalous litters. In two females, one non-pregnant and one pregnant, spermatozoa were found in the uterus and oviducts 8 days after mating and in distended uterine glands 15 days after mating respectively. It is concluded that the anomalous litters were derived from the fertilization of eggs ovulated at the post-partum oestrus by spermatozoa which had been retained in the female tract for at least 23 days.  相似文献   

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