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油茶是典型的异花授粉植物,其中虫媒是主要形式,所以利用野生传粉性昆虫来提高油茶授粉效率,解除花粉限制,是解决我国油茶产业"瓶颈"的有效方法之一。目前,关于油茶传粉昆虫的研究比较匮乏,仅限于传粉昆虫的种类调查和部分野生蜜蜂传粉生物学和营巢生物学特性研究,不能满足油茶产业发展的需要。在现有研究基础上,结合传粉昆虫研究发展趋势,本文将提出以下几个重要研究内容:油茶访花昆虫种类的调查和鉴定;主要传粉昆虫传粉生物学研究;优势传粉昆虫的筛选;野生传粉蜜蜂与油茶授粉间的关系;利用传粉昆虫与油茶的协同进化进行油茶品种选育。以期为油茶传粉昆虫的后续研究提供参考。  相似文献   

昆虫传粉在维持植物的有性繁殖、物种形成及生态系统稳定中扮演着重要角色, 而野生传粉昆虫为生态系统提供了巨大的传粉服务功能。大蜜蜂(Apis dorsata)为亚洲特有的一种野生传粉昆虫, 是热带地区多种植物和农作物的有效传粉者, 在保障热带生物多样性及作物产量中有不可或缺的作用。但受全球气候变化、人类活动和生境恶化等因素的影响, 其种群数量日益减少, 开展大蜜蜂种质资源保护势在必行。本文综述了大蜜蜂筑巢、迁飞和传粉服务功能, 分析了人为猎取蜂巢, 栖息生境遭受破坏, 杀虫剂和除草剂滥用, 昆虫、螨类和病原物侵染, 气候变化等威胁种群的因素, 以期从强化大蜜蜂基础研究和保护、推动生态农业发展、建立适合大蜜蜂迁飞生态廊道、加强检验检疫及科学合理利用大蜜蜂种质资源等方面制定相应的保护措施。  相似文献   

蜜蜂尤其是野生蜜蜂对维持生态系统功能、保证粮食安全等方面具有重要的作用。近年来, 野生蜜蜂的栖息地由于天然林减少, 而现营造的又多为纯林, 以及大面积种植单一经济林而遭到了严重破坏和片断化。已有研究表明纯林、油茶(Camellia oleifera)和橡胶树(Hevea brasiliensis)经济林中的野生蜜蜂多样性较低。现代农业中新烟碱类杀虫剂、除草剂的大规模使用, 会对蜜蜂个体发育和行为产生不利影响。城市化进程潜在影响了蜜蜂的群落, 如郊区的蜜蜂平均物种丰富度要明显高于中心商业区; 废水、废气和粉尘对蜜蜂的觅食、生长发育等都具有不利影响; CO2等温室气体导致的气候变暖影响了传粉蜜蜂与植物之间的互利共生关系, 造成时间或功能上的不匹配。综上所述, 我国的环境变化可能已导致中国野生传粉蜜蜂多样性的下降和种群的衰退。我国虽是传粉蜜蜂种质资源大国, 但缺乏种类和分布本底以及长期而有效的监测数据, 缺乏对蜜蜂多样性和种群下降机制的研究。因此亟待开展传粉蜜蜂调查、实施长期监测项目, 为之建立研究网络。并通过积累丰富的相关数据, 开展风险预测和评估, 用于管理和缓解传粉蜜蜂下降所带来的经济及非经济影响。  相似文献   

凹唇壁蜂Osmia excavata Alfken是我国早春果园重要的野生传粉昆虫,具有重要的农业价值.本研究分别在山东烟台、江西赣州和重庆沙坪坝地区利用人工放养滞育状态下的凹唇壁蜂成虫,并通过野外观察和室内解剖该蜂的筑巢巢管,系统研究了该蜂的筑巢习性、访花行为、日活动规律和生活史等营巢生物学及相关生物学特性.结果表明...  相似文献   

在生态系统中蛾类是很多植物的传粉者,是全球多样性的一个关键组成,对生态环境的影响重大。它们绝大多数营夜行性生活,因此,蛾类传粉生物学的研究被极大地忽视了,它们对整个传粉生态链的贡献可能并没有得到正确的评价。本文对国内外关于夜行性蛾类传粉研究进行了系统的整理,主要介绍了夜行性访花蛾类多样性、夜行性与昼行性传粉的区别、夜行性蛾类的研究方法、蛾类传粉生物学及生态学等方面的研究情况。结果显示,截至2018年6月,有访花或传粉行为的蛾类物种文献记载为596种,涉及鳞翅目15个总科的29个科;夜行性与昼行性传粉无论是传粉昆虫还是被传粉植物在形态上都具有明显的适应性特征;夜行性蛾类的研究方法主要包括灯诱法、样段计数法、观察法以及由此衍生的一些技术手段。希望本综述能够为我国传粉蛾类与虫媒植物的相互作用研究提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

传粉动物多样性的保护与农业景观传粉服务的提升   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
传粉动物为许多植物尤其是作物提供了重要的传粉服务, 在保障全球粮食安全和人类福祉、缓冲气候变化对作物产量的影响等方面都发挥着重要的作用。然而来自全球土地利用变化、化学农药使用、外来物种入侵及气候变化等的威胁, 导致传粉动物的多样性下降并造成了依赖动物传粉的作物产量和品质的下降。针对这一情况, 作者提出了农业景观传粉动物多样性保护和利用的3种主要途径: (1)改善生产管理, 例如减少化学农药的使用、适当地采取有机种植; (2)促进景观多样性, 包括创建适宜野生传粉者的半自然生境、保护高价值的自然生境、作物多样化、合理配置资源和生境的空间分布; (3)加强对本土传粉动物的保护和开发利用。文章最后提出, 为进一步提升传粉服务, 还需加强对传粉者的生物学特征、传粉服务的需求与供给现状、影响传粉动物多样性和传粉服务的农作措施和景观因素等方面的研究。  相似文献   

昆虫为植物传粉是自然生态系统中的重要环节,在农业和自然生态系统的平衡与调控方面发挥着重要作用。以蜜蜂、熊蜂为代表的传粉蜂因其高效传粉及可人工饲养的特点,已成为设施农业中的优势传粉昆虫。本文总结了传粉蜂在设施农业中的应用现状,并从温湿度、农药、重金属等非生物因素和蜂种、病原生物、天敌、蜜源植物等生物因素两大方面讨论了传粉蜂在应用中面临的诸多挑战。此外,本文初步探讨了植物病虫害对传粉昆虫传粉效率的影响,并对传粉蜂未来的研究和应用方向进行了展望,旨在推动实现传粉蜂在农业中的高效授粉功能,为农产品增产增效服务。  相似文献   

综合评述了濒危药用植物平贝母在生物学特性、化学成分、繁殖方法、传粉生态学及分子生物学方面的研究现状,展望了未来的发展方向,认为野生种质资源调查、保存及遗传多样性的研究是今后研究的主要方向.  相似文献   

【目的】蜜蜂等传粉昆虫是生态系统的关键种,其种群下降趋势是目前全球关注的热点问题,探讨传粉昆虫现状和保护途径具有重要实践意义。【方法】对四川地区城市园林里中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana进行调查,记录其拜访行为、蜜粉源植物和营巢生境特征,并观察主要植物的其他访花昆虫。【结果】城市园林中有大量开花植物,花期持续时间长,是蜜蜂可利用的食物资源;中华蜜蜂在城市中广泛活动,所调查城市都观测到采集蜂进行有效采集,在冬季中华蜜蜂蜂群也能正常活动;城市中其他访花昆虫以鳞翅目和双翅目为主,蝴蝶等会竞争食物资源,行为分析认为蜜蜂具有竞争优势;部分人工绿地和半自然生境可成为中华蜜蜂的营巢地。【结论】城市园林可为中华蜜蜂提供适宜的生存环境,建议改善城市景观和园林管理以更好地发挥园林生境的保护作用。  相似文献   

传粉是植物繁殖和进化的一个关键环节, 为探讨中国产多花兰(Cymbidium floribundum)的传粉生物学特性, 对其开花物候、繁育系统、花的挥发性成分、传粉昆虫行为学实验进行了研究。结果表明, 多花兰不存在自动自交和无融合生殖, 种子的形成有赖于传粉媒介。其自然结实率远低于人工授粉, 存在严重的传粉限制。中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana)为多花兰的有效传粉昆虫, 但未能从中获得报酬, 在传粉过程中将花粉块连药帽一起带出。通过昆虫的行为学实验发现, 多花兰气味对中华蜜蜂具有显著性吸引作用, 而颜色对中华蜜蜂无显著性吸引作用。花朵的主要挥发性成分为醛类与醇类物质, 一天之中在种类和量上几乎没有变化, 只有芳樟醇含量的变化与传粉昆虫活动频率相关。本研究可为兰多花兰的野生保护和杂交育种提供一定依据。  相似文献   

Being the ultimate beneficiary of ecosystem services provided by on-farm agricultural biodiversity, the participation of farmers in its sustainable utilization and conservation is crucial. How much aware they are with the significance and conservation of agricultural biodiversity in order to improve their crop yield remains unclear, especially from the developing courtiers. Pollination is one of such ecosystem services, enormously contributed by the wild bees. In the present study, we have investigated the knowledge of farmers about bees and pollination in general in three districts i.e. Multan, Bahawalpur and Khanewal of southern Punjab, Pakistan. Some 300 farmers (100 cucurbit growers in each district using convenient sampling method) were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. Respondents were first presented with a box of insect specimens and then were asked to identify bees among those. Those who identified correctly were asked to state about their nesting sites. Only 11% of the respondents could correctly identify the bees and half of them could report something about nesting sites. A majority (63%) of the farmers was unable to tell fertilization requirements in cucurbits, 59% could not distinguish female flower from the male flower and 64% could not state any benefit of bees. However, upon briefing about the significance of bee pollinators, 58% of the farmers showed eagerness to conserve bees at their farms. Keeping in view the inadequacies of farmers' knowledge about wild bees and pollination in general, the present study also gives some policy recommendations.  相似文献   

Intraspecific variation in floral traits may reflect adaptive shifts in the pollination system of a plant. This idea was tested by examining the pollination biology of Satyrium hallackii H. Bolus., an orchid which has spurs varying from 8 to 36 mm among populations in southern Africa. Field observations showed that the short-spurred form ( S. hallackii subsp. hallackii ) in coastal fynbos habitats is pollinated by bees, while the long-spurred form ( S. hallackii subsp. ocellatum ) in grassland habitats is pollinated primarily by hawkmoths and, secondarily, by long-tongued flies. The shift between hawkmoths and bees as pollinators may have been promoted by an ecological gradient in South Africa: carpenter bees are common in coastal fynbos habitats, but rare in grassland habitats where there are few available nesting sites. On the other hand, hawkmoths are common in grassland habitats, but rare in fynbos where there are few palatable host-plants. The formation of pollination ecotypes across pollinator gradients has probably been a major factor in the diversification of South African plants with specialized pollination systems.  相似文献   

If climate change affects pollinator‐dependent crop production, this will have important implications for global food security because insect pollinators contribute to production for 75% of the leading global food crops. We investigate whether climate warming could result in indirect impacts upon crop pollination services via an overlooked mechanism, namely temperature‐induced shifts in the diurnal activity patterns of pollinators. Using a large data set on bee pollination of watermelon crops, we predict how pollination services might change under various climate change scenarios. Our results show that under the most extreme IPCC scenario (A1F1), pollination services by managed honey bees are expected to decline by 14.5%, whereas pollination services provided by most native, wild taxa are predicted to increase, resulting in an estimated aggregate change in pollination services of +4.5% by 2099. We demonstrate the importance of native biodiversity in buffering the impacts of climate change, because crop pollination services would decline more steeply without the native, wild pollinators. More generally, our study provides an important example of how biodiversity can stabilize ecosystem services against environmental change.  相似文献   

Urbanization is increasing worldwide, with major impacts on biodiversity, species interactions and ecosystem functioning. Pollination is an ecosystem function vital for terrestrial ecosystems and food security; however, the processes underlying the patterns of pollinator diversity and the ecosystem services they provide in cities have seldom been quantified. Here, we perform a comprehensive meta-analysis of 133 studies examining the effects of urbanization on pollinators and pollination. Our results confirm the widespread negative impacts of urbanization on pollinator richness and abundance, with Lepidoptera being the most affected group. Furthermore, pollinator responses were found to be trait-specific, with below-ground nesting and solitary Hymenoptera, and spring flyers more severely affected by urbanization. Meanwhile, cities promote non-native pollinators, which may exacerbate conservation risks to native species. Surprisingly, despite the negative effects of urbanization on pollinator diversity, pollination service measured as seed set is enhanced in non-tropical cities likely due to abundant generalists and managed pollinators therein. We emphasize that the richness of local flowering plants could mitigate the negative impacts of urbanization on pollinator diversity. Overall, the results demonstrate the varying magnitudes of multiple moderators on urban pollinators and pollination services and could help guide conservation actions for biodiversity and ecosystem function for a sustainable future.  相似文献   

Perennial vetch (Vicia unijuga) is a wild plant found in parts of East Asia and potentially valuable as a forage species for more extreme environments. Information on its reproductive system and pollination biology is needed for progress in domestication of the species. We characterized the reproductive system of perennial vetch as facultative xenogamy (i.e. it is largely cross‐pollinated by insects but is also self‐compatible and can self‐pollinate). There was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in the fruit set ratio between insect cross‐pollination and artificial cross‐pollination at the seed maturation stage, but natural self‐pollination was inefficient. In our study conducted on the Tibetan plateau, eight insect species (especially certain bumble bees) are identified as potential pollinators, and four other insect species belonging to the Lepidoptera and Diptera visited flowers but are unlikely to be pollinators. The flower visitation rate of wild bumble bees was 1.6–3.3 times higher than domestic honeybees, with Bombus lepidus having the highest visitation rate of 15.7 florets/min. The diurnal floret opening rhythm of perennial vetch was synchronized with diurnal activity of potential pollinators. Optimal pollination of perennial vetch would likely be achieved using wild bees, as they have behaviour characteristics and flower tripping ability necessary, and are present in sufficient numbers to be efficient pollinators of this crop. However, even with sufficiency of pollination, there remains a fundamental problem with low fruit set which requires further investigation from a plant biology perspective.  相似文献   

Wild pollinators have been shown to enhance the pollination of Brassica napus (oilseed rape) and thus increase its market value. Several studies have previously shown that pollination services are greater in crops adjoining forest patches or other seminatural habitats than in crops completely surrounded by other crops. In this study, we investigated the specific importance of forest edges in providing potential pollinators in B. napus fields in two areas in France. Bees were caught with yellow pan traps at increasing distances from both warm and cold forest edges into B. napus fields during the blooming period. A total of 4594 individual bees, representing six families and 83 taxa, were collected. We found that both bee abundance and taxa richness were negatively affected by the distance from forest edge. However, responses varied between bee groups and edge orientations. The ITD (Inter‐Tegular distance) of the species, a good proxy for bee foraging range, seems to limit how far the bees can travel from the forest edge. We found a greater abundance of cuckoo bees (Nomada spp.) of Andrena spp. and Andrena spp. males at forest edges, which we assume indicate suitable nesting sites, or at least mating sites, for some abundant Andrena species and their parasites (Fig.  1 ). Synthesis and Applications. This study provides one of the first examples in temperate ecosystems of how forest edges may actually act as a reservoir of potential pollinators and directly benefit agricultural crops by providing nesting or mating sites for important early spring pollinators. Policy‐makers and land managers should take forest edges into account and encourage their protection in the agricultural matrix to promote wild bees and their pollination services.
Figure 1 Open in figure viewer PowerPoint Left, a Nomada sp male; right, an Andrena sp male. Caption Left, a Nomada sp male; right, an Andrena sp male.


Pollinators play an important functional role in most terrestrial ecosystems and provide a key ecosystem service (Ashman et al. 2004 ). Insects, particularly bees, are the primary pollinators for the majority of the world's angiosperms (Ollerton et al. 2012 ). Without this service, many interconnected species and processes functioning within both wild and agricultural ecosystems could collapse (Kearns et al. 1998 ). Brassica napus (oilseed rape, OSR) represents the most widespread entomophilous crop in France with almost 1.5 Mha in 2010 (FAOSTAT August 10th, 2012). Results differ between varieties, but even though it seems that OSR produces 70% of its fruits through self‐pollination (Downey et al. 1970 in Mesquida and Renard 1981 ), native bees are also known to contribute to its pollination (Morandin and Winston 2005 ; Jauker et al. 2012 ). Bee pollination leads to improved yields (Steffan‐Dewenter 2003b ; Sabbahi et al. 2005 ) and to a shorter blooming period (Sabbahi et al. 2006 ), thus increasing the crop's market value (Bommarco et al. 2012 ). The most widely used species in crop pollination is the honeybee (Apis mellifera L) which is sometimes assumed to be sufficient for worldwide crop pollination (Aebi and Neumann 2011 ). However, this assertion has been questioned by different authors (Ollerton et al. 2012 ), and several studies show that many wild bees are also efficient pollinators of crops (Klein et al. 2007 ; Winfree et al. 2008 ; Breeze et al. 2011 ). Recently, Garibaldi et al. ( 2013 ) found positive associations of fruit set with wild‐insect visits to flowers in 41 crop systems worldwide. They demonstrate that honeybees do not maximize pollination, nor can they fully replace the contributions of diverse, wild‐insect assemblages to fruit set for a broad range of crops and agricultural practices on all continents with farmland. Unfortunately, not only are honey bees declining due to a variety of different causes (vanEngelsdorp et al. 2009 ), wild bee populations are also dwindling (Potts et al. 2010 ). Their decline has been documented in two Western European countries (Britain and the Netherlands) by comparing data obtained before and after 1980 (Biesmeijer et al. 2006 ). These losses have mostly been attributed to the use of agrochemicals, the increase in monocultures, the loss of seminatural habitat and deforestation (Steffan‐Dewenter et al. 2002 ; Steffan‐Dewenter and Westphal 2008 ; Brittain and Potts 2011 ). Several studies have shown the importance of natural or seminatural habitats in sustaining pollinator populations or pollination services close to fruit crops (Steffan‐Dewenter 2003a ; Kremen et al. 2004 ; Greenleaf and Kremen 2006a ; Carvalheiro et al. 2010 ). Morandin and Winston ( 2006 ) presented a cost–benefit model that estimates profit in OSR agroecosystems with different proportions of uncultivated land. They calculated that yield and profit could be maximized with 30% of the land left uncultivated within 750 m of field edges. Other studies have demonstrated a negative impact of the distance from forests on pollination services or bee abundance and richness both in tropical ecosystems (De Marco and Coelho 2004 ; Blanche et al. 2006 ; Chacoff and Aizen 2006 ) and in temperate ecosystems (Hawkins 1965 ; Taki et al. 2007 ; Arthur et al. 2010 ; Watson et al. 2011 ). These studies all suggest that natural or seminatural habitats are important sources of pollinators, probably because they provide “partial habitats” (Westrich 1996 ) such as complementary mating, foraging, nesting, and nesting materials sites that bees need to complete their life cycle. In this study, we focused on the effect of distance to forest edge on bee assemblages in OSR ecosystems. Forest edges could provide one or more important partial habitats for different bee species in agricultural landscapes, in particular when associated with a mass‐flowering crop such as OSR (Le Feon et al. 2011 ). For example, the availability of untilled soil and dead branches might provide ground‐nesting and cavity‐nesting bee species with numerous nesting sites. Moreover, during spring at least, the understory and the forest edge can provide cover containing flowering plants and wild trees such as Prunus spp, Castanea sativa, or Salix spp and thereby allow bees to find alternative floral resources. During spring 2010 and 2011, in two areas in France, we examined wild bee abundance and taxa richness both along forest edges and inside OSR fields at different distances from the forest. Like other taxa, bees respond to environmental variables according to their biologic traits that determine access and requirements for nesting, mating, and forage resources, species mobility or physiological tolerance. Specifically, we hypothesized that (1) bee abundance, species richness, and composition of bee communities within the crop field are dependent on the distance from the forest edge (where complementary floral resources, nesting sites, shelters, etc. can be found) and on the orientation of the forest edge; (2) the identity of bees in the crop is related to their foraging range which we measured with the ITD (Inter‐Tegular distance); (3) the forest edge may be the nesting or mating sites for cavity‐nesting or ground‐nesting bees such as Osmia spp or Andrena spp which are important groups of potential early spring pollinators for OSR.  相似文献   

Insect pollination increases the yield and quality of many crops and therefore, understanding the role of insect pollinators in crop production is necessary to sustainably increase yields. Avocado Persea americana benefits from insect pollination, however, a better understanding of the role of pollinators and their contribution to the production of this globally important crop is needed. In this study, we carried out a systematic literature review and meta-analysis of studies investigating the pollination ecology of avocado to answer the following questions: (a) Are there any research gaps in terms of geographic location or scientific focus? (b) What is the effect of insect pollinators on avocado pollination and production? (c) Which pollinators are the most abundant and effective and how does this vary across location? (d) How can insect pollination be improved for higher yields? (e) What are the current evidence gaps and what should be the focus of future research? Research from many regions of the globe has been published, however, results showed that there is limited information from key avocado producing countries such as Mexico and the Dominican Republic. In most studies, insects were shown to contribute greatly to pollination, fruit set and yield. Honeybees Apis mellifera were important pollinators in many regions due to their efficiency and high abundance, however, many wild pollinators also visited avocado flowers and were the most frequent visitors in over 50% of studies. This study also highlighted the effectiveness of stingless bees (Meliponini) and blow flies (Calliphoridae) as avocado pollinators although, for the majority of flower visitors, there is a lack of data on pollinator efficiency. For optimal yields, growers should ensure a sufficient abundance of pollinators in their orchards either through increasing honeybee hive density or, for a more sustainable approach, by managing wild pollinators through practices that protect or promote natural habitat.  相似文献   

Fruit set of highland coffee increases with the diversity of pollinating bees   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The worldwide decline of pollinators may negatively affect the fruit set of wild and cultivated plants. Here, we show that fruit set of the self-fertilizing highland coffee (Coffea arabica) is highly variable and related to bee pollination. In a comparison of 24 agroforestry systems in Indonesia, the fruit set of coffee could be predicted by the number of flower-visiting bee species, and it ranged from ca. 60% (three species) to 90% (20 species). Diversity, not abundance, explained variation in fruit set, so the collective role of a species-rich bee community was important for pollination success. Additional experiments showed that single flower visits from rare solitary species led to higher fruit set than with abundant social species. Pollinator diversity was affected by two habitat parameters indicating guild-specific nesting requirements: the diversity of social bees decreased with forest distance, whereas the diversity of solitary bees increased with light intensity of the agroforestry systems. These results give empirical evidence for a positive relationship between ecosystem functions such as pollination and biodiversity. Conservation of rainforest adjacent to adequately managed agroforestry systems could improve the yields of farmers.  相似文献   

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