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甘肃小陇山林区不同生境类型蝶类多样性研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
于2006~2008年对甘肃小陇山林区不同生境类型中蝴蝶多样性进行了调查研究,研究中依据植被的不同将该林区的蝴蝶生境划分为6种类型:人工林、灌木丛和次生林、居民农田、针阔混交林、落叶阔叶林、针叶林。共获得蝴蝶标本5365只,隶属于11科116属210种。计算了6种生境类型中蝶类物种丰富度、相似性系数和多样性指数。不同生境中,灌木丛和次生林蝶类物种的多样性指数、丰富度和个体数量较高,人工林物种多样性指数、丰富度和个体数量较低;人工林与针叶林之间的相似性系数(0.4194)最高,针阔混交林与落叶阔叶林的相似性系数(0.2951)次之,人工林与灌木丛和次生林之间的相似性系数(0.0769)最低,表明各生境之间蝶类相似性系数很低。  相似文献   

内蒙古赛罕乌拉自然保护区蝶类群落多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解赛罕乌拉自然保护区不同生境下蝶类群落多样性及人为干扰对蝶类多样性的影响,2016—2017年在赛罕乌拉国家级自然保护区的山地草原、河流湿地、山地森林、典型草原和湿地草甸5种生境对蝶类多样性进行了调查。共采集记录蝶类1826只71种,隶属5科55属,其中粉蝶科(Pieridae)的个体数最多,蛱蝶科(Nymphalidae)的属数和种数最多。不同生境类型的蝶类群落组成有差异,山地森林的蝶类的属数和种数最多,有47属58种,典型草原最少,有9属10种。对保护区蝶类群落特征分析结果表明,蛱蝶科的Shannon多样性指数(2.93)和Margalef丰富度指数(5.44)最高,弄蝶科(Hesperiidae)的Pielou均匀度指数(0.86)最高,凤蝶科(Papilionidae)的Berger-Parker优势度指数(0.77)最高。各生境蝶类的多样性有明显差异,山地森林的多样性指数最高,典型草原的多样性指数最低。保护区碟类群落多样性指数具明显的时序特征,7月的多样性指数最高,9月的多样性指数最低。通过Jaccard群落相似性系数计算可知,山地草原与湿地草甸的蝶类Jaccard群落相似性系数(0.43)最高。蝶类群落多样性与植被类型有明显的相关性,人为干扰对蝶类群落多样性有破坏作用。  相似文献   

采用定点法、样线法和随机调查法,2005-2008年间对安徽鹞落坪国家级自然保护区蝶类垂直分布及群落多样性进行调查.本次调查共捕获蝶类3681只,隶属于10科69属111种,其中蛱蝶科的物种数、个体数和多样性指数均高于其他各科;该地区蝶类呈现由东洋界向古北界过渡的特征,且随着海拔的升高东洋界种类逐渐递减,古北界种类逐渐增多.在3个垂直带中(海拔低于800 m、800~1200 m、高于1200 m),海拔800~1200 m垂直带的蝶类种类最丰富.研究区6种主要生境类型(落叶阔叶林、常绿针叶林、针阔混交林、灌木和次生林、农田、居民点)中,灌木和次生林中蝶类的物种数和个体数量、物种多样性指数均高于其他各生境类型,农田生境中蝶类多样性指数最低;生境之间蝶类物种的相似性系数主要与生境构成要素中的植被类型有关,植被类型相差越大,蝶类物种的相似性系数就越小,研究区针阔混交林与灌木和次生林之间的蝶类物种相似性系数最高(0.61),而常绿针叶林与灌木和次生林之间的相似性系数最低(0.20).  相似文献   

青海玉树高原不同生境类型蝶类群落结构与多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2016年和2017年的5—8月,在玉树市选取森林、灌木、高寒灌丛、高寒草甸草原和裸岩5种生境进行蝴蝶种类资源和群落多样性的调查,共记录到蝶类个体数1580头,62种,隶属于7科40属。其中古北界19种,占总种数的30%,东洋界2种,占总种数的3%,两界共有种(广布种) 41种,占总种数的67%。蛱蝶科(535只)个体数量最多,占蝶类个体总数的34%。计算并分析了5种生境中蝴蝶多样性指数(H')、优势度指数(D)、物种丰富度指数(R)、均匀度指数(J)和相似性系数(I),结果表明:灌木生境具有最高的多样性指数,较高均匀度指数和物种丰富度指数以及最低的优势度指数;高寒草甸草原蝶类的多样性指数、均匀度指数、物种丰富度指数均为最低,而优势度指数最高。  相似文献   

2013年6月至2014年5月对澳门的蝶类群落进行了系统研究,共获得蝶类标本876号,隶属于9科50属65种。灰蝶科的种类数(16种)和个体数(234头)均为最多,为优势类群,酢浆灰蝶为优势种。蛱蝶科的种级多样性指数最高,凤蝶科次之。分析了澳门各个区域蝶类的多样性指数、物种丰富度、均匀度指数、优势度指数和优势集中性指数,结果表明生境条件的变化对蝶类多样性产生了明显的影响,人类活动对环境和森林植被的干扰越大,蝶类多样性指数就越低。路环岛的城市化发展程度最低,植被覆盖率最高,最适合蝶类生存和繁衍,因此具有最高的多样性指数、物种丰富度、均匀度指数、物种数和个体数以及最低的优势度指数和优势集中性指数;澳门半岛和氹仔岛的城市化发展程度较高,生境质量相对较差,蝶类的多样性指数、物种丰富度和均匀度指数较低,而优势度指数和优势集中性指数较高。蝶类的多样性特征可以作为城市生境质量和环境变化的指示物。澳门的蝶类区系只有东洋种(50种)和广布种(15种),所占的比例分别为76.92%和23.08%,可见澳门蝶类东洋种占有绝对的优势。  相似文献   

小兴安岭凉水自然保护区蝶类多样性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
顾伟  马玲  刘哲强  焦玥  王利东  张琛  孙虎  孙美欧 《生态学报》2015,35(22):7387-7396
2012—2013年选取原始阔叶红松林、人工林、天然次生林和灌丛草甸4种典型植被生境,对小兴安岭凉水自然保护区的蝶类进行了系统研究。共捕获蝶类1438头,分属7科47属76种,4种植被生境中蝶类群落优势类群均为蛱蝶科,不同生境蝶类群落相似性与生境植被类型密切相关。计算分析了4种植被生境中蝶类多样性指数、物种丰富度、优势度指数、均匀度指数和种-多度关系,结果表明:3种森林生境蝶类多样性大于灌丛草甸,原始阔叶红松林蝶类具有最高的多样性指数、较高的物种丰富度、均匀度指数以及最低的优势度指数,种-多度分布为对数正态分布,说明环境质量优越,最适合蝶类生存和繁衍;灌丛草甸蝶类的多样性指数、物种丰富度和均匀度指数均为最低,而优势度指数最高,种-多度分布为对数级数分布,反映植物群落结构较单一,适合各种蝶类生存和繁衍的资源不足;天然次生林蝶类多样性指数、物种丰富度高于人工林,均匀度小于人工林,但前者种-多度分布为对数级数模型,后者为对数正态模型,说明在封山育林状态下,对森林植被组成进行适当合理的干扰,有利于森林的健康发展  相似文献   

赛罕乌拉自然保护区蝶类多样性及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解赛罕乌拉自然保护区蝶类多样性及其影响因素, 我们于2017年5-9月分别对保护区的典型草原、湿地、山地沟谷草甸、退化草原、农田、山地旱生灌丛、山地中生灌丛等7种生境中的蝴蝶进行观测调查。共记录和采集蝴蝶2,290只, 隶属5科42属63种。蛱蝶科的种类数(34种)和个体数(991只)最多。柑橘凤蝶(Papilio xuthus)、云粉蝶(Pontia daplidice)、绢粉蝶(Aporia crataegi)、荨麻蛱蝶(Aglais urticae)、银斑豹蛱蝶(Speyeria aglaja)等5种为保护区的优势种。保护区蝶类群落的种-多度曲线呈正态分布模式, 表明保护区生态环境良好, 生境相互重叠, 蝶类活动范围在不同生境中可以延伸。不同生境中蝶类群落种类及数量存在一定差异, 其中山地中生灌丛蝶类群落的多样性指数最高, 优势度指数最低; 退化草原的多样性指数和物种丰富度指数均为最低, 优势度指数最高; 山地沟谷草甸的科、属、种、个体数最多; 退化草原的科、属、种、个体数都是最少。区系组成分析表明广布种占63.49%, 古北种占36.51%。保护区不同生境中蝶类群落多样性特征指数在各月份间有明显差异, 蝴蝶种类及个体数与温度之间呈显著正相关, 与降雨量无显著相关性。综上, 我们认为适当的干扰有利于蝶类多样性发展, 而强烈的人为干扰会严重破坏草场环境, 影响蝶类生存和繁衍, 降低蝶类多样性。  相似文献   

青海祁连地区不同生境类型蝶类多样性研究   总被引:47,自引:4,他引:43  
于1997-1999年对青海祁连地区不同生境类型中蝴蝶多样性进行了研究。研究中依据海拔高度、气候、土壤和植被的不同将该地区的蝴蝶生境划分为5种类型:山缘农田、山地草原、森林草原、高寒灌丛草甸、裸岩。共收集蝴蝶4367只,隶属于6科35属53种,计算了5种生境类型中蝶类物种丰富度、相似性系数、多样性指数,其中,蝶类物种丰富度由小到大的顺序为:裸岩(6种)<山地草原(13种)<森林草原(14种)<高寒灌丛草甸(22种)<山缘农田(H′=2.7071)、高寒灌丛草甸(H′=2.7734);森林草原和山缘农田的相似性系数最高(0.3704),其次为山地草原和高寒灌丛草甸(0.2500,裸岩与其他生境类型的相似性系数最低。  相似文献   

新疆东部天山蝶类多样性及其垂直分布   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张鑫  胡红英  吕昭智 《生态学报》2013,33(17):5329-5338
2006-2008年研究了新疆东部天山蝶类多样性和垂直分布.结果表明:研究区域内共记录蝴蝶7科43属63种,占新疆已记录蝶类种数的24.80%,区系组成主要是古北种,占73%;其次是广布种,占27%,没有发现东洋种.其中蛱蝶科的物种数最多,为11属19种,蚬蝶科的物种数最少,只有1属1种.按海拔将生境分为5个垂直自然带,包括低山灌木草原带、山地森林草原带、亚高山草甸带、高山草甸带、垫状植被带.蝶类物种数和个体数排序为亚高山草甸带>山地森林草原带>低山灌木草原带>高山草甸带>垫状植被带.采用Shannon-Wiener指数和G-F指数对蝶类物种和科、属的多样性进行了分析评价,结果显示亚高山草甸带的蝶类多样性最为丰富,其次是山地森林草原带和低山灌木草原带,而高山草甸带和垫状植被带的蝶类多样性相对较低,物种和科、属多样性分析结果均一致.蝶类垂直分布明显,物种数和个体数随海拔变化的趋势类似,均为先增加后下降.蝶类区系成分随着海拔升高发生改变,广布种的比例逐渐降低,高山草甸带和垫状植被带只有古北种分布.研究结果显示,生境改变对蝴蝶群落影响明显,保护生境是保护蝴蝶生存的最主要措施.  相似文献   

宁夏贺兰山自然保护区蝴蝶群落多样性及其与环境因素的关系,2017年5-9月采用样线法对贺兰山东麓6类生境和不同干扰类型10条样线的蝴蝶群落结构及其多样性季节动态进行调查。共记录蝴蝶5科36属45种,蛱蝶科Nymphalidae的属和物种数最多,为17属19种;凤蝶科Papilionidae最少,仅1属1种。菜粉蝶Pieris rapae、云粉蝶Pontia daplidice、斑缘豆粉蝶Colias erate和小檗绢粉蝶Aporia hippia是该地区的优势种,个体数量分别占总个体数的11.76%、11.63%、11.21%和10.17%。不同生境样线优势类群和常见类群不同。蝴蝶的栖息地偏好与寄主植物有关,蝴蝶的生境分布类型可分为生境广布型、湿润平原型、荒漠半荒漠草原型和山地森林型。蝴蝶群落Shannon-Wiener多样性和丰富度指数以灰榆疏林草地生境最高,优势度最低。各物种在生境内的季节变化趋势与不同生境植被生长季节相关,高峰期为7-8月。不同调查时间蝴蝶的优势种和常见种不同。物种数以7月份调查最多,有33种,占全年调查总物种数的73.33%;5月份调查最少,有20种。蝴蝶群落Shannon-Wiener多样性和丰富度指数以8月份最大,5月份最小。蝴蝶成虫发生类型分为全年发生型、春季型、夏季型和夏秋季型。不同生境和季节发生的优势种可以作为对生境状况进行评估的指示类群。采用CCA分析物种分布与微环境因子的关系,海拔对蝴蝶物种多样性分布格局有显著影响。蝴蝶丰富度与海拔、温度、风速显著正相关。适度干扰有利于蝶类多样性增加,较强的人为干扰会影响蝶类栖息环境,降低蝶类多样性。因此,生境差异性和干扰与蝴蝶群落的物种多样性密切相关,维持贺兰山垂直植被带的生境异质性和保持适度干扰是保护蝴蝶多样性的关键。  相似文献   

We analysed the influence of contemporary geography on butterfly diversity for islands in the Mediterranean Basin. We found that island size and distance from the mainland has a significant effect on the number of species. We also used butterflies as an indicator group to identify the importance of forest habitats for biodiversity conservation in the island of Cyprus. To understand the relative importance of local vegetation characteristics of butterflies in the Pentadaktylos mountains transect counts were used to assess the abundance and butterfly diversity in two different forest types. A total of 1,602 butterflies and 23 species were recorded during this research. We observed highly significant effects of forest type on abundance and species richness of butterflies. For example, number of butterflies was significantly higher in old forest than young pine forest. Also, the abundance of endemic butterflies was highest in old forest habitats. Therefore, the survival of the majority of endemic butterflies in Cyprus may depend on conservation of old forests and their understorey plants.  相似文献   

Conversion of natural forest to oil palm plantations is a major threat to biodiversity in Southeast Asia. The retention of natural forest habitats within plantations has been proposed as a method to reduce biodiversity losses in agricultural areas, and we examined whether forest areas resulted in spillover of species into adjacent oil palm plantations. We sampled ants and butterflies along two 2‐km transects across an ecotone from plantation into adjacent forest in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Species richness of both taxa was reduced in plantations, but to a greater extent in butterflies (54% reduction) than in ants (25% reduction). Butterfly diversity increased in plantations with increasing proximity to forest primarily due to spillover of ‘vagrant’ forest species (whose larval host plants do not occur in plantations), although richness of species that could potentially breed in plantations also increased near to forest. By contrast, ants showed no spillover effects and were less sensitive to land‐use changes, with much higher levels of similarity in species assemblages across habitats than for butterflies. Our results for butterflies suggest that despite the negative impacts of plantations on diversity, proximity to forest could improve diversity in adjacent plantations for some taxa. Spillover of forest species implies that retaining forest areas within plantations may be important for facilitating dispersal of some species through the landscape.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the recovery of insect communities after forest disturbance in tropical Africa is very limited. Here, fruit‐feeding butterflies in a tropical rain forest at Kibale National Park, Uganda, were used as a model system to uncover how, and how fast, insect communities recover after forest disturbance. We trapped butterflies monthly along a successional gradient for one year. Traps were placed in intact primary forest compartments, heavily logged forest compartments with and without arboricide treatment approximately 43 years ago, and in conifer‐clearcut compartments, ranging from 9 to 19 years of age. The species richness, total abundance, diversity, dominance, and similarity of the community composition of butterflies in the eight compartments were compared with uni‐ and multivariate statistics. A total of 16,728 individuals representing 88 species were trapped during the study. Butterfly species richness, abundance, and diversity did not show an increasing trend along the successional gradient but species richness and abundance peaked at intermediate stages. There was monthly variation in species richness, abundance, diversity and composition. Butterfly community structure differed significantly among the eight successional stages and only a marginal directional change along the successional gradient emerged. The greatest number of indicator species and intact forest interior specialists were found in one of the primary forests. Our results show that forest disturbance has a long‐term impact on the recovery of butterfly species composition, emphasizing the value of intact primary forests for butterfly conservation.  相似文献   

J. Hill  K. Hamer  J. Tangah  M. Dawood 《Oecologia》2001,128(2):294-302
Tropical forest gaps are ephemeral and patchily distributed within forest areas and have very different light environments compared with closed-canopy forest. We used fruit-baited traps to investigate if gaps are exploited by more opportunistic butterfly species compared with closed-canopy forest. Gaps supported a higher diversity of butterflies in terms of species evenness but closed-canopy sites contained species with more restricted geographical distributions. There was little similarity between the assemblages of butterflies trapped in the canopy and those in either gap or closed-canopy sites, but the greater similarity was with gaps, and increased diversity in gaps was partly due to canopy species turning up in gaps. Dispersal rates (as measured by recapture rates) were higher in gaps and there was evidence that butterflies in gaps had relatively larger and broader thoraxes, indicating a flight morphology adapted for faster flight. These results support the notion of a distinctive gap fauna comprising more widespread, mobile species. Habitat modification that opens up the canopy is likely to result in an increase in these widespread species and a decline in understorey species with restricted distributions.  相似文献   

To discern mechanisms maintaining the diversity of grassland and forest butterflies in coppice woods managed for the production of Japanese forest mushroom logs, we investigated the butterfly fauna in cut-over land tracts shortly after felling and 5 year later, and in forest stands 10, 15, and 25 year after felling (here, we use the term “forests” when referring to the chronosequence of these treed stands). Butterfly species richness and diversity (H′) and the densities of individuals were highest in cut-over lands 5 year after clear-cutting, followed by 25-year-old forest stands. In forests, the richness and densities of forest butterfly species were higher than were those of grassland species. Among forest stands of different ages, forest butterfly species’ richness and the densities of individuals were highest in 25-year-old woods nearing felling time. Some forest butterfly species were observed only in forests. The species richness and densities of grassland butterflies were much higher in cut-over lands 0 and 5 year post felling than in forests; grassland species were rarely found in stands ≥10 year old. Thus, cut-over lands seem to function as temporary habitats for grassland species. Furthermore, the number of forest butterfly species was the same in cut-over lands 5 year after felling and in 25-year-old forest stands; the densities of forest butterfly species was higher in these cut-over lands than in the forest stands. Forest butterfly species living on cut-over land 5 year post felling sipped flower nectar, laid eggs on host plants, and practiced territorial behaviour involved in mate finding. Hence, these cut-over lands functioned as important habitats for various developmental stages of forest butterflies. In conclusion, traditional coppicing in woods for production of Japanese forest mushroom logs is very important for the maintenance of diversity in grassland and forest butterfly species.  相似文献   

中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园(简称“版纳植物园”)保存着上万种植物,且生境多样,具有较高的蝴蝶多样性。本研究选择三类代表性生境:片段化雨林、次生林和专类园,聚焦于环境指示物种蝴蝶这一类群,通过样线法系统调查一年内蝴蝶多样性及其变化。观测结果显示:蝴蝶在版纳植物园内全年发生,共调查到其成虫5科126属218种6 015头,其中蛱蝶科多样性最高。蝴蝶种类及数量随月动态变化,生境间有差异,7-8月种类和数量达到最高峰;1月种类最少,而5-6月数量最低;每月均出现的种类仅有12种,绝大部分种类分散发生于不同月份。影响蝴蝶群落多样性的气候因子中,月最高温显著影响蝴蝶群落的物种丰富度和数量,月最低温显著影响物种丰富度、香农多样性和辛普森多样性,月平均温仅显著影响香农多样性。在版纳的三个典型季节中蝴蝶多样性存在差异,雨季物种丰富度最高,干热季香农和辛普森指数最高;雨季和雾凉季蝴蝶群落组成差异大,仅雾凉季与干热季的蝴蝶群落呈现中等程度相似。此外,在片段化雨林、次生林和专类园这3种不同生境中,蝴蝶群落组成也存在差异,蝴蝶物种丰富度和香农指数在次生林中最高,而辛普森指数则是片段化雨林最高;仅次生林与片段化雨林的蝴蝶群落呈现出中等程度相似。本研究揭示了版纳植物园蝴蝶群落的种类组成与月动态变化规律,并明确了不同季节和生境中蝴蝶群落的多样性变化,可为区域蝴蝶多样性观测及保护提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Gaigher  R.  Pryke  J. S.  Samways  M. J. 《Biodiversity and Conservation》2021,30(13):4089-4109

Habitat loss threatens insect diversity globally. However, complementary vegetation types in remaining habitat increases opportunities for species survival. We assess the extent to which indigenous forest patches moderate the impact of exotic commercial afforestation on grassland butterflies. Butterflies were sampled in grassland along uncorrelated gradients of landscape-scale indigenous forest and plantation cover, while controlling for variation in local vegetation composition. We separately assessed responses by butterfly groups differing in habitat preference, larval diet, and mobility. There was no effect of landscape- or local-scale variables on species richness, but there was a strong interactive effect of forest and plantation cover on butterfly assemblage structure. The effect varied according to species traits. When forest cover was high, assemblages did not differ at different levels of plantation cover. However, plantation cover significantly influenced assemblage structure when forest cover was low. Grassland with limited forest cover in the protected area supported unique assemblages with high frequency of less mobile, specialized species with herbaceous larval host plants, whereas grassland with low forest cover near plantations had a prevalence of mobile, generalist species. A positive association between forest cover and butterflies with woody larval host plants suggests that indigenous forest patches improved the suitability of fragmented grassland for a subset of butterflies, emphasising the value of natural heterogeneity in transformed areas. However, certain butterfly traits associated with large, open grassland were under-represented in grassland between plantations, underscoring the importance of open areas in the broader landscape to conserve the full diversity of species.


山西省蝶类多样性与地带分布   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
结合自然地理与植被条件对山西蝶类多样性分布的现状进行研究,结果表明,其特点是:不同林区差异性大,呈南北递减趋势,受小气候环境影响较大,资源呈片段化分布,耕作区种类多样性丧失严重。根据已知的216种蝶类在山西15个林区的分布情况,采用聚类平均法(UPGMA)对这15个林区的蝶类多样性进行聚类分析,在相似性系数为0.85时,可将山西林区划分为5个蝶类分布地带。按照地理位置和自然景观的不同,分别称之为:Ⅰ.南端山地蝴蝶区;Ⅱ.南部盆地蝴蝶区;Ⅲ.中南部山地丘陵蝴蝶区;Ⅳ.中部高山蝴蝶区;Ⅴ.西北部丘陵蝴蝶区。在关键区系分析中,得知南端山地蝴蝶区和中部高山蝴蝶区是山西蝶类多样性分布的重要地区,对这两个区系加以保护,即可保护山西已知蝴蝶种类的97.7%。  相似文献   

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