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正鄱阳湖流域位于长江中游末段南岸,由鄱阳湖、五河水系(赣江、抚河、信江、饶河、修河)及丘陵山地等构成独立完整的自然地理单元,是长江流域的重要组成部分~[1]。鄱阳湖流域淡水贝类资源特别丰富,共记录淡水贝类122种,  相似文献   

水文变异条件下鄱阳湖流域的生态流量   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
刘剑宇  张强  顾西辉 《生态学报》2015,35(16):5477-5485
受气候变化和人类活动综合影响,鄱阳湖流域水文状况发生变异。河流生态系统适应了变异前的水文状况,变异后势必会影响当地生态系统。基于此,采用8种变异检测方法对水文变异进行综合诊断,阐明水文变异原因。在此基础上,采用15种概率分布函数分别拟合5站各月变异前日流量序列,最终确定5站点各月最优分布函数及所对应的概率密度最大处的流量,即得河道内生态流量。研究表明:(1)抚河于1962年发生弱变异,赣江、修河于1968年发生中变异,信江、饶河于1991年发生弱变异;(2)变异后,赣江、信江、饶河、修河生态需水满足率平均上升11%,抚河生态需水满足率下降32%;(3)水文变异增加提高生态需水满足率,水利工程建设降低年均生态需水满足率、提高干季生态需水满足率。高森林覆盖率提高干季生态需水满足率,对年均生态需水满足率影响不明显。研究结果为鄱阳湖流域水资源管理及区域水资源规划与配置提供重要科学依据。  相似文献   

为了解大沙河水库流域内营养盐输入对水库水质的影响,以 2011年3月~2012年2月大沙河水库5条主要入库河流(大沙河、白沙河、双石河、富食河和沃江河)的水文水质监测数据为依据,分析了这些入库河流的流量和氮磷营养盐浓度,并估算了外源负荷总量,旨在为水库进行高效和合理的流域规划以及水质保护方案的制定提供科学依据。结果表明:位于西南方向的白沙河年平均流量最大(1.01 m3·s-1),西北部富食河流量最小(0.23 m3·s-1)。各入库河流总氮平均浓度变化范围为1.62~4.37 mg·L-1,总磷平均浓度范围为0.08~0.36 mg·L-1,其中富食河氮和磷营养盐的浓度最高,大沙河总氮浓度最低,白沙河总磷浓度最低,总体上西北部河流的氮磷浓度高于西南部河流。全年大沙河水库总氮输入量为176.7 t,总磷输入量为13.7 t。在所有入库河流中,位于水库北部的沃江河对水库营养盐输入量贡献最大,氮、磷负荷分别占总输入量的33%和32%,位于西部的双石河氮负荷最小(12%),西南方向大沙河磷负荷最小(9%)。  相似文献   

江西省鄱阳湖地区的鸟类区系组成及分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
有关鄱阳湖鸟类研究的文献记载极少。1981年12月至1984年2月,由江西省林业厅主办,江西省自然保护区管理办公室、江西省林科所、江西大学、南昌市人民公园等单位组成鄱阳湖鸟类考察队,对鄱阳湖区的鸟类区系组成进行了一次比较全面的考察。现将调查结果整理报道如下。一、自然概况鄱阳湖位于江西省北部,东经115°47′~116°45′、北纬28°22′~29°50′。它汇纳赣江、抚河、饶河、信江、修河五大河流和博阳河、西河来水;下与长江相通,水域广阔。湖南北长170公里,东西最宽为74公里,湖岸线长达1800公里。丰水季节(4至9月)湖水面积达4646.64平…  相似文献   

徐冯迪  高扬  董文渊  郝卓  徐亚娟 《生态学报》2016,36(20):6409-6419
持续高通量的氮、磷输入导致水体富营养化的问题已引起广泛关注。通过对江西省千烟洲香溪流域水样(常规水样,降雨后的地表径流以及雨水水样)的季节性监测,研究大气氮、磷湿沉降对森林流域氮、磷输出动态及水质的影响。结果表明:从2013年6月至2014年5月,香溪流域内氮、磷湿沉降通量分别为11.86 kg/hm~2和0.38 kg/hm~2,其中氮湿沉降主要集中在夏秋两季,占全年输入量的64%,而磷沉降主要集中在夏季,占全年输入量的43%,表现出明显的季节性差异;水体p H值(6.22—8.89)的变化范围较大,而且氮、磷的输出受土地管理(施肥方式)及降雨事件的影响较为明显,尤其在耕作期,总氮的输出量占全年氮输出总量的96.2%,而总磷的输出量占全年磷输出总量的61.4%;对4场不同强度降雨(按降雨强度从大到小)的氮、磷输出动态过程分析,发现不同强度的降雨对水体氮、磷的输出过程影响不同,在径流未形成前以及降雨强度达到暴雨级别时,降雨对流域水体氮、磷的稀释作用明显,而在大雨强度下水体磷的输出量明显高于其他降雨;研究期间,香溪流域内氮湿沉降对水体的贡献量为101.97 kg,磷湿沉降的贡献量为0.60 kg,4场降雨氮对流域水体的贡献量为4.46kg,占流域氮输出负荷的15.22%,磷对水体的贡献量为0.032kg,占流域磷输出负荷的0.85%。同时,根据营养状态指数(EI),发现流域水体全年处于中至富营养状态,而且研究期间水体氮、磷浓度均超过水体富营养化阈值(氮1.5 mg/L,磷0.15 mg/L),存在爆发水体富营养化的威胁。  相似文献   

苕溪流域非点源污染特征及其影响因子   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
应用土壤水体评价模型(SWAT)对苕溪流域径流量、泥沙、营养盐负荷进行模拟计算,分析了2008年苕溪流域非点源污染的时空分布特性.结果表明:苕溪流域非点源污染单位面积产生量表现为北部高于南部、东部高于西部、中部地区最少;耕地是泥沙和污染物产生的主要来源,其单位面积负荷远大于其他土地利用类型;产流量、产沙量与降水量呈显著正相关关系(P<0.05),雨季(6-9月)的营养盐输出大于旱季(12月至次年3月);平均坡度与泥沙负荷、有机氮负荷及硝态氮负荷呈显著相关关系(P<0.05).  相似文献   

伊乐藻对富营养化水体的净化作用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用室内静态模拟生长体系,研究了沉水植物伊乐藻在夏季高温季节5种不同氮磷营养条件水体中的生长状况及其对水体中氮、磷的净化效果。结果表明:低氮(1.0~5.5mg.L-1)、低磷(0.3~1.3mg.L-1)营养盐水体中的伊乐藻生长状态良好,但在高浓度氮(8.0mg.L-1)、磷(2.0mg.L-1)营养盐条件下,伊乐藻生长在后期受到部分抑制。伊乐藻对水体氮磷的去除效果随水体氮磷浓度的增加而增强,与起始水体氮磷含量相比,不同营养盐条件处理50d时,各处理伊乐藻对水体总氮的去除率分别达到55.88%、85.51%、88.18%、93.57%、95.97%,总磷的去除率分别达到47.55%、74.31%、57.75%、79.23%、74.92%。可见,伊乐藻在夏季高温季节对水体氮磷有一定去除效果,且对氮的去除效率高于磷,其对高氮、高磷环境有一定的耐受能力。  相似文献   

三峡水库香溪河库湾主要营养盐的入库动态   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
李凤清    叶麟  刘瑞秋  曹明    蔡庆华   《生态学报》2008,28(5):2073-2073~2079
基于香溪河及其主要支流高岚河的5a监测数据,估算三峡水库香溪河库湾氮磷营养盐的入库通量,并分析了氮磷营养盐的浓度及其通量的逐月动态.研究发现,每年大约有1623.49 t总氮和331.85 t总磷汇入香溪河库湾,其中,香溪河贡献了68.50%的总氮和91.74%的总磷.在这两条河流中,溶解无机氮是氮的主要存在形式;氮通量表现出夏季7月份偏高、春秋季次之、冬季较低的规律;面源污染是氮进入河道的主要途径.磷酸盐是香溪河磷的主要存在形式,而高岚河磷酸盐的含量则较低;香溪河磷通量的月均波动规律不明显,高岚河磷通量的高峰期出现在春末和夏季;高岚河的磷主要通过面源途径进入河道,而香溪河的磷则存在点源污染.水土流失可能是香溪河流域面源污染的主要途径,磷矿和磷化工厂的排污则是磷点源污染的主要途径.从保护三峡水库香溪河库湾的生态学角度考虑,应重点控制香溪河磷的点源污染.  相似文献   

农业管理措施对三峡库区流域非点源污染削减效果评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选取三峡库区典型流域,利用已校准的连续非点源污染模型AnnAGNPS,评价作物种植、化肥施用水平和3组农业管理措施(保护性耕作措施,CTP;保护性工程措施,CRP;退耕还林措施,CCFP)对农业非点源污染(NSP)输出的削减效果.模拟结果表明:作物种植类型对泥沙削减的效果差异不显著,对磷输出削减的效果差异显著;化肥施用量对总氮和总磷输出影响极显著;CTP可以显著削减泥沙输出,增加养分输出;CRP能削减泥沙输出,对养分输出削减的效果不显著;CCFP对泥沙和养分输出削减效果均显著,坡度>10°农田实施CCFP后,流域泥沙输出<5 t·hm-2,氮、磷等养分输出量可降低至容许范围.  相似文献   

通过2012-2013 年对广东省高州水库氮磷营养盐的趋势变化进行分析, 探讨了水库中氮磷浓度的变化特征,并从水库管理与水动力学两方面对水库水质管理对策进行了讨论。研究结果表明: 高州水库总氮、总磷浓度均表现为丰水期高, 说明受强降雨的影响, 农业面源污染携带大量的氮磷随地表径流进入库区, 致使库区氮磷营养盐含量升高。其次, 入库河流是库区氮磷营养盐的主要来源。氮磷比分析结果表明, 高州水库流域内部分水体在时空上处于氮限制与磷限制交替出现的状态, 且氮磷比与总磷呈现显著地正相关, 进一步反应了高州水库水体主要处于磷素限制状态。水库上游集雨区人口分布集中, 大量的生活排污与农业面源污染的输入是库区营养盐的主要来源; 合理处理上游居民生活垃圾并严格控制工业污染, 是降低库区营养盐的主要途径。此外, 人为改变高州水库的出流方式, 可以抑制浮游植物及藻类的生长, 从而减少水库富营养化的可能。  相似文献   

基因枪技术在农作物基因转化中的应用和进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基因枪技术是一种重要的基因转化方法,近来在单子叶植物的基因转化中应用尤为广泛,本文简要介绍了基因枪技术的转化原理、实际应用、优缺点、影响因素及其发展前景。  相似文献   

Pan J  Chan SY  Lee WG  Kang L 《Biotechnology journal》2011,6(12):1477-1487
Micro- and nanoparticulate drug-delivery systems (DDSs) play a significant role in formulation sciences. Most particulate DDSs are scaffold-free, although some particles are encapsulated inside other biomaterials for controlled release. Despite rapid progress in recent years, challenges still remain in controlling the homogenicity of micro-/nanoparticles, especially for two crucial factors in particulate DDSs: the size and shape of the particles. Recent approaches make use of microfabrication techniques to generate micro-/nanoparticles with highly controllable architectures free of scaffolds. This review presents an overview of a burgeoning field of DDSs, which can potentially overcome some drawbacks of conventional techniques for particle fabrication and offer better control of particulate DDSs.  相似文献   

The absorbance and circular dichroism (CD) of suspensions is lower than if the same amount of chromophore were uniformly distributed throughout the medium. Several mathematical treatments of this absorption flattening phenomenon have been presented using various assumptions and approximations. This article demonstrates an alternative simulation approach that allows relaxation of assumptions. On current desktop computers, the algorithm runs quickly with enough particles and light paths considered to get answers that are usually accurate to better than 3%. Results from the simulation agree with the most popular analytical model for 0.01 volume fraction of particles, showing that the extent of flattening depends mainly on the absorbance through a particle diameter. Unlike previous models, the simulation can show that flattening is significantly lower when volume fraction increases to 0.1 but is higher when the particles have a size distribution. The simulation can predict the slope of the nearly linear relationship between flattening of CD and the absorbance of the suspension. This provides a method to correct experimental CD data where volume fraction and particle size are known.  相似文献   

We have examined the association of Ca2+ with phosphatidylserine/cholesterol and phosphatidylserine/ dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine mixed monolayers using a surface radiocounting technique. No Ca2+ association with pure monolayers of the uncharged molecules was observed. The Ca2+/phosphatidylserine surface ratio was approximately 1:2 in expanded monolayers of the pure anionic lipid and in phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylcholine mixtures. An increase in surface-associated Ca2+ to a number ratio of 1:1 was observed in phosphatidylserine/cholesterol films when the mole fraction of cholesterol was raised to 0.5 and above and the phospholipid number density held constant. We interpret these findings as a prevention of intermolecular salt formation by the sterol. Further support is provided by particle electrophoresis  相似文献   

The experimental work of studying the adsorption of ketotifen and allopurinol by chitosan focused on determining the solubilities and the adsorption isotherms of the adsorbates employed in this study. The adsorption of the aforementioned compounds by chitosan was studied using the rotating bottle method. The concentrations, both before and after the attainment of equilibrium, were determined with the aid of a reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography column. The results of these studies demonstrated that ketotifen and allopurinol are both adsorbed by chitosan. The nonlinear Langmuir-like and the Freundlich models both were applied to the experimental data. The correlation coefficients obtained from the nonlinear Langmuir-like model were better than those obtained from Freundlich model, suggesting that allopurinol and ketotifen interacted with certain specific binding sites on the chitosan surface. The allopurinol adsorption experiments indicated that the particle size of chitosan and therefore the surface area can significantly affect the Langmuir capacity constant, while the affinity constants are statistically the same. As expected from the solubility studies, the ketotifen adsorption experiments at 2 different pHs (7 and 10) showed that the adsorption affinity at pH 10 was much higher than at pH 7. What was not expected was that the capacity constants were significantly different, suggesting that further studies are needed using common ion buffers and multicomponent adsorption for the proper mechanism to be determined.  相似文献   

Colloidal Probe Nanoscopy (CPN), the study of the nano-scale interactive forces between a specifically prepared colloidal probe and any chosen substrate using the Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), can provide key insights into physical interactions present within colloidal systems. Colloidal systems are widely existent in several applications including, pharmaceuticals, foods, paints, paper, soil and minerals, detergents, printing and much more.1-3 Furthermore, colloids can exist in many states such as emulsions, foams and suspensions. Using colloidal probe nanoscopy one can obtain key information on the adhesive properties, binding energies and even gain insight into the physical stability and coagulation kinetics of the colloids present within. Additionally, colloidal probe nanoscopy can be used with biological cells to aid in drug discovery and formulation development. In this paper we describe a method for conducting colloidal probe nanoscopy, discuss key factors that are important to consider during the measurement, and show that both quantitative and qualitative data that can be obtained from such measurements.  相似文献   

Activated and unactivated powders of goat hair and coir (coconut husk) separated into two particle sizes were used to mop up spills of crude oil, diesel, kerosene and petrol. It was observed that the materials (sorbents) mopped up appreciable volumes of the hydrocarbon liquids (sorbates) within 90 min of contact. Activation, particle size of sorbents and molecular weight (chain length) of sorbates (hydrocarbon) are major determining factors. Carbonization and particle size enhanced the mopping ability as follows--carbonized 325 microm > uncarbonized 325 microm > carbonized 625 microm > uncarbonized 625 microm, thus activated sorbents with large surface area (small particle size) mopped more hydrocarbons than unactivated of the same particle size. The sorbates were mopped in the order--crude oil > diesel > kerosene > petrol. It was further observed that goat hair (keratin protein) with oleophilic and aquaphobic properties adsorbed more of all the hydrocarbons than coir at all sizes and treatment. Large quantities of the mopped oils were recovered by mere pressing while the waste sorbents with 0.5-2.0% leachable residual oil could be utilized as alternative to fire wood.  相似文献   

聚乳酸乙醇酸共聚物(PLGA)是一种可生物降解的高分子聚合物,具有良好的生物相容性,其降解产物为乳酸和乙醇酸,是机体正常代谢的中间产物,最终可分解为二氧化碳和水,并分别经肺和肾脏排出体外,对人体不产生危害,所以PLGA在微球制剂的制备中常作为首选载体。近年来PLGA微球制剂在医药领域有着飞跃发展,尤其是在抗肿瘤、免疫疫苗、蛋白给药、基因治疗、诊断试剂和细胞支架等方面显现出很大优势。而且已有许多PLGA微球获得美国FDA批准上市,临床应用也有令人满意的效果,未见报道有严重的不良反应。但现阶段国内生产的PLGA缓释微球的质量还有很多不足之处如微球粒径偏大、包封率和载药量偏低、突释过大等,有待进一步提高和改进。本文将综述在制备包裹水溶性药物的PLGA微球过程中相关因素如药物本身理化性质、制备方法、PLGA结构特点、有机溶剂等对微球粒径、包封率的影响,以期为提高以PLGA为药物载体的药效奠定良好的理论基础。  相似文献   

The diversity and distribution of microfungal assemblages in leaf litter of a tropical Australian forest was assessed using two methods: (1) cultures were isolated using a particle filtration protocol (wet season 2001), and (2) fruit bodies were observed directly on leaf surfaces following incubation in humid chambers (wet and dry season of 2002). Four tree species were studied using both methods, namely Cryptocarya mackinnoniana (Lauraceae), Elaeocarpus angustifolius (Elaeocarpaceae), Ficus pleurocarpa (Moraceae), and Opisthiolepis heterophylla (Proteaceae). An additional two species, Darlingia ferruginea (Proteaceae) and Ficus destruens (Moraceae), were studied using direct observations. In total, fruiting bodies of 185 microfungal species were recorded on leaf surfaces (31–81 species per tree species), and 419 morphotypes were detected among isolates obtained by particle filtration (111–203 morphotypes per tree species). Although the observed microfungal diversity was higher with the particle filtration protocol, both methods concurred with respect to microfungal distributions. The overlap of microfungal species in pair wise comparisons of tree species was low (14–30 %), and only 2 and 3 % of microfungal species were observed in leaves of all tree species by particle filtration and by direct observations respectively. Multivariate analysis of data from direct observations confirmed the hypothesis that microfungal assemblages are strongly influenced by host phylogeny and are also affected by seasonal and site factors. The importance of host species in shaping microfungal distributions was also supported by the particle filtration data. Several taxa new to science, as well as some widespread saprotrophs, were detected on only one host. The underlying reasons for this affinity remain unclear, but we hypothesise that a number of factors may be involved such as fungal adaptation to plant secondary metabolites or the presence of a biotrophic phase in the fungus' life cycle.  相似文献   

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