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本研究通过监测浙江健跳港牡蛎礁海域的牡蛎幼体补充量,并开展田间实验,比较了两种底物(牡蛎壳、岩石)的牡蛎附着效果,从而确定合理的牡蛎礁修复方式,推荐适宜的建礁材料。结果显示:牡蛎自然补充群体中共有4种牡蛎,即近江牡蛎(Crassostrea ariakensis)、熊本牡蛎(C. sikamea)、福建牡蛎(C. angulate)和猫爪牡蛎(Talonostrea talonata),补充量中以熊本牡蛎占绝对优势,相对丰度达95%以上。牡蛎补充量介于0~44 200 个/m2,月平均补充量为(7 165±1 246) 个/m2。附着底物筛选实验结果表明潮区(P<0.001)和底物类型(P=0.004)均显著影响牡蛎补充量,两因子之间存在显著的互作效应(F1,16=8.214,P=0.011)。4个实验组间附着牡蛎密度的排序为:高礁区岩石>高礁区牡蛎壳>低礁区岩石=低礁区牡蛎壳(P<0.05);相对于牡蛎壳,岩石是更为适宜的牡蛎附着底物。本研究得出浙江健跳港牡蛎礁为底物受限型,可在退化礁区投放岩石修复牡蛎礁。  相似文献   

江苏海门蛎岈山牡蛎礁是我国目前现存的面积最大的潮间带活体牡蛎礁,但由于人类活动干扰及泥沙淤积等原因,该自然牡蛎礁面积不断缩小,影响着该牡蛎礁的生态功能与保护管理。于2013—2014年开展了首期江苏海门蛎岈山牡蛎礁恢复工程,基于生态监测结果评估该牡蛎礁恢复工程的生态效果。多层礁体上活体牡蛎丰度显著高于单层礁体(P0.05);随着礁体的发育,恢复礁体上牡蛎丰度显著下降(P0.05)。非参数Kruskal-Wallis检验结果显示,在两个生活周期内(2013-09—2013-11,2014-03—2014-05)牡蛎均呈现快递的生长(Q=10.519,Q=6.527,P0.05),而在越冬期内(2013-11—2014-03)牡蛎几乎停止了生长(Q=0.35,P0.05)。随着礁体的发育,恢复牡蛎礁上大型底栖动物群落的物种丰度并没有增加,但其平均总密度和总生物量均呈现显著性的增长(P0.05);礁体构建后1a时恢复牡蛎礁中大型底栖动物的平均总密度和生物量均接近于自然牡蛎礁(P0.05),但显著高于未恢复区(P0.05);恢复牡蛎礁与自然牡蛎礁具有显著不同的大型底栖动物群落(ANOSIM,P=0.001)。研究结果表明该牡蛎礁恢复工程取得初步成功。  相似文献   

江苏海门蛎岈山牡蛎礁生态现状评价   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
基于2013—2014年间的生态调查结果,评价了江苏海门蛎岈山牡蛎礁的生态现状。无人机航拍结果显示,江苏海门蛎岈山分布有750个潮间带区牡蛎礁斑块,总面积约为201519.37 m2;与2003年相比,海门蛎岈山牡蛎礁面积约下降了38.8%。活体牡蛎的平均盖度约为66%,2013年5和9月熊本牡蛎Crassostrea sikamea的平均密度分别为(2199±363)个/m2和(2894±330)个/m2。2013年5月海门蛎岈山熊本牡蛎种群的平均肥满度(CI)和性腺指数(GI)分别为(9.76±0.95)%和(1013±82)mg/g,均显著低于浙江象山港养殖的熊本牡蛎种群(P0.05)。海门蛎岈山熊本牡蛎的单倍体多样性和核苷酸多样性指数分别为0.119和0.00028,均高于长江口野生种群和浙江象山港养殖种群。海门蛎岈山熊本牡蛎种群受到尼氏单孢子虫(Haplosporidium nelson)的轻度浸染,其感染率(17.2%)低于浙江象山港养殖群体(47.3%)。泥沙沉积和人类捕捞是江苏海门蛎岈山牡蛎礁面临的主要胁迫因子,今后牡蛎礁恢复的重点是增加附着底物的数量。  相似文献   

河口地区牡蛎礁的生态功能及恢复措施   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在许多温带河口区,牡蛎礁是具有重要生态功能的特殊生境。牡蛎礁在净化水体、提供栖息生境、保护生物多样性和耦合生态系统能量流动等方面均具有重要的功能。近100年来,由于过度采捕、环境污染、病害和生境破坏等原因,许多温带河口区牡蛎种群数量持续下降,河口生态系统的结构与功能受到破坏,富营养化越来越严重。为了修复河口生态系统、净化水质和促进渔业可持续发展,近20年来,世界各地开展了一系列牡蛎礁的恢复活动,尤其美国在东海岸及墨西哥湾建立了大量的人工牡蛎礁,许多研究结果证实,构建的人工牡蛎礁经过2~3年时间,就能恢复自然生境的生态功能。本文介绍了我国首次牡蛎增殖放流工程-长江口南北导堤牡蛎礁,近2年的监测结果显示,长江口导堤牡蛎种群数量快速增长,附近水生生态系统的结构与功能得到明显改善。最后,针对目前牡蛎礁恢复过程中存在的不足,提出了需进一步研究的课题,包括牡蛎基础生物学(病害和分子系统进化),牡蛎礁恢复的关键技术、科学程序及成功的评价标准等。  相似文献   

捕食是影响牡蛎种群建立和牡蛎礁发育的重要生物因子之一。通过室内受控实验测定了日本蟳(Charybdis japonica)、脉红螺(Rapana venosa)和黄口荔枝螺(Thais luteostoma)对4组规格(W1:壳高10-20mm;W2:壳高20-30mm;W3:壳高30-40mm;W4:壳高>40mm)近江牡蛎(Crassostrea ariakensis)和熊本牡蛎(C.sikamea)的捕食偏好性和捕食效率。双因子方差分析结果表明,日本蟳对2种牡蛎的捕食效率没有显著性差异(P>0.05),但牡蛎规格大小显著影响着日本蟳的捕食效率(P<0.05),即日本蟳对W1组近江牡蛎的捕食效率显著高于W2和W4组(P<0.05),W3组的被捕食效率介于中间(P>0.05);日本蟳对W1组熊本牡蛎的捕食效率显著高于W2和W3组(P<0.05),W4组的被捕食效率与其他处理组均没有显著性差异(P>0.05)。牡蛎种类(P=0.590)和规格大小(P=0.357)对脉红螺的捕食效率均无显著性影响,不同规格的两种牡蛎均呈现较低的被捕食效率。黄口荔枝螺对2种牡蛎的捕食效率无显著性差异(P=0.917),但牡蛎规格大小显著影响其捕食效率(P=0.035),即对W1组熊本牡蛎捕食效率显著高于其他3个规格组(P<0.05),但其对不同规格近江牡蛎的捕食效率没有显著性差异(P>0.05)。2种牡蛎的壳厚与其壳高之间均存在极显著的正相关关系(P<0.001)。研究结果表明,3种无脊椎动物捕食者对近江牡蛎和熊本牡蛎并未表现出差异性的捕食偏好,但对不同规格牡蛎的捕食效率具有种间差异。  相似文献   

公丕海  李娇  关长涛  李梦杰  刘超   《生态学杂志》2014,25(10):3032-3038
通过对莱州湾增殖型人工鱼礁附着生物的取样调查,分析了礁体附着优势种褶牡蛎壳干质量、总湿质量和附着厚度的季节变化及其随礁龄变化的差异,并对礁区的总固碳量进行了估算.结果表明: 增殖礁礁体附着褶牡蛎壳干质量和总湿质量均呈现明显的季节性变化(P<0.01),4月最低,12月最高.增殖礁礁龄对附着褶牡蛎壳干质量、总湿质量和附着厚度影响显著(P<0.01),均随礁龄的增加呈递增趋势.莱州湾圆管型增殖礁5、4和3年礁龄的礁体附着牡蛎固碳量分别为17.61、16.33和10.45 kg·m-3.2009—2013年,莱州湾金城海域64.25 hm2海洋牧场圆管型增殖礁礁体上附着牡蛎总固碳量约为297.5 t C,相当于封存了1071 t CO2,而封存固定这些CO2所需费用约1.6×105~6.4×105美元.因此,增殖礁附着牡蛎具有巨大的生态效益.  相似文献   

采用AFLP技术对太平洋牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)、近江牡蛎(Crassostrea rivularis)和褶牡蛎(Crassostrea plicatula)3个牡蛎群体共60个个体进行了遗传多样性分析。结果表明,14对引物共扩增得到662个位点,其中多态性位点619个,多态性位点比例为93.50%。太平洋牡蛎、近江牡蛎和褶牡蛎多态位点比例依次为73.26%、70.54%和75.08%,Nei氏基因多样性指数分别为0.256 9±0.197 7、0.226 1±0.195 2和0.268 3±0.194 1,Shannon信息指数分别为0.382 3±0.276 2、0.341 4±0.274 1和0.398 8±0.270 9。上述结果表明,3个牡蛎群体的遗传多样性水平褶牡蛎最丰富,太平洋牡蛎次之,近江牡蛎最小。基因分化系数Gst和基因流系数Nm表明这3个牡蛎群体之间存在一定的基因交流。UPGMA聚类分析表明,太平洋牡蛎和近江牡蛎先聚为一支,而后与褶牡蛎聚在一起。  相似文献   

香港巨牡蛎和长牡蛎幼虫及稚贝的表型性状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了评估香港巨牡蛎和长牡蛎在北方沿海的早期表型性状,于2010年7月,以2009年6月在青岛繁育的两种牡蛎为材料,在大连研究了温度(Mt:(22±1.0)℃及Ht:(28±1.0)℃)、盐度(S20:20±1.0及S30:30±1.0)及中间育成环境(ID:室内及OD:室外)对两种牡蛎幼虫及稚贝表型性状的影响。结果表明:香港巨牡蛎壳宽显著大于长牡蛎(P<0.05),壳高及怀卵量显著小于长牡蛎(P<0.05),壳长、鲜重及壳重两者间无显著差异(P>0.05)。在温度和盐度相同情况下,长牡蛎卵径、受精率、孵化率及D形幼虫均大于香港巨牡蛎;香港巨牡蛎幼虫浮游前期生长较慢,而后快于长牡蛎。两种牡蛎幼虫存活能力在15日龄时高温组>中温组;相同温度下,香港巨牡蛎中盐组>高盐组,长牡蛎高盐组>中盐组。幼虫变态期间,较低的温度延迟了变态时间,降低了变态率,使得两种幼虫变态规格大型化。温度是影响幼虫生长、存活、变态的最主要因素,其次为盐度,交互作用几乎尚未起到作用。中间育成阶段,室外比室内培育效果更好,且香港巨牡蛎稚贝壳高在60日龄以后显著大于长牡蛎(P<0.05),环境是影响稚贝生长的最主要因素;无论室内还是室外两种牡蛎稚贝的存活率均在90%以上,且各实验组间无显著差异(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

为了揭示近江牡蛎(Crassostrea rivularis)C型凝集素(C-type lectin,CTL)母源免疫在子代胚胎发育早期过程中的免疫防御影响,文章运用荧光定量PCR、人工促排、免疫相关酶活测定等实验,开展了菌胁迫近江牡蛎子代母源CTL m RNA表达及抗菌影响。结果表明:近江牡蛎子代胚胎发育早期可检测到母源CTL转录本,母贝分别在不同菌刺激后,其子代在受精卵、32细胞期、桑葚期、囊胚期CTL m RNA相对表达均出现不同程度的升高,与相应空白组比较差异显著(P<0.05);其子代在受精卵期、32细胞期的Cu/Zn-SOD活力和抑菌活性显著高于相应空白组(P<0.05);其子代在原肠胚期、担轮幼虫期累计死亡率均显著低于空白组(P<0.05)。结论:该近江牡蛎CTL具有母源免疫传代和子代免疫时效,当母源受到适当的免疫刺激可以增加其子代胚胎发育早期对相同病原感染的免疫防御能力。  相似文献   

为了探讨熊本牡蛎(Crassostrea sikamea)在长期饥饿胁迫下的生理代谢响应,测定了长期饥饿(0~80 d)以及再投喂(90~118 d)状态下熊本牡蛎的耗氧率、排氨率以及肝胰腺组织乳酸脱氢酶、琥珀酸脱氢酶、丙酮酸激酶、超氧化物歧化酶、碱性磷酸酶和溶菌酶的活性。结果表明:长期饥饿下,熊本牡蛎的耗氧率和排氨率极显著降低(P<0.01);随着饥饿时间的延长,熊本牡蛎乳酸脱氢酶、琥珀酸脱氢酶、丙酮酸激酶、超氧化物歧化酶和碱性磷酸酶活性均呈现波动下降的趋势,溶菌酶活性呈现波动上升的趋势;再投喂后熊本牡蛎的耗氧率、排氨率均极显著升高(P<0.01);长期饥饿对熊本牡蛎代谢和免疫功能造成损伤,熊本牡蛎通过降低代谢率和代谢酶的活性应对长期饥饿胁迫。本研究可为海水贝类饥饿胁迫下代谢调节机制的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

In the northern Gulf of Mexico (GOM), reefs built by eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica, provide critical habitat within shallow estuaries, and recent efforts have focused on restoring reefs to benefit nekton and benthic macroinvertebrates. We compared nekton and benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages at historic, newly created (<5 years) and old (>6 years) shell and rock substrate reefs. Using crab traps, gill‐nets, otter trawls, cast nets, and benthic macroinvertebrate collectors, 20 shallow reefs (<5 m) in the northern GOM were sampled throughout the summer of 2011. We compared nekton and benthic assemblage abundance, diversity and composition across reef types. Except for benthic macroinvertebrate abundance, which was significantly higher on old rock reefs as compared to historic reefs, all reefs were similar to historic reefs, suggesting created reefs provide similar support of nekton and benthic assemblages as historic reefs. To determine refuge value of oyster structure for benthic macroinvertebrates compared to bare bottom, we tested preferences of juvenile crabs across depth and refuge complexity in the presence and absence of adult blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus). Juveniles were more likely to use deep water with predators present only when provided oyster structure. Provision of structural material to support and sustain development of benthic and mobile reef communities may be the most important factor in determining reef value to these assemblages, with biophysical characteristics related to reef location influencing assemblage patterns in areas with structure; if so, appropriately locating created reefs is critical.  相似文献   

Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) habitat is increasingly being restored for the ecosystem services it provides rather than solely as a fishery resource. Community‐based projects with the goal of ecological restoration have successfully constructed oyster reefs; however, the habitat benefits of these restoration efforts are usually not assessed or reported. In this study, we examined oyster habitat development at five community‐based oyster restoration sites in South Carolina using oyster population parameters, resident fauna densities, and sedimentation (percent sediment coverage) as assessment metrics. All sites included multiple‐aged reefs (1–3 years old) at the time of the fall 2004 sampling. Resident crabs and mussels were abundant at all five sites and crab assemblages were related to the size structure of the oyster microhabitat. Scorched mussel (Brachidontes exustus) abundances were most frequently correlated with oyster and other resident species abundances. Associations among oysters and resident crabs and mussels were not evident when analyses were conducted with higher level taxonomic groupings (e.g., total number of crabs, mussels, or oysters), indicating that species‐level identifications improve our understanding of interactions among reef inhabitants and oyster populations. Community‐based restoration sites in South Carolina provide habitat for mussels and resident crabs, in some cases in the absence of dense populations of relatively large oysters. Monitoring programs that neglect species‐level identifications and counts of mussels and crabs may underestimate the successful habitat provision that can arise independent of large, dense oyster assemblages.  相似文献   

Within estuarine and coastal ecosystems globally, extensive habitat degradation and loss threaten critical ecosystem functions and necessitate widescale restoration efforts. There is abundant evidence that ecological processes and species interactions can vary with habitat characteristics, which has important implications for the design and implementation of restoration efforts aimed at enhancing specific ecosystem functions and services. We conducted an experiment examining how habitat characteristics (presence; edge vs. interior) influence the communities of resident fish and mobile invertebrates on restored oyster (Crassostrea virginica) reefs. Similar to previous studies, we found that restored reefs altered community composition and augmented total abundance and biomass relative to unstructured sand habitat. Community composition and biomass also differed between the edge and interior of individual reefs as a result of species-specific patterns over small spatial scales. These patterns were only weakly linked to oyster density, suggesting that other factors that vary between edge and interior (e.g. predator access or species interactions) are likely more important for community structure on oyster reefs. Fine-scale information on resident species' use of oyster reefs will help facilitate restoration by allowing decision makers to optimize the amount of edge versus interior habitat. To improve the prediction of faunal use and benefits from habitat restoration, we recommend investigations into the mechanisms shaping edge and interior preferences on oyster reefs.  相似文献   

Ecosystem engineers are species that influence the abiotic and biotic environment around them and may assist the restoration of associated species, including other habitat‐forming species. We deployed an array of 28 artificial reefs with transplanted Ecklonia radiata, the dominant canopy‐forming kelp species across southern Australia, to investigate how the patch size and density of E. radiata influenced the establishment of the associated communities of plants and animals. Many of the reefs were rapidly colonized by Ostrea angasi, a critically depleted reef‐forming oyster. Over the 24‐month deployment of the reefs, thick oyster mats formed across the entire surface of many of the reefs with estimated biomass densities exceeding 5 kg of live oysters/m2; however, oyster density was dependent on E. radiata patch size and density. Increasing patch size and the presence of kelp resulted in significantly higher densities of oysters 5 months after the reefs were deployed and at the end of the experiment, where oysters were approximately three times more numerous on reefs with kelp compared to those without kelp. E. radiata appeared to facilitate the establishment of O. angasi largely through its capacity to reduce benthic light and thus suppress competition from turfing algae. These results may inform the development of novel approaches to tackle recruitment bottlenecks affecting the restoration of O. angasi reefs.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, the non-native, filter-feeding crab Petrolisthes armatus invaded oyster reefs of the South Atlantic Bight at densities of thousands m−2. Mesocosm and field experiments demonstrated that P. armatus at ∼10–75% of mean summer densities: (1) suppressed growth of small oysters, biomass of benthic microalgae, and recruitment of native mud crabs, (2) enhanced oyster, mussel, and total bivalve recruitment, macroalgal cover, and survivorship of predatory oyster drills, but (3) did not affect native taxonomic richness. Laboratory feeding assays, field tethering experiments, and population changes in field and mesocosm experiments suggest that P. armatus is a preferred prey for native mud crabs and other consumers, thus relieving predation on native species and enhancing recruitment or survival of bivalves and oyster drills. In contrast, the invasive crab can consume crustacean larvae and via this feeding may suppress recruitment of native mud crabs. Our findings should be conservative given the low densities of P. armatus seeded into experimental plots and our inability to run longer-term experiments due to controls rapidly being colonized by non-native crabs recruiting from the plankton. Invasive crabs commonly impact native communities via predation, but community impacts of this invasive crab may be as much due to its role as a preferred prey of native consumers as to its predation on native prey. Given that oysters are foundation species for shallow reefs in the South Atlantic Bight, the long-term effects of this invasion could be considerable.  相似文献   

Range expansion and population establishment of individual species can have significant impacts on previously established food webs and predator-prey dynamics. The stone crab (Menippe spp.) is found throughout southwestern North Atlantic waters, from North Carolina through the Gulf of Mexico and the Central American Caribbean, including the Greater Antilles. Recent observations suggest that stone crabs have become better established on certain oyster reefs in North Carolina than in the early 1900s when they we first observed in NC. To assess the predatory impact of stone crabs on oysters, we (1) quantified stone crab densities on subtidal oyster reefs in Pamlico Sound, NC using scuba surveys, and (2) conducted laboratory predation experiments to assess the functional response of stone crabs to varying densities of oysters. We then (3) analyzed previously unpublished functional response data on another important oyster predator, the mud crab Panopeus herbstii. Finally, we (4) compared and contrasted potential predatory impacts of stone, mud and blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus). The functional response data and analyses for both stone crabs and mud crabs were consistent with a type II functional response. Mud crabs, on a m2 basis, inflicted the highest proportional mortality on oysters over a 24 hour period, followed by stone and then blue crabs. Proportional mortality did not vary significantly with oyster size; however, relatively small and large oysters were consumed disproportionately less than medium-sized oysters, likely due to the mechanical inability of stone crabs to handle small oysters, and the inability to crush large oysters. Although stone crabs appear to be established in Pamlico Sound at densities equivalent to densities in other systems such as the U.S. Florida Panhandle, their predatory activities on oysters are not expected to have as significant a negative impact on oyster populations compared to other resident predators such as mud crabs.  相似文献   

Habitat restoration encompasses a broad range of activities, emphasizing very different issues, goals, and approaches depending on the operational definition of ‘restoration’. This is particularly true for many shellfish (molluscan) dominated systems (e.g. oyster reefs, mussel beds, vermetid gastropod reefs). In contrast to other well-studied biogenic habitats, such as seagrasses, mangroves, or salt marshes, bivalves are directly consumed as a resource. Hence resource extraction has direct consequences for habitat health. Restoration objectives have typically included reduction of public health risks through improved water quality to increase harvest. Restoration or enhancement of populations of commercially exploited shellfish depressed by overharvesting and/or reduced environmental quality remains the principal motivation behind most shellfish ‘restoration’ efforts. Direct and indirect ecosystem services (e.g. filtering capacity, benthic–pelagic coupling, nutrient dynamics, sediment stabilization, provision of habitat, etc.) derived from oyster habitat have been largely ignored or underestimated. Only recently, the restoration of lost ecological function associated with shellfish communities has been included in our discussions and related research examining habitat development and function through a scientific approach. The former area has been reviewed extensively and will not be our focus here. In this review, we examine some of the restoration efforts made in the name of fisheries enhancement, address their effectiveness, and discuss some of the issues associated with realizing the broader goal of ecological restoration. We note the importance of linking success criteria to specific goals and make the case for a greater need in clarifying the ecological functions of shellfish and shellfish habitats. We recognize the limitations of existing datasets and summarize ongoing attempts to address oyster habitat restoration throughout the broad geographic distribution of the American oyster, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin). In many ways this topic parallels the ongoing debate over ‘attraction versus production’ associated with artificial reef management. We consider how local conditions (e.g. tidal range, bottom topography, turbidity, salinity) and resulting habitat traits affect restoration strategies. We also discuss the underappreciated value of shellfish populations from those areas designated as closed to harvesting due to their intrinsic worth as habitat/larval reserves. The necessity of ecosystem (adaptive) management strategies emerges from this discussion. Finally, this overview supports our contention that shellfish habitat should be included in discussions of ‘essential fish habitats’ (or EFH).  相似文献   

Introduced populations of Guekensia demissa occur on the west coast of North America. They have been reported in San Francisco Bay, four southern California wetlands, and in Estero de Punta Banda (EPB), Baja California Norte, Mexico. We randomly sampled benthic invertebrates in four habitat types within EPB: marsh, channel, mudflat and pan. Geukensia demissa was the most abundant bivalve in the wetland at EPB. It was significantly associated with the native cordgrass, Spartina foliosa, and occurred at higher average densities in vegetated marsh sites (24/m2) and Spartina-dominated tidal channels (35/m2), compared to mudflat (0/m2), and pan (0/m2) sites. We estimated that the total biomass of this invader was over four times that of the next most abundant bivalve, Tagelus spp., in EPB. We examined G. demissa for parasites and found that only a few native parasites colonized this introduced host at very low prevalences and intensities. We performed bird surveys to determine the habitat overlap and potential impact of this mussel on the EPB population of light-footed clapper rails (Rallus longirostrus levipes), an endangered species in the United States. The high abundance of G. demissa in EPB, its presence in clapper rail habitat, and its known effects on salt marsh habitat in it’s native range, warrant further investigations of the impact of this invader in EPB and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Much of the western Indian Ocean suffered widespread loss of live coral in 1998 and interest is now focussed on the indirect effects of this coral loss on other components of the ecosystem, in particular fishes. However, it is just as important to identify changes in fish assemblages at locations that did not suffer coral mortality to understand local versus regional drivers. We surveyed benthic and fish communities on a reef flat in Mauritius five times between 1994 and 2005. The design allowed for comparison through time, along the coast and between inshore and offshore reef locations. The benthic community demonstrates a clear trend along the coast, likely in response to a dredged water ski lane, but little change through time. Branching Acropora colonies dominate much of the live coral and best explain patterns in the fish assemblage (P < 0.01). Few changes in overall fish species richness through time were identified, and observed changes were within fishery target families rather than species reliant on live coral. Departure from expected levels of taxonomic distinctness suggests degradation in the community associated with the dredged ski lane. Non-metric multi-dimensional scaling of the fish assemblage demonstrates a similar pattern to that seen in the benthos; greater differences along the coast (Global R = 0.34) than through time (Global R = 0.17) and no trend between reef positions. SIMPER analysis identified two species of Stegastes as the main drivers of trends in the MDS plot and the most dominant of these, S. lividus, appears to be reducing species richness of the remaining fish community. The study highlights Mauritius as a regional refugia of thermally-sensitive corals and specialised fish, suggesting a need for careful management.  相似文献   

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