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简要回顾了水生甲虫近十几年来各个分类阶元水平系统关系的研究历史,对代表性的水生甲虫类高级阶元系统发育关系进行了比较分析,总结了普遍存在的共识和争议.在研究进展中还介绍了分子生物学方法在水生甲虫系统发育研究中的尝试,虽然其研究结果还未能完全解决上述问题,但必将是对现有研究方法的补充.  相似文献   

黄晓磊  刘琳  乔格侠 《昆虫学报》2011,54(5):582-588
蚜虫是半翅目(Hemiptera)中一类取食植物韧皮部汁液的昆虫, 由于具有一些独特的生物学特征, 是研究重要适应进化问题的理想模型。蚜虫体内存在一类专性的胞内共生菌Buchnera, 对于蚜虫营养代谢和正常发育有重要贡献, 被称为蚜虫的初级内共生菌。蚜虫-Buchnera是研究共生关系的理想模型, 两者系统发育格局的研究有助于理解生物间专性共生关系的演化。本文系统综述了两者在不同分类水平(高级阶元、 低级阶元)上的系统发育关系研究。现有证据暗示: 两者在低级阶元水平上具有系统发育一致性, 而在高级阶元水平上可能没有平行演化关系, 这些对早期研究提出的平行演化假说提出了质疑。在现有研究的基础上, 本文建议从增加取样类群、 增加基因数目和数据量、 系统发育一致性检验等几个方面开展更深入的系统发育研究, 并开展Buchnera的转移实验, 从而检验Buchnera的横向转移及其基因在不同蚜虫支系中的进化速率一致性, 以便更客观地揭示蚜虫-Buchnera的进化关系。  相似文献   

蚕豆蚜种群动态与蚕豆生理变化的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以蚕豆和蚕豆蚜构成的人工种间关系系统为对象,研究了蚜虫种群动态和植物生理变化的关系。发现蚕豆生理应激过程能影响蚕豆蚜种群的生殖率、存活率等种群特征,从而调节其种群的动态。蚕豆还能传导放大昆虫种群自主调节的信息。蚜虫种群的适应过程,包括减小种群数量(低生殖率和迁移),降低对植物的胁迫,从而维持种间关系系统的持续发展。本文还初步将植物的生理应激过程与昆虫种群的动态过程相耦联,建立动态模型,对种间关系的发展趋势进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

五节根蚜亚科蚜虫大多营异寄主全周期生活,具有明显的原生寄主专一性,且能在原生寄主上形成形态各异的虫瘿,因此成为一个倍受关注的类群.但是亚科内族的划分问题却一直存在争议.基于线粒体基因COⅡ部分序列,用PAUP*4.0、MrBayes3.0等软件分别构建了该亚科的MP树、ML树和贝叶斯树,研究了五节根蚜亚科的系统发育关系.结果显示3种算法所构建的系统树都强烈支持五节根蚜亚科是一个单系;系统树明显分为两大分支,提示该亚科下分两个族.将蚜虫主要形态特征及其原生寄主植物信息对应到系统树上,经分析认为这两大分支分别对应倍蚜族和五节根蚜族.依据DNA分类理论,基于系统树的拓扑结构及序列间遗传距离,初步推测术知种No.16961是肚倍蚜Kaburagia rhusicola,但究竟是哪一个亚种尚不确定.  相似文献   

新疆蚜虫的物种多样性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从分类阶元、寄主植物和寄生部位等角度系统研究了新疆蚜虫类昆虫的物种多样性,共发现蚜虫5科57属183种,寄主植物55科192属.无论在属级水平还是在种级水平,蚜科均有绝对优势,分别占新疆所有属数和种数的64.90%和65.60%.结果表明,新疆蚜虫的地理分布具有明显的纬度和经度梯度性,这与天山山脉在新疆的地理位置和走向是紧密相关的.另外,受植被分布和人类活动的影响,新疆蚜虫还具有明显的岛屿状分布特征.  相似文献   

雀形目高级阶元分类与起源研究概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对雀肜目鸟类高级阶元的分类和系统发育的研究进行了简要概述.经典分类与应用分子生物学方法建立的分类系统在高级阶元(总科)有较大差异,但科级的分类基本一致.在雀形目鸟类起源研究方面,古生物学研究结果认为其起源于劳亚古陆;而分子生物学的证据则认为其起源于冈瓦纳古陆.由于化石的证据与"分子钟"的推测年代相差较大,因此对雀形目鸟类的起源还存在争议,但是目前的研究更倾向于"冈瓦纳起源"假说.  相似文献   

蚜虫寄主植物与取食部位的多样性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在中国科学院动物研究所已有标本采集记录和国内外文献资料的基础上,分别从蚜虫类Aphidina科级和属级阶元系统研究世界范围内蚜虫寄主植物与取食部位的多样性.蚜虫的寄主植物种类繁多,涉及267科2120属,尤其以菊科、禾本科、豆科、伞形科、唇形科、蔷薇科、茜草科、兰科、壳斗科、杨柳科、胡桃科等植物为主.13科蚜虫的寄主植物差别很大:在科级水平,球蚜科Adelgidae、纩蚜科Mindaridae和平翅绵蚜科Phloeomyzidae的寄主植物类群比较单一,蚜科Aphididae和瘿绵蚜科Pemphigidae的寄主植物范围最为广泛;在属级水平,各属蚜虫间寄主植物也有明显差异,有143属蚜虫的寄主植物多于2科,其中蚜科的属占多数,蚜属Aphis、瘤蚜属Myzus、长管蚜属Macrosiphum、粗额蚜属Aulacorthum和声蚜属Toxoptera的寄主植物最多,各超过100科290属.在不同的寄主植物上寄生着不同种类的蚜虫,其中16科47属寄主植物上寄生的蚜虫多于14属.蚜虫在寄主植物上的取食部位丰富多样,可分为7类,分别为叶片、嫩梢、嫩枝、茎、花、根部、果实等.以叶片、茎、嫩枝和嫩梢为蚜虫主要取食部位.平翅绵蚜科主要取食嫩枝、茎和根部,短痣蚜科Anoeciidae主要取食叶片、嫩梢和根部,球蚜科、群蚜科Thelaxidae和毛管蚜科Greenideidae取食叶片、嫩梢、嫩枝和茎等部位,纩蚜科取食叶片、嫩梢、茎和花等部位,大蚜科Lachnidae和斑蚜科Drepanosiphidae除取食叶片、嫩梢、嫩枝、茎等部位外,前者还在根部取食,后者还寄生在果实上,根瘤蚜科Phylloxeridae在除花以外的其它6个部位取食,蚜科、瘿绵蚜科和毛蚜科Chaitophoridae的取食部位最为多样,它们在上述7个部位均可取食.还初步讨论了在不同寄主植物上蚜虫物种的分化,以及蚜虫与寄主植物之间的对应关系.  相似文献   

【目的】线粒体基因组分析已被应用于昆虫系统发育研究。本研究以蚜科Aphididae重要类群毛蚜亚科物种为代表,测定并比较分析了该类蚜虫的线粒体基因组特征,探讨了基于线粒体基因组信息的蚜虫系统发育关系重建。【方法】以毛蚜亚科三角枫多态毛蚜Periphyllus acerihabitans Zhang和针茅小毛蚜Chaetosiphella stipae Hille Ris Lambers,1947为研究对象,利用长短PCR相结合的方法测定线粒体基因组的序列,分析了基因组的基本特征;基于在线t RNAscan-SE Search Server搜索方法预测了t RNA的二级结构;基于12个物种(本研究获得的2个物种和10个Gen Bank上下载的物种数据)的蛋白编码基因(PCGs)序列,利用最大似然法和贝叶斯法重建了蚜科的系统发育关系。【结果】两种毛蚜均获得了约94%的线粒体基因组数据,P.acerihabitans获得了14 908 bp,控制区为1 205 bp;C.stipae获得了13 893 bp,控制区为609 bp。两种毛蚜同时获得33个基因,包含接近完整的13个蛋白编码基因(PCGs)(nad5不完整),18个tRNA,2个rRNA基因;ka/ks值表明,C.stipae的进化速率更快。从基因组组成、基因排列顺序、核苷酸组成分析、密码子使用情况、t RNA二级结构等特征来分析,两种蚜虫线粒体基因组基本特征相似。系统发育重建结果表明毛蚜亚科、蚜亚科的单系性得到了支持,毛蚜亚科位于蚜科的基部位置。【结论】两种毛蚜线粒体基因组的基本特征相似,符合蚜虫线粒体基因组的一般特征,两种线粒体基因组的长度差异主要来自控制区长度的不同;系统发育重建支持毛蚜亚科与蚜亚科的单系性,毛蚜亚科位于蚜科较为基部的位置。研究结果为蚜虫类系统发育重建提供了参考。  相似文献   

杨雪  姜立云  陈静  乔格侠 《昆虫知识》2016,(6):1274-1287
【目的】蚜虫体内共生菌种类丰富,二者关系十分密切。几乎所有蚜虫都具有一类专性的初级内共生菌Buchnera aphidicola,二者的专性共生关系使蚜虫-Buchnera成为研究共生关系演化的理想模型。本研究对蚜虫-Buchnera在低级阶元水平上的"平行演化假说"进行了验证。【方法】选取在杨属Populus或柳属Salix植物上营同寄主全周期生活的毛蚜属Chaitophorus蚜虫作为研究对象,基于不同来源的分子标记(蚜虫线粒体基因、核基因和内共生菌基因),运用最大似然法和贝叶斯法重建蚜虫和Buchnera的系统树,并利用Tree Map、Jane和Para Fit检验二者是否具有协同系统发生关系。【结果】Tree Map和Jane分析检测到毛蚜属蚜虫与Buchnera具有显著的共成种信号,Para Fit分析结果表明二者的总体关联极为显著。【结论】毛蚜属蚜虫与其初级内共生菌Buchnera在种级及以下水平上符合"平行演化假说",并且二者的演化关系不会受到寄主植物差异的影响。  相似文献   

在昆虫纲中,生命树计划正在以目级阶元中的分类单元为单位逐步推进.针对这一大的背景,以及高级阶元和种级阶元分子系统学研究间脱节现状,提出以rDNA簇为一组分子标记、并且在未来高级阶元系统发育研究中将目前选取少量代表类群的做法改为将尽量多的物种包含到一棵系统发育树中的建议.其中首先简要介绍了rDNA簇的结构及其中各分子标记在分子系统学研究中的应用价值,随后以蝽类昆虫为例,有针对性地总结了rDNA簇中不同基因序列已有数据的丰富程度及其在分子系统学研究中的应用情况.首次给出了蝽类昆虫28S rRNA近全长序列的二级结构模型.基于对18S rRNA和28S rRNA二级结构研究所积累的认识,强调了18S rDNA和28S rDNA内部不同区段之间变异模式和应用价值的差异,论证了未来在生命树构建中深化对rDNA簇中各基因进行联合应用的合理性和可行性.  相似文献   

Viviparous aphids (Aphididae) constitute a monophyletic group within the Homoptera with more than 4000 extant species worldwide but higher diversity in temperate regions. Several aspects of their biology account for attention paid to this group of insects. Their plant-sap-sucking way of feeding with many species transmitting viruses to crop plants has important implications on crop management strategies. Cyclical parthenogenesis associated in many groups to host alternation and elaborate polyphenisms is of special interests for evolutionists. Finally, the ancient association of most aphid species with intracellular endosymbiotic bacteria (Buchnera sp.) has also received much attention from evolutionists interested in mechanisms involved in the symbiotic process. Knowing the phylogenetic relationships among major aphid taxa is of special interest to evolutionists interested in the above issues. However, until recently, molecular approaches to aphid phylogeny were absent and discussions on the evolution of aphid life-cycles and on evolutionary aspects of their symbiotic association with Buchnera were framed by morphology-based phylogenies. Recently, two reports using molecular approaches attempted to address the yet unresolved phylogeny of Aphididae with limited although somehow different conclusions. In the present report we study the utility of the long-wave opsin gene in resolving phylogenetic relationships among seven subfamilies within the Aphididae. Our results corroborate some previously proposed relationships and suggest a revision of some others. In particular, our data support grouping the analysed aphid species into three main clades, being the subfamily Lachninae one of them, which contradicts its generally accepted sistership relationship with the subfamily Aphidinae. Moreover, our data also suggest a basal position of Lachninae which has implications on current discussions about the ancestrality of conifer-feeding in modern aphids.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Estimates of relationships among Staphylococcus species have been hampered by poor and inconsistent resolution of phylogenies based largely on single gene analyses incorporating only a limited taxon sample. As such, the evolutionary relationships and hierarchical classification schemes among species have not been confidently established. Here, we address these points through analyses of DNA sequence data from multiple loci (16S rRNA gene, dnaJ, rpoB, and tuf gene fragments) using multiple Bayesian and maximum likelihood phylogenetic approaches that incorporate nearly all recognized Staphylococcus taxa. RESULTS: We estimated the phylogeny of fifty-seven Staphylococcus taxa using partitioned-model Bayesian and maximum likelihood analysis, as well as Bayesian gene-tree species-tree methods. Regardless of methodology, we found broad agreement among methods that the current cluster groups require revision, although there was some disagreement among methods in resolution of higher order relationships. Based on our phylogenetic estimates, we propose a refined classification for Staphylococcus with species being classified into 15 cluster groups (based on molecular data) that adhere to six species groups (based on phenotypic properties) CONCLUSIONS: Our findings are in general agreement with gene tree-based reports of the staphylococcal phylogeny, although we identify multiple previously unreported relationships among species. Our results support the general importance of such multilocus assessments as a standard in microbial studies to more robustly infer relationships among recognized and newly discovered.  相似文献   

卢聪聪  刘倩  黄晓磊 《生物多样性》2022,30(7):22204-216
完整的线粒体基因组已被广泛应用于分子进化、基因组学、系统发育等方面的研究。蚜虫是一类重要的农林业害虫, 但目前公开报道的蚜虫完整线粒体基因组非常有限, 因此获得更多的基因组数据对相关研究具有重要价值。本文报道了榕毛管蚜(Greenidea ficicola)、橘二叉蚜(Aphis aurantia)和油杉纩蚜(Mindarus keteleerifoliae) 3种蚜虫的完整线粒体基因组的序列、详细注释信息、基因结构图、密码子使用情况等。该数据集可为昆虫系统发育关系、种群分化格局、害虫防治等方面的工作提供帮助。  相似文献   

Morphological analyses of seed plant phylogeny agree that Gnetales are the closest living relatives of angiosperms, but some studies indicate that both groups are monophyletic, while others indicate that angiosperms are nested within Gnetales. Molecular analyses of several genes agree that both groups are monophyletic, but differ on whether they are related. Conflicts among morphological trees depend on the interpretation of certain characters; when these are analyzed critically, both groups are found to be monophyletic. Conflicts among molecular trees may reflect the rapid Paleozoic radiation of seed plant lines, aggravated by the long branches leading to extant taxa. Trees in which angiosperms are not related to Gnetales conflict more with the stratigraphic record. Even if molecular data resolve the relationships among living seed plant groups, understanding of the origin of angiosperm organs will require integration of fossil taxa, necessarily using morphology.  相似文献   

分类学是认识生物体的一种工具,对生物体间系统关系的理解,种质资源利用的指南,也是一种交流用的普通语言.因此,分类处理需要反映这些关系的近期认识.在自然界,生物体只有两个绝对的单位:个体与种.一个种是一群个体被不可缺少的生殖关系相互联系成为的一个绝对单位.生殖隔离是种与种间的基本界限,同时也是生物演化过程中形成独立基因库(gene pools)的惟一因素.既然在种以上的分类群没有绝对界线,在种以上的任一分类处理都不可能避免人为性.虽然如此,仍然必须作出某些分类适应它们的描述、利用与(或)研究.这篇文章对小麦族分类群间生物系统关系的划分是基于遗传学的研究.我们分类处理的原则是:(1)反映这些种系统演化现今的理解;(2)便于种质资源的利用;(3)避免与传统处理有不必要的剧烈改变.  相似文献   

Sharks are a diverse and ecologically important group, including some of the ocean's largest predatory animals. Sharks are also commercially important, with many species suffering overexploitation and facing extinction. However, despite a long evolutionary history, commercial, and conservation importance, phylogenetic relationships within the sharks are poorly understood. To date, most studies have either focused on smaller clades within sharks, or sampled taxa sparsely across the group. A more detailed species-level phylogeny will offer further insights into shark taxonomy, provide a tool for comparative analyses, as well as facilitating phylogenetic estimates of conservation priorities. We used four mitochondrial and one nuclear gene to investigate the phylogenetic relationships of 229 species (all eight Orders and 31 families) of sharks, more than quadrupling the number of taxon sampled in any prior study. The resulting Bayesian phylogenetic hypothesis agrees with prior studies on the major relationships of the sharks phylogeny; however, on those relationships that have proven more controversial, it differs in several aspects from the most recent molecular studies. The phylogeny supports the division of sharks into two major groups, the Galeomorphii and Squalimorphii, rejecting the hypnosqualean hypothesis that places batoids within sharks. Within the squalimorphs the orders Hexanchiformes, Squatiniformes, Squaliformes, and Pristiophoriformes are broadly monophyletic, with minor exceptions apparently due to missing data. Similarly, within Galeomorphs, the orders Heterodontiformes, Lamniformes, Carcharhiniformes, and Orectolobiformes are broadly monophyletic, with a couple of species 'misplaced'. In contrast, many of the currently recognized shark families are not monophyletic according to our results. Our phylogeny offers some of the first clarification of the relationships among families of the order Squaliformes, a group that has thus far received relatively little phylogenetic attention. Our results suggest that the genus Echinorhinus is not a squaliform, but rather related to the saw sharks, a hypothesis that might be supported by both groups sharing 'spiny' snouts. In sum, our results offer the most detailed species-level phylogeny of sharks to date and a tool for comparative analyses.  相似文献   

Planorbid gastropods are the most diverse group of limnic pulmonates, with both discoidal and highspired taxa. Phylogenetic relationships among these genera are confused and controversial. In particular, the monophyly of the limpet‐like taxa (traditionally Ancylidae) is disputed. Even recent molecular studies have concluded that substantially more work is necessary to solve the remaining issues concerning intergeneric phylogenetic relationships and higher taxa systematics. Planorbid snails are of great significance for humans as several members of this group are intermediate hosts of blood flukes (schistosomes) causing a chronic disease, schistosomiasis. We used the two independent molecular markers COI and 18S (concatenated dataset of 2837 nucleotide bp) to infer phylogenetic relationships of 26 genera (27 species) of Planorboidea, represented mostly by type species from mainly topotypical populations. With the majority of the taxa discussed not having been studied previously, this study attempted to test several hypotheses on planorbid phylogenetic relationships using Bayesian inference techniques. The monophyly of Planorboidea (= ‘Ancyloplanorbidae’) is strongly suggested on the basis of our extensive molecular analysis. Besides a distinct Burnupia clade, two major clades were recovered that correspond to family level taxa (traditional Bulinidae and Planorbidae). Considerable rearrangements of suprageneric taxa are evident from the phylogeny inferred. Therefore, the only clades recognized by current classifications and supported by our analysis are Planorbini and Segmentinini. The present study found that Ancylidae as traditionally understood, i.e. covering most freshwater limpet gastropods, is paraphyletic, as the genera of Burnupia and Protancylus have been shown to lie phylogenetically outside the Ancylini. Chromosome numbers and levels of polyploidy are discussed in the light of the new phylogeny. An earlier theory of shell shape evolution, i.e. that of patelliform taxa being most advanced, was not supported by this study; a limpet‐shaped taxon is most basal within Planorboidea. Although many taxa still remain to be studied, our results will hopefully contribute towards a better understanding of this very important group of freshwater organisms. Some taxonomic implications are discussed.  相似文献   

分类学是认识生物体的一种工具,对生物体间系统关系的理解,种质资源利用的指南,也是一种交流用的普通语言。因此,分类处理需要反映这些关系的近期认识。在自然界,生物体只有两个绝对的单位:个体与种。一个种是一群个体被不可缺少的生殖关系相互联系成为的一个绝对单位。生殖隔离是种与种间的基本界限,同时也是生物演化过程中形成独立基因库(gene pools)的惟一因素。既然在种以上的分类群没有绝对界线,在种以上的任一分类处理都不可能避免人为性。虽然如此,仍然必须作出某些分类适应它们的描述、利用与(或)研究。这篇文章对小麦族分类群间生物系统关系的划分是基于遗传学的研究。我们分类处理的原则是:(1)反映这些种系统演化现今的理解;(2)便于种质资源的利用;(3)避免与传统处理有不必要的剧烈改变。  相似文献   

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