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中国不同民族中苯硫脲味盲基因频率的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用阈值法对中国15个不同民族的苯硫脲味盲基因频率进行了研究,共调查了7495人。结果表明,味盲基因(t)的频率以撒拉族为最高(0.3989),其余依次为鄂温克族(0.3886),甘肃回族(0.3586),藏族(0.3521),朝鲜族(0.3445),蒙古族(0.3279),广东回族(0.3259),苗族(0.3216),东乡族(0.3206),达斡尔族(0.3193),羌族(0.3129),汉族(0.3113),鄂伦春族(0.3030),保安族(0.2953),彝族(0.2635),而以黎族的频率为最低(0.2150)。各民族间味盲百分率差异是极显著的(p<0.01),各民族总计中尝味平均阈值在男、女之间也有极显著差异(p<0.001),而男、女受试者中的味盲率则没有显著差异。  相似文献   

2009年至2012年研究组调查了中国南方汉族15154例(男性为7340例,女性为7814例)的身高、体重和16项测量指标,并计算出12项指数,将南方汉族与蒙古人种北亚类型族群、南亚类型族群及东亚类型族群的韩国人、日本人进行了比较。结果显示:1)南方汉族头面部主要指标介于北亚、南亚类型族群之间;南方汉族男性更接近于北亚类型族群,而南方汉族女性比男性头面部特征更接近南亚类型族群。2)南方汉族男性头部的长、宽、高、围度小于东亚类型族群,面部比韩国人、日本人狭窄;南方汉族女性头的长、宽、围度、下颌角间宽值小于韩国人、日本人,头较高,面部比韩国人、日本人狭窄。南方汉族男性、女性与韩国人、日本人体质差异较大。3)聚类分析结果提示,中国南方汉族与韩国人、日本人体质差异较大。南方汉族男性体质相对接近于北亚类型族群,女性体质介于北亚、南亚类型族群之间。华南汉族体质在南方汉族中有一定的特殊性。  相似文献   

2013年9月在云南省西双版纳州测量了402例(男为197例,女为205例)傣族人的头面部、体部体质指标,并与汉族和中国北亚类型、南亚类型体质进行了比较。研究发现,西双版纳傣族男性、女性均为亚中等身材。西双版纳傣族与德宏州傣族体质特征差异较大。聚类分析结果表明,西双版纳傣族男性与克木人、佤族、水族、苗族在同一组中。总的看来,西双版纳傣族具有南亚类型族群体质特征。  相似文献   

赫哲族掌指纹特征研究   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
本文对166名健康赫哲族人的掌指纹进行了研究,其中男性86名,女性80名。本文列出了58个赫哲族掌指纹参数,将其中52个掌指纹特征输入电子计算机,进行了相关及主成份分析。并且,将赫哲族的掌指纹特征与汉族的掌指纹特征进行了比较。 结果表明:赫哲族的掌指纹特征是与汉族相似的,并且有自己的特征;双手同名指的相关系数大于非同名指,单手相邻指的相关系数大于相隔指;在有关掌指纹特征的研究中,指纹的重要性大于掌纹。  相似文献   

皮纹是体质人类学的遗传特征,在人类种族间和民族间存在差异。我国是一个多民族的国家,开展不同民族皮纹学的研究,不仅为人类学、遗传学和临床医学提供皮纹正常参数,而且对民族的起源、识别、迁移和民族间的相互关系的研究具有重要意义。目前国内汉族的研究报  相似文献   

甘肃裕固族体质特征初步研究   总被引:25,自引:6,他引:19  
本文调查了甘肃省裕固族成年人409人(男210人,女199人)的体质特征。其中活体测量51项,活体观察8项。结果表明:裕固族既具有黄种人的特征,也有本民族的特点,例如头部较圆较高;面部较长偏狭;鼻子高;鼻梁直,属狭鼻型;身材普遍较高,体质较好。这些特征与华北地区的汉族和达斡尔族,羌族及锡伯族的特征比较接近,而与苗族、黎族较远。  相似文献   

为探讨新疆克拉玛依市维吾尔族与汉族成年人体部体质特征。采用整群分层随机抽样原则,按照《国民体质测试指导站各指标的测试方法及判断标准》规定的方法,测量并获得新疆克拉玛依市维吾尔族、汉族20~59岁共4108个成年人的有效样本,并按Martin法对所测体部项目进行体质特征研究。新疆克拉玛依市维吾尔族:除肩型男性为中肩型、女性为窄肩型外,男女均为超中等身材、宽胸型、宽骨盆型、窄手型、矮胖型。新疆克拉玛依市汉族:除身材分型男性为高型、女性为超中等身材外,男女均为宽胸型、窄肩型、宽骨盆型、窄手型、中间胖瘦型。维吾尔族与汉族之间体质特征总体水平差异具有统计学意义(p<0.01),且差异主要存在于维吾尔族与汉族女性之间。克拉玛依市维吾尔族和汉族成年人体质特征均具有北方人群的体质特征。  相似文献   

辽宁满族和汉族指纹白线正常值分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
本文研究了1060例 (满族:460,汉族:600;男女各半) 满族和汉族指纹白线。满族和汉族指纹白线出现率分别是7.11%和31.73%。结果表明民族间的指纹白线有他们各自的特征并做了性别和手别间差异的比较分析。  相似文献   

采用随机整体抽样方法分析了宁夏回、汉族掌纹样本共计614份,回族262人(男性129人,女性133人),汉族352人(男性206人,女性146人).结果表明:1)宁夏回族tPD值显著高于汉族(P<0.01),两民族tPD与atd均呈高度相关;2)两民族间手大、小鱼际出现率均无显著差异,但左手出现率显著高于右手(P<0.01);3)宁夏回族左手掌主线指数显著高于汉族(P<0.01),两民族均表现C线发育不良的出现率显著低于C线缺失的出现频率;4)宁夏回、汉族五种掌褶纹类型的出现率在两民族间均未出现统计学差异;5)不同地区回族大鱼际出现率差异显著.  相似文献   

青海土族体质人类学研究   总被引:33,自引:8,他引:25  
戴玉景 《人类学学报》1997,16(4):274-284
1995年7—8月对青海土族251人(男131、女120)进行了53项活体测量和13项活体观察,结果表明,青海土族的体质特征是:男性眼裂开度中等者较多、女性宽者过半。蒙古褶出现率男性过半,女性占40.8%。94%有上眼睑皱褶。鼻型属中鼻型,头型属中头型。面型,男性以过狭面、狭面和中面型为主,女性以狭面和中面型为主。男身高为1634mm,女为1543mm。通过与西北及其它少数民族比较发现:青海土族与东乡族、保安族、羌族体质相近。  相似文献   

B. (Sibiricobombus) niveatus and B. (Sibiricobombus) vorticosus are analyzed and compared with selected species of the subgenera Melanobombus and Mendacibombus. Different geometric morphometric methods based on wings landmark data show that there are no morphological differences between B. niveatus and B. vorticosus. These results support the hypothesis that B. niveatus and B. vorticosus should be regarded as conspecific. On the other hand, the wing shapes show significant differences among the bumblebee species and subgenera that are coherent with their specific and subgeneric status. This approach may help future studies not only by contributing towards solving problems in systematics but also in understanding the flight mechanism of bumblebees. It also supports studies on the evolution of crossvein structure and on aerodynamics of different wing shapes in insects.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the nycthemeral and sleep-related variations of thyrotropin (TSH) in sleeping sickness (Human African trypanosomiasis). Six untreated patients were studied during 24 hours using 10 min blood sampling and polygraphic sleep recordings. These patients were compared to 5 healthy African subjects. The patients were selected during a medical investigation in Congo. Sleeping sickness was diagnosed clinically and confirmed by the detection of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense in the blood, the cerebrospinal fluid, or in a lymph node puncture, and by a serologic immunofluorescence test. Blood was withdrawn continuously via a catheter and sampled into 10 min aliquots in an adjoining room. TSH was measured by a commercial IRMA kit. Sleep was recorded by continuous polysomnography and scored visually. The integrity of the sleep-wake cycle varied greatly among patients, ranging from major disruption with insomnia to almost undisturbed nocturnal sleep. Mean TSH levels were slightly higher in the patients than in the controls, although the difference was not significant. The nocturnal surge was preserved in all but one patient and its amplitude was not different between patients and controls. There were more TSH pulses in the patients, maybe due to fragmented sleep with many awakenings. The relationships between sleep structure and TSH variations were preserved, with decreasing TSH levels during slow-wave sleep and increasing levels after awakenings. We conclude that contrarily to other biological rhythms, the nycthemeral pattern of TSH is preserved in the sleeping sickness patients. The TSH nocturnal surge persisted, unlike in other nonthyroidal illnesses. The relationhsips between TSH variations and sleep structure are also preserved, demonstrating the robustness of this association.  相似文献   

经纬杂交试验分析新法—一般最小二乘   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘玉春 《遗传学报》1991,18(1):23-32
经纬杂交试验主要涉及地方品种。这些品种具有两个显著特点:一是品种之内纯合程度较差,二是品种之间纯合程度不同。所以对于不同杂交组合而言,相应于观测值的误差效应不仅很大而且服从不同的分布;此时若再利用正规最小二乘进行分析,必然不能得到正确结果。本文根据客观特点,依据新的模型和最优线性无偏估计原理,对于这种试验提出了一种新的分析方法——一般最小二乘分析。这种方法只需首先估计各个组合的方差,然后用它对重复数和观测值进行校正,再按正规最小二乘分析步骤分析即可,所以并不复杂。具体使用有一实例说明。  相似文献   

A review is given of the role of traditional morphometrics in plant systematics. The three most commonly used techniques of data analysis – Cluster Analysis, Principal Component Analysis and Discriminant Analysis – are discussed. The kinds of data that can be taken from palm specimens and the problems of using specimens as data sources are outlined. Published systematic studies of palms using traditional morphometrics are reviewed. More recent studies indicate that: hybrid zones between species may be common; infraspecific diversity is greater than previously suspected; there may be more than double the currently accepted number of species; and our current knowledge of morphological variation in palms is superficial. A procedure for scientific systematics is given, which incorporates traditional morphometric methods.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 151 , 103–111.  相似文献   

Controlled freezing methods adopted for Thermal Analysis (TA) and Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA), were used to investigate the capacity for subcooling short shoots of Pinus silvestris L. of various ages. Both methods showed that there were no differences in subcooling temperature along the length of the short shoots. Differences in age and water content have a significant effect on the freezing profiles. Short shoots of the current years growth were able to subcool to about −13°C. One-year-old short shoots subcooled to about −9°C. There were no apparent variations in subcooling temperatures from June to September. Rainfall or dry periods had no effect on subcooling temperatures. The freezing profiles of living material was characteristic and was not repeated during subsequent freezing cycles. Detection of ice crystal formation during refreezing experiments indicated whether short shoots were alive or dead.  相似文献   


Statistical methods allow the effects of uncertainty to be incorporated into finite element models. This has potential benefits for the analysis of biological systems where natural variability can give rise to substantial uncertainty in both material and geometrical properties. In this study, a simple model of the intervertebral disc under compression was created and analysed as both a deterministic and a stochastic system. Factorial analysis was used to determine the important parameters to be included in the stochastic analysis. The predictions from the model were compared to experimental results from 21 sheep discs. The size and shape of the distribution of the axial deformations predicted by the model was consistent with the experimental results given that the number of model solutions far exceeded the number of experimental results. Stochastic models could be valuable in determining the range and most likely value of stress in a tissue or implant.  相似文献   

Abstract. Floristic and climate data from 150 plots in 25 sites in Galicia, Spain, were analysed to test the hypothesis that climate is the major factor governing the distribution of woody plant species. TWINSPAN classification, Detrended Correspondence Analysis and Canonical Correspondence Analysis were applied in successive stages of the data analysis to describe vegetational variation in relation to climatic gradients. Six groups of species were defined, two clearly oceanic (Maritime and Cool Maritime), one mediterranean maritime, and three mediterranean (Cold Mediterranean, Cool Mediterranean and Temperate Mediterranean). An aridity gradient was revealed as the primary factor regulating the distribution of the species considered. This main gradient reflects the transition between the Eurosiberian and Mediterranean bio-geographic regions. The gradient can be characterized by means of the Vernet bioclimatic index. A value ≥ 4 for this index can be taken to define the mediterranean zone in our study area. The mean minimum temperature in the coldest month was the second most influential climatic variable. Partial ordination analysis revealed that the residual variation was insignificant and that the observed variation in vegetation can be fully accounted for by climatic variables.  相似文献   

不同品种、不同花期的依兰花精油成分研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨依兰花精油的香气质量,我们对云南省西双版纳产依兰花精油以及引种栽培于西双版纳的泰国种、老挝种的依兰花精油的化学成分在Finnigan-4510 GC/MS/DS上用毛细管柱进行了定性和定量分析,鉴定了44个化学成分。分析结果表明,依兰油的香气与品种及精油中的酯类、醇类和酚醚的含量有关。倍半萜烯类和倍半萜醇类的含量越高,其香气质量越差。就西双版纳产依兰油的香气而言,依兰花由青转黄时得到的精油远较绿花和花蕾油为好。  相似文献   

The 2′-deoxy-2′-fluoro-β-D-arabinofuranosyl ortho-aza-purine and -pyrimidine nucleosides manifest an unusually rigid sugar N conformation in solution.  相似文献   


In this study, we developed an approach for prosthetic foot design incorporating motion analysis, mechanical testing and computer analysis. Using computer modeling and finite element analysis, a three-dimensional (3D), numerical foot model of the solid ankle cushioned heel (SACH) foot was constructed and analyzed based upon loading conditions obtained from the gait analysis of an amputee and validated experimentally using mechanical testing. The model was then used to address effects of viscoelastic heel performance numerically. This is just one example of the type of parametric analysis and design enabled by this approach. More importantly, by incorporating the unique gait characteristics of the amputee, these parametric analyses may lead to prosthetic feet more appropriately representing a particular user's needs, comfort and activity level.  相似文献   

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