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从黑曲霉糖化酶高产株T21分离总Poly(A)+RNA,经反转录合成cDNA,建立cDNA库。以糖化酶基因片段为探针从cDNA库进行筛选,阳性率达1.6%。由限制酶酶切图谱确定30%的阳性克隆携带全长的糖化酶cDNA。序列分析结果表明,菌株T21虽经多次诱变获得,但糖化酶基因编码区序列与文献报道的黑曲霉糖化酶基因编码区序列一致。从菌株T2l构建的cDNA库中含糖化酶cDNA插入片段的克隆的高比率充分证明,菌株T21中稳态糖化酶mRNA含量很高,显然这是突变株T21糖化酶高产的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

【目的】建立对糖化酶生产菌种黑曲霉随机突变文库进行筛选的方法,以获得糖化酶酶活提高的突变菌株。【方法】以一株可产糖化酶的黑曲霉菌株Aspergillus niger X1为出发菌株,经硫酸二乙酯诱变获得突变文库,采用葡萄糖的结构类似物——2-脱氧葡萄糖进行筛选,并在筛选过程中逐渐提高2-脱氧葡萄糖浓度,定向选育具有2-脱氧葡萄糖抗性、高产糖化酶的突变株。【结果】获得的高产突变菌株DG36摇瓶发酵糖化酶产量比出发菌株A.niger X1提高22.2%–33.8%,经工业水平50 m~3罐发酵测试,突变株DG36发酵128 h糖化酶活可达49094 U/m L,在相同发酵时间内,其酶活较出发菌株A.niger X1提高32.8%,发酵时间缩短16.9%。【结论】本研究开发了一种以2-脱氧葡萄糖为抗性标记选育高产糖化酶突变株的方法,所得突变株DG36遗传性状稳定,与出发菌相比具有菌丝粗壮、产酶期提前、糖化酶活高、发酵时间短、有利于发酵后处理的优点。  相似文献   

以亚硝酸诱变处理黑曲霉N343和黑曲霉UV-11的分生孢子,然后将它们培养在完全培养基平板上至第二代分生孢子长出,收集这些孢子以制霉菌素浓缩处理,结果以3.8~0.3%的高频率得到19株稳定的营养缺陷型突变株:从黑曲霉N343获得3株维生素类的缺陷型,它们分别为双缺或叁缺;从黑曲霉UV-11获得16株特殊的脯氨酸营养缺陷型,进一步分析表明这是由于从谷氨酸合成脯氨酸或精氨酸的代谢阻断所致。所有以上突变株形态与各自原养型相似,但在产酶活力方面均为负突变  相似文献   

施旭骏  赵超  牛辰  高谦 《微生物学报》2016,56(9):1496-1503
【目的】通过分离海分枝杆菌野生株和mkl突变株的全菌蛋白,并进行差异蛋白质组分析,以期为探索分枝杆菌重要毒力基因mkl的功能提供新思路。【方法】以海分枝杆菌野生株和mkl突变株为研究材料,提取全菌蛋白,i TRAQ试剂标记后进行质谱鉴定和定量分析,并利用Uni Prot数据库对差异蛋白进行生物信息学分析。【结果】共鉴定出在野生株和mkl突变株中差异表达蛋白566个,其中在突变株中上调表达蛋白232个(比值≥1.4),下调表达蛋白334个(比值≤0.7)。生物信息学预测这些蛋白主要参与细菌脂质代谢、细胞壁和细胞进程、中间代谢、呼吸作用等生物学功能。其中Des A3下调最显著,其功能为脂肪酸去饱和酶,与油酸合成相关,进一步验证发现mkl突变株在不含油酸的固体培养基中生长受限,提示mkl可能在油酸的生物合成通路中发挥功能。【结论】通过i TRAQ分析了海分枝杆菌mkl突变株和野生株的差异表达蛋白谱,发现可能影响分枝杆菌油酸、脂质等合成代谢通路,为进一步研究mkl基因在分枝杆菌致病中发挥作用的相关机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

楸树内生真菌菌株FSN002次生代谢产物楸灵素具有优良的抗肝癌性能,选育突变株是研究楸灵素生物合成机制的重要手段。真菌孢子预培养13 h左右,萌发形成4–6个细胞的幼嫩菌丝,适合作为紫外诱变的出发材料。实验发现紫外光强度和照射时间对真菌致死率的影响符合线性模型,二者之间不存在明显的交互作用。当紫外光强度为90 000 μJ/cm2,时长为6 s时,真菌的致死率在95%左右。在上述优化选育诱变条件下,获得了1株楸灵素合成能力完全丧失的突变株和1株楸灵素合成能力下降到野生型16%的突变株,为下一步研究楸灵素的生物合成机制以及高效生产楸灵素奠定了基础。  相似文献   

861949蛋白酶对黑曲霉C突变体合成葡糖糖化酶的影响【英〕/Fiedurek,J.…了ActaMierobiol.Pol一1985,34(1)一25一32〔译自DBA,1985,4(8),85一04112〕 用紫外光照射和用0.01%亚硝基肌处理黑曲霉C分生抱子悬液,这株菌具有葡糖糖化酶合成活性。由分生抱子长出的1230个培养物中选到  相似文献   

[目的]苏云金素(Thuringiensin)的合成和代谢途径的相关研究在国内外一直进展缓慢,本文拟从蛋白质组水平揭示与苏云金素合成或代谢相关的蛋白.[方法]利用双向电泳技术研究了高产苏云金素的苏云金芽胞杆菌野生菌株CT-43、其高产突变菌株CT-43-1C及不产突变菌株BMB0806在蛋白表达水平的差异,然后对差异蛋白点进行质谱鉴定,最后对鉴定出的蛋白进行生物信息学分析.[结果]与野生型和高产菌株相比,在BMB0806中发现了13个差异显著的蛋白点,鉴定出了其中的9个,生物信息学结果显示有6个蛋白可能与苏云金素合成或代谢相关.[结论]通过蛋白质组研究找到了6个可能与苏云金素合成或代谢相关的蛋白,为苏云金素合成基因簇的克隆和合成途径的验证提供了有力的证据.  相似文献   

在前面研究的基础上,仍采用黑曲霉突变株WMC-15为产酶菌株,对糖化生产和提取工艺进行了较大的改进,提高了菌株的产酶缩短了发酵时间,提高回收率,大幅度降离糖化酶的生产成本,按最佳的培养基配方和发酵工艺条件,采用突变株WMC-15仅发酵96小时左右,酶活力可达25,000u/ml以上,对提高我国的糖化酶活力及设备利用率都具有现实意义。  相似文献   

赭曲霉毒素A(ochratoxin A,OTA)是国际癌症研究机构认定的"2B"类致癌物。黑曲霉Aspergillus niger是美国食品药品监督局认可的食品安全菌。然而近年来陆续发现某些黑曲霉菌株能够产生OTA,这会对人类健康构成潜在威胁。阐明黑曲霉生物合成OTA的关键基因有助于理解OTA生物合成机制,这对OTA污染的防控具有重要意义。本研究克隆了产OTA黑曲霉中非核糖体肽合成酶(NRPS)编码基因(An15g07910),并对其进行了生物信息学分析,在此基础上采用同源重组的方法敲除了该基因,获得了一株性能稳定的敲除突变株Δnrps。与野生株相比,Δnrps突变株的表型在CYA培养基中并无明显改变,但在7d培养期间完全失去了合成赭曲霉毒素α(ochratoxinα,OTα)和OTA的能力,而赭曲霉毒素β(ochratoxinβ,OTβ)的合成不受影响。在野生株培养过程中,该nrps基因前4d表达量逐渐增大,并在第4天达到最高,随后基因表达量逐渐下降并趋于稳定,这与OTA的含量变化基本一致。结果表明该nrps基因(An15g07910)参与OTA的生物合成,其编码的NRPS可能负责催化苯丙氨酸部分和二氢异香豆素部分的交联。  相似文献   

郝勃 《生物学杂志》1997,14(2):14-15,5
以亚硝酸诱变处理黑曲霉N343和黑英霉UV-11的分子孢子,然后将它们培养在它们培养基平板上至第二代分生孢子生长,收集这些孢子以制霉菌素浓缩处理,结果以3.8-0.3%的高频率和到19株稳定的营养缺陷型突变株:从黑曲霉N343获得3株维生素类的缺陷型,它们分别为双缺或参缺;从黑曲霉UV-11获得16株特殊遥脯氨酸营养缺陷型,进一步分析表明这是由于从谷氨酸合成脯所酸或精氨酸的代谢阻断所致。  相似文献   

黑曲霉mnn9基因缺失株的构建及其功能分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究通过分析比较黑曲霉基因组与酿酒酵母基因组序列同源性,分离鉴定了黑曲霉mnn9基因。通过同源重组,在黑曲霉GICC2773(ΔAP4:pGPT-laccase)菌株中敲除了mnn9基因。该黑曲霉mnn9基因缺失使外源蛋白漆酶的分泌表达提高了14%,内源蛋白葡萄糖淀粉酶的分泌表达则降低了4%。  相似文献   

DNA fragments coding for hemoglobin domains (HBD) were isolated from Aspergillus oryzae and Aspergillus niger. The HBD activities were expressed in A. oryzae by introduction of HBD gene fragments under the control of the promoter of the constitutively expressed gpdA gene. In the transformants, oxygen uptake was significantly higher, and during growth on solid substrates the developed biomass was at least 1.3 times higher than that of the untransformed wild-type strain. Growth rate of the HBD-activity-producing strains was also significantly higher compared to the wild type. During growth on solid cereal substrates, the amylase and protease activities in the extracts of the HBD-activity-producing strains were 30-150% higher and glucoamylase activities were at least 9 times higher compared to the wild-type strain. These results suggest that the Aspergillus HBD-encoding gene can be used in a self-cloning strategy to improve biomass yield and protein production of Aspergillus species.  相似文献   

The effect of various carbon sources and cAMP on the glucoamylase synthesis in Aspergillus niger was studied to find carbon sources repressed the enzyme synthesis and conditions for the selection of catabolite stable mutants. Maltose at a concentration of 0.5% stimulated the glucoamylase synthesis, but at a concentration of 4% it repressed not only the enzyme synthesis but the growth of the parental strain on the agar medium. The more active mutant 66 was obtained as a result of treatment of Asp. niger st 6 with NG. This mutant is able to grow on the Czapek's medium containing maltose at concentrations 4 or 6%. The mutant 66 produced about 2.9 times more glucoamylase than its parent when maltose was added at 0.5% concentration to the medium. The glucoamylase synthesis in the parental strain was completely repressed under repressing conditions, while the level of the mutant strain activity was 35% from the level of enzyme activity on the medium without the repressor. The addition of cAMP (5.10(-5] resulted in a partial release of maltose (4%) repression of the glucoamylase synthesis in both strains. The results obtained indicate a possibility to select Asp niger mutants with the partially derepressed glucoamylase synthesis. Other regulation mechanisms in addition to catabolite repression may be involved in the regulation of the glucoamylase synthesis.  相似文献   

Aspergillus niger has been grown in glucose- and maltose-limited continuous cultures to determine the bioenergetic consequences of the production of the extracellular enzyme glucoamylase. Growth yields (g biomass per mol substrate) were high, indicating that growth was very efficient and protein production for biomass was not exceedingly energy consuming. It has been found that the energy costs for the production of this extracellular enzyme is very high. Depending on the efficiency of energy conservation the glucoamylase protein yield on ATP is between 1.3 and 2.6 g protein per mol ATP, which is equal or less than 10% of the theoretical maximum of 25.5. These high energy costs most probably have to be invested in the process of excretion. A comparison between an industrial over-producing strain and the wild typeAspergillus niger showed that this over-producing strain most probably is a regulatory mutant. Two regions of specific growth rates could be determined (one at specific growth rates lower and one at specific growth rates higher than 0.1 h-1), which are characterized by differences in mycelium morphology and a significant deviation from linearity in the linear equation for substrate utilization. Analysis of the region of specific growth rates higher than 0.1 h-1 yielded maintenance requirements of virtual zero. It has been concluded that for a good analysis of the growth behaviour of filamentour fungi the linear equation for substrate utilization is not suitable, since it contains no term for the process of differentiation.  相似文献   

Aspergillus niger ORS-4.410, a mutant of Aspergillus niger ORS-4 was produced by repeated irradiation with UV rays. Treatments with chemical mutagnes also resulted into mutant strains. The mutants differed from the parent strain morphologically and in gluconic acid production. The relationship between UV treatment dosage, conidial survival and frequency of mutation showed the maximum frequency of positive mutants (25%) was obtained along with a conidial survival of 59% after second stage of UV irradiation. Comparison of gluconic acid production of the parent and mutant ORS-4.410 strain showed a significant increase in gluconic acid production that was 87% higher than the wild type strain. ORS-4.410 strain when transferred every 15 days and monitored for gluconic acid levels for a total period of ten months appeared stable. Mutant ORS-4.410 at 12% substrate concentration resulted into significantly higher i.e. 85-87 and 94-97% yields of gluconic acid under submerged and solid state surface conditions respectively. Further increase in substrate concentration appeared inhibitory. Maximum yield of gluconic acid was obtained after 6 days under submerged condition and decreased on further cultivation. Solid state surface culture condition on the other hand resulted into higher yield after 12 days of cultivation and similar levels of yields continued thereafter.  相似文献   

Low pectinase production by Aspergillus carbonarius growing on wheat bran solid substrate was found to be due to reduced colonizational ability of the fungus. Since A. niger showed higher growth rates on wheat bran, strain improvement to obtain higher pectinase production in solid state was carried out by inter-specific fusion of protoplasts of A. carbonarius and A. niger. One of the mutants selected for higher activities of alpha-glucosidase showed improved growth rates on wheat bran solid substrate together with increased pectinase production. Size similarities of amplified polymorphic DNA of the mutant with the two parents and identification of a 66 kDa polygalacturonase specific to A. niger suggested genetic recombination in the mutant.  相似文献   

Aspergillus niger AB1.13 cultures with glucoamylase production (with D-glucose as substrate) and without glucoamylase production (with D-xylose as substrate) were characterized by metabolic flux analysis. Two comprehensive metabolic models for d-glucose- as well as for D-xylose-consumption were used to quantify and compare the metabolic fluxes through the central pathways of carbon metabolism at different pH-values. The models consist of the most relevant metabolic pathways for A. niger including glycolysis, pentose-phosphate pathway, citrate cycle, energy metabolism and anaplerotic reactions comprising two intracellular compartments, the cytoplasm and mitochondrion. When D-xylose was used as the sole carbon source, the relative flux of the substrate through the oxidative pentose-phosphate pathway (PPP) via G6P-dehydrogenase was unaffected by the pH-value of the culture medium. About 30% of D-xylose consumed was routed through the oxidative PPP. In contrast, the flux of D-glucose (i.e., under glucoamylase-producing conditions) through the oxidative PPP was remarkably higher and, in addition was significantly affected by the pH-value of the culture medium (40% at pH 5.5, 56% at pH 3.7, respectively). Summarizing, the flux through the PPP under glucoamylase producing conditions was 30-90% higher than for non-producing conditions.  相似文献   

Aspergillus niger produces oxalic acid as a by-product which causes problems with downstream processing of industrial enzymes. To overcome this problem the oah gene encoding oxaloacetate hydrolase (EC was disrupted in a glucoamylase-producing strain of A. niger and the resulting strain was incapable of producing oxalic acid. The strain with the disrupted gene was compared with the wild-type strain producing oxalic acid in batch cultivations. The specific growth rate of both strains was 0.20 h(-1). The citric acid yields were identical, but the glucoamylase yield was only 50% in the disruptant compared with the wild-type strain. Batch experiments with 13C-labeled glucose as substrate were carried out to determine the metabolic fluxes through the central metabolism. The two strains had almost identical metabolic fluxes, which suggested that it was possible to disrupt the oah gene without pleiotropic consequences. The flux through the pentose phosphate pathway was around 60% of the glucose uptake for both strains, which suggested that a sufficient supply of NADPH was available for biosynthesis.  相似文献   

All auxotrophs of Aspergillus foetidus and all but two auxotrophs of A. niger which we isolated yield glucoamylase and citric acid, respectively, at levels below that of the prototrophic strain from which they were derived. Results of representative heterokaryon tests suggest that the nucleus was principally responsible for the inheritance of citric acid or glucoamylase production. Most somatic diploid strains of A. foetidus gave rise to higher yields of glucoamylase when compared to their haploid component strains. Both heterokaryons and somatic diploid strains of A. niger synthesized between auxotrophs which were simultaneously reduced in citric acid yields also gave rise to enhanced yields when compared with their haploid components. The yields of a heterokaryon and somatic diploid synthesized between two high producers of citric acid were not higher than those of respective haploid components. We concluded from these results that gene dosage (or ploidy) does not increase the yield of citric acid. The apparent enhancement in yields observed in diploids or heterokaryons synthesized between auxotrophs with reduced yields in both species can be interpreted as resulting from intergenic complementation.  相似文献   

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