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以山西省五台山3个海拔(2 050 m,2 150 m,2 250 m)臭冷杉林为研究对象,分析叶、枝及根的碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)含量及化学计量特征。结果表明:(1)不同器官间C含量差异不显著,C含量叶(532.51 g·kg-1)>根(521.04 g·kg-1)>枝(505.53 g·kg-1);器官间N、P含量差异显著,N含量叶(17.30 g·kg-1)>枝(11.49 g·kg-1)>根(7.22 g·kg-1);P含量枝(1.77 g·kg-1)>叶(1.63 g·kg-1)>根(1.04 g·kg-1)。(2)不同器官化学计量差异显著,C/N表现为根(74.44)>枝(45.40)>叶(30.89),C/P表现为根(580.93)>叶(329.22)>枝(295.45),N/P表现为叶(10.65)>根(7...  相似文献   

本文研究了田间生长的玉米、高梁、芝麻、豇豆在不同土壤供水条件下,叶水势、气孔阻力、蒸腾速率日变化及其与环境因素的关系。结果表明,四种作物气孔开闭与光强密切相关:夜间气孔关闭,rs高;白天气孔开放,rs低。ψ_(WL)、TR与环境因素(气温、RH、ψ_(WV)、光强等)密切相关,它们之间的相关系数(在0.05和0.01水平)显著。四种作物ψ_(WL)日节奏为“正弦曲线”状,13:00—15:00小时ψ_(WL)最低,黎明前最高。中午ψ_(WV)和土壤含水量愈低。ψ_(ML)愈低。四种作物TR在早晨逐斩增高,13:00—15:00小时最强;傍晚前又降低;夜间TR最低。干旱植株ψ_(WL)、TR低于灌水植株,而rs高于灌水植株。  相似文献   

调查了原籍华北地区汉族的ABO、Lewis、MN、Rh、P等血型系统和ABH分泌型的分布,结果表明:O型(33.44%)和B型(29.38%)较多;N型(27.97%)略多于M型(27.65%);Le(a )型的频率很高(24.17%)。在94人中还发现四名Le(a )型属于ABH分泌型,且都属于分泌A或B血型物质的类型,无一例为分泌H血型物质的类型;Rh(D)阴性率仅0.3%,CCDee和CcDE型占75%以上;P_1( )型占39.1%;ABH分泌型占72%,低于全国其他民族中已知的分布。  相似文献   

861835 欧洲分子生物学组织(EMBO)举办链霉菌(Streptomyces)的遗传操作讲座(1985年7月13~27日,英国诺里奇John Innes Institute)[译自CBA,1985,(6),2083]  相似文献   

863439分子生物学已变成生物技术(1986年i月22~24日,日本东京)〔译自CBA,1985,(9),3153〕 详情询《Nat。re》杂志伦敦和东京办事处。(金人一)863440生物技术的工程收益(1985年11月21一22日,美国加州洛杉矶)〔译自CBA,1985,(9),3154〕 详情询Mr.Ray Goodwin,CONRES-CO,6 Northbrook Park,Lexington,MA 02173.USA。(金人一)863441生物技术的工程效益(1985年10月24一25日,美国首都华盛顿)〔译自CBA,1 985,(9),3155〕 详情询Mr.Ray Goodwin,CONRE-SCO,6 Northbrook Park,Lexingt-on,MA .02173,USA。(金人一)863442为农业和…  相似文献   

922825使用诬式亲和融合法从大肠杆菌中经蛋白水解得到的盆组蛋白的祖定性〔英〕/Murby,M.…,Bi-oteehnol.Appl.Bioehe。一二1991,14(3)一336~346〔译自DBA,1992,11(s),92一0122‘]一31一本技术包括:构建一些融合基因,‘已们编码一些目标蛋白,如人的原胰岛素(Pl)、大鼠蛋白-二硫化物异构酶(PDI)硫氧还蛋白同源区1等 (即蛋白A的IgG一结合蛋白(22)和蛋白G的白蛋白结合区(BB)间的融合),在IgG一Sephar-ose上纯化。对ZZPI(质粒pRIT37)和ZZPIBB (质粒pRIT38)进行SDS一PAGE和Western印迹揭示,产生的Pl在体内是稳定的。从大肠杆…  相似文献   

862908增强从废水生物除磷(1955年9月24~25日,法国巴黎)〔译自CBA,1985, (8),2771〕详情询Miehel Florentz,SeminairePhosphore,Anjou Reeherehe,52 rued'Anjou,75384 Paris Cedex 08,Franee。 (金人一)862909第二届国际生物工业大会(1985年9月25一27日法国南希)〔译自CBA,1955, (8),2772」  相似文献   

在真核细胞的细胞核中,有一种分布不均匀的物质,易被碱性染料(如苏木精)所染色,称之为染色质(chromatin)。当细胞进入分裂期(M期)时,染色质就逐渐螺旋化,并反复折叠成为具有一定形态特征的小体,称之为染色体(chromosome)。可见,染色质和染色体是遗传物质在细胞周期中不同时期的描述用语,其物质本原是同一的,但又有差别(在形态上),是两个不同的概念。即当我们描述细胞分裂的遗传物质情况时,称之为染色体,而说明间期的遗传物质情况时,称之为染色质。正常二倍体细胞的染色体经过S(synthesis)期后,  相似文献   

931521闭合环状质垃DNA的羽备[专,英3/Hyman,E.…,W09213—963 l 30.01.91-US.647789(20.08.92)22.01.92 as U 00540.92—300048/36(20页)[译自DBA,1992,11(23),92-12897~ 从细胞成细胞器中纯化闭合环状(cc)DNA的新方法是· (1)用溶菌酶酶解细胞或细胞器I(2)用蛋白酶处理DNA, (3)加热使所有非环状DNA变性成单链(ss)形式,(4)用内切酶(I)类处理,消化RNA和染色体DNA, (5)回收ccDNA。最好由大肠杆菌纯化ccDNA,并用蛋白酶一K。当ccDNA是双链时,制备时在用核酸酶处理前用DNA一局部异构酶处理,释放出超螺旋质粒DNA。 (朱遐)93152…  相似文献   

长江江豚锌、铜、铅、镉和砷的摄入与累积   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
根据室内饲养的3头长江江豚(Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis)食物鲫(Carassius auratus)中锌(Zn)、铜 (Cu)、铅(Pb)、镉(Cd)、砷(As)的浓度值和饲养记录,推算出了饲养条件下江豚这些微量元素每日及每周估计摄入 量的范围。必需元素的需求方面与世界卫生组织/联合国粮农组织(WHO/FAO)提出的人暂定每周耐受摄人量 (PTWI)相类似,可是毒性较强的元素Cd、As、Pb的摄入量大大高于人体的PTWI。对湖北天鹅洲故道收集到的一头 江豚的10种组织、器官的研究发现,摄入后的Zn、Cu、Pb、Cd、As显示出有组织、器官选择性累积的倾向。这可能主 要与鲸类组织、器官对相应的元素有特殊的要求相关。本研究的结果还显示出有必要建立饲养鲸类动物食物安全 管理规范以控制食源污染。更深入地研究各组织、器官中微量元素与生命机能的关系,应该是鲸类动物微量元素 的营养化学和生态毒理学发展的重要方向之一。  相似文献   

The PaperTask Force, a group of major U.S. paper purchasers convened by the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), recently completed a life cycle-based study of various grades of paper that examined a broad range of economic, functional, and especially environmental issue. This 28-month effort culminated in the release of a final report and recommendations intended to educate paper purchasers about the consequences of their paper purchasing decisions. The report also provides actionable steps that can be taken to increase the purchase and use of environmentally preferable paper; defined as paper that reduces environmental impacts while meeting business needs. The technical basis for the PaperTask Force recommendations is an analysis of environmental impacts associated with the entire life cycle of several major grades of paper; reaching literally from the forest to the 1andfill. The Task Force's findings and recommendations cover each of the major areas of opportunity to lessen the environmental impacts of using paper: reduction in paper use; paper recycling and buying recycled paper: forest management; and pulp and paper manufacturing. journal of Industrial Ecology I5 paper recycling  相似文献   

木聚糖酶用于造纸行业可以显著改善纸浆的性能,减少纸张处理过程中有害化学试剂的使用,从而减轻环境污染,提高纸张品质,因此在造纸工业中具有广阔的应用前景。本文从造纸用碱性木聚糖酶基因的克隆、分子改造、高效表达及在造纸行业的应用研究等方面出发,对造纸用碱性木聚糖酶的研究现状进行综述,为开发造纸用木聚糖酶提供了思路。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to characterize the enzymatic deinking of various types of waste paper. Studies on the optimization of enzymatic deinking have been performed previously using commercially available enzyme preparations containing cellulase and hemicellulase. The enzymatic deinking of different types of waste paper demonstrated a high efficiency of 86.6% on laser-printed paper, but a low deinking efficiency of 12.9% was obtained with newspaper. All enzymatic treatments significantly improved the drainage rate of the deinked waste paper. Enzymatic deinking increased the tensile index of magazine paper but reduced the tensile index of bubble jet-printed paper, photocopy paper and newspaper. Enzymatic hydrolysis caused a 21.1% reduction in the tear index for bubble jet-printed paper, but a 3.1% increase in the tear index was obtained for laser-printed paper relative to respective blank. In addition, enzymatic hydrolysis increased the burst index by 4.7% relative to blank for laser-printed paper. However, photocopy paper showed the highest reduction (8.3%) in the burst index relative to blank. Taken together, these results suggest that enzymatic hydrolysis is both advantageous and detrimental to the mechanical properties of deinked paper. Thus, the proper regulation of enzymatic hydrolysis is crucial to improve the quality of recycled paper.  相似文献   

药敏药片临床应用观察报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报导省市级三所医院同时用药敏药片和药敏纸片对国际标准质株做抑菌试验,其结果:药片片重差变异系数cv=2.5,纸片cv=14.4.抽样五种抗菌素抑菌环直径差变异系数分别为:药片平均cv=3.07,而纸片平均cv=6.85;均匀度L药片为2-3mm纸片为3-5mm.表明药片片间差小,均匀度、准确度合格,药物含量均匀,精密度好于纸片.  相似文献   

纤维素酶脱墨机理的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
废纸是制浆造纸纤维原料的重要来源,利用生物酶法对废纸浆进行生物脱墨是一种新的造纸生物技术,酶法脱墨所使用的酶种主要是纤维素酶。本文主要就近十年来国内外纤维素酶酶法脱墨的研究特别是影响纤维素酶酶法脱墨的因素及脱墨机理作了综述报道。  相似文献   

Enzymatic hydrolysis of waste office (WO) paper with feeding WO paper in a reactor was investigated using apparent viscosity as operating parameter. Since the apparent viscosity was correlated with the concentration of pulping WO paper, the amount of hydrolyzed WO paper was assumed by measuring the decrease in the apparent viscosity. Then the amount of hydrolysis WO paper and the amount of enzyme corresponding to the desired ratio were fed into the reactor. When the WO paper and 1% (to the amount of WO paper) enzyme were fed to the hydrolytic reaction, 87 g/L of reducing sugar (RS) with a hydrolytic yield of 42.2% was obtained for a 24-h hydrolysis. However, when nonpulping WO paper and 5% (to the amount of WO paper) enzyme were fed to the hydrolytic reaction, 120 g/L of RS with a hydrolytic yield of 40% was obtained for a 24-h hydrolysis. Therefore, the RS concentration from this hydrolysis process feeding WO paper using apparent viscosity as operating parameter may be of sufficient concentration to serve as a carbon source in microorganism culture or chemical feedstock.  相似文献   

S Kamel 《Carbohydrate polymers》2012,90(4):1538-1542
The silver-nanoparticle (AgNP) containing paper was successfully prepared. The AgNP is deposited by the in situ reduction of silver nitrate on the acrylamide grafted bagasse paper sheets in the presence of citrate molecules as stabilizing agent. In the present paper, grafting of acrylamide onto bagasse paper sheets using potassium persulfate was carried out under the influence of microwave radiations (MWR). The modified paper sheets were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), UV-spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Antimicrobial activities of the prepared paper sheets were also investigated against G+ve bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, G-ve bacterium Pseudomomas aeruginosa, and yeast Candida albicans, which are model microorganisms for testing bactericidal properties. The AgNP containing paper sheets exhibited antibacterial activity.  相似文献   

The European standard test EN 113 for fungal degradation of solid wood has been adapted for degradation of paper by white rot fungus (Trametes versicolor). Fungal degradation of paper sheets may potentially be used for screening different wood preservatives on paper instead of solid wood. The paper samples showed higher relative mass losses compared to wood, and samples pretreated with boric acid, copper sulfate and polymerized linseed oil were successfully tested for biodegradation using the paper sheet method. The results on paper degradation were compared with wood, both as wood blocks (according to standard test) and wood cut in sections forming layered structures mimicking paper layers.  相似文献   

药物敏感试验药片法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
药敏药片对国际三株标准菌试验,抑菌圈直径范围均符合判定标准。与进口药敏药片符合率为100%。与药敏纸片片间差比较试验,药片抑菌圈=1~2mm,精密度高,符合国际要求,而纸片抑菌圈=9~13mm,均匀度检测明显不合格。药片变异系数CV=1.31~2.92,纸片CV=14.78~21.67表明药片变量离散度小,片间差很小;而纸片变量离散度明显大,故纸片片间差很大。  相似文献   

A study was carried on utilizing arecanut leaf sheath for making paper boards. Paper boards were made with various combinations of arecanut leaf sheath with waste paper, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 3:1, 2:1, control (100% areca leaf sheath) and the qualities of these paper boards were tested as per the Bureau of Indian Standards (IS: 1060 (part-I)-1966). The paper boards made with more arecanut sheath materials had more resistance to water absorption. The addition of paper increased the substance weight of the paper boards. The 2:1 and 3:1 combinations of arecanut leaf sheath and waste paper had best tear strength, tensile strength, bursting strength and water resistance with minimum substance weight.  相似文献   

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