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目的:探讨阴茎阴囊转位合并尿道下裂的手术方法及分期手术修复的临床意义。方法:回顾性分析2005年1月至2012年6月间兰州军区兰州总医院收治的43例阴茎阴囊转位伴尿道下裂的病例资料并分析手术方式及术后随访外观情况。结果:43例患者经2期阴囊成形术后疗效满意,其中2例伴严重尿道下裂患者经分手术后达到预期效果,术后随访6个月至7年。所有患者在阴茎阴囊复位后经同期或分期尿道成形术后最终均达到尿道下裂修复的标准。结论:阴茎阴囊转位合并尿道下裂应及早手术矫正治疗。分期手术方法使操作简化,阴茎阴囊复位整形效果满意,最终尿道成形术后预后良好,术后并发症少,是一种安全可行的手术方式,但性器官发育后易复发,术后要随访至青春期以后。  相似文献   

目的:探讨阴茎阴囊转位合并尿道下裂的手术方法及分期手术修复的临床意义。方法:回顾性分析2005年1 月至2012 年 6 月间兰州军区兰州总医院收治的43 例阴茎阴囊转位伴尿道下裂的病例资料并分析手术方式及术后随访外观情况。结果:43 例 患者经2 期阴囊成形术后疗效满意,其中2 例伴严重尿道下裂患者经分手术后达到预期效果,术后随访6 个月至7 年。所有患者 在阴茎阴囊复位后经同期或分期尿道成形术后最终均达到尿道下裂修复的标准。结论:阴茎阴囊转位合并尿道下裂应及早手术 矫正治疗。分期手术方法使操作简化,阴茎阴囊复位整形效果满意,最终尿道成形术后预后良好,术后并发症少,是一种安全可行 的手术方式,但性器官发育后易复发,术后要随访至青春期以后。  相似文献   

1《生物学杂志》是生命科学的综合性学术期刊,刊登动物、植物、微生物及生理、生化、遗传、生物技术、生物工程、分子生物学、生物教学等方面的文章。主要栏目有:综述与专论、研究报告、开发与应用、技术方法、教学研究、科普及其它等。对反映国内外最新研究成果的论文、国家自然基金资助的论文、获省级以上科研成果的论文将优先发表。“教学研究”栏目,重点刊登有关“3 X”高考模式的探讨文章及试题分析,有关新教材的研究与模式的探讨,开展“研究性课题”的教学经验及做法,计算机辅助教学研究与实践。2来稿要求文字简练、论点明确、数据可…  相似文献   

1 《生物学杂志》是生命科学的综合性学术期刊 ,刊登动物、植物、微生物及生理、生化、遗传、生物技术、生物工程、分子生物学、生物教学等方面的文章。主要栏目有 :综述与专论、研究报告、开发与应用、技术方法、教学研究、科普及其它等。反映国内外最新研究成果的论文、国家自然科学基金资助的论文、获省级以上科研成果奖的论文将优先发表。“教学研究”栏目 ,重点刊登有关“3 x”高考模式的探讨文章 ,模拟试题及试题分析 ;有关新教材的研究与教学模式的探讨 ,开展“研究性课题”的教学经验及做法 ,计算机辅助教学研究与实践。2 来稿要…  相似文献   

1 《生物学杂志》是生命科学的综合性学术期刊 ,刊登动物、植物、微生物及生理、生化、遗传、生物技术、生物工程、分子生物学、生物教学等方面的文章。主要栏目有 :综述与专论、研究报告、开发与应用、技术方法、教学研究、科普及其它等。反映国内外最新研究成果的论文、国家自然科学基金资助的论文、获省级以上科研成果的论文将优先发表。“教学研究”栏目 ,重点刊登有关“3 +x”高考模式的探讨文章 ,模拟试题及试题分析 ;有关新教材的研究与教学模式的探讨 ,开展“研究性课题”的教学经验及做法 ,计算机辅助教学研究与实践。2 来稿要求…  相似文献   

2 型糖尿病(Type 2 diabetes mellitus, T2DM)是由于遗传与环境因素共同作用而引起葡萄糖代谢紊乱的疾病。DNA甲基化修饰的研究发现环境因素可以通过影响DNA甲基化修饰, 显著地增加T2DM的患病风险。目前, T2DM环境相关基因的DNA甲基化修饰研究已在人及动物的不同组织中取得进展。此外, T2DM相关基因的甲基化研究主要集中在糖代谢、能量代谢、炎症等。文章系统地综述了目前T2DM致病环境因素与DNA甲基化研究进展。  相似文献   

性别控制是人类很早就关心的研究领域, 许多重要的经济性状与性别有直接的关系。控制受精环境即可控制性别, 这种方法不需昂贵的仪器设备或者药品, 易实践, 可普遍应用, 其经济效益和社会效益难以估量。文章综述了受精环境对哺乳动物性别形成影响的研究进展。这些环境因素包括母体生殖道中精氨酸含量、胚胎发育过程中子宫内葡萄糖浓度、输精时卵母细胞成熟程度以及哺乳动物受孕时生殖激素的水平等方面, 为进一步开展性别控制研究积累一定的资料。  相似文献   

生物化学与生物物理学报投稿简约   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
( 2 0 0 2年 1 0月修订 )1 投稿总则1.1 内容和篇幅  本刊登载生物化学与分子生物学以及生物物理学方面的研究论文、研究简报和综述文章。本刊登载的研究论文 ,必须是没有在国内外公开出版的刊物上发表过的原始研究工作报告 ;研究简报 ,应是具有重要结果 ,为争取时间以简要的形式发表的原始研究工作报告 ,一般不超过 4页。综述文章必须结合作者研究领域的工作 ,并用英文撰写。为充分利用空余版面 ,增加交流信息 ,特设“信息与交流”栏 ,可酌情刊登 10 0 0字以内的有关科学新闻、短评、简讯、学术会议征文通知、书评、招聘启事等内容。1.…  相似文献   

高温逆境下植物叶片衰老机理研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
叶片衰老是植物叶片发育的最后阶段,其作为一个主动的生理过程,对植物体内的营养循环再利用以及种子形成具有重要的生理意义。在植物的生长过程中,多种环境因素会影响叶片衰老进程。高温是影响叶片衰老最重要的环境因素之一。随着温室效应的加剧,研究高温胁迫下叶片衰老的调节机制对于通过调控叶片衰老进程,从而增加植物产量具有重要意义。本文对高温胁迫下叶绿体及类囊体膜的损伤、光合电子传递活力的改变、活性氧累积、光合作用相关蛋白质降解及细胞自噬方面的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

黄泥河林区鼠类群落演替的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
杨春文  陈荣海 《兽类学报》1993,13(3):205-210
本文研究了吉林省黄泥河林区5个次生植被类型的鼠类群落结构和生物量的变化。原始针阔混交林采伐后,大林姬鼠数量减少,棕背(鼠平)数量增加,黑线姬鼠侵入。形成次生阔叶林和人工落叶松林后,鼠类群落仍为原始针阔混交林中的大林姬鼠+棕背(鼠平)群落类型。人工红松林的形成使棕背(鼠平)数最明显减少,成为大林姬鼠群落。森林开垦成农田,相应形成黑线姬鼠+大林姬鼠群落。草甸发展成草甸森林,鼠类群落由东方田鼠+棕背(鼠平)演变成棕背(鼠平)群落。并分析了环境因素对鼠类演替的影响。  相似文献   

目的反映国内甲真菌病研究现状,为进一步研究提供思路和依据。方法运用文献计量学方法,以中国期刊全文数据库和万方数据库为数据来源,采用高级检索方式,对1981~2011年国内甲真菌病研究文献进行定量分析。结果共检出有效文献826篇;年文献量变化呈早期较少随后出现高峰,继而进入稳定期的发展趋势;主要的产文省市为北京、江苏、广东、上海和山东,共发表文章398篇,占总文献量的48.18%;发文最多的机构为中国医学科学院皮肤病研究所和北京大学第一医院,共发文46篇,占全部文献的5.57%;发文3篇及以上的第一作者共37人,共计发表论文154篇,占第一作者总人数的4.48%;《临床皮肤科杂志》《中华皮肤科杂志》《中国皮肤性病学杂志》和《中国麻风皮肤病杂志》是甲真菌病研究的核心期刊;文献合作度为3.01,文献合著率为73.24%;主要研究内容为甲真菌病治疗疗效观察,相关文献共423篇,占总文献量的51.21%;署名为基金论文的文献45篇,占所有文献的5.45%。结论我国甲真菌病研究已进入相对稳定的发展时期,但地区间科研实力存在较大差异,基础研究较薄弱,研究者间的合作尚需加强,基金资助力度有待提高。  相似文献   

The purpose of this review was to build upon a recent review by Weigelt et al. which examined visual search strategies and face identification between individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and typically developing peers. Seven databases, CINAHL Plus, EMBASE, ERIC, Medline, Proquest, PsychInfo and PubMed were used to locate published scientific studies matching our inclusion criteria. A total of 28 articles not included in Weigelt et al. met criteria for inclusion into this systematic review. Of these 28 studies, 16 were available and met criteria at the time of the previous review, but were mistakenly excluded; and twelve were recently published. Weigelt et al. found quantitative, but not qualitative, differences in face identification in individuals with ASD. In contrast, the current systematic review found both qualitative and quantitative differences in face identification between individuals with and without ASD. There is a large inconsistency in findings across the eye tracking and neurobiological studies reviewed. Recommendations for future research in face recognition in ASD were discussed.  相似文献   

Background and objectivesIt has been reported that the risk of fracture is increased in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). The aim of this study was to investigate the possible relationship between DM and hip fracture, as well as any associated risk factors, by means of a systemic review of the literature.MethodsPubMed and SCOPUS databases were used to search for relevant studies published from January 2001 to August 2018. Retrospective and prospective cohort studies were selected in which the estimated risk of hip fracture was demonstrated by comparing groups of diabetic patients with non-diabetics. A search was also made for risk factors independent from the association between DM and hip fracture.ResultsA total of 27 articles that fulfilled the inclusion criteria were included. A clear association was observed in diabetic patients (women and men) compared to non-diabetics patients. Among the risk factors, the most important ones were the fact that diabetes was type 1, probably associated with greater risk to a longer duration of DM, and being a female.ConclusionsThere is an increased risk of hip fracture in patients diagnosed with DM. This association is more significant in diabetes type 1 and women.  相似文献   

目的统计分析国内外已发表的与双歧杆菌相关的期刊文献,了解其中的研究热点与发展趋势,为相关科研工作者提供参考。方法研究资料来源于CNKI和PubMed数据库,应用文献计量学的方法对两个数据库所收录的双歧杆菌相关文献进行分析。结果截至2018年8月15日,CNKI和PubMed分别收录了9277和5130篇相关文献。在数量上,国内外对双歧杆菌的研究都从20世纪90年代开始快速增长。从学科分布和关键词来看,中外研究共同关注了消化道疾病和儿科学,同时中外研究侧重点又有明显的差异。国内研究机构参与发表在国际杂志上的文章数量较多,但是其中作为第一发表单位的文章数量偏少。结论双歧杆菌相关的基础与应用研究还有许多需要深入和拓展的方面,研究者应当在相关领域进行实质性突破。  相似文献   

尽管geneflow源于群体遗传学和进化生物学,但已成为环境生物安全文献中常见的科学术语。花粉介导的geneflow在自然界中广泛存在并对物种和群体的进化有着特殊重要的意义。随着转基因生物技术的快速发展和转基因作物在全球范围内的广泛种植,转基因随geneflow发生逃逸及其可能带来的潜在生态进化影响已经成为环境生物安全评价和研究的重要内容,备受全球广泛关注,geneflow这个术语在我国也被频繁引用。但是,geneflow的中文术语在我国各种文献资料中存在着十多种翻译版本,这些不同的翻译版本形式不同且内容略有差异,容易给环境生物安全问题的理解和研究造成不必要的混乱。本文对geneflow的概念及其内涵进行了回顾,并对不同形式的geneflow术语在国内外相关研究领域中使用的历史溯源进行了阐述。笔者建议使用“基因流”作为geneflow在中文应用中的统一术语,这也最接近群体遗传学和进化生物学等相关著作中geneflow的原意。基于此,对基因流在转基因逃逸及其相关的环境生物安全评价以及群体遗传学和进化生物学研究方面的理论和应用意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

目的:系统评价有氧运动、抗阻运动、有氧联合抗阻运动三种不同干预方式对糖尿病前期人群血糖的影响。方法:制定文献检索策略,检索PubMed、EMBASE、EBSCO外文数据库以及CNKI、Wanfang中文数据库,以手工查阅检出文献和相关参考文献作为补充,查找符合纳入标准的随机对照试验进行质量评价,运用RevMan5.2统计软件对纳入的数据进行Meta分析,运动干预组和对照组间指标采用均数差(MD)评价。结果:共纳入原始文献8篇,与对照组相比,不同运动干预方式的综合效应对空腹血糖指标无显著性影响,与按不同干预方式进行亚组分析结果一致;有氧运动及有氧联合抗阻运动对餐后2h血糖指标有显著性降低的作用(P < 0.05);有氧运动对胰岛素抵抗指数有显著降低作用。结论:对糖尿病前期人群,运动干预对餐后2 h血糖、胰岛素抵抗指数的影响与运动方式有关,但对空腹血糖的作用尚不能确定。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: An increased risk for intrauterine growth restriction in the affected member of like-sex twin pairs discordant for hypospadias has been reported. The purpose of this study was to document patterns of birth weight disparities in like-sex twins discordant for a variety of structural defects in order to determine if this is a general phenomenon seen in twins who are discordant for any malformation, is seen only in pairs discordant for certain specific malformations, or is unique to hypospadias. METHODS: Data were extracted from the Latin American Collaborative Study of Congenital Malformations (ECLAMC). Between 1967 and 1999, all like-sex twin pairs discordant for hypospadias or any other isolated defect that met the criteria of at least 5 discordant pairs for which birth weight was available on both twins were selected. All nonmalformed like-sex twin pairs in the ECLAMC data base collected over the same study years were selected as controls. RESULTS: A total of 216 discordant malformed like-sex twin pairs in 13 defect categories and 328 nonmalformed like-sex twin pairs met the criteria for inclusion. The proportion of affected infants who were > or =20% smaller than their co-twin was statistically significantly different from controls for hypospadias, heart defects, anencephaly, and esophageal atresia. CONCLUSIONS: Intrauterine growth restriction seen in the affected member of like-sex twin pairs discordant for hypospadias is not unique, but occurs as well in at least 3 additional structural malformations.  相似文献   

Linkage and association studies suggested the relationship between a-adducin polymorphism (Gly460Trp; rs4961) and genetic susceptibility to salt-sensitivity. However, the currently available results were inconsistent. This study aimed to define quantitatively the association between salt-sensitivity and α-adducin Gly460Trp polymorphism in all published case-control studies. Publications from PubMed and other databases were retrieved. The major inclusion criteria were: (1) case-control design; (2) salt-sensitivity confirmed by sodium loading tests, and (3) the distribution of genotypes given in detail. Seven case-control studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria. In total they involved 820 subjects (454 salt-sensitive and 366 non-salt-sensitive). The meta-analysis shows that Gly460Trp polymorphism in general is not significantly associated with salt-sensitivity [OR (95%CI): 1.40 (0.96, 2.04),P = 0.08]. Subgroup analysis showed that the association is statistically significant in Asian people [OR (95%CI):1.33 (1.06, 1.69),P = 0.02] but not in Caucasian people [OR (95%CI):1.98 (0.57, 6.92),P = 0.28]. This indicates that blood pressure response to sodium varies between ethnical groups. More studies based on a larger population are required to evaluate further the role of a-adducin Gly460Trp polymorphism in salt-sensitive hypertension.  相似文献   

我国土壤动物与土壤环境要素相互关系研究进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
土壤动物与土壤生态系统的环境要素密切相关,探明土壤动物与环境要素之间的相互关系对深刻认识土壤生态系统的运行机制、评价土壤生态系统功能具有重要意义.影响土壤动物的环境要素可以分为土壤性质和土壤外部环境两方面,前者主要指土壤基本理化性质、土壤水分和土壤污染状况,后者包括植被、土地利用、地貌和气候等环境要素.本文从以上角度对我国土壤动物与土壤环境要素关系研究进行总结和归纳,认为当前我国相关研究中主要存在以下若干问题:与环境指示作用整合性研究较少,研究方法有待改进,对环境要素的综合性及其时空变异性认识不足.并提出了相应的建议:与实际研究需要相结合,借鉴国外先进方法经验,进行多要素综合研究以及开展大区域长期监测等.  相似文献   

Understanding factors that influence persistence of influenza virus in an environment without host animals is critical to appropriate decision-making for issues such as quarantine downtimes, setback distances, and eradication programs in livestock production systems. This systematic review identifies literature describing persistence of influenza virus in environmental samples, i.e., air, water, soil, feces, and fomites. An electronic search of PubMed, CAB, AGRICOLA, Biosis, and Compendex was performed, and citation relevance was determined according to the aim of the review. Quality assessment of relevant studies was performed using criteria from experts in virology, disease ecology, and environmental science. A total of 9,760 abstracts were evaluated, and 40 appeared to report the persistence of influenza virus in environmental samples. Evaluation of full texts revealed that 19 of the 40 studies were suitable for review, as they described virus concentration measured at multiple sampling times, with viruses detectable at least twice. Seven studies reported persistence in air (six published before 1970), seven in water (five published after 1990), two in feces, and three on surfaces. All three fomite and five air studies addressed human influenza virus, and all water and feces studies pertained to avian influenza virus. Outcome measurements were transformed to half-lives, and resultant multivariate mixed linear regression models identified influenza virus surviving longer in water than in air. Temperature was a significant predictor of persistence over all matrices. Salinity and pH were significant predictors of persistence in water conditions. An assessment of the methodological quality review of the included studies revealed significant gaps in reporting critical aspects of study design.  相似文献   

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