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孙丹辉 《化石》2016,(1):61-65
2015年8月1日,我们每一个人收拾好行囊,整装待发,在邓涛老师带领下踏上了去往内蒙古的征程,拉开了探索灰色生命之旅的序幕. 队伍由两辆车、8人组成,我们早晨7点从中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所出发,披着清晨的阳光,摆脱城市的拥挤,缓缓地“逃离”了北京城.直到抵达张北之后我们的车子才能像矫健的马儿一样驰骋在广袤的公路上,沿途没有了城市的喧闹,没有了交通的堵塞,伴随我们的只有那一眼望去蓝蓝的天空、随风摆动的小草,以及那迷人的风景,偶尔打开车窗,一股凉爽的清风扑面而来,沁人心脾.经过一路的颠簸,我们在傍晚时刻到达锡林浩特,当地文物保护站的同志为我们安顿好了一切.  相似文献   

钟业聪   《广西植物》1983,(3):203-204
<正> 灌本,高2—5米。树皮灰褐色至黄褐色;嫩枝被黄褐色茸毛,老时变无毛,芽体密被灰黄色至黄褐色绢毛。叶互生,革质,椭圆形或卵状椭圆形,长8—15厘米,宽3—6匣米,先端渐尖,基部阔楔形至圆形,表面深绿色,无毛,背面淡绿色,被灰黄色疏长毛,干后两面密布小瘤状突起物,中脉在表面下陷,侧脉5—7对,在表面平坦或下陷,叶缘具腺状细锯齿。花通常单生,顶生或腋生,开放时直径4.2—4.5厘米,花柄极短,长2—3毫米;苞片和萼片约9枚,薄革质,易压碎,在外方的半圆形,长4—5毫米,宽4—6毫米,在內  相似文献   

李丽  钱海凌  黄琛 《蛇志》2008,20(1):70-71
近年来,笔者采用活血化瘀利水法治疗高血压病肾损害,疗效满意,现将体会介绍如下. 1 气虚血瘀是高血压病肾损害的基本病理特点 高血压病肾损害,中医学无此病名,但据其临床表现,应届于眩晕、尿浊、精气下泄、腰痛等范畴.中医认为,肾为先天之本,主生殖,主生长发育,主水液代谢,主骨生髓,主纳气和温煦濡养脏腑等生理功能[1].肾者,既为水火之宅,内寓元阴元阳以维持人体正常生理功能的运化,同时,肾脏与五脏六腑的关系密切,相互影响.肾气是由元阳蒸化肾阴而成,既包含肾阴,又包含肾阳,是肾阴肾阳两方面平衡协调的总体[2].  相似文献   

莫新礼  韦发南   《广西植物》1983,(4):307-311
<正> 蔓生或近直立草本;茎具棱,密生灰白色长硬毛。叶纸质,椭圆形或卵形,长5—9厘米,宽2.5—4厘米,先端钝,基部狭楔形,边缘有疏齿,两面被灰色长硬毛;叶柄长1—1.5厘米,被长硬毛。聚伞花序具4—5朵花,连总梗长约1.5—2.5厘米,总梗及花梗均被长硬毛;花梗长0.8—1.5厘米,花萼钟状,长5—6毫米,脉不明显,萼齿5,近等大,披针形,边缘被长硬毛;花冠白色,长约5厘米,无毛,近二唇形,上唇较短,长约3.5毫米,先端钝,下唇3裂,中裂片长圆形,长约7毫米,宽约4毫长,先端钝圆,雄蕊  相似文献   

姜黄素的提取及其甲基化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以姜黄为原料,用70%的乙醇进行粗提,正丙醇进行两次重结晶得醇的姜黄素.再以此纯的姜黄素为原料,用乙醚和甲醇溶解,以过量的CH3I为甲基化试剂,在pH=12~14的条件下进行反应10 h,用氨水沉淀,过滤,水洗至中性,烘干,在经层析柱分离得到一种黄色针状物,经鉴定为一新化合物,即纯的二甲基姜黄素,分子式为C23H24O6,收率为35%以上.  相似文献   

壳斗科木材识别和分类   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
谢福惠  林大新   《广西植物》1984,(3):203-213
从106种壳斗科木材构造特征.作为本科木材识别和分类依据,概括于下: 散孔材,管孔细,单个密布,在生长轮末端一狭带无管孔,宽射线为多列射线,较狭而数较多为水青冈属。辐射孔材,管孔成串径列,宽射线聚合型,在横面反光弱为主,分布不均,促使材身槽棱不整齐,槽底平而宽长的为稠属。辐射孔材,管孔成串径、斜列为主,宽射线聚合型(常见)和栎型,在横面反光强,分布均匀,促使材身槽棱整齐,槽底尖而分隔为青冈属。半环孔材或环孔材,早材管孔沿生长轮不连续排列,在肉眼下可见至明显,晚材管孔成串径列,弯曲或火焰状,宽射线聚合型,常数少且几条聚近分布,大部分树种无宽射线的为锥属。环孔材,早材管孔沿生长轮连续排列,肉眼下明显,侵填体丰富,晚材管孔成串径列,弯曲或火焰状,宽射线栎型为栎属。环孔材,早材管孔沿生长轮连续排列,肉眼下明显,具侵填体,晚材管孔成串径列,弯曲或火焰状,射线细而肉眼下不见为栗属。 各属共同特征,薄壁组织离管带状,似环管(实际为环管管胞),生长轮不同程度波状。  相似文献   

做生物学标曲线题要抓2个关键环节,一是识图,具体可分3个步骤:第1,弄清x轴同y轴的联系,第2,明确曲线中的特殊点所表示的生物学意义,第3,揭示各段曲线的变化趋势及其含义:二是绘图,分为绘制坐标图和直方图2种.总之,让学生正确识别坐标曲线图的含义,准确提取所需信息,然后进行图文转换,将所学知识与题中的背景材料相联系.  相似文献   

正在亚东原始森林考察前,咨询当地林业局朋友,得知,上月的一场大雨,道路被严重损毁,车辆只能到达半山处……途中,我们多次下车推车,艰难行进!当我们的车行驶到可能是半山处时,路真的被水给冲毁了,车不能再前行了,我们只好步行完成余下的路程,虽然累些,观察拍摄的机会却多了许多。背着重重的器材等,步行进入了下亚东原始深林,耳畔是隆隆的河水声,映入眼帘的是郁郁葱葱青山。在这里,我听见印度洋暖湿气流撞击岩壁发出的声音撼人心魄。空中的云随气流快速移动,沟里的雾在时断时续的阳光照射下蒸腾,当云雾散开时,可见层层叠叠的山外青山,高不可攀,目不可及。同一地点,一会阵雨,一会晴。林中高大的古树多被雷电击断,然后又顽强地发出新枝,吐露新芽。  相似文献   

小鼠基因组中的微卫星重复序列的数量、分布和密度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者分析了老鼠基因组中各染色体及其内含子、外显子和基因间区上各种类型的微卫星(1-6个碱基的重复序列)的数量及其密度。SSR约占老鼠基因组的2.85%,其中46.2%存在于基因间区,4.75%存在于外显子,49.05%在内含子区域,即非编码区富含微卫星。微卫星的数量与染色体或基因区域的大小有关,但密度与染色体或基因区域的大小的关系并不十分密切。第4染色体的外显子区域中6种类型的SSR含量都比其它区域少。A,T,AC,AG,AT,AAC,AAG,AGG,AAAC,AAAG,AAAT,AACC,AAAAC,AAAAG,AAAAT,AAACC,AAAGG,AAGAG,AAAAAC,AAAAAG,AAAAAT,AAAGAG,ACACAT,ACAGAG,ACAGGC,ACATAT是老鼠基因组中主要的SSR类型,而一些5碱基重复单元的SSR在老鼠基因组的某一条甚至某几条染色体都不存在  相似文献   

刘俊 《化石》2007,(4):47-48
因为写作博士论文的需要,去年三月我第一次飞往英国,到各个历史悠久的博物馆观察标本。我英伦之行的首站是牛津大学自然历史博物馆。从纽约肯尼迪国际机场出发,七个小时就飞抵伦敦。到达时天刚亮,取了行李,到汽车站,等候到牛津的长途汽车。天还有些冷,呼吸哈出的气也还清晰可见。八点十分,车开动,向西而行。路并不是很宽,两边也是乡村风光,但是与中国乡村最大的差异就是不见农田的踪影,只见一片片草地被矮树围着,里面放养了些牛。进入城市,车停靠的站渐渐多了起来,路边是古老的建筑,岁月的痕迹清晰地印在了石头表面,于是知道自己到达了牛津…  相似文献   

研究通过比较鳜(Siniperca chuatsi)对不同碳水化合物的利用差异, 探究肉食性鱼类对碳水化合物利用的分子机制。按照1670 mg/kg剂量对鳜灌喂葡萄糖和糊精后, 分别在0、1h、2h、3h、4h、8h、12h和24h收集水样、血浆、肝脏和肌肉, 检测尿糖、血糖、血甘油三酯、血胰岛素、肝糖原、肌糖原含量及糖代谢相关基因表达水平等指标。结果显示: (1) 灌喂后1—12h内, 两组鳜相比, 葡萄糖组尿糖显著高于糊精组, 血糖及胰岛素含量在两组间无显著差异; (2) 两组鳜甘油三酯含量在2h时达到最大值, 糊精组甘油三酯含量在4h时显著高于葡萄糖组, 糊精组肝糖原含量在1h时显著高于葡萄糖组, 且糊精组肌糖原含量在24h内均显著高于葡萄糖组; (3) 灌喂后1h, 灌喂糊精组葡萄糖激酶(Glucokinase, GK)、脂肪酸合成酶(Fatty Acid Synthetase, FAS)、乙酰辅酶A羧化酶Ⅰ型(Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase Type Ⅰ, ACC1)、柠檬酸合成酶(Citroyl Synthetase, CS)基因表达水平显著高于葡萄糖组, 而在灌喂后8h, 糊精组糖原合酶(Glycogen Synthase, GS)和CS基因表达水平却显著低于葡萄糖组。结果表明, 肉食性鱼类鳜摄入糖后可以促进糖原和脂肪的合成, 转化为糖原和甘油三酯, 从而减少未利用糖的排出, 且鳜对葡萄糖的利用效率低于糊精。  相似文献   

目的研究胶原蛋白多肽-铬(Ⅲ)(CPCC)螯合物对由四氧嘧啶诱发糖尿病小鼠的免疫力的影响。方法通过腹腔注射四氧嘧啶造小鼠糖尿病模型,观察胶原蛋白多肽-铬(Ⅲ)螯合物对小鼠血糖、脾指数、胸腺指数、脾细胞增殖能力、NK细胞杀伤活性、CD40、CD40L的表达等指标的影响。结果胶原蛋白多肽-铬(Ⅲ)螫合物可以有效预防小鼠血糖升高,对脾指数、胸腺指数有一定的恢复作用,脾细胞增殖能力明显增强,NK细胞的杀伤活性被提高,CD40、CD40L的阳性表达率增加。结论胶原蛋白多肽-铬(Ⅲ)能活化免疫细胞,恢复和改善小鼠机体的免疫功能,提高小鼠机体的免疫力,一定程度地减轻四氧嘧啶的毒性作用,降低血糖。  相似文献   

To investigate the functional role of Ca(v)2.3 channel in glucose homeostasis, we performed in vivo glucose tolerance and insulin tolerance tests together with stress-induced glucose release tests using mice deficient in Ca(v)2.3 channel (Ca(v)2.3-/-). The Ca(v)2.3-/- mice were significantly heavier than wild-type mice. In glucose tolerance and insulin tolerance tests, Ca(v)2.3-/- mice showed a significantly higher blood glucose level compared to wild-type mice. However, stress-induced blood glucose changes in Ca(v)2.3-/- mice were similar to those in wild-type mice. These results suggest that Ca(v)2.3 channel plays a role in glucose homeostasis by reducing insulin sensitivity and that Ca(v)2.3-/- mice exhibit symptoms resembling non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

High blood glucose levels of KK-A(y) mice with type 2 diabetes mellitus were normalized by daily intraperitoneal (ip) administration of a zinc(II) complex, bis(maltolato)zinc(II) (Zn(Mal)(2)) with a Zn(O(4)) coordination mode, following the finding of strong in vitro insulinomimetic activity in isolated rat adipocytes treated with epinephrine in terms of the inhibition of free fatty acid release. The blood glucose level was maintained in the normal range during administration of the Zn(Mal)(2) complex for 14 days and improvements in the glucose tolerance were confirmed by an oral glucose tolerance test.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: No previous studies have compared the DPP-4 inhibitors vildagliptin and sitagliptin in terms of blood glucose levels using continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) and cardiovascular parameters. METHODS: Twenty patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus were randomly allocated to groups who received vildagliptin then sitagliptin, or vice versa. Patients were hospitalized at 1 month after starting each drug, and CGM was used to determine: 1) mean (+/- standard deviation) 24-hour blood glucose level, 2) mean amplitude of glycemic excursions (MAGE), 3) fasting blood glucose level, 4) highest postprandial blood glucose level and time, 5) increase in blood glucose level after each meal, 6) area under the curve (AUC) for blood glucose level [greater than or equal to]180 mg/dL within 3 hours after each meal, and 7) area over the curve (AOC) for daily blood glucose level <70 mg/dL. Plasma glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), glycoalbumin (GA), 1,5-anhydroglucitol (1,5AG), immunoreactive insulin (IRI), C-peptide immunoreactivity (CPR), brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) levels, and urinary CPR levels, were measured. RESULTS: The mean 24-hour blood glucose level was significantly lower in patients taking vildagliptin than sitagliptin (142.1 +/- 35.5 vs. 153.2 +/- 37.0 mg/dL; p = 0.012). In patients taking vildagliptin, MAGE was significantly lower (110.5 +/- 33.5 vs. 129.4 +/- 45.1 mg/dL; p = 0.040), the highest blood glucose level after supper was significantly lower (206.1 +/- 40.2 vs. 223.2 +/- 43.5 mg/dL; p = 0.015), the AUC ([greater than or equal to]180 mg/dL) within 3 hours was significantly lower after breakfast (484.3 vs. 897.9 mg/min/dL; p = 0.025), and urinary CPR level was significantly higher (97.0 +/- 41.6 vs. 85.2 +/- 39.9 mug/day; p = 0.008) than in patients taking sitagliptin. There were no significant differences in plasma HbA1c, GA, 1,5AG, IRI, CPR, BNP, or PAI-1 levels between patients taking vildagliptin and sitagliptin. CONCLUSIONS: CGM showed that mean 24-hour blood glucose, MAGE, highest blood glucose level after supper, and hyperglycemia after breakfast were significantly lower in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus taking vildagliptin than those taking sitagliptin. There were no significant differences in BNP and PAI-1 levels between patients taking vildagliptin and sitagliptin. Trial registration UMIN000007687 KEYWORDS: Vildagliptin; Sitagliptin; Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM); Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP); plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1).  相似文献   

目的:观察糖尿痛肾脏病进展过程中血纤溶酶原激活物抑制剂-1的水平变化及应用药物干预其变化后产生的对糖尿病肾脏病的影响。方法:选择于聊城市人民医院就诊的糖尿病肾脏病患者88例,DKDⅢ期43例,DKDⅣ期45例。分别检测各期患者血PAI-1水平,观察其变化趋势。针对DKDⅢ期患者分为对照组(DKDⅢ-C组)和观察组(DKDⅢ-O组),对照组给予常规降糖、保护肾脏及血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂等药物治疗。观察组在对照组治疗的基础上给予尿激酶5万U加入100ml生理盐水静脉滴注,每天1次。共14d。比较两组治疗前后血PAI-1水平、24h尿白蛋白量、血肌酐、空腹血糖和凝血酶原时间的变化。结果:DKDⅣ期患者血PAI-1水平明显高于DKDⅢ期患者(P〈0.001)。DKDⅢ-O组患者治疗后血PAI-1水平下降(P〈0.01),且尿白蛋白减少程度有统计学意义(P〈0.01),空腹血糖、血肌酐、凝血酶原时间影响无统计学差异(P〉0.05)。DKDⅢ-C组治疗前、后血PAI-1、24h尿白蛋白量、空腹血糖、血肌酐、凝血酶原时间变化均无统计学差异(P〉0.05)。结论:随糖尿病肾脏病进展,血PAI-1水平呈上升趋势,应用药物降低其水平后可减少早期DKD患者尿白蛋白量,对保护肾功能、延缓肾脏病进展有积极意义。  相似文献   

A novel bis(6-ethylpicolinato)(H(2)O)oxovanadium(IV) complex (VO(6epa)(2) x (H(2)O)) was prepared and its structure was revealed by X-ray analysis (space group Pc(#7), a=10.838(2), b=11.148(5), c=16.642(3) A, and Z=2). Because VO(6epa)(2) x (H(2)O) exhibited higher in vitro insulinomimetic activity compared to that of vanadyl sulfate in terms of inhibition of free fatty acid (FFA) release from isolated rat adipocytes in the presence of epinephrine, its in vivo effect on whether the complex has a blood glucose normalizing effect was examined in KK-A(y) mice, a model animal of type 2 diabetes mellitus. VO(6epa)(2) x (H(2)O) was found to normalize the high blood glucose levels of KK-A(y) mice when given intraperitoneally at doses of 49 micromol/kg body weight for the first 4 days and then 39 micromol/kg body weight for 10 days. In addition, VO(6epa)(2) x (H(2)O) improved glucose tolerance ability as examined by the oral glucose test and seemed to have little toxicity in terms of serum parameters. VO(6epa)(2) x (H(2)O) showed higher normoglycemic activity than bis(6-methylpicolinato)oxovanadium(IV) (VO(6mpa)(2)) at the same dose. These results indicated that greater enhancement of the blood glucose normalizing effect in KK-A(y) mice by ethyl substitution compared to methyl substitution may be due to its being more strongly lipophilic.  相似文献   

探讨壳寡糖螯合铬(Cos-Cr)的降血糖作用。选择发育相近的健康雄性小鼠10只为正常对照组,糖尿病小鼠30只随机分为糖尿病对照组、壳寡糖组(Cos)和螯合铬组(Cos-Cr),每组各10只,实验期4 w,测定小鼠血糖值。壳寡糖螯合铬可以降低糖尿病小鼠血糖,增加体重,增加脾脏指数,明显缓解糖尿病小鼠饥饿和烦渴的症状。肝脏损伤明显减轻。同时观察肝组织病理变化。壳寡糖螯合铬对糖尿病小鼠有降糖,改善糖尿病症状的作用。  相似文献   

Vanadyl sulfate (VOSO(4)) was given orally to 16 subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus for 6 weeks at a dose of 25, 50, or 100 mg vanadium (V) daily [Goldfine et al., Metabolism 49 (2000) 1-12]. Elemental V was determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS). There was no correlation of V in serum with clinical response, determined by reduction of mean fasting blood glucose or increased insulin sensitivity during euglycemic clamp. To investigate the effect of administering a coordinated V, plasma glucose levels were determined in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats treated with the salt (VOSO(4)) or the coordinated V compound bis(maltolato)oxovandium(IV) (abbreviated as VO(malto)(2)) administered by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection. There was no relationship of blood V concentration with plasma glucose levels in the animals treated with VOSO(4), similar to our human diabetic patients. However, with VO(malto)(2) treatment, animals with low plasma glucose tended to have high blood V. To determine if V binding to serum proteins could diminish biologically active serum V, binding of both VOSO(4) and VO(malto)(2) to human serum albumin (HSA), human apoTransferrin (apoHTf) and pig immunoglobulin (IgG) was studied with EPR spectroscopy. Both VOSO(4) and VO(malto)(2) bound to HSA and apoHTf forming different V-protein complexes, while neither V compound bound to the IgG. VOSO(4) and VO(malto)(2) showed differences when levels of plasma glucose and blood V in diabetic rodents were compared, and in the formation of V-protein complexes with abundant serum proteins. These data suggest that binding of V compounds to ligands in blood, such as proteins, may affect the available pool of V for biological effects.  相似文献   

Zwitterionic hydrogels based on poly(carboxybetaine) methacrylate (polyCBMA) were developed to protect implantable electrochemical glucose biosensors from biofouling in complex media. To enhance the linearity and sensitivity of the sensing profile, both physical and chemical adsorption methods were developed. Results show that glucose sensors coated with polyCBMA hydrogels via the chemical method achieve very high sensitivity and good linearity in response to glucose in PBS, 10%, 50%, and 100% human blood serum. Essentially identical glucose signals were observed even after prolonged exposure to blood samples for over 12 days. The excellent performance of polyCBMA hydrogel coating offers great promise for designing biocompatible implantable glucose biosensors in biological medium.  相似文献   

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