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几种荒漠植物地上生物量估算的初步研究   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:19  
在调查植物样方的基础上,利用植株冠幅特征如冠幅长与宽、株高、基径、新生枝条数、总枝条数等作为变量建立了估算典型荒漠植物地上生物量的模型,利用植株冠幅长与宽所建拟合方程对估算琵琶柴灌丛生物量的精确度较高,经验证,预测值与实测值的相关系数为O.9989,相对误差在4.79%~10.12%之间利用植株株高、基径所建拟合方程对估算梭梭、多枝柽柳生物量计算值与实测值的相关系数在0.9418以上,显著性检验表明相关系数均为极显著经验证,预测值与实测值的相关系数分别为0.9902和0.9875.相对误差分别为6.87%~19.22%和7.49%~18.47%。研究表明,在大面积荒漠植物生物量研究中,利用植株冠幅特征作为变量来估算琵琶柴灌丛地上生物量方法简便可行,用来估算梭梭、多枝柽柳等灌木地上生物量时存在一定误差  相似文献   

基于黑龙江省孟家岗林场60株红松解析木3643个枝条生物量的实测数据,利用全部子回归技术建立了枝条生物量模型(枝、叶和枝总生物量模型),最终选择lnw=k1+k2lnLb+k3lnDb为枝条生物量最优基础模型.利用SAS 9.3统计软件的PROC MIXED模块建立枝条生物量混合模型,并采用AIC、BIC、对数似然值和似然比等统计指标评价不同模型的拟合效果.结果表明: 红松解析木的叶和枝总生物量混合模型以k1、k2、k3作为随机效应参数的拟合效果最好,而枝生物量混合模型以k1、k2作为随机效应参数的拟合效果最好.最后将枝条生物量最优基础模型与最优混合模型进行模型检验.混合模型各项指标优于基础模型,能有效地提高模型的预估精度,并且通过方差协方差结构校正随机参数来反映树木之间的差异.  相似文献   

利用线性混合效应模型模拟杉木人工林枝条生物量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于福建省将乐林场45株人工杉木解析木的572组枝条生物量数据,采用线性混合效应模型方法,建立杉木人工林枝条总生物量和枝、叶生物量的预测模型,并利用独立样本数据对模型进行检验.结果表明: 线性混合效应模型比传统多元线性回归模型的拟合精度高.不同随机效应参数的组合,其混合模型的精度不同.考虑异方差结构的混合模型能够消除数据间的异方差性,其精度更高,其中,对于枝条总生物量和叶生物量模型,以指数函数作为异方差结构时的模型精度最高;对于枝生物量模型,以常数加幂函数作为异方差结构时的模型精度最高.模型检验结果表明:对于杉木人工林枝条生物量预测模型,考虑随机效应和异方差结构的线性混合模型的检验精度比传统多元线性回归模型的精度有明显提高.  相似文献   

王仁忠 《植物研究》2000,20(4):450-457
植物种群营养生长和生殖生长的关系是植物生殖生态学研究的重要内容之一,自本世纪70年代,国外已有大量报道,但国内的研究报道很少。本文在种群水平上研究了人工油松种群一年生雌性枝条和雄性枝条在枝长、直径、叶数、叶生物量、枝生物量及新生枝条在大小孢子球生物量、雌雄枝条长度和生物量等方面的差异,结果表明,一年生枝条除在西方向上雌雄枝条直径差异显著和在东、西方向上雌雄枝条生物量差异显著外,其它处理条件下雌雄枝条在长度、直径、叶数、叶生物量和枝生物量等方面差异均不显著;而对新生枝条的取样分析表明同方向上雌雄枝条在大小孢子球生物量、雌雄枝条长度、雌雄枝条生物量等方面差异均显著或极显著。无论是一年生枝条,还是新生枝条,在东、西、南、北四个方向上其各项指标差异显著或极显著。  相似文献   

臭冷杉生物量分配格局及异速生长模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
汪金松  张春雨  范秀华  赵亚洲 《生态学报》2011,31(14):3918-3927
摘 要:臭冷杉是长白山阔叶红松林中重要针叶树种,采用整株收获法分析21株臭冷杉地上地下生物量分配格局。在枝条水平上采用样枝直径(BD)、样枝长度(BL)、样枝所在轮生枝位置(WP)建立活枝、针叶生物量异速生长模型,在植株水平上采用胸径(DBH)、树高(H)、年龄(Age)、树冠长度(CL)、树冠比率(CR)、南北向冠幅(CW1)、东西向冠幅(CW2)等变量建立树干木质、树皮、活枝、针叶、粗根及整株生物量模型。并利用逐步线性回归法获得不同器官生物量最优模型。结果表明:(1)活枝生物量主要集中在树冠中下层,针叶生物量集中在树冠中层。树冠中层和下层枝叶生物量无显著差异(p>0.05);(2)21株臭冷杉地上生物量和地下生物量变动范围分别为1.026–506.047 kg/株和0.241–112.000 kg/株。粗根、活枝、针叶、树干木质、树皮及枯枝生物量占整株生物量的相对比例分别为18.68%、18.39%、12.02%、39.29%、8.70%和2.92%;(3)地上生物量与地下生物量呈显著线性相关(p<0.001),拟合线性方程斜率为0.23;(4)枝条水平上,活枝生物量模型解释量超过95%,平均预测误差小于30%。与单变量(BD)活枝生物量模型相比,2变量(BD、BL)和3变量(BD、BL、WP)模型解释量分别提高1.2%和2.0%,平均预测误差分别下降6.26%和9.27%。针叶生物量相对较难预测,模型解释量仅为82.7%,平均预测误差接近50%,模型中增加BL 和WP变量并未提高针叶生物量的预测精度。活枝生物量与BD、BL、WP正相关,针叶生物量与BD正相关,与BL、WP负相关;(5)植株水平上,基于胸径的单变量模型可解释量大于90%,增加树高变量未能显著提高生物量模型的预测精度。年龄决定了臭冷杉的树干生物量,忽视年龄变量将会产生生物量预测误差。树冠特征是影响枝叶生物量预测精度的重要变量。综合考虑模型的可解释量及回归系数显著性可知,胸径是预测臭冷杉不同器官生物量的可靠变量。  相似文献   

基于黑龙江省孟家岗林场60株人工红松955个标准枝数据,采用线性混合效应模型理论和方法,考虑树木效应,利用SAS软件中的MIXED模块拟合红松人工林一级枝条各因子(基径、枝长、着枝角度)的预测模型.结果表明: 通过选择合适的随机参数和方差协方差结构能够提高模型的拟合精度;把相关性结构包括复合对称结构CS、一阶自回归结构AR(1)及一阶自回归与滑动平均结构ARMA(1,1)加入到一级枝条大小最优混合模型中,AR(1)可显著提高枝条基径和角度混合模型的拟合精度,但3种结构均不能提高枝条角度混合模型的精度.为了描述混合模型构建过程中产生的异方差现象,把CF1和CF2函数加入到枝条混合模型中,CF1函数显著提高了枝条角度混合模型的拟合效果,CF2函数显著提高了枝条基径和长度混合模型拟合效果.模型检验结果表明:对于红松人工林一级枝条大小预测模型,混合效应模型的估计精度比传统回归模型估计精度明显提高.

樟子松人工林一级枝条基径和枝长模型的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘兆刚  舒扬  李凤日 《植物研究》2008,28(2):244-248
以东北林业大学帽儿山实验林场樟子松人工林为研究对象,采用枝解析的方法,于2002年、2003年测定了53株林木(年龄17~38 a,直径8.61~21.5 cm,树高7.48~18.24 m)的树冠变量,建立了基于总着枝深度(DINC)和树冠内一级枝条基径(BD)、枝长(BL)的预估模型。对于大小相同树木的一级枝条, 这些树冠变量随着DINC的增加而增大,而林木的胸径(DBH)、树高(HT)变量又很好地反映了不同大小树木的基径和枝长的变化。采用独立检验样本对构建的树冠内一级枝条基径和枝长模型进行了拟合统计量和精度检验,结果表明:模型预测效果良好,精度均达到95%以上。构建的一级枝条基径和枝长模型为进一步合理地描述樟子松人工林树冠的形状及其变化以及三维可视化经营提供依据。  相似文献   

以东北林业大学帽儿山实验林场樟子松人工林为研究对象,采用枝解析的方法,于2002年、2003年测定了53株林木(年龄17~38a,直径8.61~21.5cm,树高7.48~18.24m)的树冠变量,建立了基于总着枝深度(DINC)和树冠内一级枝条基径(BD)、枝长(BL)的预估模型。对于大小相同树木的一级枝条,这些树冠变量随着DINC的增加而增大,而林木的胸径(DBH)、树高(HT)变量又很好地反映了不同大小树木的基径和枝长的变化。采用独立检验样本对构建的树冠内一级枝条基径和枝长模型进行了拟合统计量和精度检验,结果表明:模型预测效果良好,精度均达到95%以上。构建的一级枝条基径和枝长模型为进一步合理地描述樟子松人工林树冠的形状及其变化以及三维可视化经营提供依据。  相似文献   

植物种群营养生长和生殖生长的关系是植物生殖生态学研究的重要内容之一,自本世纪70年代,国外已有大量报道,但国内的研究报道很少。本在种群水平上研究了人工油松种群一年生雌性枝条和雄性枝条在枝长、直径、叶数、叶生物量、枝生物量及新生枝条在大小孢子球生物量、雌雄枝条长度和生物量等方面的差异,结果表明,一年生枝条除在西方向上雌雄枝条直径差异显和在东、西方向上雌雄枝条生物量差异显外,其它处理条件下雌雄枝  相似文献   

塔里木河下游柽柳灌丛地上生物量估测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
根据划分的柽柳灌丛大、中、小等级,在塔里木河下游英苏至喀尔达依区段进行地表采样、称重,采用统计相关法对柽柳年龄及地径关系进行分析,构建柽柳直立枝与单丛地上生物量估测模型,对模型精度进行检验,筛选最佳模型,并对模型估测值与实测值进行卡方检验。结果表明:(1)输水后柽柳新萌直立枝地径随年龄增加而增大,但输水前柽柳萌生直立枝的地径随年龄增加未呈现规律性变化。在地下水条件非一致性的干旱荒漠区,柽柳地径大小不能作为判断其年龄的依据。(2)根据柽柳标准枝和灌丛因子实测数据,用一元线性函数、幂函数、指数函数、对数函数4种函数进行柽柳直立枝生物量估测模型拟合结果表明,幂函数w=2.007(d2 h)0.837估测模型最优,其总体估测精度达89.92%。(3)以冠幅面积单变量、冠幅周长与丛高双变量构建的柽柳单丛生物量估测模型的精度分别为78.95%和80.09%。(4)以全收获法实测数据为真值对估测模型进行精度检验,柽柳冠幅面积为自变量模型的估测精度为80.54%,柽柳冠幅周长和丛高估测模型的精度为66.85%。(5)对柽柳单株及单丛生物量模型估测值与实测值进行卡方检验结果表明两者之间无显著差异。研究认为,由于柽柳冠幅在高分辨遥感数据上容易获取,柽柳冠幅面积估测模型在传统生物量估测和遥感生物量估测都具有实用价值。  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Accurate and reliable predictive models are necessary to estimate nondestructively key variables for plant growth studies such as leaf area and leaf, stem, and total biomass. Predictive models are lacking at the current-year branch scale despite the importance of this scale in plant science. ? Methods: We calibrated allometric models to estimate leaf area and stem and branch (leaves + stem) mass of current-year branches, i.e., branches several months old studied at the end of the vegetative growth season, of four mango cultivars on the basis of their basal cross-sectional area. The effects of year, site, and cultivar were tested. Models were validated with independent data and prediction accuracy was evaluated with the appropriate statistics. ? Key results: Models revealed a positive allometry between dependent and independent variables, whose y-intercept but not the slope, was affected by the cultivar. The effects of year and site were negligible. For each branch characteristic, cultivar-specific models were more accurate than common models built with pooled data from the four cultivars. Prediction quality was satisfactory but with data dispersion around the models, particularly for large values. ? Conclusions: Leaf area and stem and branch mass of mango current-year branches could be satisfactorily estimated on the basis of branch basal cross-sectional area with cultivar-specific allometric models. The results suggested that, in addition to the heteroscedastic behavior of the variables studied, model accuracy was probably related to the functional plasticity of branches in relation to the light environment and/or to the number of growth units composing the branches.  相似文献   

One of the first symptoms expressed by declining trees is reduced growth in stem diameter and length increment. The possibility of a relationship between length increment and crown thinning in beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) was investigated by developing a computer model to simulate first order branching patterns of the apical 2 m of monopodially branching beech trees, 70–100 years old, for a range of length increment rates. The model was based on values for branching angle, main axis and branch length increment, number of branches produced per year and branch mortality rates for six healthy and declining trees. Shoot growth rates in the apical 2 m of the sample trees ranged from about 5 cm/year (decline class 3) to 43 cm/ year (healthy). Simulations of branching patterns in the apical 2 m of trees growing at different rates indicated that, when growth rate exceeded about 20 cm/year, total first order branch length and area explored were independent of growth rate. When growth rates fell below this value there was a reduction in total area explored and first order branch length due primarily to the formation of fewer branches. More acute branching angles contributed to a reduction in the area explored. Growth rate-related crown thinning could increase the risk of bark necrosis and secondary pathogen infection during dry and/or hot spells.  相似文献   

Understanding of the biomass (dry weight) allocation and water relations in populations will provide useful information on the growth patterns and resource-allocation dynamics. By destructive sampling, foliage, branch and root biomass were measured in the endangered shrub Elaeagnus mollis populations growing in Shanxi province, North China. Biomass partitioning and water content relationships were compared at the branch and whole-plant levels, and as a function of basal diameter (plant size). The biomass was mainly distributed in the bigger branches at the branch level, and in the branch wood at the whole-plant level, and branch biomass (but not foliage or root biomass) increases significantly with increasing basal diameter. As a result, branch wood became the major biomass pool, even though considerable biomass was also allocated to the roots. However, the relative water content decreased from the periphery of the crown to the interior of the shrub at the branch level, and from the aboveground to the belowground at the whole-plant level though no significant variation among foliage, branches, and roots. Yet it increased significantly for the whole-plant with increasing basal diameter. The ratio of belowground to aboveground biomass was smaller than 1.0, even as a function of basal diameter. These growth responses indicated a strong adaptation to the shrub’s growing conditions. Biomass was primarily allocated above the ground and the aboveground components grew faster than the belowground one.  相似文献   

周洁  王东 《水生生物学报》2012,36(2):316-322
对比研究了广布种穗花狐尾藻(Myriophyllum spicatum L.)和狭域种扬子狐尾藻(M. oguraense Mikisubsp. yangtzense Wang)不同长度(5、10 和15 cm)和不同位置(顶枝、中枝和底枝)断枝的生长和再生能力。研究结果显示, 两物种由断枝生长所形成植株的总生物量、分枝生物量、分枝数均随断枝长度的增加而增大;在由不同位置的断枝生长所形成的植株中, 顶枝所形成植株的总生物量最大, 中枝所形成植株的分枝生物量、分枝数和平均分枝长最大。由断枝所形成植株的总生物量、分枝生物量、分枝数、平均分枝长和新分枝所处位置在种间均存在显著差异, 穗花狐尾藻顶枝和中枝的生物量较大, 顶枝所产生的分枝位于断枝基部; 扬子狐尾藻的分枝生物量、分枝数及平均分枝长较大, 新产生的分枝多位于断枝顶端附近。研究结果表明穗花狐尾藻和扬子狐尾藻断枝的再生对策不同, 前者是增加对断枝总生物量的投资, 而后者是增加对断枝产生新分枝的投资。研究结果可为进一步开展水生植物广布种与狭域种的生活史对策研究提供资料, 也为湿地物种多样性保护与管理提供科学指导    相似文献   

Liu R T  Bi R C  Zhao H L 《农业工程》2009,29(2):139-143
Understanding of the biomass (dry weight) allocation and water relations in populations will provide useful information on the growth patterns and resource-allocation dynamics. By destructive sampling, foliage, branch and root biomass were measured in the endangered shrub Elaeagnus mollis populations growing in Shanxi province, North China. Biomass partitioning and water content relationships were compared at the branch and whole-plant levels, and as a function of basal diameter (plant size). The biomass was mainly distributed in the bigger branches at the branch level, and in the branch wood at the whole-plant level, and branch biomass (but not foliage or root biomass) increases significantly with increasing basal diameter. As a result, branch wood became the major biomass pool, even though considerable biomass was also allocated to the roots. However, the relative water content decreased from the periphery of the crown to the interior of the shrub at the branch level, and from the aboveground to the belowground at the whole-plant level though no significant variation among foliage, branches, and roots. Yet it increased significantly for the whole-plant with increasing basal diameter. The ratio of belowground to aboveground biomass was smaller than 1.0, even as a function of basal diameter. These growth responses indicated a strong adaptation to the shrub’s growing conditions. Biomass was primarily allocated above the ground and the aboveground components grew faster than the belowground one.  相似文献   

金钟跃  贾炜玮  刘微 《植物研究》2010,30(6):747-752
以不同年龄、不同密度的落叶松(Larix olgensis)人工林为研究对象,基于19块标准地95株标准木的树干解析、枝解析的生物量数据,研究不同大小树木因子(胸径、树高、冠幅等)与单木各分量(树干、枝、叶)生物量之间的关系,应用统计分析软件建立落叶松单木各部分生物量的回归模型。利用单木各部分生物量回归模型方程估测落叶松人工林各林分的总生物量,并分析了不同年龄及林分密度下林分生物量的变化规律:林分的生物量随年龄的增加而不断增长,树干的生物量的比例是最大的,同时也是随着年龄的增长而不断的增加,而树枝和树叶的生物量的比例比较小,林分的生物量随林分密度的增加而不断增加。最后建立林分生物量模型,为落叶松人工林的研究提供基础资料,为了解落叶松人工林的生产力,对其进行合理经营提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Biomass additivity is a desirable characteristic of a system of equations for predicting component as well as total tree biomass since it eliminates the inconsistency between the sum of predicted values for components such as stem, bark, branch and leaf and the prediction for the total tree. Besides logical consistency, a system of additive biomass equations when estimated by taking into account the inherent correlation among the biomass components has greater statistical efficiency than separately estimated equations for individual components. Using mostly small sample data from both published and unpublished sources, a system of non-linear additive biomass equations was developed for 15 native eucalypt forest tree species of temperate Australia. Diameter at breast height was used as the independent variable for all 15 species, while the combined variable of diameter and tree height was used for 14 species with height data. The system of additive equations provided more accurate biomass estimates than the common approach of separately fitting total tree and component biomass equations using log transformed data through least squares regression. Residual error variances were collectively estimated for each species by pooling small sample data across species and using indicator variables to represent the scale factor for each species in a residual variance function. This method overcame a common problem in estimating heteroscedastic error variance in non-linear biomass equations with additive error terms for small samples. From the estimated residual variance functions, approximate confidence bands containing about 95% of the observed data about the mean curve of predicted biomass were derived for all biomass components of each species. This system of additive biomass equations will prove to be useful for biomass estimation of native eucalypt forests of temperate Australia.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation of flow fields in a tube with two branches   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lee D  Chen JY 《Journal of biomechanics》2000,33(10):1305-1312
In the present study, a numerical calculation procedure based on the finite volume method was employed to simulate flow fields in double-branched tubes. The configuration was a tube with two vertical branches; the two branches were either on the same side or on the opposite side. The study focused on the baseline flow fields and the possible flow interaction between the two branches. The branching ratio and the branch /main tube diameter ratio were fixed in this study. The results showed that when the two branches were on the same side, the low/oscillating shear regions were found on the ventral walls of the branches and on the dorsal wall of the main tube distal to the branches. The flow field proximal to each branch was similar to that in a single-branched tube when the two branches were distant. When the branches were on the opposite side with the staggering distance S=0 (symmetric case), the low/oscillating shear regions were found on the lateral walls of the main tube. As S increased, the interaction between the two branches weakened, the low/oscillating shear regions were found on the lateral walls of the main tube to the side of the second branch. The flow field near the branch was significantly different from that of a single-branched tube. Care should be taken on localization of plaques in multi-branched vessels due to the flow pattern change. The numerical results were qualitatively consistent with what observed experimentally, by other investigators.  相似文献   

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