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藏西北地区有近两万年的狩猎野生动物历史.人们的狩猎活动对当地野生动物的种群产生了重要影响.通过半结构式访谈、实地考察及文献资料收集等方式,对藏西北地区传统与现代狩猎模式进行了对比分析.结果 显示,两种狩猎模式在目的 、方法、工具等方面均存在较大差异,而且现代狩猎模式对野生动物种群的影响较大.  相似文献   

免疫能力与动物种群调节和生活史权衡的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在生物医学和动物科学领域,免疫能力是指有机体对疾病的抵抗能力.近年来,对野生动物免疫能力的研究是一个新兴的热点领域,它与生态学结合,产生了生态免疫学.本文从生态学的角度,介绍了免疫能力的概念、影响因素及其与动物种群调节机理的关系,概述了与小型哺乳动物种群密度波动有关的免疫衰退假说、免疫能力选择假说和冬季免疫增强假说,总结了免疫能力与能量代谢和内分泌特征之间的关系,并对免疫能力在生活史权衡研究中的最新进展,即有机体生长与免疫、繁殖与免疫之间的权衡关系等进行了阐述,最后结合国际上本学科研究的发展动态,提出了一些未来的研究方向.  相似文献   

黑龙江省熊类年龄构成、性比及繁殖情况的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
熊类是重要的狩猎动物,肉、皮、骨、脂均可利用,熊掌和熊胆尤为名贵,因而具有很高的经济价值。 目前,国际上对于熊类生态学的研究日益深入。近二十年来多次举行国际熊类研究专题讨论会并出版了论文集。研究方向集中于熊类的群体生态,行为生态及种群的管理方面并正朝着集约管理和合理利用的方向发展。  相似文献   

野生动物管理需要生境质量、行为学、种群动态以及种间关系等数据支持。岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)作为我国Ⅱ级保护动物,是雪豹(Panthera uncia)、狼(Canis lupus)、棕熊(Ursus arctos)等珍稀食肉目动物的重要食物来源。20世纪,岩羊作为重要的狩猎物种被大量捕杀贩卖,影响了该物种的种群规模和分布,也影响了雪豹等动物的食物资源。当前,由于缺乏野生动物管理所需数据,岩羊保护与人类利益发生冲突十分常见。岩羊主要分布于青藏高原及周边地区,种群分布及行为学相关研究主要集中在国内的宁夏、甘肃、青海和新疆等省份;在境外地区,印度、尼泊尔等国也有岩羊的反捕食栖息方面研究的报道,而高原中部地区岩羊种群的研究却非常少。当前研究存在主要问题:分类学上对亚种间分化争议较大,栖息地质量评估无法满足岩羊有效管理,网围栏架设等人类活动干扰其生存并间接影响濒危物种雪豹的保护等。此外,有关岩羊动物疫病流行病学、肠道微生物及动物营养学等报道,尚缺乏对岩羊与家畜交叉感染相关案例的深度分析。已有的研究有助于认识物种分化和对环境的适应机制,但对岩羊宏观生态学研究不够系统,仍存在大部分地区种群动态数据不足、亚种分类和地理划分不清等问题。近年来,随着新技术的发展,应用分子识别、计算机识别、无人机技术和红外相机技术等对岩羊进行宏观生态学研究成为热点,建议加大对矮岩羊种群和贺兰山岩羊种群的保护;对保护区内应用新技术构建全面的野生动物及环境监测系统,从而对野生动物的种群分布动态和生存状态能够进行有效监测;增加对区外野生动物的调查频率,及时建立保护区、扩大保护区范围并建立相应的监测站。  相似文献   

野生动物狩猎、贸易和狩猎持续性研究进展   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
李义明 《生物多样性》2001,9(4):414-421
过度狩猎和过度贸易是当前生物多样性保护面临的重大挑战。虎骨和犀牛角贸易、东南亚一带的活野生动物非法狩猎和贸易、俄国远东地区及中俄边境野生动物产品非法贸易、热带地区的野生动物狩猎和丛林肉食贸易以及喜马拉雅区域的野生动物非法贸易正严重威胁着全球的野生动物资源。提倡狩猎持续性是解决过度贸易和过度捕杀的途径之一。 在众多的狩猎持续性模型中,“狩猎动物避难所模型”和“空间控制模型”提倡在狩猎区建保护区,有广泛的应用前景。了解偷猎动态和特征及其对濒危动物种群的影响,协调传统医药和野生动物保护间的关系,控制边境地区的野生动物非法狩猎和贸易,以及在保护实践中运用狩猎持续性模型是未来保护关注的焦点。野生动物非法狩猎和非法贸易严重威胁着我国的生物多样性保护和持续利用,但相关的研究却比较少。建议建立野生动物捕杀和贸易的监测机构,加强相关的立法、执法和保护区管理,开展野生动物捕杀和贸易研究。  相似文献   

热带雨林是地球上生物多样性最丰富的陆地生态系统,公路等线性基础设施建设是导致热带雨林生物多样性损失的主要因素之一。公路切割热带雨林地区野生动物栖息地,对野生动物造成致死是最为显著的影响,其次是阻隔野生动物的移动。另外,噪声、灯光和空气污染等造成野生动物回避公路,野生动物的行为特征发生改变,栖息地破碎化导致小种群的出现,当道路密度达到阈值,可能导致种群的非线性降低或损失。在野生动物保护方面,当前国际上主要措施有:合理规划路线;科学设置动物通道;针对道路致死、动物通道、路域动物活动等开展持续性监测与研究;构建多部门、多领域的合作机制,多渠道、多路径加强热带雨林公路建设中野生动物的管理。本研究提出了未来我国热带雨林公路建设野生动物保护研究需重视的4个方面:(1)加强基础研究,开展技术攻关;(2)编制标准规范,更好指导工程建设;(3)多学科团队合作,参与公路建设全过程;(4)加强管理教育,降低人为干扰。  相似文献   

啮齿动物的母体效应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
母体可通过基因遗传之外的其他方式影响后代的表型,包括激素分泌、胎盘渗透性、母乳成分和母体抚育行为等。这种对后代形态和行为的影响很大且持续终生。母体效应是子代对环境异质性的一种表型反应,在进化生态学研究中是一个非常重要的变异来源,对种群生态学而言,也可能是种群调节机制的一个重要的因子。着重介绍了母体状况对啮齿动物后代生长发育、性比、性特征和对性选择的影响,对啮齿动物母体效应的进一步研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

动物生理生态学主要研究野生动物对自然环境的适应,阐述或回答动物与生存和繁殖相关的生态学问题.长爪沙鼠(Meriones unguiculatus)栖息地环境从西向东横跨荒漠草原和典型草原,而且具有明显的季节性,其生理生态学研究对于了解物种分布范围的决定因素、对季节性环境的适应策略以及种群动态等生态学和进化生物学问题具有重要意义.对本研究组关于长爪沙鼠的生活史特征、能量代谢特征、社群行为和贮食行为、生态免疫以及种群动态等方面的研究进展进行了综述,并对未来可能的发展方向进行展望.  相似文献   

栖息地破碎化与鸟类生存   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
邓文洪 《生态学报》2009,29(6):3181-3187
栖息地破碎化给野生动物带来的不良后果是全球生态学家和保护生物学家共同关心的问题.自从提出栖息地破碎化是导致生物多样性丧失的关键因素之一的论点后,近20年来,栖息地破碎化研究一直是生态学和保护生物学最活跃的前沿研究领域之一.栖息地破碎化是一动态过程,可在多尺度上发生并蕴涵着复杂的空间模式变化.栖息地破碎化对鸟类的生态学效应主要体现在面积效应、隔离效应和边缘效应等.这些效应影响着鸟类的分布、基因交流、种群动态、扩散行为、种间关系和生活史特征等,最终影响着鸟类的生存.介绍和总结了栖息地破碎化过程、研究的理论依据及栖息地破碎化对鸟类生存产生的诸多影响.  相似文献   

生境破碎化对生物多样性的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
杨芳  贺达汉 《生态科学》2006,25(6):564-567
生境破碎化对生物多样性和生态系统功能的影响是当前国内外生态学家研究的热点问题之一。生境破碎化导致原生境的总面积减小,产生隔离的异质种群,从而影响个体行为特性、种群间基因交换、物种间相互作用及生态过程。生境破碎化的过程引起栖息地内部食物、繁殖场所、局部小气候、边缘效应等生物和非生物条件的变化,从而影响植物种群的大小和灭绝速率、扩散和迁入、遗传和变异以及存活力等,影响动物种群的异质种群动态、适宜生境比例、灭绝阈值、种间关系等。随着景观生态学与农业科学的融合,探索利用景观布局控制害虫发生将是人类利用生境破碎化为人类服务的一条新途径。  相似文献   

The increase in large carnivore populations in a number of European countries causes numerous social conflicts and populations need to be kept at levels that are acceptable to the public. This may eventually require opening up or increasing public hunting of species like bear, wolf, wolverines and lynx as a management strategy. We surveyed a sample of 672 Norwegian hunters to examine how they judged a set of dilemmas associated with hunting carnivores versus ungulates. More than one-half of the sample would like to maintain or increase the current population sizes of the large carnivores (for wolverines: 57.5%; bears: 65.6%; wolves: 66.1%; lynx: 59.6%). A large majority of hunters (85.5%) emphasise not stressing the game over securing success in killing game, require adequate shooting skills (87.7%), linking harvest strategies to ecological principles (79.5%) rather than the level of conflict, and sustainable wildlife populations (95.1%) over optimum economic yield. Carnivore hunting is associated with a stronger preference for quotas based on science rather than local knowledge as well as paying more attention to the conflict level, compared to the judgments made for ungulate hunting. Positive attitudes toward maintaining or increasing carnivore populations are associated with a concern for animal welfare, and faith in scientific information, ecological values and sustainable wildlife populations.  相似文献   

周学红  杨锡涛  唐谨成  张伟 《生态学报》2016,36(21):6708-6718
生态文明建设对野生动物资源保护提出了新的要求。在实践中,需要借鉴国内外研究成果和成功案例,并克服目前我国野生动物保护中存在的问题。综述了国内外相关文献,认为:目前世界上的野生动物就地保护方式主要是建立保护区和国家公园,在发挥保护作用同时,也给周边居民带来负面影响,从而制约了野生动物保护与当地社区经济的协调发展。传统的"命令-控制型"保护政策忽略了当地居民的生活需求,不利于形成居民积极的保护态度;居民的保护态度除了受来自野生动物造成的损害的影响,还和周边居民的年龄、受教育程度、经济收入等密切相关;为提高居民保护积极性,经济激励机制有着重要作用。目前,国内外保护工作中一般应用的经济激励措施主要包括直接经济补偿、生态旅游、现代狩猎、生态补偿等。  相似文献   

Abstract: In an effort to attenuate human-wildlife conflict and promote conservation of charismatic megafauna, compensation programs for wildlife damages have been implemented in many countries. Compensating pastoralists and farmers for damage caused by wildlife reduces hunting pressure on wild animal populations. However, it can also lead to a decrease in efforts to prevent damage and exacerbate conflicts with wildlife. Furthermore, compensation programs increase the return to agriculture and can therefore be viewed as a subsidy toward crop and livestock production. Such subsidies can trigger agricultural expansion (and habitat conversion), an inflow of agriculture producers, and intensification of agricultural production. Each of these impacts is shown to have potentially adverse effects on the wildlife population that compensation intends to favor. In some circumstances, the net effect on the wildlife stock could be negative. This calls for a careful assessment of local ecological and economic conditions before compensation is implemented. Incentive mechanisms that are directly tied to conservation outcomes (e.g., payments to locals based on the size of the wildlife population) should be considered instead of compensation programs.  相似文献   

Humans have hunted wildlife in Central Africa for millennia. Today, however, many species are being rapidly extirpated and sanctuaries for wildlife are dwindling. Almost all Central Africa''s forests are now accessible to hunters. Drastic declines of large mammals have been caused in the past 20 years by the commercial trade for meat or ivory. We review a growing body of empirical data which shows that trophic webs are significantly disrupted in the region, with knock-on effects for other ecological functions, including seed dispersal and forest regeneration. Plausible scenarios for land-use change indicate that increasing extraction pressure on Central African forests is likely to usher in new worker populations and to intensify the hunting impacts and trophic cascade disruption already in progress, unless serious efforts are made for hunting regulation. The profound ecological changes initiated by hunting will not mitigate and may even exacerbate the predicted effects of climate change for the region. We hypothesize that, in the near future, the trophic changes brought about by hunting will have a larger and more rapid impact on Central African rainforest structure and function than the direct impacts of climate change on the vegetation. Immediate hunting regulation is vital for the survival of the Central African rainforest ecosystem.  相似文献   

Large African predators, especially lions (Panthera leo) and leopards (Panthera pardus), are financially valuable for ecotourism and trophy hunting operations on land also utilized for the production of other wildlife species for the same purpose. Predation of ungulates used for trophy hunting can create conflict with landholders and trade off thus exists between the value of lions and leopards and their impact on ungulate populations. Therefore productionist and conservation trade-offs are complexly graded and difficult to resolve. We investigated this with a risk-benefit analysis on a large private wildlife production area in Zimbabwe. Our model showed that lions result in substantial financial costs through predation on wild ungulates that may not be offset by profits from hunting them, whereas the returns from trophy hunting of leopards are projected to exceed the costs due to leopard predation. In the absence of additional income derived from photo-tourism the number of lions may need to be managed to minimize their impact. Lions drive important ecological processes, but there is a need to balance ecological and financial imperatives on wildlife ranches, community wildlife lands and other categories of multiple use land used for wildlife production. This will ensure the competitiveness of wildlife based land uses relative to alternatives. Our findings may thus be limited to conservancies, community land-use areas and commercial game ranches, which are expansive in Africa, and should not necessarily applied to areas where biodiversity conservation is the primary objective, even if hunting is allowed there.  相似文献   

Subsistence hunting has been a vital activity for local people across Neotropical rain forests (NRF). While providing a reliable source of protein, subsistence hunting also reflected the strong relationships that connected local people with the species and ecosystems in which they inhabited. However, the social and ecological context in which subsistence hunting can be sustainable has been altered. The relatively small groups that hunted in large and mostly undisturbed forests, using traditional weapons, have been replaced by a growing population using fragmented habitats and modern hunting methods. Thus, subsistence hunting is less likely to be sustainable, threatening the food security of local people and the persistence of species with critical roles in the functioning of NRF. Managing subsistence hunting in this changing context will require a more efficient combination of tools which might include banning the hunting of large and sensitive species, strengthening protected areas, alternatives to reduce the role of wildlife protein on local people's subsistence and, in some cases, voluntary resettlements of local people, from areas that could still be used as refuge for endangered species.  相似文献   

Sport hunting has provided important economic incentives for conserving large predators since the early 1970''s, but wildlife managers also face substantial pressure to reduce depredation. Sport hunting is an inherently risky strategy for controlling predators as carnivore populations are difficult to monitor and some species show a propensity for infanticide that is exacerbated by removing adult males. Simulation models predict population declines from even moderate levels of hunting in infanticidal species, and harvest data suggest that African countries and U.S. states with the highest intensity of sport hunting have shown the steepest population declines in African lions and cougars over the past 25 yrs. Similar effects in African leopards may have been masked by mesopredator release owing to declines in sympatric lion populations, whereas there is no evidence of overhunting in non-infanticidal populations of American black bears. Effective conservation of these animals will require new harvest strategies and improved monitoring to counter demands for predator control by livestock producers and local communities.  相似文献   

This study makes an explorative overview on two main research topics in economics of wildlife management: determination of population sizes and policy design. The results point out a large and comprehensive research on each of these issues, in particular on the estimation of values and costs of wildlife, where this information is necessary for the determination of population size. A drawback is that most of the value and cost studies do not relate their estimates to wildlife population size, which limits their usability for efficient policy design. Most valuation studies estimate the recreational value of hunting, which can range between 13 and 545 USD/hunting day (in 2013 prices), and two thirds of the included studies have been applied to wildlife in the USA. A majority of the studies on the costs of wildlife management calculate losses from carnivore predation on livestock and ungulate damage to crops, while a few consider dispersal of diseases and the cost of traffic collisions. Unlike valuation studies, several of the cost estimates apply to wildlife in developing and emerging economies. With respect to policy design the literature, which is mainly theoretical, suggests economic incentives for conflict resolution, where those suffering from wildlife damages are compensated for their losses. However, there are some issues which remain to be addressed by economists: relating costs and benefits to wildlife populations; estimating values and costs of wildlife in developing countries; evaluating wildlife policies in practice; addressing implications of uncertainty in population size, costs, and benefits for policy design; and estimating transaction costs for implementation and enforcement of wildlife policies.  相似文献   

Many deer populations in Europe and North America have increased in abundance over the last decades. The increasing populations potentially entail both ecological and economic challenges and opportunities, but in practice we still know little about the extent to which these opportunities are being exploited in different management systems. The Norwegian red deer population has increased in density and expanded rapidly since the 1950s. Traditionally, red deer hunting has been undertaken by the local landowner and his relatives and friends. The present large population raises the question whether attracting other hunters could provide a higher economic return for the landowners and, if so, if they are interested in providing such hunting opportunities. We designed a survey to learn more about the landowners, both with respect to the present level of hunting income as well as economic costs of, for example, forest and agricultural damage; we also sought to understand their interest in increasing their income from red deer hunting and potential obstacles to realizing such an increased economic benefit. The results indicate that landowners on average think that red deer populations on their land result in higher costs than income but are nevertheless satisfied with the way things are. This highlights that increased numbers of deer need not automatically lead to more income for landowners and that the potential for income may be hindered by cultural factors such as reluctance to allow access to non-local hunters.  相似文献   

动物通道是缓解高速公路对其周边野生动物生境隔离的有效措施,通道的位置是影响其使用效率的关键因素,然而现有研究对通道的选址却甚少涉及。以武深高速为例,推荐一种基于物种运动路径识别的通道选址方法,选取影响动物生境选择的环境因子构建评价体系,借助GIS手段对公路周边野生动物生境适宜性进行分析,在此基础上借鉴水文分析原理快速准确地刻画出物种在生境中的潜在活动路径,从而确定了5处高速公路上建设动物通道的理想位置。结果表明,该方法能定量地反映出生境的质量格局对于物种运动的影响,准确定位出物种运动受到阻碍的关键区域,在景观层次上,提出的通道位置能有效地缓解栖息地破碎化造成的生态压力;研究不但能弥补目前研究的不足,同时亦为道路网设计、城市生态规划等相关领域研究提供科学参考。  相似文献   

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