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杨晓东 《生物信息学》2019,26(4):116-119
中国古典园林中竹文化的研究对于弘扬我国优秀传统文化和提升现代园林中竹景观的文化内涵都具有重要意义,现有研究主要集中在竹的空间营造、种植形式等方面,而从品题学角度对传统私家园林中的竹文化系统研究得还比较薄弱。以明清时期江南私家园林的景点题名为研究对象,采用文献查询和实地调研相结合的方法,对江南园林中的竹景点、常见题名意象及其所表达的精神内涵进行研究。结果表明明清时期竹在江南私家园林景点题名中应用非常普遍,常见的题名意象主要表达了道家的隐逸思想、儒家的比德思想、佛教的心无思想和民俗吉祥思想。从中可以看出,明清时期文人阶层天人合一的哲学观、三教并存的宗教观和雅俗共赏的审美观。  相似文献   

在对南亚、东南亚及邻近地区胶蚧属昆虫分布资料归纳的基础上,结合近年实地调查资料,提出了胶蚧属昆虫的自然分布、扩散路线及地理起源。结果如下:胶蚧属昆虫主要分布在南亚、东南亚及邻近地区,主要包括中国、印度、巴基斯坦、孟加拉国、尼泊尔、不丹、缅甸、泰国、老挝、越南、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、菲律宾、澳大利亚等地。胶蚧属昆虫有2个分布区,即南亚分布区和东南亚分布区。国际流域恒河、印度河、布拉马普特拉河、萨尔温江-怒江、澜沧江-湄公河、元江-红河及它们的部分支流是胶蚧属昆虫扩散的通道。南亚扩散路线以印度为中心,分别向北、向西和向东3个方向扩散;东南亚扩散路线以马来西亚为中心,向北扩散。胶蚧属昆虫有2个地理起源,南亚范围以印度为中心,东南亚范围内以马来西亚为中心。胶蚧属昆虫的寄主植物是其分布扩散的先决条件,气候条件是限制分布扩散的关键因子。  相似文献   

谷颐 《植物研究》2006,26(6):763-768
通过对长春市园林地被植物的初步调查研究,报道了长春市常见园林地被植物有95种,隶属76属37科。介绍这些地被植物的园林应用及生态习性,指出了长春市园林地被植物绿化中存在的问题,提出了发展长春市园林地被植物的建议。  相似文献   

东南亚地处热带,生物多样性极为丰富,可分为4个热点地区:印度-缅甸区的中南半岛、巽他区(含马来半岛、婆罗洲、苏门答腊岛)、菲律宾区(菲律宾群岛)、华莱士区(苏拉威西岛、爪哇岛、马鲁古群岛、小巽他群岛等)。中南半岛在泥盆纪便已是欧亚大陆的一部分,在印度板块撞击欧亚大陆之后受挤压而出;巽他区来自于冈瓦纳古陆和澳洲古陆;菲律宾群岛部分来自于劳亚古陆的碎片向南漂移,部分来自于太平洋西南岛弧的向北迁移;华莱士区则是劳亚古陆碎片、太平洋西南岛弧以及澳洲古陆北侧碎片的组合。巽他区地处赤道,常年温湿;菲律宾区、华莱士区、中南半岛则都受到不同程度的季风气候决定的干湿季变动。地质历史和季风气候影响程度的不同,奠定了东南亚4个生物多样性热点地区的雏形。华莱士区保存有大量的早期被子植物原始类群如睡莲目(Nymphaeales)和木兰藤目(Austrobaileyales),是现代被子植物起源地和冰期避难所之一。巽他区(婆罗洲)和中南半岛是亚洲热带植物的现代分布中心和"进化前沿",是整个东南亚地区重要的种源;而华莱士区的爪哇岛和小巽他群岛主要是物种迁入和中转的种库。这样的物种形成历史与迁移格局,塑造了东南亚4个生物多样性热点地区物种多样性水平与地理范围的基本格局。巽他区和印度-缅甸区曾在冰期通过陆桥相连,使得东南亚成为周边植物扩散交汇的一个"十字路口"。但是,人们对东南亚生物多样性热点地区的物种长距离扩散规律及植物地理学分区仍存在分歧;东南亚与邻近生物多样性热点地区如新几内亚岛、西高止山脉-斯里兰卡、中国横断山区的历史联系,还尚待深入解析。利用现代分子生物学技术,覆盖整个东南亚地区进行全域取样开展代表性类群的物种迁移与生物地理学研究,有望进一步揭示东南亚生物多样性热点地区的形成过程与演化趋势。  相似文献   

城市近自然园林的理论基础与营建方法   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
近自然园林是一种可持续发展的园林规划和建设理念,是生态园林建设的模式之一,也是实现节约型园林的主要措施和未来园林的发展方向。本文在分析我国园林建设问题的基础上,阐述了近自然园林的概念、内涵与理论基础,提出了近自然园林营建的基本原则,详细总结了近自然园林的设计、营造和管护方法,并探讨了当前近自然园林建设中存在的问题与措施,为强化近自然园林理念、促进我国城市近自然园林的研究与建设提供了依据。  相似文献   

东南亚和云南爬行动物区系的一致性及其起源和演化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨大同 《动物学研究》1992,13(2):101-108
云南与川、黔、贵等邻近省区都属于东南亚的一部分。依据爬行动物分布范围广的特点,把云南爬行动物区系起源和演化与东南亚甚至南亚的爬行动物作为一个整体进行研究,可能为解决东南亚及云南爬行动物某些类群的起源这一共同性问题,提供一些有用的资料。 本文将印度半岛、东南亚及其邻近岛屿现生爬行动物与世界范围的相同科级阶元的分布进行比较,并以古地质、古地理演变资料推论科级阶元同祖先起源地的大致范围。在此基础上,再将印度半岛、中南半岛和邻近岛屿,云南高原及邻近地区爬行动物的科属种进行比较,以探讨地区间差异的规律性。运用新构造运动和古气候变化观点阐明其物种或类群的迁移规律及其变化原因。  相似文献   

肺吸虫病是感染并殖吸虫属肺吸虫引起的一种食源性人畜共患寄生虫病。异盘并殖吸虫是在中国南方、东南亚和印度人群中引起肺吸虫病的主要病原体。通过同工酶谱分析了解异盘并殖吸虫在宿主体内不同发育阶段生物化学代谢变化变化规律,可为防治肺吸虫病提供科学依据。本研究采用浓度梯度聚丙烯酰胺凝胶垂直板状电泳(CG-PAGSE)分析了异盘并殖吸虫五个虫龄期同工酶谱。结果表明在不同的发育时期,同工酶谱存在一定程度的变异,呈现生长发育的多态性。  相似文献   

杨晓东  许婷 《生物信息学》2019,26(12):109-114
中国传统松柏文化源远流长,蔚为大观。深入挖掘中国古典园林中的松柏文化对于弘扬中国优秀传统文化和提升现代园林文化具有重要意义。现有松柏文化研究主要集中在诗词、绘画、民俗等领域,在园林品题领域的研究还不够系统和深入。以历代私家园林中的景点名称为研究对象,采用古籍文献查询和统计分析相结合的方法,对历代私家园林中的松柏景点、景点题名中的常见意象、松柏景题所表达的精神文化内涵进行研究。结果表明:1)唐代及以前私家园林中的松柏景题记载较少,题名意象也非常单一;2)宋元时期虽然记载的松柏景题仍然不多,但是题名意象已经非常丰富;3)明清时期松柏景题的数量最多,题名意象也最为多元;4)历代私家园林松柏景点除直接以松柏名称题名外,以松风意象题名最多,其次是数量意象、岁寒意象、松阴意象等;5)松柏景题的精神内涵主要表达了历代文人对隐逸理想的寄托、高洁人格的追求、佛理禅思的寓意和对健康长寿的企盼。  相似文献   

悠久的中国园林历史极具艺术魅力,集文学、建筑、雕刻、书画、工艺等艺术为一体,文化内涵丰富,重视植物景观艺术美,植物题材与意境美营造独具特色,在世界园林史上自成一家。植物造景作为其中一大侧重点,主要应用草本、灌木、乔木、藤本植物营造景观空间,从而形成一幅错落有致的景观画面,以供游人观赏。本文主要立足于传统园林植物造景角度,深入探究其对当代园林发展方向的影响。  相似文献   

印度枳(Aegle marmelos(L.)Correa)属芸香科(Rutaceae),是印度的一种土产水果,生长在整个印度半岛,和斯里兰卡、巴基斯坦、孟加拉、缅甸、泰国等东南亚大多数国家。印度枳是一种相当耐寒的亚热带落叶果树,在各种土壤、气候条件下(沼泽土——干旱土)都能生长良好,并能耐碱性土,气温低至-7℃也不致受冻害。在印度,这种果树尚未有生产性栽培,因此种植范围不广,目前主要是野生或种在  相似文献   

A phylogenetic tree for acrodont lizards (Chamaeleonidae and Agamidae) is established based on 1434 bases (1041 informative) of aligned DNA positions from a 1685-1778 base pair region of the mitochondrial genome. Sequences from three protein-coding genes (ND1, ND2, and COI) are combined with sequences from eight intervening tRNA genes for samples of 70 acrodont taxa and two outgroups. Parsimony analysis of nucleotide sequences identifies eight major clades in the Acrodonta. Most agamid lizards are placed into three distinct clades. One clade is composed of all taxa occurring in Australia and New Guinea; Physignathus cocincinus from Southeast Asia is the sister taxon to the Australia-New Guinea clade. A second clade is composed of taxa occurring from Tibet and the Indian Subcontinent east through South and East Asia. A third clade is composed of taxa occurring from Africa east through Arabia and West Asia to Tibet and the Indian Subcontinent. These three clades contain all agamid lizards except Uromastyx, Leiolepis, and Hydrosaurus, which represent three additional clades of the Agamidae. The Chamaeleonidae forms another clade weakly supported as the sister taxon to the Agamidae. All eight clades of the Acrodonta contain members occurring on land masses derived from Gondwanaland. A hypothesis of agamid lizards rafting with Gondwanan plates is examined statistically. This hypothesis suggests that the African/West Asian clade is of African or Indian origin, and the South Asian clade is either of Indian or Southeast Asian origin. The shortest tree suggests a possible African origin for the former and an Indian origin for the latter, but this result is not statistically robust. The Australia-New Guinea clade rafted with the Australia-New Guinea plate and forms the sister group to a Southeast Asian taxon that occurs on plates that broke from northern Australia-New Guinea. Other acrodont taxa are inferred to be associated with the plates of Afro-Arabia and Madagascar (Chameleonidae), India (Uromastyx), or southeast Asia (Hydrosaurus and Leiolepis). Introduction of different biotic elements to Asia by way of separate Gondwanan plates may be a major theme of Asian biogeography. Three historical events may be responsible for the sharp faunal barrier between Southeast Asia and Australia-New Guinea, known as Wallace's line: (1) primary vicariance caused by plate separations; (2) secondary contact of Southeast Asian plates with Eurasia, leading to dispersal from Eurasia into Southeast Asia, and (3) dispersal of the Indian fauna (after collision of that subcontinent) to Southeast Asia. Acrodont lizards show the first and third of these biogeographic patterns and anguid lizards exhibit the second pattern. Modern faunal diversity may be influenced primarily by historical events such as tectonic collisions and land bridge connections, which are expected to promote episodic turnover of continental faunas by introducing new faunal elements into an area. Repeated tectonic collisions may be one of the most important phenomena promoting continental biodiversity. Phylogenetics is a powerful method for investigating these processes.  相似文献   

王剑  曹同  王敏  陈晖 《西北植物学报》2007,27(6):1239-1246
对苏州11个主要园林中的苔藓植物进行了调查,报道了苔藓植物23科42属90种,从种类组成、生境特点、区系成分和园林问种类差异等方面分析了苔藓植物多样性。结果表明:相比上海、无锡市,苏州园林内苔藓植物石生、树生种类所占比例较高,假山和盆景中种类是其特色。种的区系成分分析表明,该地区苔藓植物以东亚成分为主,北温带成分也占较大比例,具有典型的东亚特色。基于苔藓多样性的聚类分析可将园林分成5组。与园林面积、布局和生境特点等因素有关。建议加强对园林内苔藓植物的研究,并推广其在园林设计中的应用。  相似文献   

The Asian Tree Toad genus Pedostibes, as currently understood, exhibits a conspicuously disjunct distribution, posing several immediate questions relating to the biogeography and taxonomy of this poorly known group. The type species, P. tuberculosus and P. kempi, are known only from India, whereas P. hosii, P. rugosus, and P. everetti are restricted to Southeast Asia. Several studies have shown that these allopatric groups are polyphyletic, with the Indian Pedostibes embedded within a primarily South Asian clade of toads, containing the genera Adenomus, Xanthophryne, and Duttaphrynus. Southeast Asian Pedostibes on the other hand, are nested within a Southeast Asian clade, which is the sister lineage to the Southeast Asian river toad genus Phrynoidis. We demonstrate that Indian and Southeast Asian Pedostibes are not only allopatric and polyphyletic, but also exhibit significant differences in morphology and reproductive mode, indicating that the Southeast Asian species’ are not congeneric with the true Pedostibes of India. As a taxonomic solution, we describe a new genus, Rentapia gen. nov. to accommodate the Southeast Asian species.  相似文献   

Northeast India, the only region which currently forms a land bridge between the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia, has been proposed as an important corridor for the initial peopling of East Asia. Given that the Austro-Asiatic linguistic family is considered to be the oldest and spoken by certain tribes in India, Northeast India and entire Southeast Asia, we expect that populations of this family from Northeast India should provide the signatures of genetic link between Indian and Southeast Asian populations. In order to test this hypothesis, we analyzed mtDNA and Y-Chromosome SNP and STR data of the eight groups of the Austro-Asiatic Khasi from Northeast India and the neighboring Garo and compared with that of other relevant Asian populations. The results suggest that the Austro-Asiatic Khasi tribes of Northeast India represent a genetic continuity between the populations of South and Southeast Asia, thereby advocating that northeast India could have been a major corridor for the movement of populations from India to East/Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

An A → G single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) at nucleotide 153,104 in the retinoblastoma susceptibility locus (RB1) at 13q14 was previously reported to be present only in Asians. In this study, we determined the distribution of this SNP in normal Southeast Asian populations (Chinese, Malay, Javanese, Thai, Filipino), in South Asian populations (Bangladeshi, Pakistani Pushtun and Indian) and in Chinese retinoblastoma cases and control subjects. TheRB1 SNP was present in all populations at an overall frequency of ≤0.18. Heterozygosity was higher in the Southeast Asian groups (0.14–0.34) than in the South Asian groups (Bangladeshi and Indian) (0.04–0.06). Significant differences in allele frequencies were found between the two population groups. Interestingly, our Pakistani population comprised of ethnic Pushtuns from northwest Pakistan was significantly different from the neighbouring Bangladeshi and Indian populations. No significant difference was found between Chinese case patients and control subjects. ThisRB1 SNP appears to be an ethnic variant prevalent in Southeast Asian populations and may be useful for studyingRB1 inheritance by pedigree analysis.  相似文献   

Since the end of the Vietnam War, thousands of Laotian Hmong have immigrated to the United States, many ultimately resettling in the Central Valley of California. In the innercity environment of Sacramento, the Hmong continue their agrarian traditions by creating urban gardens where they grow traditional plants. In this study, we document 59 Hmong garden species grown at a site in South Sacramento. Most of these species are documented in the Southeast Asian botanical literature as either food or medicinal plants. Uses of the plants are discussed as is the importance of urban gardens in maintaining Hmong cultural identity and practices.  相似文献   

The freshwater Calanoida (Crustacea: Copepoda) of Thailand   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
14 Species of freshwater Calanoida in Thailand are reported in this study. The most common species is Neodiaptomus botulifer. Most of these belong to the Southeast Asian species, the remainder are either Indian or East Asian copepods. The zoogeographical demarcation of copepods in Thailand is not very distinct due to its interconnecting riverine and reservoir systems as well as frequent flood. The peculiarity of the Thai Calanoida and their distribution is discussed in a Southeast Asia context. A taxonomic key to the Thai Calanoida is formulated.  相似文献   

The northeast Indian passageway connecting the Indian subcontinent to East/Southeast Asia is thought to have been a major corridor for human migrations. Because it is also an important linguistic contact zone, it is predicted that northeast India has witnessed extensive population interactions, thus, leading to high genetic diversity within groups and heterogeneity among groups. To test this prediction, we analyzed 14 biallelic and five short tandem-repeat Y-chromosome markers and hypervariable region 1 mtDNA sequence variation in 192 northeast Indians. We find that both northeast Indian Y chromosomes and mtDNAs consistently show strikingly high homogeneity among groups and strong affinities to East Asian groups. We detect virtually no Y-chromosome and mtDNA admixture between northeast and other Indian groups. Northeast Indian groups are also characterized by a greatly reduced Y-chromosome diversity, which contrasts with extensive mtDNA diversity. This is best explained by a male founder effect during the colonization of northeast India that is estimated to have occurred within the past 4,000 years. Thus, contrary to the prediction, these results provide strong evidence for a genetic discontinuity between northeast Indian groups and other Indian groups. We, therefore, conclude that the northeast Indian passage way acted as a geographic barrier rather than as a corridor for human migrations between the Indian subcontinent and East/Southeast Asia, at least within the past millennia and possibly for several tens of thousand years, as suggested by the overall distinctiveness of the Indian and East Asian Y chromosome and mtDNA gene pools.  相似文献   

Recent generic rearrangement of the circumtropical distributed skink genus 'Mabuya' has raised a lot of debate. According to this molecular phylogeny based rearrangement, the tropical Asian members of this genus have been assigned to Eutropis. However, in these studies the Asian members of 'Mabuya' were largely sampled from Southeast (SE) Asia with very few species from Indian subcontinent. To test the validity of this assignment and to determine the evolutionary origin of Indian members of this group we sequenced one nuclear and two mitochondrial genes from most of the species from the Indian subregion. The nuclear and mitochondrial trees generated from these sequences confirmed the monophyly of the tropical Asian Eutropis. Furthermore, in the tree based on the combined mitochondrial and nuclear dataset an endemic Indian radiation was revealed that was nested within a larger Asian clade. Results of dispersal-vicariance analysis and molecular dating suggested an initial dispersal of Eutropis from SE Asia into India around 5.5-17 million years ago, giving rise to the extant members of the endemic Indian radiation. This initial dispersal was followed by two back dispersals from India into SE Asia. We also discuss the relationships within the endemic Indian radiation and its taxonomic implications.  相似文献   

Biogeography of Southeast Asia and the West Pacific   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The biogeography of Southeast Asia and the West Pacific is complicated by the fact that these are regions on the border of two palaeocontinents that have been separated for a considerable period of time. Thus, apart from any patterns of vicariance, two general patterns relating to dispersal can be expected: a pattern of Southeast Asian elements, perhaps of Laurasian origin, expanding into Australian areas, and a reverse pattern for Australian elements, perhaps of Gondwanan origin. On top of this, both Australian and Southeast Asian elements occur in the Pacific. They dispersed there as the Pacific plate moved westward, bringing the different islands within reach of Southeast Asia and Australia. In order to reconstruct the biotic history of these areas, two large data sets consisting of both plants and animals were generated, one for each pattern, which were analysed using cladistic methods. The general patterns that emerged were weakly supported and do not allow general conclusions.  相似文献   

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